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Lesson 6: Principles of Biblical Interpretation

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As a Protestant I cherish the NT teaching on the priesthood of believers—that each Christian has the right to his own interpretation, but also that each Christian has the responsibility to get it right. ―Daniel Wallace


When it comes to making claims about what the Bible means, sometimes we hear comments from Christians or non-Christians like the following: “Well, that’s just your interpretation.” “The Bible can be made to say anything you want.” “You can’t really understand the Bible. It is full of contradictions.” “No one can understand the true meaning of anything anyone says.” Or, someone sitting in a Bible study might say, “This is what the Bible means to me.” All of these types of comments are about principles of biblical interpretation also called in theological jargon hermeneutics. Welcome to our postmodern world. Pilate’s question lives on: “What is truth? (John 18:38).”

Some issues that we as Christians face regarding the topic of biblical interpretation include: How does divine inspiration and human authorship affect biblical interpretation? What does a text mean? What are some general principles of interpretation? How do we interpret the Old Testament? How do we interpret the New Testament? These are all critical questions for us to consider as we seek to become better interpreters of God’s word, the Bible.

What Does a Text Mean?

The last lesson looked at the topic of inspiration and found that the Bible is both a human book and a divine book. There are certain implications of this for biblical interpretation. The first is that the human authors had a specific historical audience, context and purpose. These authors used their own language, writing methods, style of writing and literary form of writing. The divine authorship of the Bible gives it its unity and the ultimate source of all interpretation is from God. In the book of Genesis Joseph was asked about the meaning of some divinely given dreams and he replied, “Don’t interpretations belong to God? (Gen 40:8).

So let’s just start with the most basic question. What does a text mean? The answer to this question is that a text means what the author intended it to mean. If there is only one thing you learn from this lesson this is it. For a simple example, if you wrote a letter with some statements in it that are a little ambiguous, then what does the letter mean? Does it mean what you intended it to mean or how the readers interpret it? Of course it means what you intended it to mean. The true meaning of a text resides in the authorial intent of the text. This leads us to the first primary and fundamental principle of interpreting the Bible.

General Principles of Biblical Interpretation

Principle 1: Interpretation must be based on the author’s intention of meaning and not the reader. This means we must get into the author’s context, historically, grammatically, culturally and the literary forms and conventions the author was working in. To be able to do this some good Bible study tools are needed since we are 2000 years or more removed from the biblical authors and their context is very different than ours. The first tool that any one should get is a good study Bible with notes that explain historical and cultural background information. Most major Bible translations come in editions with these types of notes but by far the NET Bible with its over 60,000 notes surpasses them all. Get the most extensive Study Bible that goes with the translation you use. After this, good evangelical commentaries are essential tools to study the Bible but make sure to look at a couple to get a variety of perspectives. When someone in a Bible study states what the verse means to him, we need to redirect and clarify that the meaning is what the author intended. After that the question then is how that historical meaning applies to us today. The second principle of biblical interpretation should also be considered foundational.

Principle 2: Interpretations must be done in the context of the passage. What does the following mean? “It was a ball.” Well, the answer depends on the context. Consider the following sentences: The baseball umpire saw the pitch drift to the outside and said, “it was a ball.” We went to the dance last night, in fact it was so formal “it was a ball.” As I was walking along the golf course I spotted something small and white in the tall grass, “it was a ball.” I had so much fun at the game night, “it was a ball.” In each case the word ball means something different. Therefore, context determines meaning! The nearest context must be given the most weight in interpretation. First, there is the near context of the sentence, then the paragraph, then the section and then the book and even author. The interpreter should look at all these circles of context to be able to correctly assess the meaning.

Far too often people try to interpret a verse by itself in isolation without looking at the context itself. For example, consider the verse Revelation 3:20 which is sometimes used as an illustration for evangelism. Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me (Rev 3:20; NASB).1 If this is all you looked at, it would be easy to understand the verse in terms of someone asking Jesus into his or her life for the first time. But the context in the preceding verse (v. 19) is talking about discipline of those whom Jesus loves, which would most naturally refer to believers. Also, in looking at the larger paragraph the passage is to a church
(Rev 3:14, 22). The verse is really addressed to believers who need to repent from their sin and return to fellowship with God.

Principle 3: Interpret the Bible literally (or normally) allowing for normal use of figurative language. Take the plain meaning of the text at face value. When the literal does not make sense you probably have a figure of speech. For example, Isaiah 55:12 states the trees of the field will clap their hands. Since trees do not have hands or clap this must be a figure of speech. Look for words such as “like” or “as” which can also communicate a figure of speech. Figures of speech and illustrations give the Bible a powerful and colorful means of expression. They are an important part of the normal expression of language.

Principle 4: Use the Bible to help interpret itself. Interpret difficult passages with clear ones. This is sometimes called the law of non-contradiction. Because the Bible is God’s word, and God is true, the Bible will not contradict itself. For example, there are clear passages that teach the doctrine of eternal security, that once a person is truly saved he or she cannot lose salvation (John 5; Rom 8). Some passages in the Bible are very hard to interpret like Hebrews 6:4-6.2 So I would let the overall and clear theology of the Bible influence me that a very hard passage like Hebrews 6 is not teaching that someone can lose his salvation. Also, use the New Testament to help interpret the Old Testament. This recognizes the progressive nature of revelation, that is the Bible is giving more revelation on topics over time. But one must start by interpreting the Old Testament text in its context before a New Testament consideration is made.

Principle 5: Interpretation must be distinguished from application. While there is one interpretation that is historical, there are many applications that can be carried over to our modern context. Build an application bridge from the interpretation to the timeless principle and then to the application now. For example in John 12, Mary anoints Jesus with very expensive oil. The historical context records a historical event. The interpretation relates only to what Mary did to Jesus. What about us today? An application might be that we are willing to give sacrificially for the Lord’s work and give Jesus acts of worship as Mary did. Or when Jesus states the principle in Matt 7 to love one’s enemies it is a general command that I might apply specifically by loving a worker who undermines me or a neighbor who offends me.

Principle 6: Be sensitive to distinctions between Israel and the church and Old Covenant and New Covenant eras/requirements. Promises made to Israel in the Old Testament cannot automatically be transferred to the church in which we are a part. For example, the land promises were given to Abraham and his descendants (Gen 12:7) but that does not include me, a Gentile Christian. Christians are not under the requirements of the Mosaic law (Rom 6:14). For example, in Lev 19:19 there is a command “you must not wear a garment made of two different kinds of fabric.” This was a binding command under the Mosaic law but not under the terms of the New Covenant. It is true that certain Old Testament commands repeated in the New Testament are still binding, but this is made clear by their repetition in the New Testament. The church was formed in Acts 2 with the descent of the Holy Spirit and most direct statements to and about the church occur after that. Also, there is a future for national Israel (cf. Rom 11) in which many Old Testament promises will yet be fulfilled and certain practices of the church age will come to an end at the second coming of Jesus (such as the Lord’s supper 1 Cor 11:26).

Principle 7: Be sensitive to the type of literature you are in. The Bible contains many different types of literature: law, narrative, wisdom, poetry, gospel, parable, epistle, and apocalyptic. Each of these types of literature has specific features that must be considered when interpreting a text. Some of these will be examined in the next section. For now we need to understand that where we are in the Bible makes a big difference on how we interpret and apply it.

Interpreting the Old Testament

Narrative Literature: Much of the Old Testament contains narrative literature. First, the passage needs to be interpreted in its historical context and then applications can be drawn from the characters and events. In the book of Judges, only one verse is given to the judge Shamgar. It reads, “After Ehud came Shamgar son of Anath; he killed six hundred Philistines with an oxgoad3 and he too delivered Israel” (Judges 3:31). Why did God include this passage? Yes, it records an historical event. Also, the verse teaches God’s delivering power can come in an unexpected way, not with a mighty army but with one man wielding an oxgoad.

Law: Realize that Christians are not under the law as a legal system (Rom 6:14) but that we are to fulfill the principles that stand behind the law of loving God and loving one’s neighbor (cf. Matt 22:37-40)? Sometimes the teaching is carried directly into the New Testament (e.g., Do not murder, etc). Other times, the New Testament takes a text and applies a principle from it. For example, “You must not muzzle your ox when it is treading grain” (Deut 25:4). Paul takes this verse, which refers to feeding a work animal and applies the principle of the Christian worker being worthy of tangible support. Paul states, “Elders who provide effective leadership must be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard in speaking and teaching. For the scripture says, ‘Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain,’ and, ‘The worker deserves his pay’” (1 Tim 5:17-18, cf. 1 Cor 9:9). In general, if the Old Testament command in the law is not repeated in the New Testament, look for the principle behind the statement in the law and then try to apply that.

Wisdom Literature: Realize that much of the proverbial type of wisdom in the Old Testament is general truth based on observations but not absolute truths or promises. Two good examples are seen in the following: “A gentle response turns away anger, but a harsh word stirs up wrath” (Prov 15:1). Another one is, “Train a child in the way that he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it” (Prov 22:6). Christians should not take these types of proverbial statements as promises of what will always happen but rather patterns that are generally true outcomes based on observation. A gentle answer will not always prevent an angry outburst but it is much more likely to than a harsh one. Christian parents who have a child who has gone astray from the faith may have done their best to train the child the right way but the child did not take it.

Poetry: Realize that poetry often has a greater use of figurate language than narrative or law. Also, Hebrew poetry’s main characteristic is parallelism. For example, Psalm 24 says, “The Lord owns the earth and all it contains, the world and all who live in it. For he set its foundation upon the seas, and established it upon the ocean currents. Who is allowed to ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may go up to his holy dwelling place?” (Ps 24:1-3). Here we have three sets of pairs in side by side fashion with the second reference restating the basic idea of the first. The phrase “the earth and all it contains” is amplified by the phrase “the world and all who live in it”. The phrase “he sets its foundation upon the seas” is rephrased “established it upon the ocean currents.” The question of who is allowed to ascend to the mountain of the Lord is restated “Who may go up to his Holy Dwelling place?” Most English Bible translations will format poetry using indentation, which helps show the parallel ideas.

Interpreting the New Testament

Gospels: Understand that each writer has a specific audience for whom he is writing, and that he has selected his material for them. Matthew was written for a Jewish audience. Mark was written for a Roman audience. Luke was written for a Greek audience. John was written for a universal or Gentile audience. This can help us see nuances or explain differences between accounts. For example, in Matthew 19:1-12 and Mark 10:1-12 Jesus teaches on the hard topic of divorce. Both gospels state that a man who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her. Mark alone though adds the point that if a woman divorces her husband and marries another she commits adultery against him. Why is this difference there? It probably has to do with the audience. Matthew is writing to a Jewish culture in which a woman could not divorce her husband while Mark is writing to a Roman audience in which one could.

Read the gospels not only vertically, that is, understanding what is said in each individual account, but also horizontally, that is, considering why one account follows another. For example, see Mark 2-3:6; what do these various accounts have in common? One can notice that they are all different stories that relate to the conflict that Jesus had with the Jewish leadership. Mark 3:6 reads, “So the Pharisees went out immediately and began plotting with the Herodians as to how they could assassinate him.” The stories are grouped in a way that gives an explanation as to why Jesus was rejected as strongly as he was.

Lastly, recognize that the gospels are in a transitional stage between Old and New Covenants. Jesus lived in the context of Judaism prior to the birth of the church. For example, Jesus is keeping the Old Testament prescribed feasts in many of his journeys to Jerusalem. Also, he is introducing changes that will be inaugurated with the start of the New Covenant. For example, in Mark 7 Jesus declared all foods clean which was a change from the Old Testament dietary laws.4

Parables.5 Parables are a form of figurative speech. They are stories that are used to illustrate a truth. There are parables in different parts of the Bible but Jesus was the master of them and many are found in the gospels (e.g., Matt 13, Mark 4, Luke 15). How then should we interpret the parables? First, determine the context that prompted the parable. Parables always arise out of a context. For example the Pharisees disdain for Jesus eating with tax collectors and sinners prompts Jesus to tell a parable about how God loves a lost sinner who repents (Luke 15). Second, understand the story’s natural meaning which is often taken from real life situations in first century Palestine. Third, ascertain the main point or truth the parable is trying to give and focus on this. Only interpret the details of the parables if they can be validated from the passage. Many details are there only for the setting of the story. For example, what is the main point of the mustard seed parable? Jesus stated: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. It is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest garden plant and becomes a tree, so that the wild birds come and nest in its branches” (Matt 13:31-32). The parable is an illustration of the kingdom of heaven which starts small but grows to be very large in size. This seems to be the main point. The birds and the branches are probably there only to illustrate how large the tree has become.

Acts. Recognize that Acts is a theologized history of the early church. Acts tells what the church was doing from the human side of things and what God was doing from the divine side of things. For example, consider these passages on the early growth of the church which refer to the same event but from two different perspectives. “So those who accepted his message were baptized, and that day about three thousand people were added”. . . . (Acts 2:41) “And the Lord was adding to their number everyday those who were being saved” (Acts 2:47). Here we see what God is doing in and through the church. Also, we need to recognize that the church starts in Acts 2 with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The baptism of the Spirit, the filling of the Spirit, church planting and gospel outreach characterize the events of the book. In addition, some events in Acts are descriptive of what happened not proscriptive of what is necessarily expected in the modern church. For example, Samaritan believers did not receive the Holy Spirit in Acts 8 upon faith in Jesus. They had to wait for Peter and John to get there. When Paul was bitten by a viper in Malta, yet he miraculously lived (Acts 28:1-5). These are descriptions of what happened and are not necessarily normative of what happens in the church today. So it probably would not be a good idea to start snake handling services!

The book of Acts is also a book of transitions. First there are key transitions in biography. This is especially true as the book focuses more on the ministry of Peter in the first portions of the book then shifts to Paul. There is also a transition in ministry focus from the Jews to the Samaritans and to the Gentiles. Lastly there is a geographical transition starting in Jerusalem taking the gospel outward into Samaria, Asia Minor, Europe and eventually Rome. In Acts 1:8 Luke gives us a rough outline of the progression emphasizing the progress of the gospel. “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the farthest parts of the earth."

Epistles. Since the New Testament epistles are directed to churches and individuals in the church, they most directly apply to us today. Most commands given in the epistles are general enough in nature that we need to obey them, or in the case of promises we can claim them. For example in 1 Corinthians 15 there is a promise given for immortal bodies and eventual victory over death. These promises are not just for those in the local Corinthian church but the universal church of God.

In the epistles, pay special attention to logical connectors/conjunctions to explore relationships of clauses and sentences. Look for these types of words: “for, “therefore,” “but,” etc. For example Hebrews 12:1 reads, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, we must get rid of every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and run with endurance the race set out for us.” The word therefore points back to the previous chapter in which Old Testament saints were held up as people who had given a good testimony or witness of faith. The phrase “cloud of witnesses” then would naturally refer back to the people of the preceding chapter. In another example the author of Hebrews writes, “So since we are receiving an unshakable kingdom, let us give thanks, and through this let us offer worship pleasing to God in devotion and awe. For our God is indeed a devouring fire” (Heb 12:28-29). Here the word for sets up a subordinate idea giving the reason we as Christians should offer worship in devotion and awe to God.

Revelation. Revelation is the one book in the New Testament that is one of the hardest to interpret. There are several reasons for this. First, there are substantially different interpretative approaches on the overall timing of the book. Some see most of it as purely historical. Some see most of it as yet future. Second, there are many Old Testament allusions in Revelation. Allusions are phrases and references to the Old Testament without an explicit statement by John that he is quoting the Old Testament. So when John refers to the Old Testament he generally does not tell you he is doing so. Third, there is a greater use of symbolic language in Revelation than in other parts of the Bible. Revelation is in a form of literature known as apocalyptic.6

How can one get started? First, the book of Revelation promises a blessing to the one who reads it (Rev 1:3). So we should read it even if we do not completely understand everything. The basic thrust of Revelation’s message is clear. Jesus is coming again and will defeat the forces of evil. We can be assured of this. Other interpretative helps that can be given would be to interpret the seven churches as seven historical churches in existence in the first century A.D (Rev 2-3). Interpret chapter 4 onward as primarily future events from our perspective (Rev 1:18-19).7 Follow a generally chronological view of the book from chapter 4 sequencing the bowls, trumpets and seals, second coming of Jesus, millennial kingdom and eternal state. Use a study Bible with a good set of notes to help frame common interpretations and Old Testament backgrounds. Lastly, become a student of the book and keep working at it.

Conclusion and Summary

Biblical passages must be interpreted according to the intention of the author and in the context in which the statement is made. Interpretation must be distinguished from application. One must be sensitive to what type of literature one is in and how this may or may not apply to a believer in the church age. Interpreting the Bible is sometimes hard work but it’s always worth the cost. David reminds us of the value of God’s word, “They are of greater value than gold, than even a great amount of pure gold; they bring greater delight than honey, than even the sweetest honey from a honeycomb” (Ps 19:10).

Discussion Questions

  1. What types of interpretations have you heard where you questioned the method of interpretation?
  2. What would happen to interpretation if the church used reader centered interpretations as opposed to an author centered interpretations?
  3. How does the Holy Spirit help us in interpreting the Bible (1 Cor 2)?
  4. If the Holy Spirit is guiding us in interpretation why do godly Christians have differing interpretations on various passages?
  5. What is our relationship, if any, to the Old Testament Commandments/Law?
  6. Why are only 9 of the 10 commandments repeated in the New Testament? The Sabbath command is the one of the ten commandments that is not there.
  7. How does the distinction between the church and Israel affect application of the Old Testament?
  8. How do you know if something is symbolic or not?

1 The NET Bible gives a translation rendering that helps to alleviate this confusion. “Listen! I am standing at the door and knocking! If anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come into his home and share a meal with him, and he with me” (Rev 3:20).

2 For it is impossible in the case of those who have once been enlightened, tasted the heavenly gift, become partakers of the Holy Spirit, 5 tasted the good word of God and the miracles of the coming age, 6 and then have committed apostasy, to renew them again to repentance, since they are crucifying the Son of God for themselves all over again and holding him up to contempt (Heb 6:4-6 NET).

3 An oxgoad is simply a long stick with a pointed end that was used to prod animals into walking.

4 He [Jesus] said to them, "Are you so foolish? Don't you understand that whatever goes into a person from outside cannot defile him? 19 For it does not enter his heart but his stomach, and then goes out into the sewer." (This means all foods are clean.)(Mark 7:18-19 NET).

5 Adapted from Roy Zuck, Basic Bible Interpretation (Colorado Springs: Victor, 1991) 194-226.

6 A scholarly definition of Apocalyptic: “a genre of revelatory literature with a narrative framework, in which a revelation is mediated by an otherworldly being to a human recipient, disclosing a transcendent reality which is both temporal, insofar as it envisages eschatological salvation, and spatial insofar as it involves another supernatural world” J.J. Collins “Apocalypse: The Morphology of a Genre,” Semeia 14 (1979), 9. Revelation focuses on the future and spiritual world to a much greater degree than other portions of the New Testament and it is communicated in visions and symbolic language.

7 Revelation 1:19 gives a basic chronological outline of the book. “Therefore write what you saw, what is, and what will be after these things” (Rev 1:19 NET). (past: what you saw (Chapter 1:9-20); present: what is (Chapters 2-3); and future: what will take place after these things (Chapters 4-22:5).

Related Topics: Basics for Christians, Bible Study Methods, Bibliology (The Written Word), Christian Life, Hermeneutics

O Caminho Romano para o Céu

Existe um Caminho Romano que conduz ao Céu! Mas não é uma daquelas estradas construídas pelos trabalhadores de César. Não pertence a nenhuma das 53 000 milhas de estradas que os romanos construíram.

Encontrará o “Caminho Romano para o Céu” claramente assinalado na Carta aos Romanos - o sexto livro do Novo Testamento.

Este pequeno livro de dezasseis capítulos foi escrito pelo Apóstolo Paulo quando se encontrava em Corinto. Enviou-o aos cristãos de Roma através de Febe, serva da igreja de Cêncris (Romanos 16:1,2).

Lucas conta a história de dois ladrões que foram crucificados no dia em que Jesus morreu. Um deles perdeu-se para sempre. O outro foi salvo para sempre. Este ouviu Jesus dizer: “Em verdade te digo: hoje estarás comigo no paraíso” (Lucas 23:43). Confessou que estava perdido e que era culpado e merecedor de morte! (Lucas 23:40-42).

  • O ladrão não convertido morreu nos seus pecados (Lucas 23:39).
  • Já o ladrão arrependido morreu para os seus pecados (Lucas 23:42).
  • Jesus Cristo morreu pelos nossos pecados (I Timóteo 1:15).

“Como está escrito: Não há nenhum justo, nem um sequer” (Romanos 3:10).

“Pois todos pecaram e estão privados da glória de Deus” (Romanos 3:23).

“Por isso, assim como por um só homem [Adão] entrou o pecado no mundo, e pelo pecado a morte, assim a morte passou a todo o género humano, porque todos pecaram” (Romanos 5:12).

Todos pecaram. Eu pequei. Você pecou. Mas há boas notícias: “Deus, porém, demonstra o seu amor para connosco, pelo facto de que, quando éramos ainda pecadores, Cristo morreu por nós” (Romanos 5:8).

Agora, abra a sua Bíblia ou Novo Testamento na Carta aos Romanos. Juntos, vamos desenhar um mapa do Caminho Romano para o Céu.

COMO DESENHAR O MAPA: Comece em Romanos 3:10. Sublinhe este versículo e escreva na margem “O Caminho para o Céu Começa Aqui”. Depois, escreva também na margem “Romanos 3:23”.

Procure agora Romanos 3:23: “Todos pecaram e estão privados da glória de Deus”.

Mais uma vez, escreva na margem “Romanos 5:12”.

Foque-se agora em Romanos 5:12 e, ao lado desse versículo, escreva “Romanos 5:8”. Sublinhe o versículo 8, escrevendo ao lado deste “Romanos 10:9-13”.

Leia agora esses versículos:

“Portanto, se com a tua boca confessares que Jesus é o Senhor, e se em teu coração creres que Deus o ressuscitou de entre os mortos, serás salvo. É crendo de coração que se obtém a justiça, e é professando com palavras que se chega à salvação. A Escritura diz: Todo o que nele crer não será confundido. Pois não há distinção entre judeu e grego, porque todos têm um mesmo Senhor, rico para com todos os que o invocam. Porque todo aquele que invocar o nome do Senhor será salvo” (Romanos 10:9-13).

Eis o mapa. Pode seguir este mapa bíblico até ao Céu. Pode ainda utilizá-lo para conduzir outros até ao Céu.

A Bíblia diz que todos pecaram. A este respeito, leia Romanos 3:10 e 3:23.

O preço do pecado é a morte. Acerca disto, leia Romanos 5:12 e 6:23.

Jesus pagou o preço pelos nossos pecados. Leia Romanos 5:8.

Está disposto agora a pedir a Deus que perdoe os seus pecados? Está pronto para aceitar Jesus como seu Salvador, Aquele que pagou o preço pelos seus pecados?

Se assim for, reze esta oração, ou outra semelhante...

Querido Deus, eu creio que Jesus Cristo veio para ser o meu Salvador. Peço-te que perdoes os meus pecados e entres agora no meu coração. Toma-me como sou e faz de mim o que desejas que eu seja. Em nome de Jesus. Ámen.

De acordo com a Bíblia, se morrer nos seus pecados, irá para o Inferno. Contudo, se confessar os seus pecados e aceitar Jesus Cristo como seu Salvador, Ele conceder-lhe-á o dom gratuito da vida eterna, e você estará no Caminho Romano para o Céu.

Autor desconhecido

網上牧師雜誌 – 中文版(繁體), TCh Ed, Issue 36 2020 年 夏季

A ministry of…

作者: Roger Pascoe 博士, 主席
郵箱: [email protected]













例子#2:女人蒙頭(哥前11).這裡有三種不同的解釋(參見R.C.Sproul, Knowing Scripture,107)。選項#1:並非原則,而只是當時文化下的一種方式。這種解釋認為,這個命令只限於當時巴勒斯坦地區的文化。在那裡基督徒婦女低於男人。她們依據當時巴勒斯坦的風俗蒙頭,來體現她們的從屬地位(a)她們的謙遜,以及(b)她們對男人的順服。但是在我們現代的文化下,女人既不被要求蒙頭,也不被認為低於男人。



女人蒙頭一直以來都有爭議,在部分基督徒範圍內至今持續。這段經文的詮釋具有極大的爭議,主要因為它包含一些難懂的字句。保羅在一處說,女人的頭髮就是她們頭上的遮蓋,由此她們為什麼還需要頭巾呢(哥前11:15)? 這段經文的應用也有極大的爭議。在今天某些文化下,女人(不論是否是基督徒)都會帶不同的蓋頭(比如,穆斯林婦女的面紗;東歐女人的頭巾)。




這四個指導方針會幫助你理解和解釋經文中的文化問題(改編自R.C.Sproul, Knowing Scripture,108ff).


我們需要區別神的律法(比如獻祭)與文化制度的不同。神改變了律法,因為律法本來就不是為了永久設定的(哥後3:7,11,13;來8:7ff)。文化制度,比如婚姻、奴隸制度。有人認為,新約對待奴隸的態度已經改變了(比如阿尼西姆不被處死,卻被以弟兄相待),因此就認為婚姻關係(比如妻子不再在丈夫的權柄之下)以及女人在教會的角色(女人也可以做牧師)也是可以改變的。但是就像R.C.Sproul指出的,“我們必須仔細區分聖經只是承認其存在的制度,比如在上有權柄的(羅13:1,KJV),以及聖經積極建立、認可以及命令的制度,比如婚姻”。他繼續說道,“順服在上權威機構(比如羅馬政府)的原則,並不是說神認可這個機構,而只是呼召我們要謙卑和公民式的順服。上帝在他的終極隱秘旨意中可能會指定一個凱撒奧古斯都,但並不認可凱撒是基督徒道德的模範。然而,在新舊兩約中,婚姻構成及權柄模式都是在積極建立和認可的背景下給予的。把聖經的家庭制度和奴隸問題看得等同,就是混淆了它們之間的諸多不同。因此聖經為基督徒在壓迫或邪惡的情況下的行為提供了基礎,同時也有為反映神創世的美好設計而建立了結構或制度。” (Sproul, Knowing Scripture, 109)




比如,你有時候會聽到傳道人說保羅關於女人的頭髮和蒙頭的命令,是因為他想要女基督徒與當時文化下廟裡的妓女區分開來。但是,就像R.C.Sproul指出(見Knowing Scripture, 110)的,這是把某些學者的猜測讀進經文裡面,好像這是這個命令背後的原因。實際上,在這個例子中,把這種猜測讀進經文中是錯誤的,因為保羅說女人順服男人的命令(哥前11:8-11)是基於神創造的先例,在第一世紀是以蒙頭的方式來體現的。這和廟裡的妓女沒有任何關係,雖然,毫無疑問,廟裡的妓女確實表現出了厚顏無恥的行為,不僅露出了他們的頭,還剃光了他們的頭髮(參考哥前11:5b-6)。


方針 #3: 不論何時,只要作者給出的命令是基於神的創造,他給出的都是一個沒有時間限制,適用于所有文化的、普遍的原則。




因此,我們可以得出兩個結論:(1)基於創造的教導是跨文化的,除非因為神漸進的啟示,在後來的經文中有了修改(Sproul 111);(2)雖然基於創造的原則是沒有文化限制的,但是這些原則體現的方式可能是文化性的。

方針 #4:當不確定一個聖經的命令是文化性的還是跨文化的,要寧可作為跨文化的。





















基督徒的生命是因忍耐的盼望而維持。我們的盼望不是做夢式的盼望,也不是“耶誕節的美好願望”式的盼望,也不是一個被沉重的環境壓碎的盼望。有人說“基督徒的盼望是你對一種沒有經歷過的實際的確信” (Alistair Begg)。我們的盼望是福音的盼望,是救贖的保障,是我們救主即將再來的期待。我們的盼望是我們這些曾經沒有盼望的人,現在所擁有的、取代失望和壓迫的盼望。







福音救贖的大能體現在(1)神主權的揀選“被神所愛的弟兄啊,我知道你們是蒙揀選的”(1:4。如果你沒有被神“揀選”,你無法成為福音為中心的人——被神所愛,蒙揀選的人。不論你是否理解,也不論你是否喜歡,揀選都是聖經裡面的一個教義。揀選這個詞,被用來形容神主權選擇某些人得到救恩(參考 弗1:4; 羅 9:11; 11:5, 7, 28;彼後 1:10)。




福音的救贖大能體現在2)聖靈籍著神的話做工 講道是神指定的傳講福音的方式,這就需要使用神的話。但是講道不僅僅是言語,單單靠言語並不能改變生命。籍著言語,我們傳講神的真理;籍著聖靈,我們經歷神的大能。保羅說“因為我們的福音傳到你們那裡,不獨在乎言語,也在乎權能和聖靈”(1:5a

福音救贖的能力是當神的話語得到聖靈的應用,因為神的話和聖靈同時做工。John Stott寫到:“我們軟弱的人所說出來的神的話,需要得到神權能的肯定…我們不能把神結合在一起分開,也就是神的話和聖靈。神的話是聖靈的寶劍。聖靈沒有神的話就失去了武器;而神的話缺少了聖靈就失去了能力。” (John Stott, The Gospel and the End of Time, 帖撒羅尼迦前書, 34)















我們可能不會像中國、蘇丹、越南、柬埔寨和許多其他地方的基督徒一樣遭受逼迫,但我們將面對無神論者和進化論者的嘲笑,同性戀者和激進宗教團體的公然憤怒 ,以及那些反對福音絕對真理和排他性的人的敵對。



















這就是真正屬靈的、真實基督信仰的寫照:“敬虔的人,是那些在他們的行為和言語中彰顯福音的人”。 以福音為中心的人因為我們的所作所為而為人所知—通過作工體現信心,用服侍表達愛,用忍耐表達盼望的人。以福音為中心的人因為他們的所是而為人所知—那些生命被福音改變,自己效法主也成為別人效法榜樣的人。


III. 講道大綱

如果想聽關於這些的英文講道,請點選連結: Link 1 - 啟 2:18-20; Link 2 - 啟 2:20-23; Link 3 - 啟 2:23-29.

題目: 給七個教會的信: 推雅推喇 –進步的同時也有墮落


要點1: 基督認可這個教會的進步 (2:19)

要點 2: 基督定罪這個教會的墮落 (2:20)

要點 3: 基督警告教會,如果它不悔改 (2:21-23)

要點 4: 教會肯定他對教會的恩典 (2:24-29)

Related Topics: Pastors

网上牧师杂志–中文版(简体), SCh Ed, Issue 36 2020 年 夏季

A ministry of…

作者: Roger Pascoe 博士, 主席
邮箱: [email protected]













例子#2:女人蒙头(哥前11).这里有三种不同的解释(参见R.C.Sproul, Knowing Scripture,107)。选项#1:并非原则,而只是当时文化下的一种方式。这种解释认为,这个命令只限于当时巴勒斯坦地区的文化。在那里基督徒妇女低于男人。她们依据当时巴勒斯坦的风俗蒙头,来体现她们的从属地位(a)她们的谦逊,以及(b)她们对男人的顺服。但是在我们现代的文化下,女人既不被要求蒙头,也不被认为低于男人。



女人蒙头一直以来都有争议,在部分基督徒范围内至今持续。这段经文的诠释具有极大的争议,主要因为它包含一些难懂的字句。保罗在一处说,女人的头发就是她们头上的遮盖,由此她们为什么还需要头巾呢(哥前11:15)? 这段经文的应用也有极大的争议。在今天某些文化下,女人(不论是否是基督徒)都会带不同的盖头(比如,穆斯林妇女的面纱;东欧女人的头巾)。




这四个指导方针会帮助你理解和解释经文中的文化问题(改编自R.C.Sproul, Knowing Scripture,108ff).


我们需要区别神的律法(比如献祭)与文化制度的不同。神改变了律法,因为律法本来就不是为了永久设定的(哥后3:7,11,13;来8:7ff)。文化制度,比如婚姻、奴隶制度。有人认为,新约对待奴隶的态度已经改变了(比如阿尼西姆不被处死,却被以弟兄相待),因此就认为婚姻关系(比如妻子不再在丈夫的权柄之下)以及女人在教会的角色(女人也可以做牧师)也是可以改变的。但是就像R.C.Sproul指出的,“我们必须仔细区分圣经只是承认其存在的制度,比如在上有权柄的(罗13:1,KJV),以及圣经积极建立、认可以及命令的制度,比如婚姻”。他继续说道,“顺服在上权威机构(比如罗马政府)的原则,并不是说神认可这个机构,而只是呼召我们要谦卑和公民式的顺服。上帝在他的终极隐秘旨意中可能会指定一个凯撒奥古斯都,但并不认可凯撒是基督徒道德的模范。然而,在新旧两约中,婚姻构成及权柄模式都是在积极建立和认可的背景下给予的。把圣经的家庭制度和奴隶问题看得等同,就是混淆了它们之间的诸多不同。因此圣经为基督徒在压迫或邪恶的情况下的行为提供了基础,同时也有为反映神创世的美好设计而建立了结构或制度。” (Sproul, Knowing Scripture, 109)




比如,你有时候会听到传道人说保罗关于女人的头发和蒙头的命令,是因为他想要女基督徒与当时文化下庙里的妓女区分开来。但是,就像R.C.Sproul指出(见Knowing Scripture, 110)的,这是把某些学者的猜测读进经文里面,好像这是这个命令背后的原因。实际上,在这个例子中,把这种猜测读进经文中是错误的,因为保罗说女人顺服男人的命令(哥前11:8-11)是基于神创造的先例,在第一世纪是以蒙头的方式来体现的。这和庙里的妓女没有任何关系,虽然,毫无疑问,庙里的妓女确实表现出了厚颜无耻的行为,不仅露出了他们的头,还剃光了他们的头发(参考哥前11:5b-6)。


方针 #3: 不论何时,只要作者给出的命令是基于神的创造,他给出的都是一个没有时间限制,适用于所有文化的、普遍的原则。




因此,我们可以得出两个结论:(1)基于创造的教导是跨文化的,除非因为神渐进的启示,在后来的经文中有了修改(Sproul 111);(2)虽然基于创造的原则是没有文化限制的,但是这些原则体现的方式可能是文化性的。

方针 #4:当不确定一个圣经的命令是文化性的还是跨文化的,要宁可作为跨文化的。





















基督徒的生命是因忍耐的盼望而维持。我们的盼望不是做梦式的盼望,也不是“圣诞节的美好愿望”式的盼望,也不是一个被沉重的环境压碎的盼望。有人说“基督徒的盼望是你对一种没有经历过的实际的确信” (Alistair Begg)。我们的盼望是福音的盼望,是救赎的保障,是我们救主即将再来的期待。我们的盼望是我们这些曾经没有盼望的人,现在所拥有的、取代失望和压迫的盼望。







福音救赎的大能体现在(1)神主权的拣选“被神所的弟兄啊,我知道你是蒙拣选的”(1:4。如果你没有被神拣选,你无法成为福音为中心的人——被神所爱,蒙拣选的人。不论你是否理解,也不论你是否喜欢,拣选都是圣经里面的一个教义。拣选这个词,被用来形容神主权选择某些人得到救恩(参考 弗1:4; 罗 9:11; 11:5, 7, 28;彼后 1:10)。




福音的救大能体2)圣灵籍着神的做工 讲道是神指定的传讲福音的方式,这就需要使用神的话。但是讲道不仅仅是言语,单单靠言语并不能改变生命。籍着言语,我们传讲神的真理;籍着圣灵,我们经历神的大能。保罗说“因的福音到你那里,不独在乎言,也在乎能和圣灵”(1:5a

福音救赎的能力是当神的话语得到圣灵的应用,因为神的话和圣灵同时做工。John Stott写到:“我们软弱的人所说出来的神的话,需要得到神权能的肯定…我们不能把神结合在一起分开,也就是神的话和圣灵。神的话是圣灵的宝剑。圣灵没有神的话就失去了武器;而神的话缺少了圣灵就失去了能力。” (John Stott, The Gospel and the End of Time, 帖撒罗尼迦前书, 34)















我们可能不会像中国、苏丹、越南、柬埔寨和许多其他地方的基督徒一样遭受逼迫,但我们将面对无神论者和进化论者的嘲笑,同性恋者和激进宗教团体的公然愤怒 ,以及那些反对福音绝对真理和排他性的人的敌对。



















这就是真正属灵的、真实基督信仰的写照:“敬虔的人,是那些在他的行和言中彰福音的人”。 以福音为中心的人因为我们的所作所为而为人所知—通过作工体现信心,用服侍表达爱,用忍耐表达盼望的人。以福音为中心的人因为他们的所是而为人所知—那些生命被福音改变,自己效法主也成为别人效法榜样的人。


III. 讲道大纲

如果想听关于这些的英文讲道,请点击链接: Link 1 - 启 2:18-20; Link 2 - 启 2:20-23; Link 3 - 启 2:23-29.

题目: 给七个教会的信: 推雅推喇 –进步的同时也有堕落


要点1: 基督认可这个教会的进步 (2:19)

要点 2: 基督定罪这个教会的堕落 (2:20)

要点 3: 基督警告教会,如果它不悔改 (2:21-23)

要点 4: 教会肯定他对教会的恩典 (2:24-29)

Related Topics: Pastors

Lesson 6: Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus and Israel

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The next major prophecies we will consider are those fulfilled in Christ. “Experts claim that there are about 300 Old Testament prophecies that were fulfilled just in the first coming of Christ. Thirty-three specific prophecies were fulfilled just in the final 24 hours of Jesus’ life on earth.”1 In virtually every Bible book, one will find references to the messiah. Let’s consider a few.

1. The Old Testament prophesied the lineage of Christ.

Christ would come from Abraham (Gen 12:3), Isaac (Gen 21:12), Jacob (Gen 28:14), Judah (Gen 49:10) and finally David (2 Sam. 7:12-16). Matthew and Luke show the fulfillment by recording the genealogy of Christ from both the adopted father, Joseph, and Christ’s mother, Mary.

2. The Old Testament prophesied the birthplace of Christ.

Micah predicted that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem over 700 years before Christ’s birth.2 There were two Bethlehem’s in Israel, and Micah even predicted that it would be the Bethlehem located in Judah. Micah 5:2 says: “As for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, seemingly insignificant among the clans of Judah—from you a king will emerge who will rule over Israel on my behalf, one whose origins are in the distant past.” Matthew 2:1-2, 5-6 gives the fulfillment:

After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, in the time of King Herod, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem saying, “Where is the one who is born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” … ”In Bethlehem of Judea,” they said, “for it is written this way by the prophet: And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are in no way least among the rulers of Judah, for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.’”

3. The Old Testament gives thirty-three prophecies that were all fulfilled on the day of Christ’s death.

Let’s consider a few:

  • He would be betrayed by a friend (Ps 41:9).
  • The price of the betrayal would be thirty pieces of silver (Zech 11:12).
  • The money would be used to buy a potter’s field (Zech 11:13).
  • He would be forsaken and deserted by his disciples (Zech 13:7).
  • He would be accused by false witnesses (Psalm 35:11).
  • He would be silent before his witnesses (Isaiah 53:7).
  • He would be wounded and bruised (Isaiah 53:5).
  • He would be hated without cause (Psalm 69:4).
  • He would be struck and spit on (Isaiah 50:6).
  • He would be mocked, ridiculed, and rejected (Isaiah 53:3).
  • He would collapse in weakness (Psalm 109:24-25).
  • He would be taunted with specific words (Psalm 22:6-8).
  • People would shake their heads at him (Psalm 109:25).
  • He would be executed among sinners (Isaiah 53:12).
  • His hands and feet would be pierced (Psalm 22:16).
  • He would pray for his persecutors (Isaiah 53:12).
  • His friends and family would stand afar off (Psalm 38:11).
  • His garments would be divided and won by casting lots (Psalm 22:18).
  • He would be given gall and vinegar (Psalm 69:21).
  • His bones would be left unbroken (Psalm 34:20).
  • He would die for our sins (Isaiah 53: 4–6).
  • His side would be pierced (Zech 12:10).
  • He would be buried in a rich man’s tomb (Isaiah 53:9).
  • The Old Testament prophesied Christ’s resurrection.

In Psalm 16:10, David prophesied Christ’s resurrection when he said, “because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay.” In considering David’s writing, Peter said it was fulfilled in Christ: “David by foreseeing this spoke about the resurrection of the Christ, that he was neither abandoned to Hades, nor did his body experience decay. This Jesus God raised up, and we are all witnesses of it” (Acts 2:31-32). Isaiah seemingly prophesied it as well:

Yet it was the LORD’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the LORD makes his life an offering for sin, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the LORD will prosper in his hand

Isaiah 53:10 (NIV)

Now, as we consider all these prophecies, certainly we must declare, “This is pretty convincing! If Jesus fulfilled all those prophecies, he must be the Son of God—he must be the seed that everybody was waiting for!”

What is the probability that a person would fulfill only eight of the Old Testament prophecies about Christ? Professor Peter W. Stoner states that the probability of just eight prophecies being fulfilled in one person is 1 x 10 17th. That is 100,000,000,000,000,000.

It has been illustrated like this: If you took 1 x 1017 silver dollars and placed them over Texas (the second largest US state), you would not only cover all of Texas but would have a coin pile two feet deep. If you blindfolded yourself, took one of the coins and threw it back into the pile, and walked from the beginning of Texas, stopping only once to find that coin, that is the chance that one person would fulfill only eight of these prophecies.3

The prophetic evidence concerning Christ is simply amazing! Again, the Old Testament sets forth over 300 prophecies that were fulfilled in Christ’s first coming, thirty-three of which were fulfilled on the day of Christ’s death. Each of these prophecies were written over 400 years before Christ’s birth—some of them thousands of years before his birth. God went to extraordinary lengths to make sure that the prophesied messiah was unmistakable to those who were genuinely looking.

Prophecies About Israel

“In a conversation about religion, Frederick II, king of Prussia (1740–1786), asked Hans Joachim von Zieten, a cavalry general, whom he esteemed highly as a Christian for his plain and uncompromised views, ‘Give me proof for the truth of the Bible in two words!’ To which Zieten replied, ‘Your majesty, the Jews!’”4 General Zieten’s observation was right. The Bible’s truthfulness and prophetic accuracy can be clearly verified in the Jews—their past, present, and future. The Bible gives many unique prophecies about them.

When God brought Israel out of Egypt, he made a covenant with them. He would be their God, and they would be his servants. In fact, the book of Deuteronomy is written in the form of an ancient contract called a suzerain contract. This was a common contract that a nation would make with a great king to secure his protection and blessing. In essence, it stated that if a particular nation would submit to a king and his commands, then that king would protect and bless them. If the covenant-bound nation would not submit to him, the king would curse and defeat them. In return for the king’s blessings and protection, the nation would be his servants—providing obedience, taxes, and reverence. That’s essentially the same type of contract God made with Israel. Throughout the contract are prophecies of blessings and curses based on Israel’s obedience or lack of it.

When considering Israel’s history, there are clear periods of blessing for obedience, such as when Joshua led Israel in conquering the promised land and when Israel was one of the more prosperous nations on earth during the reigns of David and Solomon. We also see times of cursing for disobedience, as seen during the times of Judges when Israel was continually ravaged by other nations and constantly in need of deliverance, and when God allowed Assyria and Babylon to conquer and exile Israel during the period of the divided monarchy. In fact, the prophetic books of the OT (such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Hosea) are primarily prophecies reminding Israel to repent or they would suffer the curses of the covenant, and if they obeyed, they would receive its blessings.

In Deuteronomy 28, the blessings-and-curses format is clear. Deuteronomy 28:15 says: “However, if you do not obey the LORD your God and do not carefully follow all his commands and decrees I am giving you today, all these curses will come upon you and overtake you.”

What are some of the curses promised for disobedience?

  • Israel would experience all nations being terrified at Jewish persecution.

“The Lord will allow you to be struck down before your enemies; you will attack them from one direction but flee from them in seven directions and will become an object of terror to all the kingdoms of the earth.

Deuteronomy 28:25

Certainly, the Jews experienced harassment, enslavement, and wars within biblical history. But, what about outside of biblical history and specifically events and circumstances which drew widespread attention? Let’s consider a few:

1. The Jews were persecuted by the Syrian king, Antiochus Epiphanes.

As mentioned, during the intertestamental period the Syrian king Antiochus killed 80,000 Jews, took 40,000 more as prisoners, and sold another 40,000 as slaves. He also abolished their sacrificial system, burned their Bibles, and made their priests drink pig blood.

2. The Jews were persecuted during the Crusades in the Middles Ages.

During the crusades (1095-1291), there was great antisemitism. The crusades were a series of holy wars started by the Roman Catholic church in order to gain access to Jerusalem and its holy sites, which Muslims possessed. However, as the armies went out, they also persecuted the Jews for killing Christ. There were nine crusades over almost 200 years and at least 12,000 Jews were killed in the first crusade alone.5

3. The Jews were persecuted by Hitler during the Holocaust.

During the Holocaust (1933-1945), Nazis wiped out over six million Jews with the intention of extinguishing the ethnic group.6

Certainly, as promised in the covenant for disobedience, the Jews have experienced extreme persecution at the hands of other nations—often in ways that have never happened to other nations. As Deuteronomy 28:25 said, because of their horrible experiences at the hand of enemies, they would “become an object of terror to all the kingdoms of the earth.”

What other curses would Israel experience for disobedience?

  • Israel would experience the deportation of their children.

Your sons and daughters will be given to another people while you look on in vain all day, and you will be powerless to do anything about it.

Deuteronomy 28:32

Their children would be deported from Israel to other nations. This happened in the Assyrian and Babylonian defeats, as Israel was exiled and their children taken captive. Daniel and his Jewish friends were part of the children deported from Israel to serve in Babylon.

  • Israel would experience antisemitism in the nations of their exile.

The Lord will force you and your king whom you will appoint over you to go away to a people whom you and your ancestors have not known, and you will serve other gods of wood and stone there. You will become an occasion of horror, a proverb, and an object of ridicule to all the peoples to whom the Lord will drive you.

Deuteronomy 28:36-37

Certainly, this has happened in biblical history with Assyria, Babylon, and Persia but also outside of biblical history wherever Jews have lived (cf. Russia, Germany, America, Poland, etc.). Jews have always dealt with antisemitism.

  • Israel’s various experiences of destruction would be considered signs and wonders by their descendants for generations.

All these curses will fall on you, pursuing and overtaking you until you are destroyed, because you would not obey the Lord your God by keeping his commandments and statutes that he has given you. These curses will be a perpetual sign and wonder with reference to you and your descendants.

Deuteronomy 28:45-46

Jews are very aware of their unfortunate history—the stories are passed down from generation to generation. Some of these events are remembered in their festivals, especially those from which God delivered them.

  • Israel would experience judgment by foreign nations—making Israel so desperate, they would cannibalize their young.

The Lord will raise up a distant nation against you, one from the other side of the earth as the eagle flies, a nation whose language you will not understand, a nation of stern appearance that will have no regard for the elderly or pity for the young. They will devour the offspring of your livestock and the produce of your soil until you are destroyed. They will not leave you with any grain, new wine, olive oil, calves of your herds, or lambs of your flocks until they have destroyed you. They will besiege all of your villages until all of your high and fortified walls collapse—those in which you put your confidence throughout the land. They will besiege all your villages throughout the land the Lord your God has given you. You will then eat your own offspring, the flesh of the sons and daughters the Lord your God has given you, because of the severity of the siege by which your enemies will constrict you.

Deuteronomy 28:49-53

Jewish history is filled with nations coming against them, creating appalling situations. In 2 Kings 6:26-31, when Syria besieged Israel, the women were so desperate, they resorted to eating their own children, as Deuteronomy 28:53 foretold.

  • Israel would experience a scattering amongst other nations, and while there, they would cease to worship God and instead worship false deities.

This is what will happen: Just as the Lord delighted to do good for you and make you numerous, he will take delight in destroying and decimating you. You will be uprooted from the land you are about to possess. The Lord will scatter you among all nations, from one end of the earth to the other. There you will worship other gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known, gods of wood and stone. Among those nations you will have no rest nor will there be a place of peaceful rest for the soles of your feet, for there the Lord will give you an anxious heart, failing eyesight, and a spirit of despair.

Deuteronomy 28:63-65

As mentioned, Jewish history is filled with their scattering throughout other nations. Even today, most Jews do not live in Israel but in various nations around the world. This is extremely unusual. For comparison, approximately seven million Koreans live outside of Korea while forty-nine million live in Korea. In fact, since the destruction of Israel by Rome in AD 70, less Jews have lived in Israel than outside.

In addition, as Deuteronomy 28:64 prophesied, while in exile, these Jews would not worship God but instead worship the gods of other nations. Providing evidence for this, a 2012 Gallup poll showed that Jews were the least religious people in the world—54% considered themselves nonreligious and 2% considered themselves atheist.7 A 2011 study of American Jews showed that half of all American Jews had doubts about God, in comparison to 10-15% of other American groups.8 Romans 11:7-8 and 25, says this about the Jews current religious state:

What then? What the people of Israel sought so earnestly they did not obtain. The elect among them did, but the others were hardened, as it is written: “God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes that could not see and ears that could not hear, to this very day.” … I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in

Again, part of the covenant stipulated that while in exile, the Jews would not worship the God of their fathers, which has proved true in a unique way, compared to other ethnic groups.

  • After being exiled, Israel would experience a restoration to the land when they returned to God.

“When you have experienced all these things, both the blessings and the curses I have set before you, you will reflect upon them in all the nations where the Lord your God has banished you. Then if you and your descendants turn to the Lord your God and obey him with your whole mind and being just as I am commanding you today, the Lord your God will reverse your captivity and have pity on you. He will turn and gather you from all the peoples among whom he has scattered you. Even if your exiles are in the most distant land, from there the Lord your God will gather you and bring you back. Then he will bring you to the land your ancestors possessed and you also will possess it; he will do better for you and multiply you more than he did your ancestors.

Deuteronomy 30:1-5

The Jews have experienced multiple exiles from Israel and returns to it. Mark Hitchcock said this:

The Jews are remarkable in light of the testimony of history to exile and return. In all of human history there have been less than ten deportations of a people group from their native land. These people groups disappeared in history because they assimilated into the nations to which they were exiled. However, the Jewish people did not simply experience a single exile, but multiple exiles…9

Israel is the only nation to be fully deported and then return to their land, which has happened multiple times. Even more unique is the fact that they are the only nation to lose their native tongue (Hebrew) in their deportations and restore it again.10 Their exiles and returns are as follows:

-In 740-722 BC, the Assyrians conquered the Northern Kingdom of Israel, and they were exiled among the nations.11

-In 586 BC, the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem and exiled the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Smaller deportations happened in 605 and 597.

-In 538 BC, Zerubbabel led the first return to the land.12 The second return was led by Ezra in 458 BC and the third by Nehemiah in 445 BC.

-In AD 70, the Romans destroyed Jerusalem, and they were dispersed again for almost 1900 years, as only a few Jews remained in the land.13

-In 1871, a remnant of the Jews began to return, which has continued since.14

-In 1881 about 25,000 Jews were in the land

-In 1914 about 80,000 Jews were in the land

-In 1939 about 450,000 Jews were in the land

-In 1948 about 650,000 Jews were in the land

In May 1948, a major event in Jewish history happened. After the holocaust, Palestine was returned to the Israelites by the United Nations—ending British control of the land.15 Israel officially became a nation again after 1900 years primarily lived outside of their homeland. Since then, their return to the land has continued to increase dramatically.

-In 2009 about 5.4 million Jews were in the land—holding a greater population of Jews than any other nation.16 For comparison, in 2013, there were 5.3 million Jews living in the United States.17 In 1948, only 6% of Jews lived in Israel, and now 40% of Jews live there. It is estimated that by 2030 half of all Jews will reside in the land.18

In studying Jewish history, there is undeniable proof of biblical prophecy. When obedient, they were blessed by God, and when disobedient, they received his discipline. God has allowed them to suffer repeated persecutions. They have been exiled from their land and experienced returns multiple times, something which has never happened to any other nation. According to other biblical prophecies, one day Israel will not only return to the land but return to their God at Christ’s second coming. Romans 11:25-27 says:

For I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you may not be conceited: A partial hardening has happened to Israel until the full number of the Gentiles has come in. And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: “The Deliverer will come out of Zion; he will remove ungodliness from Jacob. And this is my covenant with them, when I take away their sins.”

At that point, there will be a final return, fulfilling Deuteronomy 30:1-9, as well as many other prophecies regarding the Jews at last returning to the land—never to be exiled again (cf. Ez 36:24-37, 37:21-28).

A very strong evidence for the accuracy of biblical prophecy is the nation of Israel. God made a covenant with her, and history bears witness to the conditions of that covenant.


  1. In the reading, what stood out most to you and why?
  2. How many prophecies are there about Christ’s first coming in the Old Testament?
  3. How many prophecies were fulfilled on the day of Christ’s death?
  4. What are some examples of how God’s covenant with Israel, as described in Deuteronomy, has played out historically?
  5. What other questions or applications do you have from the reading?

Copyright © 2020 Gregory Brown

Unless otherwise noted, the primary Scriptures used are taken from the NET Bible ® copyright © 1996-2016 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Holy Bible, New International Version ®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, and 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are from the King James Version of the Bible.

All emphases in Scripture quotations have been added.

BTG Publishing all rights reserved.

1 Hitchcock, Mark. The Amazing Claims of Bible Prophecy, (p. 86). Harvest House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

2 “Micah” accessed 8/6/19 from

3 McDowell, Josh. Evidence That Demands a Verdict (p. 231). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.

4 Hitchcock, Mark (2010-04-01). The Amazing Claims of Bible Prophecy, (p. 95). Harvest House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

5 “A Brief and Incomplete History of Jewish Suffering” accessed 8/7/19 from

6 “The Holocaust” accessed 8/7/19 from

7 “A New Poll Shows Atheism Is on the Rise, with Jews found to Be the Least Religious” accessed 8/7/19 from

8 “Judaism without God? Yes, say American Atheist” accessed 8/7/19 from

9 Hitchcock, Mark (2010-04-01). The Amazing Claims of Bible Prophecy, (p. 98). Harvest House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

10 Hitchcock, Mark. The Amazing Claims of Bible Prophecy, (p. 99). Harvest House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

11 “When and how was Israel conquered by the Assyrians?” accessed 8/7/19 from

12 “Zerubbabel” accessed 8/7/19 from

13 “Map of Pre-1948 Palestine: The Roman Exile” accessed 8/7/19 from

14 Hitchcock, Mark. The Amazing Claims of Bible Prophecy, (p. 102). Harvest House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

15 Hitchcock, Mark. The Amazing Claims of Bible Prophecy, (p. 103). Harvest House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

16 Hitchcock, Mark. The Amazing Claims of Bible Prophecy, (p. 103). Harvest House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

17 A Portrait of Jewish Americans” accessed 8/7/19 from

18 Hitchcock, Mark (2010-04-01). The Amazing Claims of Bible Prophecy, (p. 103). Harvest House Publishers. Kindle Edition

Related Topics: Basics for Christians, Bibliology (The Written Word), Christology, Prophecy/Revelation

网上牧师杂志–中文版(简体), SCh Ed, Issue 37 2020 年 秋季

A ministry of…

作者: Roger Pascoe 博士, 主席
邮箱: [email protected]

I. 加强圣经的理解











Part 3第三部分






现在,在第四部分,我们要列出解释圣经的十个简单的规则。我发现,R.C.Sproul的著作Knowing Scripture, 63-99对这很有帮助。

规则 #1: 按照作者的原意理解经文


规则#2: 根据其他的经文理解经文








(3) 它能够确保你理解经文中神的渐进式启示。随着时间的推移,神越来越多地将他自己,他的心意、目的等等,通过经文启示给我们。


规则 #3: 使用清晰的、主要和大量的经文来解释那些意义不太清楚的、次要的、少量经文。



规则 #4: 做“逻辑”推理和推断的时候,要谨慎。




规则 #5: 不要要求圣经符合不合理的文学标准

所谓“不合理的文学标准”,我指的是你对任何其他文学作品都不会要求的标准。R. C. Sproul把这叫做“阅读圣经像阅读其他任何书籍一样”(Knowing Scripture, 63)。一个圣经评论员这样说:“任何对阅读其他文学作品不恰当的规则,我们不会在理解圣经的时候要求这样规则的帮助” (Mal Couch著. A Biblical Theology of the Church, 15)



需要注意这个警告:哪怕我们能够正确理解单词的意义和语法,这并不意味着每个阅读圣经的人都能够对经文说的是什么以及在生活中的应用得出正确的结论。对于此,我们需要圣灵的启示,这是只有信徒才拥有的。非信徒或许能够理解单词的意思,能够分析所使用的的语法,他们也能够像对其他文学作品一样使用文学分析手段,但是非信徒并不能对经文得出正确的结论,因为他们没有圣灵的启示(哥前2:14;弗4:18)—他们对经文的理解只能停留在文学水平。虽然他们有智力上的理解力,但是并没有属灵的理解力。因此,非信徒并不顺服经文的权威,他们得出错误的结论,并不能看到经文的属灵意义;他们并不能赋予圣经该有的价值; 他们不接受圣经对信仰和实践的指示;他们也不会接受将经文应用到他们的生活中。如果我们想要赋予圣经该有的价值,正确理解经文说的什么,以及将它应用到我们的生活中,我们需要圣灵的启示


规则 #6: 从个人应用的角度阅读和理解圣经




规则 #7: 了解经文的文学修辞和体裁,并相应地解释。


规则 #8: 仔细研究单词的语法结构和意义




规则 #9:以基督为中心阅读和理解圣经

我这里所指的是,从新约的角度来阅读圣经。每一个信息都应该指向基督或者在基督里的基督徒生活。每一次讲道都应以圣经救赎的中心为指导(参考Bryan Chapell所著的Fallen Condition Focus” (FCF) in Christ Centered Preaching, 1994)。这个中心不但是迷失者的救赎,也使信徒成长,使他们成为神想要他们成为的样子。Chapell说:“对一段经文恰当的理解以及一场讲道的中心都要求有清晰的FCF(堕落状态的中心)”

从神学上说,每一场讲道的目的都应该和所讲经文有相同的目的,就是“人类状况的一个方面,需要圣经的教导、训诫和/或安慰”(Chapell 43)。把这个作为目标,那么每一场讲道在其目的上都是统一的。

规则 #10: 从神学的角度阅读和理解经文












耶稣安慰他的门徒说,世界若恨你,你知道恨你以先,已恨我了(1518)。这里的安慰就是,经历被世界恨的基督徒是和他们的主一起受苦。 耶稣首先遭受了世人的恨恶,基督徒现在为基督受苦。使徒保罗把这称为一种特权,一个礼物:蒙恩,不但得以信服基督,并要他受苦(腓1:29)。耶稣并没有呼召我们去经历任何他没有经历过的事情。因为受苦和敌对,很多耶稣的门徒不再跟随他(约6:66)。他们无法忍受不宽容、拒绝、羞辱和身体上的惩罚。这也是许多现今的基督徒面临的挑战。

所以,1、世界恨基督徒因为他们首先恨了基督;2、世界恨基督徒因为我们是被基督所拣选的(15:19-20)。 若属世界,世界必属自己的;只因你不属世界,乃是我从世界中拣选了你,所以世界就恨你15:19)。”“属世界的指的是和世界认同,相信世界的信仰和道德标准,接受世界的习惯和特点。如果你也这样做,耶稣说世界必”你,因为你是属它的。如果你被这个世界的标准所激励和塑造,这个世界就会把你当作属它自己的来接受你。但真理是世界并不接受你。事实上,世界恨你只因你不属世界。你不属世界的原因是耶稣从世界中拣选了你














1.我们能够为基督做见证,因为圣灵赐予我们能力(15:26)在15:18-25中,耶稣警告他的门徒会有逼迫,并且他解释了他们会受逼迫的原因。现在,在15:26-27中,耶稣劝戒和安慰他的门徒,告诉他们在敌对和逼迫当中为他作见证的力量来源。就像他在14章开头告诉他们的,耶稣再一次提醒门徒,我们在面对逼迫时的安慰和力量来自于圣灵。但我要从父那里差保惠来,就是从父出来真理的圣灵,他来了,就要见证15:26)。耶稣应许门徒,当他回到天堂,他会赐下保惠从父出来的给他们 。这正是五旬节发生的事。










要点 I:名义和实际之间存在着差异:“我知道你的行为,按名你是活的,但其实是死的”(3:1)



要点 II:警醒和作工是有联系的



要点 III:有必要回想和悔改(3:3-6)







- “他要穿白衣与我同行,因是配得的。”(3:4b-5a

- “我也必不从生命册上涂抹他的名”(3:5b-c

结论: 圣灵向众教会所,凡有耳的,都当听。”(3:6

Related Topics: Pastors

網上牧師雜誌 – 中文版(繁體), TCh Ed, Issue 37 2020 年 秋季

A ministry of…

作者: Roger Pascoe 博士, 主席
郵箱: [email protected]

I. 加強聖經的理解











Part 3第三部分






現在,在第四部分,我們要列出解釋聖經的十個簡單的規則。我發現,R.C.Sproul的著作Knowing Scripture, 63-99對這很有幫助。

規則 #1: 按照作者的原意理解經文


規則#2: 根據其他的經文理解經文








(3) 它能夠確保你理解經文中神的漸進式啟示。隨著時間的推移,神越來越多地將他自己,他的心意、目的等等,通過經文啟示給我們。


規則 #3: 使用清晰的、主要和大量的經文來解釋那些意義不太清楚的、次要的、少量經文。



規則 #4: 做“邏輯”推理和推斷的時候,要謹慎。




規則 #5: 不要要求聖經符合不合理的文學標準

所謂“不合理的文學標準”,我指的是你對任何其他文學作品都不會要求的標準。R. C. Sproul把這叫做“閱讀聖經像閱讀其他任何書籍一樣”(Knowing Scripture, 63)。一個聖經評論員這樣說:“任何對閱讀其他文學作品不恰當的規則,我們不會在理解聖經的時候要求這樣規則的説明” (Mal Couch著. A Biblical Theology of the Church, 15)



需要注意這個警告:哪怕我們能夠正確理解單詞的意義和語法,這並不意味著每個閱讀聖經的人都能夠對經文說的是什麼以及在生活中的應用得出正確的結論。對於此,我們需要聖靈的啟示,這是只有信徒才擁有的。非信徒或許能夠理解單詞的意思,能夠分析所使用的的語法,他們也能夠像對其他文學作品一樣使用文學分析手段,但是非信徒並不能對經文得出正確的結論,因為他們沒有聖靈的啟示(哥前2:14;弗4:18)—他們對經文的理解只能停留在文學水準。雖然他們有智力上的理解力,但是並沒有屬靈的理解力。因此,非信徒並不順服經文的權威,他們得出錯誤的結論,並不能看到經文的屬靈意義;他們並不能賦予聖經該有的價值; 他們不接受聖經對信仰和實踐的指示;他們也不會接受將經文應用到他們的生活中。如果我們想要賦予聖經該有的價值,正確理解經文說的什麼,以及將它應用到我們的生活中,我們需要聖靈的啟示


規則 #6: 從個人應用的角度閱讀和理解聖經




規則 #7: 瞭解經文的文學修辭和體裁,並相應地解釋。


規則 #8: 仔細研究單詞的語法結構和意義




規則 #9:以基督為中心閱讀和理解聖經

我這裡所指的是,從新約的角度來閱讀聖經。每一個資訊都應該指向基督或者在基督裡的基督徒生活。每一次講道都應以聖經救贖的中心為指導(參考Bryan Chapell所著的Fallen Condition Focus” (FCF) in Christ Centered Preaching, 1994)。這個中心不但是迷失者的救贖,也使信徒成長,使他們成為神想要他們成為的樣子。Chapell說:“對一段經文恰當的理解以及一場講道的中心都要求有清晰的FCF(墮落狀態的中心)”

從神學上說,每一場講道的目的都應該和所講經文有相同的目的,就是“人類狀況的一個方面,需要聖經的教導、訓誡和/或安慰”(Chapell 43)。把這個作為目標,那麼每一場講道在其目的上都是統一的。

規則 #10: 從神學的角度閱讀和理解經文












耶穌安慰他的門徒說,“世界若恨你們,你們知道恨你們以先,已經恨我了(1518)。”這裡的安慰就是,經歷被世界恨的基督徒是和他們的主一起受苦。 耶穌首先遭受了世人的恨惡,基督徒現在為基督受苦。使徒保羅把這稱為一種特權,一個禮物:“因為你們蒙恩,不但得以信服基督,並要為他受苦”(腓1:29)。耶穌並沒有呼召我們去經歷任何他沒有經歷過的事情。因為受苦和敵對,很多耶穌的門徒不再跟隨他(約6:66)。他們無法忍受不寬容、拒絕、羞辱和身體上的懲罰。這也是許多現今的基督徒面臨的挑戰。

所以,1、世界恨基督徒因為他們首先恨了基督;2、世界恨基督徒因為我們是被基督所揀選的(15:19-20)。 “你們若屬世界,世界必愛屬自己的;只因你們不屬世界,乃是我從世界中揀選了你們,所以世界就恨你們(15:19)。”“屬世界的”指的是和世界認同,相信世界的信仰和道德標準,接受世界的習慣和特點。如果你也這樣做,耶穌說“世界必愛”你,因為你是“屬它的”。如果你被這個世界的標準所激勵和塑造,這個世界就會把你當作屬它自己的來接受你。但真理是世界並不接受你。事實上,世界恨你“只因你們不屬世界”。你不屬世界的原因是耶穌“從世界中揀選了你們”














1.我們能夠為基督做見證,因為聖靈賜予我們能力(15:26)在15:18-25中,耶穌警告他的門徒會有逼迫,並且他解釋了他們會受逼迫的原因。現在,在15:26-27中,耶穌勸戒和安慰他的門徒,告訴他們在敵對和逼迫當中為他作見證的力量來源。就像他在14章開頭告訴他們的,耶穌再一次提醒門徒,我們在面對逼迫時的安慰和力量來自於聖靈。“但我要從父那裡差保惠師來,就是從父出來真理的聖靈,他來了,就要為我們作見證”(15:26)。耶穌應許門徒,當他回到天堂,他會賜下“保惠師從父出來的”給他們 。這正是五旬節發生的事。










要點 I:名義和實際之間存在著差異:“我知道你的行為,按名你是活的,但其實是死的”(3:1)



要點 II:警醒和作工是有聯繫的



要點 III:有必要回想和悔改(3:3-6)







- “他們要穿白衣與我同行,因為他們是配得過的。”(3:4b-5a

- “我也必不從生命冊上塗抹他的名”(3:5b-c

結論: “ 聖靈向眾教會所說的話,凡有耳的,都應當聽。”(3:6)

Related Topics: Pastors

10 Steps To Prepare And Preach An Expository Sermon

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What steps should one take to prepare and preach an expository sermon?

First of all, we must consider what an expository sermon is. In a topical sermon, a preacher covers a major theme like love, salvation, or forgiveness, but the outline arises from the thought process of the preacher instead of from a Scripture text or series of texts. In an expository sermon, the theme, outline, and applications arise from the text and not the author’s thought process. The chief aim of exposition is to explain the original author’s intent behind a passage and persuasively apply it to a contemporary audience. This is done by using grammatical, historical, and textual principles.

With this understanding in mind, we will consider ten steps to prepare and preach an expository sermon.

Step 1: Choose A Passage.

When looking at a chapter of the Bible, the paragraph breaks, which are typically 3-10 verses, are usually preached. It’s a small section of Scripture with a common theme. To confirm that these verses will preach well together, look at expository commentaries and sermons. Did others preach this same section of verses? Did they broaden it or make it smaller? The fact that others have trodden the same ground (and we get to look at how they did it) helps encourage the preacher to prepare a sermon or sermon series over the same verses.

To find sermons on the same passage, simply Google it. For example, “Philippians 4:6-7 sermons.” Or search sermon sites like and

Step 2: Gather Five To Ten Commentaries And Sermons For Research.

Why is it important to gather commentaries and sermons for research? It is good to remember that the Bible is an ancient historical book; therefore, it is difficult to properly interpret and apply without understanding the ancient background. We need to know how an ancient Jew or Gentile would have read a specific passage over 2000 years ago. What is the historical background? Was it written during war, peace, or persecution? Is there anything culturally relevant that we need to know to better understand the passage? Is there anything in the Hebrew or Greek that isn’t conveyed by the English? Commentaries and good sermons will help us mine the riches of the passage.

Another reason it is important to gather commentaries and sermons for research is because God has chosen to build his church through the ministry of pastors and teachers. Ephesians 4:11-14 says that God gave pastors and teachers to equip the church for the work of ministry, to help it come to a unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, to help it mature, and to protect it from false teaching. This is not just true for congregations on Sunday, but it is also true for preachers. Preachers must be built up by other pastors and teachers before they build up their congregation. This is how God chose to equip his church. It is no more right for a preacher to say, “I don’t need to study commentaries and sermons because I have the Holy Spirit,” than it is for a church member to say, “I don’t need to listen to my pastor’s preaching because I have the Holy Spirit.” God equips his saints through gifted teachers. As Christ’s body, we must rely on the gifts of others (1 Cor 12:21). The preacher must drink deeply from theologians, Greek and Hebrew scholars, and pastors who have preached for forty years. By doing so, their sermons become wealthy, and their congregations are enriched. C. S. Lewis said, “My own eyes are not enough for me, I will see through those of others…in reading great literature I become a thousand men and yet remain myself.”1 Let the preacher become a thousand godly teachers and yet remain himself.

As you gather, it is good to secure a diverse range of writings on the passage. Get devotional commentaries like Warren Wiersbe’s Be Commentaries, William MacDonald’s Believer’s Bible Commentary, the Life Application New Testament Commentary, and David Guzik’s Enduring Word Commentary. Get expositional commentaries (imagine a commentary and sermon combined) like MacArthur New Testament Commentaries, Kent Hughes’ Preaching the Word Commentaries, the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentaries, and The Bible Teacher’s Guide. Get a few exegetical commentaries (which are a little more technical) like Tyndale Commentaries and The Bible Speaks Today. And finally, find two or three good full manuscript sermons on sermon sites like,, or Personally, I’m a big fan of Steve Cole’s and Bruce Goettsche’s sermons.

Step 3: Actively Read The Passage Multiple Times.

As you read, pay attention to coordinating conjunctions—words that join two or more words, phrases, or clauses—such as: and, but, or, nor, so, because, and if. These little words are important for understanding what the passage means and how the parts relate to one another. Conjunctions also are important for discovering main points and sub-points (and therefore sermon points and sub-points). It may be helpful to underline or highlight these and any other keywords (repeated words, action words, words that reflect the theme, etc.). In addition, while reading, ask the text questions, like:

Why does he say that? What does it mean? What is the main thought? How does this apply to our contemporary context? Are there any major doctrines taught or implied in this passage that I should teach? In light of the text, are there any false doctrines or contemporary threats that I should refute or expose? How should I order the main thoughts in a sermon outline?

If you gain any insights or are left with pressing questions, write them down and seek the answers when researching the commentaries and sermons. (It may be helpful to create two separate Word documents: a notes page and a sermon page. You will set aside the sermon page until Step Five when you transfer essential insights from your notes page to the detailed sermon outline, which you will have started on your sermon page.)

Step 4: Actively Read The Commentaries And Sermons And Document Insights.

While reading, write down anything insightful and useful, like helpful sermon points, illustrations, explanations, word studies, and cross-references. Organize these in an orderly manner on your notes page. Since this will be an expositional sermon, try to initially place these insights into separate categories under each verse that they help explain or illustrate. For example, if you were preaching Psalm 1:1-6, make Psalm 1:1 a heading, then Psalm 1:2, Psalm 1:3, etc. As you continue to study, you will discern sermon point headings that summarize the contents of a verse or group of verses, like Psalm 1:1 may fit under the heading The Path of the Wicked, Psalm 1:2-3 The Path of the Righteous, etc. As you research and see how other commentators and preachers have grouped the verses and placed them under headings, it will help with creating your own outline.

Step 5: Create A Detailed Sermon Outline.

On your sermon page, develop three to five sermon points from the passage that summarize the main ideas of a part of a verse, an entire verse, or a group of verses. Many of these will become clear in the midst of your research. As you write them, consider developing action points instead of thematic points, as it helps the audience better remember them. For example, if the theme for Psalm 1:1 is The Path of the Wicked, instead say Stay Away from the Path of the Wicked. And if the theme of Psalm 1:2-3 is The Path of the Righteous, instead say Follow the Path of the Righteous. After you develop the skeleton of your outline, flesh it out by transferring essential explanations and insights from your notes page. This will make it easy to rewrite in your own words or to directly quote as you write your sermon.

Step 6: Fully Manuscript The Sermon.

Fully manuscripting sermons is important for word clarity, hiding the sermon in your heart, being able to preach it again in the future, and also for making it available to your congregation or a wider audience. Your full manuscript should have these items:

  • An Introduction: The introduction should SHOCK the hearers in the sense that it tells them why they must listen to the sermon and why it is important. It will also prepare listeners for what will follow. The introduction should include three elements: a theme, an interrogative question, and an organizational sentence. These are explained below:

A Theme: The theme is the main idea that flows from the passage. Think of one word or phrase that is continually mentioned, implied, or sums up the passage you are preaching. For Psalm 1, it might be The Blessed Life or The Happy Life (as “blessed" can be translated “happy”).

Another helpful tip in discerning the theme is that it often includes a subject and a modifier. The subject answers the question, “What is the author talking about?” and the modifier answers the question, “How does the author limit the scope of the subject?”2 The modifier completes the subject by focusing and defining it. For example, the subject of Ephesians 6:10-19 is “spiritual warfare.” But the modifier is probably “standing firm,” as it is mentioned in one form or another four times in the passage (v. 11, 13, 14 NIV). Therefore, the theme is “Standing Firm in Spiritual Warfare.” Similarly, the subject of 1 Corinthians 13 is “love”; however, the modifier is probably “excellent,” since the passage is introduced by, “And yet I will show you the most excellent way” (1 Cor 12:31 NIV). Therefore, the theme might be “The Excellency of Love.”

An Interrogative Question: This is the theme of the passage translated into a question by using one of the following: who, what, when, where, why, or how.3 For example, the interrogative for Psalm 1 might be: “How can we live a blessed life?” The following sermon points will then answer that question. For example:

How can we live a blessed life?

  1. Stay Away from the Path of the Wicked (Psalm 1:1)
  2. Follow the Path of the Righteous (Psalm 1:2-3)
  3. Understand the Destiny of the Wicked (Psalm 1:4-6)
  4. Understand God’s Favor over the Righteous (Psalm 1:6)

An Organizational Sentence: The organizational sentence tells the audience what will happen in the sermon. It is often the last part of the introduction. For example, “In this sermon, we will look at four keys to living the happy life.” The audience will then have their ears and hearts ready to receive the four keys or principles for living a happy life. When the organizational sentence is not included, the audience is more susceptible to feeling lost during a sermon, asking questions like, “Where are we?” and “Where are we going?”

  • The Body of the Sermon. The body includes the sermon points and their explanations. After each point, the text it summarizes must then be observed (What does it say?), interpreted (What does it mean?), and applied (How can we apply it?). Observation takes place as the preacher points out grammatical, historical, and cultural aspects of the text that are important for interpretation. Interpretation takes place as observations and other cross-references are used to explain the meaning of the text. It is important to remember that Scripture interprets Scripture, and that Scripture, properly interpreted, never contradicts itself. Therefore, other verses should be used either from the context of the chapter, the book, or the whole of Scripture to explain the meaning. Finally, application occurs as contemporary equivalents to the ancient context are found. To find these, one should ask questions like, “How are the people in this context similar to people in ours? How is the setting or conflict similar to ours? What were the applications for the original audience? What are the timeless truths for all mankind?” As a general rule, the closer the contemporary equivalent to the ancient context, the more authority the application has, and the farther away from the equivalent, the less authority it has. For example, in many cultures, it is hard to find an equivalent to eating food offered to idols, while greeting one another with a holy kiss would correspond to any modern greeting. In addition, while fleshing out the sermon, consider using rhetorical questions throughout as a good application technique. It makes the audience stop and apply the message to their lives instead of just listening. For example, here are some rhetorical questions that could be used for Psalm 1: "Are there any ways you have started down the path of the wicked? What change is God calling you to make? How is your delight in God's Word? How is God calling you to increase your meditation on Scripture? Are you more like a tree—one who continually blesses others? Or are you more like a parasite or fungus—always taking but not giving?" Again, typically you will have three to five sermon points—each explained through observation, interpretation, and application.
  • The Conclusion. The conclusion is a brief summary of the sermon points or a final presentation on the primary application/exhortation of the sermon.

How long should the manuscript be? In general, it takes five minutes to preach a one-page manuscript (single-spaced and 12pt font). Therefore, if you plan to preach for twenty-five minutes, your manuscript should be five pages long. If you plan to preach for forty-five minutes, your manuscript should be nine pages long. One of the great things about fully manuscripting is that it helps to better control the length of a sermon.

Step 7: Read The Manuscript Several Times While Highlighting And Editing It.

By continually re-reading and editing the manuscript, you will hide it in your heart. Editing will also help the manuscript become more concise, which is great for communication. As you read and edit, highlight, bold, underline, and even increase the font size of important sentences in the manuscript to make them stand out when preaching. Also, take note of sections you plan to read verbatim during the message and those you plan to share from memory. Obviously, it would be wise to read the passage, the cross-references, and any great quotes from commentaries or sermons (unless you have a great memory). But, any personal stories, or even Bible stories, should probably be shared with little to no reference to the manuscript. Otherwise, when preaching, plan to briefly look at your main points, subpoints, and highlights throughout the message to keep you on track. In addition, when you read the verses, cross-references, and quotes while preaching, plan to use those moments to quickly look ahead on your manuscript.

Step 8: Preach The Sermon.

Before preaching and at times during preaching, be aware that it is normal to feel unprepared, a little anxious, and that the sermon has not fully come together. Do not be alarmed. Often God makes his preachers weak, so they will not depend on their flesh (2 Cor 1:9). God’s power is made perfect in our weakness (cf. 2 Cor 12:9). If God calls you to preach often, you will learn to expect this feeling of inadequacy and also the accompanying power that follows.

As you prepare and eventually preach, remember the wise counsel passed down by many seasoned preachers: “Think yourself empty; read yourself full; write yourself clear; pray yourself hot; be yourself, but don’t preach yourself!” There is no need to be like somebody else when preaching. God has called you to give his Word to that specific audience. God knows what he is doing.

Step 9: After Preaching, Be Careful Of Temptations.

There is the temptation of discouragement because you feel like you could have preached better. There is the temptation of succumbing to outside criticism. Some criticism is constructive, and we must listen to it and improve. However, the enemy loves to criticize the preacher with the hope of discouraging, weakening, and ultimately trying to shut his mouth. Be aware that this is the nature of preaching—full of discouragements (as well as joys). But then there is also the temptation of pride if our preaching went well and was well-received. God fights against the proud but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). By God’s grace and through discipline, practice humility. Give thanks to those who compliment you, and at the same time, give praise to God since he is the source of every good work we accomplish (Phil 2:12-13, Eph 2:10).

Step 10: Pray, Pray, Pray!

Pray before you study, pray while studying, pray while writing, pray after writing, pray before preaching, pray while preaching, and pray after preaching. As you pray, also, ask your friends and congregants to pray. Paul said this in Ephesians 6:19-20 (NIV):

Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, or which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.

Paul asked the Ephesians to pray for God to give him the right words and manner in preaching. He asked for prayer to preach it fearlessly twice. No doubt, this represents the constant threat of fear that often accompanies preaching. There is a fear of mishandling God’s Word, a fear of failing, a fear of being rejected, a fear of upsetting people, and even a fear of persecution that might come from proclaiming the truth. No doubt, because of this, Paul also asked the Colossians to pray for his preaching (Col 4:2). Like Paul, preachers should not be shy about asking for prayer. It is a fruit of humility in our lives; it’s a healthy discipline for our congregations, and ultimately, power, clarity, and boldness in preaching come from intercession—ours and that of others.

As you prepare and preach God’s Word, may there be constant grace on you and the hearers, and may God be glorified through it all. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Copyright © 2021 Gregory Brown

Holy Bible, New International Version ®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

1 Accessed 7/5/16, from

2 McDill, Wayne. The 12 Essential Skills for Great Preaching - Second Edition (Kindle Locations 1877-1878). B&H Publishing. Kindle Edition.

3 McDill, Wayne. The 12 Essential Skills for Great Preaching - Second Edition (Kindle Locations 1591-1592). B&H Publishing. Kindle Edition.

Related Topics: Bible Study Methods, Hermeneutics, Pastors, Teaching the Bible

Q. If marriage is sacred, how do we explain God’s instructions in Exodus 21, which says that when a slave is freed, his master can keep his wife and his children (if the owner initially provided the slave with this wife)?


Dear *****,

Good question. The first thing I would say is that we do find ourselves scratching our heads at some of what we find in the Old Testament, regarding marriage (concubines, multiple wives, such as Jacob, Abraham, Jacob, David, and Solomon), and slavery (as here). From Ephesians 5:32 it does appear that the coming of our Lord and the founding of the church was a game-changer. This (Christ/church, husband/wife relationship) was a “mystery” in the Old Testament, and thus we should not be surprised to find that in Ephesians (5:25-30) and 1 Timothy 3:2 (one wife) different, higher, standards for marriage are now set forth. Now, the husband-wife relationship for the believer is to be patterned after the relationship of Christ and His church.

As I see it, the issue in Exodus 21 is two-fold, involving not only marriage, but slavery. What I would say is this; if the slave viewed his marriage as sacred, and held it in high regard, then a provision to sustain his marriage is set forth here in this text: the slave can renounce his “freedom” and remain a slave to his master, and in so doing, he can retain his wife and his children. Thus, the law (God) does not force the slave to dissolve his marriage and abandon his children.

The other thing I would say, is that I don’t read this as a “must do” command which forces the slave owner to send his slave away and keep the wife and children. The law only gives him the right to do so. When I look at men like Boaz in the Book of Esther, I see that men of great character see the law as the minimum standard, and that thus they are free to go beyond the basic requirements of the law. In other words, I believe one may choose grace over law in such situations.

I feel I must say that there is a certain danger when we spend too much of our time and energy thinking about how the Old Testament is different from the New, and thus it does not apply to us today. Is it possible that this law in Exodus 21, like other Old Testament laws, has a broader application for us, in principle? For example, I’m thinking of “Don’t muzzle the ox” in 1 Corinthians 9:

7 Who ever serves in the army at his own expense? Who plants a vineyard and does not eat its fruit? Who tends a flock and does not consume its milk? 8 Am I saying these things only on the basis of common sense, or does the law not say this as well? 9 For it is written in the law of Moses, “Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain.” God is not concerned here about oxen, is he? 10 Or is he not surely speaking for our benefit? It was written for us, because the one plowing and threshing ought to work in hope of enjoying the harvest. 11 If we sowed spiritual blessings among you, is it too much to reap material things from you? 12 If others receive this right from you, are we not more deserving? But we have not made use of this right. Instead we endure everything so that we may not be a hindrance to the gospel of Christ (1 Corinthians 9:7-12, NET).

What if we were to look at Exodus 21 in the light of the cross? Jesus, in order to acquire a whole new “family” (the church) submitted Himself completely to the will of the Father (as we see in Philippians 2:4-8), set aside His rights, and died on the cross of Calvary? Does this provide husbands with a pattern for how they are to be Christlike as a husband? To retain the sanctity of the family, the husband must choose to surrender his “rights” and submit himself to Christ.

Here’s another thought, which might well apply to those who are single. Suppose the principle is something like this: “In order to have a wife and children, one must be willing to set aside some of his freedoms.”

Sound a bit far-fetched? Perhaps, but I believe the the Old Testament law is instructive for us today, and we would do well (as did the author of Psalm 119) to meditate on the law and how it does apply to us.

Hope this helps,
Bob Deffinbaugh

Related Topics: Christian Life, Marriage

Q. I fear that the sins I committed before trusting in Christ were unpardonable, and thus I doubt my salvation. Could I have committed the unpardonable sin and yet have also sought to trust in Jesus?


Dear Brother,

John 6:37 clearly states that if one comes to Jesus, He will certainly not cast him out. And, if we look at the first part of this verse, we must also conclude that the one who comes to Jesus is one whom the Father has given our Lord.

When we look at Mark chapters 3 and 4 we see that Jesus spoke in parables so that those who committed the unpardonable sin would not understand the gospel, and thus would not trust in Jesus:

28 “Truly I say to you, all sins shall be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter; 29 but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin “-- 30 because they were saying, “He has an unclean spirit” (Mark. 3:28-30, NAU).

11 And He was saying to them, “To you has been given the mystery of the kingdom of God, but those who are outside get everything in parables, 12 so that WHILE SEEING, THEY MAY SEE AND NOT PERCEIVE, AND WHILE HEARING, THEY MAY HEAR AND NOT UNDERSTAND, OTHERWISE THEY MIGHT RETURN AND BE FORGIVEN” (Mark 4:11-12).

Obviously, you have come to understand the gospel, and to have trusted in Jesus, so you must not have committed the unpardonable sin.

Further, in the Gospels the unpardonable sin is defined as attributing the work of the Holy Spirit in Jesus to the devil. All other horrible sins, Jesus said, are pardonable, including blasphemy:

28 “Truly I say to you, all sins shall be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter; 29 but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin “-- 30 because they were saying, “He has an unclean spirit” (Mark 3:28-30; see also Luke 12:10).

I think of Saul, who became the apostle Paul. He committed terrible sins against the church, and thus against Christ (see Acts 9:4), but Paul makes it clear that God saved him because of His grace and for His glory:

12 I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because He considered me faithful, putting me into service,
13 even though I was formerly a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent aggressor. Yet I was shown mercy because I acted ignorantly in unbelief; 14 and the grace of our Lord was more than abundant, with the faith and love which are found in Christ Jesus. 15 It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost of all. 16 Yet for this reason I found mercy, so that in me as the foremost, Jesus Christ might demonstrate His perfect patience as an example for those who would believe in Him for eternal life. 17 Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen (1 Timothy 1:12-17).

Your sins, committed before your salvation, serve to demonstrate the grace of God, which now should assure you of your security in Him:

For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. 7 For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. 8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him. 10 For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. 11 And not only this, but we also exult in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation (Romans 5:6-11).

Remember that Satan is “the accuser of the brethren” (Revelation 12:10). So who do you think wants to undermine your faith and cause you to doubt the greatness of God’s work of salvation in you?

Bob Deffinbaugh

Related Topics: Christian Life, Marriage
