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Pages on: Philippians 3

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12. Paul, A Disciple to ImitateBob Deffinbaugh9.76
2.1. Truths That TransformJ. Hampton Keathley, III5.24
Das Mosaische Gesetz: Seine Funktion und sein Zweck im Neuen TestamentJ. Hampton Keathley, III5
5. Philippians 3Dave Hagelberg5
The Purpose Directed LifeJ. Hampton Keathley, III4.62
10. How Does the Church Make Disciples, Part IIIBob Deffinbaugh4.52
Philippians 3Bob Utley4.1
10. Paul’s Perspective on Profit and Loss (Phil. 3:1-11)Bob Deffinbaugh3.48
11. Paul’s Perspective on Perfectionism (Phil. 3:12-21)Bob Deffinbaugh3.24
Session 2: Experiences and RelationshipsCenter for Christian Leadership3
15. The Reluctant “Fool” (2 Corinthians 11:16-29)Bob Deffinbaugh2.38
9. True Righteousness (Part I)—A Study in Contrasts: The Judaizers and Paul (Philippians 3:1-8) True Righteousness (Part II) (Philippians 3:9-11)Greg Herrick2.24
10. True Righteousness (Part I)— A Study in Contrasts: The Judaizers and Paul (Philippians 3:1-8)Greg Herrick2.19
8. Joyful FreedomMelanie Newton2.05
10. Die Minderwertigkeit der Unreife (Galater 4:1-11)Bob Deffinbaugh2
2. The Disciple Has a Passion for the Presence of GodBob Deffinbaugh1.95
20. A Final Word on Suffering (1 Peter 4:12-19)Bob Deffinbaugh1.86
Christians As AthletesRichard D. Patterson1.81
9. Joy of Pressing OnMelanie Newton1.76
7. Out With the Old, In With the New (2 Cor. 5:1-21)Bob Deffinbaugh1.67
11. True Righteousness (Part II)— A Study in Contrasts: The Judaizers and Paul (Philippians 3:9-11)Greg Herrick1.62
20. Like Father, Like Son (John 8:31-59)Bob Deffinbaugh1.48
3. The Slaughter of the Infants and Innocent Suffering (Matthew 2:13-18)Bob Deffinbaugh1.48
20. A “Tents” Situation: The Parlor or the Den? (Hebrews 9:1-14)Bob Deffinbaugh1.48
10. Joy—Firm Yet GentleMelanie Newton1.38
14. The Conversion of Saul (Acts 9:1-31)Bob Deffinbaugh1.33
Orientation to Spiritual Formation with Special Reference to the New TestamentMichael H. Burer1.33
18. The Savior and the Sinner (John 7:53-8:11)Bob Deffinbaugh1.24
13. The Exhortation to Imitate Good Examples (Philippians 3:17-21)Greg Herrick1.14
11. Heretical Problems in the Light of Union With Christ Part I, Exhortation Against False Teachers (Col. 2:4-8)J. Hampton Keathley, III1.14
12. The Nature of Paul’s Pursuit of Christ: Living in the “Now/Not Yet” (Philippians 3:12-16)Greg Herrick1.1
1. Process Spirituality: Process Versus ProductKenneth Boa1.1
27. Paul's Parting Words (Acts 20:1-38)Bob Deffinbaugh1.1
10. Serangga dan Kupu-kupuRichard L. Strauss1.1
7. Instruction to Live as Good Citizens in the World (Titus 3:1-8)J. Hampton Keathley, III1.1
11. Hungering and Thirsting after Righteousness (Matthew 5:6)Lenny Correll1.05
3. The Coming Wrath of God: Self-Righteousness Is Unrighteousness (Romans 2:1-29)Bob Deffinbaugh1.05
21. Putting the Past In Perspective (Acts 13:13-52)Bob Deffinbaugh1.05
Innovations in the Text and Translation of the NET Bible, New TestamentDaniel B. Wallace1.05
2. What Makes the Church So Special?Bob Deffinbaugh1
1. OverviewMelanie Newton1
33. Stress ManagementKenneth Boa1
2. The incarnation of Christ (Philippians 2:5-11)Tracie Wallace1
20. What a Way to Go (Acts 13:1-13)Bob Deffinbaugh1
3. The Sufficiency of God Through His Spirit (2 Cor. 2:12-4:6)Bob Deffinbaugh1
PhilippiansDavid Colburn1
41. Saul’s Conversion and Saul’s Theology in the Book of Romans (Appendix B)Bob Deffinbaugh1
Does "Elohim" in Gen. 1:1 mean God or gods?admin1
10. The Inferiority of Immaturity (Galatians 4:1-11)Bob Deffinbaugh1
1. The Unique Contribution of the Book of ActsBob Deffinbaugh1
4. Correction Concerning the Day of the Lord—Part 1 (2 Thes. 2:1-5)J. Hampton Keathley, III1
17. Taking Up Your Mantle (1 Kings 19:19-21)J. Hampton Keathley, III1
3. Satan’s Part in God’s Perfect PlanBob Deffinbaugh1
10. Blessed Are Those who Mourn (Matthew 5:4)Bob Deffinbaugh1
Why are there disagreements on the interpretation of various passages of Scripture?admin1
22. Neiman Marcus Military, Kmart Christianity? (2 Samuel 24)Bob Deffinbaugh1
13. Is Christ the Only Way? - Part 2Kenneth Boa1
Lesson 11: God’s Mighty Power (Ephesians 1:19-23)Steven J. Cole1
Where in the Bible can I find scriptures on a pastor's responsibilities to his congregation?admin1
15. Is Cleanliness Next to Godliness? (Acts 9:32-10:23)Bob Deffinbaugh1
29. The Epilogue (Rev 22:6-21)J. Hampton Keathley, III1
Lesson 4: Grace Abounding To The Chief Of Sinners (1 Timothy 1:12-17)Steven J. Cole1
9. From the Curse to the Cure (Romans 5:12-21)Bob Deffinbaugh1
Was Timothy God’s ‘fellow-worker’? A Text-Critical and Grammatical Examination of 1 Thessalonians 3.2Daniel B. Wallace1
16. The War Without and the War Within—Part 2 (Galatians 5:13-26)Bob Deffinbaugh1
A Brief Word Study on ΣκύβαλονDaniel B. Wallace0.9
Faith Under FireJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.9
28. Weapons of the Spiritual Warfare—Righteousness (Ephesians 6:14b)Bob Deffinbaugh0.86
30. A Refresher Course on the Resurrection of the Dead (1 Cor. 15)Bob Deffinbaugh0.86
1. Why Bad Things Happen to God’s People (2 Cor. 1:1-11)Bob Deffinbaugh0.86
23. Tout ce Que Vous Avez Toujours Voulu Savoir à Propos de l'Envie ; Et Bien Plus (Exode 20:17)Bob Deffinbaugh0.81
Are you familiar with Norman Willis' claim that the NT may have been written in Hebrew instead of Greek? [An email from Norman Willis included in original question.]admin0.76
8. Authentic Apostleship (2 Cor. 5:20 - 6:10)Bob Deffinbaugh0.76
Galatians 6Bob Utley0.76
10. Paul’s Imprisonment, His Prayers, and His Praise (Ephesians 3:1-21)Bob Deffinbaugh0.76
18. Sowing and Reaping (Galatians 6:6-18)Bob Deffinbaugh0.76
How do Jews born after the New Testament receive salvation? Are they saved only by accepting Christ as their Lord and Savior? Is there any other means of salvation for them, as some teach?admin0.76
Qualifications for the Evaluation of Elders and DeaconsJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.76
Week 6 Lesson: HumbleKay Daigle0.71
The Seven Laws of the HarvestJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.71
24. Spirituality and Spiritual Gifts - Part 1 (1 Cor. 12:1-3)Bob Deffinbaugh0.67
Mark #1: An Example for Others to ImitateJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.67
3. The Pursuit of Christian Character (2 Peter 1:5-7)Bob Deffinbaugh0.67
27. What Is This Thing Called Love? (1 Cor. 13:1-13)Bob Deffinbaugh0.67
2 Timothy: "Call to Completion"0.67
1. Das Evangelium Unter Belagerung: Christentum konfrontiert einen Kult (Apostelgeschichte 15:1-31)Bob Deffinbaugh0.62
1. The Gospel Under Siege: Christianity Confronts a Cult (Acts 15:1-31)Bob Deffinbaugh0.62
56. Piety, Persistence, Penitence, and Prayer (Luke 18:1-14)Bob Deffinbaugh0.62
23. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Coveting -- and a Whole Lot More! (Exodus 20:17)Bob Deffinbaugh0.57
4. Real Religion Requires Repentance James 4:1—5:6Bob Deffinbaugh0.57
2. Moses: The Premiere ProphetBob Deffinbaugh0.57
12. God’s Plan for the Present: Its Impact on Our Perspective and Our PlansBob Deffinbaugh0.57
Mark #13: Having Courage and Being an EncouragerJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.52
49. How to Hate Your Wife (Luke 14:25-35)Bob Deffinbaugh0.52
3. True Wisdom (1 Cor. 2:1-16)Bob Deffinbaugh0.52
50. 1 Timothy: Believing and Behaving in the Household of GodBob Deffinbaugh0.52
1. Comfort and Hope in the Face of Death (death from AIDS)admin0.52
Lesson 23: A Better Priest for a Better Covenant (Hebrews 8:1-13)Steven J. Cole0.52
Introduction to MaturityJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.52
Lesson 43: Walking Wisely (Ephesians 5:15-17)Steven J. Cole0.52
1. Casting ShadowsJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.52
8. The Promised Blessings and Their Fulfillment in God’s Perfect PlanBob Deffinbaugh0.52
6. The Righteousness of GodBob Deffinbaugh0.52
7. Fearing Our Father (1 Peter 1:17-21)Bob Deffinbaugh0.52
Appendix 1 The Holy War--A Spiritual Warfare PrimerCharles T. Buntin0.48
Lesson 8: Encouragement for the Family of God (1 John 2:12-14)Steven J. Cole0.48
Εἰ μή Clauses in the NT: Interpretation and TranslationMultiple Authors0.48
32. Secular Saints (Luke 9:37-56)Bob Deffinbaugh0.48
Soteriology - The Doctrine of SalvationJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.43
Philippians: Earthly Conduct of Heavenly Citizens0.43
21. Why Jesus Doesn’t Conform to Man’s Expectations or Why Does Jesus Feast when Others Fast? (Matthew 9:1-17)Bob Deffinbaugh0.43
9. The Noahic Covenant—A New Beginning (Genesis 8:20-9:17)Bob Deffinbaugh0.43
Ready to Dieadmin0.43
Fé Sob FogoJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.43
2.2. The Faith-Rest LifeJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.43
7. The Work of ChristCharles T. Buntin0.43
14. The Salvation of Saul (Acts 9:1-31)Bob Deffinbaugh0.43
Foundations for the Study of Prophecy (Revelation)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.43
Death and AfterwardLehman Strauss0.38
Lesson 9: Knowing God More Deeply (Ephesians 1:15-17)Steven J. Cole0.38
Chapter 5: Toward A Contemporary Christian Theology Of FastingKent Berghuis0.38
6. Good Grief (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)Bob Deffinbaugh0.38
5. The Perseverance of Christ (Hebrews 5:7-8; 12:1-3) Tracie Wallace0.38
Premillennialism and the Tribulation — Part V: Partial Rapture TheoryJohn F. Walvoord0.38
13. Mastering A Plan for Formal Time Together: WorshipGreg Herrick0.38
12. Stand Fast, Stand Together (Phil. 4:1-9)Bob Deffinbaugh0.38
3. Stress of Persecution (1 Thessalonians 2:13-20)Melanie Newton0.38
26. Spirituality and Spiritual Gifts - Part 3 (1 Cor. 12:12-31)Bob Deffinbaugh0.33
13. Spirituality and the Status Quo (1 Cor. 7:17-24)Bob Deffinbaugh0.33
14. The Vulnerability of Victory (1 Kings 19)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.33
The Purpose of ProphecyBob Deffinbaugh0.33
Lesson 1: The Purpose of ProphecyBob Deffinbaugh0.33
17. The Sabbath in Apostolic Preaching and PracticeBob Deffinbaugh0.33
Lesson 21: Facing Life’s Winter (2 Timothy 4:9-22)Steven J. Cole0.33
The Resurrection of Christ: Theological ImplicationsDaniel B. Wallace0.33
8. The Comfort of His Coming (4:13-18)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.29
4. Christ in You (Colossians 1:24-2:5)Melanie Newton0.29
39. The High Priestly Prayer of Jesus: Part III (John 17:20-26)Bob Deffinbaugh0.29
1. The Silence is Shattered (Luke 1:1-38)Bob Deffinbaugh0.29
The Transformation of SlaveryGreg Herrick0.29
13. Israel's Relationship to the WorldBob Deffinbaugh0.29
The Historical Veracity of the Resurrection NarrativesGreg Herrick0.29
2 Corinthians 4Bob Utley0.29
Mark #5: Single-Minded Devotion to GodJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.29
24. The Only Road to Righteousness (Romans 10:1-13)Bob Deffinbaugh0.29
7. Follow the Leader (1 Cor. 4:1-21)Bob Deffinbaugh0.29
4. Moses - Walking in God-ConfidenceSusan Curry0.29
6. The New Freedom in Life (Romans 7:1-25)Allen Ross0.29
Galatians 5Bob Utley0.24
1. Lifestyles of the Poor and Nameless (Matthew 5:1-5)Chip Bell0.24
26. The Ten Virgins: What It Means to Be Ready (Matthew 25:1-13)Bob Deffinbaugh0.24
9. PrioritiesKenneth Boa0.24
17. Summing up Submission (1 Peter 3:8-12)Bob Deffinbaugh0.24
Chapter 2: Fasting In The New Testament: Remembrance And Anticipation In The Messianic AgeKent Berghuis0.24
Conclusion to the Marks of MaturityJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.24
Jesus, Religion, and True Spirituality: A Look at Four BeatitudesGreg Herrick0.24
10. Popularity, Persecution, and Divine Deliverance (Acts 5:12-42)Bob Deffinbaugh0.24
Philippians 1Bob Utley0.24
1. The Preparation of PeterBob Deffinbaugh0.24
The Distinctives of Christian Maturity and LeadershipJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.24
3. Instruction Concerning Elders in the Church (Titus 1:5-9)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.24
Life ChangeCenter for Christian Leadership0.24
Acclamations of the Birth of Christ (Luke 2:1-20)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.24
51. 2 Timothy: Perseverance in Difficult DaysBob Deffinbaugh0.24
Acts 22Bob Utley0.24
6. The Concern Expressed (1 Thess. 3:1-13)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.24
The Resurrection: Here We StandRoger Pascoe0.24
8. Exhortation to Unity—A Final Word Concerning Obedience (Philippians 2:12-18)Greg Herrick0.24
In Mark 10:18 is Jesus implying that he is not God?admin0.24
2. Can eHarmony Beat This? (Ruth 2)Bob Deffinbaugh0.24
Philippians 3:20admin0.24
Church DisciplineJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.24
12. Blessed Are the Pure in Heart (Matthew 5:8)Imanuel Christian0.24
7. The Resurrection of Christ (1 Corinthians 15:20-28; 51-58)Tracie Wallace0.24
23. The Good Shepherd (John 10:1-18)Bob Deffinbaugh0.24
Perspectives On ParenthoodKenneth Boa0.24
26. The Second Coming of Christ (Rev 19:1-21)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.19
3. “My Hand Made Them”: God’s Hands and Our WorkRichard D. Patterson0.19
1. Exploring the Excellencies of GodBob Deffinbaugh0.19
4. Paul’s Circumstances: Perspective, Joy, and Mission in Life—Part II (Philippians 1:18b-26)Greg Herrick0.19
The Mosaic Law: Its Function and Purpose in the New TestamentJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.19
1 Corinthians 4Bob Utley0.19
3. The Commendation and Thanksgiving (1 Thess. 1:2-10)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.19
Romans 1Bob Utley0.19
2 Timothy 1Bob Utley0.19
7. The Power of God, Prayer, and the Christian’s Hope (Ephesians 1:19-23)Bob Deffinbaugh0.19
Portraits of GodRichard D. Patterson0.19
Christian FellowshipJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.19
24. When Division Becomes Multiplication (Acts 15:3-16:10)Bob Deffinbaugh0.19
10. The Work of the Holy Spirit in the BelieverJohn F. Walvoord0.19
4. Worship (Part 1) (John 4:1-26)Bob Deffinbaugh0.19
3. Taming the Tongue James 3:1-18Bob Deffinbaugh0.19
...He Who Trembles at My WordGreg Herrick0.19
2. The Encouragement of Election (1 Thessalonians 1:1-10)Bob Deffinbaugh0.19
Facing An Affliction That’s Like A Sentence To Death (2 Corinthians 1:8-11)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.19
Lesson 6: Banking with God (2 Timothy 1:12-14)Steven J. Cole0.19
18. A New Slant on Suffering (1 Peter 3:13-4:6)Bob Deffinbaugh0.19
10. The Relationship Between Spirituality and Sexual Morality (1 Cor. 6:12-20)Bob Deffinbaugh0.14
Romans 12Bob Utley0.14
5. Kebangkitan TubuhLehman Strauss0.14
2. Understanding The Meaning of the Term “Disciple”Greg Herrick0.14
Lesson 16: Spiritual Faithfulness (2 Timothy 3:10-15)Steven J. Cole0.14
3. Even the “Best of Us” Are Called to Mortify SinGreg Herrick0.14
10. Peter and Paul (2 Peter 3:14-16)Bob Deffinbaugh0.14
4. Time To Go!Melanie Newton0.14
2. Nyatakanlah Kemuliaan MuRichard L. Strauss0.14
10. The Place of the Lost in the Perfect Plan of GodBob Deffinbaugh0.14
Romans 14Bob Utley0.14
Lesson 2: Our All-Sufficient Resources In Christ (2 Peter 1:3-4)Steven J. Cole0.14
2 Timothy 4Bob Utley0.14
A Sign for Unbelieversadmin0.14
19. The Sanctity of Life (Exodus 20:13)Bob Deffinbaugh0.14
7. So Great A Salvation: “Blind, But Now I See”Greg Herrick0.14
4. A Secured Faith that Keeps the Saints from Stumbling (2 Peter 1:8-11)Bob Deffinbaugh0.14
Mark #11: The Pursuit of ExcellenceJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.14
9. Eschatology: End TimesGreg Herrick0.14
18. What Happened to Discipleship in the Epistles?Bob Deffinbaugh0.14
2. “The Earth Is My Footstool”: God’s Feet and Our WalkRichard D. Patterson0.14
B3. The Incarnation of the Son of GodJohn F. Walvoord0.14
The Believer’s Unfathomable Riches in ChristJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.14
6. Indwelling Sin’s Enmity against God through OppositionGreg Herrick0.14
Galatians 1Bob Utley0.14
6. The Message to Thyatira (Rev 2:18-29)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.14
7. Soteriology: SalvationGreg Herrick0.14
8. The First Opposition (Acts 4:1-31)Bob Deffinbaugh0.14
4. A Hell to ShunBob Deffinbaugh0.14
May Newsletter Contest Winnersonshine0.14
Hebrews 9Bob Utley0.14
39. Watching Out for Wolves (Romans 16:17-27)Bob Deffinbaugh0.14
JudeBob Utley0.14
2. A Look at Romans 8:13Greg Herrick0.14
Lesson 3: Serving Through Suffering (2 Timothy 1:8)Steven J. Cole0.14
Why Christians SufferJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.14
Colossians 1Bob Utley0.14
3. Paul’s Circumstances: Perspective, Joy, and Mission in Life—Part I (Philippians 1:12-18a)Greg Herrick0.14
10. Purpose and PassionKenneth Boa0.14
The Image of God as the Resurrected State in Pauline ThoughtEric R. Montgomery0.14
Colossians 2Bob Utley0.14
5. The Spirit at Work in the Spirit-filled LifeJohn F. Walvoord0.14
Hebrews 12Bob Utley0.14
2.9. The Devotional LifeJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.14
2. The Power of GodBob Deffinbaugh0.14
26. Wisdom Literature: The Psalms, Part IIBob Deffinbaugh0.14
The Meaning Of ἁρπαγμός In Philippians 2:6 - An Overlooked Datum For Functional Inequality Within The GodheadDennis Ray Burk Jr.0.14
Pathway to Spiritual MaturityKevin Dodge0.14
The Nature of Maturity as the Product of SpiritualityJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.14
Lesson 20: The Unfathomable Riches of Christ (Ephesians 3:8)Steven J. Cole0.14
Lesson 3: The Proper Use Of The Law (1 Timothy 1:8-11)Steven J. Cole0.14
June Newsletter 2010sonshine0.14
James 1Bob Utley0.14
Questions Cessationists Should Ask: A Biblical Examination of CessationismCharles Powell0.14
7. Broken but Usable For His GlorySandra Glahn0.14
48. Jesus and the Religious LeadersBob Deffinbaugh0.14
20. The Doctrine of SufferingJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.14
3. The Conduct and Duty of the Church (Ephesians 4-6)Lehman Strauss0.14
5. Spiritual Power TodayJohn F. Walvoord0.14
11. Philippians: Introduction, Argument, and OutlineDaniel B. Wallace0.14
15. Mastering A Plan for Formal Time Together—FastingGreg Herrick0.14
5. The Resurrection BodyLehman Strauss0.14
Romans 16Bob Utley0.14
7. Living Above (Colossians 3:1-11)Melanie Newton0.14
2. The Person of the Incarnate ChristJohn F. Walvoord0.14
Lesson 29: Vital Signs of a Healthy Body (Ephesians 4:14-16)Steven J. Cole0.14
9. The Grace of God, Part II (Romans 6:12-14; 7:1-25)Bob Deffinbaugh0.14
Progressive Covenantalism as an Integrating Motif of ScriptureDan T. Lioy0.14
19. La Sainteté de la Vie (Exode 20:13)Bob Deffinbaugh0.14
22. The Return to the Promised Land (Ezra)Bob Deffinbaugh0.14
The Doctrine of SalvationLehman Strauss0.1
What Death Means for the Believer in Christadmin0.1
Does Philippians 1:6 Guarantee Progressive Sanctification? (Part 1)John F. Hart0.1
2.3. The Christ-Centered LifeJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.1
Mark 10Bob Utley0.1
Was Paul married?admin0.1
The Agony of Defeat (Joshua 7:1-26)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.1
3. Philippians 1Dave Hagelberg0.1
3. Can We Believe in Immortality?Lehman Strauss0.1
8. What Happens After We Die?Hampton Keathley IV0.1
Appendix: CommitmentEmery Nester0.1
12. Men and Women in the Image of GodJohn M. Frame0.1
18. David Becomes Israel’s King (1 Samuel 16 - 2 Samuel 10)Bob Deffinbaugh0.1
2. TimeMiles J. Stanford0.1
Lesson 14: The Purifying Hope (1 John 3:2-3)Steven J. Cole0.1
7. Soteriology: SalvationGreg Herrick0.1
6. Christian Citizenship: Living Out the Gospel (Phil. 1:27-2:2)Bob Deffinbaugh0.1
Becoming A Friend Of GodCynthia Heald0.1
2 Corinthians 11Bob Utley0.1
The Apocalypse Of John And The Rapture Of The Church: A ReevaluationMichael J. Svigel0.1
2 Corinthians 1Bob Utley0.1
Critical Concerns for Pastoral Ministry (1 Timothy 1:3-7)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.1
2 Corinthians 13Bob Utley0.1
Worship TodayMarty Kendall0.1
James 1Lehman Strauss0.1
Lesson 16: Remembering Then, but Now! (Ephesians 2:11-13)Steven J. Cole0.1
Steps for Personal and Family Revivaladmin0.1
Luke 9Bob Utley0.1
4. The Two ResurrectionsLehman Strauss0.1
12. Colossians: Introduction, Argument, OutlineDaniel B. Wallace0.1
Matthew 5Bob Utley0.1
4. Dua KebangkitanLehman Strauss0.1
The Five Warnings of HebrewsJohn W. Lawrence0.1
Principles of Prayer from Luke 11J. Hampton Keathley, III0.1
3. Hope and the Resurrection (Luke 24)Bob Deffinbaugh0.1
Waiting on the LordJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.1
6. False Teachers (2 Peter 2:1-3)Bob Deffinbaugh0.1
3.6.The Stewardship of God’s Truth Through Evangelism (Part 3)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.1
The Quiet-Time: What, Why, and HowGreg Herrick0.1
13. The Prayers of Elijah (1 Kings 18:30-46)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.1
10. Bugs and ButterfliesRichard L. Strauss0.1
The Atonement of ChristLehman Strauss0.1
Acts 8Bob Utley0.1
5. Exhortation to Unity—Part I (Philippians 1:27-30)Greg Herrick0.1
5. Manusia: “Siapa kita sebenarnya?”Greg Herrick0.1
Acts 3Bob Utley0.1
2.4. The Spirit-Filled Life (Part 1)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.1
1.3. Assurance of SalvationJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.1
ABCs of PhilippiansMelanie Newton0.1
3. The Goodness of GodBob Deffinbaugh0.1
3.5. The Stewardship of God’s Truth Through Evangelism (Part 2)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.1
6. Defeat at Ai and the Sin of Achan (Joshua 7:1-26)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.1
14. The New Mind (Romans 12)Bob Deffinbaugh0.1
16. Christ in His ResurrectionJohn F. Walvoord0.1
2 Corinthians 6:1-7:1Bob Utley0.1
Can the νοῦς [nous] Set You Loose? The Role of the Mind in SanctificationJ. Adam Landrum0.1
Lesson 15: Guarding, Growing, Glorifying (2 Peter 3:17-18)Steven J. Cole0.1
Steps for Personal and Family Revivaladmin0.1
1. The Coming of Christ for His ChurchJohn F. Walvoord0.1
Lesson 37: Desiring a Better Country (Hebrews 11:13-16)Steven J. Cole0.1
Ephesians 4Bob Utley0.1
3. Bisakah Kita Percaya Pada Keabadian?Lehman Strauss0.1
5. Testings By the Brook (Part 2) (1 Kings 17:4-7)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.1
4. The Pauline EpistlesJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.1
2. The Gospel According to Peter (2 Peter 1:1-4)Bob Deffinbaugh0.1
Titus 1Bob Utley0.1
Lima Peringatan dari Kitab IbraniJohn W. Lawrence0.1
40. The Duties of Discipleship (John 21:1-25)Bob Deffinbaugh0.1
27. The Reign of Christ and the Great White Throne (Rev 20:1-15)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.1
5. Made Alive with Christ (Colossians 2:6-15)Melanie Newton0.1
12. The Fellowship of Christ Face to Face (Revelation19:7-9; 21:1-7, 9-11, 21-26; 22:3-5 )Tracie Wallace0.1
Evidences for the ResurrectionJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.1
1 Corinthians 10Bob Utley0.1
8. Daniel’s Disturbing Dream (Daniel 7:1-28)Bob Deffinbaugh0.1
Wesleyan and Keswick Models of SanctificationM. James Sawyer0.1
13. Ethics as If God Mattered: Secularism and the Word of GodKenneth Boa0.1
Acts 3Bob Utley0.1
Introduction: Truth—the Prescription for Healthy LivingMelanie Newton0.1
The ParticipleDaniel B. Wallace0.1
6. Humility - Study QuestionsJim Smith0.1
Chapter 3: Fasting Through The Patristic EraKent Berghuis0.1
5. The Message to Pergamum (Rev 2:12-17)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.1
Matthew 7Bob Utley0.1
Philippians 1:22admin0.1
Knowing God and Prayer (Part V)Greg Herrick0.1
5. HumilityKenneth Boa0.1
Psalm 16: Pleasures ForeverSteven J. Cole0.1
6. The Perfect Priesthood of Christ (Hebrews 7:23-28; 9:11-14; 10:10-14)Tracie Wallace0.1
20. The Fatal Failures of Religion: #1 Secularism (Matthew 5:1-16)Bob Deffinbaugh0.1
The Net Pastor's Journal, Eng Ed, Issue 5 Fall 2012Roger Pascoe0.1
Acts 23Bob Utley0.1
1 Timothy 1Bob Utley0.1
16. Right Where You AreRichard L. Strauss0.1
9. Galatians: Introduction, Argument, and OutlineDaniel B. Wallace0.1
22. The High Calling of Wife and Mother in Biblical PerspectiveDorothy Patterson0.1
5. The Human Race: Its Creation, History, and Destiny The Creation of Man John F. Walvoord0.1
1. Regula Fidei (The Rule of Faith) What Distinguishes a Christian from a Pagan?Charles T. Buntin0.1
The Nicene Creed: Second Month—Day 22Kenneth Boa0.1
An Argument Of The Book Of RomansDavid Malick0.1
Mark #14: FaithfulnessJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.1
Revelation 21-22Bob Utley0.1
The Resurrection of Jesus ChristJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.1
1 Corinthians 15Bob Utley0.1
7. The New Power in Life (Romans 8:1-39)Allen Ross0.1
9. Don'ts and Don'ts (1 Thessalonians 5:16-22)Bob Deffinbaugh0.1
Regeneration, Justification and SanctificationLehman Strauss0.1
9. What is the Meaning of History?Hampton Keathley IV0.1
7. The Call to Holiness (1 Thess. 4:1-12)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.1
Lesson 17: Reconciled Relationships (Ephesians 2:14-18)Steven J. Cole0.1
Toward An Evangelical Theology Of CussingMichael J. Svigel0.1
2. HabakkukRichard D. Patterson0.1
10. True Spirituality (1 Peter 2:11-12) or “Getting Down to Earth About Our Hope of Heaven”Bob Deffinbaugh0.1
35. My Philosophy of LifeEmery Nester0.1
1 Corinthians 15:37admin0.1
Don’t Look Back!admin0.1
Knowing Diamonds or Loving Diamonds: Which Is It?Greg Herrick0.1
6. To Mortify Sin—Negatively ConsideredGreg Herrick0.1
5. Man: “Who Are We, Anyway?”Greg Herrick0.1
Ephesians 1Bob Utley0.1
La Revue Internet Des Pasteurs, Fre Ed 5, Edition du l'automne 2012Roger Pascoe0.1
1. Adorned with the Beauty of FaithKay Daigle0.1
1 Corinthians 1Bob Utley0.1
Too Quick to Seek CounselingFran Sciacca0.1
19. Where Is Your Treasure? (Matthew 6:19-24)Bob Deffinbaugh0.1
Purpose Driven InfinitivesJill Sedlacek0.05
14. The Southern Steps And Psalms Of Ascent RemindersWayne Stiles0.05
22. The Fatal Failures of Religion: #3 Externalism (Matthew 6:1-18)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
5. Rock, Sand, FormulasBill Lawrence0.05
Guarding the HeartJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
10. Application in the Assembly (Romans 12:1-21)Allen Ross0.05
Contemporary Interpretative Problems: — The Resurrection of IsraelJohn F. Walvoord0.05
Our Citizenship Is in Heavenadmin0.05
1 Corinthians 9Bob Utley0.05
11. Isaiah says, “Send Me!” (Isaiah 6)Jodi Hooper0.05
Romans 8:18 and 1Pet chapter 4 seem to imply Christians should rejoice in our suffering because of the sympathy towards the suffering of Jesus, and some how that is related to Glory. When Christians suffer how is that immediately glorious?Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
70. The Garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:39-46)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
3. Pride And PrejudiceMelanie Newton0.05
Lesson 23: Knowing the Unknowable Love of Christ (Ephesians 3:17b-19)Steven J. Cole0.05
Ephesians 2Bob Utley0.05
19. Super-Sabbath: Israel's Land and Its Lord (Leviticus 25:1-34)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Lesson 50: What Makes Jesus Rejoice (Luke 10:17-24)Steven J. Cole0.05
24. The King of GloryRichard L. Strauss0.05
1 Corinthians 14Bob Utley0.05
25. Paul in Philippi: From the Purveyor of Purple to the Purveyor of Pain Acts 16:11-40Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Excuse Me, Whose Baby Is This?Milton Wiest0.05
Climbing that Ladderadmin0.05
Acts 26Bob Utley0.05
2 Timothy 2Bob Utley0.05
23. The Jerusalem Council: The Gospel Defined and Defended (Acts 15:1-35)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Lesson 6: How to Know that You Know Him (1 John 2:3-6)Steven J. Cole0.05
How does the doctrine of the prophetic clock relate to imminency?admin0.05
Foretaste of GloryRichard D. Patterson0.05
Faithful Stewardshipadmin0.05
Romans 8Bob Utley0.05
5. Seeing Ourselves from the CloudsKay Daigle0.05
II Peter 1Bob Utley0.05
18. Lessons We Must Learn From Our “Fathers” (1 Cor. 10:11-14)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Revelation 1Bob Utley0.05
Florence Chadwick IIIadmin0.05
A2. The Preincarnate Son of GodJohn F. Walvoord0.05
Grace and PeaceJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
The Kingdom of God in New Testament Theology: The Battle, The Christ, The Spirit-Bearer, and Returning Son of ManDarrell L. Bock0.05
4. Instruction Concerning False Teachers in the Church (Titus 1:10-16)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
An Introduction To The Book Of RomansDavid Malick0.05
Lesson 23: Going The Distance (1 Timothy 6:11, 12)Steven J. Cole0.05
Galatians 3Bob Utley0.05
34. How to Win With God and Men (Genesis 32:1-32)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Who Does God Say That I Am?Kenneth Boa0.05
Paul’s Concept of Teaching and 1 Timothy 2:12Charles Powell0.05
Romans 3Bob Utley0.05
16. A Light in Dark Days (Ruth)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
8. Final Confidences in God’s Grace Expressed (2 Thes. 3:1-5)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
Sharp Redivivus? - A Reexamination of the Granville Sharp RuleDaniel B. Wallace0.05
14. The Obligations of Christian Husbands to Their Wives (1 Peter 3:7)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
15. Taking a Second Look at Submission (1 Peter 2:13-3:7)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
2 Thessalonians 2Bob Utley0.05
14. The Sin of Covetousness (2 Kings 5:20-27)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
5. The Prologue to 1 John (1:1-4)W. Hall Harris III0.05
2. The Letters To Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, And ThyatiraJohn F. Walvoord0.05
1. The Ascension of ChristJohn F. Walvoord0.05
4. Do As I DoRichard L. Strauss0.05
Fall 2011 Pastors NET JournalRoger Pascoe0.05
7. Bantal Lembut untuk Hati dan Tubuh yang MenderitaLehman Strauss0.05
Revelation - Appendix 2: The Nature of the Divine Blessings of Grace and PeaceJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
4. John the Baptist and Jesus (Matthew 3:1-17)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Grace: Why It’s So Amazing and AwesomeJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
We are Saved by…admin0.05
4. Lakukan Seperti yang Aku LakukanRichard L. Strauss0.05
Hebrews 11Bob Utley0.05
5. How Do Good People Disagree on How to Do Church?Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Luke 18Bob Utley0.05
4. Beating Around the Burning Bush (Exodus 3 and 4)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Revelation 20Bob Utley0.05
Faithful To The EndRichard D. Patterson0.05
Actions Speak Louder Than WordsRichard L. Strauss0.05
What is the significance of numbers in Scripture?admin0.05
We Are Made Righteousadmin0.05
2. What God Is LikeJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
Lesson 5: The Key to Holiness (1 John 2:1-2)Steven J. Cole0.05
The Believer’s Hope is…admin0.05
22. The Blind Man Gets a Hearing (John 9:13-41)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Lesson 5: A Cause Worth Dying For (2 Timothy 1:10-11)Steven J. Cole0.05
How To Energize Our Faith: Reconsidering The Meaning Of James 2:14-26John F. Hart0.05
15. The Disciple's Relationship to the WorldBob Deffinbaugh0.05
32. The Giving and Taking of Advice (Acts 21:1-40)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
What is Our Calling?admin0.05
5. Four Ways to Walk in a Manner Worthy of the Lord (Col. 1:10b-12a)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
The Apostle Peter on Civil Obedience: An Exegesis of 1 Peter 2:13-17Greg Herrick0.05
Daniel 7Bob Utley0.05
Lesson 3: True Fellowship (1 John 1:3-4)Steven J. Cole0.05
What is the difference between discernment and being judgmental?admin0.05
Lesson 5: Sin and SalvationVickie Kraft0.05
Morning AffirmationsKenneth Boa0.05
28. Appraising Advice and Doing the Will of God (Acts 21:1-16)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Hebrews 10Bob Utley0.05
Matthew 19Bob Utley0.05
Galatians 4Bob Utley0.05
Swimming the English Channeladmin0.05
4. Faith That Doesn’t Play Favorites (Jam. 2:1-13)-includes audio messageKay Daigle0.05
1. Introduction: The Things Which Thou Hast SeenJohn F. Walvoord0.05
An Argument Of The Gospel Of LukeDavid Malick0.05
37. Paul’s Appeal to Agrippa (Acts 26:1-32)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
9. The Message to Laodicea (Rev 3:14-22)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
What does “when the perfect comes” mean in 1 Corinthians 13:9-10?admin0.05
Lesson 13: Salvation is Totally of God (Ephesians 2:4-7)Steven J. Cole0.05
Fellowship = Fun Times?admin0.05
24. The Fatal Failures of Religion: # 5 Misdirected Effort (Matthew 7:1-12)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Soul BuildingPaul Thomas Thigpen0.05
2. Multiplying Divisions (1 Cor. 1:10-31)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
4. A Compelling Example for Ministry (1 Thess. 2:1-12)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
Romans 11Bob Utley0.05
6. The Third Explanation: Deception, Delusion, and Divine Judgment in the Day of the Lord (2 Thes. 2:9-12)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
Pastor's Notes April 2011Michael Garrett0.05
I John 2:28-3:24Bob Utley0.05
9. Tough Questions Raised by the Death of a Five-Month-Old Fetusadmin0.05
8. Acts 9:1-9:31Sue Edwards0.05
Lesson 2: Blessed, We Bless (Ephesians 1:3)Steven J. Cole0.05
Hebrews 13Bob Utley0.05
Fruit of the SpiritRichard D. Patterson0.05
An Eye For An “I” (The Relevance of the Identification of the “I” In Romans 7:7-25)Wayne Stiles0.05
16. Discipleship: Its People and ProcessBob Deffinbaugh0.05
Lesson 8: Jehoshaphat - Hebrews 11:32-34Vickie Kraft0.05
4. Saat MembutuhkanLehman Strauss0.05
Revelation - Appendix 1: Support for ImminencyJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
5. Why People Follow Jesus, Part III (For the Joy of It)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
8. What the Law Cannot Do (Galatians 3:10-18)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
The Judgments - (Past, Present, and Future)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
1 Corinthians 8Bob Utley0.05
Salvation in Three Tensesadmin0.05
Romans 7Bob Utley0.05
48. The View From the Graveyard (Genesis 48:1-22)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Acts 20Bob Utley0.05
Romans 4Bob Utley0.05
6. Reliable Gospel TransmissionsJames M. Arlandson0.05
Why Confess Christ? The Use and Abuse of Romans 10:9-10John F. Hart0.05
A Precedent for the New Year (Luke 2:13-20)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
Lesson 70: The Cost of Discipleship (Luke 14:25-35)Steven J. Cole0.05
False Theories Against the Resurrection of ChristJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
1. Hope from the Old Testament (Romans 15:1-13)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Will we recognize our loved ones in heaven?admin0.05
8. The Teachers’ Hall of Shame (2 Peter 2:10-22)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Lesson 1: Saved To Serve (1 Timothy 1:1-2)Steven J. Cole0.05
10. The Supremacy of the Work of Christ Part 3, The Propagation of Christ’s Work (Col. 1:24-2:3)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
Life InventoryCenter for Christian Leadership0.05
Our Blessings in Christadmin0.05
Lesson 57: Protected by Truth and Righteousness (Ephesians 6:14)Steven J. Cole0.05
3. The Glory of God and the Cross of Christ (Ephesians 1:6b-10)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Revelation - Appendix 3: Who Are the Overcomers?J. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
An Argument Of First CorinthiansDavid Malick0.05
Jesus and Christians as "Firstborn"Greg Herrick0.05
2 Corinthians 3Bob Utley0.05
Lesson 59: The Glory of Christ in Hebrews (Hebrews Review)Steven J. Cole0.05
22. Concluding Revelations And ExhortationsJohn F. Walvoord0.05
Redemption Definedadmin0.05
God's Christmas TreeJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
place holder for Righteousness of God) and N. T. WrightDavid Austin0.05
20. Church Planting: (Acts 14:1-28)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
I Peter 5Bob Utley0.05
34. Paul’s Trial Before the Sanhedrin (Acts 22:30—23:35)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Called From and Toadmin0.05
4. “We Will See Face To Face”: God’s Face and Our WorshipRichard D. Patterson0.05
The Rapture DebateSid Litke0.05
10. Waiting on the Widows (Acts 6:1-7)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Mark 8Bob Utley0.05
Why Me?admin0.05
Ezekiel 40Bob Utley0.05
Why We All Need the ABCsJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
Paul and the Mystery ReligionsDon Closson0.05
5. Worship (Part 2) (John 4:19-26)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
2. Catholic TheologyWilliam S. Farneman0.05
7. Beliefs Leading to Christlikeness—The Spiritual LifeGreg Herrick0.05
15. The War Without and the War Within—Part 1 (Galatians 5:13-26)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
9. Heaven--The Home of the RedeemedLehman Strauss0.05
1. The Sovereign Reign of Christ (Colossians 1:15-20)Tracie Wallace0.05
31. What Is This Thing Called Love? (Romans 12:9-13)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
2 Thessalonians 3Bob Utley0.05
All Things Work Together For Goodadmin0.05
10. The Conduct of the Assembly (1 Thes. 5:12-22)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
20. David’s Song of Salvation (2 Samuel 22)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
6. The Spirit's Role in Corporate WorshipTimothy J. Ralston0.05
A Biblical Worldview of WorkKenneth Boa0.05
7. A Soft Pillow for Troubled Hearts and Suffering BodiesLehman Strauss0.05
Psalm 86: A Lesson on PrayerSteven J. Cole0.05
Consideration of Contexts in the Translation Philosophy of the NET Bible: Discussion and ExamplesMichael H. Burer0.05
6. Characteristics of a Healthy Church (Acts 2:41-47)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
18. The Glory of GodBob Deffinbaugh0.05
I Peter 1:1-2:3Bob Utley0.05
2 Timothy 3Bob Utley0.05
Romans 10Bob Utley0.05
13. Scripture Twisting and the Second Coming, Part 1 (2 Thessalonians 2:1-5)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
15. Christ in His ResurrectionJohn F. Walvoord0.05
The Imperatival Participle in the New TestamentTravis Williams0.05
13. The Joy of GodBob Deffinbaugh0.05
Preface to the NET Bible admin0.05
Lesson 19: An Anchor for Your Soul (Hebrews 6:13-20)Steven J. Cole0.05
2.8. The Prayer-Filled Life (Part 2)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
9. Our Brilliant Future: “Where’s It All Leading?”Greg Herrick0.05
13. When Christ Comes for the ChurchJohn F. Walvoord0.05
Revelation 12-14Bob Utley0.05
18. One Step Backward and Two Steps Forward (Acts 11:19-30)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Lesson 3: Abraham and Sarah - Hebrews 11:8-18Vickie Kraft0.05
13. Tindakan Bicara Lebih Keras dari PerkataanRichard L. Strauss0.05
Titus 3Bob Utley0.05
The Adequacy of ScriptureGreg Herrick0.05
4. Faith and the Furnace (Daniel 3:1-30)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
The Legitimacy Of The Attributed GenitiveBarry Joslin0.05
What is Godliness?Jerry Bridges0.05
2. The Essential Christian Worldview What is Truth? Why are We Alive?Charles T. Buntin0.05
Lesson 20: Why You Need to Know About Melchizedek (Hebrews 7:1-10)Steven J. Cole0.05
23. A Lesson in Hermeneutics (Matthew 15:21-39)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
General Introduction: Why We All Need the ABCsJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
3. Process Spirituality: Trust, Gratitude, and ContentmentKenneth Boa0.05
37. The High Priestly Prayer of Jesus: Part I (John 17:1-5)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Ephesians 6Bob Utley0.05
35. The High Priestly Prayer of Jesus (John 17)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
18. From Shadows to Substance (Hebrews 7:26-8:5)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
19. The Glory of God (Romans 8:30)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Lesson 6: Deborah and Barak - Hebrews 11:32Vickie Kraft0.05
33. The Christian and Civil Government (Romans 13:1-7)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
9. “Your Face, O LORD, I Will Seek” (Ps. 27:8, MT): Figures Of Speech and Our ConductMultiple Authors0.05
Romans 5Bob Utley0.05
2 Corinthians 5Bob Utley0.05
Could you give a list of the Bible references that the "faith healers" use and explain the validity of their position?admin0.05
Zechariah 2Bob Utley0.05
Luke 11Bob Utley0.05
16. The Strong and the Weak (Romans 14)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
6. Exhortation to Unity—Part II (Philippians 2:1-4)Greg Herrick0.05
9. The Teachings of Paul on Divorce (Part 1)William Luck0.05
Law or Liberty?Karen Finch0.05
SatanologyJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
The Pentecostal Experience - A Study in Acts 2Lehman Strauss0.05
Does Mark 1:1 Call Jesus 'God’s Son’? A Brief Text-Critical NoteDaniel B. Wallace0.05
Mark #17: The Wisdom to Deal With FailureJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
Paul and Civil Obedience in Romans 13:1-7Greg Herrick0.05
The Trinity, Acting in Unityadmin0.05
12. The Submission of Slaves to Masters (1 Peter 2:18-25)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
1 Corinthians 2Bob Utley0.05
10. SelfMiles J. Stanford0.05
1 Thessalonians 1Bob Utley0.05
Our Callingadmin0.05
5. Radical Transforming PowerMelanie Newton0.05
1. The Holy Spirit in the Hebrew Bible and Its Connections to the New TestamentRichard E. Averbeck0.05
4. In Time of NeedLehman Strauss0.05
John 15Bob Utley0.05
Lesson 11: Avoiding Spiritual Deception, Part 2 (1 John 2:24-27)Steven J. Cole0.05
14. Study and Exposition of Romans 5:12-21Greg Herrick0.05
Crumbling Theological Foundations? The Need for Theological RevivalMichael Patton0.05
1 Corinthians 6Bob Utley0.05
A1. The Preincarnate Son of GodJohn F. Walvoord0.05
1 Timothy 6Bob Utley0.05
Ephesians 3Bob Utley0.05
Revelation 6-7Bob Utley0.05
9. Meekness and RestKenneth Boa0.05
36. The Great Commission, Part IV The Great Commission: Breaking Old Boundaries (Matthew 28:16-20)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
3. Jésus-Christ: “Notre Grand Dieu et Sauveur”Greg Herrick0.05
5. Restored and Rejoiced Over as God’s ChildSandra Glahn0.05
8. Was das Gesetz nicht schaffen kann (Galater 3:10-18)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Fostering Participation in the Adult Learning ProcessGreg Herrick0.05
4. Topical Prayer: The Persons of GodRobert Hill0.05
19. The Translation of Elijah--Part 2 (2 Kings 2:1-11)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
48. Table Talks (Luke 14:1-24)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Reasons for Human Suffering?admin0.05
Sacred Imagination and the Gospel: A Review of "The Passion of the Christ"A.B. Caneday0.05
18. The Translation of Elijah--Part 1 (2 Kings 2:1-11)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
13. The Church as Family: Why Male Leadership in the Family Requires Male Leadership in the ChurchVern Sheridan Poythress0.05
Galatians 2Bob Utley0.05
Granville Sharp: A Model of Evangelical Scholarship and Social ActivismDaniel B. Wallace0.05
Joshua 18Bob Utley0.05
2.7. The Prayer-Filled Life (Part 1)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
Marriage: Intimates or Inmates?Kenneth Boa0.05
28. The Eternal State (Rev 21:1-22:5)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
5. A Heaven to Seek (Revelation 21:1-22:5)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
8. The Believer's Hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)Melanie Newton0.05
Lesson 39: Imitating the God of Love (Ephesians 5:1-2)Steven J. Cole0.05
Is 1 Thessalonians 2.13-16 an Interpolation?Daniel B. Wallace0.05
2.5. The Spirit-Filled Life (Part 2)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
2. Classic Posttribulational Interpretation John F. Walvoord0.05
1. Love and JoyHope Olson0.05