Title | Author | Posted On |
Resurrection Sunday/Easter Study Guide: Suggestions For Family Devotions Or A Small Group Study | Bob Deffinbaugh | 03/22/2019 |
2018-03, Bible.org Newsletter: Reasons for Celebrating the Resurrection | | 08/17/2018 |
Q. What Becomes Of The Body, Soul, And Spirit Between The Time Of Death And The Resurrection? | Bob Deffinbaugh | 07/31/2018 |
Easter [2018]: Jesus is Risen—So What? (Acts 25:23, 26:1-29) | Steven Cole | 03/29/2018 |
Easter [2016]: When You See the Risen Lord (Revelation 1:9-20) | Steven Cole | 03/25/2016 |
Lesson 101: From Sorrow to Hope (John 20:11-18) | Steven Cole | 09/03/2015 |
Lesson 100: The Evidence for Jesus’ Resurrection (John 20:1-10) | Steven Cole | 09/03/2015 |
Lesson 86: Sorrow Turned into Joy (John 16:16-24) | Steven Cole | 03/31/2015 |
Lesson 144: Sharing the Story of the Resurrected Lord (Luke 24:44-49) | Daniel Bennett | 02/27/2015 |
Lesson 143: The Risen Lord Eats (Luke 24:36-43) | Daniel Bennett | 02/27/2015 |
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Lesson 140: The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus (Luke 24:1-12) | Daniel Bennett | 02/27/2015 |
Lesson 128: How Easter Helps Us Think Rightly About Everything (Luke 22:24-30) | Daniel Bennett | 02/26/2015 |
Lesson 116: The Trap of the Intellectual (Luke 20:27-40) | Daniel Bennett | 02/24/2015 |
Lesson 67: Making the Resurrection Story Your Own (Matthew 28:1-15) | Bentely Tate | 11/03/2014 |
Easter [2014]: Good News for Everyone (John 20 and 21) | Steven Cole | 04/17/2014 |
5. Grace-Given Life to You | Melanie Newton | 12/10/2013 |
Lesson 12: How to Come to Jesus (John 2:18-22) | Steven Cole | 10/09/2013 |
Christ’s Resurrection Is The Foundation Of Christianity | Steven Cole | 09/30/2013 |
Easter [2013]: Defeating Doubt (John 20:1-10, 19-20, 24-31) | Steven Cole | 09/19/2013 |
Easter [2011]: Hope for All Sinners (Mark 16:7) | Steven Cole | 09/19/2013 |
Easter [2010]: Why Be a Christian? (Acts 3:11-26) | Steven Cole | 09/19/2013 |
Easter [2009]: From Death to Life (Luke 15:1-2, 11-32) | Steven Cole | 09/19/2013 |
Easter [2008]: The Risen Savior’s Questions (John 20:11-18) | Steven Cole | 09/19/2013 |
Easter [2007]: Hard Hearts, Powerful God (Matthew 27:57-28:20) | Steven Cole | 09/19/2013 |
Easter [2006]: Overcoming Doubt (John 20:1-10, 19-20, 24-31) | Steven Cole | 09/19/2013 |
Easter [2004]: Your Coming Resurrection (John 5:28-29) | Steven Cole | 09/19/2013 |
Easter [2003]: Rescued by the Risen Jesus (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10) | Steven Cole | 09/19/2013 |
Easter [2001]: A Revolutionary Reborn (Acts 26:4-18, 22-25) | Steven Cole | 09/19/2013 |
Easter [1998]: Hope For All Who Have Failed (Mark 16:7) | Steven Cole | 09/18/2013 |
Easter [1997]: Hope For Troubled Hearts (Luke 24:13-35) | Steven Cole | 09/18/2013 |
Easter [1996]: The Most Important Question In The World (Mark 8:27-33) | Steven Cole | 09/18/2013 |
Easter [1995]: How To Get Right With God (Romans 10:9, 10) | Steven Cole | 09/18/2013 |
Easter [1994]: What To Do If The Resurrection Is True (Acts 17:30-34) | Steven Cole | 09/18/2013 |
Easter [1993]: Why the Resurrection Matters (1 Corinthians 15:1-19) | Steven Cole | 09/18/2013 |
Easter Messages | Steven Cole | 09/18/2013 |
Lesson 67: Your Response to the Resurrection (Acts 25:23-26:32) | Steven Cole | 08/14/2013 |
Lesson 66: Two Views Of The Resurrection (Acts 25:13-22) | Steven Cole | 08/14/2013 |
Lesson 33: Tragedy and Triumph (Luke 7:11-17) | Daniel Bennett | 07/30/2013 |
Lesson 117: Why the Disciples Rejoiced at Jesus’ Ascension (Luke 24:50-53) | Steven Cole | 06/21/2013 |
Lesson 115: Too Good to be True, But True! (Luke 24:36-43) | Steven Cole | 06/21/2013 |
Lesson 114: Disappointment and Hope (Luke 24:13-35) | Steven Cole | 06/21/2013 |
Lesson 113: The Foundation for Our Faith (Luke 24:1-12) | Steven Cole | 06/21/2013 |
Chronology & Synopsis of the Passion Week | Peter Smith | 02/25/2013 |
11. The Garden Tomb—Contemplating The Resurrection Of Jesus | Wayne Stiles | 08/14/2012 |
Good Friday Meditation | Bill Lawrence | 04/11/2011 |
The Resurrection: Here We Stand | Roger Pascoe | 03/21/2011 |
13. Resurrection and Post-resurrection Ministry (40 Days) | Dave Dawson | 05/26/2010 |
3. Hope and the Resurrection (Luke 24) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 04/22/2010 |
What’s the Evidence for the Resurrection? | Mark Austin | 04/21/2010 |
The Glory of God in the Passion of Jesus Christ | Bob Deffinbaugh | 04/21/2010 |
7. The Resurrection of Christ (1 Corinthians 15:20-28; 51-58) | Tracie Wallace | 04/15/2010 |
2. The Rapture: A Message for Controversy - Will the Church go through the Tribulation? | Bill McRae | 04/05/2010 |
How I Know Christianity is True | Patrick Zukeran | 09/09/2009 |
The Empty Tomb (Mark 16) | Bill Lawrence | 04/09/2009 |
The Third Day Motif | Richard D. Patterson | 02/02/2009 |
7. The Resurrection & the Life | Kay Daigle | 09/18/2008 |
The Meaning of the Resurrection | Bob Deffinbaugh | 04/01/2008 |
Resurrection Message | Bob Deffinbaugh | 04/27/2007 |
33. Resurrection (Matthew 28:1-17) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 09/06/2005 |
23. Exegetical Commentary on John 20 | W. Hall Harris III | 03/02/2005 |
46. On Seeing and Believing (John 20:10-31) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 08/20/2004 |
45. The Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ (John 19:38-20:9) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 08/20/2004 |
18. The Book of Glory | Darrell L. Bock | 08/16/2004 |
7. The Work of Christ | Charles T. Buntin | 06/30/2004 |
The Argument of 1 Corinthians 12-14 | Greg Herrick | 06/26/2004 |
76. "From Heartbreak to Heartburn" (Luke 23:54-24:35) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/24/2004 |
75. Dealing with the Death of Jesus (Luke 23:40-24:35) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/24/2004 |
The Death of Death | John W. Lawrence | 06/02/2004 |
False Theories Against the Resurrection of Christ | J. Hampton Keathley, III | 06/02/2004 |
Evidences for the Resurrection | J. Hampton Keathley, III | 06/02/2004 |
39. The Burial and Resurrection of Christ | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/02/2004 |
13. The Resurrection and the Life (John 11:1-53) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/01/2004 |
The Historical Veracity of the Resurrection Narratives | Greg Herrick | 06/01/2004 |
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ | J. Hampton Keathley, III | 05/28/2004 |
The Shroud of Turin and the Resurrection of Christ | J. Hampton Keathley, III | 05/28/2004 |
The Resurrection of Christ: Theological Implications | Daniel B. Wallace | 05/28/2004 |
The Significance of the Resurrection | Bob Deffinbaugh | 05/28/2004 |
3. The Glory of God and the Cross of Christ (Ephesians 1:6b-10) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 05/26/2004 |
6. The Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus the Messiah | Allen Ross | 05/14/2004 |
7. The Bodily Resurrection of Jesus the Messiah | Allen Ross | 05/14/2004 |