Where the world comes to study the Bible

  • 撒母耳记上简介


  • Um Programa Avançado de Memorização das Escrituras


    No começo do ano, o website BSF disponibilizou um programa de memorização das Escrituras para ajudar as pessoas a colocarem a palavra de Deus em suas vidas. O programa foi bem recebido e, por essa razão, escolhemos expandi-lo e incluir mais versículos numa escala mais abrangente de tópicos. São aproximadamente 200 versículos cobrindo amplas áreas da teologia e do ministério. Esperamos que você aprenda muito e goste do material!

    Biblical Topics: 
  • An Advanced Scripture Memory Program

    早前 BSF 网站发表了一个圣经背诵课程以帮助人们把神的话带进生活中。它幸获热烈支持,因此我们决定将它扩展并加入广泛课题的额外经文。这儿有涵盖神学和事工不同题目的约 200 节经文。我们希望你有所进益并享受这些资料!



    Biblical Topics: 
  • 個進階 聖經背誦課程

    早前 BSF 網站發表了一個聖經背誦課程以幫助人們把神的話帶進生活中。它幸獲熱烈支持,因此我們決定將它擴展並加入廣泛課題的額外經文。這兒有涵蓋神學和事工不同題目的約 200 節經文。我們希望你有所進益並享受這些資料!



    Biblical Topics: 
  • A Justification Debate Primer

    Until recently, the debate over the New Perspective on Paul was of interest mostly to seminary professors, students, and the occasional pastor who stumbled across the issue while studying commentaries on Galatians and Romans. Many of us chalked it up as a heady theological discussion that would probably never interest, much less affect, our congregations in a significant way.

    Biblical Topics: 
  • God So Loved The World

    Amid the whirl of its activities and messages February has long been recognized as a time of special celebration of love. This has arisen largely due to the (admittedly conflicting and confusing) legends surrounding a certain St. Valentine, who is said to have lived in the third century. An oft-cited story has it that a certain priest named Valentine was imprisoned for his Christian activities. One account maintains that just before his martyrdom he sent a letter to his ladylove, which he signed, “From your Valentine.”

    Biblical Topics: 
  • 12. La Préface de la Constitution d'Israël (Exode 19)


    Il y a une chanson contemporaine chrétienne qui est devenue populaire récemment, qui dit quelque chose comme ça: « refait encore un tour autour du Mt. Sinaï… ». Bien sûr cela fait référence au vagabondage des Israélites dans le désert à cause de leur désobéissance. Si on devait lier les paroles de cette chanson au chapitre 19 d’Exode, elles seraient un peu comme ça: « refait une petite grimpette au Mt. Sinaï » et ce serait adressé à Moïse, pas aux Israélites.



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