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35. Book Review -- Sacred Marriage

You should read this book if you…

…want to gain a better understanding of how marriage can train you to be more Christ-like.

“In a nut shell” …

This book explains how marriage reveals God and His love to the world. This is done by comparing the marriage relationship to our relationship with God. It points out similarities in both, and how marriage teaches us to love, forgive, and respect each other.

Key Ideas…

  • Marriage is a training ground for a holy life. We can’t just pray harder and try different tactics—and hope everything will work out. We need to see the challenges and struggles of marriage as a way to draw closer to God and grow in our Christian character.
  • Marriage can be a platform for evangelism when it values commitment to another person, just as God is committed to His promises to us. Divorce is the easy way out, but it also demonstrates that commitment does not mean anything. If the purpose of marriage is always to be happy, people would get new marriages when they are no longer happy with the current one. “Sticking it out” demonstrates the principle and practice of reconciliation.
  • Loving another person is not always easy, but marriage teaches us to stretch our love and enlarge our capacity for love. We are selfish by nature. It takes effort to give up our selfishness, share ourselves with another person, and put that person’s needs above our own.
  • Marriage teaches the importance of respecting one another. When we spend so much time with one person, we can become “comfortable” with our spouse and find it easier to highlight faults than give respect. We are called to honor each other even when we know each other’s deepest character flaws.
  • Marriage exposes our sin. Our spouse knows almost everything we do, including our deepest desires and our temptations. This spotlight of closeness in a marriage exposes our sin. Thankfully, we have an opportunity to address it before the Lord.
  • When you enter the marriage relationship, you commit to moving toward one another. Any step back or attempt to retreat is an act of fraud.  We must learn to move toward our spouse; God has given us this person to teach us how to love.
  • One of marriage’s primary purposes is to teach us how to forgive. If you can forgive and accept your spouse—the person closest to you—then you are well equipped to offer forgiveness to others. It may be unnatural for us to forgive, but the practice will be invaluable.

Action Steps…

  • It is important to humble yourself before your spouse and learn servanthood. To fully sanctify the marital relationship, we must live as Jesus did—with sacrifice and service daily. Just as He laid down His life for us, we need to selflessly put aside our energy, wants, and desires to serve our spouses, regardless of how they treat us.
  • Persevere through the difficulties and learn to be quick to forgive. With an eternal outlook, this life of self-denial is a preparation for eternity.
  • Embracing difficulty builds character. God won’t remove the struggles, but He will enable you to walk through them victoriously.
  • Learn to communicate always. Although this calls us out of ourselves, it helps foster unity and will be the foundation for a meaningful prayer life and a meaningful marriage.
  • Live in continual dependence on the Holy Spirit. This take practice and is a discipline, for sure. We need to continually talk to God. It will become more natural over time.


  • “The reason God became flesh was so that we might know Him; correspondingly, God did not create marriage just to give us a pleasant means of repopulating the world and providing a steady societal institution for the benefit of humanity. He planted marriage among humans as yet another signpost pointing to His own eternal spiritual existence.” Pg 30
  • “Contempt is born when we fixate on our spouse’s weaknesses. Every spouse has those sore points. If you want to find them, without a doubt, you will. If you want to obsess about them, they’ll grow—but youwon’t!” Pg 70
  • “With heaven as a future hope, spiritual growth as a present reality, and, in many cases, children for whom our sacrifice is necessary, an intact marriage is an ideal worth fighting for.” Pg 115
  • “A good marriage is not something you find. It’s something you work for.” Pg 133
  • “We can’t control how our spouse will act or how the world will act, but we can control how we will act and how we will respond.” Pg 144
  • “Marriage based on life in Jesus Christ invites us to divorce the lie (an idealized view of our spouse) and embrace reality (two sinful people struggling to maintain lifelong commitment).” Pg 165
  • “The beauty of marriage is that it confronts our selfishness and demands our service twenty-four hours a day.” Pg 186

How this book has changed my marriage…

This book has given me more of an awareness of how marriage can make me holy. It is still too early to see dramatic changes, but it has opened my eyes to see my selfishness. I am learning to daily humble myself and serve my husband, giving him respect even when I don’t think he deserves it. It has not been easy, but I can see a difference in our interactions with each other, moving closer toward each other again.

Book Information:
Book Title | Sacred Marriage

Author | Gary Thomas
Year of Publication | 2000
Publisher | Zondervan
Pages | 268

Related Topics: Book Review

36. Book Review -- Love as a Way of Life

You should read this book if you…

Want to build successful relationships by experiencing and practicing authentic love in all aspects of your life.

“In a nut shell”…

This book will show you how authentic love can change and direct you to more meaningful and loving relationships, by taking you through seven traits of the language of love – kindness, patience, forgiveness, courtesy, humility, generosity and honesty.

Key Ideas…

The author’s definition of success is “leaving your corner of the world better than you found it.”  Therefore, to experience satisfying and successful relationships, we must value and love others as individuals. We must be willing to have an attitude of love that is willing to speak the love languages of others, especially when their way of receiving love differs from our own.

Authentic love is not dependent on the actions of others or circumstances; it is not self-centered; instead it displays an attitude of helping others, often in very small ways. So, it is simple, real and bold. ‘Love seeks the well-being of another and finds meaningful ways to express it.’. You have to make the choice to practice authentic love.

The seven traits that form the basis of the language of love:

  • Kindness – ‘the joy of meeting someone else’s needs before your own simply for the sake of the relationship.’ It ‘means serving someone else even if it involves sacrifice.’ Kindness can never be used to manipulate others for one’s own gain.  Even if our kindness is rejected we must never give up hope that in time true love will change the person. Kindness is the most important love-trait of a successful marriage.  Small acts of kindness can save a marriage.
  • Patience – when you allow others to make mistakes, have realistic expectations of others and recognize that each person’s reality is different from yours. “Every time we are frustrated, we have a choice. We can lash out with hurtful words or we can ask questions, listen, seek to understand and then choose to speak words that bring healing.”
  • Forgiveness – requires self-awareness, honesty and compassion. Even though we are ‘moral creatures’ seeking justice when injustice is done, true forgiveness can only come when justice AND love work together. Even though our ‘default mode’ is self-centeredness, we can choose to show love and forgive. ‘No long-term positive relationships exist without forgiveness.’
  • Courtesy – an act of treating everyone as a personal friend and acknowledging that they are valuable. We are courteous when we receive with gratitude, pay attention to others, say sorry, and speak courteously.
  • Humility – a ‘stepping down so that someone else can step up’. We live in a world where we have to be the first and best, but true humility is when one chooses to remain anonymous to affirm the value of others. A ‘false self’ has no humility because it is always seeking self-affirmation. An attitude of humility is one which seeks to sacrifice joyfully and quietly for the sake of a relationship. Don’t let past hurts and pain stand in the way of leading a life of humility.
  • Generosity – doesn’t just mean financial giving. We should have a generous attitude in all we do. Every time we share something with others, we must remember that we are sharing that which was a gift to us in the first place. A generous person gives of oneself by being present, by listening, by showing compassion and by making the other feel valuable. There is sacrifice involved in true generosity.
  • Honesty – having a ‘loving consistency in speech, thought and action.’ Living a life of integrity, recognizing our own weaknesses and the importance of truth, being consistent in behavior, words, tone and meaning, taking risks for the sake of truth and keeping promises. Once trust is lost it is extremely difficult to build it back up.

Action Steps…

Ways to acquire the habit of each of the traits:

Kindness – start by observing acts of kindness; record every act of kindness daily; make an attitude change – desire to be kind; look for opportunities to be kind; choose kind words.  The enemy of kindness is bad habits.

Patience – try to be patient with people who are making you impatient. Find a ‘method to break negative patterns’ – like counting till 10! The enemy of patience is pride. We get impatient when we have been ‘inconvenienced, hurt or mistreated.’

Forgiveness – apologize for even the smallest of offences. Learn to forgive yourself, apologize for your own mistakes in your relationships and have an attitude of authentic love toward others. Fear is it’s enemy and stands in the way of forgiveness. But when you forgive someone your own heart is set free.

Courteous – start conversations with people as though they were your personal friends, give them your undivided attention, listen to understand, not judge, don’t raise your voice, and apologize graciously. Practice courtesy at home, with people who aggravate you and avoid ‘busyness’ which is the enemy of courtesy.

Humility – learn not to react to criticism; instead try to learn from the situation. Learn that you have nothing that you have not received, your knowledge of the universe is limited, and you are completely dependent on something outside yourself for life. The enemy of humility is pain.

Generosity – make a commitment to sacrifice part of your income to charity, use your abilities to benefit others, show a generous spirit to others no matter what and take time daily to show a loved one that you are interested in their well-being. The enemy of generosity is ‘our own self agenda’ .

Honesty – start by not telling even the smallest of lies on a daily basis, whether it be a white lie or not. We get into the habit of telling lies because of self-preservation which is the enemy of honesty.

In order to make the language of love a way of life, most of us need help from an outside source – God.


  • “Anger should be a visitor, not a resident.” Pg 77
  • “….if we don’t give from our “little,” we do not give out of our “much.””  Pg 146
  • “The author Elizabeth Stone writes that having a child is like having “your heart go walking around outside your body.”” Pg 208
  • “If the people in our world can rediscover the power of love in their everyday interactions, we can replace the darkness with light, the sickness with healing, the poverty with sustenance, and the brokenness with reconciliation.” Pg 229

Statistics and Interesting Facts…

  • 79% of Americans think lack of respect and courtesy is a serious national problem.
  • Acts of kindness release the body’s natural painkillers, the endorphins.
  • Caring for other people in a positive relationship has been shown to improve the immune system.

How this has changed me…

This book has made me think bit more on love as a way of life.  It has made me want to make changes to how I love my husband, children, co-workers and strangers. I have been learning to apologize for my impatience and hurtful comments, and make sacrifices by giving of my time.  I am making an effort to be patient with my elderly parents, and give them my time with love and kindness.  With strangers, I am trying to show genuine interest and really listen to people I meet by making eye contact and writing down their names and small details I have garnered.

Book Information:
Book Title | Love as a Way of Life

Author | Gary Chapman
Year of Publication | 2010
Publisher | Waterbrook Press
Pages | 248

Related Topics: Book Review

6. The Sluggard


When I taught school years ago I had a student who thought it was too much work to stand up straight. As often as he could he would lean against the wall as he walked. His method of getting around was really rather humorous to watch something like riding a scooter--push . . . glide, push . . . glide. Glen had it down to a science. Normally his system worked pretty well, aside from wearing the paint off the walls and destroying his shirts.

One day, however, our class went on a field trip to observe a large city newspaper being published. I had warned all of my students about being careful and quiet, and that they were not to touch anything. Everything went well at first. Glen saw no need to change his style of transporting himself, however, so he glided through the building, supported in part, by the walls. He made one serious mistake, however, when he failed to look where he was going. A doorway caught him unawares and before any of us could prevent it, the lad fell headlong into a closet, crashing noisily. After much thrashing about, Glen freed himself and emerged, somewhat sheepishly, from the closet. For the rest of that day he found the more conventional means of transporting himself preferable.

There is something amusing about the sluggard, even in the Book of Proverbs. Here we find him described, tongue-in-cheek, attached to his bed like a door swinging on its hinges (26:14). We smile at the thought of the sluggard putting his hand in the dish, but just not being able to bring it up to his mouth (26:15). We cannot help but be amused at his excuse for not going to work: “There’s a lion in the road” (26:13).

We should not be mislead by the humor with which the sluggard is described, however. The Book of Proverbs uses humor for at least two reasons. First, the apt way in which the truth is humorously portrayed makes it difficult for us to forget. The teaching of Proverbs on the sluggard has, as it were, “mental hooks” which deeply imbed the truth in our mind. Second, humor is often employed to disarm the reader, setting him up for the full force of the indictment which lies just below the surface. While we are still laughing, we begin to realize that the point of the story is aimed in our direction. By laughing, we have already admitted its truth in principle--at least as far as others are concerned. But now we are faced with the uncomfortable necessity of facing the truth ourselves.

With this in mind, let us turn our attention to the sluggard as he is portrayed in Proverbs. Let us do so, knowing that there are valuable lessons for us to learn, not just about others, but about ourselves as well.

Characteristics of a Sluggard

The condition of the sluggard can be diagnosed by noting the presence of several tell-tale symptoms. Let’s look at each of these as Proverbs describes them.

1. THE SLUGGARD IS A PROCRASTINATOR. The motto of the sluggard is, “Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow.” Sluggards have developed the ability to put off starting a task as well as completing those tasks already begun.

The sluggard cannot possibly get to work because there is a dangerous lion in the road (22:13). He fully intends to get to work, but after just a little more sleep (6:9-10). While the time for the harvest has come, the sluggard is not quite ready to get to the fields (10:5). The sluggard is always just about ready to start a job, but not quite.

Those tasks which the sluggard has already started never seem to get finished. The projects which he begins always seem to be more time-consuming and demanding than he first thought. The sluggard does not hesitate to rectify his rash decision to begin a task by later setting it aside. A number of examples of this failure to finish tasks can be found in Proverbs.

A slothful man does not roast his prey, But the precious possession of a man is diligence (12:27).

The sluggard buries his hand in the dish; He is weary of bringing it to his mouth again (26:15).

The sluggard does not plow after the autumn, And begs during the harvest and has nothing (20:4).

While there are several interpretations of Proverbs 12:27, my present understanding is that the sluggard has gone to the effort of catching his prey, but then does not go on to roast it, thus wasting his efforts and losing the benefit of his labor. The sluggard begins by putting his hand in the dish,26 but is unwilling to expend the energy to pull it out again, and therefore fails to enjoy the benefits of his initial labor (26:15). Having reaped the harvest, the sluggard is too tired (or perhaps too cold) to prepare the field for next year’s crop (20:4).

I have never been much of an athlete, but I believe it is true that follow through is one of the most important aspects of athletics. In baseball, golf, or tennis the athlete must follow through with his swing. The sluggard has no follow through at all, thereby nullifying the good of his efforts, even though these may have been too little and too late.

2. THE SLUGGARD IS A RATIONALIZER. Don’t ever kid yourself about the sluggard. His mind is working faster than his body. When it comes to shirking his responsibilities, no one has a quicker mind than the sluggard. There is always a “reason” for his apathy and inaction. When the sluggard decides not to work, he will have what, to him, is a plausible explanation for his decision. The classic excuse is that found twice in Proverbs:

The sluggard says, “There is a lion outside; I shall be slain in the streets!” (22:13; cf. 26:13).

To the best of my knowledge, lions could be found in Israel in those days (cf. Judg. 14:8; I Sam. 17:34; I Kings. 13:24; 20:36; Prov. 28:15). While the likelihood of meeting a lion may have been remote, it was the danger of doing so that the sluggard chose to emphasize. In his mind, it only made sense to stay at home, where it would be safe. While we may laugh at such a ridiculous excuse, many of the “reasons” given by those who “call in sick” to their employers are hardly more convincing, at least to those other than the one who chose to stay home. The point is that the sluggard fabricates a crisis which prohibits him from doing what he didn’t want to do anyway. His reasons, while unsatisfactory to others, are compelling to him.

Rather than to decide not to go to work, however, the sluggard would prefer not to make any decision at all, other than to postpone any action on his part. Frequently the sluggard is not honest enough to admit that he is not going to work, or that he will not plant a crop. The sluggard prefers to put off the unpleasantness of work by delaying his decision of whether or not he should work. If the sluggard can rationalize not working because of “a lion,” he can put off a decision because something insignificant (“a little . . . ”) is not that urgent a matter anyway.

“A little sleep, a little slumber, A little folding of the hands to rest” (6:10; cf. 24:33).

My wife, Jeannette, is the first one up in the morning at our house. When she wakes me up, I will often tell her to come back in five minutes, or ask her to put on the coffee, which will give me a brief reprieve. The sluggard consoles himself in putting off the inevitable by assuring himself that it is just a little more rest. After all, what harm can a few additional moments of rest be? In his mind the sluggard is mapping out his day or gathering up his strength.27 In the Song of Solomon we are told that it is the “little foxes which spoil the vineyards” (2:15). The sluggard seldom makes a conscious decision to neglect his duty, but frequently delays it.

3. THE SLUGGARD TAKES THE PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE. If the sluggard is anything, he is lazy. His one and only “tool” is his bed (6:10; 10:5; 19:15; 20:33; 26:24). He lacks the diligence of those who are wise.

Like vinegar to the teeth. and smoke to the eyes, So is the lazy one to those who send him (10:26).

He who is slack in his work Is brother to him who destroys (18:9).

Laziness casts into a deep sleep, And an idle man will suffer hunger (19:15).

Because of his laziness the sluggard will choose that course of action which appears to involve the least amount of sacrifice on his part, and give the greatest amount of immediate pleasure.

Do not love sleep, lest you become poor; Open your eyes, and you will be satisfied with food (20:13).

The desire of the sluggard [for ease] puts him to death, For his hands refuse to work; All day long he is craving While the righteous gives and does not hold back (21:25-26).

When work cannot be avoided, the sluggard is open to schemes which will make money the easiest way.

He who tills his land will have plenty of bread, But he who pursues vain things lacks sense. The wicked desires the booty of evil men, But the root of the righteous yields fruit (12:11-12).

He who tills his land will have plenty of food, But he who follows empty pursuits will have poverty in plenty. A man with an evil eye hastens after wealth, And does not know that want will come upon him (28:19,22).

4. THE SLUGGARD IS FOOLISH. I am not willing to equate the sluggard and the fool, but it does seem apparent that the sluggard is foolish. While all fools may not necessarily be sluggards, all sluggards are foolish.

The way of the sluggard is as a hedge of thorns, But the path of the upright is a highway (15:19).

Since the sluggard is contrasted with the upright, it would seem to be accurate to say that the sluggard is evil, while the upright are diligent. The diligence of the wise is contrasted with the sloth of the sluggard (10:26). Sluggards lack sense (24:30) and are only wise in their own vain estimation (26:16). In other words, the sluggard is a fool. He, like all fools, is heading for sudden (but, as yet, unforeseen) destruction (6:11; 20:34).

5. THE SLUGGARD REQUIRES CONSTANT SUPERVISION AND PRODDING. Apart from pressure and prodding, the sluggard will not carry out his responsibilities. Something dramatic is required to overcome the immense inertia of the sluggard, whether it is the hunger pangs of his own stomach (13:25; 16:26) or the whip of a taskmaster (12:24).In chapter 6 the sluggard is urged to learn from the ant, which goes about its task faithfully, yet without any supervision (vv. 6-8).

Consequences for the Sluggard

The consequences which the sluggard must face can be summarized by two words: problems and pressure. A closer look at Proverbs will explain why the sluggard must experience these two unpleasant consequences.

According to the wisdom of Proverbs, “He who will not work will not eat.”

Laziness casts into a deep sleep, And an idle man will suffer hunger (19:15).

Often, the result of laziness is spoken of more generally as “poverty.”

“A little sleep, a little slumber, A little folding of the hands to rest”--And your poverty will come in like a vagabond, And your need like an armed man (6:10-11; cf. 10:4; 20:13).

The sluggard has more problems than just hunger and poverty, however. His life is plagued with problems:

The way of the sluggard is as a hedge of thorns, But the path of the upright is a highway (15:19).

As we are told elsewhere in this book of wisdom, “the way of the transgressor is hard” (13:15).

A further result of laziness is pressure. The sluggard will avoid work if at all possible. While the diligent will prosper and be promoted, the sluggard will function only when in the most structured environment.

The hand of the diligent will rule, But the slack hand will be put to forced labor (12:24).

When I was a college student, I worked for the postal department during the Christmas vacation. Usually I drove a delivery truck, but when I was in the Post Office building, I noticed one-way glass windows everywhere, even in the rest rooms. The implication was obvious: “Somebody may be watching you at any time.” Sluggards will find themselves under pressure because that is the only way they produce.

The Source of the Sluggard’s Problem

Several factors converge in a person’s life which are the roots of his lack of character. We shall take a brief look at the sources of the sluggard’s problem, according to the Book of Proverbs.

1. THE SLUGGARD IS SELF-SEEKING. The sluggard is always looking out for number one--himself. He has no consideration for anyone else.

The desire of the sluggard puts him to death, For his hands refuse to work; All day long he is craving, While the righteous gives and does not hold back (21:25-26).

Those who are righteous have a concern for the needs of others. They are marked by their generosity in reaching out to meet these needs, just as the last line of verse 26 indicates (cf. also 22:9; 29:7; 31:20). The sluggard is characterized by a concern for his own ease. He who will not make any sacrifices for his own good, surely cannot be expected to sacrifice for others.

2. THE SLUGGARD IS A PLEASURE-SEEKER. We have just seen from Proverbs 21:25-26 that, the sluggard is destroyed by his desires. He is also dominated by these desires.28

The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, But the soul of the diligent is made fat (13:4).

He who loves pleasure will become a poor man; He who loves wine and oil will not become rich (21:17).

The sluggard’s desire is for a life of ease, filled with the luxuries and delicacies of the rich. Controlled as he is by his bodily appetites, the sluggard will consume all he has as quickly as possible. His inability to deny himself of immediate gratification leads to his poverty.

3. THE SLUGGARD IS SHORT-SIGHTED. The sluggard thinks only of the present. He constantly talks about tomorrow, for that is when he plans to go to work; but he never thinks ahead. He fails to plan for the future, and he never prepares for it.

Go to the ant, 0 sluggard, Observe her ways and be wise, Which, having no chief, Officer or ruler, Prepares her food in the summer, And gathers her provision in the harvest (6:6-8).

He who gathers in summer is a son who acts wisely, But he who sleeps in harvest is a son who acts shamefully (10:5).

The sluggard is indifferent to the demands of the future. During the time of harvest there is more than enough food at hand, but the cold winter lies ahead. Without diligently laboring to harvest and put food away for the winter, the sluggard will suffer hunger. He just doesn’t have any sense of urgency about the future.

4. THE SLUGGARD LACKS SELF-DISCIPLINE. If there is one thing the sluggard lacks it is self-control. If there is any food in the house, he eats it, with no thought for the consequences. If he has the choice of work or play, he will always choose to play. Whatever is easy and enjoyable will always be his choice.

The wise man knows that short-term sacrifices are required for future benefits. The wise child decides to do without candy bars and ice cream cones in order to save for a bike. The disciplined athlete knows that he must not eat too much of certain foods and must not stay up too late if he wishes to win the contest. The sluggard is not willing to make any sacrifices or to do without any pleasure that is within his reach.

The Solution to the Sluggard’s Problem

The sluggard may be amusing, but not for long. He is a burden on others, a taker and not a giver. He is a liability to society. Proverbs points the way which the sluggard must take to become a contributor to society, rather than merely a consumer.

1. THE SLUGGARD’S ATTENTION CAN BE GAINED BY PAIN, PRESSURE, AND PROBLEMS. We have already seen that problems and pressures are consequences of the sluggard’s lifestyle, but they can also play a part in his cure. Remember, it is the nature of the sluggard to avoid anything that is painful and unpleasant. Because of this, the hunger and poverty which result from lazy living are taken seriously by the sluggard.

The righteous has enough to satisfy his appetite, But the stomach of the wicked is in want (13:25).

A worker’s appetite works for him, For his hunger urges him on (16:26).

It is important for us to distinguish the nature of a person’s poverty and need. For some, poverty is beyond their control. For those whose need is not the result of sin, we must reach out to help. But the sluggard should not be fed, for this will only reinforce his sinful pattern of living at the expense of others. What Proverbs implies, Scripture teaches clearly elsewhere:

For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone will not work, neither let him eat (II Thes. 3:10).

The so-called “prodigal son” of Luke 15 came to his senses only after he had squandered all his assets and ended up in the pig pen. In our sincere desire to help those who are hurting, let us be reminded that we must help the sluggard by letting him wallow in the consequences of his sin long enough to see the folly of his way and to forsake it for the way of wisdom. Let us also beware of the false conclusion that all those who are poor and in need are sluggards.

The sluggard must learn that the “path of least resistance” is not the path of pleasure and prosperity. According to the Book of Proverbs it is as a hedge of thorns (15:19). Let us not labor to make the path of sinners easy, but to do what we can to turn men and woman to the path of wisdom. The pains of the path of folly are but a small token of the destruction and suffering which lie ahead for all who would choose this way.

2. THE SLUGGARD MUST CHANGE HIS PERSPECTIVE AND HIS PRIORITIES. Our Lord summarized the law of the Old Testament with only two commands.

And He said to him, “‘YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.’ This is the great and foremost commandment. And a second is like it, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF. ‘On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets” (Matt. 22:37-40).

The sluggard’s problem is that he has chosen to disregard both of these commands. He does not love or fear God. By every indication the sluggard is evil. He is contrasted with the righteous (15:19; 21:25-26), and assumed to be wicked (13:25). If the sluggard disregards God, neither does he have any love for his fellow man. He seeks only to avoid pain and pursue personal pleasure. Proverbs implies what other Scriptures teach, namely that we must place God first in our lives, and seek to serve others rather than to satisfy our own selfish desires.

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself; do not merely look out for your own personal interests but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross (Phil. 2:3-8).

In short, the sluggard must first come to salvation through faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ, who died for his sins and who offers new life--not an easy life, but a full life, marked by serving God and man.

Few passages better describe the change the Gospel makes in a man’s life than that in Ephesians chapter 4:

Let him who steals steal no longer; but rather let him labor, performing with his own hands what is good, in order that he may have something to share with him who has need (Eph. 4:28).

The gospel of Jesus Christ transforms lost men from parasites to producers, from those who take from others, to those who give sacrificially to meet the needs of the helpless. The Gospel turns a man’s attention from himself to others. The way to cure the sluggard is to make a saint of him.

The sluggard must cease living only for the present, and live in the light of eternity. The sluggard lives as though there will be no tomorrow, and therefore he must seek all the pleasure he can while it can be experienced. The Christian lives in the light of God’s promises of a life of blessing for all who will trust in Him and deny themselves those pleasures which are detrimental to spiritual growth and service. This is the message of the eleventh chapter of Hebrews:

By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter; choosing rather to endure ill-treatment with the people of God, than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin; considering the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt; for he was looking to the reward (Heb. 11:24-26).

The sluggard must have his entire value system reversed. The greatest goal in life is not to be happy, but to be holy (Christ-like). The Christian should strive to be truly pious, not merely prosperous (30:7-9). This means that all Christians must be willing to endure suffering and tribulation in this life (II Tim. 3:12; I Pet. 1:3-7; James 1:2-4). Even those liberties which we possess may need to be set aside for the higher good of serving God or benefiting others (I Cor. 8ff).

As I understand the Bible, the role of biblical prophecy is to constantly remind Christians that God’s purposes are certain, and that we should live godly lives in the present, knowing that this life, and indeed, this world, are passing away.

Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, on accounts of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt with intense heat! But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells (II Pet. 3:11-13).

Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we shall be. We know that, when He appears, we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him just as He is. And every one who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is pure (I John 3:2-3).

3. THE SLUGGARD MUST GO TO WORK. The bottom line for the sluggard is that he must stop loafing and get to work. Whether he is forced by pain and pressure or (far better) by a new outlook on life, he must overcome his lethargy and do what needs to be done.

He who tills his land will have plenty of bread, But be who pursues vain things lacks sense (12:11).

In all labor there is profit, But mere talk leads only to poverty (14:23).

He who tills the land will have plenty of food, But he who follows empty pursuits will have poverty in plenty (28:19).

When the choice must be made as to which work is to be done first, Proverbs informs us that it should be that which best prepares us for the difficulties ahead. It is not our comfort, but our most urgent needs which should have priority.

Prepare your work outside, And make it ready for yourself in the field; Afterwards, then, build your house (24:27).


The implications of the teaching of Proverbs on the sluggard are profound for each of us. I would hope that all of us would be able to admit that we have too much of the sluggard in us when it comes to those tasks which we find unpleasant. Whether it be on the job or in the home, we must learn to do what is more important before we do what is most enjoyable.

But beyond this very obvious level of application is one that is even more urgent. Nowhere are the symptoms of the sluggard more evident in my life than in the area of my spiritual duties and obligations. While there are other factors to consider, the primary reason for my failure to pray, to study my Bible as I should, to worship, and to witness to my faith in Christ is that I am a spiritual sluggard.

While I admit that these things are important, even essential, I just never seem to get around to doing them as much or as well as I should.

Let’s face it, there is nothing easy about our spiritual life. We are called to be disciples of our Lord. As such we must endure hardship and persecution. As one gospel song has put it, “It’s not an easy road . . . ” It is the sluggard in me that causes me to ease up, to take the easy path, and to assure myself that there’s always another day. Moment by moment, day by day, a tiny piece at a time, the spiritual battle is lost, largely by default.

I am beginning to understand why the sluggard plays so significant a part in the Book of Proverbs. Repeatedly in the first nine chapters not only the value of wisdom is emphasized, but also the price at which it must be obtained:

My son, if you will receive my sayings, And treasure my commandments within you, Make your ear attentive to wisdom, Incline your heart to understanding; For if you cry for discernment, Lift your voice for understanding; If you seek her as silver, And search for her as for hidden treasures; Then you will discern the fear of the Lord, And discover the knowledge of God (2:1-5; of. 3:1-18; 4:1-9).

The Corinthian church of the New Testament was carnal (cf. I Cor. 3:1-3). When Paul finally got to the bottom of their difficulties, one of the principle problems was that these saints lacked the self-discipline and diligence to deny themselves those pleasures which were detrimental to their testimony, their own spiritual growth, or the well-being of a fellow Christian. In the last verses of I Corinthians 9 and the first half of chapter 10 Paul focuses on the need for discipline in the Christian life. In effect, Paul was telling the Corinthians that they were spiritual sluggards.

As I read the New Testament I find that the character flaws of the sluggard in Proverbs are dealt with repeatedly. For example, in Matthew 24 our Lord spoke of the time of the Great Tribulation and the last days. Repeatedly he urged His disciples to watch and be alert so that they would not be caught off guard at his return, devoting themselves to matters of less importance than the kingdom of God (cf. vv. 42-43,50). In Matthew 25 the Lord continues to warn the saints about the dangers of spiritual sluggardliness. In the parable of the talents (vv. 14-30) it was the servant who had but one talent (“a little,” cf. Prov. 6:10) who failed to make use of it for his master. The servant had an excuse (his “lion in the road”); he said that he knew his master was harsh and he was afraid. But the Master would not accept his excuses. Instead, he replied, “You wicked, lazy slave (25:26). Regardless of his excuses, the slave was a sluggard.

If our Lord had little pity on the sluggard, neither did His apostles. Paul instructed the Thessalonian church not to feed a man who refused to work (II Thes. 3:10). Diligence and self-discipline were required of all saints. Note, for example, Paul’s exhortation.

Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor; not lagging behind in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation, devoted to prayer, contributing to the needs of the saints, practicing hospitality. Bless those who persecute you; bless and curse not. Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Be of the same mind toward one another; do not be haughty in mind, but associate with the lowly. Do not be wise in your own estimation (Romans 12:9-16).

In urging Christians to wake up in the light of the nearness of the Lord’s return, Paul uses a figure of speech similar to that used with reference to the sluggard:

And this do, knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep; for now salvation is nearer to us than when we believed (Rom. 13:11).

But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day should overtake you like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness; so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober (I Thes. 5:4-6).

The characteristics of the sluggard are described in the New Testament as the characteristics of the old nature of the Christian which must be put off:

And do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret. But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light. For this reason it says, “AWAKE, SLEEPER, AND ARISE FROM THE DEAD, AND CHRIST WILL SHINE ON YOU.” Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil (Ephesians 5:11-16).

Therefore consider the members of your earthly body as dead to immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed, which amounts to idolatry. For it is on account of these things that the wrath of God will come, and in them you also once walked, when you were living in them. But now you also, put them all aside: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive speech from your mouth Do not lie to one another, since you laid aside the old self with its evil practices, and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him (Col. 3:5-10).

The New Testament urges the Christian to put aside the attitudes and actions of the old man and to put on Jesus Christ. Former desires are to be put off and we are to live in accordance with the law of love. Christians are to be motivated by the realization that the time is short, the return of our Lord is near, and our opportunities are to be grasped now (cf. Col. 4:5-6).

Whenever I preach I realize that there will be some who will attempt to twist my words into an excuse for their sinful actions. As I was preparing this message I asked myself who would walk away feeling proud of their sinful conduct. One particular type of person came to my mind--the workaholic. How proud the workaholic might feel. After all, he is no sluggard. He is just the opposite.

I would like to make a suggestion with staggering implications. I believe that the workaholic is a sluggard. Now let us be sure we all agree on what we mean by the term “workaholic.” The term “workaholic” does not refer to the man or woman who is diligent at his or her task. We are to be diligent in what we do (Rom. 12:11), working heartily in our occupations, as unto the Lord (Col. 3:23). The workaholic is the person who is so consumed by his work that he avoids other, more important, obligations.

In our society there are those who are just plain lazy and refuse to work. But while there may be just a handful of these in our churches, there are scores of others who have chosen to be spiritual sluggards in a socially acceptable way--by becoming workaholics. The workaholic fails to assume his responsibilities as a husband (or wife), parent, or member of the body of Christ because he is too heavily involved in his work. To the workaholic work is his “lion in the road.” It is easier for the workaholic to devote himself to his duties as an employer or employee than to his other spiritual obligations. When pressed by others, his mate, or his conscience, he excuses himself with a certain crisis, a report that is due, a deadline that is at hand, a difficult time for the business. There are, of course, emergencies that demand more time from us at work, but for the sluggard these never end. He lives from one “crisis” to the next. Eventually, we must recognize that we are spending too much time and energy at work because we want to, because it is easier than struggling with our responsibilities at home or in the church.

The workaholic, then, has found his work provides him with an excuse for procrastinating with regard to those obligations which are difficult or unpleasant. He can even rationalize his sin by insisting that he would “hurt his testimony” if he did not do a good job at work. The spiritual sluggard may be starving himself and his family of biblical truths, and he may be responsible for his own downfall and that of others. Those who are in some kind of professional Christian ministry are even more susceptible to the dangers of the workaholic because they are convinced that they are doing “the Lord’s work.” While ministering to the spiritual needs of others, we may be negligent in our study and devotion, as well as in leading our families. I know this is true in my life. Let us be honest with ourselves. If the things we are working hardest at are keeping us from obeying the commands of our Lord, we may well be both workaholics and sluggards.

Finally, it may be possible that you are negligent in your spiritual responsibilities for another reason. While it is possible for a Christian to neglect his responsibilities because of apathy and laziness, it is also necessary to say that some have no interest in spiritual things because they have no spiritual life. Such individuals are not lazy; they are lifeless, spiritually dead. It may be that you are not living in obedience to the commands of Scriptures because you have never come to have eternal life through faith in the person of Christ. When asked by His countrymen what work they should do, Jesus replied, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him who He has sent” (John 6:29). If you have not yet placed your faith in Jesus Christ, who died in your place, suffering the penalty for your sins, I urge you to do this now.

26 Orientals dispensed with spoons and forks, dipping their hand into the dish to take their portion. The older commentators translated, ‘bosom, slit in a garment,’ like our expression ‘buries his hands in his pockets’; but this is less likely.” A. Cohen, Proverbs (London: The Soncino Press, 1967), P. 129.

27 Kidner says of the self-deceived sluggard as he is described in 36:13-16, he has no idea that he is lazy: he is not a shirker but a ‘realist’ (13); not self-indulgent but ‘below his best in the morning’ (14); his inertia is ‘an objection to being hustled’ (15); his mental indolence a fine ‘sticking to his guns’ (16). Derek Kidner, The Proverbs (Chicago: Inter-Varsity Press, 1964), p. 163.

28 Titling these two verses, “The Tyranny of Desire,” Kidner says, “The sluggard lives in a world of wishing, which is his substitute for working. It can ruin him materially (25) and imprison him spiritually (26), for he can neither command himself nor escape himself.” Ibid., p. 145.

The Net Pastor's Journal, Eng Ed, Issue 28 Summer 2018

Summer 2018 Edition

A ministry of…

Author: Dr. Roger Pascoe, President,
The Institute for Biblical Preaching
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 519-620-2375

Part I. Communicating The Message

In this edition, we come to the end of our 7 year series on “The Essentials of Expository Preaching.” In the next edition, we will begin a new series of articles on “The Dynamics of Church Leadership”.

In the last edition (Spring 2018), we looked at some steps in finalizing your sermon manuscript or notes, and some reminders on each section of your sermon from the introduction to the close. It is fitting, then, to conclude this preaching course with some comments on how to actually communicate the message. First let’s look once more at…

A. Practical Aspects Of Communicating The Message

1. The Use Of Sermon Notes

At the risk of repeating myself, I strongly recommend that you use notes when you preach. As I mentioned in the last edition of this journal, there are various forms of notes

  1. A full manuscript. If you are a novice preacher, you would do well to write out your sermon in full just as you would preach it.
  2. A sermon outline.
  3. An amplified outline (sermon brief).

In order to explain why I encourage you to use sermon notes, it’s important to understand some of the dangers of not using notes:

  1. Your message will be unbalanced. You will probably spend too long on one section of your sermon and not enough time on another.
  2. Your message will lack focus. You will go off on tangents and before you know it you don’t know where you are or how you got there. Getting back on track when that happens is often very difficult.
  3. Your message will either be too short or too long, because you lack a frame of reference to know where you ought to be during the time allotted to you.
  4. You will say things that are unimportant (or, worse yet, inaccurate or wrong), while you will forget to say things that are important. Your memory just cannot retain everything you need and want to say.

In addition to the advantages of using notes that I mentioned in the last edition of this journal, here are some more advantages which, to me, are equally important:

  1. Notes take the pressure off your memory. There is enough pressure in preaching without having to remember your outline, key points, illustrations, applications, and close.
  2. Notes leave your mind free for one function only – to communicate the message. I don’t want to have to remember what to say as well as how to say it. The actual preaching event is so important that I want all my concentration to be on the communication of the message, having already figured out the content. This does not eliminate spontaneity but it does not demand it. I would argue that the best communication is the extemporaneous use of notes – i.e. your notes set the agenda and content, but you deliver it as though you did not have notes.

2. Style Of Delivery

How you communicate your message will depend to some degree on your gifting, your training, your personality, and your experience. While we learn from others and are mentored by them, our style must be our own. It may be conversational or didactic, formal or more informal.

Be yourself, but don’t think that that permits casualness or lack of professionalism. No one wants to come to church to be embarrassed by the preacher. And people will not bring friends if they think there is any chance of being embarrassed either by your style or content. So, be yourself, but at the same time be polished, courteous, consistent, dependable.

3. Be Heard

A. Your Voice

Be conscious of the acoustics. Use your voice in a way that is appropriate to the acoustics and to the message. Learn how to use the sound system to your advantage. Make sure the sound operator sets you at the right volume and tone. There is nothing worse for your listeners than either not being able to hear you or being blasted out of their seat.

Vary your volume. This makes it interesting and indicates passion and the importance of what you are saying.

Vary your pitch. If you do not vary the pitch of your voice, you may fall into one or more of these annoying habits:

a) A monotone. This is where you speak with no variation in pitch. This becomes very boring very quickly for your listeners.

b) A low pitch or “growl”.

c) A constant high pitch. Intensity of speech or nervousness can cause some preachers to develop a high pitch. This is very distracting.

Varying your pitch, on the other hand, helps to provide emphasis to what you are saying, variety in how you say, and passion about what you are saying.

Practice your tone. All speakers have a tone. Your tone can be affected by nerves, or the volume of speech which can tighten up your throat. A nasal tone generally comes from tension in nasal muscle. A guttural tone, on the other hand, generally comes from tension in throat.

You can change your tone if it is distracting. You might need speech lessons but more likely you can change it just by being aware of how you sound and consciously changing it.

B. Your Speech

Watch your rate of speech. The tendency is to speak too fast or too slow. Speaking too fast wears people out (like machine-gun fire); too slow bores people to death. The average rate of speech in preaching should be slightly faster than conversational speech – e.g. about 180 words a minute. This rate of speech keeps people’s attention but doesn’t kill them in the cross fire.

Variety is important. Use faster speech to indicate excitement or to cover material that is not as important or does not demand such detail. Use slower speech to communicate important or complex ideas that need time to sink in.

Use pauses. A pause at the appropriate moment lays emphasis, creates tension, affects meaning, gets people’s attention. It says “This is important, so we need to pause.”

Pace. The pace at which you deliver the sermon should reflect steady progression toward a goal. Don’t be racing at one point (as though you are running out of time) and crawling at another.

4. Be Understood

Use an oral style that is easy to understand. Choose vocabulary that can be understood and if you use a word that is not common, always clarify what it means. Stay away from technical terms unless you explain them – we are not there to impress people with our knowledge, but we can use our preaching to expand people’s vocabulary.

5. Be Clear

Articulate your words well. Don’t slur words together. Be distinct. Lay emphasis where appropriate. Stress words appropriately so that your meaning is clear.

6. Be Natural

All body language should be natural, but if your “natural” body language in any way distracts from the message, change it.

Use gestures that are natural, appropriate, expressive. Develop your own gestures.

Be aware of how you look to the audience. Don’t make facial expressions that look comical or ridiculous or painful. In fact, don’t project anything that distracts from the message.

B. Communication And The Audience: “Keeping Contact”

1. Maintaining Eye Contact

Eye contact is important and sometimes hard to maintain. The easiest way to let everyone think you are looking at them is to focus your eyes in different sections of the congregation so that you are not looking at one person in particular but embracing an area of the auditorium. Focus your eyes on one area for a minute, then move to another area so that you cover the whole space.

Don’t look up to the ceiling or over the heads of the people. This is very annoying. Yet so many preachers seem to have difficulty looking at the people.

Set your notes at the right height on the pulpit so that your eye movement from notes to the people is limited. The higher you have your notes, the less you need to move your eyes up and down. Not only does this give less appearance of reading your notes, but it give the appearance of more continuous eye contact.

2. Addressing The Audience Directly

Use “you” in order to be personal, direct, and compelling.

Ask rhetorical questions (e.g. as Paul does in Romans). Questions draw the audience into the message. Appropriate questions overcome objections in advance. Questions help transition into application.

3. Applying Throughout

Throughout your sermon, answer the questions: “What difference does this make to you? How are you going to work this out in your life?”

A. Making It Personal

Speak to the heart; be emotive as well as didactic. Communicate your personal interest in them as people, your care and concern

B. Being Direct, Pointed

Every message should have an element of urgency. It really matters because Christ is coming etc.

The perspective of your sermon affects people in various ways – spiritually, eternally, theologically.

C. Using Visual Aids (Powerpoint; Movie Clips, Recorded Songs Etc.)

Visual aids should simply reinforce the message. If you use them, make sure they are well done or else they will detract from your message.

Primarily, the preacher is the visual aid. That’s where you want everyone’s attention directed, not because you want to be the personal centre of attention but because (1) you want undivided attention to your message; (2) you want to be the incarnation (visual aid) of your message.

C. Communication And The Preacher

1. The Vital Aspect Of Communication

“My speech and my preaching were not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.” (1 Cor. 2:4)

Proclamation of the message must be “in the demonstration of the Spirit and of power.” Here, Paul is peaking of the act of preaching rather than the person of the preacher.

Our preaching must “demonstrate” that it is done under the direction, control, and enablement (“power”) of the Spirit. That’s what makes preaching effective in the lives of the audience.

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones said: “There is all the difference in the world between preaching merely from human understanding and energy, and preaching (with) the conscious smile of God.” (Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Revival, 295, cited in Anointed Expository Preaching, 236)

The unction of the Holy Spirit is vital for effective, powerful preaching. The Holy Spirit is the divine agent who makes the truth live and makes the truth vital (cf. 1 Jn. 2:2; 2 Cor. 1:19-22).

2. The Vocal Aspect Of Communication

Let me suggest some exercises that help the voice:

a. Practice building the voice by breathing deeply from the diaphragm. This is how professional singers breathe. It gives control.

b. Practice training the voice by reading the sermon out loud. Concentrate on articulation, pronunciation and emphasis.

c. Practice testing the voice for the following characteristics:

a) Projection (strength). This is the ability to “throw” your voice so that everyone can hear.

b) Production (softness). Use breath control to regulate constancy of sound.

c) Protection (control). Know the limitations of your voice.

d. Practice resting the voice especially when your voice is tired or hoarse. Use periods of silence to relax your voice muscles.

e. Practice the healing of the voice by using, if necessary, salt, lubrication (throat lozenges), and care. Lubrication is particularly important as the mouth and throat tend to dry out if you’re nervous.

f. Practice guarding the voice. ­Avoid straining your voice. Try to guard your voice against wind and air-conditioning. Be particularly aware of talking on the phone for long periods of time.

g. Practice using the voice. Make it a subconscious effort every time you speak to be aware of how you use your voice. Many people’s voices sound bad, not because that’s the way they are made but because of how they use them.

3. The Visual Aspect Of Communication

“I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling” (1 Cor. 2:3)

Nervousness in preaching is normal. Even the greatest and most experienced of preachers suffer from nerves and a sense of inadequacy. The apostle Paul asked, “Who is sufficient for these things?” (2 Cor. 2:16). This casts us upon the Lord – that’s good.

But nerves should not cripple us. That’s one advantage of being well-prepared and using notes. We can still speak with authority despite how we feel inwardly because we know that what we say is the word of God.

Personal appearance. In one sense we want to be veiled from sight so that the audience sees Christ in our message. On the other hand, we are the human agents God has chosen to deliver the message. Thus, we should present ourselves in a way that does not distract from the message. To that end, your personal appearance should be modest; and your personal appeal should not be seductive to anyone in the audience.

D. Communication And The Occasion

Every preacher should be sensitive to the occasion when selecting his topic or text, in preparing the content and thrust of the message, and in presentation of the message. If the occasion is a wedding, for example, your content must be appropriate to that occasion and your delivery would normally be focused on the happiness of the day.

The preparation and presentation would, of course, be very different if the occasion were a funeral, when the needs of the mourners would be addressed in the content of the message, and the delivery of the message would be appropriately subdued and sombre.

Similarly, regular Sunday messages would vary in their preparation and presentation depending on the occasion. Special Sundays like Thanksgiving, anniversaries, Easter, and Christmas would dictate the type of subject matter to be prepared and the manner in which they a represented.

E. Communication And The Purpose

Every sermon has a purpose. If the purpose is to deal with a specific failure in the life of the church or a particular problem in relationships, then the preparation of those messages and their presentation would be affected accordingly.

If the purpose is evangelistic or exhortative, again, the selection of the text, the content of the message and the style of presentation should correspond to that purpose.

Purpose, then, affects the topic or text selected, the application of the text, the illustrations used, and the manner of presentation.

Part II: Devotional Exposition

“Discipline In The Church” (1 Cor. 5:1-13)

By: Dr. Stephen F. Olford

Introduction With this chapter we commence a new section in the unfolding of this first letter to the Corinthians. Up to this point the apostle has been dealing mainly with the problem of divisions in the church. Now he turns to the equally serious matter of disorders in the church. There are three, in particular, which are mentioned within the scope of the next two chapters. They have to do with discipline in the church (5:1-13), lawsuits in the church (6:1-11), and impurity in the church (6:12-20). Our concern in the present study is that of discipline in the church. It is quite obvious from the reading of this epistle that the Corinthians were so preoccupied with their carnal wisdom and philosophy that they had overlooked the moral obligations of the gospel, to which they were committed. Wrong thinking always issues in wrong living. As a result, moral disaster had befallen the church and Paul had to confront them with this fact. He had to spell out, in no uncertain terms, the disciplinary action that had to be taken. As we consider Discipline in the Church, I invite you to observe, first of all:

I. The Seriousness Of Moral Disaster In The Church

“It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you…” (1 Corinthians 5:1). The construction of these opening words indicates that the sin in question was the subject of general gossip – not only within the assembly but throughout the city. There is no need to elaborate on the actual offense in question, except to notice that it was a most flagrant violation of the moral law. A Christian brother had been living immorally with his step-mother. The fact that the sin described is fornication indicates that the father was either dead or divorced. The absence of any mention of the woman suggests that she must have been an unbeliever, and therefore outside of the jurisdiction of the church. This form of immorality was so revolting and horrifying that it was not only condemned by Jewish law (Leviticus 18:8), but was also prohibited by Roman law. Indeed, it is a sin which was seldom found among the unregenerate Gentiles.

Now the Holy Spirit has seen fit to record his sordid story in order that we might learn the seriousness of sin in the church. If a Christian brother could sink so low in the days of apostolic Christianity, what does that say for our day, unless we learn the solemn lesson that this chapter contains. The seriousness of this moral disaster in the church is underlined by:

1) The Personal Culpability of the Offender “…he who has done this deed…” (1 Corinthians 5:2). Quite clearly, this offense was not just an isolated act of sin. To “have his father’s wife” meant that he had lived with her. Similarly, the phrase, “he who has done this deed,” indicates that he had practiced this sin over some period of time. Our first reaction is to deduce that this man was probably a nominal Christian without a saving knowledge of Christ. But Paul’s reference to him, both in this chapter and in his second epistle (2:6-8), would confirm the view that the man was truly born again, but tremendously backslidden in heart and life.

What a warning this story is to you and me! Apart from the grace of God, there is nothing to stop us from sinking just as low. And the tragedy of such moral breakdown is that such sin is first against a holy God and then against the Body of Christ. When David realized his sin in the matter of Bathsheba, he cried “Against you, you only, have I sinned and done this evil in your sight” (Psalm 51:4). But added to this was the realization of how he had wrecked the life of an innocent woman and taken the life of an innocent and loyal man. This leads us to consider the second reason for the seriousness of moral disaster in the life of the church:

2) The Public Consequences of the Offense “And you are puffed up, and have not rather mourned…” (1 Corinthians 5:2). Like a cancerous disease, sin always poisons and paralyzes the body. Therefore, the whole fellowship was affected by this man’s moral breakdown. Instead of mourning they were boasting. Paul uses an unusual word to describe what should have been their attitude. They should have “mourned” he says, meaning to lament, as for the dead. They should have recognized that here was a man who had not only fallen from grace, but also had separated himself from the life of the church. Instead, they were boasting about their tolerance of sin, and by this very attitude had become partners in the sin.

John Morley once said “under certain circumstances compromise is the most immoral word in the English language.” And Morley is right! When a person or a church compromises on the issue of sin, God’s name is dishonored, Satan’s work is advanced, and the church is rendered helpless. Not only the man but the church should have repented long before Paul wrote this letter, for repentance is one of the greatest marks of regeneration. Only through contrite, broken-hearted repentance can we expect God to bless our lives and our churches. It seems, however, in our day, we have lost all sense of the exceeding sinfulness of sin. Instead of mourning over our failures in the church we are boasting about our tolerance, our compromise, and our bigheartedness. God have mercy on us! Next let us consider:

II. The Standard Of Judicial Discipline In The Church

“In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when you are gathered together…with the power of Jesus Christ, deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus” (1 Corinthians 5:4-5). Whatever else we think, God’s standard of discipline in relation to sin in the church is unmistakable and unalterable. There is no question but that this chapter is left to guide us throughout the age of the church in these matters. Please notice three things regarding discipline in the church:

1) The Meaning of the Discipline “…deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus” (1 Corinthians 5:5). This solemn statement is supported with other expressions throughout the chapter such as “purge out the old leaven” (v. 7), and “put away from yourselves that wicked person” (v. 13). Quite clearly, the act of discipline involves the excommunication of the offender from the life and fellowship of the church. Such excommunication is described as being delivered unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh (v. 5). Scholars expound these words in two ways; undoubtedly there is an element of truth in both positions.

There are those who maintain that Paul specifically mentions the destruction of the flesh in order to emphasize that when a person is excommunicated from the life and fellowship of the church, he is brought under the domination of satanic forces (see 1 John 5:19). Very soon a Christian living in this atmosphere learns that “the flesh profits nothing” (John 6:63). In other words, he comes to the end of himself, and therefore seeks to be restored to the Lord and to his rightful place in the fellowship.

Other students of the Word maintain that the destruction of the flesh implies and involves sickness and even death of the body. This was true of other delinquent members of the church at Corinth, to whom Paul refers in Chapter 11:30. Because of their demeanor at the Lord’s Supper they were sickly, and some slept. It was true of Ananias and Sapphira, who were judged by the stroke of death (Acts 5) for lying to the Holy Spirit (see also 1 John 5:16).

2) The Method of the Discipline “In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when you are gathered together…” (1 Corinthians 5:4). Paul exhorts that the church should come together, recognizing the authority of the Head of the church, the Lord Jesus Christ. In this particular instance, Paul, as a father to so many, also identifies himself with the church saying: “…when you are gathered together, along with my spirit…” Having thus convened, with recognition of the Savior’s presence, the Spirit’s power, and the clear teaching of the Word of God, the church is to pass judgment on the sin, and excommunicate the offender out of their presence. It can only be added that if this were done more often today, we would soon see revival visiting the people of God. So often we pray for refreshing showers to fall from heaven, while we condone sin in our midst. This is a contradiction. A third important aspect of this church action is:

3) The Motive of the Discipline “…deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus” (1 Corinthians 5:5). It must be stressed that the ultimate motive in all discipline is that of restoring the sinning saint to the life of cleansing and victory in our Lord Jesus Christ. This is supported by what Paul has to say in the second epistle, where he scolds the Corinthians for having failed to receive back into membership the offending brother who was now repentant and on the verge of being “swallowed up with overmuch sorrow.” So he exhorts them to confirm their love toward him (2 Corinthians 2:6-8). In Galatians 6:1, Paul exhorts that all discipline should be exercised with a view to restoration. It is just as much a sin on the part of the church to fail in following up a repentant member as to overlook the discipline of a rebellious offender.

Now this solemn chapter fittingly concludes with:

III. The Secret Of Spiritual Deliverance In The Church

“Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new batch, since you are unleavened, for indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us” (1 Corinthians 5:7). Reminding them again that their boasting was not good, Paul points out that just as leaven permeates the dough, so sin has a way of affecting the total church. No one can excuse himself on the basis of being an insignificant or inconspicuous member of the church. Indeed, the whole fellowship is as strong as its weakest member. If we are to know the glory, the power, and the blessing of our God in a local assembly, we must give attention to the continuing secret of deliverance for the individual as well as the corporate life of the church. The secret is threefold:

1) There Must be a Hatefulness of Sin “Therefore purge out the old leaven…” (1 Corinthians 5:7). In Old Testament times the Jewish household was instructed to remove all leaven in preparation for the Passover. Every little nook and cranny and mouse hole was to be examined with a lighted candle for any traces of leaven. This symbolized the complete break with the old manner of life in Egypt, and their entrance to new life in which they were designed to enjoy fellowship with God. Paul says we must purge out the old leaven remembering that Christ our Passover has been sacrificed for us. Any trifling with sin is a reflection on the holy Lamb of God who gave His life to save and to keep us from sin. Our entire Christian attitude should be that of celebrating the victory of our Savior, not with malice or wickedness in our hearts, but with sincerity and truth (v. 8). The test of whether or not we are living in victory is our attitude to sin. From the passage before us, it is quite clear that it should be one of utter hatefulness and abhorrence of sin.

2) There Must be Helpfulness to Sinners “I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people. Yet I certainly did not mean with the sexually immoral people of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world” (1 Corinthians 5:9-10). Apparently Paul had written to them on a previous occasion concerning this matter of holy living, but some of them had misunderstood his instruction to be about their contact with the world. Now he writes again to explain that the doctrine of separation does not imply isolationism. While we are in the world we have to mix with people who are fornicators, covetous, extortioners, and idolaters. Our Savior was a friend of publicans and sinners (Matthew 11:19). At the same time, we must remember that while He mingled with them in a redemptive helpfulness, He was holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners (Hebrews 7:26). Nothing brings conviction home to the heart of an unconverted person more than the radiance and redemptiveness of a holy, helpful life. There are hungry people all around us who long to know deliverance from the power and pollution of sin. Therefore in our Christian walk, let us bear in mind that while we are to be characterized by a hatefulness of sin, we must maintain a God-given helpfulness to sinners.

3) There Must be a Holiness in Standards “But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone who is called a brother and is a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner – not even to eat with such a person” (1 Corinthians 5:11). There is much loose talk today about holiness which does not involve holy standards, but Paul makes it quite clear that if we know anything of holiness in our lives, then it has to be demonstrated in a separated walk, even if it involves withdrawal from a brother who is walking disorderly. As we have seen in this very chapter, it is possible for a brother to be a fornicator, or covetous, or an adulterer, or a drunkard, or even an extortioner, and Paul adds, with such we should not even share a meal.

Indeed, in 2 Thessalonians 3:14 and 15, we are explicitly exhorted to withdraw ourselves from all such in order that they might learn the nature of their sin and its consequence. We cannot pronounce judgment upon the sins of the world because that realm is out of our jurisdiction (see vs. 12-13); that is God’s province and prerogative. But in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, and with the word of revelation in our hands, we are to judge sin in or own lives and in the church. Therefore, concludes the apostle, we must put out of our midst every believer who comes under the category of “a wicked person” (v.13).

Conclusion: This is solemn teaching and we cannot escape either the authority or relevancy of the divine challenge to our hearts. If therefore, we long for God’s favor and benediction upon our lives and upon our churches, we must view sin in all the seriousness of its essential character. We must fulfill all the demands of divine discipline and, most important of all, we must live and learn the secret of day-by-day deliverance. God grant that your life and mine might ever be characterized by a hatefulness of sin, a helpfulness to sinners, and a holiness in standards by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit (See also 1 Thessalonians 4:7; 2 Corinthians 7:1). We dare not lower God’s standards by acting or being otherwise characterized.

Part III: Sermon Outlines

To listen to the audio version of these sermons in English, click on these links: Link 1 - Jn. 18:33-34; Link 2 - Jn. 18:35-37; Link 3 - Jn. 18:37-38

Title: The Kingship of Jesus

Point #1: The kingship of Jesus separates cynics from seekers (33-35a)

1. Cynics sneer at the kingship of Jesus (33)

2. Seekers hunger for the kingship of Jesus (34-35a)

Point #2: The kingship of Jesus separates the physical from the spiritual (35b-38a)

1. Jesus explains that his kingship is not a physical entity (36)

2. Jesus explains that his kingship is a spiritual entity (37)

Related Topics: Pastors

La Revue Internet Des Pasteurs, Fre Ed 28, Edition du l’été 2018

Edition du l’été 2018

“Renforcer l’Église dans la prédication et le leadership bibliques “

Author: Dr. Roger Pascoe, President,
The Institute for Biblical Preaching
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 519-620-2375

Partie I. Communiquer Le Message

Dans cette édition, nous arrivons à la fin de notre série de 7 ans sur "Les bases de la prédication de la Présentation". Dans la prochaine édition, nous commencerons une nouvelle série d'articles sur "La dynamique du leadership dans l'Église".

Dans la dernière édition (Printemps 2018), nous avons examiné certaines étapes de la finalisation de votre manuscrit ou de vos notes de sermon, ainsi que des rappels sur chaque section de votre sermon, de l’introduction à la conclusion. Il convient donc de conclure ce cours de prédication par quelques commentaires sur la manière de communiquer le message. D'abord, voyons une fois de plus à…

A. Des Aspects Pratiques Pour Communiquer Le Message

1. Utilisation Des Notes De Sermon

Au risque de me répéter, je vous recommande fortement d'utiliser des notes lorsque vous prêchez. Comme je l'ai mentionné dans la dernière édition de ce journal, il existe différentes formes de notes.

  1. Un manuscrit complet. Si vous êtes un prédicateur novice (débutant), vous feriez bien d'écrire votre sermon comme vous le prêcheriez.
  2. Un plan de sermon.
  3. Un plan amplifié (résumé de sermon).

Pour expliquer pourquoi je vous encourage à utiliser des notes de sermon, il est important de comprendre certains des dangers de ne pas utiliser de notes.

  1. Votre message sera déséquilibré. Vous allez probablement passer trop de temps sur une partie de votre sermon et ne pas assez de temps sur une autre.
  2. Votre message manquera de focus. Vous partirez en tangentes et avant que vous le sachiez, vous ne savez pas où vous êtes ni comment vous y êtes arrivé. Se remettre sur les rails quand cela se produit est souvent très difficile.
  3. Votre message sera trop court ou trop long, car vous n'avez pas de cadre de référence pour savoir où vous devriez être pendant le temps qui vous est imparti.
  4. Vous direz des choses sans importance (ou, pire encore, inexactes ou erronées), pendant que vous oublierez de dire des choses importantes. Votre mémoire ne peut tout simplement pas retenir tout ce dont vous avez besoin et que vous voulez dire.

Outre les avantages de l’utilisation des notes que j’ai mentionnées dans la dernière édition de cette revue, voici quelques avantages supplémentaires qui, à mes yeux, sont tout à fait aussi importants:

  1. Les notes éliminent la pression sur votre mémoire. Il y a beaucoup de pression dans la prédication sans avoir à mémoriser votre plan, les points clés, les illustrations, les applications et la conclusion.
  2. Les notes libèrent votre pensée pour une seule fonction - pour communiquer le message. Je ne veux pas avoir à me rappeler quoi dire et comment le dire. L'événement de prédication est si important que je veux que toute ma concentration soit sur la communication du message, sachant déjà le contenu. Cela n'élimine pas la spontanéité mais ne l'exige pas. Je dirais que la meilleure communication est l’utilisation improvisée des notes - c’est-à-dire que vos notes définissent l’ordre du jour et le contenu, mais vous le livrez comme si vous n'aviez pas de notes.

2. Le Style De Dispenser

La façon dont vous communiquez votre message dépendra dans une certaine mesure de vos dons, de votre formation, de votre personnalité et de vos expériences. Alors que nous apprenons des autres et que nous les encadrons, notre style doit être le nôtre. Cela peut être conversationnel ou didactique, formel ou plus informel.

Soyez vous-même, mais ne pensez pas que cela permette une certaine désinvolture ou un manque de professionnalisme. Personne ne veut venir à l'église pour être embarrassé par le prédicateur. Et les gens n’amèneront pas d’amis s’ils pensent qu’il ya une chance d’être gêné par votre style ou votre contenu. Alors, soyez vous-même, mais en même temps être précis, courtois, cohérent, fiable.

3. Être Entendu

A) Votre Voix

Soyez conscient de l'acoustique. Utilisez votre voix d'une manière adaptée à l'acoustique et au message. Apprenez à utiliser le système audio à votre avantage. Assurez-vous que l’opérateur audio vous permet de régler le volume et la tonalité. Il n'y a rien de pire pour vos auditeurs que de ne pas pouvoir vous entendre ou être explosé de leur siège par le bruit.

Variez votre volume. Cela le rend intéressant et indique la passion et l'importance de ce que vous dites.

Variez votre tonalité. Si vous ne modifiez pas la hauteur de votre voix, vous pouvez tomber dans une ou plusieurs de ces habitudes ennuyeuses:

a) Un ton monotone. C'est là que vous parlez sans variation de hauteur. Cela devient très vite ennuyeux pour vos auditeurs.

b) Un ton faible ou "grognement".

c) une hauteur constante de ton. L'intensité de la parole ou de la nervosité peut amener certains prédicateurs à développer un ton aigu. C'est très distrayant.

D’autre part, varier votre argument, aide à mettre l'accent sur ce que vous dites, sur la variété de vos propos et sur votre passion pour ce que vous dites.

Pratiquez votre ton. Tous les intervenants ont un ton. Votre ton peut être affecté par la nervosité, ou le volume de la parole qui peut vous serrer la gorge. Un ton nasal provient généralement de la tension dans le muscle nasal. Un ton guttural, en revanche, provient généralement de la tension dans la gorge.

Vous pouvez changer de ton si cela distrait. Vous pourriez avoir besoin de leçons de technique de parole, mais plus probablement vous pourrez le changer simplement en étant conscient de la façon dont vous sonnez et en le modifiant consciemment.

B) Votre Discours

Veillez sur le rythme de votre parole. La tendance est de parler trop vite ou trop lentement. Parler trop vite porte des gens (comme des mitraillettes); trop lent ennuie les gens à mort. Le rythme moyen de la parole dans la prédication devrait être légèrement plus rapide que le discours conversationnel - par ex. environ 180 mots par minute. Ce rythme d'élocution garde l'attention des gens mais ne les tue pas dans le feu croisé.

La variété est importante. Utilisez un langage plus rapide pour indiquer l'excitation ou pour couvrir des éléments qui ne sont pas aussi importants ou qui n'exigent pas de tels détails. Utilisez une parole plus lente pour communiquer des idées importantes ou complexes qui ont besoin de temps pour y parvenir.

Utilisez des pauses. Une pause au moment approprié met l'accent, crée des tensions, affecte le sens, attire l'attention des gens. Cela veut dire : "Ceci est important, nous devons donc faire une pause".

Rythme (allure). Le rythme auquel vous livrez le sermon devrait refléter une progression constante vers un objectif. Ne courez pas à un point donné (comme si vous manquiez de temps) et rampez à un autre.

4. Être Compris

Utilisez un style oral facile à comprendre. Choisissez un vocabulaire compréhensible et, si vous utilisez un mot peu commun, clarifiez toujours ce que cela signifie. N’utilisez pas des termes techniques à moins de les expliquer - nous ne sommes pas là pour impressionner les gens avec nos connaissances, mais nous pouvons utiliser notre prédication pour élargir le vocabulaire des personnes.

5. Etre Clair

Articulez bien vos mots. Ne pas insulter les mots ensemble. Soyez distinct Mettre l'accent là où c'est approprié. Soulignez les mots de manière appropriée afin que le sens soit clair.

6. Être Naturel

Tout langage corporel devrait être naturel, mais si votre langage corporel "naturel" distrait de quelque manière que ce soit du message, changez-le.

Utilisez des gestes naturels, appropriés, expressifs. Développez vos propres gestes.

Soyez conscient de votre regard sur l’audience. Ne faites pas des expressions faciales qui semblent comiques, ridicules ou douloureuses. En fait, ne projetez rien qui détourne l'attention du message.

B. Communication Et L’ Audience: “Garder Le Contact”

1. Maintenir Le Contact Visuel

Le contact visuel est important et parfois difficile à maintenir. La façon la plus simple de laisser les gens penser que vous les regardez est de vous concentrer sur les différentes sections de la congrégation afin de ne pas regarder une personne en particulier, mais d’embrasser une partie de l’auditorium. Focalisez vos yeux sur une zone pendant un instant, puis déplacez-vous vers une autre zone pour couvrir tout l'espace.

Ne regardez pas le plafond ou la tête des gens. C'est très ennuyant. Pourtant, beaucoup de prédicateurs semblent avoir de la difficulté à regarder les gens.

Réglez vos notes à la bonne hauteur sur la chaire de manière à limiter le mouvement des yeux des notes aux personnes. Plus vous avez de notes, moins vous devez bouger les yeux de haut en bas. Cela donne non seulement moins d’apparence à la lecture de vos notes, mais donne l’apparence d’un contact visuel plus continu.

2. Sadresser Directement A L’ Audience

Utilisez "vous" pour être personnel, direct et convaincant.

Posez des questions rhétoriques (par exemple, comme Paul le fait dans Romains). Les questions attirent l’audience dans le message. Des questions appropriées surmontent les objections à l'avance. Les questions facilitent la transition vers l'application. .

3. Appliquer Tout Le Long Du Message

Tout au long de votre sermon, répondez aux questions: "Quelle différence cela vous fait-il? Comment allez-vous appliquer cela dans votre vie? "

A) Le Rendre Personnel

Parlez au cœur ; être à la fois émotif et didactique. Communiquez votre intérêt personnel en tant que personnes, vos soins et vos préoccupations.

B) Etre Direct, Pointu

Chaque message doit avoir un élément d'urgence. C'est vraiment important parce que Christ vient etc.

La perspective de votre sermon affecte les gens de différentes manières - spirituellement, éternellement, théologiquement.

C) Utiliser Des Aides Visuelles (Powerpoint; Clips VIdéo, Chansons Enregistrées, Etc.)

Les aides visuelles devraient simplement renforcer le message. Si vous les utilisez, assurez-vous qu'elles sont bien faites, autrement, elles nuiront à votre message.

De prime abord, le prédicateur est l’aide visuelle. C’est là que vous voulez que l’attention de tout le monde soit dirigée, non pas parce que vous voulez être le centre d’attention personnel mais parce que (1) vous voulez une attention toute particulière à votre message; (2) vous voulez être l'incarnation (aide visuelle) de votre message.

C. La Communication Et Le Predicateur

1. L’ Aspect Vital De La Communication

"Ma parole et ma prédication ne se reposaient sur des discours persuasifs de la sagesse de l'homme, mais sur une démonstration de l'Esprit et de puissance." (1 Cor. 2: 4)

La proclamation du message doit être «dans la démonstration de l'Esprit et de puissance». Ici, Paul fait le point sur l'acte de prédication plutôt que sur la personne du prédicateur.

Notre prédication doit «démontrer» que cela se fait sous la direction, le contrôle et l’habilitation («puissance») de l’Esprit. C'est ce qui rend la prédication efficace dans la vie de l’audience.

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones a déclaré: "Il y a toute la différence dans le monde entre prêcher simplement par la connaissance humaine et la force et prêcher (avec) le sourire conscient de Dieu." (Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Revival, 295, cité dans Présentation d’une Prédication par l'onction, 236), (Anointed Expository Preaching, 236)

L'onction du Saint-Esprit est vitale pour une prédication efficace et puissante. Le Saint-Esprit est l'agent divin qui fait vivre la vérité et la rend vitale (cf. 1 Jean 2: 2; 2 Cor. 1: 19-22).

2. L’aspect Vocal De La Communication

Laissez-moi vous suggérer des exercices qui aident la voix:

a) Pratiquez la construction de la voix en respirant profondément à partir du diaphragme. C'est ainsi que respirent les chanteurs professionnels. Cela donne le contrôle.

b) Entraînez la voix en lisant le sermon à voix haute. Concentrez-vous sur l'articulation, la prononciation et l'emphase.

c) Pratiquez le teste de la voix pour les caractéristiques suivantes:

i) Projection (force). C'est la capacité de "lancer" votre voix pour que tout le monde puisse l'entendre.

ii) Production (douceur). Utilisez le contrôle du souffle pour réguler la constance du son.

iii) Protection (contrôle). Connaissez les limites de votre voix.

d) Pratiquez le repos de la voix, surtout lorsque votre voix est fatiguée ou enrouée. Utilisez des périodes de silence pour détendre vos muscles de la voix.

e) Pratiquez la guérison de la voix en utilisant, si nécessaire, du sel, de la lubrification (pastilles pour la gorge) et des soins. La lubrification est particulièrement importante car la bouche et la gorge ont tendance à se dessécher si vous êtes nerveux.

f) Pratique en gardant la voix. Évitez de forcer votre voix. Essayez de garder votre voix contre le vent et la climatisation. Soyez particulièrement attentif à parler au téléphone pendant de longues périodes.

g) Pratiquez en utilisant la voix. Faites-en un effort inconscient chaque fois que vous parlez pour savoir comment vous utilisez votre voix. La voix de beaucoup de gens est mauvaise, non pas parce qu’ils sont faits comme cela, mais à cause de la façon dont ils utilisent la voix.

3. L'aspect Visuel De La Communication

« J'étais auprès de vous dans un état faiblesse, dans la crainte et de grands tremblements » (1 Cor. 2: 3)

La nervosité dans la prédication est normale. Même les plus grands et les plus expérimentés des prédicateurs souffrent de nervovsité et d'un sentiment d'inadéquation. L'apôtre Paul a demandé: "Qui est suffisant pour ces choses?" (2 Cor. 2:16). Cela nous fait compter sur le Seigneur - c'est bien.

Mais la nervosité ne devraient pas nous paralyser. C'est un avantage d'être bien préparé et d'utiliser des notes. Nous pouvons toujours parler avec autorité malgré ce que nous ressentons intérieurement parce que nous savons que ce que nous disons est la parole de Dieu.

Apparence personnelle. Dans un sens, nous voulons être à l'abri de la vue pour que l’audience voie Christ dans notre message. D'autre part, nous sommes les agents humains que Dieu a choisis pour transmettre le message. Ainsi, nous devrions nous présenter d'une manière qui ne détourne pas l'attention du message. À cette fin, votre apparence personnelle devrait être modeste; et votre appel personnel ne devrait séduire personne.

D. La Communication Et L’occasion

Chaque prédicateur doit être sensible à l'occasion lors de la sélection de son thème ou de son texte, dans la préparation du contenu et de l'orientation du message et dans la présentation du message. Si l'occasion est un mariage, par exemple, votre contenu doit être adapté à cette occasion et votre livraison sera normalement axée sur le bonheur du jour.

La préparation et la présentation seraient bien entendu très différentes; si c’est des funérailles, le contenu du message devrait répondre aux besoins des personnes en deuil et la transmission du message serait sobre et sombre.

De façon similaire, les messages réguliers du dimanche varieraient dans leur préparation et leur présentation selon l'occasion. Des dimanches spéciaux comme Action de grâce, anniversaires, Pâques et Noël dicteraient le type de thème à préparer et la manière dont ils sont présentés.

E. La Communication Et Le But

Chaque sermon a un but. Si le but est de faire face à un échec spécifique dans la vie de l'église ou à un problème particulier dans les relations, alors la préparation de ces messages et leur présentation seraient affectés en conséquence.

Si le but est évangélique ou exhortatif, encore une fois, la sélection du texte, le contenu du message et le style de présentation doivent correspondre à cette fin.

Le but, alors, affecte le thème ou le texte sélectionné, l'application du texte, les illustrations utilisées la manière de présenter.

Partie II: La Presentaion Du Culte

“ La Discipline dans l’église” (1 Cor. 5:1-13)

By: Dr. Stephen F. Olford

Introduction Avec ce chapitre, nous commençons une nouvelle section dans le déroulement de cette première lettre aux Corinthiens. Jusqu'à présent, l'apôtre a principalement traité le problème des divisions dans l'église. Maintenant, il se penche sur la question tout aussi grave des troubles dans l'église. Trois, en particulier, sont mentionnés dans les deux chapitres suivants. Ils ont à voir avec la discipline dans l'église (5: 1-13), les procès dans l'église (6: 1-11) et l'impureté dans l'église (6: 12-20). Notre préoccupation dans la présente étude est celle de la discipline dans l'église. Il ressort clairement de la lecture de cette épître que les Corinthiens étaient tellement préoccupés par leur sagesse charnelle et leur philosophie qu'ils avaient négligé les obligations morales de l'Évangile, auxquelles ils s'étaient engagés. Une mauvaise pensée est toujours source de mauvaise vie. En conséquence, l'église a connu un désastre moral et Paul a dû les confronter à ce fait. Il a dû énoncer clairement les mesures disciplinaires à prendre. En considérant la discipline dans l'Église, je vous invite tout d'abord à observer:

I. La Gravite Du Desastre Moral Dans L’eglise

«On entend généralement dire qu'il y a de l'impudicité parmi vous…» (1 Corinthiens 5: 1). La construction de ces mots d'ouverture indique que le péché en question était le sujet de commérages généraux - non seulement à l'intérieur de l'assemblée mais dans toute la ville. Il n’est pas nécessaire de préciser l’infraction en question, si ce n’est pour constater que c’est une violation flagrante de la loi morale. Un frère chrétien vivait dans l’immoralité avec sa belle-mère. Le fait que le péché décrit soit une fornication indique que le père était mort ou divorcé. L'absence de toute mention de la femme suggère qu'elle devait être un incroyant, et donc hors de la juridiction de l'église. Cette forme d'immoralité était si révoltante et horrible qu'elle fut non seulement condamnée par la loi juive (Lévitique 18: 8), mais également interdite par la loi romaine. En effet, c'est un péché qui était rarement trouvé chez les Gentils non régénérés.

Maintenant, le Saint-Esprit a jugé bon d’enregistrer son histoire sordide afin que nous puissions apprendre la gravité du péché dans l’église. Si un frère chrétien pouvait sombrer si bas au temps du christianisme apostolique, qu'est-ce que cela signifie pour notre époque, à moins que nous apprenions la leçon solennelle que contient ce chapitre. Le sérieux de ce désastre moral dans l'église est souligné par:

1) La culpabilité personnelle de l’offenseur «… celui qui a commis cet acte…» (1 Corinthiens 5: 2). De toute évidence, cette infraction n'était pas simplement un acte isolé de péché. «Avoir la femme de son père» signifiait qu’il avait vécu avec elle. De même, la phrase «celui qui a commis cet acte» indique qu’il a pratiqué ce péché pendant un certain temps. Notre première réaction est de déduire que cet homme était probablement un chrétien de nom sans connaissance salvatrice du Christ. Mais Paul se référant à lui, à la fois dans ce chapitre et dans sa deuxième épître (2, 6-8), confirmerait l’opinion selon laquelle l’homme est vraiment né de nouveau, mais il a énormément rétrogradé de cœur et de vie.

Quel avertissement cette histoire est pour vous et moi! En dehors de la grâce de Dieu, rien ne nous empêche de sombrer aussi bas. Et la tragédie d'une telle rupture morale est qu'un tel péché est d'abord contre un Dieu saint et ensuite contre le Corps du Christ. Quand David s’est rendu compte de son péché à propos de Bath-Schéba, il a crié «Contre toi seulement, j'ai péché et fait ce mal à tes yeux» (Psaume 51: 4). Mais à cela s'ajoutait la prise de conscience de la façon dont il avait détruit la vie d'une femme innocente et pris la vie d'un homme innocent et loyal. Cela nous amène à considérer la deuxième raison de la gravité du désastre moral dans la vie de l'église:

2) Les conséquences publiques du délinquant              «Et vous êtes enflé d’orgueil et vous n'avez pas plutôt été dans l’affliction…» (1 Corinthiens 5: 2). Comme une maladie de cancer, le péché empoisonne toujours et paralyse le corps. Par conséquent, toute la fraternité a été affectée par l’effondrement moral de cet homme. Au lieu de se lamenter, ils se vantaient. Paul utilise un mot inhabituel pour décrire ce qui aurait dû être leur attitude. Ils auraient dû «pleurer», dit-il, signifiant se lamenter, comme pour les morts. Ils auraient dû reconnaître qu'il s'agissait d'un homme qui non seulement était tombé dans la disgrâce, mais s'était également séparé de la vie de l'église. Ils se vantaient plutôt de leur tolérance au péché et, par cette attitude même, ils étaient devenus des partenaires du péché.

John Morley a dit un jour «dans certaines circonstances, le compromis est le mot le plus immoral en anglais». Et Morley a raison! Quand une personne ou une église fait des compromis sur la question du péché, le nom de Dieu est déshonoré, l’œuvre de Satan est avancée et l’église est rendue impuissante. Non seulement l'homme, mais l'église aurait dû se repentir bien avant que Paul ait écrit cette lettre, car le repentir est l'une des plus grandes marques de régénération. Ce n’est que par un repentir contrit, au cœur brisé que nous pouvons nous attendre à ce que Dieu bénisse nos vies et nos églises. Il semble, cependant, de nos jours, nous avons perdu tout sens de l'excès de péché. Au lieu de pleurer nos échecs dans l’église, nous nous vantons de notre tolérance, de notre compromis et de notre courage. Dieu aie pitié de nous! Considérons ensuite :

II. La Norme De La Discipline Judiciaire Dans L'église

«Au nom de notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ, lorsque vous en esprit étant assemblés…, avec le pouvoir de Jésus-Christ, qu’un tel homme soit livré à Satan pour la destruction de la chair, afin que son esprit soit sauvé au jour du Seigneur Jésus» (1 Corinthiens 5: 4-5). Quoi qu’il en soit, la discipline de Dieu en ce qui concerne le péché dans l’église est incontestable et inaltérable. Il ne fait aucun doute que ce chapitre est laissé pour nous guider tout au long de l’âge de l’Église dans ces domaines. Veuillez noter trois choses concernant la discipline dans l'église:

1) La signification de la discipline «qu’un tel homme soit livré à Satan pour la destruction de la chair, afin que son esprit soit sauvé au jour du Seigneur Jésus» (1 Corinthiens 5: 5). Cette déclaration solennelle est appuyée par d'autres expressions tout au long du chapitre, telles que «faites disparaitre le vieux levain» (v. 7) et «ôtez le méchant du milieu de vous-même cette méchante personne» (v. 13). Il est clair que l'acte de discipline implique l'excommunication du délinquant de la vie et de la fraternité de l'église. Une telle excommunication est décrite comme étant délivrée à Satan pour la destruction de la chair (v. 5). Les chercheurs exposent ces mots de deux manières; sans aucun doute il y a un élément de vérité dans les deux positions.

Il y a ceux qui soutiennent que Paul mentionne spécifiquement la destruction de la chair pour souligner que lorsqu'une personne est excommuniée de la vie et de la communion de l'église, elle est soumise à la domination des forces sataniques (voir 1 Jean 5:19). . Très vite, un chrétien vivant dans cette atmosphère apprend que «la chair ne profite de rien» (Jean 6:63). En d'autres termes, il arrive à la fin de lui-même et cherche donc à être restauré dans le Seigneur et à la place qui lui revient dans la communauté.

D'autres étudiants de la Parole soutiennent que la destruction de la chair implique et implique la maladie et même la mort du corps. C'était le cas d'autres membres délinquants de l'église de Corinthe, à qui Paul fait référence au chapitre 11:30. A cause de leur comportement au repas du Seigneur, ils étaient malades et certains dormaient. C'était vrai pour Ananias et Sapphira, qui ont été jugés par le coup de mort (Actes 5) pour avoir menti au Saint-Esprit (voir aussi 1 Jean 5:16).

2) La méthode de la discipline «Au nom de notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ, quand vous êtes rassemblés…» (1 Corinthiens 5: 4). Paul exhorte l'Église à se rassembler en reconnaissant l'autorité du chef de l'église, le Seigneur Jésus-Christ. Dans ce cas particulier, Paul, en tant que père de tant de personnes, s’identifie lui aussi à l’église en disant: «… lorsque vous êtes réunis avec mon esprit…» Ayant ainsi convoqué, en reconnaissance de la présence du Sauveur, le pouvoir de l’Esprit et l'enseignement clair de la Parole de Dieu, l'église doit juger le péché et excommunier le délinquant de sa présence. On peut seulement ajouter que si cela se faisait plus souvent aujourd'hui, nous verrions bientôt le réveil visiter le peuple de Dieu. Nous prions souvent pour que des averses rafraîchissantes tombent du ciel, alors que nous tolérons le péché parmi nous. C'est une contradiction. Un troisième aspect important de l'action de cette église est:

3) Le motif de la discipline «qu’un tel homme soit livré à Satan pour la destruction de la chair, afin que son esprit soit sauvé au jour du Seigneur Jésus» (1 Corinthiens 5: 5). Il faut souligner que le motif ultime dans toute discipline est de restaurer le saint qui pêche dans la vie de purification et de victoire en notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ. Ceci est soutenu par ce que Paul a à dire dans la deuxième épître, où il réprimande les Corinthiens pour avoir refusé de réintégrer le frère qui a offensé qui était maintenant repentant et sur le point d'être «englouti par un chagrin excessif». Donc les exhorte à confirmer leur amour envers lui (2 Corinthiens 2: 6-8). Dans Galates 6: 1, Paul exhorte que toute discipline doit être exercée en vue de la restauration. C’est tout autant un péché de la part de l’Église de ne pas suivre un membre repentant que de négliger la discipline d’un délinquant rebelle.

Maintenant, ce chapitre solennel se termine de façon appropriée par:

III. Le Secret De La Délivrance Spirituelle Dans L'église

"C'est pourquoi faites disparaître le vieux levain, afin que vous soyez une pâte nouvelle, puisque vous êtes sans levain, car en effet, Christ, notre Pâque, a été immolé pour nous" (1 Corinthiens 5: 7). Rappelant à nouveau que leur orgueil n'était pas une bonne chose, Paul fait remarquer que, de même que le levain imprègne la pâte, le péché a un impact sur l'ensemble de l'église. Personne ne peut s’excuser d’être un membre insignifiant ou discret de l’Église. En effet, toute la communauté est aussi forte que son membre le plus faible. Si nous voulons connaître la gloire, le pouvoir et la bénédiction de notre Dieu dans une assemblée locale, nous devons prêter attention au secret permanent de la délivrance pour l’individu ainsi que de la vie de l’église. Le secret est triple:

1) Il Doit y Avoir une Haine du Péché «Faites disparaître donc le vieux levain…» (1 Corinthiens 5: 7). A l'époque de l'Ancien Testament, la famille juive était chargée de retirer tout le levain en préparation de la Pâque. Chaque petit coin, recoin et trou de souris devait être examiné avec une bougie allumée pour détecter toute trace de levain. Cela symbolisait la rupture complète avec le mode de vie ancien en Egypte et leur entrée dans une nouvelle vie dans laquelle ils étaient conçus pour jouir de la communion avec Dieu. Paul dit que nous devons faire disparaître le vieux levain en nous rappelant que Christ notre Pâque a été immolé pour nous. Tout insignifiant du péché est une réflexion sur le saint agneau de Dieu qui a donné sa vie pour sauver et nous garder du péché. Toute notre attitude chrétienne devrait être celle de célébrer la victoire de notre Sauveur, non avec malice ou méchanceté dans nos cœurs, mais avec sincérité et vérité (v. 8). Le fait de savoir si nous vivons ou non dans la victoire est notre attitude face au péché. D'après le passage qui nous est présenté, il est clair que cela devrait être une haine totale et une horreur du péché.

2) Il Doit y Avoir une Aide aux Pécheurs «Je vous ai écrit dans mon épître pour ne pas avoir des relations avec les impudiques. Non pas d’une manière absolue avec les impudiques de ce monde, ou avec les cupides et les ravisseurs, ou des idolâtres, car il faudrait alors sortir du monde »(1 Corinthiens 5: 9-10). Apparemment, Paul leur avait déjà écrit auparavant à propos de cette vie sainte, mais certains d'entre eux avaient mal compris ses instructions concernant leur relation avec le monde. Maintenant, il écrit encore pour expliquer que la doctrine de la séparation n'implique pas l'isolationnisme. Pendant que nous sommes dans le monde, nous devons nous mêler à des personnes qui sont des fornicateurs, des cupides, des ravisseurs et des idolâtres. Notre Sauveur était un ami des publicains et des pécheurs (Matthieu 11:19). En même temps, nous devons nous souvenir que pendant qu'il se mêlait à eux dans un service rédempteur, il était saint, inoffensif, sans souillure et séparé des pécheurs (Hébreux 7:26). Rien n'apporte plus de conviction au cœur d'une personne non convertie que le rayonnement et la rédemption d'une vie sainte et utile. Il y a des gens affamés tout autour de nous qui aspirent à connaître la délivrance du pouvoir et de la pollution du péché. Par conséquent, dans notre marche chrétienne, gardons à l’esprit que, même si nous devons être caractérisés par la haine du péché, nous devons maintenir une aide donnée par Dieu aux pécheurs.

3) Il Doit y Avoir une Sainteté Dans les Normes «Mais maintenant je vous ai écrit de ne pas rester en contact avec quiconque est appelé un frère et est un fornicateur, un cupide, un idolâtre, un outrageux, un ivrogne ou un ravisseur, de ne même pas manger avec une telle personne »(1 Corinthiens 5:11). Il y a beaucoup de discussions ouvertes au sujet de la sainteté qui n'impliquent pas de normes saintes, mais Paul dit clairement que si nous connaissons quelque chose de la sainteté dans nos vies, alors il faut le démontrer dans une démarche séparée, même si c’est un frère qui marche de manière désordonnée. Comme nous l'avons vu dans ce chapitre, il est possible qu'un frère soit un fornicateur, un cupide, un adultère, un ivrogne ou même un ravisseur, et Paul ajoute que nous ne devrions même pas partager un repas avec une telle personne.

En effet, dans 2 Thessaloniciens 3:14 et 15, nous sommes explicitement exhortés à nous retirer de tout cela afin qu'ils puissent apprendre la nature de leur péché et ses conséquences. Nous ne pouvons pas prononcer de jugement sur les péchés du monde parce que ce domaine est hors de notre juridiction (voir vs. 12-13); c'est la province et la prérogative de Dieu. Mais au nom du Seigneur Jésus-Christ, par le pouvoir du Saint-Esprit, et avec la parole de révélation entre nos mains, nous devons juger le péché dans sa propre vie et dans l’église. Par conséquent, conclut l'apôtre, nous devons sortir de notre milieu chaque croyant qui relève de la catégorie des «méchants» (v.13).

Conclusion: Il s'agit d'un enseignement solennel et nous ne pouvons échapper à l'autorité ou à la pertinence du défi divin à notre cœur. Si donc nous aspirons à la faveur et à la bénédiction de Dieu sur nos vies et sur nos églises, nous devons considérer le péché dans toute la gravité de son caractère essentiel. Nous devons satisfaire à toutes les exigences de la discipline divine et, surtout, nous devons vivre et apprendre le secret de la délivrance au jour le jour. Dieu accorde que ta vie et la mienne soient toujours caractérisées par une haine du péché, une aide aux pécheurs et une sainteté dans les normes par le pouvoir du Saint-Esprit qui demeure en toi (Voir aussi 1 Thessaloniciens 4: 7; 2 Corinthiens 7: 1). Nous n’osons pas rabaisser les normes de Dieu en agissant ou en nous comportant autrement.

Partie III: Plans De Sermon

Pour écouter la version audio de ces sermons en Anglais, cliquez sur ces liens: Link 1 - Jn. 18:33-34; Link 2 - Jn. 18:35-37; Link 3 - Jn. 18:37-38

Titre: La Seigneurie de Jésus

Point #1: La Seigneurie de Jésus sépare les cyniques des chercheurs (33-35a)

1. Les cyniques méprisent la Royauté de Jésus (33)

2. Les chercheurs ont faim de la Royauté de Jésus (34-35a)

Point #2: La royauté de Jésus sépare le physique du spirituel (35b-38a)

1. Jesus explique que sa Royauté n’est pas une entité physique (36)

2. Jesus explique que sa Royauté est une entité spirituelle (37)

Related Topics: Pastors

Jurnalul Electronic Al Păstorilor, Rom Ed 28, Editia de Vară 2018

Ediția de Vară, 2018

“Întărind Biserica în Predicare biblică și conducere”

Author: Dr. Roger Pascoe, President,
The Institute for Biblical Preaching
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 519-620-2375

Partea I. Comunicarea Mesajului

În ediția aceasta, ajungem la sfârșitul seriei „Principiile predicării expozitive”, care s-a întins pe parcursul a 7 ani. În ediția următoare, vom începe o nouă serie de articole despre „Dinamica conducerii bisericii”.

În ediția anterioară (primăvară 2018), am privit la câțiva pași care trebuie urmați atunci când finalizăm manuscrisul sau schița predicii. De asemenea, am privit și la câteva memento-uri pentru fiecare secțiune a predicii, de la introducere și până la încheiere. Este potrivit, prin urmare, să încheiem acest curs despre predicare făcând niște remarci cu privire la modul în care transmitem mesajul. Pentru început, să privim încă o dată la…

A. Aspecte Practice Ale Comunicării Mesajului

1. Folosirea Notițelor

Cu riscul de a mă repeta, recomand cu toată convingerea folosirea notițelor în predicare. După cum am menționat în ediția anterioară a acestui jurnal, notițele pot fi făcute în diferite moduri:

  1. Manuscris complet. Dacă ești predicator începător, ar fi bine să îți scrii predica în întregime, exact așa cum o vei predica.
  2. Schiță de predică.
  3. O schiță mai amplă (rezumat al predicii).

Pentru a explica de ce încurajez folosirea notițelor, este important să înțelegem unele dintre pericolele nefolosirii notițelor:

  1. Mesajul tău nu va fi echilibrat. Probabil că vei acorda prea mult timp unei secțiuni a predicii și prea puțin unei alte secțiuni.
  2. Mesajul tău nu va avea un punct central. Vei începe să divaghezi și, înainte să-ți dai seama, nu vei mai ști unde te afli și nici cum ai ajuns acolo. Într-o astfel de situație, va fi foarte greu sau chiar imposibil să te întorci la subiect.
  3. Mesajul tău va fi ori prea scurt ori prea lung, din cauza lipsei unui cadru de referință care să te ajute să știi unde trebuie să afli în timpul care ți-a fost alocat.
  4. Vei spune lucruri neimportante (sau, mai rău, inexacte sau greșite) și vei uita să spui anumite lucruri care sunt cu adevărat importante. Memoria ta nu poate reține tot ceea ce trebuie și vrei să spui.

Pe lângă avantajele folosirii notițelor pe care le-am menționat în ediția anterioară a acestui jurnal, prezint mai jos câteva avantaje care, pentru mine, sunt la fel de importante:

  1. Notițele îndepărtează presiunea care s-ar pune altfel pe memorie. Atunci când predici, te afli deja sub o anumită presiune chiar și fără să fii nevoit să ții minte schița, punctele principale, ilustrațiile, aplicațiile și încheierea.
  2. Notițele permit minții tale să se concentreze pe un singur lucru –comunicarea mesajului. Nu vreau să fiu nevoit să țin minte ce să spun și cum să spun. Predicarea efectivă este atât de importantă încât vreau să mă concentrez numai pe comunicarea mesajului, având deja pregătit conținutul predicii. Acest lucru nu elimină spontaneitatea, dar nici nu o cere. De fapt, aș putea să spun că cel mai bun mod de a comunica mesajul este folosirea spontană a notițelor – i.e. notițele determină scopul și conținutul, însă tu predici ca și cum nu ai avea notițele.

2. Modul De Transmitere

Modul în care transmiți mesajul depinde într-o anumită măsură de darul tău, de pregătirea ta, de personalitatea, precum și de experiența ta. Învățăm de la alții și putem fi mentorați de alții, însă stilul folosit trebuie să fie stilul nostru personal. Stilul poate fi conversațional ori didactic, formal sau mai informal.

Fii tu însuți, dar nu îți imagina că aceasta permite delăsarea sau lipsa de profesionalism! Nimeni nu vrea să vină la biserică și să se simtă stânjenit din cauza predicatorului. De asemenea, oamenii nu își vor invita prietenii la biserică dacă există posibilitatea ca aceștia să se simtă ofensați fie de stilul tău, fie de conținutul predicii. Așadar, fii tu însuți, dar, în același timp, fii elegant, bine-crescut, consecvent și vrednic de crezare.

3. Fă-Te Auzit!

A. Vocea Ta

Ține cont de acustică! Folosește-ți vocea potrivit cu acustica și cu mesajul! Învață să folosești sistemul de sunet în avantajul tău. Asigură-te că operatorul de sunet setează volumul și tonul în mod corect! Nimic nu poate fi mai rău pentru ascultătorii tăi decât să nu te poată auzi sau să te audă prea tare.

Modifică volumul vocii! Lucrul acesta face mesajul mai interesant și arată pasiunea ta, precum și importanța cuvintelor tale.

Modifică înălțimea vocii. Dacă nu îți modifici înălțimea vocii, poți să cazi în unul sau mai multe din aceste obiceiuri deranjante:

a) Monotonie. Aceasta apare atunci când vorbești fără să variezi înălțimea vocii și devine repede foarte plictisitoare pentru ascultătorii tăi.

b) Voce joasă ori „mormăit”.

c) Voce înaltă. Intensitatea discursului sau emoțiile îi pot face pe unii predicatori să vorbească pe un ton înalt, iar lucrul acesta este foarte deranjant.

Modificarea înălțimii vocii, pe de altă parte, ajută la accentuarea cuvintelor, adăugând diversitate în modul în care vorbești, precum și pasiune pentru ceea ce spui.

Exersează tonul vocii! Orice vorbitor are tonul său, iar acesta poate fi schimbat de emoții sau de volumul discursului, care poate îngusta gâtul. Tonul nazal este cauzat de obicei de tensiune în mușchiul nazal. Tonul gutural, pe de altă parte, vine de obicei din tensiunea la nivelul gâtului.

Dacă tonul tău este deranjant, poți să îl schimbi. Poți să iei lecții de dicție, însă cel mai probabil că îți vei putea schimba tonul doar fiind conștient de modul în care se aude și schimbându-l în mod voluntar.

B. Vorbirea

Urmărește viteza cu care vorbești. Tendința este să vorbești fie prea repede, fie prea rar. Dacă vorbești prea repede, îi obosești pe ascultători (ca tirul unei mitraliere); dacă vorbești prea rar, îi plictisești de moarte. Viteza medie a vorbirii în predicare ar trebui să fie puțin mai mare decât vorbirea conversațională – de exemplu, cam 180 cuvinte/minut. Această viteză de vorbire reușește să mențină atenția ascultătorilor, fără a-i pune în fața unui tir de cuvinte.

Diversitatea este importantă. Folosește vorbirea rapidă pentru a transmite emoție sau pentru a parcurge un material mai puțin important sau care nu presupune detaliere. Folosește vorbirea rară pentru a comunica idee importante sau complexe, care au nevoie de timp pentru a fi însușite.

Folosește pauzele! Pauza folosită la momentul potrivit poate accentua, poate crea tensiune, poate schimba semnificația sau atrage atenția ascultătorilor. Pauza transmite următorul mesaj: „Vreau să spun ceva important, așa că trebuie să ne oprim puțin.

Ritmul. Ritmul în care îți rostești predica trebuie să reflecte un progres constant către un scop. Nu te grăbi la unul din puncte (ca și cum nu ai mai avea timp suficient), iar apoi să te miști foarte încet la următorul.

4. Fă-Te Înțeles!

Folosește un stil oratoric ușor de înțeles! Alege cuvinte inteligibile și, dacă folosești un termen mai neobișnuit, explică întotdeauna sensul acestuia. Nu folosi termeni tehnici decât dacă îi explici – scopul nostru nu este să impresionăm oamenii cu cunoștințele noastre, dar putem folosi predicarea pentru a îmbogăți vocabularul ascultătorilor.

5. Fii Clar!

Articulează clar cuvintele! Nu bolborosi! Fii clar! Pune accentul acolo unde trebuie! Accentuează cuvintele în mod corect, pentru a fi înțelese bine!

F. Fii Natural!

Limbajul trupului trebuie să fie natural, însă dacă limbajul „natural” al trupului tău distrage în vreun fel atenția de la mesaj, schimbă-l!

Folosește gesticulații naturale, potrivite, expresive! Formează-ți propriile tale gesticulații!

Fii atent la felul în care arăți în fața audienței! Nu afișa expresii faciale care arată comic, ridicol sau care exprimă durere! De fapt, nu afișa nimic din ceea ce ar putea distrage atenția de la mesaj!

B. Comunicarea Și Audiența: „Menține Contactul”

1. Menține Contactul Vizual

Contactul vizual este important și uneori este greu de menținut. Modul cel mai ușor de a da impresia tuturor că îi privești în ochi este să îți fixezi privirea asupra unei părți a congregației, apoi să o muți asupra altei părți și așa mai departe. În felul acesta, nu te uiți la o singură persoană, ci acoperi cu privirea o parte a audienței. Fixează-ți privirea asupra unei părți pentru un minut, apoi asupra altei părți, până când acoperi toată audiența.

Nu te uita la tavan sau peste capetele oamenilor! Lucrul acesta este foarte deranjant. Cu toate acestea, atât de mulți predicatori par a întâmpina probleme în menținerea contactului vizual.

Așază-ți notițele la înălțimea potrivită pe amvon, astfel încât mișcarea ochilor tăi de la oameni la notițe să fie limitată. Cu cât își așezi notițele mai sus, cu atât mai puțin va trebui să îți miști ochii în sus și în jos. Lucrul acesta va reduce impresia că îți citești notițele și va crește impresia menținerii contactului vizual.

2. Adresează-Te Audienței În Mod Direct

Folosește pronumele „tu” pentru a fi personal, direct și convingător.

Pune întrebări retorice (ex. cum face Pavel în Romani)! Întrebările aduc audiența în mijlocul mesajului. Întrebările potrivite pot preveni obiecțiile. De asemenea, întrebările ajută la realizarea trecerii către aplicații.

3. Aplicații De-A Lungul Predicii

De-a lungul predicii, pune întrebarea: „Ce importanță are lucrul acesta pentru tine? Cum vei aplica lucrul acesta în viața ta?”

A. Fii Personal!

Vorbește inimii; fii sentimental, dar și didactic! Comunică și arată-ți interesul personal în ceea ce îi privește pe ei, ca oameni, precum și grija și preocuparea ta pentru ei!

B. Fii Direct Și Precis!

Fiecare mesaj trebuie să transmită un sentiment al urgenței. Este important, deoarece Hristos se întoarce etc.

Perspectiva predicii tale îi afectează pe oameni în diferite moduri – spiritual, etern, teologic.

C. Folosește Mijloace Vizuale (Powerpoint; Video-Uri, Cântece Înregistrate Etc.)

Mijloacele vizuale întăresc mesajul. Dacă le folosești, ai grijă ca acestea să fie bine realizate, pentru că altfel vor distrage atenția ascultătorilor de la mesajul tău.

În primul rând, predicatorul este un mijloc vizual. Atenția ascultătorilor trebuie să fie îndreptată către predicator, nu pentru că vrei ca tu să fii în centrul atenției, ci pentru că (1) dorești ca întreaga atenție să fie acordată mesajului tău; (2) vrei să fii întruparea (mijlocul vizual al) mesajului tău.

C. Comunicarea Și Predicatorul

1. Aspectul Vital Al Comunicării

„Şi învăţătura şi propovăduirea mea nu stăteau în vorbirile înduplecătoare ale înţelepciunii, ci într-o dovadă dată de Duhul şi de putere.” (1 Cor. 2:4)

Proclamarea mesajului trebuie să fie într-o dovadă dată de Duhul şi de putere.” Pavel vorbește aici despre actul predicării mai degrabă decât despre persoana predicatorului.

Predicarea noastră trebuie să fie o „dovadă” a faptului că este făcută sub călăuzirea, conducerea și împuternicirea („putere”) Duhului. Acest lucru face ca predicarea să fie eficientă în viața ascultătorilor.

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones a spus: „Există o diferență de la cer la pământ între predicarea bazată numai pe energia și înțelegerea omenească și predicarea despre (cu) zâmbetul conștient al lui Dumnezeu.” (Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Trezirea, 295, citat în Anointed Expository Preaching [Predicare expozitivă cu ungere], 236).

Ungerea Duhului Sfânt este vitală pentru o predicare puternică și eficientă. Duhul Sfânt este agentul divin care face ca adevărul să prindă viață și să fie vital (cf. 1 Ioan 2:2; 2 Cor. 1:19-22).

2. Aspectul Vocal Al Comunicării

Permiteți-mi să sugerez câteva exerciții care ajută vocea:

a. Formarea vocii - respiră adânc din diafragmă. Așa respiră cântăreții profesioniști. Acest tip de respirație te ajută să ai control asupra vocii.

b. Antrenarea vocii – citește predica cu voce tare. Concentrează-te pe articularea cuvintelor, pronunție și accentuarea cuvintelor.

c. Testarea vocii în ce privește caracteristicile de mai jos:

a) Proeminență (putere). Aceasta este abilitatea de a-ți „lansa” vocea în așa fel încât toți să o poată auzi.

b) Reglare (blândețe). Folosește respirația controlată pentru a regla constanța sunetului.

c) Consolidare (control). Fii conștient de limitele vocii tale!

d. Odihnirea vocii – mai ales atunci când aceasta este obosită sau răgușită.Folosește perioade de tăcere pentru a-ți relaxa mușchii vocii!

e. Vindecarea vocii – folosind, la nevoie, sare, umezirea gâtului (cu bomboane pentru gât) și îngrijirea gâtului. Umezirea este foarte importantă, deoarece gura și gâtul au tendința să se usuce atunci când ai emoții/

f. Protejarea vocii. ­Nu îți forța vocea! Încearcă să o protejezi de vânt și aer condiționat. De asemenea, fii atent la vorbitul prelungit la telefon!

g. Folosirea vocii. Fii conștient de felul în care îți folosești vocea de fiecare dată și transformă lucrul acesta într-un efort subconștient! Vocea multor oameni sună rău, însă nu pentru că așa e vocea lor, ci din cauza felului în care și-o folosesc.

3. Aspectul Vizual Al Comunicării

„Eu însumi, când am venit în mijlocul vostru, am fost slab, fricos şi plin de cutremur” (1 Cor. 2:3)

Este normal să ai emoții când predici. Chiar și cel mai experimentat și mai bun predicator are emoții și se simte inadecvat. Apostolul Pavel a întrebat: „Şi cine este de ajuns pentru aceste lucruri?” (2 Cor. 2:16). Acest lucru ne face să ne bazăm pe Domnul – și asta e foarte bine.

Emoțiile însă nu trebuie să ne paralizeze. Acesta este unul din avantaje atunci când ești bine pregătit și folosești notițe. În ciuda felului în care ne simțim, totuși putem vorbi cu autoritate, pentru că știm că ceea ce spunem este cuvântul lui Dumnezeu.

Înfățișarea personală. Într-un sens, ne dorim să fim ascunși ochilor, pentru că ascultătorii să Îl vadă pe Hristos în mesajul nostru. Pe de altă parte, noi suntem agenții umani pe care Dumnezeu i-a ales ca să transmită mesajul Său. Așadar, trebuie să ne prezentăm într-un fel care nu distrage atenția de la mesaj. În scopul acesta, înfățișarea ta trebuie să fie modestă și atracția ta personală nu trebuie să fie seducătoare pentru nicio persoană din audiență.

D. Comunicarea Și Ocazia

Orice predicator trebuie să țină cont de ocazia sau evenimentul la care predică atunci când își alege subiectul sau textul, atunci când își pregătește conținutul mesajului, precum și atunci când își prezintă mesajul. De pildă, dacă evenimentul la care predici este o nuntă, conținutul mesajului trebuie să fie potrivit cu ocazia respectivă, iar transmiterea mesajului se va concentra, în mod normal, pe bucuria acelei zile.

Pregătirea și prezentarea mesajului vor fi, bineînțeles, diferite, dacă evenimentul la care predici este o înmormântare. Cu această ocazie, conținutul mesajului tău se va adresa nevoilor celor îndoliați, iar transmiterea mesajului va fi calmă și sumbră.

Tot așa, mesajele obișnuite de duminică vor varia în pregătirea și prezentarea lor în funcție de ocazie. Duminicile speciale, cum ar fi Ziua mulțumirii, aniversările, Paștele și Crăciunul vor dicta tipul subiectului ce va fi pregătit, precum și maniera în care acesta va fi prezentat.

E. Comunicarea Și Scopul

Orice predică are un scop. Dacă scopul este să se adreseze unei anumite probleme din viața bisericii sau din relații, atunci pregătirea acelor mesaje și prezentarea lor vor fi adaptate în consecință.

Dacă scopul mesajului este unul evanghelistic sau de îndemnare, din nou alegerea textului, conținutul mesajului și stilul prezentării trebuie să corespundă acelui scop.

Scopul, așadar, influențează subiectul și textul ales, aplicația textului, ilustrațiile folosite, precum și modul de prezentare.

Partea A II-A: Devoțională

„Disciplina în biserică” (1 Cor. 5:1-13)

De: Dr. Stephen F. Olford

Introducere Cu acest capitol începem o nouă secțiune din cuprinsul primei epistole către Corinteni. Până în acest punct, apostolul a vorbit în special despre problema dezbinărilor în biserică. Acum se îndreaptă către o problemă la fel de gravă, și anume neorânduiala/tulburările în biserică. Trei neorânduieli sunt menționate în special pe parcursul următoarelor două capitole. Acestea au de-a face cu disciplina în biserică (5:1-13), litigii în biserică (6:1-11) și necurăție în biserică (6:12-20). În studiul de față ne vom ocupa de disciplina în biserică. Atunci când citim această epistolă, vedem foarte clar că cei din Corint erau atât de preocupați de înțelepciunea și filosofia lor carnală, încât uitaseră de obligațiile morale ale evangheliei, față de care își luaseră un angajament. O gândire greșită duce întotdeauna la o trăire greșită. Ca urmare, dezastrul moral venise peste biserică, iar Pavel trebuia să îi confrunte în această privință. El a fost nevoit să rostească, în termeni clari, acțiunea de disciplinare ce trebuia îndeplinită. Analizând subiectul Disciplinei în Biserică, vă invit să observați, în primul rând:

I. Gravitatea Dezastrului Moral Din Biserică

“ Din toate părţile se spune că între voi este curvie…” (1 Corinteni 5:1). Interpretarea acestor cuvinte de început ne arată că păcatul care se află în discuție era subiectul unei bârfe generalizate – nu doar în biserică, ci și în cetatea Corint. Nu e nevoie să discutăm prea mult despre păcatul care era pus în discuție, ci vom observa doar că era o încălcare flagrantă a legii morale. Un frate creștin trăia în imoralitate cu mama sa vitregă. Păcatul descris aici este prezentat ca adulter sau curvie, ceea ce ne indică faptul că tatăl fie era mort, fie divorțat de femeia respectivă. Faptul că nu se face nicio mențiune cu privire la femeie sugerează că ea probabil era necredincioasă, aflându-se așadar în afara jurisdicției bisericii. Această formă de imoralitate era atât de îngrozitoare și revoltătoare, încât nu era condamnată numai de legea evreiască (Leviticul 18:8), ci era interzisă și de legea romană. Într-adevăr, acest păcat rareori era întâlnit printre neamurile păgâne.

Duhul Sfânt a găsit cu cale ca această poveste dezgustătoare să rămână consemnată, pentru ca noi să învățăm gravitatea păcatului din biserică. Dacă un frate creștin a putut să se afunde atât de mult în păcat pe vremea creștinismului apostolic, noi nu putem decât să învățăm lecția atât de serioasă din acest capitol. Gravitatea acestui dezastru moral din biserică este subliniată de:

1) Vinovăția personală a celui care a păcătuit „… cel ce a săvârşit fapta aceasta…” (1 Corinteni 5:2). În mod clar, păcatul acesta nu a fost un act izolat. Textul spune că omul acela „trăieşte cu nevasta tatălui său”. Tot așa, exprimarea „cel ce a săvârşit fapta aceasta” arată că el practicase păcatul acesta într-o perioadă de timp. Prima noastră reacție ar fi să deducem că omul acesta era probabil un creștin nominal, care nu avea cunoașterea mântuitoare a lui Hristos. Însă felul în care vorbește Pavel despre el, atât în acest capitol, cât și în cea de-a doua sa epistolă (2:6-8), confirmă ipoteza că omul acela era cu adevărat născut din nou, însă căzuse în păcat într-un mod îngrozitor în inima și în viața sa.

Ce avertizare reprezintă istorisirea aceasta pentru mine și pentru tine! Fără harul lui Dumnezeu, nimic nu ne poate opri să ne afundăm la fel de rău în păcat. Și tragedia unei astfel de decăderi morale este că acest gen de păcat este îndreptat în primul rând împotriva unui Dumnezeu sfânt și apoi împotriva Trupului lui Hristos. Atunci când David și-a dat seama de păcatul pe care îl săvârșise cu Batșeba, a strigat: „Împotriva Ta, numai împotriva Ta, am păcătuit şi am făcut ce este rău înaintea Ta” (Psalm 51:4). Însă, pe lângă aceasta, și-a dat seama că distrusese viața unei femei nevinovate și că luase viața unui om nevinovat și credincios. Aceasta ne duce mai departe, la cel de-al doilea motiv care ne arată gravitatea unui dezastru moral din viața bisericii:

2) Consecințele publice ale păcatului „Şi voi v-aţi fălit! Şi nu v-aţi mâhnit mai degrabă…” (1 Corinteni 5:2). Păcatul, ca și cancerul, întotdeauna otrăvește și paralizează trupul. Astfel, întreaga părtășie a fost afectată de decăderea morală a acestui om. Și în loc să se jelească, ei se lăudau. Pavel folosește un termen neobișnuit pentru a descrie atitudinea pe care credincioșii din Corint ar fi trebuit să o aibă. Ei ar fi trebuit să „jelească”, spune el, adică să se tânguiască, așa ca pentru un mort. Ar fi trebuit să își dea seama că acolo era un om care nu doar căzuse din har, ci se și separase de viața bisericii. În schimb, ei se lăudau cu felul în care tolerau păcatul și prin această atitudine deveniseră părtași la păcat.

John Morley a spus: „În anumite circumstanțe, compromisul este cel mai imoral cuvânt din limba engleză.” Și Morley avea dreptate! Când o persoană sau o biserică se compromite în ce privește păcatul, numele lui Dumnezeu este dezonorat, lucrarea lui Satan înaintează, iar biserica ajunge neputincioasă. Nu doar omul acela, ci întreaga biserică ar fi trebuit să se pocăiască cu mult înainte să le scrie Pavel această epistolă, pentru că pocăința este unul din cele mai importante semne al nașterii din nou. Numai atunci când ne pocăim din toată inima, cu adâncă părere de rău, ne putem aștepta ca Dumnezeu să ne binecuvânteze viața și biserica. În zilele noastre, însă, se pare că nu mai simțim deloc adânca păcătoșenie a păcatului. În loc să ne jelim în biserică pentru păcatul nostru, noi ne lăudăm cu toleranța noastră, cu compromisul și cu bunăvoința noastră. Doamne, ai milă de noi! Haideți să privim mai departe la:

II. Standardul Disciplinei Imparțiale În Biserică

„În Numele Domnului Isus, voi şi duhul meu, fiind adunaţi laolaltă, prin puterea Domnului nostru Isus, am hotărât ca un astfel de om să fie dat pe mâna Satanei, pentru nimicirea cărnii, ca duhul lui să fie mântuit în ziua Domnului Isus” (1 Corinteni 5:4-5). Indiferent de ce credem noi, standardul lui Dumnezeu pentru disciplinare în ce privește păcatul în biserică este clar și nestrămutat. Nu încape nicio îndoială că acest capitol ne-a fost lăsat pentru a ne călăuzi în era bisericii în privința acestor probleme. Vă rog să observați trei lucruri în ce privește disciplina în biserică:

1) Semnificația disciplinării “… un astfel de om să fie dat pe mâna Satanei, pentru nimicirea cărnii, ca duhul lui să fie mântuit în ziua Domnului Isus” (1 Corinteni 5:5). Această afirmație serioasă este sprijinită și de alte expresii folosite de-a lungul capitolului, cum ar fi: „măturaţi aluatul cel vechi” (v. 7) și „Daţi afară, dar, din mijlocul vostru pe răul acela” (v. 13). În mod clar, actul disciplinării implică excomunicarea păcătosului din viața și părtășia bisericii. Această excomunicare este descrisă ca o dare pe mâna Satanei, pentru nimicirea cărnii (v. 5). Teologii explică aceste cuvinte în două moduri și, fără îndoială, există o parte de adevăr în ambele poziții.

Unii susțin că Pavel vorbește anume despre nimicirea cărnii, pentru a sublinia faptul că, atunci când o persoană este excomunicată din viața și părtășia bisericii, intră sub stăpânirea forțelor satanice (vezi 1 Ioan 5:19). Și foarte curând, un creștin care trăiește în felul acesta află că, de fapt, „carnea nu foloseşte la nimic” (Ioan 6:63). Cu alte cuvinte, ajunge la capătul puterilor și atunci caută să se împace cu Domnul și să se întoarcă la locul său în părtășia bisericii.

Alți cercetători ai Scripturii susțin că nimicirea cărnii sugerează și implică boală și chiar moartea trupului. Aceasta s-a întâmplat și cu alți membri ai bisericii din Corint, care au încălcat Legea Domnului și la care se referă Pavel în 11:30. Din cauza felului în care s-au purtat la Cina Domnului, aceștia erau bolnavi și unii au adormit. Așa s-a întâmplat cu Anania și Safira, care au fost judecați fiind loviți de moarte (Fapte 5) pentru că L-au mințit pe Duhul Sfânt (vezi și 1 Ioan 5:16).

2) Metoda disciplinării „În Numele Domnului Isus, voi şi duhul meu, fiind adunaţi laolaltă…” (1 Corinteni 5:4). Pavel îndeamnă biserica să se aduna laolaltă, recunoscând autoritatea Capului bisericii, Domnul Isus Hristos. În cazul de față, Pavel, ca părinte spiritual al multora dintre ei, se identifică și el cu biserica, spunând: „… voi şi duhul meu, fiind adunaţi laolaltă…” Fiind astfel toți împreună, recunoscând prezența Mântuitorului, puterea Duhului și învățătura clară a Cuvântului lui Dumnezeu, biserica trebuie să judece păcatul și să-l excomunice pe păcătos, dându-l afară din prezența lor. Nu mai putem spune decât că, dacă lucrul acesta s-ar face mai des în zilele noastre, am vedea curând trezire spirituală în poporul lui Dumnezeu. Adesea ne rugăm să vină trezirea peste noi, în timp ce îngăduim păcat în mijlocul nostru. Aceasta este o contradicție. Al treilea aspect important al acestei acțiuni a bisericii este:

3) Motivul disciplinării „… un astfel de om să fie dat pe mâna Satanei, pentru nimicirea cărnii, ca duhul lui să fie mântuit în ziua Domnului Isus” (1 Corinteni 5:5). Trebuie subliniat faptul că motivul fundamental al oricărei disciplinări este readucerea sfântului păcătos la o viață curată și biruitoare în Domnul nostru Isus Hristos. Lucrul acesta este dovedit și de ceea ce spune Pavel în cea de-a doua epistolă, unde îi mustră pe corinteni pentru că nu îl primiseră înapoi pe fratele care păcătuise și care acum se pocăia și era pe punctul de a fi „doborât de prea multă mâhnire.” Așa îi îndeamnă Pavel să își arate dragostea față de el (2 Corinteni 2:6-8). În Galateni 6:1, Pavel sfătuiește ca orice disciplinare să fie făcută în vederea reintegrării în biserică a celui care a păcătuit. În ce privește biserica, ea păcătuiește la fel de mult atunci când nu are grijă de un membru ce se pocăiește, ca și atunci când trece cu vederea disciplinarea unui membru rebel.

Capitolul acesta solemn se încheie așa cum se cuvine cu:

III. Secretul Izbăvirii Spirituale În Biserică

„Măturaţi aluatul cel vechi, ca să fiţi o plămădeală nouă, cum şi sunteţi, fără aluat; căci Hristos, Paştele nostru, a fost jertfit” (1 Corinteni 5:7). Amintindu-le din nou că lauda lor nu era bună, Pavel arată că, după cum plămădeala penetrează aluatul, tot așa păcatul afectează întreaga biserică. Nimeni nu se poate scuza, spunând că este un membru neînsemnat sau neobservat al bisericii. Părtășia bisericii este pe măsura celui mai slab membru al său. Dacă vrem să cunoaștem gloria, puterea și binecuvântarea Dumnezeului nostru în biserica locală, trebuie să acordăm atenție secretului izbăvirii atât pe plan individual, cât și pe plan colectiv, ca biserică.

1) Trebuie să existe ură față de păcat „Măturaţi aluatul cel vechi …” (1 Corinteni 5:7). În vremea Vechiului Testament, gospodăriile evreiești trebuiau să dea afară orice urmă de aluat atunci când se pregăteau pentru Paște. Orice ungher, crăpătură sau gaură de șoarece trebuia verificată atent cu ajutorul unei lumânări și orice urmă de aluat trebuia îndepărtată. Acest lucru simboliza renunțarea completă la vechiul stil de viață din Egipt și începerea unei vieți noi, în care aveau menirea să se bucure de părtășia cu Dumnezeu. Pavel spune că trebuie să măturăm aluatul cel vechi, amintindu-ne că Hristos, Paștele nostru, a fost jertfit pentru noi. Orice cochetare cu păcatul se răsfrânge asupra Mielului sfânt al lui Dumnezeu, care Și-a dat viața ca să ne salveze și să ne scape de păcat. Atitudinea creștină trebuie să fie întotdeauna una de celebrare a biruinței Mântuitorului nostru, nu cu invidie și răutate în inimile noastre, ci cu sinceritate și în adevăr (v. 8). Testul ca să știm dacă ducem o viață de biruință este atitudinea noastră față de păcat. Din pasajul pe care îl avem în față, reiese destul de clar că noi trebuie să urâm păcatul și să ne fie silă de el.

2) Trebuie să se ofere ajutor păcătoșilor „V-am scris în epistola mea să n-aveţi nicio legătură cu curvarii. Însă n-am înţeles cu curvarii lumii acesteia, sau cu cei lacomi de bani, sau cu cei hrăpăreţi, sau cu cei ce se închină la idoli, fiindcă atunci ar trebui să ieşiţi din lume” (1 Corinteni 5:9-10). Se pare că Pavel le scrisese mai înainte despre problema aceasta a trăirii unei vieți sfinte, însă unii dintre ei au înțeles greșit, crezând că învățătura lui se referea la contactul lor cu lumea. Acum Pavel le scrie din nou, explicându-le că învățătura despre separare nu implică izolare. Cât timp trăim în lume, avem de-a face cu oameni care sunt adulteri, lacomi, jecmănitori și idolatri. Mântuitorul nostru a fost prietenul vameșilor și al păcătoșilor (Matei 11:19). Totuși, trebuie să ținem minte că, deși avea de-a face cu ei în vederea mântuirii, El a rămas sfânt, nevinovat, nepătat și despărțit de păcătoși (Evrei 7:26). Nimic nu convinge inima unei persoane neconvertite ca strălucirea și puterea răscumpărătoare a unei vieți sfinte, care vine în ajutorul celorlalți. Peste tot în jurul nostru se află oameni înfometați, care tânjesc după eliberare de sub puterea și întinarea păcatului. Așadar, în umblarea noastră creștină, haideți să ținem minte că trebuie să urâm păcatul, dar în același timp să fim gata să oferim ajutor păcătoșilor.

3) Trebuie să existe sfințenie în privința standardelor „Ci v-am scris să n-aveţi niciun fel de legături cu vreunul care, măcar că îşi zice "frate", totuşi este curvar, sau lacom de bani, sau închinător la idoli, sau defăimător, sau beţiv, sau hrăpăreţ; cu un astfel de om nu trebuie nici să mâncaţi” (1 Corinteni 5:11). Se vorbește mult astăzi despre sfințenie, însă fără standarde sfinte. Pavel însă arată clar că dacă există sfințenie în viața noastră, atunci aceasta trebuie să se vadă printr-o umblare în separare, chiar dacă asta implică și separare de un frate care umblă în neorânduială. După cum am văzut în capitolul acesta, se poate ca un frate să fie curvar sau lacom sau preacurvar sau bețiv sau chiar hrăpăreț, iar Pavel ne spune că nu trebuie nici măcar să stăm la masă cu un astfel de om.

Într-adevăr, în 2 Tesaloniceni 3:14 și 15, suntem îndemnați în mod explicit să nu avem de-a face cu astfel de oameni, pentru ca ei să își dea seama de natura și consecințele păcatului lor. Noi nu putem judeca păcatele lumii, pentru că sfera aceea este în afara jurisdicției noastre (vezi vs. 12-13); acolo Dumnezeu are stăpânire și prerogative. Însă, în numele Domnului Isus Hristos, prin puterea Duhului Sfânt și având în mână cuvântul revelat, trebuie să judecăm păcatul din viața noastră și din biserică. Așadar, încheie apostolul, trebuie să dăm afară din mijlocul nostru orice credincios care se încadrează în categoria „răul acela” (v.13).

Concluzie: Aceasta este o învățătură serioasă și nu putem să ne sustragem nici autorității și nici relevanței provocării divine pentru inimile noastre. Așadar, dacă ne dorim bunăvoința lui Dumnezeu și binecuvântarea Lui peste viețile și inimile noastre, trebuie să vedem păcatul în toată gravitatea naturii sale. Trebuie să îndeplinim toate cerințele disciplinei divine și, cel mai important, trebuie să trăim și să învățăm secretul eliberării de zi cu zi. Să facă Dumnezeu ca viața ta și viața mea să fie caracterizate de ură față de păcat, de disponibilitatea de a-i ajuta pe păcătoși și de sfințenie în privința standardelor, prin puterea Duhului Sfânt care locuiește în noi (vezi și 1 Tesaloniceni 4:7; 2 Corinteni 7:1)! Să nu îndrăznim să coborâm standardele lui Dumnezeu alegând să fim sau să ne purtăm altfel decât cere El!

Partea A III-A: Schițe De Predici

Pentru versiunea audio a acestor predici în limba engleză, dați click pe link-urile următoare: Link 1 - Jn. 18:33-34; Link 2 - Jn. 18:35-37; Link 3 - Jn. 18:37-38

Titlu: Domnia lui Isus

Punctul #1: Domnia lui Isus îi desparte pe batjocoritori de cei care caută (33-35a)

1. Batjocoritorii disprețuiesc domnia lui Isus (33)

2. Cei care caută sunt flămânzi după domnia lui Isus (34-35a)

Punctul #2: Domnia lui Isus desparte domeniul fizic de cel spiritual (35b-38a)

1. Isus explică faptul că domnia Sa nu este o entitate fizică (36)

2. Isus explică faptul că domnia Sa este o entitate spirituală (37)

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Служение Института Библейского Проповедования…

“Укреплять Церковь через библейскую проповедь и руководство”

Автор: Проф. Роджер Паскоу, Директор,
Института Библейского Проповедования
Кембридж, Онтарио, Канада
Email: [email protected]
Тел.: 1-519-620-2375

Часть I. Передача Послания

В этом издании мы подходим к концу семилетней серии «Основы разъяснительной проповеди». В следующем издании мы начнем новую серию статей «Динамика церковного руководства».

В последнем издании (Весна 2018 года) мы рассмотрели некоторые шаги по завершению написания вашей проповеди или заметок к ней, а также некоторые напоминания в каждом разделе вашей проповеди от введения к заключению. Таким образом, уместно завершить этот курс проповеди некоторыми комментариями о том, как фактически передать сообщение. Сначала давайте посмотрим еще раз на ...

A. Практические Моменты Передачи Послания

1. Использование Заметок К Проповеди

Чтобы избежать повтора, я настоятельно рекомендую вам использовать заметки, когда вы проповедуете. Как я упоминал в последнем издании этого журнала, существуют различные формы заметок.

  1. Полная рукопись. Если вы новичок-проповедник, вам следовало бы написать свою проповедь в полном объеме, так как вы ее хотели бы проповедовать.
  2. Набросок проповеди.
  3. Усиленный план проповеди (краткое изложение проповеди).

Чтобы объяснить, почему я призываю вас использовать заметки к проповеди, нам важно понять некоторые из опасностей, связанных с не использованием заметок:

  1. Ваше послание будет неуравновешенным. Вероятно, вы потратите слишком много времени на одном разделе своей проповеди, и у вас не будет достаточно времени для другого.
  2. Ваше послание не будет сосредоточенным. Вы пойдете по касательным, и прежде чем вы это поймете, вы не будете знать, где вы находитесь, или как вы туда попали. Возвратиться назад, если это произойдет, часто очень сложно.
  3. Ваше послание будет либо слишком коротким, либо слишком длинным, потому что вам не хватит понимания, чтобы узнать, где вам быть в течение времени, выделенного вам.
  4. Вы скажете вещи, которые не важны (или, что еще хуже, неточны или неправильны), в то время как вы забудете сказать то, что важно. Ваша память просто не может сохранить все, что вам нужно передать.

В дополнение к преимуществам использования заметок, о которых я упоминал в последнем издании этого журнала, вот еще несколько преимуществ, которые для меня одинаково важны:

  1. Заметки снимают давление с вашей памяти. В проповеди достаточно давления, чтобы забыть план, ключевые моменты, иллюстрации, применение и заключение.
  2. Заметки оставляют ваш ум свободным только для одной функции - для передачи послания. Мне не нужно вспоминать, что сказать, а также как это сказать. Сама проповедь целиком настолько важна, что я хочу, чтобы весь мой фокус был на передаче послания после разбора ее содержания. Это не убирает спонтанность, но и не требует ее. Я бы сказал, что лучшая коммуникация - это немедленное использование заметок - т. е. ваши заметки задают повестку дня и содержание, но вы передаете ее так, как будто у вас нет заметок к ней.

2. Стиль Передачи

Как вы передаете ваше послание будет в какой-то степени зависеть от вашего таланта, вашего обучения, вашей индивидуальности и вашего опыта. Хоть мы и учимся у других и наставляем их, наш стиль должен быть нашим. Он может быть разговорным или дидактическим, формальным или более неформальным.

Будьте самим собой, но не думайте, что теперь допустимы случайность или отсутствие профессионализма. Никто не хочет приходить в церковь, чтобы быть смущенным проповедником. И люди не будут приводить друзей, если они думают, что есть шансы приткнуться либо а ваш стиль, либо о ваше содержание. Итак, будьте собой, но в то же время будьте гладким, вежливым, последовательным, надежным.

3. Будьте Услышаны

А. Голос

Поймите акустику. Используйте свой голос таким образом, который соответствует акустике и посланию. Узнайте, как использовать звуковую систему в ваших интересах. Удостоверьтесь, что звукач настроит вам приемлемую громкость и тон. Для ваших слушателей нет ничего хуже, чем то, что он не услышит вас или будет оглушен громкостью.

Изменяйте уровень громкости голоса. Это делает послание интересным и указывает на страсть и важность того, что вы говорите.

Изменяйте уровень высоты голоса. Если вы не меняете тональность своего голоса, вы можете попасть в одну или несколько из этих раздражающих привычек:

а) Монотонность. Вы говорите не меняя тон. Это очень скучно для ваших слушателей.

б) Низкий тон или «рычание».

в) Постоянный высокий тон. Интенсивность речи или нервозность могут побудить некоторых проповедников развивать высокий тон. Это очень отвлекает.

г) С другой стороны, меняя свой тон голоса, вы делаете акцент на том, что важно в вашей речи, вы по разному говорите, и показываете страсть к тому, что вы говорите.

а) Практикуйте свой тон. У всех колонок есть свой тон. На ваш тон могут влиять нервозность, или громкость голоса, который может напрячь ваше горло. Носовой тон обычно возникает из-за напряжения в носу.. Грудной хрипловатый тон, с другой стороны, обычно возникает из-за напряжения в горле.

Вы можете изменить свой тон, если он отвлекает внимание людей. Возможно, вам нужна постановка речи, но, скорее всего, вы сможете изменить свой тон, просто осознавая, как вы звучите и сознательно меняя звук и тон.

Б. Практикуйте Речь

Следите за своей скоростью речи. Тенденция заключается в том, чтобы говорить слишком быстро или слишком медленно. Выступая слишком быстро, люди выпаливают (например, как пулеметный огонь); слишком медленно - нагоняет скуку на людей. Средний уровень речи в проповеди должен быть немного быстрее, чем разговорная речь. около 180 слов в минуту. Этот уровень речи удерживает внимание людей, но не убивает их в перекрестном огне.

Следите за своей скоростью речи. Тенденция заключается в том, чтобы говорить слишком быстро или слишком медленно. Выступая слишком быстро, люди изгоняют (например, пулеметный огонь); слишком медленно заставляет людей до смерти. Средний уровень речи в проповеди должен быть немного быстрее, чем разговорная речь. около 180 слов в минуту. Этот уровень речи держит внимание людей, но не убивает их в перекрестном огне.

Разнообразие важно. Используйте более быструю речь, чтобы показать радость или покрыть материал, который не так важен или не требует таких деталей. Используйте более медленную речь для передачи важных или сложных идей, требующих времени для погружения и осмысления.

Используйте паузы. Пауза в подходящий момент делает акцент, создает напряжение, влияет на смысл, привлекает внимание людей. В ней говорится: «Это важно, поэтому нам нужно сделать паузу».

Темп. Темп, с которым вы передаете проповедь, должен отражать устойчивое движение к цели. Не “гоните” в один какой-то момент (как будто у вас не хватает времени) и не “ползите” в другой.

4. Будьте Понятны

Используйте устный стиль, который легко понять. Выберите словарный запас, который можно понять, и если вы используете слово, которое не является известным, всегда уточняйте, что оно значит. Держитесь подальше от всяких технических терминов, которые вы не объясните им - нельзя произвести впечатление на людей нашими знаниями, но можно использовать нашу проповедь, чтобы расширить словарный запас людей.

5. Будьте Ясны

Четко сформулируйте свои слова. Не смешивайте слова вместе. Будьте отчетливы. В случае необходимости уделяйте особое внимание. Акцентируйте слова соответствующим образом, чтобы смысл был понятен.

6. Будьте Естественны

Весь язык тела должен быть естественным, но если ваш «естественный» язык тела каким-либо образом отвлекает от послания, измените его.

Используйте жесты, которые естественны, уместны, выразительны. Развивайте свои собственные жесты.

Помните о том, как вы смотрите на аудиторию. Не делайте выражения лица, которые выглядят смешными или глупыми или болезненными. На самом деле, не делайте ничего, что отвлекает от послания.

Б. Передача Послания И Аудитория: “Держать Контакт”

1. Держать Зрительный Контакт

Зрительный контакт является важным и иногда его трудно поддерживать. Самый простой способ позволить каждому думать, что вы смотрите на них, - это сосредоточить свои глаза на разных участках собрания людей, чтобы вы не смотрели на одного человека в частности, а охватывали область зрительного зала. Сфокусируйте глаза на одной области на минуту, затем перейдите в другую область, чтобы покрыть все пространство.

Не смотрите на потолок или над головой людей. Это очень раздражает. Тем не менее, многие проповедники, похоже, с трудом смотрят на людей.

Установите заметки на правильной высоте на кафедре, чтобы ваше движение глаз от заметок к людям было ограничено. Чем выше ваши заметки, тем меньше вам нужно перемещать глаза вверх и вниз. Это не только уменьшает читаемость ваших заметок, но и дает более продолжительный зрительный контакт.

2. Обратная Связь С Аудиторией

Используйте «вы», чтобы быть личностным, прямым и убедительным.

Задавайте риторические вопросы (например, как Павел делает в послании к римлянам).Вопросы привлекают аудиторию к посланию. Соответствующие вопросы заранее предостерегают. Вопросы помогают перейти к применению.

3. Применение

На протяжении всей своей проповеди ответьте на вопросы: «Какая разница в этом для вас? Как вы это можете применить в своей жизни?

А) Сделать Послание Личным

Говорите с сердцем; будьте эмоциональны, но также назидательны. Расскажите о своей личной заинтересованности в них, как в людях, о вашей заботе и переживаниях.

Б) Быть Прямым,

Каждое послание должно иметь элемент срочности. Это действительно важно, потому что Христос грядет и т. д.

Перспектива вашей проповеди затрагивает людей различными способами - духовно, вечно, теологически.

В) Использовать Наглядные Пособия (Powerpoint, Видеоклипы, Записанные Песни И Т. Д.)

Наглядные пособия должны просто усиливать послание. Если вы используете их, убедитесь, что они сделаны хорошо, иначе они отвлекут от вашего послания.

Прежде всего, проповедник - наглядное пособие. Именно к нему вы хотите, чтобы все внимание обращалось, не потому, что вы хотели бы быть в центре внимания, а потому, что (1) вы хотите сосредоточить внимание полностью на своем послании; (2) вы хотите быть воплощением (визуальной помощью) вашего послания.

В. Коммуникация И Проповедник

1. Жизненный Аспект Связи

«И слово мое и проповедь моя не в убедительных словах человеческой мудрости, но в явлении Духа и силы» (1 Кор. 2:4)

Провозглашение послания должно быть «в явлении Духа и силы». Здесь Павел говорит о проповеди больше, чем о самом проповеднике.

Наша проповедь должна «продемонстрировать», что это делается под руководством, контролем и поддержкой («силой») Духа. Именно это делает проповедь эффективной в жизни аудитории.

Д-р Мартин Ллойд-Джонс сказал: «В мире существует всякая разница между проповедью просто из человеческого понимания и энергии и проповеди (с) сознательной улыбкой Бога» (Мартин Ллойд-Джонс, «Возрождение», с. 295, цитируется в “Помазанной Разъяснительной Проповеди”, с. 236)

Поклонение Святому Духу жизненно важно для эффективной, сильной проповеди. Святой Дух является божественным агентом, который делает истину живой и делает истину жизненно важной (см. 1 Иоанна 2: 2; 2 Кор. 1: 19-22).

2. Местный Аспект Коммуникации

Позвольте мне предложить несколько упражнений, которые помогают голосу:

а) Практикуйте, создавая голос, глубоко дыша от диафрагмы. Вот так дышат профессиональные певцы. Это дает контроль.

б) Практикуйте голос, читая проповедь вслух. Сосредоточьтесь на артикуляции, произношении и акценте.

в) Практикуйте тестирование голоса по следующим характеристикам:

1) Проецирование (сила). Это способность «бросить» свой голос, чтобы все могли слышать.

2) Производство (мягкость). Используйте управление дыханием, чтобы регулировать постоянство звука.

3) Защита (контроль). Знайте ограничения своего голоса.

г) Практикуйте отдых голоса, особенно когда ваш голос устал или охрип. Используйте периоды молчания, чтобы расслабить мышцы голоса.

д) Практикуйте исцеление голоса, используя, при необходимости, соль, смазку (леденцы для горла) и уход. Смазка особенно важна, поскольку рот и горло имеют тенденцию высыхать, если вы нервничаете.

е) Практикуйте охрану голоса. Избегайте напряжения голоса. Постарайтесь защитить свой голос от ветра и кондиционирования воздуха. Будьте особенно осведомлены о разговоре по телефону в течение длительных периодов времени.

ж) Практика использования голоса. Сделайте это подсознательным усилием каждый раз, когда вы говорите, чтобы знать, как вы используете свой голос. Голоса многих людей звучат плохо, а не потому, что так они сделаны, но из-за того, как они их используют.

3. Визуальный Аспект Коммуникации

“И был я у вас в немощи и страхе и великом трепете” (1 Cor. 2:3)

Нервозность в проповеди - это нормально. Даже самые великие и самые опытные проповедники страдают от нервов и чувства неадекватности. Апостол Павел спросил: «Кто способен к сему?» (2 Кор. 2:16). Это обращает нас на Господа - это хорошо.

Но нервы не должны нас калечить. Это одно из преимуществ в том, чтобы быть хорошо подготовленным и использовать заметки. Мы все еще можем говорить с властью, несмотря на то, что мы чувствуем себя внутренне, потому что знаем, что мы говорим слово Божье.

Личная внешность. В каком-то смысле мы хотим быть завуалированными из виду, чтобы люди увидели Христа в нашем послании. С другой стороны, мы - человеческие агенты, которым Бог решил передать послание. Таким образом, мы должны представить себя таким образом, чтобы не отвлекать аудиторию от послания. Для этого ваш внешний вид должен быть скромным; и ваше личное обращение не должно быть соблазнительным ни для кого в аудитории.

Г. Коммуникация И Случай

Каждый проповедник должен быть чувствительным к случаю при выборе его темы или текста, при подготовке содержания и напора послания, а также при представлении послания. Если случай - свадьба, например, ваш контент должен соответствовать этому случаю, и ваша послание обычно будет сосредоточено на счастье этого дня.

Разумеется, подготовка и презентация были бы совсем другими, если бы случай был похороны, когда скорбящим было бы адресовано несколько другое послание, а доставка бы послания была бы должным образом оформлена.

Аналогичным образом, регулярные воскресные сообщения будут отличаться при их подготовке и представлении в зависимости от случая. Специальные воскресенья, такие как День благодарения, юбилеи, Пасха и Рождество, диктовали бы тему, которая должна быть подготовлена, и способ, в котором они представлены.

Д. Коммуникация И Цель

У каждой проповеди есть цель. Если цель состоит в том, чтобы иметь дело с конкретным провалом в жизни церкви или конкретной проблемой в отношениях, то соответственно будет затронута подготовка этих сообщений и их представление.

Если цель является евангелической или увещевательной, опять же, выбор текста, содержания сообщения и стиля презентации должен соответствовать этой цели.

Таким образом, цель влияет на выбранную тему или текст, применение текста, используемые иллюстрации и способ представления.

Часть II: Экспозиция

“Дисциплина в церкви” (1 Кор. 5:1-13)

Профессор Стивен Олфорд

Введение В этой главе мы начинаем новый раздел в раскрытии первого послания к коринфянам. До этого момента апостол занимался главным образом проблемой разделений в церкви. Теперь он обращается к столь же серьезному вопросу о беспорядках в церкви. Есть три, в частности, которые упоминаются в рамках следующих двух глав. Они имеют отношение к дисциплине в церкви (5: 1-13), закону в церкви (6: 1-11) и нечистоту в церкви (6: 12-20). Для нас важна сейчас дисциплина в церкви. Из чтения этого послания совершенно очевидно, что коринфяне были настолько озабочены своей плотской мудростью и философией, что они не обращали внимания на моральные обязательства Евангелия, которым они были посвящены. Неправильное мышление всегда вызывает неправильную жизнь. В результате этого церковь постигла моральная катастрофа, и Павлу пришлось столкнуться с ней. Он должен был недвусмысленно изложить дисциплинарные меры, которые необходимо было предпринять. Поскольку мы рассматриваем дисциплину в церкви, я предлагаю вам, прежде всего обратить внимание на:

I. Серьезность Морального Бедствия В Церкви

«Есть верный слух, что у вас появилось блудодеяние...» (1 Коринфянам 5: 1). Построение этих вступительных слов указывает на то, что рассматриваемый грех был предметом общих сплетен - не только внутри собрания, но и по всему городу. Нет необходимости подробно останавливаться на фактическом преступлении, за исключением того, что оно является самым грубым нарушением морального закона. Христианин жил безнравственно со своей мачехой. Тот факт, что описанный грех является блудодеянием, указывает на то, что ее муж был либо мертв, либо они были разведены. Отсутствие каких-либо упоминаний о женщине свидетельствует о том, что она, должно быть, была неверующей и, следовательно, вне юрисдикции церкви. Эта форма безнравственности была настолько отвратительной и ужасающей, что она была не только осуждена еврейским законом (Левит 18: 8), но также была запрещена римским правом. Действительно, это грех, который редко встречался среди не возрожденных язычников.

Теперь Святой Дух счел нужным записать эту грязную историю, чтобы мы могли узнать серьезность греха в церкви. Если тот христианин мог опуститься так низко во дни апостольского христианства, что можно говорить о наших днях, нам важно усвоить урок, который содержится в этой главе. Серьезность этой моральной катастрофы в церкви подчеркивается:

1) Личная виновность Преступника "... тот, кто совершил этот поступок ..." (1 Коринфянам 5: 2). Совершенно очевидно, что это преступление было не просто изолированным действием греха. «Иметь жену отца» означает, что он жил с ней. Точно так же фраза «тот, кто совершил этот поступок» указывает на то, что он практиковал этот грех в течение некоторого периода времени. Наша первая реакция заключается в том, что скорее всего этот человек был, вероятно, номинальным христианином без понимания и знания о Христе. Но ссылка Павла на него, как в этой главе, так и в его втором послании (2: 6-8), подтвердит мнение о том, что этот человек был действительно рожден свыше, но сильно отступил в сердце и в жизни.

Какое предупреждение для вас и для меня! Помимо благодати Божьей, нет ничего, что помешало бы нам опуститься так же низко. И трагедия такого морального разлома заключается в том, что такой грех в первую очередь совершен против святого Бога, а затем и против Тела Христова. Когда Давид осознал свой грех с Вирсавией, он воскликнул: «Тебе, Тебе Единому согрешил я и лукавое пред очами Твоими сделал» (Псалом 50: 6). Но к этому еще и добавилось осознание того, как он разрушил жизнь невинной женщины и забрал жизнь невинного и верного человека. Это заставляет нас рассмотреть вторую причину серьезности моральной катастрофы в жизни церкви:

2) Общественные последствия преступления «И вы возгордились вместо того, чтобы лучше плакать...» (1 Коринфянам 5: 2). Как раковое заболевание, грех всегда отравляет и парализует тело. Поэтому на всю общину повлиял моральное падение этого человека. Вместо траура они хвастались. Павел использует необычное слово, чтобы описать, каково должно было быть их отношение. Они должны были «оплакивать», подобно тому, как оплакивают мертвых. Они должны были признать, что здесь был человек, который не только отпал от благодати, но и отделился от жизни церкви. Вместо этого они хвастались своей терпимостью к греху и этим отношением стали соучастниками греха.

Джон Морли однажды сказал: «При определенных условиях компромисс - самое аморальное слово на английском языке». И Морли прав! Когда человек или церковь компрометируют вопросы греха, имя Бога бесчестят, работа сатаны продвигается, и церковь оказывается беспомощной. Не только мужчина, но и церковь должны были раскаяться задолго до того, как Павел написал это послание, потому что раскаяние - один из величайших признаков возрождения. Только через сокрушенное, искреннее сердечное покаяние мы можем ожидать, что Бог благословит нашу жизнь и наши церкви. Однако, похоже, в наши дни мы потеряли всякое чувство греховности греха. Вместо того, чтобы оплакивать наши неудачи в церкви, мы хвалимся нашей терпимостью, нашими компромиссами и нашей большой сердечностью. Бог помилуй нас! Далее мы рассмотрим:

II. Стандарт Судебной Дисциплины В Церкви

«В собрании вашем во имя Господа нашего Иисуса Христа, ... силою Господа нашего Иисуса Христа, предать сатане во измождение плоти, чтобы дух был спасен в день Господа Иисуса» (1 Коринфянам 5: 4-5). Что бы мы ни думали, Божий стандарт дисциплины в отношении греха в церкви безошибочен и неизменен. Эта глава оставлена для нас, чтобы показать нам как решать подобные вопросы в церкви. Пожалуйста, обратите внимание на три вещи, касающиеся дисциплины в церкви:

1) Значение дисциплины “…предать сатане во измождение плоти, чтобы дух был спасен в день Господа Иисуса” (1 Кор. 5:5). Это торжественное заявление поддерживается другими выражениями во всей главе, такими как «очистить старую закваску» (стих 7) и «извергнуть развращенного из среды вас» (стих 13). Совершенно очевидно, что акт дисциплины включает отлучение преступника от жизни и общения церкви. Такое отлучение описано как предать сатане во измождение плоти (ст.5). Учителя излагают эти слова двумя способами; несомненно, есть элемент истины в обеих позициях.

Есть те, кто утверждает, что Павел конкретно упоминает об уничтожении плоти, чтобы подчеркнуть, что, когда человека отлучают от жизни и общения церкви, он подчиняется господству сатанинских сил (см. 1 Иоанна 5:19) , Очень скоро христианин, живущий в этой атмосфере, узнает, что «плоть не пользует нимало» (от Иоанна 6:63). Другими словами, он устает от греха и поэтому стремится быть восстановленным у Господа и вернуться в общину.

Другие ученики Слова утверждают, что уничтожение плоти подразумевает и включает в себя болезнь и даже смерть тела. Это относится и к другим правонарушителям церкви в Коринфе, о которых Павел говорит в главе 11:30. Из-за их манеры на Вечере Господней они были больны, а некоторые спали. Это было верно для Анании и Сапфиры, которых судили из-за внезапной смерти (Деяния 5) за то, что они солгали Святому Духу (см. также 1 Иоанна 5:16).

2) Метод дисциплины “Во имя Господа нашего Иисуса Христа, когда вы собираетесь вместе ...» (1 Коринфянам 5: 4). Павел увещевает, что церковь должна собраться вместе, признав авторитет главы церкви, Господа Иисуса Христа. В этом конкретном случае Павел, будучи отцом многих, также отождествляет себя с церковью, говоря: «... в собрании вашем... обще с моим духом ...» Таким образом, осознав присутствие Спасителя, силы Духа , и ясного учения Слова Божьего, церковь должна принять решение о грехе и отлучить преступника от общения. Можно добавить только, что если бы это было сделано чаще сегодня, мы скоро увидели бы, как пробуждение начинается в народе Божьем. Поэтому часто мы молимся, чтобы свежие волны падали с неба, в то время как мы потворствуем греху среди нас. Это противоречие. Третьим важным аспектом церковной деятельности является:

3) Мотивация дисциплины “…предать сатане во измождение плоти, чтобы дух был спасен в день Господа Иисуса» (1 Коринфянам 5: 5). Следует подчеркнуть, что конечным мотивом во всех дисциплинарных действий является восстановление святого к жизни чистоты и победы в нашем Господе Иисусе Христе. Это подтверждается тем, о чем Павел говорит во втором послании, где он ругает коринфян за то, что он не вернули в общину согрешившего брата, который теперь раскаивался, и на грани того, что он был «поглощен чрезмерной печалью». увещевает их подтвердить свою любовь к нему (2 Коринфянам 2: 6-8). В Послании к Галатам 6: 1 Павел увещевает, что всякая дисциплина должна осуществляться с целью восстановления. Церковь согрешает не менее, когда она отказывает в прощении раскаявшемуся человеку и принятию его обратно в общину, и также когда она не дисциплинирует мятежного обидчика.

Теперь эта торжественная глава завершает:

III. Секрет Духовного Освобождения В Церкви

«Итак очистите старую закваску, чтобы вы стали новым тестом, так как вы безквасны, ибо Пасха наша, Христос, был заклан за нас» (1 Коринфянам 5: 7). Напомнив им еще раз, что их хвастовство не было хорошим, Павел указывает на то, что также, как закваска проникает во все тесто, так и любой грех может повлиять на всю церковь. Никто не может оправдать себя на основании того, что он является незначительным или незаметным членом церкви. Действительно, вся община столь же сильна, как и ее самый слабый член. Если мы хотим знать славу, силу и благословение нашего Бога в поместном собрании, мы должны обратить внимание на продолжающуюся тайну избавления как для отдельной личности, так и для всей жизни церкви. Секрет имеет три понятия:

1) Должна быть, ненависть ко греху «Поэтому очистите старую закваску ...» (1 Коринфянам 5: 7). В ветхозаветные времена в еврейских домах было дано указание удалить всю закваску при подготовке к Пасхе. Каждый маленький уголок и трещину и мышиные норы должны были быть проверены с зажженной свечой на предмет любых следов от закваски. Это символизировало полный разрыв со старым образом жизни в Египте и их выход в новую жизнь, в которой они были предназначены для общения с Богом. Павел говорит, что мы должны очистить старую закваску, вспомнив, что Христос Пасха был принесен в жертву за нас. Любой пустяк с грехом отражается на святого Агнца Божьего, который отдал Свою жизнь, чтобы спасти и удержать нас от греха. Вся наша христианская позиция должна состоять в том, чтобы праздновать победу нашего Спасителя, а не зла или зла в наших сердцах, но с искренностью и истиной (стих 8). Проверка того, живем ли мы в победе, - это наше отношение к греху. Из прочитанного нами отрывка ранее совершенно ясно, что мы должны обрести полное отвращение к греху.

2) Должна быть помощь грешникам «Я написал вам в послании не сообщаться с блудниками; впрочем не вообще с блудниками мира сего, или лихоимцами или хищниками или идолослужителями, ибо надлежало бы вам выйти из мира сего»

(1 Коринфянам 5: 9-10). По-видимому, Павел писал им в предыдущем случае по этому вопросу о святой жизни, но некоторые из них неправильно поняли его наставление о том, как они общаются с миром. Теперь он пишет снова, чтобы объяснить, что доктрина разделения не подразумевает изоляцию. Пока мы в мире, мы должны общаться с людьми, которые являются и блудниками, алчными, и грабителями и идолослужителями. Наш Спаситель был другом мытарей и грешников (Матфея 11:19). В то же время мы должны помнить, что, хотя Он смешивался с ними в искупительной помощи, Он был святым, безвредным, непорочным и отделенным от грешников (Евреям 7:26). Ничто не приносит обличения в сердце не обращенного человека больше, как сияние и искупление святой, помогающей другим жизни. Вокруг нас голодные люди, которым важно знать о избавлении от власти и загрязнения греха. Поэтому в нашей христианском хождении, давайте иметь в виду, что, хотя мы должны ненавидеть грех, мы должны поддерживать данную Богом помощь грешникам.

3) Должна быть святость в стандартах. «Но теперь я написал вам, чтобы не сообщаться с тем, кто называясь братом, остается блудником, или лихоимцем, или идолопоклонником, или злоречивым, или пьяницей, или хищником; с таким даже и не есть вместе» (1 Коринфянам 5:11). Сегодня очень много разговоров есть о святости, которая не включает святые стандарты, но Павел совершенно ясно говорит, что, если мы знаем что-либо о святости в нашей жизни, тогда это должно быть продемонстрировано в отделенном хождении, даже если это предполагает уйти от брата, который живет во грехе. Как мы видели в этой самой главе, брат может быть или блудником, или алчным, или прелюбодеем, или пьяницей, или даже вымогателем, и Павел добавляет, что мы не должны даже вместе есть с ним.

Действительно, во 2 Фессалоникийцам 3:14 и 15 мы настоятельно призваны отойти от всего этого, чтобы они могли узнать природу своего греха и его последствий. Мы не можем судить о грехах мира, потому что это царство вне нашей юрисдикции (см. стихи 12-13); это Божья территория и прерогатива. Но во имя Господа Иисуса Христа, силой Святого Духа и Словом откровения в руках мы должны судить о грехе в своей жизни и в церкви. Поэтому, заключает апостол, мы должны вывести из нашей среды каждого верующего, который попадает под категорию «злой человек» (ст.13).

Заключение: Это торжественное учение, и мы не можем избежать либо власти, либо значимости божественного вызова нашим сердцам. И поэтому, если мы стремимся к Божьей милости и благословению в нашей жизни и в жизни наших церквей, мы должны рассматривать грех во всей его сущности и серьезно. Мы должны выполнить все требования божественной дисциплины и, самое главное, мы должны жить и учиться секретам повседневной свободы. Дай Бог, чтобы ваша жизнь и моя могли характеризоваться ненавистью к греху, полезностью и помощью грешникам и святостью по стандартам силы Духа Святого, что внутри нас (см. 1 Фессалоникийцам 4: 7; 2 Коринфянам 7: 1) , Мы не смеем опускать Божьи стандарты, действуя и характеризуя их иначе.

Часть III: План Проповеди

Чтобы прослушать аудиоверсию этих проповедей на английском языке, нажмите на эти ссылки: Link 1 - Jn. 18:33-34; Link 2 - Jn. 18:35-37; Link 3 - Jn. 18:37-38

Название: Царство Иисуса

1: Царство Иисуса отделяет циников от искателей (33-35а)

1. Циники насмехаются над царством Иисуса (33)

2. Искатели жаждут царствования Иисуса (34-35а)

2: Царство Иисуса отделяет физическое от духовного (35б-38a)

1. Иисус объясняет, что его царствование не является физическим (36)

2. Иисус объясняет, что его царство является духовным (37)

Related Topics: Pastors

Psalms Of Victory

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In Psalm 44, a psalm attributed to the Sons of Korah, the psalmist praises God for his victorious intercession for His people (vv. 1-2). The result was not that the Israelites own strategy for victory enabled them to gain the promised land. It was the Lord that gave them the victory. Thus, the psalmist says:

It was not by their sword that they won the land.
nor did their arm bring them the victory;

it was your right hand, your arm
and the light of your face, for you loved them. 1

Accordingly, the psalmist can praise the Lord for more than Israel’s own success. Indeed, it was God’ s deliverance and enabling them to

push back our enemies;
through your name we trample our foes.

I do not trust, in my bow,
my sword does not bring me victory;

but you give us victory over our enemies,
you put our adversaries to shame. (vv. 10-12)

Surely it is not to man’s glory that they are given victory over their enemies, but for the praise of the Lord his God. So much is it the case that elsewhere David prays confidently to the Lord:

Give us aid against the enemy,
for the help of man is worthless.

With God we will gain the victory,
and he will trample down our enemies. (Ps. 108:12-13)

This was true for David and Joab as detailed in David’s psalm of thanks to God, the giver of victory over one’s enemies.

He gives his king great victories; he shows unfailing kindness to his anointed, to David and his descendants forever. (Ps. 18:50; (cf. vv. 32-35; 46-49)

As Futato remarks,

Because the Lord has granted “great victories” and “unfailing love” to the king, the anointed one, to David and his descendants (18:50), the Lord is truly worthy of praise (18:3) and love (18:1).2

Details concerning Israel’s exodus are also found in other biblical psalms. Thus. in Psalm 45, a psalm honoring Israel’s king, the king is honored becausehe is considered “the most excellent of men” and because “God has blessed you forever” (v. 2). As well, the psalm encourages David to go forth victoriously:

Gird your sword upon your side, O mighty one;
Clothe yourself with splendor and majesty.

In your majesty ride forth victoriously
in behalf of truth, humility and righteousness;
let your right hand display awesome deeds.

As VanGemeren remarks, “The ‘splendor and majesty’ speak of his past victories and the confident expectation of additional victories every time he marches at the head of his troops.”3

Other psalms celebrate God for his giving victory to Israel king. For example, David writes:

O LORD, the king rejoices in your strength:
how great is his joy in the victories you give!

Through the victories you gave, his glory is great;
you have bestowed on him splendor and majesty. (Ps. 21:1,5)

Indeed, the king’s victories come through the LORD’s strength. So great are they that the king “rejoices” in the Lord’s attending victories.

In a later psalm, the psalmist sings praises to the Lord for God’s granting victories to kings and especially to David (Ps. 144:9-10). What was true for David is no less true for today’s believers! Ultimately it is simply the case that due to the Lord’s superintendence, the enemy needs no victory over the righteous. Thus, another psalmist could say:

They have greatly oppressed me from my youth –
let Israel say –

They have greatly oppressed me from my youth
but they have not gained the victory over me. (Ps. 129:1-2)

Such is also stated in Psalm 118:1,15-16:

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
His love endures forever. …

Shouts of joy and victory
resound in the tents of the righteous:

The LORD’S right hand has done mighty things!
The LORD’S right hand is lifted high;
the LORD’S right hand has done mighty things.

Here we encounter the familiar theme of the right hand.

The right hand is used particularly as a synecdoche to emphasize God’s person and action. God’s right hand is said to be “filled with righteousness” (Ps. 48:10) and effective might (Pss. 80:15-16; 89:13)4.

The above fact demonstrates that as believers we must rely on the Lord, his will and his strength. Yes, we should praise the Lord and rely on him. Thus, as we read in Psalm 20, another psalm attributed to David,

“We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of our God” (vs. 5).

All the above serve as a reminder of that great old hymn by Eugene M. Bartlett, Sr.:

I heard an old, old story how a Savior came from glory,
How he gave his life on Calvary to save a wretch like me;
I heard about his groaning, of his precious blood’s atoning,
Then I repented of my sins and won the victory.5

1 All scriptural texts are taken from the NIV.

2 Mark D. Futato, “The Book of Psalms.” in Cornerstone Biblical Commentary, ed. Philip W. Comfort (Carol Stream, Il. 2009), 7:88. It should also be noted that Psalm !8: 7-15 draws upon Israel’s great victory over Egypt at the time of the exodus. See further, Richard D. Patterson, “Victory at Sea” Bib. Sac. 161 (2009) 42-54.

3 Willem, A. VanGemeren, “Psalms” in The Expositors Bible Commentary, ed. Frank E. Gaebelein (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1991), 5:345.

4 For details see further “Right, Right Hand” in Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, eds. Leland Ryken, James. C, Wilhoit, and Tremper Longman III (Downers Grove, IL, InterVarsity Press, 1998), 727-28.

5 Eugene M. Bartlett, Sr., “Victory in Jesus”.

Related Topics: Devotionals

28. A Healthy Transition (Deuteronomy 31:1-13)

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Life of Moses (28)

September 16, 2018

In his book, Crisis: the Last Years of the Carter Presidency (cited in Newsweek [10/4/82]), Hamilton Jordan, who was President Carter’s Chief of Staff, tells about the jarring transition from being at the center of historic world events one day and being out of office the next day. The day before Carter left office, he and his team were working feverishly to free the American hostages in Iran. The next day, Carter and his staff flew to Plains, Georgia, as Ronald Reagan became the next President.

It was raining in Plains as President Carter and Jordan got off the helicopter. After Carter announced the breaking news that the hostages had been freed, the crowd cheered and a country music band burst into song. But it was over in a moment. Carter and his men adjourned to a barn behind the peanut warehouse where the staff had assembled a woodworking shop for the President. Jordan was struck with how strange it was that the man who the day before had been orchestrating the rescue of American hostages and leading our great nation was now poring over drills, saws, and screwdrivers in an old barn in rural Georgia.

Jordan decided to stay that night with his mother in Albany, Georgia, about 40 miles away. But he hadn’t made arrangements to get there. It had been years since he had to think about such matters. Soaking wet, carrying his briefcase and a suitcase, he wandered around for an hour trying to find someone who could give him a ride home. Finally, he went to the pay phone at Billy Carter’s old service station and tried to call a taxi, but they were all busy taking VIP’s to the airport. He finally found a Georgia State patrolman he knew who agreed to drive him to his mother’s house. He wrote, “It really is over, I thought as I loaded my luggage into his trunk, climbed into his front seat and headed home.”

Transitions aren’t easy. The bigger the transition, the more difficult it is. Going from being the Chief of Staff for the President of the United States, to being an unemployed man from a small town in Georgia, must have been traumatic!

As you probably know, we’re facing a major transition here at Flagstaff Christian Fellowship. Pastor Stan Johnson, who served on staff here for about 30 years, retired on April 1st. And I’m retiring soon after serving here as senior pastor since May, 1992. The church has called Dave Berry as the next senior pastor. He will begin in the next few months, after getting his family relocated here. My prayer is that the transition will go well and that all of you will warmly welcome Pastor Dave and his family and be as supportive of him as you have been of me.

You may wonder, “Does the Bible have anything to guide us through a healthy transition?” I believe that Moses’ handing his leadership baton to Joshua provides some wisdom for us. (Although I’m not implying that I’m like Moses or Dave is like Joshua!) Deuteronomy 31:1-13 teaches us that …

For a healthy transition, God’s people need to trust Him in the battle and follow new godly leaders who keep His Word central.

These are almost the final recorded words of this great man of God, and thus we should weigh them carefully. Four principles:

1. For a healthy transition, trust in God and His presence, not in human leaders who will pass off the scene.

Moses spoke to all Israel (Deut. 31:2-3),

“I am a hundred and twenty years old today; I am no longer able to come and go, and the Lord has said to me, ‘You shall not cross this Jordan.’ It is the Lord your God who will cross ahead of you; He will destroy these nations before you, and you shall dispossess them. Joshua is the one who will cross ahead of you, just as the Lord has spoken.”

Moses’ life was marked by three very different 40-year periods. For his first 40 years, Moses lived in Pharaoh’s palace as the adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He would have enjoyed all the comforts of life, with servants waiting to do his every wish. Acts 7:22 states, “Moses was educated in all the learning of the Egyptians, and he was a man of power in words and deeds.”

But then Moses killed the Egyptian taskmaster who was beating an Israelite man. He had to flee to the remote desert area of Midian, where he married a shepherd’s daughter and tended his father-in-law’s sheep for the next 40 years. Then God met him at the burning bush and called him to return to Egypt to deliver the Israelites from bondage. That began the final 40 years of Moses’ life, leading these mostly stiff-necked people through the wilderness to the edge of the Promised Land. But because he did not treat God as holy when he disobediently struck the rock, God told Moses that he could not lead the people into the land of Canaan.

As Moses realizes that his time on earth is short, he reminds Israel of the crucial fact that the Lord is with them and will go with them as they face the people of Canaan, whom they must dispossess of the land. Note how he repeats this essential truth to drive it home: Verse 3: “It is the Lord your God who will cross ahead of you.” Verse 6: “The Lord your God is the one who goes with you.” Verse 8: “The Lord is the one who goes ahead of you.” And in verse 23, the Lord says to Joshua, “I will be with you.” Then after Moses’ death, the Lord says to Joshua (Josh. 1:5), “Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you.” He repeats (Josh. 1:9), “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

This emphasis on God’s presence with His people takes us back to Exodus 33, where after the incident with the golden calf, the Lord told Moses that He would send His angel with Israel, but He Himself would not go up with them or He would destroy them because of their stiff necks. But Moses prayed, in effect, “Lord, if you don’t go with us, we aren’t going anywhere. It would be better to die in the wilderness with You than to go into the Promised Land without You!” The Lord relented and promised (Exod. 33:14, “My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest.”

In the New Testament, Jesus’ final words to His disciples before He ascended into heaven were (Matt. 28:20), “And lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Writing to a suffering church, the author of Hebrews (13:5) cites Deuteronomy 31:6, “Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, ‘I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you.’”

It is vital at all times, but especially in a time of change, to know that God is present with you. He is the one great unchanging constant in life! Don’t do anything that would put a distance between you and God. After David had sinned with Bathsheba, in Psalm 51:11 he pleads, “Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.” I’ve heard Bible teachers say that we shouldn’t pray David’s prayer that the Lord would not take His Holy Spirit from us, since the Spirit permanently dwells in every believer. Technically, that’s true, but practically, sin will rob you from experiencing the Spirit’s presence and blessing.

Also, Moses repeats the theme of God’s faithfulness to His promises. He had promised the land of Canaan to Abraham and his descendants (Deut. 31:7). Now Moses reminds them (Deut. 31:6), “He will not fail you or forsake you.” He repeats (v. 8), “He will not fail you or forsake you.” At the end of Joshua’s life, echoing Moses’ words here, he reminded Israel (Josh. 23:14), “Now behold, today I am going the way of all the earth, and you know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one word of all the good words which the Lord your God spoke concerning you has failed; all have been fulfilled for you, not one of them has failed.”

So as a church facing a time of transition, God’s word to us is, trust in Him and His faithfulness, not in any human leader, since leaders will pass off the scene. And, don’t do anything that would rob you of knowing God’s presence. It is vital that the Lord goes with us through a time of change.

2. For a healthy transition, realize that there will be battles to fight, but with God’s strength, we can overcome.

In verse 3, Moses reminds the people of what they knew very well, that there were frightening enemies that they would have to conquer to take the Promised Land. But he assures them, “It is the Lord your God who will cross ahead of you; He will destroy these nations before you.” He reminds them (v. 4), “The Lord will do to them just as He did to Sihon and Og, the kings of the Amorites, and to their land, when He destroyed them.” Those powerful kings lived on the east side of the Jordan River, and God had already given Israel victory over them and given them their land. Then regarding the future enemies in Canaan, Moses repeats (v. 5), “The Lord will deliver them up before you.” So he was reminding Israel that there would be battles against these powerful enemies, but no enemy could stand against the Lord’s presence and His strength through His people. The Lord easily could have sent a plague on the Canaanites so that they all dropped dead and Israel just moved into their cities. But He didn’t do that. The Lord would deliver these enemies to Israel, but they had to fight in dependence on the Lord’s strength.

The Christian life is often depicted as a fight. We’re called to put on the full armor of God so that we may be able to stand firm in the battle against the unseen forces of darkness (Eph. 6:10-18). Paul exhorted Timothy (1 Tim. 6:12), “Fight the good fight of faith!” Our enemies are the world, the flesh, and the devil. At the end of Paul’s life, when he could have listed all the people he had led to Christ and all the churches that he had planted, instead, he told Timothy (2 Tim. 4:7), “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith.” Jude 3 appeals to us to “contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints.”

When I first began as a pastor over 41 years ago, I thought that most of the battles I would face would come from outside the church. It’s true that the subtle forces of worldliness constantly creep into the church. During my years of ministry, our godless culture has normalized no-fault divorce, pervasive pornography, profanity, homosexuality, and most recently, transgenderism.

But many of the battles have come from those inside the evangelical camp. In the late 1970’s, the inerrancy of Scripture was a major battle. The call to arms came through Harold Lindsell’s The Battle for the Bible [Zondervan], which exposed some of Fuller Seminary’s faculty who taught that the Bible contains errors.

In the 1980’s, John MacArthur wrote several books against those who teach that saving faith does not include submission to His lordship. At the same time, the so-called “prosperity gospel” was spreading all over the world. These false teachers claim that it is God’s will to heal all of your diseases and make you financially prosperous, if you claim it by faith (and send a nice donation to their ministries!). Also, the “New Apostolic Reformation” claims that we still have apostles and new prophetic revelation from God (MacArthur, Strange Fire Thomas Nelson], pp. 86, 89-103).

In the 1990’s, many evangelicals became enamored with the ancient rituals of the church and were drawn back to the Roman Catholic or Orthodox Churches. Several evangelical leaders produced and signed a document, “Evangelicals and Catholics Together,” which affirmed that we should come together on the many areas where we agree and set aside our differences. Of course, that meant setting aside the central Reformation truth that we are justified by grace through faith in Christ, apart from works!

In the late 90’s and early part of this century, the “new perspective on Paul” asserted that the Reformers were mistaken to understand justification as God imputing forgiveness of sins and Christ’s righteousness to us by faith. Rather, this false teaching claims that justification didn’t pertain to the doctrine of salvation, but rather to being a part of the covenant community (Phil Johnson, chapter 4 in Fool’s Gold [Crossway], ed. by John MacArthur).

Now, controversy over “social justice” is threatening to confuse the gospel by making racial reconciliation, ministry to the poor, and economic equality the mission of the church. While the church should help the poor and denounce racism, our main mission must be the gospel (see Kevin DeYoung & Greg Gilbert, What is the Mission of the Church? [Crossway]). Otherwise, we’re trying to fix problems that stem from sin with external solutions that cannot transform human hearts.

So my point is, there have been battles over my four decades of ministry and those battles will continue because the enemy is alive and active. But I’m confident that Pastor Dave is knowledgeable about these battles and will stay abreast of those that erupt in the future. He is committed, as I have been, to the truth that an elder must (Titus 1:9) hold “fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict.” Relying on God’s strength, we can stand firm in the battles ahead.

3. For a healthy transition, older leaders need to pass the baton to courageous younger leaders who will carry on the fight of faith.

Moses recognized (Deut. 31:2) that at this point he was not able to lead Israel in the conquest of Canaan, both because of his age and because the Lord had told him that he would not be the one to do it. Every leader should be able to “do the math” and see that he won’t be around forever. Paul knew that his “outer man [was] decaying” (2 Cor. 4:16) and that the time of his departure had come (2 Tim. 4:6). Peter recognized that “the laying aside of [his] earthly dwelling [was] imminent” (2 Pet. 1:14). And so older leaders should be ready to pass the baton to courageous younger leaders who will carry on God’s work.

Moses did not hand-pick Joshua. Rather, Moses asked God to appoint a leader to follow him, and God told him that Joshua was that man (Num. 27:15-23). Joshua had served Moses from his youth (Num. 11:28). He had a shepherd’s heart (Num. 27:17). Joshua had the great privilege and responsibility of leading God’s people into their long-promised inheritance.

But Joshua was very different in gifts and style than Moses was. That’s true of every leader of God’s people. They all have different strengths and weaknesses. The church should not rally around one man or another, as if he were the only one capable of leading. The Corinthians were doing that with Paul, Apollos, Peter, and some sanctimoniously claiming that they didn’t follow any leader except Christ (1 Cor. 1:12). But Paul asked rhetorically (1 Cor. 3:5-7),

What then is Apollos? And what is Paul? Servants through whom you believed, even as the Lord gave opportunity to each one. I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth.

But, while different leaders will have different strengths and gifts, all leaders need courage to fight the good fight of faith. Moses charged Joshua (Deut. 31:7a), “Be strong and courageous ….” When he formally commissioned Joshua (Deut. 31:23), he repeated, “Be strong and courageous ….” When Joshua began his leadership, God challenged him four times to be strong and courageous (Josh. 1:6, 7, 9, 18). To lead God’s people, which includes confronting error and sin, godly leaders need to fear God and desire to please Him more than anyone else.

Thus, for a healthy transition, trust in the Lord and His presence, not in human leaders. Realize that there will be battles to fight, but with God’s strength, we can overcome. Older leaders must pass the baton to courageous younger leaders who will carry on the fight of faith. Finally,

4. For a healthy transition, God’s leaders and people need to keep His Word central and pass it on to their children.

In verses 9-13, we learn that Moses wrote down “this law,” referring at least to Deuteronomy, but probably to the entire Pentateuch, and told the priests to read it to all Israel, including women, children, and aliens, every seven years when they gathered for the Feast of Booths. The objective was (Deut. 31:12b-13), “so that they may hear and learn and fear the Lord your God, and be careful to observe all the words of this law. Their children, who have not known, will hear and learn to fear the Lord your God, as long as you live on the land which you are about to cross the Jordan to possess.” Commentators point out that the priests were charged with teaching God’s law not just every seven years (as stipulated here), but at all times (Mal. 2:7; Neh. 8:8).

The application for us is that God’s Word must be central to everything we believe, teach, and do as God’s people. We are privileged to have the written Word of God so widely available in our language! Most of you own more Bibles and Bible study helps than the majority of pastors around the world. But, we are charged with the important responsibility of teaching God’s truth, especially the gospel, to our children. But, to do this, you must have genuine faith in Christ as your Savior and then learn God’s Word, so that you fear and obey Him. Kids learn more from your life than from your lectures. You can’t impart to your kids what you yourself do not practice, not just on Sundays, but throughout the week.

Note also the repeated emphasis here on fearing the Lord (Deut. 31:12, 13). Proverbs 9:10 states, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” The fear of God is a biblical truth that is often lacking in modern evangelical churches. The fear of God stems from knowing that He is the Holy One. While He is our loving Father who invites us to draw near in fellowship with Him, we should always do so “with reverence and awe; for our God is a consuming fire” (Heb. 12:28b-29). As long as we keep God’s Word central we will fear the Lord and pass that reverence on to our children.


The change of transitions can be difficult. Stanley Arnold (source unknown) wrote, “The essence of human life is change, but for too many of us, change does not excite, it disturbs. If success is what we seek, we must make change a partner in our pursuit.”

God knew that after Moses and Joshua, Israel would abandon the Lord for idols, causing Him to forsake them (Deut. 31:16-18). The threat of apostasy is always present. The Bible predicts and warns us about widespread apostasy in the end times (2 Thess. 3:3-12; 2 Tim. 3:1-5). But it’s not inevitable that we follow false teachers or defect from the faith. We can have a healthy transition if we will trust in the Lord and His presence, not in human leaders who will pass off the scene. Be ready to fight together in God’s strength against the many schemes of the devil. When your leaders courageously stand for the truth and against error, stand with them. And, keep God’s Word central, live it, and pass it down to your children.

Application Questions

  1. What major transitions are you facing personally? Do these excite you or cause anxiety? Discuss with a good friend.
  2. Why are many pastors afraid to confront false teaching? What happens to a church when a pastor does not expose false teaching?
  3. What are some current issues where leaders must be courageous?
  4. Which biblical truths are worth fighting about? Which are matters to debate, but not divide over? What determines the difference?

Copyright, Steven J. Cole, 2018, All Rights Reserved.

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture Quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, Updated Edition © The Lockman Foundation

Related Topics: Ecclesiology (The Church), Issues in Church Leadership/Ministry, Leadership

Pidgin English Bible

Download the Gospel of John in Pidgin English here.
Sample text:
How God Word Com Mit Us
1 From wen taim bigin na im di word dey, and di word dey wit God, and God kpa kpa Imsef na im bi di word. 2 Di word dey wit God from wen taim bigin. 3 Na im make everitin and if no bi sey na in make dem, dem for nor dey for dis world. 4 Na im bi life and dat life na im bi di lite wey pipol get. 5 Di lite dey shine for darkness but darkness no gri wit Am.
