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From the series:

Lesson 5: Come Home but Don't Turn Back (Luke 9:51-11:13)

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Download Word DocumentClick here to download the student handout for this lesson.

Download Word DocumentClick here to download the manuscript for this lesson.

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A Word from Kay Daigle on how to use the resources for this studyI want to encourage you to complete the personal lesson below before you click on any of the accompanying elements that may be found with this lesson (audio lecture, manuscript, PowerPoint, or handout). This study was written to help you maximize your personal spiritual growth. That means that you first spend time with God through His word, and then hopefully, discuss what you learned with a small group of women. After that, if you want to hear the audio (or read the manuscript) and follow the PowerPoint, filling in the handout, then that is a great time to do it! I cannot cover all the verses in depth, but you can read and study them for yourself. It is best for you to think through the passages before hearing what anyone else thinks, even me! You will find some lessons without lectures. At our church we use some of those weeks to spend extra time in our small groups sharing life stories, having a longer prayer time, or expressing how God is working in our lives.


A Precious Word from God

“No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”

Jesus in Luke 9:62 (NET)


This week we move into a new section of the book of Luke. We looked at the time of Jesus’ birth and preparation and then His ministry in Galilee. Luke 9:51 records the beginning of Jesus’ final journey to Jerusalem, where He would be tortured, killed, buried and exalted. As recorded in Luke, it is not a straight line trip from Galilee to Jerusalem, but it is “a journey of destiny in which Jesus must meet His fate (Lk 13:31-15).”1

Go with Jesus as He takes His final journey. Learn from Him how to face life as He faced death.

Day One Study

Read Luke 9:51-56.

There are several translations of the Greek words for Jesus’ actions in v. 51. The NASB reads, “He was determined.” The NIV says, “Jesus resolutely set out.” The NET is similar: “Jesus set out resolutely.”

    1. What understanding of Jesus’ attitudes or feelings do these words give you in the light of what He knew awaited Him in Jerusalem?

    2. Jesus faced rejection all along this journey. What reason is given for the Samaritan’s attitude toward Jesus’ visit (v53)?


    3. How did James and John react to the Samaritans? What did this reveal about their hearts?

  • Diamonds in the Word: Read 2 Kings 1. Why might James and John have seen their situation with the Samaritans as similar to this one faced by Elijah?

Read Luke 9:57-62. The Precious Word from God is from this passage.

    4. Considering Jesus’ responses to the three men who said they wanted to follow Him, what was He teaching about being His disciple?

    5. Compare the attitudes of these three men to Jesus’ attitude in 9:51.

    6.Sharing question: If someone were to look at the way you spend your time and your money, what priorities would they assign to your life? Why?

    7.Responding to God: Confess the ways that you are like these three men. Recommit to follow Jesus and all that means, setting out resolutely as He did to what awaited Him.

Day Two Study

Read Luke 10:1-16.

    8. What did Jesus say that explained the seriousness of rejecting His messengers?

    9. We are all called to be workers in the harvest, and the Bible gives us much instruction for that role. Consider what instructions for the workers are given in these few verses:

      a. Matt. 28:18-20

      b. Phil. 2:14-15

      c. 1 Peter 4:11

      d. 1 Peter 3:1-4

    10.Sharing question: How are you doing with Jesus’ specific instructions to you as a worker in the harvest? Have you “put your hand to the plow” in reality? Why or why not?

  • Diamonds in the Word: Spend some time thinking through other verses with which you are familiar, verses that give you instructions as to how to live before others so that you draw them to Jesus. Write down those that come to your mind. How are you doing with them?

Read Luke 10:17-24.

    11. How were the disciples blessed more than prophets and kings? Explain Jesus’ words.

    12.Sharing question: What advantages do you have in the United States and in your specific life situation that may bring you a stricter judgment than believers elsewhere?

    13.Responding to God: Ask God to show you how to use those advantages for His glory. Listen for His voice and write down what He says to you. Resolutely set out to do what He tells you, rather than turn back from the work.

Day Three Study

Most of you will already be familiar with Jesus’ parable.

Read Luke 10:25-37.

    14. Describe the conversation that led to the parable.

The Jews of that day would have considered the Samaritan a traitor or at least a “bad guy”, but Jesus made him the hero of the story.

    15. Contrast the attitudes of the lawyer (vv. 25-29) and the Samaritan.

    16. Parables are stories with one main teaching. Write a one sentence statement of Jesus’ point in this story.

  • Diamonds in the Word: Use your biblical reference material to look up parables. What are they? What is their purpose? How are they to be interpreted? What insights do you receive that help you better understand this particular parable?

    17. According to these verses how did Jesus model loving a neighbor?

      a. Rom. 5:6-8

      b. Phil. 2:5-8

      c. 1 Peter 2:21-25

    18.Sharing question: Who is the one person or type of person who is most difficult for you to treat as your neighbor? Why? If you were the Samaritan and that person were the injured party, how would you have felt and what would you have done? (Be honest!)

    19.Responding to God: Ask God to show you one specific way to love this person as yourself. Write down what you will do in the first person (I will . . .). Set out resolutely to do it! Be prepared to share your answer with your group.

Day Four Study

The story of Mary and Martha is another golden nugget about women in this gospel. I so appreciate Luke’s giving us a better perspective of Jesus’ relationship with women! You may have heard and read this story to the point of annoyance. As you read it again, try to picture yourself right there in Martha’s house.

Read Luke 10:38-42.

    20. Contrast Mary and Martha’s priorities.

  • Diamonds in the Word: Read in your Bible notes or commentaries to learn more about women’s situations in that era.

    21. Did Jesus devalue Martha’s service? Explain your answer.

    22.Sharing question: In what ways are you serving Jesus? Why are you serving in those specific ways? For recognition? From guilt? Out of obedience? For its joy? Other motivations or combinations?

    23.Sharing question: Make a list of the things in your life that distract you from time with God.

    24.Responding to God: Pray over the list you made, writing down your thoughts about changes you need to make. Then, resolutely set out to do them, just as Jesus did. If you desire, write it as your weekly prayer request.

Day Five Study

Read Luke 11:1-13.

Not only does Luke emphasize women in his gospel, but he also emphasizes prayer. We cannot truly come home to Jesus if we don’t take part in the hard work of prayer. The particular prayer Jesus prayed in this passage is usually called The Lord’s Prayer, but a more appropriate name may be The Disciple’s Prayer.2

    25. In light of Jesus’ purpose in giving the prayer, why may that be a more appropriate name? What was Jesus doing when the disciple approached Him?

Many times we learn to pray with a pattern. We may pray in the order of ACTS (adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication). Personally I like the PRAY pattern (praise, repent, ask, yield).

    26. Do you see any pattern in Jesus’ prayer in topics and/or order? What insights do you have into prayer from this model prayer?

    27. What lessons on prayer did Jesus teach in vv. 5-10?

    28. Compare James 1:17 with Luke 11:11-13. When God answers “no” to our prayers, what may the reason be according to these verses?

  • Diamonds in the Word: Compare Matt. 6:5-15 with this passage in Luke. What additional lessons on prayer do you learn from Matthew?

    29.Sharing question: What prayer request have you been praying persistently for the longest period of time? What has been difficult about continuing to pray?

    30.Responding to God: Pray for the grace to set out resolutely to work hard in prayer for the things that you know are His will and His good gifts. Pray for the wisdom to know the difference.

Tina’s Story

The summer of 2001 was full of life changing events. I married John, my friend of almost seven years, moved to Dallas for the first time, got a new corporate job, and sent my new husband off to medical school. Things seemed so hopeful and wonderful for us both and I do not hesitate to say that my whole life was wrapped up in John. I had been very faithful to my relationship with God in college and was very involved with my church there as a leader. But at some point during our wedding, I unconsciously (and incorrectly) decided to make John “lord of my life.” Nothing could have been more crushing, as I would soon find out. Medical school proved to be far more challenging and time consuming than either of us ever expected, and because he is human and fallible, John was not always there for me. I felt so alone in this new, huge city, with no really good friends and no church home. I made many mistakes trying to deal with this, but I finally realized that the root of my troubles lied in my priorities, and where I had put my faith. I kept trying to lean on John and when he wasn’t there for me, I turned to worse and worse alternatives. If I had only leaned on God and trusted in Him, I know He would have been there for me in every way. God never lets us down, even if things are in His timing, He is ALWAYS there for us. But we have to rely on Him, put Him first, and seek Him. Fortunately, even when we don’t, He comes after us. During the summer of 2002 I forced myself to go to the Women’s Bible study at my church. Not only did God wrap His arms around me, but He put godly women in my life that are still in my study today. It’s still a daily, conscious struggle to put God first, but I have felt the consequences in my life and relationships when I don’t. There is no doubt in my mind that putting God first in my life increases both my joy in happy times and my strength during difficult times.

1 Bock, 179.

2 NET Bible Note 29, p. 1836.

From the series:

Related Topics: Curriculum, Discipleship, Prayer, Spiritual Life

From the series:

Lesson 6: Give it Up and Come Home (Luke 11:14-13:35)

A Precious Word from God

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Jesus in Luke 12:34 (NET)


It feels like every lesson hits me right in the face and I land on the floor! Over and over Jesus tells us that coming home to Him involves changing a lot of our attitudes and actions. He calls us to give Him more than we have ever given Him before. He calls us to come home with our whole hearts.

A Precious Word from God

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Jesus in Luke 12:34 (NET)


It feels like every lesson hits me right in the face and I land on the floor! Over and over Jesus tells us that coming home to Him involves changing a lot of our attitudes and actions. He calls us to give Him more than we have ever given Him before. He calls us to come home with our whole hearts.

This week our study deals with a lot of subjects. We cannot cover it all in detail but will have to focus on certain verses. If you have time, you might look at the Diamonds in the Word optional study questions to give you more insight into those passages.

Day One Study

Read Luke 11:14-32.

    1. What were the various responses to Jesus’ casting out the demon (11:14-16)?

    2. How did Jesus argue the absurdity of the accusation in 11:15? Explain His logic in your own words.

    3. According to 11:16 a group tested Jesus. How did Jesus rebuke them later in the passage? What is ironic, given what Jesus just did? What does it reveal about them?

  • Diamonds in the Word: Read the notes in your Bible or commentary concerning the illustration Jesus gave in 11:21-26. Explain them in your own words.

Jesus was hard on those who looked for signs because they did not believe what they had already seen. He was the only sign they needed.

    4.Sharing Question: Have you ever been guilty of asking for signs before you were willing to risk belief? In what situation right now are you afraid to step out in faith unless you see the “sign” first? It may be things such as a career path, a step forward in a dating relationship, witnessing to a co-worker, or risking vulnerability in your small group.

    5. Compare Luke 11:27-28 with Luke 8:19-21. What truth did Jesus continue to emphasize? Why might He have done this?

    6.Responding to God: Consider your answers to #4 and #5. What response do you need to make to Jesus’ teaching? Write down your prayer.

Day Two Study

Read Luke 11:33-54.

Jesus’ illustration in 11:33-36 pictured the attitude of the Pharisees that we see revealed in the remainder of this passage.

    7. How did this illustration set the stage for Jesus’ words to the Pharisees in 11:37-54?

    8. Go back through the passage and list the various attitudes and actions of the Pharisees and lawyers (experts in the law) that Jesus denounces.

The Pharisees had a choice at this point—to open their hearts and come home to God or to refuse to hear God’s word and repent. They chose the latter.

    9. How did their choice affect their interaction with Jesus (11:53-54)?

  • Diamonds in the Word: Go to your Bible resources such as a Bible dictionary, a Bible encyclopedia, or a commentary and find out more about the Pharisees and scribes.

Read Luke 12:1-12.

    10. In light of the Pharisees’ power and influence in the land and their obvious distaste for Jesus, how did Jesus both warn and encourage the disciples?

    11.Sharing question: What did Jesus say here that encourages you as you face a specific fear?

    12.Responding to God: Write a prayer or poem of thanksgiving to God for the truths and promises in His Word.

Day Three Study

Today’s lesson involves a lot of verses, but persevere because tomorrow you will cover only seventeen verses! It all averages out.

Read 12:13-34. Memorize the Precious Word from God this week, and meditate upon its meaning for you personally.

    13. We live in a highly materialistic society. Summarize the major principles Jesus taught about material goods in these verses.

    14.Sharing question: Go to your closet and consider what is there. How does it reveal where you are really at home, in this world or in heaven?

Read Luke 12:35-59.

    15. How do these verses relate to Jesus’ teaching on treasure?

    16.Sharing question: When Jesus returns, we will stand before Him and account for our lives, not to pay for our sins but to gain reward. Share with your group how much this truth affects you as you live daily. Using the illustrations of the parables, which kind of slave/servant are you?

  • Diamonds in the Word: Explain the relationship of 12:49-59 to this section or do further study of the bema seat judgment in 2 Cor. 5:9-10.

    17.Sharing question: Review Jesus’ words in 12:30-34. Ask God to show you what you need to do with some of your “stuff” in order to come home with your full heart. Be specific.

    18.Responding to God: Ask God to help you keep your eyes on the eternal rather than today’s circumstances or the things that this world considers to be “needs”.

Day Four Study

Read Luke 13:1-9.

    19. How did the Galileans’ words reflect their beliefs about God as Judge (review Luke 12:57-59)? What was wrong with their perspective, according to Jesus?

    20. How does the parable in Luke 13:6-9 relate to what Jesus said in 13:2-5? What was His main point in this parable?

  • Diamonds in the Word: How would you explain the suffering in this world to someone who has just encountered tragedy? You are free to read on this subject. Use Scripture, even if you would not use it with the person.

Read Luke 13:10-17.

    21. Contrast the responses of the synagogue official, the crowds, and Jesus’ adversaries to all that happened in the synagogue.


    22.Sharing question: What kinds of legalistic attitudes have you encountered from believers? Share any attitudes of your own that reflect more concern with rules than with people.

    23. How would you have felt, if you were this woman at these points in the story:

  • Before the healing
  • After being healed
  • Upon hearing the criticisms of the official
  • After Jesus responded

    24.Sharing question: Relate the story of a time when either you spoke up for “justice” or someone spoke up for you when you faced injustice.

    25.Responding to God: Write a prayer asking God to give you Jesus’ courage in facing the suffering and injustice of others. What do you have to give up in order to stand up for the rights of others? Is there any present situation in which you need to act?

Day Five Study

Read Luke 13:18-30.

  • Diamonds in the Word: Read the notes in your study Bible or commentary concerning the two parables in 13:18-20. How do they picture God’s kingdom?

Jesus never answered the man’s question of 13:23. Rather than talk about the few or the many, Jesus made the man focus on himself.

    26. What did Jesus want this man to consider about himself (13:24-30)?

    27. What relationship do you see between Jesus’ words about the door in 13:24-25 and His teaching in 13:1-9?

    28.Sharing question: It is so easy to turn our attention from our own relationship with God to others. We hear a sermon and think about a friend or co-worker who needs to hear it. We study for our weekly lesson in Luke and wish a family member could be there to hear the discussion. Have you been guilty of failing to let God speak to you during this course by concerning yourself with others? Confess your attitude to your group. You may want to write down a prayer request for the week asking for your heart to be open to hear God’s personal message for you so that you come home to Him.

Read Luke 13:31-35.

    29. What surprises you from a human perspective about Jesus’ attitude toward Jerusalem?

    30.Sharing question: Do you grieve over those who will perish because they refuse to hear God’s word? What about those who are the enemies of Christ, who harm God’s servants? Think of a person or group in this category—perhaps those in the bondage of Islam who hate Christians; perhaps Americans who fight for restrictions of our religious liberty. What did Jesus say about your attitude toward them in Luke 6:27-36?

    31.Responding to God: Write a prayer for those you mentioned in the previous question. What attitudes do you have to give up to pray for them?

This woman literally came home by giving up her security and trusting God. She chose to invest in her family rather than in financial security. Consider in what sense you will come home when you trust God in a specific situation.

Kay’s H’s Story

Kevin and I had always planned on my staying home once we had children. However, when the time came and Emily was born, it was more difficult than I had expected to leave a career I had worked so hard at for over 10 1/2 years. We had prayed, and planned, and sought advice from godly couples, and we believed we knew what God wanted us to do. However, giving up half our income while at the same time adding all the expenses of a new baby made me nervous. In the end, we decided just to trust God to provide for our needs, convinced of the importance of my investing time and energy in our child (and eventually children). The difficult thing to give up was not so much the money or the material things, though we have had to make different choices on spending than we would have if I had continued working. Really, it was much more difficult to give up the sense of control over our financial security and to trust God to take care of us.

We (mostly I) wrestled with this decision to leave work for several weeks after Emily was born. When I finally yielded completely to God, and with Kevin's encouragement, I went to the office one last time to tell my boss what we had decided. It also happens that he was Kevin's boss, too, and he was not surprised by our decision. In fact, he was very kind and wholeheartedly supported us. My resignation would take effect as soon as my maternity leave ended. But what came next is what really caused our faith and dependence in the Lord to deepen. About a week after I announced my decision to resign, I got a phone call from the project staffing administrator. He said the company was planning a "reduction in force" and, knowing that I had already planned to resign, he asked if I would like to volunteer for the lay-off. He explained the pros (several additional months of pay and benefits) and cons (there weren't any, since I was planning to leave anyway), and I told him Kevin and I would discuss it and get back to him. As Kevin and I talked later that day, we both realized that this was God's way of affirming our decision to trust Him with our finances and needs. It was like a huge sign saying, "I'll take care of it." And, through everything, He has.

Sometimes I get frustrated that we don't have the financial freedom two incomes would afford us, or the sense of security having both of us employed during such uncertain times might provide. But then I remember God's confirmation 6 1/2 years ago that investing in our children's eternal lives on a day-to-day basis is much more important right now than the material things we've given up, and I'm encouraged to keep trusting Him to provide.

From the series:

Related Topics: Curriculum, Discipleship, Gospels, Kingdom, Rewards, Spiritual Life, Suffering, Trials, Persecution

From the series:

Lesson 7: Be Faithful and Come Home (Luke 14:1-16:31)

Related Media

Download Word DocumentClick here to download the student handout for this lesson.

Download Word DocumentClick here to download the manuscript for this lesson.

Download Power PointClick here to download the PowerPoint for this lesson.

A Word from Kay Daigle on how to use the resources for this studyI want to encourage you to complete the personal lesson below before you click on any of the accompanying elements that may be found with this lesson (audio lecture, manuscript, PowerPoint, or handout). This study was written to help you maximize your personal spiritual growth. That means that you first spend time with God through His word, and then hopefully, discuss what you learned with a small group of women. After that, if you want to hear the audio (or read the manuscript) and follow the PowerPoint, filling in the handout, then that is a great time to do it! I cannot cover all the verses in depth, but you can read and study them for yourself. It is best for you to think through the passages before hearing what anyone else thinks, even me! You will find some lessons without lectures. At our church we use some of those weeks to spend extra time in our small groups sharing life stories, having a longer prayer time, or expressing how God is working in our lives.


A Precious Word from God

“The one who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and the one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much. If then you haven’t been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will entrust you with the true riches?”

Jesus in Luke 16:10-11 (NET)


As I have worked with believers through the years, I have found faithfulness to be in short supply. Many women volunteer and then fail to follow through with their responsibilities. Sometimes they even back out of promises they have made. Some women seek positions of authority; yet, they have failed to be faithful in lesser jobs.

As you study this lesson, ask God to reveal your résumé of faithfulness to you.

Day One Study

Read Luke 14:1-14.

Again, Jesus healed on a Sabbath, but this time He took the initiative rather than waiting for criticism.

    1. Describe what happened.

    2. What is Jesus’ point in the parable of 14:7-11? How does it apply to us in the church today?

    3. What motivated the host according to 14:12? What would he have received if he had invited those who could not reciprocate?

    4.Sharing question: Write down what you give others and what you do for them. Are you motivated by getting something back, perhaps friendship, praise, promotion or invitations? Ask God to reveal your true motives and admit them to your group.

Read Luke 14:15-24.

The comment of the guest in 14:15 elicits Jesus’ parable. The Net Bible helps us understand the cultural significance of the parable.1

To make excuses and cancel at this point was an insult in the culture of the time. Regardless of customs concerning responses to invitations, refusal at this point was rude.

    NET Bible

    5. What unspoken misunderstanding about those who will participate in God’s kingdom did Jesus correct through this story? What did lack of faithfulness reveal about the first group?

  • Diamonds in the Word: Compare Romans 11:13-36 to this parable in Luke.

    6.Responding to God: Write a prayer asking God to give you His heart for those on the fringes of society.

Day Two Study

Read Luke 14:25-35.

    7. What did Jesus teach the multitudes about allegiance to Him?

Dr. Bock explains the idea of hate:2

“Hate” is used figuratively and suggests a priority of relationship. Jesus is first.

    Dr. Darrell Bock in Luke

  • Diamonds in the Word: What stories of God’s people reveal this kind of allegiance? It may be a story from the Bible or one from the present day. How could you use it to illustrate Jesus’ principle of allegiance to Him?

    8.Sharing question: Before God, consider your call as Jesus’ disciple. Think through your own relationships and possessions. Where is your allegiance in truth? You might write a prayer request to share with your group based on what God reveals to you about this.

    9. What was Jesus’ point in the parables of the tower and the battle? How does it relate to allegiance to Him?

    10. How does the illustration of the salt relate to this context?

    11.Sharing question: What possible costs in your life may come with total allegiance to Jesus? Be specific.

    12.Responding to God: Write a prayer or poem asking God for the grace you need to truly live with Jesus as your first allegiance.

Day Three Study

Jesus told three stories but so related them that Luke calls them “this parable”, as if it were one story (15:3).

  • Diamonds in the Word: Find a source that lists all of the parables of Jesus. Which of those we have studied are unique to Luke and which are retold in other gospels? How do these particular ones relate to Luke’s purpose in writing (1:1-4)?

Read Luke 15:1-32.

    13. What precipitated the telling of these stories (15:1-2)?

    14. What is Jesus’ central teaching common to all three of these stories?

    15. How do these stories rebuke the Pharisees and their complaints against Jesus?

    16. The third story is often referred to as the parable of the “Prodigal Son.” Evaluate Jesus’ points in this parable. Where is His emphasis—on the second son or somewhere else? If the title reflects the main story, what would you name it? Why?

    17.Sharing question: Compare what happened to the younger son to your own story of salvation through God’s grace that reached out to you as a sinner and of your coming home in response.

    18.Responding to God: Write a prayer or poem of thanks to God for His mercies in forgiving you and in protecting you at times from the consequences you deserve. Thank Him for loving you so much that you drew you home with His love.

Day Four Study

Read Luke 16:1-15.

Dr. Bock comments:3

This parable is probably the most difficult in Luke. Its point is clear enough—be generous and responsible with your resources—but how it makes the point is much discussed.

    Darrell Bock in Luke

It is likely that the parable itself ends after the first part of v. 8, followed by Jesus’ comments.4

    19. What did Jesus commend about the manager or steward in the story?

    20. Explain Jesus’ lesson about using money in 16:9.

  • Diamonds in the Word: Read two or more commentaries or notes in study Bibles about this parable. What insights do you gain?

    21. What does financial faithfulness reveal about us (vv. 10-15)?

    22.Sharing question: Read these verses and write down other areas where you are entrusted by God as a manager or steward. Evaluate your faithfulness in each area:

      a. 1 Peter 4:10-11

      b. 1 Cor. 4:1-5

The following verses relate to specific groups of people, elders or apostles; yet, we can learn lessons about stewardship from them. Write down your insights from each Scripture and again, evaluate your faithfulness:

      c. Titus 1:7

      d. 1 Cor. 9:16-17

Read Luke 16:16-18.

The last part of v. 16 is apparently difficult to translate. Dr. Bock makes this comment:5

Most versions read everyone is forcing his way into it (NIV; NRSV has the variation “everyone tries to enter it by force”), but such as statement is manifestly not true. Everyone is not in a rush to enter in; many choose to reject the kingdom utterly. The key here is the Greek term biazo, which means “to apply force.” But the voice of the verb is ambiguous in Greek. . . I would argue . . . that Jesus is speaking of the persuasion applied to all through preaching. . . The preaching of the good news offers the opportunity to enter into kingdom benefits. Through this message all are urged to enter in. The time of fulfillment has come, and all are asked to share in its blessing. But to do so one must hear Jesus, not scoff at his authority.

    Darrell Bock in Luke

    23. Jesus’ comments in these verses seem disconnected to what He just said about financial faithfulness. Meditate upon the relationship between the two, and write down your insights.

    24.Responding to God: Ask God to show you where you have fallen short in faithfulness and repent of those actions. Pray for the grace to become a woman who is faithful to her word in every area of life, both large and small.

Day Five Study

Read Luke 16:19-31.

    25. Contrast Lazarus and the rich man.

    26.Sharing question: Consider your lifestyle and your concern for the poor. How are you like the rich man? What are you doing to reach out to the poor?

    27. What were the rich man’s two requests of Abraham? What did he hope to accomplish?

    28. How is the answer to the second request significant?

  • Diamonds in the Word: Again, read what your commentary or study Bible says about this story. What do you learn?

    29. How does this story relate to all Jesus has said from 14:7 on?

    30.Responding to God: Write a prayer asking God for wisdom as you consider how you are to reach out to the poor around you. Write down the thoughts that He gives you. What should you do about those who beg at the street corners, etc.?

Dakan shares her story of how God gave her more and more ministry opportunities when she proved faithful in the small things.

Dakan’s Story

When our family relocated to California in 1994 I believed in my head that God had great things for us, but my heart was aching from being taken away from family and “home”. We began attending a small church. I volunteered to assist the teacher of the 6th grade girls Sunday school class only to get to know the girls my daughter would be attending school with. My reasons were selfish for stepping forward. One month into the class the lead teacher became ill and could not return to teach, therefore I had become the lead teacher – not what I had signed up for! However God blessed me with those young girls and that experience. Months later the director of MOPS, Donna, asked me to speak at one of their meetings of 100 women, I laughed out loud – “Are you kidding,” I said, “I am just now comfortable speaking to these 6th graders!” I declined, but driving home I thought maybe I should pull something together just in case she was persistent. I began to write out my testimony, finished it and put it away. More months passed and I was so relieved that Donna hadn’t mentioned MOPS again. Then one night she called to ask if I would consider being the TITUS woman for MOPS and without hesitation, I said yes. At that very moment I asked myself where that came from, only months earlier I had declined to speak to the women as a one time event, and now I was committing to speak twice a month for 8 months.

I did not see it then but it is so clear to me now that all along the way the Lord was preparing me; knocking off more rough edges and refining me along the way in order to glorify Him. He was asking me to step out, trust what He could do with me and allow me to see the need I had for Him. In spite of my initial selfish motive, God demonstrated His love for me, His desire for my personal growth and the joy I received from following Him on a deeper level.

1 NET Bible Note 10, p. 1851.

2 Bock, 254.

3 Bock, 262.

4 NET Bible Note 37, p. 1855-1856.

5 Bock, 268-269.

From the series:

Related Topics: Curriculum, Discipleship, Forgiveness, Gospels, Grace, Love, Spiritual Life

From the series:

Lesson 8: Come Home; Jesus is Looking for You (Luke 17:1-19:27)

A Precious Word from God

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”

Jesus in Luke 19:10 (NET)

A Precious Word from God

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”

Jesus in Luke 19:10 (NET)


Jesus was on a mission when He became a man; he had the Father’s work to do. If we are to come home to Him, we must come in humility trusting that He must seek and save us for we are incapable of doing it ourselves. Consider what a sacrifice it was for Him to leave the grandeur of heaven, where everything praised Him, to come to earth to be ridiculed and rejected by those He came to save.

Day One Study

Read Luke 17:1-6.

These verses contain some instructions for Christ-followers; we have responsibilities toward one another as part of the family of faith. Jesus emphasizes His words by saying, “Watch yourselves” (NET & NIV), or “Be on your guard” (NASB).

    1. What makes these particular instructions so important that He would use these words?

    2. How do these instructions relate to one another?

Sometimes understanding something about nature is helpful in understanding the Bible, as we see from this comment in the NET Bible.1

A black mulberry tree is a deciduous fruit tree that grows about 20 ft (6 m) tall and has black juicy berries. This tree has an extensive root system, so to pull it up would be a major operation.

NET Bible

    3.Sharing question: Apparently, the disciples needed more faith to live this way. In what area of life do you need more faith if you are to live as Jesus desires you to live? Why?

Read Luke 17:7-10.

    4. Write a sentence explaining the point of this parable and how it applies to you personally.

Read Luke 17:11-19.

Again, Luke reminds us that these events all took place during the Jerusalem journey.

    5. Describe the Samaritan leper’s worship.

  • Diamonds in the Word: Use your concordance to find all the instances where Jesus healed lepers. Compare His methods. Write down your thoughts and comments. Study the laws on leprosy in the Old Testament. What strikes you as important about Jesus’ healing of the lepers?

    6.Responding to God: Spend your remaining time with God, simply thanking Him for all His blessings. List as many as you can.

Day Two Study

Read Luke 17:20-21.

The NET Bible and the NASB read, “The kingdom of God is in your midst,” while the NIV says, “within you.” This explanation in the NET Bible helps explain the meaning.2

[In your midst] is a far better translation than “in you.” Jesus would never tell the hostile Pharisees that the kingdom was inside them. The reference is to Jesus present in their midst. He brings the kingdom. Another possible translation would be “in your grasp.”

    Note #27 in NET Bible p. 1859

I find that there are times when I look around at the world trying to find God at work, to see signs of His kingdom program. Yet, often it is in His daily presence, His handiwork in my heart where I best see His reign advancing. He is preparing me to be part of His kingdom by making me a woman whose heart belongs to the King.

    7.Sharing question: How has God revealed Himself to you this past week? How have you seen His kingdom in the midst of your daily life?

Read Luke 17:22-37.

Jesus’ reference to the days of the Son of Man may be confusing, but the NET Bible explains:3

This is a reference to the days of the full manifestation of Jesus’ power in a fully established kingdom.

    NET Bible

    8. What apparent misunderstanding about those days does Jesus correct in 17:23-24?

  • Diamonds in the Word: This is Jesus’ fifth prediction of His passion recorded in Luke. Go back and find the other references and note their contexts.

    9. How were the days of Noah and Lot like the coming days of the Son of Man?

The time will come when judgment falls upon the earth. It may be a difficult concept for us to grasp. Yet, deep in our souls we long for justice as we look around at the evil and injustice that permeate our world. Peter describes the coming Day of Judgment in his second letter.

Read 2 Peter 3:7-13.

    10. What do you learn from these verses about God’s heart toward those facing judgment?

    11. Rather than judgment, believers anticipate the fulfillment of God’s promises. What awaits us according to 2 Peter 3:13?

    12.Responding to God: Pray for those you know who need to come to faith, those whom God seeks to come home.

Day Three Study

Read Luke 18:1-8.

    13. Luke explains the point of the parable himself. What is it (v.1)?

    14.Sharing question: How does this parable encourage you with a specific prayer need that you have right now?

Read Luke 18:9-14.

    15. What quality is essential if we are to come home to Jesus according to this parable? Why must we have it when approaching God?

    16. Too often we believers look down on unbelievers, or less “spiritual” believers, just as this Pharisee did. Sharing question: Do you tend to be proud of some of your behavior? Be honest about the areas of pride in your heart—perhaps your service to God, your prayer life, your church attendance, your success at work, your intelligence, or your abilities.

  • Diamonds in the Word: Use your concordance to find other references to pride. Look up those that seem to relate. Write down any insights that you have.

Read Luke 18:15-17.

    17. Explain how we can receive the kingdom like a child. What is it about a child that we must emulate? How does this relate to the parable of 18:9-14?

Read Luke 18:18-30.

We have read previously of Jesus dealing with money and possessions in His teaching. Review Luke 12:22-34.

    18. Jesus put His finger on the rich man’s sin. In the light of Luke 12:34, how would you describe it?

    19.Responding to God: Come before the Father in confession today. Perhaps you need to be cleansed of pride, of thinking that you are a pretty good person. Maybe you need to confess that your heart is not fully His. Believe that He hears and will forgive (1 John 1:9).

Day Four Study

Read Luke 18:31-34.

    20. List all the things that Jesus predicted would happen to Him in Jerusalem.

This note in the NET Bible was very helpful in explaining why the disciples seem so dense!4

This failure of the Twelve to grasp what Jesus meant probably does not mean that they did not understand linguistically what Jesus said, but that they could not comprehend how this could happen to him, if he was really God’s agent. The saying being hidden probably refers to God’s sovereign timing.

    NET Bible

Read Luke 18:35-43.

    21. How did the blind man reveal humility? What were the results?

Read Luke 19:1-10.

    22. How did Zaccheus show humility?

Our Precious Word from God this week is 19:10, where Jesus states His earthly mission. As we think about coming home to Jesus, we need to remember that He seeks us even before we turn back home.

    23.Sharing question: How have you seen Jesus seek you at a time when you were lost, either as an unbeliever or as a stray sheep?

    24. How does Romans 3:10-18 confirm the need for God to seek the unbeliever first?

  • Diamonds in the Word: Study your commentaries on the Romans passage or your Bible encyclopedia concerning the depravity of man. Explain this concept in your own words.

    25.Responding to God: Write a prayer thanking God that He initiates our relationship; He does not wait for us to look for Him.

Day Five Study

Read Luke 19:11-27.

    26. Again, Luke comments on the reasons Jesus told a parable. Explain his words and how the parable relates to the situation.

    27. With each character in the story below, describe three things: 1. their actions, 2. the nobleman’s reactions to those actions, and 3. what this reveals about their character:


      Slave #1—

      Slave #2—

      Other slave—

    28.Sharing question: If Jesus returned today to claim the earth as His kingdom, how would you explain what you have done with all that He has given you? Have you used it for His glory and the benefit of His kingdom? Share with your group one area where you need to improve—time, money, possessions, giftedness, etc., and one way you can improve in that area.

  • Diamonds in the Word: Somewhere in your study Bible or commentary may be a list of parables that Jesus told. Carefully look over the list. Read those that seem to relate to this parable and write down Jesus’ points.

    29.Responding to God: James 1:5 promises that God will give us wisdom when we ask. Write a prayer asking for wisdom in handling all the blessings that God has given you. Listen for His answer.

Amy’s Story

I grew up in churches where my mom was always the organist and I was given the opportunity to play piano in the main service on a regular basis. I took it for granted and assumed that wherever I went, I would be given the same opportunity. I knew that I had the ability and looked forward to using my skills at Northwest Bible.

When I started attending, I met with and auditioned for all the right people and was told that I would get to play. Month after month went by and I started getting frustrated because I wasn't given the opportunity I expected. (It didn't help that the church pianist was far more talented than me!) I finally "resolved" that I would even play for the children's choir, which to me was settling for less than I deserved. Even then, they still didn't use me! What a blow that was to my ego.

I finally had to say, "Lord, I don't know what you're doing, but you've given me these gifts and I want you to use them where you need me." Shortly thereafter, I was asked to play on a new worship team. Quite honestly, we were awful and I was somewhat embarrassed. But little did I realize the doors that would open because of my obedience to start playing with that worship team.

It was extremely humbling when I was asked to play in the main worship service on Sundays. My attitude was 180 degrees from where it had been when I started attending. I've actually lost some of my technical ability that I had through college so it has really caused me to lean heavily on God to provide the skills to play week after week.

My pride kept me from playing for some time, but God was able to use me once my heart was in the right place. My playing is His gift to use for His glory!

1 NET Bible Note 14, p. 1858.

2 NET Bible Note 27, p. 1859.

3 NET Bible Note 29, p. 1859.

4 NET Bible Note 23, p. 1863.

From the series:

Related Topics: Curriculum, Discipleship, Faith, Gospels, Kingdom, Spiritual Life

From the series:

Lesson 9: Come Home to Your King (Luke 19:28-21:38)

Related Media

Download Word DocumentClick here to download the student handout for this lesson.

Download Word DocumentClick here to download the manuscript for this lesson.

Download Power PointClick here to download the PowerPoint for this lesson.

A Word from Kay Daigle on how to use the resources for this studyI want to encourage you to complete the personal lesson below before you click on any of the accompanying elements that may be found with this lesson (audio lecture, manuscript, PowerPoint, or handout). This study was written to help you maximize your personal spiritual growth. That means that you first spend time with God through His word, and then hopefully, discuss what you learned with a small group of women. After that, if you want to hear the audio (or read the manuscript) and follow the PowerPoint, filling in the handout, then that is a great time to do it! I cannot cover all the verses in depth, but you can read and study them for yourself. It is best for you to think through the passages before hearing what anyone else thinks, even me! You will find some lessons without lectures. At our church we use some of those weeks to spend extra time in our small groups sharing life stories, having a longer prayer time, or expressing how God is working in our lives.


A Precious Word from God

“Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord.”

Spoken about Jesus in Luke 19:38 (NET)


We have followed Jesus through His Galilean ministry and on the journey to Jerusalem. Finally, He reached the end of the journey where He spent the final days before His death teaching the people who gathered for the Passover Feast. Hear Him as He reached out, seeking them. Watch as many of His own people rejected Him as their King.

Day One Study

Read Luke 19:28-40.

This event must be understood in the light of Jesus’ heritage. Remember that He was the descendant of David, in the line of the Jewish kings. He was the rightful King of the Jews, promised throughout the Old Testament and anticipated as the one to bring them freedom from foreign oppression.

    1. In the light of this background, why was it significant that the crowds called him their king? Memorize the Precious Word from God.

    2. Contrast the response of the disciples in the crowd to that of the Pharisees.

The NET Bible comments on Jesus’ words in Luke 19:40: “I tell you, if they keep silent, the very stones will cry out!”1

This statement amounts to a rebuke. The idiom of creation speaking means that even creation knows what is taking place, yet the Pharisees miss it.

    NET Bible

    3.Sharing question: Have you come home to Jesus as your king? Do you bow the knee and accept His will in your life? Do you see Him as your ruler? How can you measure your allegiance to Him as your King and to His kingdom?

  • Diamonds in the Word: Read in your commentaries concerning this triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Write down your insights about the significance of this event.

Read Luke 19:41-44.

    4. Why did Jesus weep over Jerusalem?

Have you recognized that God visited you in Jesus? Have you seen His work in your life? Have you responded to the fact that He came seeking you? If not, Jesus weeps over you, just as He did over this city. He calls out and asks you to believe in Him by trusting Him to forgive you of all your sins and bring you home to God.

    5.Sharing question: Consider how you may miss God at work right in front of you, just as these Jewish leaders did. Perhaps you believe that He is at work, but you get so busy and involved in your own life that you fail to notice what He is doing around you. Or perhaps you have your own agenda for His work and do not accept anything else as being from Him. Are you really aware of God’s presence and His speaking to you daily? What can you do to become more in tune with the work and the voice of God?

    6.Responding to God: Spend the rest of your time simply listening to what God wants to say to you about your sensitivity to His presence, His voice, and His work in the world.

Day Two Study

Read Luke 19:45-48.

    7. Why did Jesus drive out those selling in the temple?

  • Diamonds in the Word: Do some research into the buying and selling going on in the temple. Use commentaries, study Bibles, Bible encyclopedias, etc.

    8. In light of Jesus’ comments, what problems do you see with making it convenient to buy the animals and other items needed for sacrifices?

    9. Can you think of any way that we may detract from worship in our churches today, as those buying and selling in the temple did then?


    10. Luke 19:47-48 describes this final week in Jesus’ life in a general way. Contrast what was going on with the people with what the leaders were doing.

Dr. Bock helps us understand the significance of the cleansing of the temple at this point in the story:2

The connection between Jesus ‘entry and his first public act in the temple should not be ignored. The linkage makes Jesus’ act one of messianic and prophetic authority. . . A prophet who also saw himself as a king had to be stopped, especially if he was going to impose himself on the nation’s worship.

    Darrell Bock in Luke

    11.Sharing question: As believers, our bodies are God’s temple today, under His authority rather than our own (1 Cor. 6:19-20). In what ways do you fail to use your body for God’s glory—failure to eat properly, failure to exercise, sex outside of marriage, looking at things you should not see, etc.? Commit to one change that you will make today to drive this out of your life.

    12.Responding to God: Write a prayer committing this to God.

Day Three Study

Read Luke 20:1-8.

    13. How did the Jewish leaders confront Jesus?

    14. What did their answer and their reasoning reveal about them?

Read Luke 20:9-19.

This story is likely an allegory rather than a parable because of the great number of points that correspond with reality.3

  • Diamonds in the Word: Go through the allegory writing down each point in the story and then relating them to reality. Explain why this is an allegory rather than a parable.

    15. Explain Jesus’ allegory. How was it directed against the leaders?

Read Luke 20:20-26.

    16. How did Jesus avoid the trickery of the leaders?

    17.Sharing question: Jesus outsmarted the smartest of the nation’s leaders over and over. His words reveal His great wisdom. In what area do you need Him to give you wisdom today? Why?

    18.Responding to God: Write a prayer expressing your desire to avoid the kind of unbelief that these leaders showed throughout Jesus’ ministry.

Day Four Study

Read Luke 20:27-40.

The Sadducees did not believe in either the resurrection or in angels.4

  • Diamonds in the Word: Use your resource materials to learn more about the Sadducees and their beliefs.

    19. How did Jesus’ reply suggest that they were wrong in all these beliefs?

Read Luke 20:41-44.

Jesus turned the tables on the leaders who kept trying to trick Him with their questions by asking them a question. David’s descendants were in the line of the kings and the expected Messiah; even these leaders believed that Messiah would come from the Davidic line.

    20. Read Psalm 110 from which this quote comes. What did David tell us about the Messiah?

    21. Read Acts 2:22-39 and Luke 22:69. How would you answer Jesus’ question to the Sadducees?

Read Luke 20:45-21:4.

    22. Contrast the attitudes that Jesus condemned in the leaders and the attitude He commended in the widow.

    23.Sharing question: Something in us loves attention, popularity, and success; thus, these desires motivate our actions. Think of one action you have taken in order to achieve personal honor and share it with your group. If you are unsure, think of a time when no one noticed something you did and you were upset at being overlooked.

    24.Responding to God: Confess the sin of seeking personal honor to God. Ask Him for the grace to recognize this in yourself when it surfaces.

Day Five Study

Today’s lesson is full of Jesus’ teaching about the future. Someday we may cover Jesus’ prophecies in detail; however, today all we can do is look at some of His main points. In order to better understand them, you may find Dr. Bock’s comments helpful:5

Jesus’ eschatological discourse links together two such events, the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 and the events of the end signaling his return to earth. Because the events are patterned after one another and mirror one another, some of Jesus’ language applies to both. . . Luke clearly shows how the destruction of A.D. 70 is distinct from but related to the end. The two events should not be confused, but Jerusalem’s destruction, when it comes, will guarantee as well as picture the end, since an event mirrors the other. Both are a part of God’s plan as events move toward the end.

    Darrell Bock in Luke

Read Luke 21:5-28.

    25. List some of the main events predicted in the discourse. Consider each one and whether it seems to relate to the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 or the time of Jesus’ return. Write down your understanding of each.

    26. What questions do you have about these events? Sometimes I find it helpful to write down my confusion so that I can think about it later. There won’t be time in your small group to answer these, but at least you will clearly know what you don’t know.

  • Diamonds in the Word: Compare this discourse with the ones in Matthew 24:1-35 and Mark 13:1-37.


Read Luke 21:29-38.

    27. What attitudes are Christ-followers to have while waiting for the events that have not yet occurred?

    28.Sharing question: What we truly believe affects how we live. How do your actions show that you believe a day of judgment is coming or that you do not really believe it?

    29.Responding to God: Over and over in this lesson we have seen the authority of Jesus, the Messiah and King, revealed. Bow the knee before Him and give Him your allegiance, just as you have seen a knight do before a king. He deserves all of your loyalty. Write down your prayer.

As Jesus cleaned out the temple to restore true worship, there may be areas in our lives that need cleaning out so that God may rule there and we are truly home.

Carri’s Story

A while back, I asked the Lord to show me sin in my life that needed to be “cleaned out,” so that I could grow closer to Him in my walk. He began to convict me of being judgmental and critical of a few people in my life. These people were ones that I had a very hard time dealing with and relating to. We were different in our beliefs and ways of living. I knew that they were in my life for a reason and some would be in my life forever. I really needed to get my heart right about them and I was becoming bitter toward them. It was painful and tiring to hold bitterness toward them and I knew I needed to let it go and give it to the Lord.

I grew up in a Christian home and had very strong “black and white” convictions about things. I felt like everyone should believe the way I did and should stay away from things that I considered sin for my life. I became critical of Christians who did things that I felt were wrong and began to judge them in their faith.

The Lord began to show me that I needed to give these people the kind of grace (undeserved favor) that He has given me through His son, Jesus. I knew I could not do it on my own, because I had tried and I always ended up frustrated with these people and I would fail at showing them grace. So I prayed that the Lord would work through me to clean out this sin in me.

I also turned to His Word for guidance and began to see how merciful and compassionate the Lord is to us even thought we are sinners and don’t deserve it. The scriptures that He gave me that really helped me to see his grace and convict me of my judging others were: Exodus 34:6 “The Lord, The Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.” Also Matthew 7:1-5 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you speak of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay not attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out to your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” These verses really convicted my heart and revealed my sin to me even more.

He also showed me through an evangelism training class that we are called as believers to reach out to the lost and not judge them for the sin in their life. How could I ever bring someone to Christ if I could not get past their sin to show them the love of Jesus? Being critical of them would not be a good witness to them of what a Christian is like. They might say, “If that is what a Christian is like, than forget it!” In Matthew 9:12 Jesus says “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice,’ for I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

I have been justified by His grace and I wanted to give that grace to those people in my life! Over the past few weeks I have learned so much about God’s grace for me and through prayer and reading His word, He is strengthening me to show that grace to these people in my life. I have had such a peace around them and desire to just love them. My feelings and attitude have really changed toward them. I don’t have the bitterness toward them that I use to have. I know that the Lord wanted this sin out of my life and by my obedience to Him he has “cleaned me out “and filled me up with more of Him. I know that there will be challenging times again with these people, but I will lean on the Lord to give me His grace, so that I can pass that grace on to them.

1 NET Bible Note 8, p. 1867.

2 Bock, 317.

3 Bock, 321.

4 Bock, 325.

5 Bock, 333.

From the series:

Related Topics: Curriculum, Gospels, Kingdom, Spiritual Life

From the series:

Lesson 10: Come Home and Believe in Jesus (Luke 22:1-24:53)

Related Media

Download Word DocumentClick here to download the student handout for this lesson.

Download Word DocumentClick here to download the manuscript for this lesson.

Download Power PointClick here to download the PowerPoint for this lesson.

A Word from Kay Daigle on how to use the resources for this studyI want to encourage you to complete the personal lesson below before you click on any of the accompanying elements that may be found with this lesson (audio lecture, manuscript, PowerPoint, or handout). This study was written to help you maximize your personal spiritual growth. That means that you first spend time with God through His word, and then hopefully, discuss what you learned with a small group of women. After that, if you want to hear the audio (or read the manuscript) and follow the PowerPoint, filling in the handout, then that is a great time to do it! I cannot cover all the verses in depth, but you can read and study them for yourself. It is best for you to think through the passages before hearing what anyone else thinks, even me! You will find some lessons without lectures. At our church we use some of those weeks to spend extra time in our small groups sharing life stories, having a longer prayer time, or expressing how God is working in our lives.


A Precious Word from God

“Thus it stands written that the Messiah would suffer and would rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance for the forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.”

Jesus in Luke 24:46-47 (NET)


This is our last week studying the story of Jesus from the gospel of Luke. I pray that God has used it in your life to draw you closer to Him. This week’s lesson covers the crucial section of Luke from the Last Supper through the Resurrection. Several weeks ago we saw that Jesus expressed His mission as coming to seek and to save the lost. On the cross He accomplished the salvation of mankind.

Many of you, like me, probably saw the movie The Passion. As you go through these Scriptures, that experience will give you a visual image of what happened during the last hours of Jesus’ life. Don’t rush through this lesson, but meditate upon Jesus’ death for you and for me. He died that we might live and come home to God forever.

Day One Study

Read Luke 22:1-6.

    1. Why did the chief priests and lawyers need Judas?

Read Luke 22:7-38.

Many of us who have been in church for a long time know this story so well that we read it quickly and miss its significance. Take the time to reread it as if you were there at this final Passover dinner.

  • Diamonds in the Word: Research the Jewish Passover Seder, which was first celebrated in Exodus 12, as the last plague fell on the Egyptians before the Jews departed the land. If you can get information about the actual observance of this meal today, consider how it pictures Jesus. Write down your insights.

The cup and the bread are traditionally pictures of a covenant, the most binding agreement made between parties. A marriage is a covenant, and God’s relationship with His people is based upon covenant. That means that His promises are permanent and binding. Covenant involves oneness in relationship. When we partake of the bread and the cup we acknowledge our unity with Jesus.

    2. Read 1 Cor. 11:20-34. To participate in communion is a serious matter. What was the problem with how they were participating in the Corinthian church? What do you learn from this passage about the seriousness of communion?

    3.Sharing question: How do you make sure that you have the right attitude when you accept the bread and the cup?

    4. Give practical examples of how church leaders fulfill Jesus’ teaching about leadership in Luke 22:24-27 and John 13:12-17.

    5. In what ways did Jesus encourage His followers while at the same time warning them (Luke 22:28-38)?

Dr. G. Campbell Morgan comments on Jesus’ words:1

“Jesus said, ‘It is enough.’ He was not referring to the two swords, but to the conversation. It was an abrupt dismissal. He dismissed the subject, and immediately left the city, and went to Olivet.”

    Dr. G. Campbell Morgan in The Gospel According to Luke

    6.Responding to God: Consider the words of encouragement that you just read. How does God use them to encourage you today? Write your prayer of response to Him.

Day Two Study

Read Luke 22:39-46.

    7. What do you learn on this occasion from Jesus’ example concerning prayer?

  • Diamonds in the Word: Read Heb. 5:7-9, likely a description of Jesus’ time in the Garden of Gethsemane. Read your notes and commentaries and write down your insights on these verses as well as those of Luke 22:40-46.

Read Luke 22:47-62.

    8. Jesus warned the disciples not to fall into temptation in 22:40. What temptations did they fall into just afterward?

    9. What emotions do you suppose Jesus and the disciples felt when He was arrested? Carefully read the passage to support your answer. What did Peter’s emotions lead him to do?

    10.Sharing question: What emotions tend to lead you into temptation—fear, anger, frustration, impatience? What sins in your life sometimes follow those emotions?

    11.Sharing question: In what situations or with what people are you most likely to deny Jesus in some form or fashion? Why?

    12.Responding to God: The example of Jesus’ forgiveness of Peter’s denial is such an encouragement because we all fall short of giving Christ the allegiance He deserves. Write a prayer asking God to give you the grace and strength that you need to give Him your full allegiance, particularly in those situations you mentioned in #10.

Day Three Study

Read Luke 22:63-71.

    13. Of what did the Jewish council of elders accuse Jesus? Who did He claim to be?

  • Diamonds in the Word: Jesus quoted Psalm 110 to the Jewish council at His trial. Study the entire Psalm. Why did this quote upset them so? You are free to read any notes that you have on this passage.

Read Luke 23:1-25.

    14. Compare the accusations brought against Jesus before Pilate with those the Jewish council considered. Why might they be different?

    15. Describe Pilate and Herod’s reactions to Jesus.

    16. Describe the treatment of Jesus throughout the trials from Luke 22:63-23:24.

    17. Read 1 Peter 2:19-25. Jesus is our example of enduring suffering. How does Peter teach us to follow Christ’s example when we suffer mistreatment?

    18.Sharing question: With what person in your life are you most likely to respond poorly when she/ he treats you badly? Perhaps your boss belittles you or embarrasses you. Maybe it is a parent or a sibling whose words or actions really get to you. What specific part of Jesus’ example can you incorporate into your response next time, relying upon the Holy Spirit to help?

    19.Responding to God: Spend time thanking Jesus for enduring suffering and ridicule for you. Thank Him for the great salvation that He bought for you. Write out a prayer or a poem of thanksgiving and praise.

Day Four Study

Read Luke 23:26-31.

    20. Even on His way to the cross, Jesus showed love and concern for the women of Jerusalem. Review Luke 21:20-24. What events did He foresee that caused Him sadness over these women?

Read Luke 23:32-56.

    21. Consider these people that Luke describes who followed Jesus to the cross or attended the crucifixion. Write down their attitudes and reactions toward Jesus and His execution:



      1st criminal—

      2nd criminal—



      Those who knew Jesus—

      Joseph of Arimathea—

      The women who followed Him from Galilee—

Jesus died for every one of these people, whether they loved Him or rejected Him.

    22. Why did Jesus willingly accept death? Read these verses and write down your insights:

      a. Rom. 5:6-10

      b. 1 Peter 1:18-19

      c. Hebrews 10:10-18

      d. Hebrews 12:1-2

    23.Sharing question: What friends, co-workers, or family members of yours have rejected Jesus? Name one practical way that you can show each one His love, the kind of love that dies for those who reject that love, the kind of love that draws us home to Jesus.

  • Diamonds in the Word: Study your resources and read about the temple and the curtain that was torn in two (Luke 23:45). Read Hebrews 8-10 in reference to this. What significance do you see in this act?

    24.Responding to God: Draw a picture of a cross and put yourself before it. (Stick figures are great!) Depict your attitude toward Jesus in where you place yourself and what you are doing in the picture. Some of you are still on the journey to faith and have not yet believed in Him. Others of you are near but not bowed down. Are you home with Him?

Day Five Study

Read Luke 24:1-12.

What an amazing gift these women received for their devotion to Jesus—to be the first to learn of His resurrection and the first to speak forth the good news!

    25. How did the disciples react to the announcement by the women? How was Peter’s reaction different?

Read Luke 24:13-35.

    26. Describe the encounter between Jesus and the two men.

    27. By the time these two reached Jerusalem, there had been another appearance of Jesus. For what reason might Jesus have sought out Peter and appeared to him alone?

Read Luke 24:36-53.

    28. What message was given to Jesus’ followers to share with the nations?

Have you believed in the message of Jesus? Do you believe that He is who He claimed to be—God? Do you need Him to cleanse you of all your sins and bring you home to the Father today and eventually forever? Will you trust in Him alone as your Way home?

  • Diamonds in the Word: Outline the gospel message as you would share it with a friend who wanted to hear about your faith. What verses and illustrations would you use? Use tracts or other outlines with which you are familiar. If you have time, compare some of their differences for strengths and weaknesses.

    29.Sharing question: Read Romans 10:14-17. We are allowed the great privilege of being His messengers. For those of you who have believed in Jesus already, how are you doing in sharing His message? Who in your life needs you to share the truth with her or him?

    30.Sharing question: Share one way that God has changed you as you have studied the story of Jesus in Luke.

    31.Responding to God: Write a prayer thanking God for your great salvation and the dear cost that Jesus paid to give this gift to you.

Just as the women who went to the tomb early that Sunday morning had the privilege of announcing the truth of Jesus’ resurrection, we have the same honor as we share the gospel. Although God does not need us, He chooses to work through ordinary people like you and me. Michelle recounts the way that she reminds herself of this great privilege.

Michelle’s Story

I have a picture on my refrigerator that reminds me of what a privilege it is to share the gospel of Jesus with others. It is a picture of a beautiful sixteen year old Haitian girl. The countenance of her face exhibits the power of the good news. This girl was the only one of small group that we were sharing with in Haiti who prayed to accept Jesus as her Savior. This group had been particularly negative that day. She was the youngest of the group. When the Holy Spirit spoke to her, she was bold enough to step forward and say she believed. On that Sunday she attended to first church service held in Roberts Village. Her sweet face reminds me of the privilege of being a part of the harvest.


Bock, Darrell L. Luke, ed. Grand R. Osborne, The IVP New Testament Commentary Series, vol. 3. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1994.

Morgan, G. Campbell. The Gospel According to Luke. Westwood, NJ: Fleming H. Revell, Co., 1931.

NET Bible: New English Translation, Second Beta Edition. Biblical Studies Press L.L.C.

1 G. Campbell Morgan, The Gospel According to Luke (Westwood, NJ: Fleming H. Revell, Co., 1931), 249.

From the series:

Related Topics: Curriculum, Gospels, Prayer, Resurrection, Spiritual Life

From the series:

Lesson 2: Leave it Behind and Come Home (Luke 4:14-6:11)

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A Word from Kay Daigle on how to use the resources for this studyI want to encourage you to complete the personal lesson below before you click on any of the accompanying elements that may be found with this lesson (audio lecture, manuscript, PowerPoint, or handout). This study was written to help you maximize your personal spiritual growth. That means that you first spend time with God through His word, and then hopefully, discuss what you learned with a small group of women. After that, if you want to hear the audio (or read the manuscript) and follow the PowerPoint, filling in the handout, then that is a great time to do it! I cannot cover all the verses in depth, but you can read and study them for yourself. It is best for you to think through the passages before hearing what anyone else thinks, even me! You will find some lessons without lectures. At our church we use some of those weeks to spend extra time in our small groups sharing life stories, having a longer prayer time, or expressing how God is working in our lives.


A Precious Word from God

“And he got up and followed Him, leaving everything behind.”

Description of Matthew in Luke 5:28 (NET)


When I go home, I have to leave behind the place where I am. Such is God’s call for our lives—come home and leave everything else behind!

As we pick up Jesus’ story we realize that His ministry had begun. His headquarters became the city of Capernaum in the area of Galilee, near His hometown of Nazareth is located. Luke divides his gospel geographically, and this Galilean ministry is covered in Luke 4:14-9:50.

Right from the start, people had differing responses to Jesus’ ministry. Some things never change!

Day One Study

Read Luke 4:14-30.

    1. What was the primary message in Jesus’ sermon in the synagogue in Nazareth?

    2. What was Jesus’ point to these people in using the examples of Elijah and Elisha?

    3. How did the people respond and why? How might you have felt in their place?

  • Diamonds in the Word: Look up the passage in Isaiah from which Jesus read. Explain how Jesus’ ministry fulfilled the various aspects of this prophecy. Jesus did not quote the entire prophecy concerning the Messiah. What did He omit and why might He have chosen to do so?

    4. Review the entire passage, and describe Jesus’ early ministry in Galilee. Contrast the reception He received in His hometown of Nazareth with that elsewhere in the area.

    5.Sharing Question: Describe a time in your life when you responded in anger to God’s message to you. Why did you respond this way?

    6.Responding to God:Are you struggling with God’s message to you in any particular area of life right now? If so, share it with your group and make it your written prayer request this week.

Day Two Study

Read Luke 4:31-41.

    7. What miracles did Jesus perform? What do you learn about Jesus’ power and authority from them?

    8. Compare Jesus’ reception from the people in the synagogue in Capernaum with the response of those in Nazareth (yesterday’s lesson).

    9. What do you learn from these miracles that can help you when you are tempted to fear the power of evil?

  • Diamonds in the Word: Jesus rebuked the demons to silence about His identity. Consider why He may have done this. Read at least two commentaries or notes in study Bibles. Then, write down your thoughts.

Read Luke 4:42-44.

    10. What do you learn about Jesus’ priorities from His response to the crowds?

    11. How does Paul’s statement in Gal. 1:10 compare with Jesus’ response here?

    12.Sharing Question: In what situations do you tend to please people rather than God? How do you discern what God wants you to do when there are other good, positive works that need to be done?


    13.Responding to God: Write a prayer asking God for the wisdom and discernment to help you know the difference in good works and the best work—that which He has planned for you to do.

Day Three Study

Read Luke 5:1-11.

    14. The disciples went out in the water twice to fish. Contrast the two situations, etc. What did the second trip out reveal about Jesus?

    15. What do you learn from Simon Peter here that you can apply to your own relationship with Jesus?

  • Diamonds in the Word: This was not Jesus’ first encounter with Simon Peter. Look in an exhaustive concordance and find accounts of their previous interactions. Write down what you learn.

    16. Compare the interaction between Jesus and Simon with these other situations of encounter with God. Write down the similarities you observe in the responses of these other men to Simon’s:

      a. Isaiah 6:1-8

      b. Eze. 1:22-2:8

      c. Acts 22:1-21.

In all of these situations the encounter with God involved a call to God’s work.

    17. Read these verses and write down some of what God calls us to do in our work for Him:

      a. 1 Peter 1:14-17

      b. 1 Peter 2:4, 5

      c. 1 Peter 2:9-12

    18.Sharing Question: How are you doing at this point in your life with each of these areas of God’s call? Be honest and specific.

    19.Responding to God: Write a prayer or poem of confession and commitment based upon the verses you read in #17. If you prefer, draw a picture representing your response to God’s call.

Day Four Study

Read Luke 5:12-26.

    20. Contrast the situations of the two sick men, including how they got to Jesus.

    21. Why was it significant that Jesus forgave before He healed the second man? What was he claiming for Himself? What did the healing prove?

    22. Compare the role of faith in these two healing situations.

  • Diamonds in the Word: Begin to track various kinds of miracles throughout Jesus’ ministry in Luke beginning in Luke 4:14, the commencement of His ministry. You might list them by type of miracle, i.e., healing, casting out demons, or authority over nature. Note when Jesus healed and what part faith played.

    23. Review Luke 4:42-44; 5:5-16. What do you learn from Jesus’ example concerning busyness?

    24.Sharing Question: In what ways are you, as a friend, similar to the men who carried their friends’ stretcher? What is one specific way that you can be more like them?

    25.Responding to God:Ask God for the grace to become the kind of friend these men were. Write down one specific way you will reach out to a friend in need this week, and share what happens with your group.

Day Five Study

Read Luke 5:27, 28.

This new disciple is called Matthew in Matthew 9:9, 10. The NET Bible gives us insight into his two names.3

Levi is likely a second name for Matthew because people often used alternative names in 1st century Jewish culture.

    NET Bible

We saw Simon Peter, James, and John leave everything and follow Jesus (Luke 5:9-11). Levi, or Matthew, is described as doing the same thing here. (In fact this is your Precious Word from God to memorize this week.)

    26.Sharing Question: If you left everything behind to follow Jesus, what would that look like in your life today? What would have to change—your priorities, relationships, focus, job, etc.?

Read Luke 5:29-39.

The NET Bible gives us greater understanding of what it meant to be a tax collector in that day.4

The tax collectors would bid to collect taxes for the Roman government and then add a surcharge, which they kept. Since tax collectors worked for Rome, they were viewed as traitors to their own people and were not well liked.

    NET Bible

    27. What criticisms did the Pharisees voice about Jesus?

  • Diamonds in the Word: “The marital imagery pictures God’s relationship to His people in the Old Testament and in later Judaism (Is 54:5-6; 62:4-5; Jer 2:2; Ezek 16; Hos 2:14-23.” 5 The New Testament pictures the Messiah as the bridegroom. Read Mt. 22:2; 25:1; Lk. 12:35-36; Eph. 5:22-33. How is the Messiah like a bridegroom?

Read Luke 6:1-11.

    28. How did Jesus anger the Pharisees through both His healings and His defense of His actions?

Throughout this week’s lesson we have seen people respond to Jesus’ message. Some were attracted to him while others grew angry at His actions and His words.

    29. Compare the responses of those you have studied today. What would you say is the fundamental difference?

    30.Sharing question: Have you responded to Jesus as Levi and Peter did? What have you failed to leave behind, that you are holding on to rather than release to Him? Why? How does that keep you from really coming home to Him?

    31.Responding to God: Write a prayer or poem of confession and commitment to God. Ask for the grace to leave everything so that He can use you mightily for His kingdom.

When I read Becky’s story, I really could not believe how well it illustrated this lesson. Until she changed her attitude about leaving, she could not be at home.

Becky’s Story

After over 28 years of living in Austin, we were moving to Dallas. Glenn had been unemployed for six months, and had been offered a good job in Dallas. The timing seemed perfect. All our children were grown, the youngest having just graduated from high school and been accepted at the University of Texas. Our house in Austin was paid for, so we could afford to keep it for Ethan to live in while he was at UT. We joked that he was going to be at home, and his parents were going to come visit on weekends. Maybe we’d bring our laundry.

Dallas beckoned. It was an adventure. Glenn was from Mesquite, and his mother and sister still lived there. There was a great opportunity to get closer to them, especially since Glenn’s sister was suffering from cancer. It seemed clear that Dallas was where God wanted us to be. We moved.

We found a great church right away. We got involved. I joined the women’s Bible study, and both of us joined a Community group. I started going to treatments with Glenn’s sister and mom. Glenn settled in to his job, enjoying the challenge, and the stimulation of a talented group of colleagues.

We went to Austin frequently on weekends. Maybe too frequently. It was good to see family and friends, but we hadn’t been in Dallas long enough for it to feel like home, and Austin was becoming just a place to visit. I felt like I belonged nowhere. I was still sure that God wanted us in Dallas, but my head and my heart were not in the same place. I confessed my feeling to the community group, and they lifted me up in prayer.

As the year wore on, there were more trips to Austin. Our children were having problems. Ethan was struggling with school. Lynn’s marriage was falling apart. She and her husband separated. My older daughter, Lorna, moved back into our house to save money. Her dog died. She had stress at work. It was hard to connect with James because his life was so busy. One weekend as we were returning to Dallas, I saw the city skyline in the distance, and I started crying. Glenn asked me what was wrong. I told him, “I don’t want to be there. I just don’t want to be in Dallas.” But I knew that Dallas was where God wanted me to be. Where He wants me to be. I realized that I was resisting God’s will. I was in Dallas, but I wasn’t here with God. I confessed to Him my feelings and asked for strength to believe that He would take care of my family. I acknowledged that they belong to Him, and He loves them more than I do. Of course, I always knew those things are true, but the head and the heart had to come together.

Last time as we were returning from Austin, I again looked up at the skyline in the distance. But this time, my heart leapt. I was coming home; home to the place God wants me to be.

3 NET Bible Note 3, p. 1811

4 NET Bible Note 9, p. 1802

5 Darrell L. Bock, Luke, ed. Grand R. Osborne, The IVP New Testament Commentary Series, vol. 3 (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1994), 110.

From the series:

Related Topics: Curriculum, Discipleship, Gospels, Sacrifice, Spiritual Life

Coming Home to Jesus: A Study of Luke for Wise Women

Do you long to come home--the place of love, companionship, rest, peace, and security? Perhaps this is the kind of home you can only long for, never having been able to enjoy such a place here on earth. Picture a home where Jesus waits for you. Will you choose to spend time there with Him? Although salvation is a free gift that we can never lose, believers do not always enjoy the blessings of being at home with Jesus on this earth. As you read His story, drink in His presence and enjoy His beauty, the beauty of God Himself. It is possible to come home while we wait to go "home"?! Study along as we go through the book of Luke for the next ten weeks.


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Related Topics: Curriculum, Gospels, Women

17. On Eating Drinking and Being Merry (Luke 5:27-39)


This week, I came across a book entitled The Seven Deadly Virtues.105 The author of the book, Gerald Mann, is a Baptist preacher. Early in his book Mann tells of an experience in a small country Baptist church which kept him from church for a number of years. Mann writes:

The first time I met a Baptist preacher, he asked me about three questions, placed his hand on my shoulder, and said, “Jerry, you’re lost, and that’s all they are to that!”

I started attending church regularly. I didn’t know what “lost” meant, but he said it with such gravity that I was certain I was whatever he said I was.

By the spring of my thirteenth year, the Baptists were “hard in prayer for my soul,” as they frequently informed me. An evangelist was coming to town to lead revival services, and according to them, it could well be my last chance to be saved. Such ominous warnings didn’t frighten me. What little I had had to do with God told me that he was not that kind at all.

However, I attended the revival anyway, because the evangelist was a former teen-age gang-leader who had once tried to stab my older brother. I was curious to hear and see a person who claimed to have been converted from the seamy side of life.

The ex-hoodlum-turned-Bible-thumper was something to behold! He was dressed in white and red—white suit with red cuffs and lapels, red and white shoes. Even his Bible was red and white!

His sermon was a blow-by-blow account of his former life on the “wild side.” Graphically, he portrayed scenes of gang fights, heroin sales, and sexual liaisons with wanton sirens. Considering that the wildest thing in our town was playing dominoes at the pool parlor, one can imagine how captivated we teenagers were. This was genuine Mickey Spillane stuff! And in the flesh! We didn’t miss a word.

Then he told us of how Jesus had reached into the midst of all that muck and plucked him out of it. I am certain he didn’t intend to, but he made it sound as if Jesus had spoiled a rather exciting life! His message had the import of one of those True Confession magazine stories: “I immersed myself in a world of booze and dope and sex. And boy, was it fun! But I tell you my story only to keep you from making the same fun-filled mistakes!”

The story was so gripping that I was sorry he had been converted so soon. I wanted to hear a little more!

Then the evangelist took the microphone and started down the aisle, while the song leader fed out the cord. In a flash, I realized he was heading straight for me. (Later, I learned that someone had “fingered” me as a potential convert.)

He stopped in front of me and said in a booming voice, “Do you want to go to Hell!” The audience was silent. I didn’t know what to do. I was scared and angry and confused. I bolted from the pew, dashed outside, and ran two blocks before I looked back.106

Gerald Mann describes and attitude toward sin and sinners which is very frequently found among Christians, and which is often the pretext for the rejection of the gospel by unbelievers. There is a very common perception that while unbelievers are having their fun now, their time of suffering—and our time of blessing, of course—will come. We therefore find ourselves frequently citing the beer commercial in a critical way. Since you only go around once, you’d better grab all the gusto you can get. The “King James” version of this is: “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.”

When it comes to the matter of eating, drinking, and being merry, it is generally held that the Bible in general, and Jesus, in particular, condemned the thought. If this is your opinion, you are in for a rather distressing study, for the issue of eating, drinking, and being merry is precisely that which the Pharisees raise with Jesus and His disciples. The disturbing fact is that Jesus is the one who is eating, drinking, and being merry, and the Pharisees are miffed because of it. How is it that Jesus can be for eating, drinking, and being merry, when many Christians are against it? Hopefully this “tension in the text” will hold your interest long enough for you to learn some vital lessons from our text.

The Structure of the Text

Our text in Luke has two parallels, one in Matthew 9:9-17 and the other in Mark 2:13-22.107 Luke’s text breaks into these divisions:

(1) Verses 27-28 — Levi’s resignation

(2) Verses 29-32 — Levi’s reception: Look who’s coming to dinner!

(3) Verses 33-39 — Feasting or fasting: Why don’t Jesus’ disciples fast?

The Context of the Text

The public ministry of our Lord has commenced in chapter 4. That ministry “started out with a bang,” with Jesus’ message and miraculous power welcomed, but that did not last long. The first instance of Jesus’ public teaching recorded by Luke (albeit a year into His public ministry) is at the Synagogue in Nazareth, where Jesus had grown up. Reading from Isaiah chapter 61, Jesus indicated that His coming was a fulfillment of this prophecy. People were delighted to hear this, until Jesus pointed out that His coming meant blessing for the Gentiles, too, something which brought about a murderous response from the people. Elsewhere, however, Jesus was welcomed and sought after by the multitudes.

Luke is already preparing his readers for the rejection of Jesus by the leadership of the nation. If the multitudes welcome Jesus, the Pharisees and teachers of the law quickly begin to be suspicious, and then critical, and then become outright opponents, who seek occasion to accuse Him and also a means of destroying Him.

The Pharisees were first introduced in chapter 5, at the healing of the paralytic, who was lowered through the roof of the house, in which Jesus was teaching (vv. 16-26). When Jesus informed the paralytic that his sins were forgiven, the Pharisees reacted, reasoning (rightly) that only God can forgive sins. They cannot deny the healing of the paralytic, but they are unwilling to receive Jesus as God. The calling of Matthew and the banquet at which Jesus and “sinners” intermingled was another incident in which the gap between Jesus and the Pharisees widens significantly. This section of Luke’s gospel, which reports the reaction of the Pharisees to the “eating and drinking” of Jesus and His disciples, informs us of one of the fundamental issues which put Him and the religious leaders of Israel at odds.

Our Approach

Our approach in this lesson will be to carefully consider the actions and associations of our Lord. We will also attempt to understand the questions raised by the Pharisees, in response to our Lord’s actions and associations. Then we will carefully consider our Lord’s response to these questions. Finally, we shall seek to learn if there are any 20th century parallels to the thinking of the Pharisees, as well as to identify any principles which should guide and govern us in our spiritual lives.

Levi’s Resignation

Levi, known here and in Mark (2:14) by this name, but elsewhere referred to as Matthew (cf. Matt. 9:9; 10:3; Mark 3:18; Luke 6:15), was a tax-collector. We know from the New Testament108 that anyone who was a tax-collector was a very unpopular person, synonymous with “sinner” and on a social par with gluttons, drunkards, and harlots. This was the bottom rung of the Jewish social ladder. One could sink no lower.

There was more than one type of tax-collector in those days, as Shepherd informs us:

Levi was a custom-house official. The Talmud distinguishes between the tax collector and the custom house official. The Gabbai collected the regular real estate and income taxes on the poll tax; the Mockhes, the duty on imports, exports, toll on roads, bridges, the harbour, the town tax, and a great multiplicity of other variable taxes on an unlimited variety of things, admitting of much abuse and graft. The very word Mockhes was associated with the idea of oppression and injustice. The taxes in Judea were levied by publicans, who were Jews, and therefore hated the more as direct officials of the heathen Roman power. Levi occupied the detestable position of a publican of the worst type—a little Mockhes, who himself stood in the Roman custom-house on the highway connecting Damascus and Ptolemais, and by the sea where all boats plied between the domains of Antipas and Philip. The name “publican,” which applied to these officials, is derived from the Latin word publicanus—a man who did public duty. The Jews detested these publicans not only on account of their frequent abuses and tyrannical spirit, but because the very taxes they were forced to collect by the Roman government were a badge of servitude and a constant reminder that God had forsaken His people and land in spite of the Messianic hope, founded on many promises of the ancient prophets. The publicans were classed by the people with harlots, usurers, gamblers, thieves, and dishonest herdsmen, who lived hard, lawless lives. They were just “licensed robbers” and “beasts in human shape.”

According to Rabbinism there was no hope for a man like Levi. He was excluded from all religious fellowship. His money was considered tainted and defiled anyone who accepted it. He could not serve as a witness. The Rabbis had no word of help for the publican, because they expected him by external conformity to the law to be justified before God.109

Levi was the more hated kind of tax-collector, who assessed taxes for commerce. One can see how his tax office could be stationed on the shores of the Sea of Galilee near Capernaum.110 One can also imagine that Levi may have frequently heard Jesus teach, and was likely well known to our Lord, just as the disciples Peter, James, and John were known to Him.

We know that the position of tax-collector, like most jobs, affords certain kinds of evil. Luke has already informed his reader of one of the evils of which many tax-collectors were guilty when he wrote of John the Baptist’s words to the tax-collectors who came to him for baptism:

And some tax-gatherers also came to be baptized, and they said to him, “Teacher, what shall we do?” And he said to them, “Collect no more than what you have been ordered to” (Luke 3:12-13).

Thus, we know that many tax-collectors were guilty of abusing their position by using the power of the state to charge excessive taxes and keep the profits of their evil deeds. Luke himself will later inform us of one instance in which a sinful tax-collector repents and makes restitution for his misconduct (Zaccheus, cf. Luke 19:1-10). The question is, “Was Matthew one such crooked tax-collector?” I see absolutely no evidence which suggests that he was. Matthew, on following Jesus, makes no gestures of restitution, as does Zaccheus. I believe the reason is that Matthew was an honest tax-collector. Jesus did not call a crook to follow Him, hoping that discipleship would mend his ways. Jesus’ look at Matthew is a discerning one, suggesting an appraisal and approval of his character.111 The assumption of the Pharisees, that all tax-collectors were crooked, “sinners,” was wrong, and I believe Matthew to be one example of their error.

It is my opinion that tax-collectors were hated, not just because they misused their authority, but because of what they represented. Tax-collectors were a painful reminder of the fact that Israel was not a free nation, but was subject to Roman rule and authority. If the Pharisees had thought this matter through, they would have realized that the very presence of tax-collectors was a reminder of Israel’s sin, for foreign domination was, under the Mosaic Covenant, one of the consequences for disobeying the Law of Moses. This would surely be an indictment against the “teachers of the law,” who were so opposed to tax-collectors. The Old Testament prophets frequently identified the leadership of Israel for making a significant contribution to the sin of the nation.

And so it was that Jesus passed by the tax office of Levi and invited him to follow as a disciple. Luke alone tells us that Levi, much like the fishermen (Peter and Andrew, James and John) at the beginning of the chapter, left everything and followed the Master. The brevity of the account serves to underscore the dramatic change which seems to happen so quickly and yet so decisively.

Levi’s Reception:
Look Who’s Coming to Dinner!

Luke alone informs us that the dinner which Jesus attended was a celebration banquet put on by Levi. Having left all, one would think that Levi would have held a wake, rather than a reception. From all appearances, it was a lavish affair, held in what would probably have been a very large and lovely home. No doubt Levi was a well-to-do man, even without practicing the evils of some of his colleagues.

I can imagine one of Levi’s colleagues arriving home after a hard day at work, asking his wife if there was anything interesting in the day’s mail. As a matter of fact, there was, his wife informs him. She shows him an invitation to a banquet at the house of Levi. The invitation explains that the reception is in celebration of his leaving his work in order to follow Jesus of Nazareth. The invitation also indicates that Jesus will be at the banquet as well.

Our Lord is not only present at the celebration, He was the central personality, the major attraction and focus of attention. Every indication is that Jesus was very much a part of the celebration. It is my personal opinion that this celebration included wine, like the wedding at Cana. It is also my viewpoint that Jesus was holding a cup of wine and was drinking from it just like the others.

“Eating and drinking” is in our text, the central issue. “Drinking,” here, as elsewhere, has the connotation of drinking wine, not just drinking water or grape juice. Jesus said,

“For John the Baptist has come eating no bread and drinking no wine; and you say, ‘He has a demon!’ The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Behold, a gluttonous man and a drunkard, a friend of tax-gathers and sinners!’” (Luke 7:33-34).

John obviously ate, but a rather unusual diet of desert foods (locusts and wild honey (Matt. 3:4). John drank as well, but not wine (cf. Luke 1:15). It is quite plain, then, that what John did not drink, namely wine, Jesus did, and thus He was accused of being a “drunkard.” Jesus and the “sinners” were there, mingling happily, joyfully, at Levi’s celebration.

No so with the Pharisees! In contrast to the rejoicing of the rest, the Pharisees, Luke alone tells us they were grumbling (v. 30). Some think that the Pharisees crashed this dinner party. I do not. Jesus was not one to exclude anyone, and I doubt that Levi was either. Several times in Luke’s gospel Jesus is described as eating in the home of a Pharisee (7:36; 11:37; 14:1). The Pharisees were there by invitation, I believe, but they never entered into the festivities. As I read the gospel accounts of this reception I envision them standing off to one side, with sour looks on their faces, turning down all food and drink, watching critically, waiting for the chance to find fault.

The guests at this banquet are the source of great consternation for the Pharisees. Luke tells us that the guests were “tax-gatherers and other people” (v. 29). This is different from Matthew and Mark, who identify the guests as “tax-collectors and sinners” (Matt. 9:10; Mark 2:15). The fact that tax-collectors would be invited by Levi, a tax-collector, seems self-explanatory. After all, who would Levi invite but his peers, his social equals, and his colleagues in the work world? Undoubtedly this explains much, but Mark includes the very significant comment that many of the tax-collectors and sinners at this celebration were followers of Jesus (Mark 2:15). This would mean that while Levi may have invited some who had not yet met Jesus (a somewhat evangelistic dinner), many whom he invited were very familiar with him, and thus could easily enter into Levi’s joy at following the Master.

The scribes of the Pharisee party (not all scribes were Pharisees) were greatly distressed by the fact that Jesus was associating with undesirables. Eating and drinking was something a “proper Jew” did with “proper people” and never with “sinners.”112

The Talmudical tractate Berakoth (43) expressly states that the disciples of the scribes may have no table communion (W. Manson, in loc.) with the ‘Am-ha-’arets (“the people of the land,” those who do not know or observe the Law).113

Thus, the Pharisees converged upon Jesus’ disciples114 with this question: “Why do you eat and drink with the tax-gatherers and sinners?” (Luke 5:30).

Luke has carefully avoided calling the guests at this reception “sinners,” but the Pharisees do not hesitate to use this label. There is a curling of the lips as the word “sinners” is spoken by the Pharisees.

Why? The issue hinges on the definition of the terms “sinner” and “righteous.” These terms have very different definitions in our text, the first the definition of the Pharisees, the second, the definition of Jesus.

The distinction between the pharisaic definition of these terms and that of our Lord can best be seen from the story which our Lord told later on in Luke’s gospel:115

And He also told this parable to certain one trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and viewed others with contempt:

“Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee, and the other a tax-gatherer. The Pharisee stood and was praying thus to himself, ‘God, I think Thee that I am not like other people: swindlers, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax-gatherer. I fast twice a week; I pay tithes of all that I get.’ But the tax-gatherer, standing some distance away, was even unwilling to lift up his eyes to heaven, but was beating his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, the sinner!’ I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for every one who exalts himself shall be humbled, but he who humbles himself shall be exalted” (Luke 18:9-14).

To the Pharisee the “righteous” were to be distinguished from “sinners” by human assessment. The “righteous” held the right social and racial positions, sinners did not. The “righteous” were better than “sinners,” according to the Pharisaic view. The “righteous” were holy because they followed the rules, they did the right things, they kept the Law of Moses, as they interpreted it. The “righteous” were also justified in disdaining the “sinner” and in keeping separate from him.

The one “claim to fame” of the Pharisees was their “separation” from sin and “sinners.” They saw themselves as holy because of what they would not do, where they would not go, and with whom they did not associate. What a blow to their system it must have been to have Jesus come onto the scene, doing virtually the opposite of all they did, and claiming to be God at the same time. What a humbling thing it must have been for the Pharisees to be present at the reception which Levi put on. They were undoubtedly present only because they were afraid to let Jesus go unsupervised, unchallenged, unchecked.

Jesus’ answer reflects the difference between the heart of God and the heart of Pharisaism: “It is not those who are well who need a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call righteous men but sinners to repentance” (Luke 5:31b-32).

Jesus had made it clear from the beginning that He had come to help those in need. His message of repentance, like that of John, was aimed at sinners. After all, do the “righteous” need to repent?

There are two very important principles underlying our Lord’s words, principles which we very much need to grasp and to apply.


It is Matthew who includes these words to the self-righteous Pharisees, who are condemning the guests at Matthew’s house as “sinners”:

“But go and learn what this means, ‘I DESIRE COMPASSION AND NOT SACRIFICE,’ for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners” (Mtt. 9:13).

The Pharisees thought of righteousness only in terms of rituals, of ceremonies, of self-righteous “sacrifices” (such as fasting). Jesus, citing Hosea 6:6, reminds these “righteous” Pharisees that the essence of true religion is not ceremony, but compassion. The compassion which God calls for is that which has concern for the well-being of one’s neighbor, including “sinners” and Gentiles. This was something which Pharisees would not do, and in the name of holiness. Jesus came to call sinners because He was compassionate rather than condemning.


The Pharisees thought that holiness required them to remain separate from sinners, to refuse to have contact with them. Jesus was holiness incarnate, and yet His holiness was not diminished by His contact with sinners. In order for God to call sinners to repentance, God found it necessary to have contact with them, which is the reason for our Lord’s incarnation—of His taking on human flesh, living among men, touching and being touched by them. Jesus was not only comfortable among sinners, they were comfortable with Him.

The lesson which Jesus was trying to communicate to the Pharisees is vitally important to Christians today. These two fundamental principles are the key to evangelism, to penetration into our society with the saving grace of God. If we have compassion, we will not spend all of our time and energy condemning sinners, but will rather call them to repentance. If we would obey our Lord by calling them to repentance (the essence of the great commission), then we must learn to have contact with sinners in such a way as to be comfortable with them and they with us, without conforming to their ungodly ways. This is what our Lord did, and this is what our Lord calls us to do. We, in the name of separation from sin, are often sinning by not showing compassion to sinners and by not having contact with them so as to be able to share the gospel. This is no new error. The apostle Paul had to correct similar misconceptions in the church at Corinth:

I wrote you in my letter not to associate with immoral people; I did not at all mean with immoral people of this world, or with the covetous and swindlers, or with idolaters; for then you would have to go out of the world. But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he should be an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler—not even to eat with such a one” (1 Cor. 5:9-11).

How well Paul’s words apply to the Pharisees, especially the self-righteous Pharisee of Luke 18. How well they also apply to many Christians today, who think that holiness requires them to avoid associating with sinners. Let us listen to and learn from the Savior, who came to seek and to save sinners, like us.

Why Don’t Jesus’ Disciples Fast?

Both of the questions of the Pharisees involved eating and drinking. The first question, asked and answered above, concerned those with whom Jesus ate and drank. The second question presses even further, as to why Jesus’ disciples are eating and drinking at all, since both the disciples of John and those of the Pharisees were practicing fasting. Why were Jesus’ disciples feasting when the rest were fasting?

And they said to Him, “The disciples of John often fast and offer prayers; the disciples of the Pharisees also do the same; but Yours eat and drink” (Luke 5:33).

The question is evident, Jesus’ disciples, unlike the disciples of the Pharisees and even of John, feast, while the others fast.116 The real issue is not stated, but it is there: “Why are your disciples able the enjoy life, while we merely endure it?” Note the contrast in the attitude of the Pharisees with that of the “sinners.” The sinners are celebrating; the Pharisees are grumbling. The sinners are happy; the Pharisees are sad. The sinners are enjoying life; the Pharisees only endure it. The sinners are “grabbing for gusto,” the Pharisees are griping to Jesus.

Jesus gives a very extensive answer to this question, because a number of factors are involved. His first answer deals with the immediate question, the obvious issue, the fasting question. Fasting was a sign of repentance, a strangely inappropriate action for the Pharisees, who thought themselves righteous, and thus did not feel obligated to repent:

And when all the people and the tax-gatherers heard this, they acknowledged God’s justice, having been baptized with the baptism [of repentance] of John. But the Pharisees and the lawyers rejected God’s purpose for themselves, not having been baptized by John (Luke 7:29-30, comment mine).

John the Baptist had referred to himself as the friend of the bridegroom, and the Messiah as the bridegroom (John 3:29). Jesus picked up this imagery and pointed out the fact that the friends of the bridegroom do not fast while he is present with them, but only fast in his absence. Jesus, the bridegroom, is present with His friends and followers, and thus it is only appropriate for them to rejoice. John was in prison. His disciples were right to fast. For Jesus’ disciples to fast while He was present would have been for them to act inappropriately. There would be a time, Jesus indicated, when He would not be present, a time when fasting would be proper for His disciples. This time, as I understand it, would be the time from His arrest and death, to the time of His resurrection, or perhaps the descent of the Holy Spirit.

There is a very simple, but crucial principle underlying our Lord’s explanation:


Centuries before, David had written, “In Thy presence is fulness of joy; In Thy right hand there are pleasures forever (Psalm 16:11).

Of course those who were followers of Jesus found pleasure in the reception which Levi put on, because they were with Jesus. They were sinners, but they were forgiven. There was no greater joy than that of fellowship with God. For the Pharisees, who knew not God, being in His presence was agony, not ecstasy. Those who do not know God find His presence “hellish” agony.

Here is the key to understanding the parable of the prodigal son. The great tragedy of the prodigal was not being poor, or even being poorly fed, it was being separated from his father. Thus, the great rejoicing at his return. But for the old brother, being at home with the father was no reward in itself. The older brother was angry because of the “joy” of this feast his father had ordered at the return of this sinner. The older brother was angry because he had suffered at home, with the father, and not experienced all the pleasure of the other. How much a Pharisee the older brother is.

There is a principle which is vitally important to Christians which underlies the explanation of our Lord. It is this,


Joy, not sorrow, not sadness, should be the dominant characteristic of the Christian. The Christian life includes sorrow and suffering and sacrifice, but these are not the melody line of our life, or they should not be. These are the harmony line. Suffering and sacrifice are means, but they should not be the end. Joy is the goal, it is the climax, it is the reward of forgiveness and fellowship with God.

Why is it that there are so many “dill pickle” Christians around, who are more like the Pharisees than those who attended Levi’s reception? It is because Satan has warped our conception of the Christian life. I have recently read an excellent book which is devoted to the subject of the pleasure, the joy of knowing and serving God. It is by John Piper, entitled, “Desiring God: The Meditations of a Christian Hedonist.”117 I cannot recommend it too highly. It is the joy of knowing and serving God which should be our strength and our goal. It is also the joy of the saint which should draw others to Christ as well.

Jesus went on to deal with a deeper issue, that being the contrast and contest between “old” and “new.” The Pharisees represented and defended the “old order” or so they thought. They were the promoters and preservers of the law. Jesus came to fulfill the law and to institute a new covenant. Thus, underlying the struggle between Jesus and the Pharisees was a contest between old and new. The Pharisees wanted Jesus to adopt the old, or at least to adapt the old. Jesus could not do this. He came to fulfill the law by living in perfect obedience to it, and by dying to its demands. But He also came to institute the new covenant (celebrated, incidentally by eating and drinking).

Thus, by means of a parable, Jesus explained why the new could not adopt or adapt to the old. To put a new patch on an old garment would be foolish. You would have to cut it out of the new garment, destroying it, and then it would not match the old garment on which it was patched anyway (Luke 5:36). In a similar way, you cannot put new wine into old wineskins, for the old skins would burst (be ruined) and the wine would be lost (ruined). There was no way to use the new to salvage the old.

The “new wine” must be put into new wineskins (Luke 5:38). The new covenant which Jesus was instituting must bring with it new structures, new forms, new practices. Pharisaism, which was committed to preserving the old way, could not accept this. The reason for this Jesus explained in last verse of chapter 5:

“And no one, after drinking old wine wishes for new; for he says, ‘The old is good enough’” (Luke 5:39).

Jesus is explaining, in this statement, the mindset of the conservative, for Pharisees were conservatism incarnate. Having tasted the old and finding it good, the conservative does not wish to try the new, even though it might be better. And the reason is simply this:


I had better say it now. I am generally quite conservative. But conservatism is not automatically right; neither is liberalism automatically wrong. Contemporary Christianity has over-simplistically been linked with conservative economics and politics. Right wing politicians have become “bed-fellows” with fundamental, evangelical Christians. This could be a very unhealthy relationship, even though close ties can be found.

There are various types of conservatism. There is economic and social conservatism, where the “have’s” attempt to keep what they have (money, standing, power), which leaves the “have-not’s” without. This kind of conservatism is not Christian, for the “have’s” are to give of their wealth to the “have-not’s” (cf. 1 Timothy 6). There is also social conservatism, which is simply stubborn resistance to change, any change. This helps to explain why old people tend to be more conservative, as a group. Let’s face it, the older I get, the less energy (foolishness) I have to try something new, especially if the old and proven works. Biblical conservatism seeks to defend the faith, to hold fast to the fundamental doctrines of the Bible, and this is good, but all too often much more than the fundamental truths gets thrown into the “save” basket.

The conservatism of the Pharisees had “gone to seed.” It had become a kind of “preservatism” which attempted to save their way of life, but which was found to have rejected the God they claimed to serve. Let us beware of letting our conservatism get out of hand. Nothing is to be viewed as better only because it is old. Likewise, nothing should be automatically viewed as better simply because it is new.


I have sought to make application to the principles of this passage as we have gone through the text itself. But let me not conclude without saying something very pointed to any who may not yet have come to faith in Jesus Christ, who have not found His presence a comfort and a joy. First, do not allow “dill-pickle” Christians to convince you that you must sacrifice all pleasure and joy to serve and follow Christ. The opposite is true. The only lasting and ultimate joy is found in being forgiven by Him, and being in fellowship with Him. Second, do not think of God as distant, uncaring, and unpleasant. Our Lord Jesus demonstrated that God cares, that God has come, and that God finds pleasure in the fellowship of forgiven men and women. Third, do not suppose that being a sinner must keep you from God. Recognizing that you are a sinner is the first step toward God. Jesus came to call sinners. It is only the self-righteous who shunned Jesus, for Jesus came to forgive sinners and to have fellowship with them. You cannot be too sinful for God to save, only to holy to need His salvation. Finally, recognize that proof that you are forgiven, a child of God, is by the comfortableness and joy you find in being in the presence of God and His people. If you have never trusted in Him, do it now. No joy will ever match that which you find in Him.

105 Gerald Mann, The Seven Deadly Virtues (Waco: Word Books, 1979).

106 Ibid, pp. 12-13.

107 Each of these passages has its own unique contribution. The unique contribution of each text is summarized briefly below, for your consideration and future study.

Matthew: This is of his own calling. Uses the name Matthew (9:9), rather than Levi (Mark & Luke).
Alone quotes Jesus as saying, “Learn what this means: “Desire mercy and not sacrifice’” (Hos. 6:6). John’s disciples ask about fasting.

Mark: There were many tax-gatherers and sinners who followed Jesus (2:15). Both John’s disciples and Pharisees ask about fasting.

Luke: Levi forsook all and followed. Levi put on the feast (Matt. & Luke simply have Jesus eating a meal in a house).

Matthew & Mark say “tax collectors and sinners”—Luke says, “tax collectors and others.” Pharisees grumbled about Jesus & sinners (they were offended, not just inquisitive).

Matthew and Mark ask disciples why Jesus ate with sinners, Luke has them asking “you” (the disciples) why they ate with sinners.

Luke emphasizes damage to new garment, which is ruined to repair the old. Luke only speaks of men who have tasted old finding it better than the new (like “old time religion”).

108 Matt. 5:46; 9:10-11; 11:19; 18:17; 21:31-32; Mark 2:15-16; Luke 3:12-13; 5:29-30; 7:34; 15:1; 18:10-11; 19:1-10.

109 J. W. Shepard, The Christ of the Gospels (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1939), pp. 142-143. Edersheim also writes, “It is of importance to notice, that the Talmud distinguishes two classes of ‘publicans’: the tax-gatherer in general (Gabbai), and the Mokhes, or Mokhsa, who was specially the douanier or custom-house official. Although both classes fall under the Rabbinic ban, the douanier—such as Matthew was—is the object of chief execration. And this, because his exactions were more vexatious, and gave more scope to rapacity. The Gabbai, or tax-gatherer, collected the regular dues, which consisted of ground-, income-, and poll-tax. The ground-tax amounted to one-tenth of all grain and one-fifth of the wine and fruit grown; partly paid in kind, and partly commuted into money. The income-tax amounted to 1 per cent.; while the head-money, or poll-tax, was levied on all persons, bond and free, in the case of men from the age of fourteen, in that of women from the age of twelve, up to that of sixty-five.

If this offered many opportunities for vexatious exactions and capacious injustice, the Mokhes might inflict much greater hardship upon the poor people. There was tax and duty upon all imports and exports; on all that was bought and sold; bridge-money, road-money, harbour-dues, town-dues, &c. The classical reader knows the ingenuity which could invent a tax, and find a name for every kind of exaction, such as on axles, wheels, pack-animals, pedestrians, roads, highways; on admission to markets; on carriers, bridges, ships, and quays; on crossing rivers, on dams, on licenses, in short, on such a variety of objects, that even the research of modern scholars has not been able to identify all the names. On goods the ad valorem duty amounted to from 2 1/2 to 5, and on articles of luxury to even 12 1/2 per cent. But even this was as nothing, compared to the vexation of being constantly stopped on the journey, having to unload all one’s pack-animals, when every bale and package was opened, and the contents tumbled about, private letters opened, and the Mokhes ruled supreme in his insolence and rapacity.” Alfred Edersheim, The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., [reprint], 1965), I, pp. 515-516.

110 “Capernaum, being located on the Via Maris and being a busy populous center, had a large custom-house with a correspondingly large number of tax-gatherers. It was located at the landing-place for the ships which traversed the lake to various towns on the other shore. The flow of commerce along the highway was also great. From the midst of this group of men engaged in a lawful occupation but likely unlawful abuse, Jesus would win some to eternal life. He was accustomed to pass by that way and doubtless made use of His opportunities to evangelize them. Levi, may have heard Jesus preach by the seaside. He would not feel free to enter the synagogue. The great Teacher frequently taught the humble fisher-folk and others in the open air by the sea and so reached many in this way with His message who would be inaccessible in the synagogues. The sudden response to the call of Jesus that Levi had heard Him preach. Perhaps he had pondered long, as he sat at the receipt of custom recording the import and export duties, the words of some message on the Kingdom, and had secretly decided in his heart that he would be some day a disciple of the new prophet. He was strangely drawn to Jesus, recognizing in Him the helper of all men, even sinners.” Shepard, pp. 145-146.

111 Plummer suggests that a particular word is used of Jesus looking on Levi, which indicates pleasure:

“‘Looked attentively at, contemplated, a tax-collector,’ as if reading his character. The verb often implies enjoyment in beholding (vii. 24;Jn. i. 14, 32, 38; I Jn. i.1).” Alfred Plummer, The Gospel According to St. Luke, The International Critical Commentary Series, (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1969), pp. 158-159.

112 “Thus, in one and another respect, Rabbinic teaching about the need of repentance runs close to that of the Bible. But the vital difference between Rabbinism and the Gospel lies in this: that whereas Jesus Christ freely invited all sinners, whatever their past, assuring them of welcome and grace, the last word of Rabbinism is only despair, and a kind of Pessimism. For, it is expressly and repeatedly declared in the case of certain sins, and, characteristically, of heresy, that, even if a man genuinely and truly repented, he must expect immediately to die—indeed, his death would be the evidence that his repentance was genuine, since, though such a sinner might turn from his evil, it would be impossible for him, if he lived, to lay hold on the good, and to do it.” Edersheim, I, p. 513.

113 Norval Geldenhuys, Commentary on the Gospel of Luke, The New International Commentary on the New Testament Series (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1975 [reprint]), p. 193, footnote, 3.

114 Shephard remarks,

“They directed their expressions of criticism to the disciples of Jesus, perhaps because they were afraid to risk themselves in debate with the Teacher who had bested them in that recent encounter. Perhaps they thought, as Chrysostom suggests, that they might instill disloyalty in the disciples, and discredit Jesus before them.” Shepard, pp. 145-146.

115 The Gospel of Luke reveals a very interesting development of the definition of a sinner:
The Pharisaic View of a Sinner: (1) Jesus associates with sinners Luke 5:31-32. (2) Jesus is a “friend” of sinners Luke 7:34. (3) Jesus “welcomes” sinners Luke 15:2. (4) Jesus is a “sinner,” worthy of death Luke 22:70-71 (cf. John 9:16, 24). Jesus’ Definition of a Sinner: (1) Sinners not defined Luke 5:32; 6:32-34. (2) Sinners not restricted to sufferers Luke 13:15. (3) Sinners include the self-righteous Luke 18:10-14. (4) Sinners are those who condemn Christ(cf. Matt. 26:45; Mark 14:41).

116 “In the Old Testament fasting is ordered only on the Great Day of Atonement as a definite institution (Lev. xvi. 29, where “afflict your souls” also includes “fasting”). But fasting was also practised voluntarily as a sign of mourning (2 Sam. i. 12), at times of disaster and national calamities (Neh. i.4), as a sign of repentance for sin (I Kings xxi. 27), and the like. Thus originally it bore a rich religious significance. During the Babylonian exile, as a result of the lack of the sacrificial services, the opinion arose more and more that fasting was a meritorious work that would be rewarded by God. Thus the practice of fasting assumed an increasingly outward and formal character and lost much of its religious value. For this reason the prophets during and after the exile took such drastic action against it. True fasting, they proclaimed, consisted not in abstaining from food and drink but in renouncing sin (Zech. vii. 5 ff.). Still the degeneration grew apace, so that in the time of Jesus it had become a fixed practice with the Pharisees and many other Jews to fast regularly twice a week (Luke xviii. 12) with much outward display and hypocrisy (Matt. vi. 16, ix. 14).

Jesus’ attitude towards fasting briefly amounts to this, that He rejects it as a religiously meritorious ceremony bearing a compulsory, ceremonial character; but He practised it Himself at times and permits it as a voluntary form of spiritual discipline (Matt. iv. 2, vi. 16-18).

It was such a voluntary religious practice that the first Christians observed fasting (Acts ix. 9, xiii. 2, 3, xiv. 23). But after the third century it degenerated in many cases to an obligatory and supposedly meritorious formality as it is still to be met with today among Roman Catholics, Jews and Mohammedans. Geldenhuys, p. 198.

117 Tim Piper, Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist (Portland: Multnomah Press, 1986).

Related Topics: Christology, Ecclesiology (The Church)

23. The Faith Of A Canaanite Woman (Matthew 15:21-28)

In the fifteenth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew we begin to see signs of the tide turning against Jesus by the leaders of the country, and accordingly Jesus turning more to the Gentiles. In chapter fourteen John the Baptist was beheaded, a clear sign of the opposition to the movement. But Jesus fed the five thousand, showing that He could meet the needs of Israel; and then He walked on the water, showing that He is the Lord of creation. In chapter fifteen Jesus challenged the teachings of the elders because those teachings had been elevated to the status of Scripture. Then, following that confrontation, Jesus went out of the country to the region of Tyre and Sidon and met a Canaanite woman. Then, as he came back to the region of Galilee, he fed the four thousand, a sign that he could meet the needs of the nations. Then, as we shall see, in chapter sixteen Jesus will give His first prediction of His death.

So this lesson will focus on the meeting with the Canaanite woman.

Reading the Text

21 Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. 22 A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to Him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is suffering terribly from demon-possession.”

23 Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to Him and urged Him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.” 24 He answered, “I was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel.”

25 The woman came and knelt before Him. “Lord, help me!” she said. 26 He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to their dogs.” 27 “Yes, Lord,” she said, “but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”

27 Then Jesus answered, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed from that very hour.

Observations on the Text

This little story is essentially built around the conversation between the woman and Jesus. We begin with the note that Jesus withdrew far up the coast to the region of Tyre and Sidon. One would have to say that He was not simply trying to get away from difficult events in Israel, and neither was this a chance meeting. The Lord was going to this Canaanite area, to this Canaanite woman.

But the conversation gives the impression that Jesus was not willing to answer her request because she was a Canaanite. This will become a major part of the study, for there is obviously something powerful at work in the ethnic dimension of the conversation. What is clear is that the woman was not going to give up, but kept pleading, even from her Canaanite background, so that Christ recognized her great faith. The contrast is truly striking: in Israel Jesus was trying to convince people He was the Messiah, and was being challenged to prove it with a sign. But here in Gentile territory he met a woman who was convinced He was the Messiah and He could not discourage her efforts. His apparent attempt to put her off was therefore a test, and her great faith must have been gratifying to the Savior.

So in this study we will once again focus on the conversation, because that is the substance of the story. But this is one passage where the reader will have to read up on the ethnic controversy, the Old Testament background of conflict between the kings of Israel and the Canaanites. This will give some insight into the imagery of “dogs” used in the conversation. The story, though, is truly about the persistent faith of this Canaanite woman.

The study could be divided up in a number of ways, because it is not a complicated passages. I will simply make the circumstances the first point (v.21), the conversation the second part (vv. 22-28a), and the outcome as the third point (v. 28b).

Synoptic Questions

The account is also found in Mark 7:24-30. Mark gives us a little more information in some areas. Jesus came to the region and entered into a house and did not want anyone to know it. The woman heard about it and came looking for him. Mark explains that she was Greek, born in Syrian Phoenicia. This would be typical of the northern country, for it was ruled by Greeks for the period immediately before the time of Jesus. People in the region would be of mixed nationalities.

Mark does not include the disciples’ suggestion to send her away, or Jesus’ statement that he was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel. Scholars have suggested that that statement was added later to Matthew, as guidance to Matthew’s Jewish church in its relation to Gentiles, but that makes no sense. Besides, we do not know much of Matthew’s church. The story is better interpreted as part of the development of redemptive history, moving from the late OT concepts to the full Christian idea of Gentiles and Jews in the kingdom. Besides, the Gospel of Matthew had already included such a statement by Jesus in Matthew 10:6. And Matthew’s Jewish audience would have been interested to know that Jesus did a miracle for a Canaanite woman, in Gentile land. Mark was writing to a different audience than Matthew, a Gentile audience, and that statement would need a lot of explanation to them. Jesus had healed Gentiles before, but always in Jewish territory.

Analysis of the Text

I. The Circumstances: Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon (v. 21). There are two things you have to explain here: the withdrawing, and the location.

Tyre and Sidon were the two main Phoenician cities just north of Mount Carmel on the coast. In the Old Testament times this was all the region of the Phoenicians, better known as Canaanitish tribes. The word does not refer to one specific ethnic group, but an amalgamation of different groups (usually a list of twelve or more people known as the Canaanites) living in the land of Canaan. The word “Canaan” is the ancient name of the whole land before Abram arrived. The word itself may be related to the purple dye of the shellfish, or the merchant class that traded in the material. Because of its seaports and corresponding trade the Canaanite empire became a dominant power in the third millennium B.C. It had weakened tremendously by the time of the conquest, but still provided a formidable military challenge for Joshua and then later the Judges. But the Canaanites were also thoroughly pagan and corrupt. Their presence in the land was a strong threat to the purity of Israel’s religion and morality. So there is a long history of spiritual and military conflict between the Israelites and the Canaanites. David and his royal successors managed to control them; Solomon even did business with them when he was building he temple. But over the years the Canaanites were defeated and most of them fled the land. The bulk of those who fled settled in North Africa in Carthage, and met their doom in 146 B.C., which essentially ended the curse on Canaan and any threat from Canaanites. There were still people of various ethnic origins living in the area of today’s Lebanon and Syria, and they would be called Canaanites (like our term Americans). And Jesus met one of them here.

But why did Jesus go to the region? He withdrew from the conflict with the Pharisees and elders about thirty to fifty miles north into Gentile country. He had “withdrawn” before (2:12, 22; 4:12, 12:15, 14:13). Jesus was trying to control the timing of things. He did not want people to make Him king, and He did not want the confrontation with His enemies to come to a head too soon. So frequently He withdrew, or told people not to say anything about the miracle, or a number of other unexpected acts. It appears that Jesus withdrew for a time, both to let the conflict settle a bit, and to turn attention to Gentiles in this act. The timing is most significant--the Jewish leaders were rejecting Him, and Gentile woman who hardly knows Him was seeking mercy.

Some suggest that Jesus only went to the border, but did not enter Gentile land. There is no basis for that, and no reason. He had been in Gentile lands, and while that may have been a defilement in the minds of the Pharisees, it was not so in biblical tradition. It is clear that He left Galilee and entered a Gentile region (v. 21; Mark 7:31).

II. The Conversation: Jesus draws faith out of the Canaanite woman (22-28a).The way that Jesus deals with this woman has been given some very strange interpretations. One scholar suggested that Jesus had been a racist and this woman converted him from that narrow view. That is just silly. If he had been a Jewish racist, and therefore a sinner, he would not have come to Tyre and Sidon. No, what Jesus is doing is typical of the way He dealt with people--He would put stumblingblocks, as it were, in their way to see if they had faith to step over them. For example, when someone called Him “good,” He said, “Why are you calling me good, there is no one good but God.” How they responded to that would show what they thought of Him (He was not denying that He was good, or God).

The woman came crying out to Jesus, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is suffering terribly from demon-possession.” Her words are significant, given Matthew’s description of her as a Canaanite. She is well aware of the ancient rivalry between the Jews and the Canaanites. She believes He is the promised Messiah; but if that is true, then He is to her a Jewish king, “Son of David.” As such, He is sovereign over her and her land, and all she can do is cry for mercy. Her words open the old wounds. But she was desperate for her daughter, and so would cry out for mercy from the visiting Jewish king.

It is the setting and her words that prompt the disciples, and then Jesus, to respond the way they do. At first Jesus was silent, no doubt to see if she would persevere--and she did, following Him down the street crying out. The disciples said, “Send her away.” Now this could mean a couple of different things. They could mean, “Send her away because she is a nuisance.” Or they could mean, “Send her away by healing her because she won’t go away.” This last interpretation makes the best sense, because Jesus’ answer in verse 24 speaks to it and not the other. In other words, “I am only sent to the lost sheep of Israel” would explain why he was not healing her, and would not explain a request to dismiss her without healing her.

His answer, reflecting what He has already said in 10:6, focuses on His primary mission in the world, as reflected by Matthew. He was the promised Jewish Messiah who came to His own (John 1 tells us), but when His own rejected Him, He turned to the Gentiles. The “lost sheep of the house of Israel” does not mean there were lost sheep in Israel, but that all Israel was lost (Isaiah 53: all we like sheep have gone astray). His own mission was primarily to Israel; the mission of the disciples will be to go into all the world. But events like this will inform the disciples that Jesus set the precedent.

Jesus wanted the disciples and the woman to understand fully that His ministry in the brief time He had on earth was very focused. He was the Son of David, the Messiah. That fact did not admit this Canaanite woman to the benefits of the covenant made with the Jews. The kingdom had to be fully offered to them first, in fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies of the kingdom. (The passage is like John 4:22 where it was recognized that “salvation is from the Jews.”) So all the woman could do is ask for mercy, general mercy as a non-Israelite.

(Many students of the Bible for one reason or another are afraid of this race issue; but the people of the times were very much aware of it. And Jesus came as a Jew, as the promised king of the Jews, whose kingdom would eventually extend to all the world, as it had in bits and pieces in the Old Testament. But it began with Israel).

Well, this woman would not be put off, and so knelt before Him and begged, “Lord, help me.” Jesus pushed her a little further, reminding her of the historic distinction between the cursed Canaanites and the blessed Israelites. In the short saying the Jews are the “children” and the Gentiles are the “dogs.” The children get fed first.

But the woman’s answer is marvelous: even the “dogs” eat the crumbs that the children drop. She acquiesces to the role of a “dog” in relation to Israel (she knows the Messiah came to Israel first); she may not be able to sit down at the Messiah’s table and eat with the “children,” but she should be allowed to pick up some of the crumbs they drop. She wants some of the uncovenanted mercy of God, His general saving grace to all people.

The word for dogs here refers to small dogs, perhaps children’s pets who are harmless and somewhat helpless. She accepts Israel’s historical privilege over the Gentiles, especially the powerful ancient Canaanites; but she is no threat to that in her request for grace that is freely given to the Gentiles. Besides, she will take what the Jews do not want. And that attitude played out again and again in Paul’s missionary journey when he turned to Gentiles because the Jews did not want their Messiah, but the Gentiles did.

III. The Conclusion: Jesus rewards her faith by healing her daughter (28b). Jesus honors the faith that seeks mercy. She had no resentment, no anger about her situation; she only knew that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah who came to heal people, and for some reason He was in her town. She sought mercy from Him. And this time Jesus responded with emotion (“O woman” has emotional force). Her faith was rewarded. And she became one of the early Gentiles to enter the kingdom.

Conclusion and Application

The basic theme of the passage is that Christ went into Gentile territory and did this miracle for a Gentile woman who had greater faith than the Jews who were rejecting and challenging Jesus’ claims. It teaches us about the grace of our Lord, about faith of people who are in need, and about the coming advance of the kingdom to the Gentiles who will be sent into all the world. They would know that it was the Lord’s desire that all come to salvation.

So the conversation has to be understood in its historical setting to capture fully what Jesus is doing here. He is not playing games with the woman--He did not go all the way to her region to avoid her! But the crisis between Jesus and the Jews was soon to intensify, and Jesus is making it clear that the grace of God will be given to all who believe, even though His mission called for Him to present Himself to Israel as the Son of David. It was as if He was saying to the disciples and to her, “You do know I am the Jewish Messiah don’t you?”

It is amazing how the Church over the centuries has tried to conceal that point, presenting Jesus as non-Jewish in paintings and art, and even as Aryan in theological writings (as amazing as that may seem). The Church has done such an effective job in this that many Jewish people today have to be reminded that Jesus is their Messiah, a Jew (the Church has adopted a “triumphalist” or “replacement” attitude toward the Jews which has not been a healthy or correct approach). Here, the disciples wanted Jesus to satisfy her need; and Jesus wanted to heal her daughter (He came all the way to her region) but He wanted her to express her faith in spite of whatever racial tensions there were. And since she knew that He was the Lord, the Messiah, and asked for mercy, He healed her daughter. Jesus’ ministry may have focused on Israel first (as Paul’s did, “to the Jew first”), but He extended mercy to all who would believe in Him.

This passage should have become instructive for the disciples, but they still had to meet and decide if the Gospel had in truth gone to the Gentiles, and if so what laws should Gentiles come under (Acts 15). But there was no denying that Jesus went to the Gentiles and extended His grace.

And so the instruction is for us as well, that we are to take the message of grace to the world, to whoever is seeking mercy and will believe. If there is resistance and refusal, we may continue to pray for them (as Jesus prayed for Jerusalem), but we turn to people who want it, whom the Spirit of God has prepared to receive the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord. Unfortunately, the Church spends the greatest amount of time, money and energy continuing its work at home, when the greatest responses to the Gospel today are in the third world. Our cities have churches and ministries on almost every corner; but in other countries there are people seeking God’s grace and the need is not being met.

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