Where the world comes to study the Bible

From the series:

Issue 002. 2012 October Translator's Newsletter

Dear Translator's and those interested in Translating:


The first month of our restarted translation effort has gone well. You have kept me busy answering your emails, giving guidance, making award packages, and arranging other details. I am well pleased and hope that I may continue to be of service to your translation efforts.

For those of you who are new to our translation effort I would encourage you to:

  1. Create an account with
  2. Fill out our Volunteer form.
  3. Join our Translator's group.
  4. Pick and Translate an article while following our guidelines.
  5. Contact me with questions as needed and to let me know which article you will be translating!


Hints and Tips

Did you know that we have a list of priority articles that we would like to see translated into each language? We are happy to give first priority to our volunteer translators to allow them to translate any article that they would like, however this could help you make your decision if you are wondering what to start next. Check out the list in our group page or downloadable on the website.

Awarding Faithfulness

We were delighted to award six achievements certificates this past month-- including one retroactive award for 60 translations to Mariza Souza! These six translators also received their electronic book awards, and in the case of Ms. Souza her Premium Leather Net Bible is in the mail. We thank the Lord for your hard work and dedication to this ministry. We pray that these ministry tools will be a blessing to you all.

If you have not received an award certificate and the appropriate ePub books for your past translation efforts be sure to contact us and enroll in this retroactive award program.

For details on our Award program see the post in our Translator's Group.

Special News

Did you know that is currently in an important fundraising campaign? For a limited time a sponsor has offered to match all donations to For new donors the sponsor will match $2 for every $1 donated ($250 gift becomes $750). For repeat donors the sponsor will match $1 for $1 ($250 gift becomes $500). Any amount will be matched up to $500,000. For more information or to donate see our webpage.

Need help, have questions, or prefer to meet in real time?

I am available and would love to answer any questions you might have. We do have a Frequently Asked Questions section on our Group page, but you can always send me an email! I can also be available through Skype for a voice or chat conversation. Simply let me know through email that you would like to talk and we will get it worked out.

As you begin to get involved, be sure to check out the “Introductions” post in the group. There we can begin to get to know one another as we share this ministry together.

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you in our translator’s group!


E-mail us Here


From the series:

Related Topics: Administrative and Organization

From the series:

Issue 003. 2012 November Translator's Newsletter

Dear Translator's and those interested in Translating:


Thank you for your continued ministry in working on translating articles. This month we were blessed to be able to post two more translations of our "God's Plan of Salvation" gospel article. This gospel presentation is now available in Russian and Polish. Thank you Olya (Russian) and Marek (Polish) for your hard work on these. We were also able to post another article in the Portuguese version of Bob Deffinbaugh's 2 Samuel Series. Thank you Mariza.

For those of you who are new to our translation effort I would encourage you to:

  1. Create an account with
  2. Fill out our Volunteer form.
  3. Join our Translator's group.
  4. Pick and Translate an article while following our guidelines.
  5. Contact me with questions as needed and to let me know which article you will be translating!


Hints and Tips

Did you know that you can use Google Translate as part of your process in translating? Google translator is a tool that can be used for translating documents quickly. As with any program, grammatical errors still occur, so please take the time to edit the document for grammatical and formatting errors before sending the translated copy for publishing. This is not a substitute for actual translation work. Go to, copy the article into the editor box, and then pick English as the first language. Next choose your language as the second language and click translate. Once the document has been cleaned up and properly formatted send the document back to us here.

Awarding Faithfulness

 After the initial rush of getting caught up and started last month we were blessed to award 3 new certificates and books this month. Thank you for your efforts, and we hope that you are enjoying your new resources.

If you have not received an award certificate and the appropriate ePub books for your past translation efforts be sure to contact us and enroll in this retroactive award program.

For details on our Award program see the post in our Translator's Group.

Special News

Our fundraising campaign is in its last days (ending 10/31). A sponsor has offered to match all donations to For new donors the sponsor will match $2 for every $1 donated ($250 gift becomes $750). For repeat donors the sponsor will match $1 for $1 ($250 gift becomes $500). Any amount will be matched up to $500,000. For more information or to donate see our webpage.

Need help, have questions, or prefer to meet in real time?

I am available and would love to answer any questions you might have. We do have a Frequently Asked Questions section on our Group page, but you can always send me an email! I can also be available through Skype for a voice or chat conversation. Simply let me know through email that you would like to talk and we will get it worked out.

As you begin to get involved, be sure to check out the “Introductions” post in the group. There we can begin to get to know one another as we share this ministry together.

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you in our translator’s group!


E-mail us Here


From the series:

Related Topics: Administrative and Organization

From the series:

Issue 004. 2012 December Translator's Newsletter

Dear Translator's and those interested in Translating:


This month we are pleased to share that we were able to post a Vietnamese translation of our “God’s Plan of Salvation” gospel article. This was our first article translated into Vietnamese! Thank you Diep.

We were also able to post an Italian version of an article by Greg Herrick on Suffering. Understanding God’s perspective on suffering and the comfort He provides is so important for Christians—especially in a world full of pain, suffering, persecution and the ever-present consequences of sin. Thank you Giovanni.

New to Translating for

For those of you who are new to our translation effort here are the steps for getting started:

  1. Create an account with
  2. Fill out our Volunteer form.
  3. Join our Translator's group.
  4. Pick and Translate an article while following our guidelines.
  5. Contact me with questions as needed and to let me know which article you will be translating!

Hints and Tips

Translating can be a tough job. Correctly understanding what is being originally said is crucial to being able to translate it accurately into the second language. When dealing with the Bible and theological studies words are often used that are not used in everyday activity. To help you with this here are a few links to online dictionaries and resources that may be of help should you need some clarification on the English side:’s Dictionary database, 6 dictionaries accessible through one search function.

Dictionary of Theology by the Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry.

Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, an old but good dictionary that took into account English theological definitions quite well.

Oxford Dictionaries, a good general English dictionary., another helpful online dictionary.

If you know of other online resources that are helpful (whether in English, or on the second language side of the process) please share them with everyone else in our group post on this topic.

Awarding Faithfulness

This month we had the joy of giving out three more awards for translation efforts. One was an award for previous translations work, and two were for new work. We are delighted to welcome new translators, and excited to see previous translators continue to minister in this way.

If you have not received an award certificate and the appropriate ePub books for your past translation efforts be sure to contact us and enroll in this retroactive award program.

For details on our Award program see the post in our Translator's Group.

Special News

We have much to be thankful for—as I was recently reminded by a new article I posted— and you, our translators, are high on that list. We are also very thankful to everyone who was involved with our fundraising campaign last month. We were able to raise over $380,000. We are very appreciative of the Lord’s provision through many individuals. (If you missed it and would like to make a year end donation see our Donation page.)

Need help, have questions, or prefer to meet in real time?

I am available and would love to answer any questions you might have. We do have a Frequently Asked Questions section on our Group page, but you can always send me an email! I can also be available through Skype for a voice or chat conversation. Simply let me know through email that you would like to talk and we will get it worked out.

As you begin to get involved, be sure to check out the “Introductions” post in the group. There we can begin to get to know one another as we share this ministry together.

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you in our translator’s group!


E-mail us Here


From the series:

Related Topics: Administrative and Organization

From the series:

Issue 005. 2013 January Translator's Newsletter

Thank You!

We are pleased to share that we were able to post eleven new articles on the site this past month. This includes one Chinese, two Italian, and eight Portuguese articles. Thank you very much for your hard work.

·         Italian. Greg Herrick, Angelology: Angels

·         Italian. Vickie Kraft, Facing Your Feelings chapter 1, Nurturing Our Spiritual and Emotional Growth

·         Traditional Chinese. Vickie Kraft, Basics of Christian Faith chapter 5, Sin and Salvation

·         Portuguese. Bob Deffinbaugh, Let Me See Thy Glory Series, Exploring the Excellencies of God, The Power of God, The Goodness of God, The Wisdom of God, The Holiness of God, The Righteousness of God, The Wrath of God, The Love of God

This brings our current total of articles in languages other than English to 1,213! (as of 12/27/2012) What a blessing to be able to provide these resources to people around the world. Thank you for making it happen.

Hints and Tips

Tip: Have you ever wondered where or how you should put your name on a document if you would like to receive translation credit in the final posted version?

You are indeed welcome to do so at the end of the document. For example on the last line by itself put: Translated by Joe Smith Learn More Tips from our FAQ Section

Awarding Faithfulness

This month we had the joy of giving out another award for translation efforts. This time the award was for reaching both the 1 and 5 article milestone since 8 articles were turned in at one time. We pray that these resources are a blessing to you in your life and ministry.

If you have not received an award certificate and the appropriate ePub books for your past translation efforts be sure to contact us and enroll in this retroactive award program. For Award program details see our Translator’s Group post.

Your Translation

As we finish out an old year and begin a new one translations might not be your highest priority. Yet as you look forward to being intentional this year about following Christ consider how this translation ministry could be a big step in that direction. Not only do you get to meditate on the truths of God’s Word as you carefully work through your translation in a unique devotional time (if you let it be), but you also get to use your gifts and be a blessing to people around the world. This is intentional personal growth and service to others at the same time!

New to Translating for

For those of you who are new to our translation effort here are the steps for getting started:

  1. Create an account with
  2. Fill out our Volunteer form.
  3. Join our Translator's group.
  4. Pick and translate an article while following our guidelines.
  5. Contact me with questions as needed and to let me know which article you will be translating!

Need help, have questions, or prefer to meet in real time?

I am available and would love to answer any questions you might have. We do have a Frequently Asked Questions section on our Group page, but you can always send me an email! I can also be available through Skype for a voice or chat conversation. Simply let me know through email that you would like to talk and we will get it worked out.

As you begin to get involved, be sure to check out the “Introductions” post in the group. There we can begin to get to know one another as we share this ministry together.

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you in our translator’s group!


E-mail us Here


From the series:

Related Topics: Administrative and Organization

From the series:

Issue 006. 2013 February Translator's Newsletter

Thank You!

We are pleased to share that we were able to post 14 new articles on the site this past month. This includes one Indonesian, two Italian, and eleven Portuguese articles. Thank you very much for your hard work.

·         Indonesian.
Hampton Keathley IV, Why Men Don’t Talk

·         Italian.
Vickie Kraft, Facing our Feelings series, God, Our Healer

Allen Ross, The Sadducees

·         Portuguese.
Bob Deffinbaugh, Let Me See Thy Glory Series,
The Grace of God, The Sovereignty of God in History,
The Sovereignty of God in Salvation, The Nearness of God,
The Forgiving God, The Glory of God
The Immutability of God, The Joy of God

Bob Deffinbaugh, Becoming a leader after God’s Heart series, David's Youth: A Training Ground for Godly Leadership

Bob Deffinbaugh, A Study of 2 Samuel series,

The Death of David’s Son, Tragedy in the Royal Family

This brings our current total of articles in languages other than English to 1,227! What a blessing to be able to provide these resources to people around the world. Thank you for making it happen. See the Languages and Articles Here.

Hints and Tips

Tip: Have you ever wondered how many times your translated articles have been viewed?

Scroll down to the bottom of the posted article page and below the “Related Topic” listing you will find the number of times that an article has been read. For instance, Mariza’s Portuguese translation of The Hands of Dagon and the Hand of God (over 22,000 views) has almost as many views as the original currently has (nearly 28,000)!

Awarding Faithfulness

This month we had the joy of giving out four awards for translation efforts. This time the awards were for reaching the 10 and 15 article milestones (Cesio), for reaching the 5 article milestone (Giovanni), and for a first time translator (Herma). We pray that these resources are a blessing to all of you in your personal lives and ministry.

If you have not received an award certificate and the appropriate ePub books for your past translation efforts be sure to contact us and enroll in this retroactive award program.

For Award program details see our Translator’s Group post.

Know someone else who is bilingual?

If you know of anyone else who would have the time and skills to translate articles for please consider recommending this ministry to them. Sometimes the most obvious gifts (like preaching or being a leader) are not the ones with the most impact or need. This is a real opportunity to meet a need and impact thousands and thousands of people with the truth of God's Word. Click here to contact us and begin impacting thousands around the world

New to Translating for

For those of you who are new to our translation effort here are the steps for getting started:

  1. Create an account with
  2. Fill out our Volunteer form.
  3. Join our Translator's group.
  4. Pick and translate an article while following our guidelines.
  5. Contact me with questions as needed and to let me know which article you will be translating!

Need help, have questions, or prefer to meet in real time?

I am available and would love to answer any questions you might have. We do have a Frequently Asked Questions section on our Group page, but you can always send me an email! I can also be available through Skype for a voice or chat conversation. Simply let me know through email that you would like to talk and we will get it worked out.

As you begin to get involved, be sure to check out the “Introductions” post in the group. There we can begin to get to know one another as we share this ministry together.

We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you in our translator’s group!


E-mail us Here


From the series:

Related Topics: Administrative and Organization

From the series:

Issue 007. 2013 March Translator's Newsletter

Thank You!

We are pleased to share that we were able to post 11 new articles on the site this past month. This includes one French, one Romanian, one Russian, one Indonesian, three Chinese, and four Portuguese articles. Thank you very much for your hard work. Jenny, Herma, Cesio, and Mariza.

·         Chinese
Kenneth Boa, Bible Companion Handbook series,
I. Introduction: The Beauty of the Bible,
V. Interpreting the Bible,
VI. Studying the Bible

·         Indonesian.
Greg Herrick, Clues, Clues, and More Clues

·         Portuguese.
Bob Deffinbaugh, Let Me See Thy Glory Series,
The Invisibility of God
The Truth of God

Bob Deffinbaugh, A Study of 2 Samuel series,

Kerby Anderson, Homosexual Theology

·         NET Pastors Journal (Roger Pascoe)

What a blessing to be able to provide these resources to people around the world. Thank you for making it happen. See the Languages and Articles Here.

Hints and Tips

Tip: Have you ever wondered if you were formatting your document correctly for us or how much work it is to take your document and put it on our site?

Once we receive your document we have to make sure that the correct styles are applied to the paragraphs before we run an HTML conversion script. If you have already applied the correct styles (Heading 1, 2, 3, Body text, Body Block, Quote, etc.) it speeds up the process of fixing any formatting issues. To apply these styles one can either install our file for Word, or open up and use one of our Word documents that already has styles in it. After removing the existing paragraphs in that file one can save it as something else and begin the translation in that word file. Styles can then be applied through the styles toolbar. To learn more see our formatting guidelines page.

Learn More Tips from our FAQ Section

Awarding Faithfulness

This month we had the joy of giving out two awards for translation efforts. This time the awards were for reaching the 5 article milestone (Jenny), and for reaching the 70 article milestone (Mariza). We pray that these resources are a blessing to both of you in your personal lives and ministry.

For Award program details see our Translator’s Group post.

Know someone else who is bilingual?

If you know of anyone else who would have the time and skills to translate articles for please consider recommending this ministry to them. Sometimes the most obvious gifts (like preaching or being a leader) are not the ones with the most impact or need. This is a real opportunity to meet a need and impact thousands and thousands of people with the truth of God's Word. Click here to contact us and begin impacting thousands around the world

Need help, have questions, or prefer to meet in real time?

I am available and would love to answer any questions you might have. We do have a Frequently Asked Questions section on our Group page, but you can always send me an email! I can also be available through Skype for a voice or chat conversation. Simply let me know through email that you would like to talk and we will get it worked out.

As you begin to get involved, be sure to check out the “Introductions” post in the group. There we can begin to get to know one another as we share this ministry together.

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you in our translator’s group!


E-mail us Here

From the series:

Related Topics: Administrative and Organization

From the series:

Issue 008. 2013 April Translator's Newsletter

Thank You!

This month we were able to post 3 new translation articles on the site. This includes one Italian, one Portuguese, and one Telugu article. Thank you very much for your hard work— Giovanni, Mariza, and Mary Ruth.

·         Italian
Bill McRae, Believer’s Baptism

·         Portuguese
Bob Deffinbaugh, A Study of 2 Samuel series,
A Friend in Need or The Trail of Tears (2 Samuel 15:13-16:23)

·         Telugu
Sid Litke, Survey of Bible Doctrine series, God

What a blessing to be able to provide these resources to people around the world. Thank you for making it happen. See the Languages and Articles Here.

Hints and Tips

Tip: Proofread, proofread, and proofread.

Spelling errors, incorrect punctuation, omitted words or sentences, wrong verse chapter or verse references, and other such mistakes will be very distracting for our readers and may prevent them from getting the most out of the article that you are putting your hard work into. For best results have someone else read through your translation before sending it in, or come back to it and re-read it some time later. Ideally this will allow the article to be viewed from a fresh perspective that will make catching any errors easier.

Learn More Tips from our FAQ Section.

Awarding Faithfulness

While we do not have any paid translators of our articles here at we are happy to be able to award our volunteer translator’s with free ePub books and resources at different milestones in their translation ministry. After the first article translation award we have awards at 5 article intervals. At the 50 articles milestone a special award of a Genuine Leather First edition Net Bible is received (over $100 value!).

For further Award program details see our Translator’s Group post.

Know someone else who is bilingual?

If you know of anyone else who would have the time and skills to translate articles for please consider recommending this ministry to them. Sometimes the most obvious gifts (like preaching or being a leader) are not the ones with the most impact or need. This is a real opportunity to meet a need and impact thousands and thousands of people with the truth of God's Word. Click here to contact us and begin impacting thousands around the world

Need help, have questions, or prefer to meet in real time?

I am available and would love to answer any questions you might have. We do have a Frequently Asked Questions section on our Group page, but you can always send me an email! I can also be available through Skype for a voice or chat conversation. Simply let me know through email that you would like to talk and we will get it worked out.

As you begin to get involved, be sure to check out the “Introductions” post in the group. There we can begin to get to know one another as we share this ministry together.

I look forward to hearing from you!


E-mail us Here

From the series:

Related Topics: Administrative and Organization

From the series:

Issue 009. 2013 May Translator's Newsletter

Thank You!

This month was a quieter month for translations with 1 new article being added to the site. Thank you for your hard work Jenny!


Kenneth Boa, Bible Companion Handbook series,
II. The background of the Bible

What a blessing to be able to provide this new resource to our readers around the world. Thank you all for your ongoing translation work. See the Languages and Articles Here.

Hints and Tips

Tip: Have you ever wondered what to do with footnotes in an article that you are translating?

Footnotes are an important part of many articles, and need careful attention.

         If a footnote is simply an explanatory note related to the text then translate it fully.

         However, if it is the bibliography information for a book or article it may be left untranslated to accurately show the resource and page number that was originally referenced. If a translated version of the work is known then that translated name may be put in parenthesis after the original language version. This will aid readers in locating a copy in their own language. A quick search on the internet often will uncover if such a translation is available. Doing such a quick search would be preferred, but there is no need for exhaustive efforts to locate translated versions.

         Lastly, if a footnote is a mixture of bibliography information and explanatory note be sure to translate the note portion.

Learn More Tips from our FAQ Section.

Awarding Faithfulness

While we do not have any paid translators of our articles here at we are happy to be able to award our volunteer translator’s with free ePub books and resources at different milestones in their translation ministry. After the first article translation award we have awards at 5 article intervals.

At the 5 articles milestone a special award of 1 year access to premium content in the study environment is received (Normally a $110/yr subscription!). This includes access to Galaxie’s Theological Journals Library and the Church History and Commentaries Collection.

For further Award program details see our Translator’s Group post.

Know someone else who is bilingual?

If you know of anyone else who would have the time and skills to translate articles for please consider recommending this ministry to them. Sometimes the most obvious gifts (like preaching or being a leader) are not the ones with the most impact or need. This is a real opportunity to meet a need and impact thousands and thousands of people with the truth of God's Word. Click here to contact us and begin impacting thousands around the world

Need help, have questions, or prefer to meet in real time?

I am available and would love to answer any questions you might have. We do have a Frequently Asked Questions section on our Group page, but you can always send me an email! I can also be available through Skype for a voice or chat conversation. Simply let me know through email that you would like to talk and we will get it worked out.

As you begin to get involved, be sure to check out the “Introductions” post in the group. There we can begin to get to know one another as we share this ministry together.

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you in our translator’s group!


From the series:

Related Topics: Administrative and Organization

From the series:

Issue 010. 2013 June Translator's Newsletter


Thank You!

This month was quite busy for translations with 10 new articles being added to the site. Thank you for your hard work Cesio, Jenny, and Mariza!

Bob Deffinbaugh, 2 Samuel series, The Darkest Days of David’s Life (2 Samuel 16:20-19:8)

Craig Biehl, What’s in the Box? The Unreasonable Faith of Atheism and Agnosticism series, Acknowledgements and Introductions, Answering the Atheist, Answering the Agnostic, Concluding Remarks

Kenneth Boa, Bible Companion Handbook series,
II. How We Got The Bible

         NET Pastors Journal (Roger Pascoe)
FrenchRomanian, and Russian

What a blessing to be able to provide these new resources to our readers around the world. Thank you all for your ongoing translation work. See all the Languages and Articles Here.

Hints and Tips

Tip: have you ever wondered how to translate a graphic or a picture that contains words in it?

Charts and pictures can often make abstract concepts quite clear. Likewise, they can present a quantity of information in a succinct fashion. Whatever the goal of the picture might be, it can present quite a challenge for the translator. Here Microsoft’s free “Paint” program can simplify the process. Simply open Paint, and insert a copy of the graphic. Then crop out the text area which needs to be translated. If there was a background color then select a blank area of the graphic with the background color needed. Copy it. Then paste it over the holes that were created by cropping out the text. Next add a text box in the appropriate area and type in the translated version of the original text. Then be sure to save the file with a new name. Finally, insert the new graphic at the correct location in your translated document.

Learn More Tips from our FAQ Section.

Awarding Faithfulness

This month we had the joy of giving out one award for translation efforts. This time the award was for reaching the 20 article milestone (Cesio). He received an ePub book by Bob Deffinbaugh entitled, That You May Believe: A Study of the Gospel of John. We pray that this resource is a blessing to you in your personal life and ministry.

For further Award program details see our Translator’s Group post.

Know someone else who is bilingual?

If you know of anyone else who would have the time and skills to translate articles for please consider recommending this ministry to them. Sometimes the most obvious gifts (like preaching or being a leader) are not the ones with the most impact or need. This is a real opportunity to meet a need and impact thousands and thousands of people with the truth of God's Word. Click here to contact us and begin impacting thousands around the world

Need help, have questions, or prefer to meet in real time?

I am available and would love to answer any questions you might have. We do have a Frequently Asked Questions section on our Group page, but you can always send me an email! I can also be available through Skype for a voice or chat conversation. Simply let me know through email that you would like to talk and we will get it worked out.

As you begin to get involved, be sure to check out the “Introductions” post in the group. There we can begin to get to know one another as we share this ministry together.

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you in our translator’s group! Click here to email us

From the series:

Related Topics: Administrative and Organization

From the series:

Issue 011. 2013 July/August Translator's Newsletter

New Site Design

The past couple months have been very busy ones for us here at We have upgraded our hosting software and completely redesigned the site. One of the nice improvements that relate to translations is the ability for translated articles to show up in their own correct series. For example, all the articles from the now completed Kenneth Boa series and this Bob Deffinbaugh series can be viewed together on their own series pages.

Thank You!

This last couple months have resulted in 4 new articles for translations being added to the site. Thank you for your hard work Jenny and Mariza!

Bob Deffinbaugh, 2 Samuel series, David’s Return to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 19:9-20:26)

Bob Deffinbaugh, Spiritual Warfare,
Kenneth Boa, Bible Companion Handbook series,
IV. Literary Forms In The Bible

Steve Cole, Hebrews (PDF posting)

What a blessing to be able to provide these new resources to our readers around the world. Thank you all for your ongoing translation work. See the Languages and Articles Here.

Hints and Tips

Tip: have you ever wondered how to give feedback on the English or Chinese versions of the NET Bible?

A convenient interface in our Study environment allows one to do this quite easily. At the bottom of the study environment click on the grey “Report Problem” link. Then click on the button for "Add a comment" on the Translation. In the page that loads there is the opportunity to change the language of the version one is commenting on (default English). Once the correct language is chosen, simply input the passage the comment will refer to. Then click on the "Add Comment" button at the bottom of the page and you will be set to give us the feedback on the NET Bible English/Chinese translation.

Learn More Tips from our FAQ Section.

Know someone else who is bilingual?

If you know of anyone else who would have the time and skills to translate articles for please consider recommending this ministry to them. Sometimes the most obvious gifts (like preaching or being a leader) are not the ones with the most impact or need. This is a real opportunity to meet a need and impact thousands and thousands of people with the truth of God's Word. Click here to contact us and begin impacting thousands around the world

Need help, have questions, or prefer to meet in real time?

I am available and would love to answer any questions you might have. We do have a Frequently Asked Questions section on our Group page, but you can always send me an email! I can also be available through Skype for a voice or chat conversation. Simply let me know through email that you would like to talk and we will get it worked out.

As you begin to get involved, be sure to check out the “Introductions” post in the group. There we can begin to get to know one another as we share this ministry together.

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you in our translator’s group! Click here to email us

From the series:

Related Topics: Administrative and Organization
