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3. Community

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Building community in a group

“Salvation is individual, but not individualistic. God’s people are called together in community.” (Francis Schaeffer)

Group community can be defined as “a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.” The life of following Christ was never meant to be solitary. The early Christians pursued it in groups not much larger than our small groups. They met exclusively in homes for the first 200 years or so of the movement. By meeting in a small group, we are imitating a time-tested format for spiritual life. Small groups are the ideal setting in which women can learn what it means to take on the character of Christ.

Women join a group to meet some type of need. Some want to mainly study; others want to mainly socialize. Most want a balance of both.

Advantages of Small Group Participation

Some of the advantages of participating in a small group are:

  • Encouraging one another during good and bad times
  • Solving problems together
  • Asking thoughtful questions when one has a decision to make
  • Benefiting from one another’s insights into the Word of God.
  • Listening to God together
  • Praying for each other
  • Practicing how to love one’s neighbor
  • Learning to receive care from others
  • Seeing Christianity is real as you see God work in others’ lives
  • Experiencing the pleasure of helping another person grow

Since women join and/or participate in a small group in order to have some need met, we as small group leaders can help to meet some of those needs. How we do that is often as unique as we are. But, every small group is likely to experience some challenges to community.

Think About It:

What have you gained by participating in a small group?

Connect, Connect, Connect!

“Connection” is the key word to building community. You must connect with your co-leader as described in the previous section. Then, your role in your group is to also connect them.

1. Connect the women with you.

You as a small group leader set the tone for the group. Through your actions, you say, “I care about you.” Here are some ways to connect the women with you.

  • Try and sit by a different woman each time your group meets. Break out of your comfort zone; it’s worth it! 
  • Get to know the women in your group by name and face. Greet them by name whenever you see them.
  • Become familiar with their husbands’ and children’s names and general ages (preschool, elementary, high school, college, adult). Ask about them and if needed, keep notes and refresh yourself before a meeting.
  • Know where they live, where they lived before, and what job or career they have (or had before motherhood).
  • Love them through smile, words, and touch.
  • Be transparent and honest about yourself.
  • Actively seek interaction with them outside of small group.
  • Be on time. Being on time sends a very positive and welcoming message.

Think About It:

How important do you think it is for a small group leader to intentionally connect with each member of the group?

2. Connect the women with each other.

  • It has been said that every woman needs 3 connections to stay in a small group. The connection with you is the first one, also with your co-leader if you have one. They need to connect with at least two more group members.
  • Be a “matchmaker.” Pay attention to common interests (occupations, hometowns or home states, pets, # of kids, ages of kids, live in the same neighborhood). Encourage those with common interests to get together outside of group time.
  • Plan times for your group members to get together. Even if only 2 can attend, they can connect with one another.
  • When one is absent, let the rest of the group know what is going on and encourage them to join together to pray or help her.
  • Discourage discussing controversial topics (denominations, politics) that may isolate anyone or divide the group.
  • Look for ways to build community in your small group.

Challenges of Small Group Participation

“Hospitality is the creation of a free space where the stranger can enter and become a friend instead of an enemy.” (Henri Nouwen)

The small group leader “facilitates.” To facilitate means to “make an action or process easy or easier.” As the servant-leader for your group, your role is to make being part of a group “easier” for those who participate. At the start of a small group, most of the women are strangers. The challenge for the leader is to help build community within this group of “strangers.” That involves overcoming hesitancy, incorporating authenticity, and working at connection.

Think About It:

How did you feel when/if you joined a small group (Bible Study or other) for the first time?


First-time participants will often have underlying questions and concerns about their participation in a small group setting. These are more often felt rather than verbalized: Will I be accepted or rejected here? I’m afraid I’ll look stupid or nervous. Will I feel pressured and pushed to perform in some way?

Some other feelings, concerns and fears that women might have when they are meeting with their small group for the first time are:

  • Who will be the real leaders here?
  • Will I tell too much about myself? What if I really open up my feelings? Will I embarrass myself?
  • What if everyone rejects me? If the group attacks me?
  • What if I’m asked to do something I don’t want to do?
  • Feelings of silence and awkwardness or high anxiety.

The central issue of all these fears and feelings is trust vs. mistrust. Whom can I really trust in this group?


Authenticity is an essential ingredient of a small group, but it requires trust. Building trust takes time, though, before women may open up and share what’s really going on in their lives. You, as a leader, need to share some of your own joys and struggles. Be authentic yourself. This gives them insight into your own faith walk with Jesus and helps them to identify with you as an ordinary woman, not the “superior” leader.


Connection is valuable for building community in a group as well as between ministry partners. It is important for group members to connect with one another and connect with the message of transformation being shared through the Bible study or life modeled by the small group leader.

Many groups will naturally connect with one another. If at any time your group is struggling to connect, be proactive to step in and create stronger connection within your group through any means you think might work with your women. One way is to connect them with you by spending time with them individually. That encourages women to attend the group more regularly. Another way is to pick a project the group can do together to serve other people.

Think About It:

What are some ways to facilitate building trust within a group so as to encourage authenticity?

The Complexion of a Small Group

The complexion of a small group will be as varied as the women attending. Every woman has a need to feel heard, a need to be valued, a need to experience love, and a need to contribute. Occasionally, leaders will face some challenging situations emerging from the personalities and life situations of the women participants. How we handle these challenges may influence how well our group experiences community.

A leader can help the individual and the group to meet these challenges by loving each woman and by redirecting and giving perspective as needed. First…pray for ideas; our God knows that woman best. Here are some gracious yet practical ideas others have discovered for dealing with the following challenges:

The Overly Talkative Gal

What you can say:

  • Good answer, I appreciate that. (Quickly) Okay, now someone else.
  • Okay, I need some of you shy ones to speak up on the next question.
  • It’s not fair to expect _(talker)_ to carry the discussion. (Ha, ha)

What you can do:

  • Recognize that some people are just uncomfortable with silence so they feel the need to answer every question. Model to them that you are not uncomfortable with silence.
  • Ask her apart from the group, “What clue do I use to let you know you’re talking too much?”
  • Enlist the talker’s help in getting the others to participate.

The Excessively Shy Gal

What you can say:

  • I can see you have something to share.
  • I can see those wheels turning.
  • I’m sure you have something to contribute.

What you can do:

  • Ask her if she wants to be encouraged to speak up.
  • Observe if she has anything written then ask, “Would you like to read what you’ve written?”
  • Encourage her prior to small group to be willing to share for the benefit of the group.
  • Most do want to join in, but be sensitive to those who don’t. Some quiet women like to just listen but will speak up when they are ready.

Think About It:

What have you seen small group leaders do to effectively facilitate a group including “the overly talkative gal” or “the excessively shy gal”?

The Argumentative Gal

What you can say:

  • I understand how you might feel that way.
  • Can we save that question until we get through with the study?
  • Let’s get together and go over that outside of small group.
  • Let’s see if we can find a really smart lady to join us for lunch!
  • (Controversial doctrine): For years, theologians have disagreed on that one! I wouldn’t argue that point, but you may enjoy talking to one of our pastors.

What you can do:

  • Gently talk to her later about what the group needs to accomplish in a short time frame.
  • Remind women at the beginning of the year that there will be different doctrinal views represented in our groups and that we are not here to discuss them but to study the Bible.

Extenuating Illness

This can be frightening because of the potential time demands. Don’t try to do it all. We have to balance our care of others with our commitment to our own families.

Here are some ways to realistically and graciously meet needs without overwhelming yourself or the group:

What you can say:

  • I have to go to the grocery store. Is there something you need?
  • I had just a few minutes but wanted to call and check on you.
  • I can do that. I’ll just need to be home by 3:00 for my kids.
  • My plate is kind of full today. Can this wait a day or two?

What you can do:

  • You can set aside half a day to help with the need. Communicate this clearly to her by saying, “I’m free for half a day tomorrow. Is there something I can do for you?” OR “I have a couple of hours this afternoon. Can I come to do your laundry?”
  • It doesn’t matter if you don’t know what to do, just “be.”
  • Keep a willing heart, stay connected, meet needs, be realistic and set boundaries.

Think About It:

What have you seen small group leaders do to effectively facilitate a group that included “the argumentative gal” or an “extenuating illness?”

The Occasional Woman

Some women are hesitant at making a commitment to a group. Whether it’s rarely preparing for a class, sporadic attendance throughout the year, or consistently not showing up on the days when your group is providing the brunch food, we as leaders must do what we can to make them feel welcome and wanted in the group.

In a Bible Study group —

If you are leading a group that is doing a Bible study and has homework, please encourage all women to come and learn from the discussion time, even if they haven’t done the lesson for that day. It’s not unusual for someone to not get the lesson done for that week. However, some women routinely come to a study without doing the lesson yet freely participate in the discussion, giving their own opinions.

Here are some suggestions for handling this graciously during group time:

  • Glance at everyone’s books to see if there are answers written. When you notice one with a blank page, be cautious about calling on that woman to answer a question.
  • If she feels comfortable joining the discussion or answering a question, let her do so. Especially encourage her to answer the observation questions, which are from the text.
  • Reinforce the need to go to the biblical text as the source of truth. Keep the group focused on what’s in the lesson.

Some ways to encourage her to do the lesson at home yet not discourage her from coming:

  • Gently ask her privately if she has had trouble finding time to do her study or if she needs help in walking through and answering questions.
  • Ask her to research something in particular.
  • Offer to come to her house and work through a study with her. Perhaps she’s intimidated into thinking she can’t do it on her own. (See the “Commission” section for helping women learn to do a study.)

In any group —

Some women stay on the fringes of the group (examples: attending sporadically, forgets to bring food when promised, rushes in/out). You will need to devise ways to keep her connected to the group so that when she does attend, she feels welcomed.

Here are some suggestions for doing that:

  • Pursue a regular connection with her through text, email or phone call to find out what’s going on in her life and to let her know about the group. Share what you can from your conversation with the group so that when she does attend, she is not perceived as a stranger.
  • Keep mentioning her name every group gathering so they’ll remember her.
  • Continually let her know that she is needed and wanted.

Think About It:

What have you seen small group leaders do to effectively facilitate a group that included “the occasional woman?”

Emotional Pain:

A little girl was sent on an early errand by her mother, but she took far too much time to return home. When she finally did return, her mother wanted to know what had taken so long. The little girl explained that on the way she had met a little friend who was crying because she had broken her doll. “Oh,” said the mother, “then you stopped to help her fix the doll?” “Oh, no,“ replied the little girl, “I stopped to help her cry.”

This little girl knew exactly what her friend needed. When people are hurting, they need comfort. But, we often respond to hurting people in unproductive ways. None of us can know the depth of someone’s emotional pain; we can only direct them to the reality of God’s comfort.

Here are some ways we can give comfort to someone who is emotionally hurting:

What you can say:

  • Support. “If you need a shoulder to cry on, I’ll be there.”
  • Encourage. I can’t fix it, but I know Who can help. And, I’ll be here also.
  • What you can do:
  • Keep a willing heart, stay connected, meet needs, be realistic and set boundaries.
  • Sometimes her pain may need pastoral counseling or professional help. If that is the case, please direct her to someone who can make that evaluation.

Think About It:

What have you seen small group leaders do to effectively facilitate a group that included someone with “emotional pain?”

Other Situations Affecting Community

How would you graciously respond to the following situations in your group?

  • The Advice Giver —
  • The Pessimist —
  • Group size getting noticeably smaller as women drop out; how to keep the rest from getting discouraged —

Related Topics: Christian Education, Women

4. Commitment

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The commitment of leadership

Imagine with me that you’re on a plane to Greece. You've wanted to go there all your life, but you've also been hesitant because you don't know the language or the culture…AND there is SO much you want to see and do, you don't know where to start! You're excited, but getting more and more nervous that this was a mistake. What made you think you could travel alone to a foreign country! The plane lands. Where do you go? What if customs won't let you through? What if you can't even find the bathroom? What if…wait, there is a smiling face holding a sign with YOUR NAME. You approach the smiling face, and she welcomes you to Greece IN ENGLISH and tells you that your travel agent back home contacted her to help you as you begin your journey. She comfortably navigates you through baggage and customs until you are standing in the beauty of the country you've always wanted to explore. She equips you with local maps, landmark suggestions, historical information, and makes sure you know the words for "bathroom" and "McDonalds hamburger" (in case you need some American food). You are now free to roam and discover Greece, always knowing that your guide, and new friend, is there to help you when needed. Soon what was unknown becomes familiar. Your trip is a huge success and the experience of a lifetime. And, you're eager to return to discover more!! Ladies, YOU are the smiling face, and YOU can make a difference to women coming to your small group for whatever reason, with whatever anxieties. You can help navigate your women to discover an experience of a lifetime in their walk with God, and to become more familiar with His Word and truth so they are eager to return and discover more! (Joan Floyd, Small Group Leader Training at Crossroads Bible Church, 2006)

What is “commitment?”

A commitment is “a devotion or dedication to a cause, person, or relationship.” As a small group leader, you are making a commitment both to your group and to the ministry as a whole. What does that look like? What is involved in the day-to-day, ongoing management of a small group?

Think About It:

What do you think your commitment to your small group will look like?

The following pages will cover 7 responsibilities of a small group leader that are considered the “nuts and bolts” of your commitment to your small group. Paying attention to these will help you be an effective servant-leader for your small group. 

#1 Prepare Beforehand to Serve Your Group

Preparing ahead of time frees you to focus on the women in your small group during your group time. This may take the form of knowing the discussion topic for the day, knowing who is leading that day (if you have a co-leader), knowing which women are struggling that week, or even how to set up the room.

Here are some other ways that will help you prepare beforehand:

Bible study group leader —

  • Prepare the next lesson before going to your group. This allows you to offer suggestions to your ladies on interesting or difficult questions as they prepare for the next week.
  • Review the current lesson and be prepared to either lead the lesson or support the leader during the discussion.

All groups —

  • Talk with your co-leader about your group on a weekly basis. You are a team with different perceptions and unique observations and ideas. Work together to offer your ladies your combined "best.”
  • Attend leaders meetings or ministry planning meetings.
  • Be committed to spending time with Jesus and his Word yourself. Keep your relationship with Jesus fresh.

Think About It:

What will be your biggest challenge in doing this?

#2 ESTABLISH a Caring Atmosphere

How many of you can walk into almost any room, anytime, and feel comfortable? Your group will have the confident, the nervous, the insecure—all kinds of women. You need to be their "welcoming guide" so they will want to continue their journey week-to-week.

Here are some ways you can help make walking into the group a highlight of a woman’s week:

  • Arrive early enough to your group to greet the first woman.
  • Ensure emotional comfort by asking non-threatening questions such as “How long have you lived here?” or “Tell me a little about yourself.” Some questions that may be considered threatening are “Do you have kids?” and “Are you married?”
  • Only mention personal issues when no one else is listening unless the group already knows about them.
  • Do not speak in a critical manner about any church, denomination, or political figure. Try to quickly diffuse any such topics when they come up.
  • Communicate unconditional acceptance in your eyes, manner, and the way you respond to what a group member shares. They need to trust you won’t make quick judgments about them. They need to be assured of confidences being kept.

Think About It:

What did a past small group leader do to establish a caring atmosphere for your group?

#3 ENCOURAGE Interaction while Directing the Discussion

A good discussion leader encourages all the women to contribute to the discussion and interact with one another while retaining control of the group and maintaining biblical integrity. Your group depends upon you to be the “thermostat” (sets the tone; the group adjusts to that) rather than just a “thermometer” (adjusts to the group, lets the group set the tone).

Here are some suggestions for accomplishing this:

Bible study group leader —

  • Guide your small group into the living, transforming Word of God by opening and reading the Bible together in your small group. (See steps for Inductive Bible Study at the end of the handbook.)
  • Encourage the women to discover God’s Word on their own during the week, taking time to complete the lesson, and to share with each other what they have learned. Model having your own lesson completed each week.
  • Provide an accepting environment that allows the women to openly wrestle with God’s Word as a small group through interaction with one another. Mark the application/share questions clearly so you won’t accidentally call on anyone for a share question, especially if it asks a woman to reveal personal information.

All groups —

  • Ask questions that will get the discussion going and then help direct it once it starts. How would some of you answer this question? What do you all think about that? Does anyone else feel that same way? What might this look like in a person’s life?
  • Limit your own talking except to “prime the pump” to get a discussion going and to direct the discussion once it begins.
  • Affirm a woman after she shares. (For example, “Thank you for sharing that.”) Clarify the truth, though, should the comment need further explanation. Correct error gently, if appropriate.
  • Ensure emotional comfort by diffusing critical remarks.
  • Encourage the women to say, “I would like to hear what someone else has to say,” if they are uncomfortable answering a question.
  • Consider calling on specific women to answer the question rather than asking for a volunteer. This avoids the same women volunteering, consumes less time, and allows you to call on each woman. If you sense someone prefers not to be called on (or she has told you so), honor that request. However, try to find out if she feels insecure about her answers or the element of surprise. Then, include her in ways she feels comfortable.
  • If a woman asks a question, and you don’t know the answer, that’s okay! You are not expected to have all the answers. Share with her you are not quite sure but will find out for next time.
  • Silence is okay! Count to 10 or 25 before jumping in and breaking it! Let the women have time to think.

Think About It:

Why is it important for the leader to encourage interaction between the group members and not just with yourself as “answer woman?”

#4 MANAGE Time Wisely

You and your co-leader (if you have one) need to ensure that group time is wisely used not only for discussing small group questions but also for caring for one another. Here are some suggestions for accomplishing this:

  • Start your small group on time. Even if only a few women are present, they will soon learn to be prompt.
  • If you are not leading the discussion, learn to help your co-leader move the group along. Watch the time and any signals given by the leader. Use a comment such as, “We had better move along, or we won’t finish” to graciously interrupt a discussion when needed.
  • Bible study group leader: move quickly through basic observation questions. Call on one person for an answer then move on. Or, sum up several questions into one.
  • End on time - whether or not any of your women have children in childcare.

Special Situations —

What do I do if a woman breaks down in tears? Some suggestions for managing this graciously:

  • After a couple of minutes of letting her share and/or cry, stop and pray. The leader can say, “Let’s see what God has for us in his Word that applies to this.” If appropriate, move on to the other discussion questions.
  • Sensitively listen while at the same time keeping the group from asking more questions that might prolong the sharing. Judge whether the issue is one that the group might help to “fix.”
  • After ~5 minutes, if the woman is still overcome by emotion, the co-leader (or another woman) should take her aside to continue giving her support through listening and prayer.

Think About It:

Why is it important to manage group time wisely?

#5 PURSUE Relationships

“The more you get to know a person, the more you get to teach them.” (Howard Hendricks)

Picture each woman wearing a sign that says, “Do you care about me?” She wants you to pursue a relationship with her. Spend time connecting with each woman in your group. If you successfully connect her with you, you have a greater chance of her connecting with the other women in the group because she’ll want to come. Here are some suggestions for accomplishing this:

  • Establish immediate contact with women by calling them and welcoming them to the group (including before the first session). Also, ask if she has any questions about the group or childcare (if applicable). For new women joining the group or those who missed the first session, make sure she has her study book or other ministry materials she needs. Deliver them personally if necessary. Also, tell her about the group members since she missed the first day’s “Get to Know You” time.
  • Pray regularly for your women. Pay attention to the needs and hurts expressed by the women in your group. Discuss with your co-leader (if you have one) the needs you can help meet, either as a group or individually, or the hurts that you may need to address.
  • Stay in touch with your women—by phone, card, email, lunch, or chat at church. Find ways to connect with your women outside of Bible study.
  • Take notice of their skills, interests, and gifts and suggest opportunities for them to be used. For example: if you have a photographer in the group, ask her to take a group photo.
  • Keep their phone numbers handy—in purse, in phone, etc.—for a quick call when you have a free moment.
  • When women share with you, really listen, taking notes as needed. Listen not for what you want to hear but to truly understand.

Think About It:

Why is it important to pursue relationships with the women in your group?

#6 PRAY Together as a Group

Sharing one another’s burdens in prayer helps to build community within the group. Managing the time and ways to do so is a challenge. Here are some suggestions for gathering prayer requests from group members or encouraging group prayer:

  • Group Journal: Pass a common prayer journal around the group. When it is time to pray, one woman can read aloud the requests while the others write them in their own books.
  • Verbal Requests: At prayer time, let the women briefly share requests and quick updates on previous requests.
  • Individually Written Requests: Provide sticky notes or index cards so that each person can briefly write her prayer need. Put them in a basket for women to pick from and pray for that day and all week. Or, pass them around the table for prayer time and then give them all to one person who types them and emails them to the group.
  • 2-3 Together: group 2-3 women together to share prayer requests and pray for each other. Change the groups weekly.

Think About It:

Why would it be important to establish a process for sharing prayer requests within the group?

#7 MANAGE Crisis Situations

To prepare for potentially dangerous situations, you need to know some basic bits of information:

  • The physical address of your group meeting location
  • The phone contact of your group meeting location (church office, director’s cell phone, etc.)
  • The location of first aid kits, AED (defibrillator), fire extinguishers, and any medically trained personnel within your group or ministry, especially those trained in CPR.
  • The evacuation routes to designated safe areas from your meeting room in case of fire
  • The location of the shelter area for your meeting room or the nearest safe location for a weather emergency—interior room away from windows.
  • Any other emergency instructions for your building
  • Whether or not parents are to meet their children to help with evacuation

1. What do I do in case of a sudden illness or accident within my group?

  • In the case of an obvious medical emergency (symptoms of heart attack or stroke, unconsciousness, severe bleeding), call 911. Do not attempt to handle anything other than normal first aid responses while awaiting emergency services.
  • Also, contact your ministry director or a church staff member. To access church staff quickly from within your building, use a cell phone to dial the church office.

2. What do I do if the fire alarm sounds or a fire is discovered?

  • If a fire emergency exists, remain calm, which will help your group members to remain calm. Count the number of people in your group. Keep that in mind as you head to the evacuation area.
  • Once evacuated to the designated area, make sure all your group members are with you. A ministry leader should bring you first aid. Do not leave your group to obtain first aid. Await further instructions from a ministry leader.

3. What do I do if there’s an extreme weather alert (tornado, damaging winds)?

  • During periods of inclement weather, designate someone to maintain a watch on the current conditions, and if needed, to inform ministry leaders when to take action.
  • Should action need to be taken, remain calm, which will help your group members to remain calm. Count the number of people in your group. Keep that in mind as you head to the shelter area. Upon arrival, count again to insure all your group is with you.
  • Instruct everyone to sit on the floor, back to the wall, hands interlocked covering neck. Do not evacuate the building unless given instruction to do so by a ministry leader. First aid should be brought to you as needed. Do not leave your group to obtain first aid. Await further instructions from a ministry leader.

4. What do I do if there’s an assailant in the building or other security breach?

  • When anyone needs to be secured in a classroom for any reason, the ministry director should access the door key, go to each classroom and say, “Please secure your classroom.” The ministry director should then lock the classroom door.
  • Small group leaders should calmly direct group members to a corner of the room out of sight of the main doorway, close the door, and close any blinds if windows are present. Tables turned sideways can be used as barriers. If in an auditorium, go to a side room.
  • Group leaders then wait for further instructions from the ministry leader.

Think About It:

What do you need to do to prepare yourself mentally for any of these 4 potential crisis situations?

Related Topics: Christian Education, Women

5. Commission

Related Media

Commissioned to be disciple-makers

Jesus Followers Become Disciple-Makers

Christianity is Christ! It is not a lifestyle, not rules of conduct, and not a society whose members were initiated by the sprinkling or covering of water. It is about Christ and our relationship with him.

Jesus Christ calls us to a new life, clothes us with himself, commissions us with a purpose, and empowers us to fulfill that purpose—to follow him as his disciples and to live for him as disciple-makers.

Jesus calls us to a new life A 20th century Bible teacher put it this way:

He gave His life for you so He could give His life to you, so He could live His life through you. (Major Ian Thomas)

Paul described this relationship in Galatians 2:20,

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

Jesus clothes us with Himself — Galatians 3:27 says that we are clothed with Christ. God sees Jesus when he looks on us. We are in him; that is our new identity. We become the walking talking, visible representatives of the invisible God.

Jesus commissions us with a purpose — Actually, it is a two-fold purpose. The first part is to follow him as his disciples. In John 12:26, Jesus said, “whoever serves me must follow me.” And, we are to live for him as disciple-makers. Before returning to heaven after his resurrection, Jesus said to His followers:

“Then Jesus came up and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and MAKE DISCIPLES of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” (Matthew 28:18-19)

When Jesus gave that command to his followers to go and make disciples, it was not to ordained preachers, hired church staff or mission organizations. He spoke those words to average, every day kind of people like you and I are. Jesus commissions us with a purpose: to follow him as his disciples and to live for him as disciple-makers.

Jesus empowers us to fulfill that purpose — He empowers us through the Holy Spirit present in our lives.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses…” (Acts 1:8)

“Now to him who by the power that is working within us is able to do far beyond all that we ask or think, …” (Ephesians 3:20)

Our response is to live dependently on his power…by faith. You and I can be disciple-makers not because we are so great or smart, not because we have been a Christian for a long time or know the Bible well. Who makes us able to do what he asks us to do? Jesus! We are simply to obey him and trust his Spirit in us to work through us. Being a little scared is a good thing because we will rely on Jesus more.

The bottom line is this: Jesus followers become disciple-makers.

Think About It:

What do you think Jesus’ commission to you as a disciple-maker would look like in your life?

What Is a Disciple-Maker?

It is always good to understand the terms we use. So, let’s define three terms and use a recent movie to illustrate them.

Disciple — A disciple is an active follower or learner. A disciple studies the teachings of another person whom they respect and applies those teachings to her life.

Discipleship — Discipleship is the normal process for Christians to get established and grow in their faith. That would include small groups whether Bible studies, moms groups, or general fellowship groups. This is traditional discipleship. It has a tendency to be inward-focused on how much I as a believer am growing in my faith.

Disciple-Making — Disciplemaking is the full process of trusting in Christ, choosing to follow him and grow in him while at the same time being equipped to reach new people for Christ, build them up in the faith, and help them reach their peers. It is outward-focused. That is full discipleship.

Discipleship is incomplete without disciple-making. We tend to cut off the second half and call it discipleship. Jesus didn’t leave that option open to us.

Here’s the illustration:

The movie Julie & Julia portrays the young woman Julie Powell becoming a disciple of master chef Julia Child through Julia’s cookbook, Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Julie studies the recipes and follows the procedures. As a result, she experiences the joy of cooking and eating delicious food as Julia has taught her through a book. She wears her apron and pearls like Julia. Towards the end, one realizes that Julie got to know Julia Child “personally” though they never met. That is traditional discipleship.

Julie Powell didn’t keep her good cooking to herself, though. She wrote a blog about her cooking, bringing others along with her and introducing them to Julia Child and her book. Then, Julie wrote a book about her experience. Soon, a movie came along. How many women do you think bought that book and started cooking through it because of Julie’s influence?

While Julie Powell was following Julia Child as a disciple, she was engaging others and introducing them to Julia and sharing what she was learning with her readers so that they were being taught how to cook that way. That’s disciple-making.

The point is Julie was a follower and a disciple-maker at the same time. That’s what Jesus calls each of us to do. Small groups are great fishing pools for fulfilling this purpose. You, as a small group leader, have the opportunity to pursue disciple-making as you minister to the women of your small group, and you can encourage them to become disciple-makers as well. Let’s see what this would look like.

Think About It:

How long have you been a disciple of Jesus? Why did you decide to follow him?

In what ways have you helped others to also know Jesus and follow him?

Small Groups Are Fishing Pools for New Disciples

Small groups attract new Christians as well as those who have been believers for years but have never been discipled. Even non-Christians are attracted to small groups because they are seeking truth and/or fellowship. This is true for Bible studies, mothers’ groups, or other small groups. What a great opportunity to help someone grow in her relationship with Jesus and in his truth!

“Now a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, arrived in Ephesus. He was an eloquent speaker, well versed in the scriptures. He had been instructed in the way of the Lord, and with great enthusiasm he spoke and taught accurately the facts about Jesus, although he knew only the baptism of John. He began to speak out fearlessly in the synagogue, but when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him aside and explained the way of God to him more accurately.” (Acts 18:24-26)

This is a great example of someone in leadership listening to what is being shared in a group setting, realizing that the person sharing is lacking some beneficial information, and personally discipling that person so he can influence others more effectively. How important do you think it was that the couple invited Apollos to a private place for discussion?!

Think About It:

What did someone use to establish you as a new believer?

Since your group may contain mature Christians with lots of Bible knowledge alongside those who have limited Christian understanding, it is very important that you do two things in an intentional and relational way:

1. Pay attention Do not assume that woman sitting next to you in your Bible study group knows who she is in Christ. Listen to what she says. She may not even be a believer yet. She may be a new believer. She may be a long-time believer who has never been discipled and feels ignorant compared to others. What if her answer reveals she doesn’t know the truth? Maybe she is leaving blanks because she doesn’t know how to do a study or can’t figure out how to answer the question. Many Bible studies are written using one particular translation so the question wording often reflects that. If she doesn’t use the same translation, she may not know how to get the answer. So…

2. Come alongside her If you catch that she’s new to Bible study, church, and/or doesn’t know much, invite her somewhere to visit—maybe in your home as Priscilla and Aquila did or any place where you can be together and have enough quiet to discuss. Find out what her background is, what she already knows, and what she’d like to know. If she’s interested in meeting with you one-on-one to get more established in her faith, agree on a first time to get together. Be intentional and relational.

  • If she is just new to Bible study, help her work through 1-2 Bible study lessons until she feels more comfortable with the process.
  • If she is a new Christian who doesn’t know much yet, walk her through a new believers study such as Graceful Beginnings: New Believers Guide (available at or other books designed for new believers. (See for some other selections.) This will give her roots in the Christian faith.
  • If she has been a Christian for years but was never discipled, take her through Graceful Living (available at This will firmly establish her in her identity in Christ, Christ’s finished work on the cross, what the resurrection means for her now, and how to live by the Spirit.
  • You can customize what you’ll cover with her by asking, “What do you already know? What do you want to know? What do you know about Christ? Do you know your identity in Christ? What do you know about living by the Spirit? Many people in our churches don’t know what that is.

Think About It:

Why is it important to come alongside someone in your group who is struggling or lacking truth in her life rather than assuming she will “catch up” just by being in the group?

3. Encourage mature group members to do the same. If you have several mature believers in the group and several new believers, encourage the mature Christians to pay attention and come alongside at least one younger believer in the group. Follow the same procedures as above. Encourage the women to be doing this outside the group as well with those in their sphere of influence who need to be more firmly established in their faith.

What about those who come to your group who are not yet believers?

Be Ready to Share Christ with Unbelievers

As you pay attention to your group members, you should recognize those who have yet to trust Christ.

“But they [believers] overcame him [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…” (Revelation 12:11)

This verse tells us that we have two very powerful tools to introduce others to Jesus that cannot be stopped. We have the gospel facts (the blood of the lamb) and the story of our own experience validating the power of the gospel. People can reject the facts of the gospel and even its logic, but it is very hard to argue with someone about her experience of the gospel.

Every Jesus follower needs to have these two tools to fulfill your purpose — 1) a way to share the gospel facts and 2) a readiness to share your own story. That’s intentionally partnering with the Holy Spirit in bringing others to Christ.

Think About It:

If you were saved as a teen or adult, what was life like without Jesus?

What triggered your need for him?

What did God use to draw you to himself?

Learn to Share the Gospel Message

There are different ways to share the gospel—4 spiritual laws, the bridge diagram, Romans road, and others. Hopefully, your church or organization will offer you training in how to share the gospel relationally. If training is not offered, you can ask others and find out what’s available in your area and when. Ask your ministry coordinator for help.

Find a presentation that works for you and practice it until you know it well. The idea is that when the opportunity comes up in conversation, you will be ready to share the gospel without stressing about remembering the “details.” Gather the members of your small group together to get trained along with you. It’s more fun to do in a group, and it is more likely to be done!

Here are two ideas: — You can go online to to watch the online training videos available there. This follows the good news/bad news approach. The training gives you opportunity to introduce your own illustrations including those from your own faith story. (See the next section for ways to work on your faith story.)

John 3:16 — This familiar verse is often referred to as the Gospel in a nutshell. Using four simple elements, you can introduce someone to Jesus in a concise way. Open with, “Has anyone introduced you to Jesus so you could know Him? May I?”

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (NIV)

God Loves

  • God is real. He loves you with an unconditional, never-ending love. “For God loves you ________ (name) so much…” He created you to have a relationship with Him. But, we can’t experience this loving personal relationship because of sin in our lives. Sin is disobeying God. It puts a barrier between us and a holy God. No matter how hard you try, you cannot be good enough on your own to overcome this sin barrier. The penalty for sin is death. But God’s love had a plan…

God Gave

  • God gave His one and only Son” Jesus – to live as a human without sin and then to take the penalty for our sin on himself when he died on the cross. He was buried as a dead man then raised from the dead to be alive again. He did this so that our sins could be forgiven.

We Believe God’s Love

  • Whoever believes in Him” – Faith is trust. God asks that we trust in His plan, admit our sin and desire for a relationship with Him. Accept what Jesus did on the cross for us out of love.

We Receive What God Gave

  • “Shall not perish but have eternal life” – Everyone dies and ends up somewhere. To perish means to die separated from God and His love for you. Eternal life means you can enjoy a forever family relationship with God and promise of living securely with Him now and after your life on earth ends.
  • When offered a gift you want, you take it and say thank you. It’s forever yours. Is there anything keeping you from trusting in Jesus right now? Lead them in a short prayer. Prayer is simply talking to God. If you are unsure about how to pray or what to say, you can say something like this:

"Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. Please forgive my sins and give me the gift of eternal life. I ask you into my life and heart to be my Savior. I want to serve you always."

Be sure to meet with her afterwards to walk her through a new believers guide such as Graceful Beginnings: New Believers Guide. See above for information. Introduce her to the group as their new sister in Christ. Lead a celebration of her new life.

Learn to Share Your Faith Story

Once called “testimonies,” the more friendly term is “faith stories.” Be ready to share YOUR faith story with the women in your group—either one-on-one or in the small group setting—whenever appropriate.

Prepare Your Own Faith Story

Now, I am hearing the hesitation out there. Are you unconvinced that your story matters? Do you think your story is boring, not sensational enough? Jesus Christ died for you so he could give his life to you so he could live his life through you. It’s his story in your life. Only you know it. Share it. If grew up in the church and stayed faithful to Jesus for the most part until now, you have the story every parent of young children wants to hear. What influenced you to stay faithful?

1. For help in preparing your story, a worksheet is available at Once you have your story thought out, prepare a 10-minute version, and then whittle it down to a 5-minute version.

2. Consider simple statements or questions you could include in conversation that could lead into sharing your story. Then, be ready for openings in the conversation where you can share simple statements of what God has done in your life. Give her a peak into the life you have in Christ. Create curiosity for more.

Here are some transitions from common topics about which people are already passionate:

  • Corruption, evil and sin – “in the end, I find that though I am not guilty of that particular sin, I am just as guilty as…”
  • Community – “Part of why I am so passionate about authentic community is because we are created by God to live in real community, first of all with him…”
  • Family – “I am so glad God cares more about my family than even I do. What would I do without him helping me to…?”

Think About It:

What are some conversation starters to stimulate meaningful conversation that might reveal a woman’s heart and give you a chance to invite it somewhere?

Encourage Group Members to Share Their Faith Stories

Suggest all the women in the group work on their faith stories. Direct them to the worksheets mentioned above or any other outline you may already by using.

Give opportunity for each to share for 5 minutes during group time, or plan a group get together over dinner or dessert where there is plenty of time for each one to share her story.

Prepare Future Leaders

Identify the woman in your group who demonstrates a greater level of spiritual interest and commitment to your group who might also be challenged to become a small group leader herself. You, in essence, help her develop as a leader who is capable of ministering to others.

  • Give her some responsibility within the group and watch what she does.
  • Challenge her to reach out to at least one other member of the group in the ways described above for disciple-making.
  • Pray for her regularly.
  • Enjoy your new relationship and leave the results up to the Holy Spirit!

Think About It:

Why would developing future leaders be important for a ministry? Has someone done this for you?

You Can Do This – By Faith

You can become a disciple-maker as Jesus commissioned you to be — by faith:

  • In your personal life and already-existing church life. Disciple-making is a lifestyle, not a program. It’s investing your life in THE purpose.
  • At any age or stage of life — teens and college students, senior adults, singles, married, widowed, moms, and empty-nesters. Someone around you needs to know Jesus or needs to know him better.
  • Along any stage of your Christian growth. Just beginning or doing it for years. Give yourself permission to not know all the answers first. No one does anyway!
  • Because whatever Jesus calls us to do, he empowers us to do through his Spirit. Say "yes" and jump in with both feet!

For more information about Disciple-Making, and especially the Disciple-Making Pathway training, visit my website at Consider hosting a Disciple-Making Pathway training at your church so that all your small group leaders will be onboard with their commission as DISCIPLE-MAKERS for Jesus!

Related Topics: Christian Education, Discipleship, Evangelism, Leadership, Women

Introduction: Give Forth Glimpses of Godliness

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Introductory Lesson

How many of you have been to the Grand Canyon? Several years ago my husband Gary and I took a road trip to Arizona because I had always wanted to see it. We planned to watch some baseball spring practice and follow it up with an overnight stay at the Grand Canyon.

Now, the only reason that I was in favor of driving so far was because of this side trip; I’m not really much of a road trip person—all those hours in the car seem so wasted! But to go to the Grand Canyon was worth it! So we planned the trip and reserved a room at the hotel right on the rim. I was very excited!

After driving and driving and driving for what seemed like weeks through New Mexico, we spent several days in Phoenix; then, we headed north and arrived at our destination. The Grand Canyon at last! Here is a picture of me at the rim. As you can see, fog totally enveloped it. We could barely see ten feet in front of us or down the side, much less the other side of the canyon! And the twenty-four hour forecast was more fog, and that was all the time we had! To say that I was disappointed is a huge understatement!

Since we had nothing else to do, we decided to take a walk until lunch and then leave for home. However, as we walked along the rim of the canyon feeling very dejected and staring out into the nothingness, there was a small break in the fog. I could see the light shining on a piece of the canyon wall on the other side. It was beautiful! I was amazed at the colors. Of course, I had seen pictures, but they were nothing compared to this small glimpse of the real thing! I thought, if only I could see the entire canyon! What a sight it must be!

Just as the Grand Canyon is a beautiful and amazing sight to behold, so vast that it is impossible to take in, we have a God who is beyond our comprehension! He is lovely; he is wonderful; he is loving and kind. He has complete power and yet he cares for the least of his creation. His qualities would blow us away if we truly grasped them. But we can only see him through a fog produced by our broken world and lives. At best we catch infrequent glimpses of his true beauty and greatness. Sometimes we are able to peer at his wonder, and other times we see only the fog. But when we do see him, we yearn to see more!

But originally God shaped his creation to reflect his own character. People were purposed and designed to look like him. Even now he calls each of us to give forth glimpses of godliness--

Related Topics: Curriculum, Spiritual Life, Women

Introduction: Graceful Living

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Jesus Christ said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke on you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and my load is not hard to carry.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

Jesus Christ presented himself as the answer to every need of the human heart. The New Testament writers unanimously taught the same. Multitudes of people throughout the centuries since have witnessed that he does indeed do what he promised for those who trust and follow him.

How Jesus Discipled Me

I have been a Jesus follower for more than 40 years now. Not once have I regretted that decision. I am a lifelong learner, a student of God’s Word and my Lord’s life. He teaches me in many ways. Recently, someone asked me, “How has Jesus discipled you? What has made the most impact on my life?” When it comes to knowing who I am and where I stand with my God, without a doubt, the best course I have ever taken was T.E.A.M. Training, created by Tim Stevenson and offered through Crossroads Bible Church in recent years. I found that this course effectively covered the foundational principles of Christianity—who Christ is, what He accomplished on the cross for us, what the resurrection means for us, and our identity in him. It communicated clearly and succinctly to me what I needed to know to live dependently on Christ and rest in my assurance of life in him and through him. Through T.E.A.M., I learned more about the purpose for the cross and the resurrection than I had ever heard before. I learned how to recognize the poison of legalism in a Christian’s life. It was through T.E.A.M. that I became aware that my flesh is not getting better the longer I know Christ. I need to depend 100% on him now as I ever did as a young believer in the 70s. Hundreds of others also found their lives transformed as they understood God’s grace toward them and active in their lives. They, too, experienced a life of freedom and joy!

Times change; people change; circumstances change. T.E.A.M. Training is no longer being taught. Yet, these truths are essential for every believer to enjoy the life God has planned for her. So, with permission from Tim Stevenson to adapt the course (given as a series of lectures) to a women’s Bible study, Graceful Living is the result and is freely available to everyone. The core of the study is based on what was taught in the original T.E.A.M. course, including many of the charts. I have revised the wording and added information where needed to make the studies flow better.

The heart of the course has remained true to the original—the message of God’s love and grace in Jesus Christ and the reality of “Christ alive and living in me.” This study will help you build a foundation for successful, enjoyable Christian living and to equip you for personal ministry to others. All based on “grace.” You will experience a life of freedom and joy!

Importance of the Theology of Grace

It is critically important for women who know Christ to have sound theology (rational, systematic understanding of God). Theology is inescapable. Any thoughts you have about God or information you receive about God is theology. We live according to our theology. Our theology can be based on truth or error. Truth and error lead to dramatically different results. Jesus told those who believed in him, “…If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31-32) If truth sets you free, then the opposite is also true: it is error that binds you.

Jesus Christ invites you to follow him in discipleship—not to imprison you but to give you abundant life and rest for your soul. What Jesus offers to his followers is life full of his grace.

What is grace? In particular, what is God’s grace?

Focus on the Meaning: “Transformation takes place in the context of grace. Grace is commonly defined as unmerited favor…an undeserved gift. We understand grace is required for salvation and yet too often, grace is forgotten afterwards. We move into a graceless-centered life and instead tie our spiritual growth to works-based performance. God cannot love us more, and he refuses to love us less. Performance does not earn salvation, love, transformation or spiritual growth.” (Debby Rowe, The Disciplemaking Ministry Guide, “Navigate” page 9)

Understanding God’s grace given to you is essential to enjoying the life that God has planned for you. May our “Grace-giving” God completely fill your heart with his grace so that you become a “Grace-giver” in your life. “Graceful living” is life overflowing with his grace—a life of freedom and joy!

Related Topics: Curriculum, Women

Using This Study Guide

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The Basic Study

This study guide consists of 11 lessons covering foundational principles of Christianity — who Christ is, what he accomplished on the cross for us, what his resurrection means for us, and our identity in him. As a topical study, the lessons cover a lot of scripture passages. Because of the importance of clearly communicating the truth of our faith in Christ, each lesson contains several paragraphs of teaching interspersed between the questions. If you cannot do the entire lesson one week, please read the teaching paragraphs so you will grasp the main idea of the lesson.

Process of Bible Study: Each lesson includes core questions covering the passage narrative. These core questions will take you through the process of inductive Bible study—observation, interpretation, and application. The process is more easily understood in the context of answering these questions:

  • What does the passage say? (Observation: what’s actually there)
  • What does it mean? (Interpretation: the author’s intended meaning)
  • How does this apply to me today? (Application: making it personal) Questions identified as Graceful Living lead you to introspection and application of specific truths to your life. Feel free to use creative means to express God’s faithfulness to you in your life’s journey.

Study Enhancements

To aid in proper interpretation and application of the study, five additional study aids are located where appropriate in the lesson:

  • Historical Insights
  • Scriptural Insights
  • From the Greek/Hebrew (definitions of Greek or Hebrew words)
  • Focus on the Meaning
  • Think About It (thoughtful reflection)
  • Deeper Discoveries (optional research)

Graceful Living

The core information provided in this study is derived from the T.E.A.M. Training course used at Crossroads Bible Church in Double Oak, TX. The heart of the course has remained the same—the message of God’s love and grace in Jesus Christ and the reality of “Christ alive and living in me.”

What Jesus offers to his followers is life full of his grace. “Graceful living” is life overflowing with his grace, resulting in freedom and joy!

“Transformation takes place in the context of grace. Grace is commonly defined as unmerited favor…an undeserved gift. We understand grace is required for salvation and yet too often, grace is forgotten afterwards. We move into a graceless-centered life and instead tie our spiritual growth to works-based performance. God cannot love us more and he refuses to love us less. Performance does not earn salvation, love, transformation or spiritual growth.” (Debby Rowe, The Disciplemaking Ministry Guide, “Navigate” page 9)

Related Topics: Curriculum, Women

La Revue Internet Des Pasteurs, Fre Ed 11, Edition du printemps 2014

Edition du printemps 2014

Sous la direction du

Dr Roger Pascoe, Président de

l’Institut pour la Prédication Biblique

Cambridge, Ontario, Canada

C:\Users\Roger\Documents\My Documents\Institute for Biblical Preaching\Forms, Binder Cover Page, Logo\IBP Logos\IBP Logo.jpg

Institut Biblique pour le Ministère Pastoral

Renforcer les capacités de l’Eglise dans la prédication biblique et le leadership

1ère Partie: La Préparation De La Prédication

“Le choix du texte et du thème”

Par: Dr. Roger Pascoe,

Président de l'Institut pour la prédication biblique,

Cambridge, Ontario, Canada

Continuons notre discussion sur le thème : «Préparation de la prédication: Le choix du texte et du thème». Le premier aspect dont nous avons discuté la dernière fois portait sur l’aide qu’un « programme de prédications » pourrait vous apporter dans la préparation de vos prédications. 

Dans la présente édition de la Revue Internet des Pasteurs, je voudrais discuter de quelques principes bibliques et de bonnes pratiques en matière de choix de textes et sujets de prédication.

Quelques Principes Bibliques Pour Le Choix Des Textes Et Themes

Dans le mot d’au revoir de Paul aux anciens de l’église d'Ephèse (Act 20, 28-30), il présente au moins trois principes qui doivent régir un ministère de prédication si nous voulons nous acquitter fidèlement de notre responsabilité qui est de prêcher tout le conseil de Dieu (Actes 20:27).

1. Le Principe De Comprendre La Portée De Votre Ministère Prédication

Paul énonce un principe biblique en rapport avec la nature et le contenu de ce que nous devons prêcher. À Ephèse, Paul a prêché des messages d'évangélisation (21, 24-25) et des messages d’édification (20). En somme, la prédication de Paul a couvert ce qu'il appelle tout le conseil de Dieu (27), qui, pourrait-on dire, doit être le principe général pour tout ministère de prédication

Paul ne décrit pas pour nous le contenu et ne précise pas ce qu'il entend exactement par « tout le conseil de Dieu», mais l’on comprend évidemment que cela concerne toute l’étendue et l’intégralité de l’enseignement des Saintes Ecritures – l’entièreté de la vérité révélée par Dieu.

On peut dire que tout le conseil de Dieu comprend (a) «la repentance envers Dieu et la foi en notre Seigneur Jésus Christ» (21); (b) «l'évangile de la grâce de Dieu» (24); et (c) «le royaume de Dieu» (25). En d'autres termes, cela comprend probablement à la fois les messages d'évangélisation et les messages d'édification, d'exhortation, et de consolation. (1 Cor. 14:03).

Prêcher tout le conseil de Dieu c’est s’acquitter pleinement de toutes nos obligations en tant que prédicateurs. Ce que Paul souligne avec force ici c’est que, quelque soit le contenu ou la nature de sa prédication, il s’était pleinement et fidèlement acquitté de ses responsabilités, en sorte qu’il était «innocent du sang de tous les hommes» (26). Il n'avait pas été négligeant dans sa prédication, ni évité de proclamer certaines vérités – que ces vérités leur ait été agréables ou désagréables, reçues ou rejetées. Il avait laissé derrière lui (à Ephèse) le message complet et toute l’instruction qu’il fallait à l'église pour croitre par la suite (20).1

Par conséquent, pour prêcher tout le conseil de Dieu, vous devez ...

(A) Prêcher Fidèlement.

Cela signifie s'assurer que votre prédication a de la longueur (ou de la portée). Être pleinement engagé à proclamer la Parole de Dieu et le message de Dieu dans toute son envergure.

(B) Prêcher De Façon Complète.

Cela signifie s'assurer que votre prédication a de la largeur (ou de l’étendue). Intégrez la gamme complète de la vérité biblique (« tout » le conseil) afin de (i) édifier (enseigner) l'église; (ii) exhorter l'église; (iii) corriger ou réprimander l'église; (iv) fortifier l'église; (v) faire croitre l'église.

Lorsque vous prêchez « tout le conseil de Dieu» vous prêchez de façon  exhaustive et complète en ce sens que vous instruirez les croyants dans la vérité de Dieu et donc les fortifiez dans «leur très sainte foi»; et vous invitez les incroyants à la repentance. La Parole de Dieu est applicable et efficace pour toutes les personnes dans toutes les situations (cf. 2 Tim. 3:14-17).

(C) Prêcher Avec Méthode.

Cela signifie s'assurer que votre prédication a de la profondeur (de la consistance). Soyez méthodique et systématique dans votre prédication. Étudiez soigneusement sa signification (ses implications). Assurez-vous de savoir ce dont vous parlez. Soyez précis. Prêtez attention aux détails.

(D) Prêcher De Façon Mesurée.

Cela signifie s'assurer que votre prédication a de l’équilibre afin que (i) vous ne privilégiez pas certains sujets ou textes au détriment des d'autres; (ii) vous exposez toutes les facettes de la vérité de la Parole; (iii) vous déclarez ce qui est nécessaire, pas forcement ce qui est souhaité ou désiré. Cela signifie rechercher sous  la direction du Saint-Esprit le texte approprié pour la circonstance particulière. 

Il faut donc comprendre le principe biblique de la portée de votre prédication. Ensuite, nous avons ...

2. Le Principe De Mettre En Pratique Ce Que Vous Prêchez

Votre prédication et votre enseignement seront impuissants s’ils ne sont pas confirmés par votre exemple personnel. Ainsi donc :

  • mettez en pratique l'humilité personnelle. Paul dit qu'il a servi le Seigneur «en toute humilité» (19)
  • mettez en pratique la responsabilité pastorale. Paul dit: «je n’ai cessé nuit et jour d’exhorter avec larmes chacun de vous.» (31). Nous avons des responsabilités pastorales, et cela inclut la réprimande ou la discipline. 
  • Pratiquez l'intégrité personnelle. «ces mains ont pourvu à mes besoins et à ceux des personnes qui étaient avec moi.» (34-35). En d'autres termes, Paul n'était pas dans le ministère pour l'argent ou des avantages personnels, mais il a pourvu à ses propres besoins et pour ceux qui étaient dans le ministère avec lui.

Le troisième principe de choix des textes et des thèmes c’est ...

3. Le Principe De Développer Des Leaders Par Votre Prédication

Ce que vous prêchez et enseignez a un impact direct sur les responsables de votre église - leur spiritualité, leur style, leur formation, leur encadrement, etc. Préparer les responsables dans l'église, selon l'apôtre Paul, consiste à: les nommer (28), les équiper (28-31), les exhorter (31), et de leur confier la responsabilité de paître l'église (32).

Lorsque vous prêchez tout le conseil de Dieu et que vous le mettez en pratique dans votre propre vie, vous pourrez efficacement préparer et former d'autres responsables dans la même voie.

4. Conclusion

Si vous prêchez tout le conseil de Dieu votre prédication aura un impact profond sur votre église, organisation missionnaire, ou autre ministère chrétien. Vous laisserez derrière vous un héritage durable. Vous enracinerez votre organisation dans la vérité. Vous formerez vos responsables à gérer l’œuvre dans la crainte de Dieu. En conséquence, vous ne serez jamais confus, ni n’éprouverez aucun regret au sujet de votre prédication.

En plus de ces principes bibliques pour le choix textes et thèmes, permettez-moi de suggérer une liste de ...

Bonnes Pratiques Pour Le Choix Des Textes Et Des Themes

1. Choisissez Vos Textes Et Vos Thèmes Dans La Prière

La prière est la seule base solide pour le choix des textes et de thèmes de prédication. La prière préserve des dangers et des craintes liés aux programmes de prédication (voir numéro précédent) - à savoir que ces programmes proviendront de la chair et non de l'Esprit. La planification du ministère qui se fait dans la prière reconnaît et se soumet à la souveraineté de Dieu et la direction du Saint-Esprit.

Assurez-vous de placer vos programmes de prédication sous l'autorité de l'Esprit. Que vous prêchez message par message, par série, ou que vous préparez votre prédication sur une base trimestrielle, annuelle, ou sur une base thématique, vos prédications doivent être planifiées dans la prière sous la direction du Saint-Esprit.

Assurez-vous de consacrer du temps pour cela. Faites-en une priorité. Priez intentionnellement au sujet de ce que vous devez prêcher au cours de la semaine, de l’année, ou de la saison à venir (par exemple Noël ou Pâques). Attendez vous à Dieu – soyez sensible à sa direction autant pour une série que pour un seul message.

2. Choisissez Vos Textes Et Thèmes En Fonction De Priorités Préétablies

Le processus de planification commence par l'établissement des priorités pour votre église. Les responsables d’église se doivent d'établir un plan pour l’assemblée dans son ensemble et pour les sous groupes au sein de l’assemblée, et cela en fonction d’un certain nombre de priorités et objectifs qu'ils ont décidé dans la prière de poursuivre. Beaucoup trop d’églises n'ont pas de programmes pour leur prédication et leur ministère d’enseignement. Et ils se demandent pourquoi leurs gens sont si spirituellement immatures, ou bibliquement illettrés.

Les priorités suivantes constituent les plus importantes :

(A) Etablissez Des Priorités Bibliques

Priorité biblique n°1: Prêcher Christ. Christ est le thème central de la Bible. Paul a dit: «nous, nous prêchons Christ crucifié» (1 Cor 1:23; 2:02; cf. Col 1:28) - C'est à dire «l'Évangile» (Rom. 1:16). C’est là le point focal de toute la Bible et, par conséquent, chaque sermon doit, d’une manière ou d’une autre, se rapporter à ce thème.

Priorité Biblique n°2: Prêcher la Foi. Il s’agit là des doctrines centrales de la Bible - c'est à dire la vérité de l'Évangile; «la foi qui a été transmise aux saints une fois pour toutes.» (Jude 3); l'ensemble des vérités qui constituent l'essence de la foi chrétienne. Vous pouvez faire une liste de ces doctrines centrales à partir de livres de théologie biblique ou systématique, ou à partir de votre propre étude des Saintes Ecritures.

Priorité biblique n°3: Prêcher la Parole. Le choix de texte doit tenir compte de tout le conseil de Dieu - toute l’étendue des Saintes Ecritures, puisque Dieu nous les a données dans leur entièreté pour être ainsi prêchées. Vous ne pourrez peut être pas prêcher la Bible toute entière au cours de votre vie, mais l’essentiel c’est que preniez en compte la diversité et la profondeur des Saintes Ecritures. Et pour ce faire, faites en sorte de prêcher sur des textes de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament, sur des personnages, des doctrines, des récits historiques, des écrits prophétiques, des livres de sagesse, des épîtres, les évangiles, etc.

(B) Etablissez Des Priorités Pratiques

Le choix de texte dépend aussi des circonstances qui se produisent de jour en jour. Ainsi, il n'y a pas de modèle préétabli à suivre, hormis la nécessité de mette en œuvre  les priorités bibliques en tenant compte des priorités pratiques du ministère - c'est à dire faire le lien entre la réalité des besoins dans votre assemblée et les principes de la prédication.

Tout cela est fonction de (a) votre ministère (par exemple jeunes, personnes âgées, évangélisation, etc.); (b) de votre don particulier (prédication prophétique, prédication d’évangélisation, etc.); et (c) du genre de circonstances dans lesquelles vous prêchez (cultes du dimanche, funérailles, mariages, etc.)

C’est donc la combinaison de trois composantes: (i) le don que Dieu vous a accordé; (ii) le ministère que Dieu vous a appelé à faire; et (iii) le message que Dieu vous a donné.

2eme Partie: Le Leadership - Etre Un Modele Selon Le Cœur De Dieu

«L’abandon de votre personne au Saint Esprit»

Par: Dr Roger Pascoe

L'Institut pour la prédication biblique

Cambridge, Ontario, Canada

Les leaders doivent être remplis et conduits par l'Esprit. Nous parlons souvent de la plénitude du Saint Esprit, mais qu'est-ce que cela signifie vraiment d'être rempli de l'Esprit? A quoi cela ressemble t-il dans la réalité? Comment obtenez-vous cette plénitude de l’Esprit et quelle différence cela fait-il dans votre vie? Comment est ce qu’une personne remplie de l'Esprit agit, interagit avec les autres, parle, pense, etc.?

Pour y répondre, nous irons dans Ephésiens 5 ; mais avant cela, je souhaite vous faire remarquer l'importance du sujet de l'Esprit Saint pour Paul dans l’épitre aux Éphésiens. Il parle du fait d’être scellé par l'Esprit (1:13); habité par l'Esprit (2:22);  fortifié par l'Esprit (3:16); unis par l'Esprit (4:3); attrister l'Esprit (4:30); et être rempli de l'Esprit (5:18).

En outre, Paul évoque dans l’épitre aux Ephésiens cette question de la «plénitude» - la plénitude des temps (1:10); la plénitude de l'Église, corps du Christ (1:23); la plénitude de Dieu (3:19); la plénitude du Christ (4:13); la plénitude de l'Esprit (5:18).

Le mot grec est πληρωμα, ce qui peut être actif ou passif. Au sens actif il réfère à ce qui remplit, ce qui remplit jusqu’au bout. Au sens passif, il réfère à ce qui a été rempli ou complété. Le mot plénitude tel que Paul l’utilise, désigne ce qui est plein ou rempli de quelque chose; ou ce qui a été amené à la plénitude et à la finition; la somme totale, la pleine mesure, l'abondance (cf. Rm 11:25; 15:29; Colossiens 2:9; Ep 3:19. Jean 1:16), ou l'état de ce qui est complet (cf. Gal 4:04. Actes 13:52).

Eph. 5:18 introduit le sujet de la plénitude de l'Esprit dans le croyant, puis cela est développé par la suite jusqu'à 6 :20 en expliquant à quoi cela ressemble dans divers aspects de la vie (dans l'église, à la maison, au travail, et dans le monde).

Nous n’avons pas l’intention de faire ici une étude exhaustive de ce passage, mais c’est juste pour vous donner une idée de ce qu’est la plénitude de l'Esprit en théorie et dans la pratique. Premièrement  ...

Ce Que Signifie Une VIe Remplie De L'esprit

Qu'est-ce que cela signifie d'être rempli de l'Esprit? Il est écrit: Ne vous enivrez pas de vin : c’est de la débauche. Soyez, au contraire, remplis de l’Esprit ; (5:18). Le contexte c’est que l'insensé, la personne imprudente (5:15, 17) est contrôlée par ses passions (la chair), qui se manifeste bien souvent dans l'ivresse. D'autre part, la personne circonspecte, prudente, sage (5:15), qui comprend quelle est la volonté du Seigneur (5:17), est contrôlée par l'Esprit, qui se manifeste dans (a) une unité suscitée par l'Esprit dans l'église (5:19-21), (b) une harmonie inspirée par l'Esprit dans les foyers (5:22-6:04), (c) une collaboration motivée par l'Esprit dans le lieu de travail (6:5-9) , et (d) une victoire assurée par l'Esprit dans le monde (6:10-20).

Alors, quel est le lien entre être «enivré de vin» et être «rempli de l'Esprit?» C'est le contraste qu’il ya entre l'intoxication par l’alcool et l'intoxication spirituelle ; tous deux étant le résultat du fait d’être sous le contrôle d'une influence externe. Tout dépend de qui est au control dans notre vie. La personne ivre vit avec imprudence, contrôlée par la puissance de l'alcool. La personne spirituelle vit consciencieusement, contrôlée par la puissance de l'Esprit.

Tout dans la vie des gens ivres indique qu'ils sont sous l'influence d'une puissance extérieure à eux mêmes - qu'ils sont hors de control, dans leur façon de marcher, de parler, regarder et penser. D’autre part, tout dans la vie des personnes remplies de l'Esprit, indique qu'ils sont sous une autorité supérieure à eux-mêmes et qu'ils sont au control de leur façon de marcher, parler, regarder et penser.

Les personnes ivres acquièrent une joie temporaire, un oubli temporaire, un soulagement temporaire de la réalité par l'ivresse, mais tout s'estompe subitement,  puis  le cycle recommence. Mais de l’autre coté, les gens remplis de l'Esprit, n'ont pas à rechercher la joie parce qu'ils l'ont déjà. Ils n'ont pas besoin d'un faux substitut; ils ont l’original. Ils ne sont pas enivrés; ils sont remplis. Ils ne sont pas sous l'influence du vin, mais sous l'influence de l'Esprit. L'Esprit de Dieu les remplit d'une joie et d’une paix qui surpasse toute intelligence - leur vie en déborde.

Grammaticalement, l'expression «soyez remplis de l'Esprit» montre bien que:

  • C’est pluriel – c’est adressé à toute l'Église, nous sommes tous inclus ;
  • C’est un impératif - un commandement, une obligation, non pas une option ;
  • C’est une forme passive - le Saint-Esprit nous remplit, nous ne sommes pas remplis de nous mêmes.

Il s'agit d'une construction grammaticale particulière. Comment pouvons-nous obéir à un ordre passif? C’est à la fois une forme passive et un commandement parce que ca revêt le sens suivant : «Laissez-vous être rempli ...». Nous devons permettre à l'Esprit Saint de le faire et en aucun cas l'empêcher de nous remplir. C’est un impératif en ce sens que nous devons et pouvons répondre à cela - ce n'est pas quelque chose qui se produit sans notre effort ou notre action. Et il est pour autant passif parce que c'est une chose que l'Esprit Saint accomplit.

  • C’est un présent continu - «Continuez à être rempli». Nous avons été «scellé de l'Esprit» une fois pour toutes, mais nous devons être remplis en permanence en vivant selon les principes, pratiques et programmes de l'homme nouveau.

Alors, qu'est-ce que cela signifie donc d'être rempli de l'Esprit? A quoi cela ressemble t-il dans la réalité?

1. Ce Que La Plénitude De l'Esprit N'est Pas

La plénitude de l'Esprit n'est pas une sorte de phénomène dramatique - par exemple tomber à terre, convulser, ou émettre des sons étranges. Ce n'est pas une seconde bénédiction consécutive à la conversion. Ce n'est pas une expérience temporaire de la parole ou une vision extatique. Ce n'est pas non plus un processus progressif par lequel nous recevons progressivement plus de lui jusqu'à ce que nous soyons  pleins de Lui, puisque tous les croyants le possèdent pleinement (pas en partie, comme s'il pouvait être divisée - voir Jean 3:34.).

Ce n'est pas la même chose qu’être «habité par l'Esprit», puisque tous les croyants sont habités au moment où ils reçoivent le salut (Rom. 8:9). Ce n'est pas la même chose que «le baptême de l'Esprit», puisque tous les croyants sont baptisés du Saint-Esprit au moment de leur conversion, quand ils font partie du corps du Christ. Ce n'est pas le même qu’être «scellé de l'Esprit», puisque c’est aussi un fait accompli (1:13). Nulle part il n’est ordonné aux croyants d’être habités, baptisés, ou scellés du Saint-Esprit. Le seul commandement c’est : «soyez rempli de l'Esprit.»

2. Ce Qu’est La Plénitude De l'Esprit

Etre rempli de l'Esprit c’est manifester ce que nous sommes en réalité. Nous sommes scellés du Saint-Esprit quand nous plaçons notre confiance en Christ et nous manifestons ce sceau en le laissant nous «remplir», en sorte qu'il est évident qui contrôle notre vie. Les disciples étaient si «remplis» de l'Esprit à la Pentecôte que tout le monde l’a su. 

Quand il nous remplit, nous vivons dans la plénitude de sa présence et de sa puissance. Il nous permet de vivre selon l'homme nouveau, d’être centré sur Dieu, d’être des enfants de lumière (8-14), de vivre consciencieusement et d’utiliser notre temps à bon escient (15-16), de comprendre quelle est la volonté du Seigneur ( 17) ; louant Dieu (19-20) et vivant ensemble dans l'unité (21).

Etre rempli de l'Esprit c’est être contrôlé par le Saint-Esprit, c’est vivre dans la puissance de l'Esprit, c’est être sensible à l'action de l'Esprit, c’est s’abandonner à chaque instant à l'Esprit. Tout comme certaines personnes sont remplies de tristesse, de peur ou de colère au point que cette émotion prend le contrôle de leur vie, nous devons être si consommés par l'Esprit Saint au point qu'il ait le contrôle de nos vies. Lorsqu’il nous remplit, nous ne sommes pas sous notre propre control mais sous le sien - dominé par Lui, conquis et maîtrisé par Lui.

Etre rempli de quelque chose signifie qu'il n'y a plus de place pour autre chose. C'est la nature même de quelque chose qui est rempli- vous ne pouvez plus ajouter la moindre goute; si vous y arrivez, c’est que ce n’était pas rempli. Il en est de même de la plénitude de l'Esprit – il n’ya plus de place pour mon égo, pour le monde, ou pour la chair.

Et tout ce dont vous êtes rempli caractérise toute votre vie. Quelqu'un a fait remarquer que le chrétien qui est rempli de l'Esprit est comme un gant. Le gant sans la main est impuissant et inutile, puisque le gant ne fonctionne que lorsque la main le contrôle et l'utilise. Le seul travail du gant c’est le travail que fait la main – Le gant ne peut accomplir la moindre tâche sans la main, encore moins prendre le mérite ou se vanter de ce qu'il fait. De la même manière, un chrétien qui n'est pas rempli de l'Esprit ne peut faire mieux qu'un gant isolé de la main. Tout ce qui est fait sans l'Esprit n’a pas de valeur.2

Voici douze aspects ou des preuves qu’une personne est remplie de l'Esprit:

1. Vous confessez vos péchés.

2. Vous renouvelez votre esprit grâce à la puissance transformatrice de l'Esprit.

3. Vous êtes mort à soi-même; vous mortifiez la chair (Gal. 5:16, 24).

4. Vous présentez votre corps comme un sacrifice vivant (Romains 12:1).

5. Vous êtes centré sur Dieu, et n’êtes pas égocentrique.

6. Vous êtes de lumière, non pas ténèbres.

7. Vous prêtez attention à la manière dont vous vivez, vous n’êtes pas insouciant.

8. Vous vivez selon l'homme nouveau, et non pas l'ancien.

9. Vous vivez dans la pleine conscience de la présence personnelle du Seigneur; laissant Sa vie dominer la vôtre.

10. Vous vous remplissez de la Parole de Dieu afin que ses pensées soient vos pensées, ses standards vos standards, sa sainteté votre sainteté. 

11. Vous marchez selon l'Esprit (Galates 5:25); laissant votre vie sous son control - chaque pensée et chaque décision.

12. Vous manifestez le fruit de l'Esprit qu'il produit en vous - l'amour, la joie, la paix, etc. (Gal. 5:22-23).

La vie remplie de l'Esprit se réalise le plus pleinement dans notre assemblée, lorsque  nous sommes ensemble et que nous demeurons ensemble dans l'unité.

C’est là que la vie remplie de l'Esprit prend son sens. Dans les éditions ultérieures de la Revue Internet des Pasteurs nous allons continuer à développer la nécessité d’avoir une vie remplie de l'Esprit, la réalité pratique d’une vie remplie de l'Esprit, et l'action d’une vie remplie de l'Esprit.

3ème Partie: Meditation Biblique

«La Manne du matin»

Par le Dr Stephen F. Olford

Si vous et moi avions une conversation en privé, vous diriez probablement qu’il n’ya rien de plus recommandable que d’avoir un rendez-vous quotidien avec Dieu dans la Parole et la prière.

Et vous auriez raison, bien sûr. Sauf que cette communion quotidienne, ce «temps de méditation personnelle» avec Dieu, est bien plus qu’une pratique louable; il est absolument vital pour une vie de spiritualité durable, d’efficacité et d'amour. C’est le baromètre de la vie chrétienne.

Permettez-moi de défendre cette affirmation. Jésus a dit: «L’homme ne vivra pas de pain seulement, mais de toute parole qui sort de la bouche de Dieu.» (Matthieu 4:4).

Lisez ce verset sans la comparaison négative et vous verrez de quoi l'homme est censé vivre. «L'homme vivra de toute parole qui sort de la bouche de Dieu.» Littéralement, cela signifie: «L'homme vivra de toute parole prononcée qui vient de Dieu.»

Il ne s’agit pas de la mémorisation de la Bible, encore moins de la Bible posée sur votre étagère ou dans votre bureau personnelle. C'est la parole que Dieu qui est dite à votre âme durant votre temps de prière et de méditation. C'est cela qui fait vivre l'homme. Vous pouvez être doctrinalement correct, et pourtant être spirituellement mort. La seule chose qui maintient la vie c’est la parole vivante de Dieu qu’il adresse à votre âme chaque jour.

Le temps de méditation personnelle est essentiel à la santé spirituelle, que soyez nouvellement converti ou un chrétien mature (voir 1 Pierre 2:2 et Héb. 5:14).

Le temps de médiation est essentiel pour la purification spirituelle. Il est vrai que vous êtes dès le départ purifié par le sang précieux, mais il vous faut revenir encore et encore à la croix pour votre restauration. Cette purification au jour le jour se fait dans  la cuve de la Parole (cf. Ps 119:9; Jean 15:3; 17:17).

Le temps de méditation personnelle est également essentiel pour le conseil spirituel. Vous ne pourrez jamais connaître les vrais principes qui déterminent une vie de sainteté et de droiture tant que vous ne laissez pas la Parole de Dieu «habiter en vous abondamment» (voir Col 3:16 et Ps. 73:24).

Le temps de méditation personnelle est également essentiel pour vous équiper en vue du combat spirituel. L'exemple suprême est notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ lorsqu’il a rencontré Satan dans le désert. Je suis sûr que pendant quarante jours et nuits, il avait nourri son âme avec le livre du Deutéronome, et ainsi il pouvait donner ses  coups d'épée à partir de son expérience personnelle de la Parole écrite.

Plus tard, Paul a exhorté les croyants d’Ephèse à prendre « l’épée de l’Esprit, qui est la parole de Dieu...» (Eph. 6:17).

Toutefois, quoique ces raisons soient très importantes, ce n'est pas votre besoin - aussi grand soit-il, qui constitue la plus grande incitation à avoir un moment de médiation personnelle chaque jour, mais bien plus, c’est le fait que Dieu désire vous rencontrer. Ce n'est donc pas un simple devoir. C'est un privilège et un honneur.

Dieu dans le Christ, le Seigneur, a un temps de rencontre avec vous. Son cœur est attristé quand vous n’arrivez pas à respecter pas ce rendez vous. Il aspire, comme il l'a fait avec la femme de Samarie, de boire à nouveau de votre amour, votre dévotion et votre adoration (voir Jean 4:23, 24).

Je vous préviens que l'établissement d’un temps de méditation personnelle n'est jamais facile. En tant que serviteur de Dieu, je vous avouerai franchement que c'est plus difficile pour moi d'avoir mon temps de médiation maintenant que ce n'était le cas lorsque j'étais nouvellement converti. La raison c’est que ce qui compte vraiment a un  coût.

Vous constaterez que les attaques les plus vicieuses de l’ennemi seront dirigées vers votre privation de ce moment quotidien avec votre Seigneur. Vous allez devoir défendre vigoureusement ce moment si vous tenez vraiment à le garder.

Quel que soit le domaine de votre ministère - que vous soyez pasteur, moniteur de l'école du dimanche, missionnaire, ou chrétien au bureau ou à la maison - à moins de réussir à maintenir votre temps de méditation personnelle, je vous donne peu de chances d’avoir une vie victorieuse.

A présent, je voudrais partager un certain nombre d’exigences pratiques et spécifiques qui me semblent incontournables pour un temps de méditation réussi.

D'abord, vous aurez besoin d'un endroit précis et d’une heure précise – cela va de soi. Mais ne dites jamais que vous ne pouvez pas avoir un moment de médiation parce vous n'avez pas un endroit ou un moment prédéfini. Reconsidérez l'exemple du Seigneur Jésus (voir Marc 1:35).

Ensuite, ayez une bible dont la taille est raisonnable, une bible dont vous n’aurez pas à faire de très grands efforts pour lire les écritures. Ne prenez pas l'habitude de vous réveiller le matin, et de faire votre lit tout en essayant, les yeux encore lourds de sommeil, de lire une bible imprimée en petits caractères. Ne restez même pas au lit ! Levez-vous et lavez votre visage, ou prenez une douche afin d’être pleinement en état d’alerte.

J'aime l'histoire de ce jeune étudiant à Cambridge qui voulait être un flambeau pour Dieu, mais il ne parvenait pas se lever tôt le matin. Il a donc positionné un réveil de  telle manière que lorsque l'alarme sonnait, le dispositif décrochait du plafond une éponge remplie d'eau qui tombait sur son visage!

Une autre chose essentielle, c’est une liste de prière ou un cycle de prière, quelque chose qui vous rappelle une requête différente pour chaque jour. Ma femme et moi utilisons une qui se présente comme suit:

Lundi: «M» (pour Monday en anglais) est pour les missionnaires.

Mardi: «T» (Tuesday) est consacré à l'action de grâce (Thanksgiving) - c'est là que nous donnons au Seigneur des remerciements spéciaux pour ses merveilleuses réponses à nos prières.

Mercredi: «W» (Wednesday) est pour les travailleurs (Workers).

Jeudi: «T» est pour les Tâches - notre travail à l'église, le ministère que Dieu nous a donné.

Vendredi: «F» est pour nos Familles.

Samedi: «S» est pour les Saints - et en particulier les jeunes chrétiens, afin que le Christ soit formé en eux.

Dimanche: «S» est pour les pécheurs (Sinners) et en particulier, les activités d’évangélisation dont nous sommes responsables.

Ensuite, vous devriez avoir ce que j'appelle un carnet de note pour méditation personnelle. Je crois que les idées et pensées qui vous viennent durant la méditation doivent être notées, même si c’est sous forme de phrases courtes. Dieu vous donne là quelque chose que vous ne trouverez ni dans un commentaire, ni ailleurs - ces idées valent la peine d’être conservées. (A suivre la prochaine fois).

4ème Partie: Plans De Predication

John 13:1-11/ Jésus Dialogue Avec Ses Disciples

Pour la version audio anglaise de ces messages, cliquez sur ces liens : Link 1 - Jean 13:1-3, Partie 1; Link 2 - Jean 13:1-3, Partie 2; Link 3 - Jean 13:1-3, Partie 3; Link 4 - Jean 13:4-5, Partie 4; Link 5 - Jean 13:6-11, Partie 5

Titre: Le service authentique

Point n °1: Nous devons comprendre la base du service authentique

1. La base du service authentique c’est l’assurance qui vient de la connaissance (1-3)

a) La connaissance de notre destination et de comment nous y parviendrons (1a-b)

b) La connaissance de notre identité et de notre position (3a)

c) La connaissance de notre origine et de la raison de notre présence ici (3b)

2. La base du service authentique c’est la motivation qui vient de l'amour

a) La motivation qui vient de l'amour est manifestée dans l'objet de cet amour (1c)

b) La motivation qui vient de l'amour est manifestée dans l’ampleur de cet amour (1d-2)

Point n ° 2: Nous devons démontrer le caractère du service authentique (4-11)

1. Dans la manière dont nous nous présentons aux autres (4b-c)

2. Dans les choses que nous faisons pour les autres (5)

3. Dans notre manière d’interagir avec les autres (6-11)

a) ... En étant courtois envers ceux qui s'opposent à nous (6-8)

b) ... En étant patient avec ceux qui ne nous comprennent pas (9-11)

1 Olford, Stephen F. et David L. Olford, Prédication par exposition ointe (Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 1998), 82.

2 MacArthur, John, L’épitre aux Ephésiens (Chicago: Moody Bible Institute, 1986), 250.

Related Topics: Pastors

Jurnalul Electronic Al Păstorilor, Rom Ed 11, Editia de primăvară 2014

Ediţia de Primăvară 2014

Produs de ...

Dr. Roger Pascoe, Preşedinte,

The Institute for Biblical Preaching

Cambridge, Ontario, Canada

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“Întărind Biserica în Predicare Biblică şi Conducere”

Partea I: Pregătirea Pentru Predicare

“Alegerea textelor şi a subiectelor”

De: Dr. Roger Pascoe

The Institute for Biblical Preaching,

Cambridge, Ontario, Canada

Să continuăm discuţia referitoare la „Pregătirea pentru predicare: alegerea textelor și a subiectelor”. Primul aspect pe care l-am abordat în numărul trecut (Ediția de iarnă 2014) a fost legat de modul în care „Planul de predicare” poate fi de ajutor în pregătirea pentru predicare.

În această ediție a Jurnalului Electronic al Pastorilor aș dori să prezint câteva principii biblice și câteva practici utile pentru alegerea textelor și a subiectelor de predică.

Câteva Principii Biblice Pentru Alegerea Textelor Și A Subiectelor

În cuvântarea de rămas bun ţinută de Pavel înaintea prezbiterilor din Efes (Fapte 20:28-30), acesta indică cel puțin trei principii care guvernează o lucrare de predicare, astfel încât să ne îndeplinim în mod corespunzător responsabilitatea de a vesti tot planul lui Dumnezeu (Fapte 20:27).

1. Un Principiu Pentru Anvergura Lucrării De Predicare

Pavel prezintă un principiu biblic referitor la natura și conținutul a ceea ce trebuie să predicăm noi. Apostolul a predicat la Efes mesaje evanghelistice (21: 24-25) și mesaje de zidire (20). În concluzie, predicarea lui Pavel a acoperit ceea ce el numește tot planul lui Dumnezeu (27), ceea ce constituie, am putea spune, principiul general legat de lucrarea de predicare.

Pavel nu ne descrie exact la ce se referă  prin expresia „tot planul lui Dumnezeu”, dar include cu siguranță întreaga anvergură a învățăturilor Scripturii – deplinătatea adevărului revelat al lui Dumnezeu.

Fără îndoială, întregul plan al lui Dumnezeu include (a) „pocăința față de Dumnezeu și credința în Domnul nostru Isus Hristos (21); (b) „Evanghelia harului lui Dumnezeu” (24); și (c) „Împărăția lui Dumnezeu” (25). Cu alte cuvinte, probabil că se include atât mesajele evanghelistice, cât și cele de zidire, de îndemnare și mângâiere (1 Cor. 14:3).

Predicarea întregului plan al lui Dumnezeu este obligatorie pentru toți predicatorii. Ideea subliniată de Pavel pare să fie aceea că, indiferent care a fost conținutul sau natura predicării sale, el și-a îndeplinit cu credincioșie și pe deplin responsabilitățile sale, astfel încât să fie „curat de sângele tuturor” (26). El nu a fost în predicarea sa nici neglijent și nici nu s-a ferit să declare anumite adevăruri, fie că erau plăcute sau nu, acceptate ori respinse. El „a lăsat (la Efes) un mesaj complet și instructiv care să ajute biserica să crească mai mult în viitor (20).”1

Prin urmare, pentru a predica tot planul lui Dumnezeu trebuie:

(A) Să Predicăm Cu Credincioșie:

aceasta înseamnă să ne asigurăm că predicarea noastră este cuprinzătoare. Fii dedicat să declari întreaga dimensiune a mesajului lui Dumnezeu şi a Cuvântului Său.

(B) Să Predicăm În Mod Comprehensiv:

aceasta înseamnă să te asiguri că predicarea este largă şi îmbrăţişează toate  aspectele adevărurilor biblice („tot planul”, astfel încât: (i) zidești (înveți) biserica; (ii) îndemni biserica; (iii) sfătuiești biserica; (iv) întărești biserica; (v) crești biserica.

Atunci când predici „tot planul lui Dumnezeu”, o vei face în mod cuprinzător, în sensul că îi vei instrui pe cei credincioși în adevărul lui Dumnezeu, zidindu-i astfel în „credința lor cea mai sfântă” și îi vei invita pe cei necredincioși să se pocăiască. Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu este eficient și aplicabil pentru toți oamenii și în orice situație (2 Tim. 3:14-17).

(C) Să Predicăm În Adâncime:

aceasta înseamnă să te asiguri că predica ta are profunzime. Este bine să predici în mod sistematic și metodic. Analizează cu atenție semnificația a ceea ce spui. Asigură-te că știi despre ce vorbești. Fii precis. Acordă atenție detaliilor.

(D) Să Predicăm În Mod Proporționat:

aceasta înseamnă să te asiguri că predica ta este echilibrată în sensul că (i) nu favorizezi anumite subiecte sau texte în detrimentul altora; (ii) că vei expune întreaga anvergură a adevărului scriptural; (iii) vei declara ceea ce este necesar și nu neapărat ceea ce doresc oamenii. Aceasta înseamnă să cauți pasajul potrivit pentru o anumită împrejurare, sub călăuzirea Duhului Sfânt.

Așadar, acesta este principiul biblic privitor la anvergura predicării. Apoi urmează:

2. Principiul Practicării A Ceea Ce Predicăm

Învăţătura pe care o dai altora şi predicarea vor rămâne fără putere dacă nu sunt sprijinite prin exemplul personal. Este important deci:

  • Să practici smerenia personală. Pavel spune că el „l-a slujit pe Domnul cu toată smerenia” (19)
  • Să practici responsabilitatea pastorală. Pavel spune: „timp de trei ani, zi și noapte n-am încetat să sfătuiesc cu lacrimi pe fiecare din voi.” (31). O parte din responsabilitatea pastorală include sfătuirea (avertizarea) oamenilor.
  • Să practici integritatea personală. „Singuri ştiţi că mâinile acestea au lucrat pentru trebuinţele mele şi ale celor ce erau cu mine.” (34-35). Cu alte cuvinte, Pavel nu se afla în lucrare pentru bani sau beneficii personale, ci el însuși a lucrat pentru împlinirea nevoilor sale și ale celor ce erau cu el.

Al treilea principiu pentru alegerea textelor și a subiectelor este…

3. Principul Formării De Lideri Prin Predicare

Ceea ce înveți sau predici are un impact direct în zona conducerii : spiritualitatea liderilor, stilul, pregătirea, mentorarea etc. Conform celor spuse de Pavel, pregătirea slujitorilor include: alegerea lor (28), instruirea lor (28-31), îndemnarea lor (31) și încredințarea responsabilității conducerii bisericii (32).

Atunci când predici tot planul lui Dumnezeu și îl practici în viața ta, vei face pași esențiali și în privința pregătirii de lideri, învățându-i voia Domnului și arătându-le cum ar trebui să aplice Scriptura în viețile lor.

4. Concluzie

Dacă predici tot planul lui Dumnezeu, lucrarea de vestire a Cuvântului va avea un mare impact asupra bisericii, a organizației misionare sau a altei lucrări creștine. Vei lăsa în urmă o moștenire bogată și vei întări adunarea în adevăr. Vei pregăti lideri care vor fi gata să slujească cu evlavie. Drept urmare nu îți va fi rușine și nici nu vei regreta nimic cu privire la predicarea ta.

Pe lângă aceste principii biblice referitoare la alegerea textelor și a subiectelor, doresc să sugereze și câteva…

Practici Utile În Alegerea Textelor Și A Subiectelor

1. Alege Textele Și Subiectele Cu Rugăciune

Rugăciunea este singura bază solidă pentru alegerea textelor și a subiectelor de predică. Rugăciunea ne păzește de un pericol asociat cu planurile de predicare, și anume ca acestea să nu fie rodul propriei noastre firi și nu a Duhului. Atunci când ne planificăm slujirea cu rugăciune recunoaștem și ne supunem față de călăuzirea Duhului Sfânt.

Asigură-te că vei așeza proiectele de predicare sub autoritatea Duhului Sfânt. Fie că vei predica mesaj, cu mesaj, serie cu serie, sau îți planifici predicarea pe baza unei tematici care să fie dezvoltată de-a lungul unui semestru sau a unui an, mesajele trebuie să fie  organizate cu rugăciune sub călăuzirea Duhului Sfânt.

Asigură-te că aloci timp pentru rugăciune și că faci din aceasta o prioritate. Caută în mod intenționat să te rogi cu privire la ceea ce vei predica săptămânile următoare, anul următor, sau sezonul următor (la Crăciun, la Paști). Așteaptă-l pe Dumnezeu – fii deschis față de călăuzirea Sa privitoare la un mesaj sau la o serie de mesaje.

2. Alege Textele Și Subiectele Conform Unor Priorități Clare

Procesul planificării începe cu stabilirea priorităților în biserică. Slujitorii din biserică trebuie să stabilească un plan de predicare pentru întreaga adunare, cât și pentru grupurile mici din biserică, în baza unor scopuri sau priorități pentru care aceștia se roagă și decid că este nevoile să le urmărească. Există multe biserici care nu au nici un fel de plan pentru lucrarea de predicare și de învățătură și se miră apoi de ce oamenii sunt imaturi din punct de vedere spiritual, sau nu cunosc Biblia în mod corespunzător.

Următoarele priorități pornesc din centru și se dezvoltă apoi pe baza unor cercuri concentrice:

(A) Stabilește Priorități Biblice

Prioritatea biblică #1: Predică-l pe Hristos. Aceasta este tema centrală a Scripturii. Pavel a spus: „Noi îl propovăduim pe Hristos cel răstignit (1 Cor. 1:23; 2:2; cf. Col. 1:28) – „Evanghelia” (Rom. 1:16). Întreaga Scriptură se focalizează asupra lui Hristos și,  prin urmare, fiecare mesaj trebuie să fie într-un anumit fel relaționat la Domnul.

Prioritatea biblică #2: Predică despre credinţă. Ne referim aici la doctrinele centrale ale Bibliei, la adevărul Evangheliei; „credința dată sfinților odată pentru totdeauna” (Iuda 3); un set definit de doctrine care constituie esența credinței creștine. Poți să faci o listă cu aceste doctrine centrale folosind cărți de teologie biblică sau sistematică, ori pe baza studiului personal al Scripturii.

Prioritatea biblică #3: Predică Scripturile. Alegerea textelor trebuie să țină seama de tot planul lui Dumnezeu, întreaga anvergură a Scripturii, de vreme ce Dumnezeu vrea ca întreaga Biblie să fie predicate. Se poate să nu ajungi să predici toată Biblia în timpul vieții tale, dar ideea este că predicăm Vechiul și Noul Testament, predicăm despre personajele din Biblie, doctrinele, narațiunile istorice, pasajele profetice, literature de înțelepciune, epistolele, Evangheliile etc., având în vedere diversitatea și profunzimea Bibliei.

(B) Stabilește Priorități Practice

Alegerea textelor este influențată de realitățile vieții de zi cu zi. Așadar, nu există un tipar prestabilit pe care trebuie să-l urmăm, altul decât acela că trebuie să aplicăm prioritățile biblice ale predicării la prioritățile practice ale lucrării. Aceasta înseamnă să facem o legătură între nevoile congregației și responsabilitățile predicării.

Aceste lucruri vor depinde de (a) lucrarea ta (tineret, coordonare, evanghelizare etc.); (b) darurile tale (predicare profetică, predicare evanghelistică etc); și (c) oportunitățile de predicare (serviciile de duminică dimineața, înmormântări, nunți etc.). Deci, sunt aduse împreună trei componente: (i) darul pe care Dumnezeu ți l-a dăruit; (ii) lucrarea la care Dumnezeu te-a chemat; și (iii) mesajul pe care Domnul ți l-a încredințat.

Part II: Conducere: Să Fii Un Model De Slujitor Evlavios

“Supunerea ta față de Duhul Sfânt”

Liderii trebuie să fie oameni plini de Duhul Sfânt și conduși de El. Vorbim adeseori despre umplerea cu Duhul, dar ce înseamnă cu adevărat să fii plin de Duhul Sfânt? Și cum arată acest lucru în realitate? Cum se obține această umplere și ce diferență face ea în viața ta? Cum acționează o persoană plină-de-Duhul, cum se relaționează la alții, cum vorbește, cum gândește etc.?

Pentru a da răspuns la aceste întrebări avem în atenție textul din Efeseni 5, dar înainte de a privi la acesta vă rog să observați importanța subiectului despre Duhul Sfânt în Epistola apostolului Pavel către Efeseni. Pavel vorbește despre sigilarea cu Duhul (1:13); locuirea Duhului (2:22); împuternicirea Duhului (3:16); unirea Duhului (4:3); întristarea Duhului (4:30); și umplerea cu Duhul Sfânt (5:18).

Mai departe Pavel pune accent în Efeseni pe ideea de „umplere” sau de „plinătate” – împlinirea vremurilor (1:10); plinătatea bisericii, trupul lui Hristos (1:23); plinătatea lui Dumnezeu (3:19); plinătatea lui Hristos (4:13); plinătatea/umplerea cu Duhul (5:18)/.

Cuvântul în limba greacă este (πληρωμα) plerousate care poate fi activ sau pasiv. Când apare la diateza activă verbul se referă la ceea ce produce umplerea până la limită. La pasiv, se referă la ceea ce a fost umplut. Plinătatea, după cum este folosită de Pavel, vorbește despre ceea ce este plin de ceva, sau ceea ce este adus la plinătate, deplinătate; întreaga măsură, totalul abundența (cf. Rom. 11:25; 15:29; Col. 2:9; Ef. 3:19; Ioan 1:16), sau starea de a fi plin (cf. Gal. 4:4; Fapte 13:52).

Efeseni 5:18 introduce subiectul credinciosului plin de Duhul Sfânt, temă dezvoltată apoi cu referire la diverse aspecte ale vieții (în biserică, în casă, la lucru, în lume), până la 6:20.

Nu intenționăm să facem un studiu exhaustiv al acestui pasaj, ci doar să punem la dispoziție elementele cheie legate de ceea ce înseamnă plinătatea cu Duhul Sfânt la nivel conceptual și ceea ce înseamnă în practică. În primul rând…

Semnificația VIeții Pline De Duhul Sfânt

Ce înseamnă să fii plin de Duhul Sfânt? Textul spune: Nu vă îmbătați de vin, aceasta este destrăbălare; dimpotrivă fiți plini de Duh (5:18).  Contextul ne arată că persoana neînțeleaptă, nebună, (5:15,17) este controlată de pornirile ei (carnea), care uneori se manifestă prin beție. Pe de altă parte, cei ce veghează, cei înțelepți (5:15) care înțeleg voia Domnului (5:17) sunt controlați de Duhul Sfânt, iar aceasta se vede în (a) unitatea plină de Duhul din biserică (5:19-21), (b) armonia plină de Duhul de acasă (5:22-6:4), (c) colaborarea plină de Duhul de la locul de muncă (6:5-9); și (d) biruința plină de Duhul asupra lumii (6:10-20).

Deci, ce legătură este între a fi „beat” și a fi „plin de Duhul”? Este vorba despre un contrast între umplerea cu alcool și umplerea spirituală, ambele fiind rezultatul ajungerii sub controlul unei puteri externe; are de-a face cu cine este în controlul vieților noastre. Persoana beată trăiește în destrăbălare  și este controlată de puterea alcoolului, pe când omul spiritual trăiește cu înțelepciune, sub controlului Duhului Sfânt.

Tot ceea ce vedem la o persoană beată indică faptul că aceasta se află sub influența unei puteri, alta decât propria voință – deci, scapă de sub control în modul în care umblă, vorbește, arată și gândește. Pe de cealaltă parte, tot ceea ce este legat de oamenii plini de Duhul arată că aceștia se află sub o autoritate mai mare decât a lor înșiși –  faptul că au control asupra modului în care umblă, vorbesc, arată sau gândesc.

Oamenii beți obțin o fericire temporară, uită pe moment de necazuri, dar foarte repede revin la realitatea împovărătoare. Pe de altă parte, oamenii plini de Duhul nu trebuie să caute fericirea fiindcă ei deja o au. Ei nu au nevoie de un înlocuitor; au obținut ceea ce este autentic. Ei nu sunt beți; sunt plini. Nu se află sub controlul vinului, ci sub influența Duhului Sfânt. Duhul lui Dumnezeu îi umple de bucurie și pace care întrece orice pricepere – viața lor abundă de acestea.

Din punct de vedere gramatic, expresia „a fi plini de Duhul” ne spune că:

  • Este un plural – se adresează întregii biserici, îi include pe toți;
  • Este un imperativ – o poruncă, o obligație, nu o opțiune;
  • Este un pasiv – Duhul ne umple, nu noi înșine.

Întâlnim o construcție gramaticală particulară. Cum putem asculta de o poruncă la pasiv? Este atât un pasiv cât și o poruncă în sensul că „Lăsați-vă să fiți plini…”. Trebuie să-i permitem Duhului Sfânt să facă această lucrare și să nu-l oprim în vreun fel să ne umple. Este la imperativ în sensul că trebuie și putem să răspundem – nu este ceva ce se întâmplă fără efort sau acțiune din partea noastră. Dar, este la pasiv în sensul că este ceva ce face Duhul Sfânt.

  • Este un prezent continuu – „continuați să fiți plini”. Am fost „pecetluiți cu Duhul” odată pentru totdeauna, dar trebuie să fim umpluți în mod continuu prin aceea că trăim potrivit cu principiile, practicile și proiectele omului nou.

Deci, ce înseamnă să fim plini de Duhul? Cum arată acest lucru în realitate?

1. Ce Nu Este Umplerea Cu Duhul Sfânt

Umplerea cu Duhul nu este un fel de fenomen dramatic – cădere la pământ, spasme sau emiterea unor zgomote ciudate. Nu este o a doua binecuvântare care urmează după convertire. Nu este o experiență temporară a unor viziuni sau vorbiri extatice. Nu este un proces prin care primim în mod progresiv mai mult din Duhul, până când ajungem să fim plini de El, de vreme de toți credincioșii au Duhul în plinătatea lui (nu parțial, ca și cum ar putea să fie împărțit – vezi Ioan 3:34).

Nu este același lucru cu a fi „locuiți de Duhul”, de vreme ce toți credincioșii sunt locuiți de Duhul în momentul salvării (Rom. 8:9). Nu este același lucru cu „botezul cu Duhul”, de vreme ce toți credincioșii sunt botezați cu Duhul în momentul convertirii, atunci când devenim parte din trupul lui Hristos. Nu este același lucru cu a fi „pecetluiți cu Duhul” de vreme ce și acesta este un act împlinit (1:13). Credincioșilor nu li se poruncește niciunde să fie locuiți, botezați sau sigilați cu Duhul Sfânt. Singura poruncă este să fie „plini de Duhul”.

2. Ce Este Umplerea Cu Duhul Sfânt

A fi plini de Duhul înseamnă să manifestăm ceea ce suntem cu adevărat. Noi suntem pecetluiți cu Duhul atunci când ne încredem în Hristos și dovedim această sigilare lăsându-l pe El să ne „umple”, așa încât să fie evident cine ne călăuzește viețile. Ucenicii au fost „umpluți” cu Duhul la Rusalii, astfel încât acest lucru a fost foarte evident.

Atunci când El ne umple trăim în plinătatea prezenței și a puterii Sale. El ne capacitează să trăim potrivit omului nou, să fim centrați asupra lui Dumnezeu, să fim lumină (8-14), să trăim cu înțelepciune și să veghem (15-16), să înțelegem care este voia Domnului (17), să ne închinăm lui Dumnezeu (19-20) și să trăim împreună în unitate (21).

A fi plini de Duhul înseamnă să fim controlați de El, să trăim în puterea Duhului, să fim sensibili la lucrarea sa și să ne predăm în fiecare moment Lui. Așa după cum oameni sunt plini de durere, de frică sau de mânie și acele trăiri preiau controlul vieții lor, tot așa și noi trebuie să ne aflăm sub controlul Duhului Sfânt. Atunci când El ne umple, nu ne aflăm sub controlul nostru, ci al Lui – stăpâniți de El.

A fi plini cu ceva înseamnă că nu mai rămâne loc pentru altceva. Exact asta înseamnă că ceva este plin – nu mai poți adăuga nimic; dacă acest lucru ar fi posibil, atunci nu mai putem vorbi despre plinătate. Tot astfel este și cu plinătatea Duhului – nu mai rămâne loc pentru sinele nostru, pentru lume sau pentru firea pământească.

Ceea ce ne umple ne caracterizează întreaga viață. Cineva ilustra că a fi plin de Duhul este așa cum se întâmplă cu o mănușă. O mănușă dacă nu are o mână în ea este lipsită de putere și nefolositoare. Tot ceea ce lucrează mănușa este de fapt lucrarea mâinii care o controlează. Mănușa nu poate face nimic fără mână și nici nu se poate lăuda cu ceea ce reușește să realizeze. Tot așa, un creștin care nu este plin de Duhul poate face la fel de mult pe cât poate o mănușă fără mână. Ceea ce se face fără Duhul nu are valoare.2

În continuare menționăm douăsprezece aspecte sau dovezi ale plinătății cu Duhul Sfânt:

1. Îți mărturisești păcatele.

2. Îți reînnoiești mintea prin puterea transformatoare a Duhului.

3. Te lepezi te sinele tău și îți răstignești firea (Gal. 5:16, 24).

4. Îți aduci trupul ca o jertfă vie (Rom. 12:1).

5. Ești centrat asupra lui Dumnezeu, nu a sinelui.

6. Ești lumină, nu întuneric.

7. Ești veghetor cu privire la viața ta, nu nesăbuit.

8. Trăiești potrivit omului nou, nu a celui vechi.

9. Trăiești conștient de prezența lui Dumnezeu și lași ca viața Lui să te stăpânească.

10. Te umplu de Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu așa încât gândurile Sale sunt gândurile tale, standardele Lui devin și standardele tale și sfințenia Lui devine sfințenia ta.

11. Umbli prin Duhul (Gal. 5:25); trăiești viața sub controlul Său, fiecare gând și fiecare decizie.

12. Dai dovdă de roada Duhului pe care El o produce în tine – dragostea, bucuria, pacea etc. (Gal. 5:22-23).

Trăirea în plinătatea Duhului se realizează cel mai bine în cadrul adunării, când suntem împreună  și viețuim în unitate.

Așadar, aceasta înseamnă să ai o viață plină de Duhul Sfânt. În următoarele ediții ale Jurnalului Pastoral vom continua să privim la necesitatea unei vieți pline de Duhul, realitatea unei vieți pline de Duhul și la lucrarea (activitatea) unei vieți pline de Duhul.

Partea III: Gânduri Devoțianle

“Mana de dimineață”

De: Dr. Stephen F. Olford

Dacă am sta de vorbă amândoi, probabil că mi-ai spune că întâlnirea zilnică cu Dumnezeu prin rugăciune și Cuvânt este o practică extrem de importantă și de lăudat pentru fiecare creștin.

Și, desigur, ai avea dreptate. Numai că această părtășie zilnică, acest „timp devoțional” este mai mult decât o practică lăudabilă; este o practică absolut vitală pentru o viață plină de spiritualitate, eficiență și iubire. Este, dacă vreți, barometrul vieții creștine. Să argumentez poziția aceasta; Domnul Isus a spus: „Omul nu va trăi numai cu pâine, ci cu orice cuvânt care iese din gura lui Dumnezeu” (Mat. 4:4).

Citește acest verset fără să mai privești la comparația negativă și vei vedea prin ce trebuie să trăiască omul. „Omul va trăi cu orice cuvânt care iese din gura lui Dumnezeu.” Traducerea literală este: „Omul va trăi cu orice cuvânt vorbit care vine de la Dumnezeu.”

Acest lucru nu se referă la memorarea Bibliei, nici la existența ei pe raftul de cărți sau pe birou. Se referă la Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu care-i vorbește sufletului tău în locul liniștit al rugăciunii și meditației. Așa trăiește omul. Poți să ai dreptate din punct de vedere doctrinar și totuși să fii mort spiritual. Cea ce menține viața este Cuvântul viu al lui Dumnezeu care vorbește sufletului tău în fiecare zi.

Timpul de părtășie este vital pentru sănătate spiritual, fie că ești un nou convertit, sau un creștin matur (vezi 1 Petru 2:2 și Evrei 5:14).

Timpul de părtășie este vital pentru curăția spirituală. La început ești curățit prin sângele prețios al Domnului, și apoi trebuie să vii mereu la cruce pentru restaurare. Dar curăția de zi cu zi se face prin Cuvânt (vezi Ps. 119:9; Ioan 15:3; 17:17).

Timpul de părtășie este important și pentru sfătuire spirituală. Nu poți cunoaște niciodată adevăratele principia care duc la o viață creștină de sfințenie și dreptate fără a lăsa Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu să „locuiască în tine pe deplin” (vezi Col. 3:16 și Ps. 73:24).

Timpul de părtășie este vital și pentru a te echipa în vederea luptelor spirituale. Exemplul suprem este Domnul Isus Hristos atunci când l-a confruntat pe cel rău în pustie. Sunt sigur că în cele patruzeci de zile și de nopți, Domnul și-a hrănit sufletul cu cartea Deuteronomului și a putut să lupte cu cel rău pe baza experienței sale personale cu Cuvântul scris.

Pavel îi îndeamnă mai târziu pe credincioșii din Efes să „ia sabia Duhului care este Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu” (Ef. 6:17).

Oricât de importante ar fi aceste lucruri cea mai mare motivație pentru a avea un timp devoțional în fiecare zi nu ține de nevoile tale, oricât de mari ar fi ele, ci de faptul că Dumnezeu vrea să se întâlnească cu tine. Prin urmare, nu este doar o datorie, este vorba despre un privilegiu, o onoare. Dumnezeu, are un loc de întâlnire cu tine, în Hristos și inima lui se întristează când nu reușești să ajungi la întâlnire. El tânjește, așa cum a făcut cu femeia din Samaria, să bea din dragostea ta proaspătă, din devoțiune și închinare (vezi Ioan 4:23-24).

Țin să te avertizez că stabilirea unui timp de părtășie nu este niciodată ușor de realizat. Trebuie să recunosc faptul că pentru mine, ca slujitor, este mai greu acum să am un timp devoțional, decât a fost atunci când m-am convertit. Motivul este că ceea ce contează cu adevărat costă.

Vei vedea că cele mai aprinse atacuri ale vrăjmașului vor avea ca țintă tocmai privarea ta de timpul zilnic de părtășie cu Domnul. Trebuie să te păzești și să lupți dacă dorești să ai acest timp.

Indiferent de zona ta de slujire – pastor, învățător biblic, misionar sau creștin la birou sau acasă – trebuie să știi că sunt șanse mici să ai o viață biruitoare dacă nu îți vei menține acest timp de părtășie cu Domnul.

Acum doresc să menționez câtva cerințe specifice și practice despre care cred că sunt necesare pentru un timp devoțional.

În primul rând, ai nevoie de un loc și de un timp bine stabilit – aproape că nu este nevoie să mai spunem acest lucru. Să nu spui niciodată că nu poți avea un timp de părtășie fiindcă nu ai fixat dinainte un astfel de obiectiv. Privește din nou la exemplul Domnului Isus (vezi Marcu 1:35).

Apoi este bine să ai o Biblie suficient de mare ca să poți citi ușor. Nu încerca să te trezești dimineața, să stai pe o parte în pat și să citești dintr-o Biblie cu text mic. Nu sta în pat deloc! Ridică-te, spală-te pe față, sau fă un duș, astfel încât să fii treaz.

Îmi place întâmplarea cu un student la Cambridge care dorea să fie o torță aprinsă pentru Dumnezeu, dar nu se putea trezi dimineața. Prin urmare, acesta a fixat un ceas deșteptător în așa fel încât atunci când suna, elibera un burete plin de apă agățat de tavan care îi cădea în cele din urmă pe față!

Un alt aspect esențial este să ai o listă sau un ciclu de rugăciune, ceva care să-ți amintească să pui accent pe o altă cerință în fiecare zi. Eu și soția mea folosim una care funcționează în felul acesta:

Luni (Monday): „M” este pentru misionari.

Marți (Tuesday): „T” este pentru mulțumire – îi aducem Domnului mulțumire pentru răspunsurile minunate la rugăciuni.

Miercuri (Wednesday): „W” este pentru lucrători.

Joi (Thursday): „T” este pentru îndatoriri – slujba noastră la biserică, lucrarea pe care Domnul ne-a dat-o.

Vineri (Friday): „F” este pentru familiile noastre.

Sâmbătă (Saturday): „S” este pentru sfinți – în special creștinii tineri, ca Hristos să ia chip în ei.

Duminică (Sunday): „S” este pentru păcătoși și, în special, slujbele de evanghelizare față de care suntem răspunzători.

Apoi ar fi bine să ai ceea ce eu numesc un caiete de notițe pentru timpul devoțional. Cred că ar trebui să scriem gândurile pe care le avem în fiecare timp de părtășie, chiar și numai într-o formă foarte restrânsă. Dumnezeu îți oferă acolo ceva ce nu vei găsi niciodată într-un comentariu sau în altă parte – și acele gânduri merită să fie păstrate. (Vom continua data viitoare).

Partea IV. Schițe De Predici

Ioan 13:1-11, Isus Vorbește Cu Ucenicii Săi

Pentru versiunile audio ale acestor predici, dă click pe aceste linkuri: Link 1 - Ioan. 13:1-3, Pt. 1; Link 2 - Ioan. 13:1-3, Pt. 2; Link 3 - Ioan. 13:1-3, Pt. 3; ; Link 4 - Ioan. 13:4-5 Pt. 4,; Link 5 - Ioan. 13:6-11, Pt. 5

Titlu: Adevărata Slujire

Punctul #1: Trebuie să înțelegem bazele adevăratei slujiri

1. Baza adevăratei slujiri este încrederea care vine din cunoaștere (1-3)

a) Cunoașterea locului unde mergem și cum ajungem acolo (1 a-b)

b) Cunoașterea a ceea ce suntem noi (3a)

c) Cunoașterea locului de unde venim și de ce suntem aici (3b)

2. Baza adevăratei slujiri este motivația care vine din dragoste

a) Motivația care vine din dragoste se arată în obiectul acelei iubiri (1c)

b) Motivația care vine din dragoste se arată în dimensiunea acelei iubiri (1d-2)

Punctul #2: Trebuie să demonstrăm caracterul adevăratei slujiri (4-11)

1. Prin modul în care ne prezentăm în fața altora (4b-c)

2. Prin lucrurile pe care le facem pentru alții (5)

3. Prin modul în care ne relaționăm la alții (6-11)

a) …fiind curtenitori cu cei care sunt împotriva noastră (6-8)

b) …fiind răbdători cu cei care nu ne înțeleg (9-11)

1 Olford, Stephen F. with David L. Olford, Anointed Expository Preaching (Predicarea expozitivă cu ungere) Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 1998), 82.

2 MacArthur, John, Ephesians (Efeseni) (Chicago: Moody Bible Institute, 1986), 250.

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How to Have Family Devotions

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In an age of fractured families and hectic schedules, Christian families need to be deeply rooted in Christ. Church and Sunday school are essential. But equally important, Christianity must be lived in the home; Christ must be the center of our lives.

There is not magic formula for building a Christian home. However, Christian families through the ages have found joy, strength, and guidance through taking time daily to pray and read together from God’s Word.

How to Begin

The first step toward effective family devotions is setting aside regular time. Many families have devotions after breakfast or supper. These times naturally bring the family together and can lead conveniently into a devotional time. Other families find just before bed time works well. But whatever time you choose, be sure that the whole family can be together on a regular basis. Consistency is important because it shows that time with God is a high priority.

What to Include

Devotions can include many activities, but it is important to include at least these three:

1.      Reading from God’s Word

2.      Discussion and Teaching

3.      Prayer

Reading from God’s Word

The Bible is an exciting book! It is filled with true stories of God’s heroes, with down-to-earth advice, with spiritual insight, and with the plan of salvation. It is the primary way by which God communicates to us today. It is essential, therefore, that we feed upon God’s Word regularly.

There are many ways to approach daily Bible reading with your family. Here are a few:

Read a chapter or a portion each day. This is a simple plan used by many families. You can read consecutively through a book, taking a passage each day. Older children can take turns reading too. Then, each person can share what most impressed them about the passage. This can help each person see how God’s Word applies to him personally.

Bible reading plans. A similar approach is to follow a program designed to guide your family through the Bible in one or more years. (Lumina has a number of personalized reading plans) One advantage of this is that your family will be exposed to the whole Bible in a systematic way.

Devotional Guides. A variety of excellent devotional guides can be found

Family Bible Study Programs. Families with older children may want to try studying the Bible in depth together. Each family member can read and reflect on the daily portion beforehand. After re-reading the passage together, discussion can follow. Many good Bible study books and articles can be found on

Younger Children. Children under six or seven probably won’t be able to read the Bible themselves. But they can still learn much from Bible reading. Even the youngest child begins to see that God’s Word in important. Explaining the passage in simple language, avoiding abstract ideas, will help keep the interest of younger children. And many a parent has been amazed by the insights their little ones come up with!

Childhood is also an excellent time to memorize Bible verses, when minds are quick and eager to learn. And it is an excellent time to begin sharing the basic truths that are the foundation of salvation.

Discussion and Teaching

Discussion and teaching about the Bible passage for the day is an integral part of Bible reading as mentioned already. A few additional suggestions may be helpful:

First, try to keep the discussion clear and concise. Often basic questions will help your family understand the passage: “What happened?” “What is being taught?” “How does this apply to your life?”

Second, it is important to maintain a good balance between leadership and participation. The whole family should be encouraged to participate actively and naturally. But the one leading family devotions should correct any erroneous observations, leading in a loving way towards the truth.

Third, it is important to be sensitive to the family’s special needs. Some questions may seem “off the subject” but are good indicators of issues the children are facing. We can help them discover needs and circumstance.

With positive, prayerful leadership, a time of discussion and teaching can provide an opportunity to grow together in the Lord.


God’s communications comes to us through His Word, but is a one way conversation unless we lift up our hearts to him in prayer. Our loving heavenly Father wants us to talk to Him. He delights in our praise, thanks and petitions, just like any loving Father does. Thus the family prayer time should include:

Worship and Praise - When we think of God’s goodness and greatness, our hearts should well up in worship and praise - for the beauty of His creation, for the gift of life, for a loving family, for the fellowship of Christians and above all for salvation through Christ’s atoning death. There is no end to the list. Even the youngest child can add his own worship and praise. Perhaps each person could share at least one thing to praise God for each day.

Confession - As we lift up our hearts to the Lord, we should also recognize our own unworthiness and sinfulness. God has forgiven our sins once and for all. But in order to walk in fellowship with Him (and with others) we need to confess that we continue to fall short of God’s perfect standard. As we confess in prayer, we are drawn closer to God and to each other, growing in grace and in the knowledge of God’s forgiveness.

In making confession part of our prayer time, it may be helpful for the leader to suggest:” Let’s remember in prayer those things that we need to confess to the Lord and each other, asking God’s forgiveness both for things we have done and left undone.

Personal Request and Intercession - Like a loving Father, God desires to know our deepest concerns just as much as to receive our praise. We can open our hearts to Him, knowing that He hears and answers our prayers, and that He will work all things together for good (Romans 8:28). And as we share needs with each others, we will be drawn closer together as a family.

Many families find it helpful to keep a prayer list or notebook. This might include special needs of the family, of neighbors, of missionaries, or government leaders. It can also provide a record of answers to prayers. Whatever the answer we know that God hears and responds according to his will.

Some families may wish to include other things such as singing hymns or chorus, or acting out a Bible story, or doing a craft. These can be meaningful; but there is no need to begin with something elaborate. The important thing is to daily read and discuss God’s Word and prayer together.

It is often said that “the family that prayers together, stays together” and the statistics show this is true. But this is not all. As we seek God daily, we renew our relationships with each other and with God. He talks with us; and we talk with Him. He receives our praise, confession and petitions; and we know the joy of His presence.

If you have not already, won’t you make family devotions part of your home, so that as a family you may “grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen” (2nd Peter 3:18)

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