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7. Elijah: God's Humble Prophet 1: The God of the Impossible Situation

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1 Kings 16:29-17:24


Under Saul, David and Solomon, the loosely associated 12 tribes of Israel formed one nation (1050-930 B.C.). For centuries before that, though, friction had existed between the northern and southern tribes. So after Solomon died (930 B.C.), the 10 tribes dwelling primarily north of Jerusalem broke off and formed a new nation referred to as the northern kingdom, or Israel, with the hilltop city of Samaria as its capital. The 2 remaining tribes—Judah and Benjamin—became known as Judah (Judah was the larger of the two) and is sometimes referred to as the southern kingdom with Jerusalem as its capital. For the most part, Israel’s kings were idolatrous and rebellious against God. Some of Judah’s kings were likewise.

Our study of Elijah begins during the reign of Ahab in Israel who became king in 874 BC, ~66 years after the death of Solomon. Those six decades were characterized by murder, deception and hatred proceeding from the very throne of Israel. Then the throne was turned over to Ahab who married Jezebel. The mention of the marriage is significant for two reasons: 1) Jezebel was the dominant member of the marriage who controlled Ahab’s reign and 2) she initiated Baal worship in Israel (to be discussed in more detail in Lesson 2). Her hometown (Sidon in the land of Phoenicia—see map at the end of lesson one) was the birthplace of this idolatry. It had not found its way into Israel until this marriage.

Both nations, Israel and Judah, were falling deep into idol-worship, so God chose special men and women to be prophets, His mouthpieces. Some, like Elijah, were called into a lifetime of service to God, while God asked others to perform one simple, yet important job. Yet, all responded to God’s call to give God’s messages to both kings and ordinary people.

Reading Elijah’s Life In Context (Optional):

Read 1 Kings 16-21; 2 Kings 1-2 to get the “Big Picture” for the 3-lesson study of Elijah. To follow Elijah’s travels, see the map at the end of this lesson.

Day One Study

Setting The Stage…

Use a Bible handbook, Bible text notes, or other sources to find out more information about the time period in which Elijah lived. Suggested topics to research:

·         What ravens eat—

·         The uses and value of cooking oil—

·         The plight of widows—

·         The life of prophets—

·         God’s promise concerning giving or withholding rain—

·         What was this Baal worship that so provoked the Lord to anger?

The mention of Elijah in 1 Kings 17:1 is abrupt. Unlike David or Joseph, we know nothing of his age, family or youth. His name combines 2 names for God: El (from Elohim which is translated God) plus jah (from Yahweh which is the personal name God told the Hebrews to call Him). So, his name means My God is Yahweh. This was his choice and his message. His place of birth was across the Jordan River in a land of solitude and outdoor life. The people were rugged, muscular, uneducated and unpolished. Elijah’s style was likewise bold with no frills. His clothes—a rough, hairy garment probably woven from goat’s hair (called sackcloth) and large leather belt—were part of the dress of prophets at that time (2 Kings 1:8). Our study will reveal why Elijah was indeed a man like us.

1. Read 1 Kings 16:29-17:6; James

·         What kinds of problems does a drought normally bring?

·         So, what did Elijah trust God to do?

2. Read 1 Kings 17:7-24. Concentrating on verses 7-16, discuss the following:

·         the life circumstances of Elijah—

·         the life circumstances of the widow (her impossible situation)—

·         the choices Elijah made—

·         the choices the widow made—

·         God’s faithfulness to both—

Historical Insight: A room on the roof was a sign of once having prosperity, since only a wealthy man could afford to add another addition to his home. Oil was used not only for cooking but also for lighting the house at night as well as medicine for wounds and bathing or deodorizing the skin when there was little water.

3. Concentrating on verses 17-24, what further challenge did the widow face?

4. How did Elijah’s knowledge of and faith in God benefit this family?

Scriptural Insight: Commentators disagree about the woman’s faith initially. Her oath in the name of the Lord was either an accommodation to Elijah whom she recognized as an Israelite or a genuine expression of previous knowledge of and commitment to the God of Israel. It doesn’t matter. What does matter is that she responded in obedience to the word of the Lord, which demonstrates faith. The Lord honored her faith by fulfilling His promise miraculously. They could get this provision nowhere else. Something only God could provide. Only the true God could provide flour and oil in a drought! Only the true God can give life!

5. Read 2 Kings 4:1-7, a similar account of another woman in an impossible situation during the ministry of Elisha who was Elijah’s successor. [The ministry of Elisha is found in 2 Kings 2-9.] What Elijah learned in his time with the widow of Zarephath, he must have certainly shared with Elisha who didn’t hesitate to help another woman. Her husband had been in the ministry as a prophet at one of the three schools where men were trained in the word of God similar to modern seminaries. Discuss the following:

·         their life circumstances—

·         the choices she and her children made—

·         God’s faithfulness to them—

6. List those circumstances or situations in our lives today that would parallel anything in either of these passages, I Kings 17:1-24 or 2 Kings 4:1-7? Example: being a single mom.

Day Two Study

We will focus on 3 applications to this lesson, all centered on what to do with an impossible situation.

Step #1 Identify It.

7. Your Lifes Journey: The woman of Zarephath (and the prophet’s widow) grew in knowledge of God in their “kitchens” through an impossible situation. What are you (or someone close to you) facing today that is bleak and/or impossible?

Step #2 Think Rightly About It.

When the boy died, the woman immediately entertained error in her thinking, “God is punishing me for my sin by killing my son. It’s all my fault.” This is a common reaction among many people who do not know God or His ways when personal tragedy enters their lives. But, it is wrong thinking. Although some hardship comes as the consequence of a person’s wrong choices (as in David’s later life), most does not as we have seen in our study so far. Based on our study of Joseph, was he put into slavery, jailed, etc. as a consequence of his behavior? No! Was David on the run from Saul for 13 years because of his own fault? No! And, God was with both of them.

8. Your Lifes Journey: Are you blaming yourself (or someone else), thinking that God is punishing you with this impossible situation? Read the following verses to see what God says regarding this error in our thinking: John 9:1-3; Matthew 5:45; 7:24-27 (what happened to both houses?); Romans 8:1. Make any comments below.

Step #3 Bring It To God. Trust That God Loves You, He Knows What Is Going On, And He Can Do Something About It.

9. How does Elijah deal with the difficult situation of the boy’s death, a situation outside of Elijah’s control? [Hint: Where does he go? How does he react?]

10. Read the following verses: Psalm 27:14; Isaiah 30:18; Luke 1:37; Matthew 19:25-26. What do these verses promise to you about an impossible situation, and how does this encourage you?

11. Think through what you do when tragedy strikes or when a test comes.

·         What’s your usual response?

·         Based upon what we have learned so far in this study, is this the correct (Biblical) response?

12. What have you learned from today’s lesson that will help you deal with what appears to be an impossible situation you may be currently facing? Describe anything you have learned about going to God when tragedy strikes. Place on your “bed” that critical situation—that burden that is burning your energy, weighing on your mind. God is still the God of IMPOSSIBLE SITUATIONS.

Think About It: Reflect on one man’s choice of how to think in a difficult time: First, God brought me here. It is by His will that I am in this straight place. In that fact, I will rest. Next, God will keep me here in His love, and He will give me grace to behave as His child. Then, God will make the trial a blessing, teaching me the lessons He intends me to learn and working in me the grace He means to bestow. Last, in God’s good time, He can bring me out again—how and when, He knows. Let me say, I am here: 1) by God’s appointment, 2) in His keeping, 3) under His training, 4) for His time. Amen. (In Quietness and Confidence, Dr. Raymond Edmund, former professor at Wheaton College)

Map Of Elijah’s Travels

Bible Knowledge Commentary OT, page 523

Related Topics: Curriculum, Faith

8. Elijah: God's Humble Prophet 2: The God Who Wants Our Hearts to be Completely His

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1 Kings 18


Baal was the Canaanites’ chief fertility god as well as the storm god in charge of clouds, wind, and rain—all necessary for crops to grow. Ancient statues show him gripping a lightning bolt in his left hand, ready to hurl it as a spear toward earth. The three-and-one-half year drought had been a great embarrassment to worshipers of Baal. So, Elijah’s test to Baal’s followers seemed like a good opportunity to vindicate their god and they readily agreed to it.

This chapter (I Kings 18) is one of the most significant chapters of the Bible. It could be titled “Winner Takes All” or “The Fight of the Century.” It is the showdown between the living God of heaven and the idols of men on earth. After three years of drought, God tells Elijah to come out of hiding and go back to show himself to Ahab. He was a wanted man; Ahab thought of him as a snake, a viper. No doubt, the stench of death was all around. The famine was severe by now…

Day One Study

1. Read 1 Kings 18:1-15. (See the map after the previous lesson to follow Elijah’s travels.) Besides Elijah, who else was learning about faith in God at this time? How?

2. What is Elijah commanded to do and how does he respond?

Read I Kings 18:16-40. There are 3 main groups represented at this showdown: the No Comment Fence-Sitter Israelites, Ahab + Jezebels Baalites, and Elijah plus God. Let’s look at them one at a time to glean our lessons.

The “No Comment Fence-Sitters” Of Israel

3. Why was this showdown necessary for them? What did Elijah do in v. 31-32, 36 to remind them of their identity?

4. Divided allegiance is as wrong as open idolatry. It is likely that hundreds, if not thousands, congregated on Mount Carmel in answer to Elijah’s directive for Ahab to summon them (v. 19). The people were lukewarm toward God, “straddling the fence,” perhaps trying to combine both religions. The easiest thing to do in the hour of decision is to remain uncommitted. But, with God, it’s either/or, not both. Read Revelation 3:15-16; James 4:4-5. What does the Bible say about people who try to “straddle the fence?”

5. Your Lifes Journey: Follow the steps below to overcome being a “no comment fence-sitter” in your life.

·         Step 1: Choose to become committed to God and His ways. One of God’s purposes was to turn the hearts of the people back to Himself. This involves a choice. Read John 8:12. If you haven’t made this choice for your life already, why not do it today?

·         Step 2: Choose to stay committed. Read the following questions and answer any that apply to your life. Have you felt that tension between your Christian faith (often snubbed as “traditional”) and the pull of your modern culture? In what ways is the tension most challenging to you and why? Have you sometimes been tempted to desert some of God’s ways to fit in better by taking the “embrace the best of both worlds” approach? Or, have you stood firm for God and His ways in spite of opposition? What have been the results of any of these choices?             

Ahab + Jezebel’s Baalites

6. In today’s passage in 1 Kings 18, contrast the religious practices of the Baal worshipers with Elijah as a worshiper of the true God.

7. What does God honor? Read also Romans 10:8-13; Ephesians 2:8-9; and Hebrews 11:1,6. How do these scriptures encourage you as a Christian?

Think About It: When we stray away from Christ as our life, we have no alternative but to return to self-generated, self-centered, and self-disciplined religious experience and the “counsel of the ungodly.” (Bob George, Growing in Grace, p. 36)

Elijah Plus God

8. Review from last week: What had Elijah come to know and understand about God over the previous 3 years that prepared him for this very public challenge?

9. Discuss Elijah’s prayer and God’s answer.

10. How did the people respond?

Day Two Study

11. In 1 Kings 18:15, Elijah refers to God as “The Lord Almighty (NIV)” / “The Lord of Hosts (NAS).” This is a very meaningful title for God. Read any or all of the following verses where this title for God is also used: 1 Samuel 17:45; Isaiah 5:16, 6:3; Jeremiah 11:20, 31:35, 50:34; Zechariah 7:9-10. List what is told about Him as the Lord of Hosts.

12. Your Lifes Journey: In what ways does your life reflect the reality of God’s being Lord of Hosts? For instance, do you find reassurance in His power or have you experienced His help? Are there some fearful situations that you have given over to Him?

13. Your Lifes Journey: Allow God to grow you; you can become the Elijah in your sphere of influence. As Elijah did, you can make the choice to be committed to God and the specific job He has given you to do. Elijah points out the truth and doesn’t back down. John Knox, Scottish evangelist of the 1600s, once said, “God and one are a majority.” Never underestimate the influence of one unique, totally dedicated life.

·         What is your sphere of influence right now in your stage of life?

·         Where do you need to be totally committed to Him?

·         Make a list right now of 5 people in your sphere of influence who need to know the one true God and commit to pray for God to reveal Himself to them in an unmistakable manner. In confidence, wait for and watch Him work.

14. Read 1 Kings 18:41-46. How did God, through Elijah, finish up His Mount Carmel demonstration?

15. What does it teach us about God?

Thoughts To Ponder

Our day is characterized by mediocrity. Christians blend into the scenery of the times. God looks for special people at such difficult times, and His methods are often surprising. We expect flash; He uses ordinary, everyday lives. He uses women who are engaged in constant ministry to their families in their homes. It may be to only 1, 2, or 3 people. We shouldn’t look down on that. What we must remember is that first and foremost, we stand before God. He looks for men and women whose hearts are completely His, who won’t blend into the scenery of their culture, bowing the knee to idols. God found a man who was completely His. Would God find you to be completely His today?

Related Topics: Curriculum, Faith

9. Criteria for Church Leaders, “Deacons”

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1 Timothy 3:8-13

Day One Study

1. Read 1 Timothy 3:8-13. Like overseers/elders, which we studied last lesson, Paul states that deacons must also possess leadership qualifications. In the space below, list the qualifications Paul discusses in verses 8-10 & 12. (We’ll address vs. 11 separately.)

Scriptural Insight: The Greek word translated “women” or “wives” in vs. 11 refers to any woman—whether married, single, or widowed. It is a term of respect. The same Greek word for “deacon,” diakonos, is used of Phoebe in Romans 16:1, translated as servant (NET, KJV, NASB, NIV) or “deaconess” (JB, RSV). This could be referring to female deacons, not a separate office of deaconess. It is unlikely to be the wives of deacons since the wives of elders, a more influential office, are not addressed, either in Timothy or Titus. Early Church writings have numerous allusions to women serving the church, some teaching other women due to the strict separation of the sexes or others as widows alluded to later in 1 Timothy 5.

2. Verse 11 lists several character qualities that Paul says these women should possess. List them and determine why they are important.

Character Quality


3. Using any references available to you, define the term “deacon”.

4. What is the role of a deacon? How is it different from the role of an overseer? (See Acts 6:1-6 for the prototype of what later became the “office” of deacon in the church.)

5. Referring to the chart about “elders” from the previous lesson, are there any differences between the leadership qualifications for elders and for deacons? If so, what are they?

6. Concerning both elders (vs. 4-5) and deacons (vs. 12), managing one’s family well is listed as a qualification for leadership for both offices. Why is this so important?

7.              Adorning Yourself:

·         If you are married: How can your marriage and family life most help and strengthen you or your husband to lead in the church?

·         If you are single: How can your management of your own household help to prepare you for leadership in your church?

Think About It: The family is a training class and proving ground for leaders in the church. We can determine much about an individual’s fitness to lead in church by finding out how he or she behaves at home. How we behave at home tells others much about our character and conduct. Our spouse, children, and relatives can provide feedback and encouragement to improve our character and conduct. Home is a proving ground because we must demonstrate the skills for leading the church by effectively leading our own families. Because the church is God’s family, those who set their hearts on leadership should start at home. Those who are heavily involved in the church should never neglect their family responsibilities. (Life Application Study Bible)

8. Describe the reward for serving well as a deacon (v. 13).

Historical Insight: In Greek society the deacon was one who gave lowly service, an act that was not considered dignified in a culture that valued ruling instead. But Jesus reversed this evaluation. “For who is greater,” he asked, “the one who is at the table or the one who serves” (Luke 22:27). And “even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve” (Mark 10:45). It was from this teaching and example of Jesus that the general calling of all his followers to humble service derived. (John Stott, Fighting the Good Fight)

Day Two Study

9. Read 1 Timothy 3:14-15. How did Paul describe the church?

10. What does each word picture convey about it? How has this contributed to your understanding of the body of Christ?

11. In 1 Timothy 3:16, Paul described Christ with a series of affirmations. What do they teach about Him, and how do these statements build on one another?

12. Adorning Yourself: Compare Paul’s qualification lists with your church’s qualifications for leaders. Do they match? If not, how can you encourage the leadership to consider making changes?

13. Adorning Yourself: In what ways are you a leader at church right now? How would you like to be leading in five or ten years? Are there areas in your life that need attention in order to help you realize your goal?

Related Topics: Curriculum

12. Rendering Respect in Our Relationships

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1 Timothy 5:3-8

In Irving L. Jensen’s 1&2 Timothy and Titus, A Self-study Guide, Jensen begins his study of 1 Timothy chapter 5 with the following comments, “ One of the values of Scripture is that it has an answer to every human problem, of whatever kind, era, dimension or significance. It is true that not all church problems of A.D. 62 are the identical problems of the church two thousand years later. But even in such instances timeless principles can be derived from the Bible account and applied to any succeeding generation.”

Day One Study

1. Read 1 Timothy 5:1-2. Here we find more instruction to Timothy (and us). This time the topic is how to deal with those around us (of all ages) when the need for correction arises. How is Timothy told to respond to the following?

·         An older man—

·         Younger men—

·         Older women—

·         Younger women—

2. How do these instructions differ from one another, and why do you think they are different?

3. Adorning Yourself: Think of the different people that you interact with (or have interacted with in the past) from each of these age groups, then write down one or two of the things you most appreciate about people in each of these stages of life. Share some of these with your group.

The next passage takes on a subject that is given more verses than any other topic thus far in the letter. To get the whole context of Paul’s instruction on widows, read 1 Timothy 5:3-16. We will deal with only vs. 1-8 in this lesson and study the rest in the next lesson.

4.              Referring to verses 1 Timothy 5:3-4, what does Paul say about a widow who has children or grandchildren?

5. Do you think our present culture agrees with this reasoning? Why or why not?

6. Adorning Yourself: Have you personally ever had to deal with this issue in your own family? If not, have you given this area of responsibility much thought before? Explain.

7. Compare the widow described in 1 Timothy 5:5 with the widow described in 5:6.

8. In verse 5, when Paul talks about the widow who “puts her hope in God”, what does that mean? How do you put your hope in God?

Day Two Study

9. God’s special concern for widows has been apparent throughout Scripture. Look up the following verses to get a bit of a picture of this: Exodus 22:22-24, Deuteronomy 10:18; 24:19-21, Zechariah 7:10, Luke 7:11-15, and James 1:27. What do these verses tell us about God’s view of widows and their needs?

10. According to 1 Timothy 5:7, what is the reason Paul gives for following these guidelines for caring for widows?

11. What does Paul say about a Christian who “does not provide for his own”?

12. In what sense might a believer be considered “worse than an unbeliever?” Also read Matthew 5:46-47 to help you answer this.

13. Why do you think doing “good deeds” or “good works” appears to be held in high regard by Paul (verse 10)? See also 1 Timothy 6:18-19 and Titus 2:11-14.

14. Adorning Yourself: What good deeds do you especially appreciate being done for you? What good deeds do you find yourself most often doing, especially those which might benefit the people in your church?

15. Are there any new areas that you might like to give your time to serving or helping sometime? Read Galatians 6:9-10.

16. Adorning Yourself: Today’s believer has many worthwhile activities in which to get involved, yet doing them all can take away from “providing for your family” (1 Timothy 5:8). How do you discern between those activities in which you will participate and the ones to which you say “no” or “later?”

Related Topics: Curriculum

13. Widows in Ministry, Widows in Misery

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1 Timothy 5:9-16

Historical Insight: As early as Acts 6, the church had established a charitable outreach to widows. Now 30 years later the ministry to widows, of whom there were no doubt many, showed signs of being a major burden to the congregation. Paul was therefore eager in this passage to identify those who did not truly need help in order to leave enough for those who did.

Scripture has much to say about widows and honors them in a way that most cultures do not. Too often a married woman is defined only in relation to her husband. Then if he dies, she loses not only her spouse but her social significance as well. In Scripture, however, widows, orphans and aliens (people without husband, parents or home) are valued for who they are in themselves, and are said to deserve special honor, protection and care. Throughout the Bible justice and love are demanded for them. God is described as “a father to the fatherless” and a “defender of widows” (Psalm 68:5); and it is written of him that “he defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow” (Deuteronomy 10:18). Because this is the kind of God he is, his people are to be the same. (Adapted from The Bible Knowledge Commentary New Testament, pg. 742 and Fighting the Good Fight by John Stott)

Day One Study

1. Read 1 Timothy 5:3-16. From verses 5 and 9-10, list the qualifications for a widow to be put “on the list” to qualify for assistance from the church. [For further commentary on this “list,” see the information box on the next page.] Use the following categories (some qualifications may be listed in more than one area.)









2. What is important about each of these qualifications?

Scriptural Insight: The pledge Paul referred to (1 Timothy 5:12) was probably a formal commitment, taken on joining the list of widows, wherein the woman vowed to serve Christ entirely without thought of marriage. In this way she would devote herself without distraction to the Lord (1 Corinthians 7:34-35). (The Bible Knowledge Commentary New Testament, pg. 743)

3. Read Luke 2:36-38 for an example of a godly widow in scripture. How old was she? What does this passage say she was continuing to do regularly?

4. Read Isaiah 46:4. What does this verse tell us about God and our relationship to Him as we continue to grow older?

5. Adorning Yourself: What do you picture yourself doing at age 60, 70, 80 or more? If you haven’t given this area much thought, do so, and share with your group.

6. Referring back to 1 Timothy 5:11-13, discuss the reasons Paul gives for not putting younger widows on the list.

7. How does this list compare with the list from question 1?

8. Do you think that either “opportunities for ministry” or “opportunities for misery” are limited to any certain age group? Or, marital status? Or, even to any certain gender? Explain your answer.

Day Two Study

9. What are the temptations faced by a married woman when she no longer has a husband, either through death or divorce? How can she best respond?

10. Adorning Yourself: How do you deal with a friend, coworker, neighbor (or your own self) who tends to direct conversation toward gossip or “things not proper to mention” (verse 13)?

11. How do you determine what is proper to talk about and what isn’t? Share any scripture which helps you in this area, or look up Proverbs 20:19 or James 3:5-10 for some help.

12. Read 1 Timothy 5:14-16. Paul has just gotten through listing some of the danger zones young widows face, now on the side of worthy investments of time, what does Paul say he wants younger widows to do, according to 1 Timothy 5:14?

13. What evidence do we have that Paul wasn’t just sounding a false alarm or even being overly critical of younger widows? (Refer back to 1 Timothy 5:15 if needed.)

14. These options for women were the common experience for a younger woman of Paul’s culture. What other good options might be available to a young widow in today’s culture?

15. Verse 16 serves as a summary. Rewrite this verse using your own words.

16. Adorning Yourself: What general principles do the verses here teach you about offering care and help to people in need (especially to widows, or our own families, and in our own churches)?

Related Topics: Curriculum

19. Living in Response to God’s Grace

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Titus 2:11-3:15

Day One Study

Read Titus 2:11-3:15.

God’s grace redeems us!

Much of this section of Titus has been covered in other lessons. This lesson will only cover new material. Paul repeatedly affirms the importance of God’s grace. In Titus 2:11-14, he discusses the three ministries of grace. We will look at each of these in depth in the following questions.

1. This is what grace has done for us in the past. (Titus 2:11 & 14a) What is the definition of redeem/redemption? Use a dictionary or Bible dictionary to help.

·         Redeem—

·         Redemption—

2. Read the following passages to see what the Bible says about redemption:

·         Romans 3:24—

·         Ephesians 1:7—

·         Colossians 1:13-14—

3. What is our condition (Titus 3:3) apart from God?

4. According to Ephesians 2:1-9, what does God do for us?

Scriptural Insight: In Ephesians 2, Paul gave a condensed but comprehensive account of salvation. Verses 4-7 are a single long sentence, which he may have taken from an early Christian creed. The whole sentence hinges on the main verb “he saved us” (verse 5). It is perhaps the fullest statement of salvation in the New Testament. (John Stott)

Day Two Study

Read Titus 2:11-3:15.

God’s grace reforms us!

5. This is what grace does for us in the present. How does God’s grace reform us according to Titus 2:12 & 14b?

6. Titus 3:1-2 illustrates behaviors generally exhibited by one who understands God’s grace. What seven qualities does Paul describe?

7. Read Ephesians 4:23 and Galatians 5:22-23; 25. According to these verses, what role does the Holy Spirit play in renewing and equipping believers?

8. Read the following verses to see in what other ways we can live in response to God’s grace working in us.

·         Ephesians 2:10—

·         Ephesians 4:1-3; 5:1-2—

·         Colossians 3:1-4—

9. In Titus 3:14 Paul says that we are to be a people who learn to engage in good works. Look up the definition of engage and write out what it means.

10. Read Titus 2:14; 3:1, 8, 14. We have been reborn and renewed by the Holy Spirit, says Paul (Titus 3:5). Why should this status motivate us to “devote ourselves to doing what is good” (3:8)?

Focus on the Meaning: “Regeneration is the work of the Holy Spirit in salvation whereby He gives a new life and nature to the believing sinner at the moment of salvation. The new birth (John 3:1-16) is the beginning of this new nature that becomes a part of the believing sinner the instant he or she receives Christ.” (Charles Swindoll)

11. Read Matthew 5:43-48 and 6:1-4. What did Jesus say about doing good?

12. Adorning Yourself: So if salvation is based on our faith and God’s grace and mercy, why would Paul exhort us to be devoted to or engage in good deeds?”

13. Adorning Yourself: Think of one person you know who is living a life reformed by God’s grace. What evidence of God’s reforming power working through His Spirit do you see in that person’s life?

Day Three Study

Read Titus 2:11-3:15.

God’s grace rewards us!

14. What is “the blessed hope” (Titus 2:13) from which all aims and priorities should flow? (Review 1 Timothy 1:1, and see also 1 John 3:1-3.)

16. What does it mean to you in Titus 3:7 when Paul says that we are heirs? Does this give you hope? Why?

17. Adorning Yourself: What does your life look like when you are truly living a life in response to God’s grace? What can you do to live your life even more richly in this way?

Think About It: In the human setting, heirs don’t inherit until the owner of the estate dies (though they may enjoy many benefits in the meantime). But in the spiritual realm the opposite occurs: We do not fully inherit until we have died; yet in this life we can experience many joys and benefits of being heirs of God. Our experience now is only a foretaste of what God has guaranteed to us in the future. (Life Application Bible Commentary)

Related Topics: Curriculum

New Testament Insights

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What Happened Since the Time of Esther?

During the exile from her homeland, Israel was cut off from the temple, divested of nationhood and surrounded by pagan religious practices. So, the Jews concentrated on what they had retained—the Law (the first five books of the Bible, also known as the Pentateuch or the Torah) and the belief that they were God's people—rather than on the nationhood they had lost. This found its expression through personal piety and prayer rather than the sacrifices now denied to them. The new center of worship was now the local synagogue. As a result, Judaism became a faith that could be practiced wherever the Torah could be carried. This helped to preserve Judaism but also prepared the way for the Christian gospel.

The Diaspora (dispersion) of Israel begun in the exile, accelerated during the years that followed so that by Jesus' time Jews filled "every land and sea." Jews outside Palestine concentrated their religious life in the study of the Torah and the life of the synagogue. The missionaries of the early church began their outreach ministries among the Diaspora, using the Greek translation of the Old Testament. Within many Jewish synagogue congregations were “God-fearing” Gentiles (anyone who was not a Jew)—those who believed in the Jewish God and followed the Law to some extent but not fully.

As a nation, Israel ceased to be an independent nation and became a minor territory in a succession of larger empires. First, Alexander the Great acquired Palestine in 332 BC. After his death, Israel was ruled by descendants of Alexander's general, Ptolemy, from Egypt who were considerate of Jewish religious sensitivities. However in 198 BC, descendants of another of Alexander's generals, Seleucid, took control. Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175-164 B.C.) imposed Greek language and culture on Israel (Hellenism). A segment of the Jewish aristocracy adopted Greek ways. The majority of Jews were outraged. Laws were enforced with extreme cruelty. Antiochus IV Epiphanes attempted the eradication of the Jewish religion by prohibiting some of the central elements of Jewish practice. He ordered copies of the Torah (the Pentateuch) to be destroyed. He required offerings to the Greek god Zeus. His crowning outrage was the erection of a statue of Zeus and the sacrificing of a pig in the Jerusalem temple itself!

Opposition to Antiochus was led by Mattathias, an elderly villager from a priestly family, and his five sons (one named Judas the Maccabee—thus the Maccabean revolt). Hanukkah is a celebration of this victory. He destroyed a Greek altar and killed Antiochus' emissary to his village. This triggered a 24-year war led by Maccabeus resulting in the independence of Judah. Mattathias' sons all ruled. Yet, the dynasty became corrupted and turned into an aristocratic Hellenistic regime. Those who had supported the Maccabean revolt soon fell out of favor. The Pharisees (the religious group formed during this time to keep Israel pure) were actually persecuted by their own leaders from 103-76 BC

In 63 BC, an expanding Roman empire entered in the picture. Pompey took Jerusalem after a three-month siege of the temple area, massacring priests in the performance of their duties and entering the Most Holy Place. This sacrilege began Roman rule in a way that Jews could neither forgive nor forget! The Roman Senate appointed Herod, a non-Jew, king in 40 BC He was subject to Rome.

During this time period, the Pharisees built a "hedge" around the law to enable Jews to live righteously before God in a world that had changed drastically since the days of Moses. Few in numbers, the Pharisees enjoyed the support of the people and, as a group, was the only one to survive the destruction of the temple in AD 70, thus being the spiritual progenitors of modern Judaism.

New Testament Summary

The New Testament opens with the births of John and Jesus. About 30 years later, John challenged the Jews to indicate their repentance (turning from sin and toward God) by submitting to water baptism—a familiar Old Testament practice used for repentance as well as when a Gentile converted to Judaism (to be washed clean of idolatry).

God's incarnate Son publicly showed the world what God is like and taught His perfect ways for 3 – 3½ years. After preparing 12 disciples to continue Christ's earthly work, He died voluntarily on a cross for mankind's sin, rose from the dead, and returned to heaven. The account of His earthly life is recorded in 4 books known as the Gospels (the biblical books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John named after the compiler of each account).

After Jesus’ return to heaven, the followers of Christ who were then empowered by the Holy Spirit spread God's salvation message among the Jews, a number of whom believed in Christ, while the apostle Paul and others carried the good news to the Gentiles during 3 missionary journeys (much of this recorded in the book of Acts). Paul wrote 13 New Testament letters to primarily Gentile Christian churches (Romans through 2 Timothy).

The section in our Bible from Hebrews to Jude contains 8 additional letters penned by five men, including two apostles (Peter and John) and two of Jesus’ half-brothers (James and Jude). The author of Hebrews is unknown. The apostle John also recorded Revelation, which summarizes God's final program for the world. The Bible ends as it began—with a new, sinless creation.

Connecting With New Testament Everyday Women

Many women today have very little knowledge of the New Testament beyond a few stories about Jesus and a few of Paul’s letters. You might not have much. Perhaps you know about Jesus and the miracles He performed as well as His death and resurrection. When you read the gospels, you can easily think, “What’s written in it happened two thousand years ago. So long ago! What do those women have in common with me? They didn’t live in my world.” Do you tend to think that way, as though they are just names on a page?

Maybe you like to read biographies. Doesn’t reading someone’s biography make that person come alive for you? Or, you may have done genealogy work on your family tree? It can be great to find something to brag about. But, you can also find out some of your ancestors’ dark secrets and hardships. I don’t know about you, but I feel a connection to that great-great grandmother when I learn a little bit about her life.

This study covers the lives of some New Testament women and the time period in which they lived. Some you may have heard about—Jesus’ mother Mary, Martha and her sister Mary, Lydia and Priscilla. Others are strangers to you—the Canaanite woman, the widow of Nain, or Phoebe.

Maybe these New Testament women lived years ago, but they were still women just like we are. They cooked meals, did laundry, and raised children. They had responsibilities inside and outside of their homes. Some even had home businesses. A couple of them could put together a banquet in a short time. They experienced hormone fluctuations, PMS, and menopause. They laughed with their friends, differed with their mates, and cried when a loved one died. They wrote songs and played musical instruments. I bet they all found ways to use their 20,000 words per day!

At one time, they were 20-somethings, then 40-somethings, then 60-somethings and more. They wore beads, earrings, and anklet bracelets. Their hair needed to be combed and fixed, and it turned grey as they aged. No doubt, some of them, if not all, had something on their bodies that sagged!

These women also experienced fear at various times just like we do. They faced rejection from peers, sick family members, and disappointments. They faced trauma and surprise houseguests. They even had “bad” days when things didn’t go right, sometimes due to their own choices. These were everyday women, just like we are. Their stories—snippets of their biographies—are preserved for us to get to know them, and to know their God who is also our God.

Jesus Christ entered into the midst of their lives, visibly representing God to them, loving them dearly, and changing their lives forever! He does the same for you and me today.

New Testament Timeline

Historical Period

Years AD

Woman Studied

Jesus’ Lifetime & Ministry

6 BC to ~30 AD

Samaritan Woman

Immoral Woman

Adulterous Woman

Sick Woman & Dead Girl

Canaanite Woman

Crippled Woman

Widow of Nain

Mary & Martha 

Mary Magdalene

Mary, Jesus’ Mother

The Early Church

~30 to 65 AD





Israel’s Political and Religious Authorities

Description: Big Tex:Users:melanie:Documents:Melanie's Docs:Church Stuff:Crossroads Stuff:JOY:JOY Studies:Studies for Publishing:10Jesus Lover of a Woman's Soul:Religious Leaders Chart cropped.pdf

Map of Israel During This Time Period

Ways to Explain the Gospel

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Free online training at Choose “Online Training / Personal Evangelism”. Watch video #3.

Has anyone ever taken a Bible and shown you how you can know you’re going to heaven? May I?

The Bible contains both bad news and good news. The bad news is something about you and me, and the good news is something about God. Let’s discuss the bad news first.

  • Bad News #1 ‑— We are all sinners. Romans 3:23
  • Bad News #2—The penalty for sin is death. Romans 6:23

Since there was no way you could come to God, the Bible says that God decided to come to you.

  • Good News #1—Christ died for you. Romans 5:8
  • Good News #2—You can be saved through faith in Christ. Ephesians 2:8-9

Is there anything keeping you from trusting Christ right now? Would you like to pray right now and tell God you are trusting His Son as your Savior?

Bridge to Life (Navigators)

The Bible teaches that God loves all humans and wants them to know him. John 10:10; Romans 5:1

But humans have sinned against God and are separated from God and his love. Draw a chasm. This separation leads only to death and judgment. Romans 3:23; Isaiah 59:2

But there is a solution. Draw bridge. Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins (the bridge between humanity and God). 1 Peter 3:18; 1 Timothy 2:5; Romans 5:8

Only those who personally receive Jesus Christ into their lives, trusting him to forgive their sins, can cross this bridge. Everyone must decide individually whether to receive Christ. John 3:16; John 5:24

Four Spiritual Laws (Cru)

God loves you and offers a wonderful plan for your life. John 3:16; 10:10

Humans are sinful and separated from God. Thus, they cannot know and experience God’s love and plan for their lives. Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23

Jesus Christ is God’s only provision for humanity’s sin. Through Jesus, you can know and experience God’s love and plan for your life. Romans 5:8; John 14:6

We must individually receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and then we can know and experience God’s love and plan for our lives. John 1:12; Ephesians 2:8-9

Using John 3:16

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

“Has anyone introduced you to Jesus so you could know Him? May I?”

  • God loves—God is real. He loves you with an unconditional, never-ending love. For God loves you (name) so much…” He created you to have a relationship with Him. But, we can’t experience this loving personal relationship because of sin in our lives. Sin is disobeying God. It puts a barrier between us and a holy God. No matter how hard you try, you cannot be good enough on your own to overcome this sin barrier. The penalty for sin is death. But God’s love had a plan…
  • God gave—God gave His one and only Son” Jesus – to live as a human without sin and then to take the penalty for our sin on himself when he died on the cross. He was buried as a dead man then raised from the dead to be alive again. He did this so that our sins could be forgiven.
  • We believe God’s love—Whoever believes in Him” – Faith is trust. God asks that we trust in His plan, admit our sin and desire for a relationship with Him. Accept what Jesus did on the cross for us out of love.
  • We receive what God gave!—“Shall not perish but have eternal life” – Everyone dies and ends up somewhere. To perish means to die separated from God and His love for you. Eternal life means you can enjoy a forever-family relationship with God and promise of living securely with Him now and after your life on earth ends.

When offered a gift you want, you take it and say thank you. It’s forever yours. Is there anything keeping you from trusting in Jesus right now?

Related Topics: Evangelism


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The following resources were used in the preparation and writing of this study.

A.T. Robertson, Robertson’s Word Pictures of the New Testament, Broadman Press, 1932.

John F. Walvoord and Roy B. Zuck, The Bible Knowledge Commentary New Testament, Victor Books, 1985.

The NIV Study Bible New International Version, Zondervan Bible Publishers, 1985.

Dr. Tom Constable’s Notes on Luke accessed at 

Dr. Tom Constable’s Notes on Acts accessed at

Melanie Newton, Lifestyle Disciplemaking Training

Jesus Cares for Women by Helene Ashker, Navigator Press.

Vickie Kraft teaching notes on New Testament women

Nelson’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary

New Unger’s Bible Dictionary

Handbook of Life in Bible Times

Lesson 3: What Spiritual Growth Looks Like (Colossians 1:9-12)

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November 15, 2015

One thing I love about kids is their strong desire to grow up. The late pastor Ray Stedman said that once he asked a boy how old he was. Quick as a flash he said, “I’m twelve, going on thirteen, soon be fourteen.” He was eager to grow up.

Every parent has a growth chart somewhere on a wall or closet door, where you measure your kids’ heights every few months. When they see how much they’ve grown, they beam with delight. I remember going to Disneyland as a boy and discovering that I didn’t quite reach the bottom of the sign that gave the height requirement for driving the miniature cars. Wow, was I disappointed! Finally, of course, I reached that goal, but that only whet my appetite to turn 16 so that I could get my driver’s license and drive a real car. I wanted to grow up!

As a parent, it always brings great joy when your kids grow old enough to learn what pleases you and then they do it. “Daddy, I helped Mommy bake your favorite cookies!” “Daddy, I knew you didn’t feel well, so I made you a card!” You know that they’re growing because they want to do things to please you.

Have you ever thought about what spiritual growth looks like? Can you measure it by how often you go to church or by how many ministries you’re involved in or by how much you give? Sometimes those things may reflect spiritual growth, but they aren’t at the heart of it. At the heart of spiritual growth is learning how God wants us to live so that as His children, we can please Him by living that way. In his prayer for these new Colossian believers, Paul shows what spiritual growth looks like:

Spiritual growth means growing to know how God wants us to live so that we seek to please Him in all things.

I’m approaching this prayer as a picture of spiritual growth, but don’t miss the fact that it is a prayer. It shows us how Paul prayed for these new believers, most of whom he did not know personally. Along with Paul’s other recorded prayers (Eph. 1:15-23; 3:14-21; Phil. 1:9-11; 1 Thess. 3:9-13; 2 Thess. 1:3-12), we can learn how to pray for our families, our friends, for ourselves, and for other believers. When Paul says here that he and Timothy had “not ceased to pray” for the Colossians, he means that they had often remembered them in their prayers. Use this prayer as a guide for your prayers!

Paul’s prayer here actually begins in verses 3-8, where he thanked God for their faith in Christ Jesus, their love for all the saints, and the hope laid up for them in heaven. Now he tells them his request, that they would be filled with the knowledge of God’s will so that they will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, pleasing Him in every way. Then he lists four things that please the Lord (indicated by four participles in the Greek text): bearing fruit in every good work; increasing in the knowledge of God; being strengthened with God’s power so that we can steadfastly and patiently endure trials; and, joyfully giving thanks to the Father for His great salvation. I’m going to treat this prayer from the perspective of what spiritual growth looks like.

1. Spiritual growth means growing to know how God wants us to live.

Colossians 1:9: “For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding ….”

Paul’s prayer that the Colossians would be filled with the knowledge of God’s will does not mean that he wants them to know whether they should take a different job offer or marry a particular person. Rather, he’s asking that they might know God’s moral will as revealed in His Word. “Being filled” with this knowledge is a prayer that they would be controlled by this knowledge so that it would govern every thought, word, and deed. Since God’s moral will is a reflection of His holy character, Paul’s prayer is that these new believers would grow to know God Himself as He has revealed Himself in His Word.

The false teachers who had infiltrated the Colossian church may have been emphasizing how their teachings would bring you fullness of knowledge. To counter this claim, Paul emphasizes the theme of fullness by repeatedly using the words “all” or “every”: “all spiritual wisdom and understanding” (Col. 1:9); “to please Him in all respects” (Col. 1:10); “bearing fruit in every good work” (Col. 1:10); “strengthened with all power” (Col. 1:11); and, “for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience” (Col. 1:11; see, also, Col. 2:3, 9-10). He wants us to know that every spiritual need that we have is to be found fully in Christ. So why go elsewhere?

Paul modifies this true knowledge of God’s will with two words (Col. 1:9): “in all spiritual wisdom and understanding.”

A. The knowledge of how God wants us to live requires spiritual wisdom.

“Spiritual” is emphatic by position and applies both to “wisdom” and “understanding.” Spiritual wisdom and understanding come from God’s Spirit and stand in contrast to the worldly wisdom of the false teachers (Col. 2:23). “Wisdom” is an Old Testament concept emphasized often in the Book of Proverbs. The same Greek words for both “wisdom” and “understanding” often occur together in the Septuagint, as in Proverbs 9:10:

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

The main idea behind the Hebrew concept of wisdom is “skill.” The men who were able to construct the tabernacle according to God’s plan as revealed to Moses are called “wise,” meaning skillful (Exod. 31:3, 6; 36:1-2). Just as a skilled carpenter can take a piece of rough wood and shape it according to a plan into a beautiful and useful piece of furniture, so the wise person is able to take the rough elements of life and shape them according to God’s plan into something beautiful and useful to Him. Spiritual wisdom requires learning about God and how He wants us to live so that our lives will not be ruined by sin, but rather will become a finely crafted product that will cause others to be attracted to the Maker, who displays His glory in us.

B. The knowledge of how God wants us to live requires spiritual understanding.

Wisdom and understanding are somewhat synonymous, but there may be a subtle nuance of difference. “Wisdom” refers to knowing how God’s Word commands us to live, whereas “understanding” refers to insight, perception, or the ability to discern between things. Understanding enables us to put the pieces of wisdom together in specific situations. In 2 Timothy 2:7, after using the analogies of the solider, the athlete, and the farmer, Paul tells Timothy, “Consider what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything.” The Lord would enable Timothy to grasp mentally the truths of those analogies and put them together so as to gain insight into how he should conduct his ministry.

Early in the 20th century Bishop H. C. G. Moule (Colossian and Philemon Studies [Christian Literature Crusade], p. 58) warned against what he called “an untheological devotion,” or a sentimental religion which thought that it could be healthy on a minimum of reasoned doctrine. But, he said, such people are easily swayed by the current fashions of thought or by attractive personalities. More recently, D. A. Carson (A Call to Spiritual Reformation [Baker/IVP], p. 104) observed that in the Western church, “the knowledge of God declines while our fascination with techniques and fads increases.” He’s right. I often get offers to attend pastors’ conferences or buy books that promise to tell me how to have a successful church. But these techniques and fads come more from the world than from God’s Word. Spiritual understanding is the ability that God gives to be able to bring together the principles of His Word so that we can stand against the ungodly trends of our times.

How do you become filled or controlled by the knowledge of God’s will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding? To illustrate, when I was in the Coast Guard and we were navigating in the fog, we used two things to keep from running into something. First, we used our radar, which would show up an object as a little blip on the screen. We couldn’t see it out the window because of the dense fog, but the radar said, “Look out! Something is out there!” But in addition to the radar, we’d send a man to stand on the bow. Sometimes it was so foggy that you could barely see him, but he would wear a headset so that he could talk with the bridge. Sometimes he could see something from his vantage point that those on the bridge couldn’t see.

In the same way, two things have helped me grow in spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that my life hasn’t run aground in the moral fog of this world. The first is prayerfully to read and meditate on the Word of God. By reading the Bible over and over and thinking about what it says and asking God for understanding, I can see the blips of danger on the screen and avoid smashing into them. God’s Word exposes the dangerous winds of doctrine that are blowing in our times. It also reveals the way that Satan has tempted people in the past and the consequences when they have yielded to his evil schemes. All of you men should burn into your minds the portrait of the foolish man in Proverbs 7, whose first mistake was to go near the home of the loose woman. Then he succumbed to her enticement, “as a bird hastens to the snare. So he does not know that it will cost him his life” (Prov. 7:23). God’s Word imparts spiritual wisdom and understanding.

The second way I’ve been helped is by reading church history and Christian biographies. God’s Word is like the radar, but reading church history is like the guy on the bow. You don’t depend on him alone, but sometimes he can help you interpret what you’re seeing on the radar screen or point out something that you missed. By reading what God’s people have faced down through the centuries and how they either succeeded or failed, you gain insight into our times.

For example, in his book The Puritans: Their Origins and Successors [Banner of Truth], Martyn Lloyd-Jones has a chapter on “Sandemanianism.” I had never heard that term until I read that chapter back in the late 1980’s, but I instantly realized that this error from a man named Robert Sandeman in the early 1700’s was exactly the same error that John MacArthur combats in his books, The Gospel According to Jesus [Zondervan] and Faith Works [Word]. It’s the error that saving faith involves only bare assent to the work of Christ, not repentance. Also, by reading (twice now) Iain Murray’s two-volume biography of Dr. Lloyd-Jones, I’ve learned how he insightfully applied God’s Word to the spiritual battles in his day. That has helped me navigate the foggy waters of our day.

As we grow in the knowledge of how God wants us to live, the result is that we will walk worthily of the Lord, pleasing Him in every way.

2. Spiritual growth means walking in a manner worthy of the Lord as we seek to please Him in all things.

The knowledge of God’s will leads to a walk that is worthy of the Lord. The result of all biblical knowledge should be godly conduct. And the primary motive for godly conduct is not that we can live a happier and better life (although that always is the result), but rather that we please and glorify the Lord.

Before we look at the four ways Paul says that we can please the Lord, note that this is a walk. That implies steady progress in a deliberate direction. You don’t get there by a dramatic spiritual experience or a quick fix, but rather by steady, deliberate, day by day growth in understanding through God’s Word.

It’s also a walk that is “worthy of the Lord.” Dr. Carson (pp. 105-106) explains that this had a more profound meaning in the first century, where most cultures were shame-based. In America we don’t usually think this way, but in shame-based cultures, to dishonor your father is a really big deal. So here Paul is urging these new believers to live in a way that would bring honor to the Lord, who gave Himself on the cross to rescue them from Satan’s domain of darkness (Col. 1:13-14). So in every situation, we should ask, “What sort of speech or conduct would honor or glorify the name of the Lord? What would please Him the most?” Paul spells out four ways that we can please the Lord:

A. We please the Lord when we bear fruit in every good work.

Fruit is what God accomplishes through us as we depend on Him. As Jesus taught (John 15:5), “I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” Good works are the outworking of the life of Christ flowing through us as we rely on Him. Although we could go into more detail, fruit generally consists of Christlike character, conduct, and converts (Rom. 15:26-28; 1 Cor. 16:15; Gal. 5:22-23; Heb. 12:11; 13:15). We’re saved by grace through faith apart from works, but genuine saving faith inevitably produces good works (Eph. 2:8-10). While fruit takes time, if there is no sign of fruit, a person should question his faith.

B. We please the Lord when we increase in the knowledge of God.

This phrase may mean that we are growing to know God better. Or, it could mean that we are growing by knowing God better. Either way, there is the idea that we must know God Himself. Since God is an infinite being, to know Him is an infinite process. As a parent, it always pleases me when my children want to spend time with me so that they can know me better. In the same way, we please God when we desire to spend time with Him in His Word so that we can know Him better.

The knowledge of God (vs. 10) is inseparably connected with the knowledge of His will (vs. 9) and with obedience to that will (walking worthily, pleasing Him, bearing fruit, v. 10). In John 14:21, Jesus said, “He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him.” If you want to get to know Jesus better, then obey Him. He only reveals Himself to those who obey Him.

You can see this principle in human relationships. You don’t disclose yourself to those who are not worthy of your trust. You won’t share your heart with just anyone, but only with those who care enough about you to keep your trust. In the same way, when the Lord sees that we love Him and are trustworthy because we obey Him, He will reveal Himself to us. It pleases God when we bear fruit and grow to know Him better through His Word.

C. We please the Lord when we are strengthened with His power to be steadfast and patient.

“Strengthened” is a present participle, indicating our need for a continual infusion of God’s power. “All” power points to the fact that it is an unlimited supply. “According to His glorious might” is literally, “according to the might of His glory.” God’s glory is the outward manifestation of His splendor or inherent majesty. Often in the Old Testament, it was a blinding light, a bright cloud, or lightning with thunder. Whenever anyone encountered God’s glory, he fell to his face in awe and reverence, afraid that he would die.

In the New Testament, we see God’s glory in Jesus Christ (John 1:14). Sometimes it was veiled, but at other times, such as on the Mount of Transfiguration, when He performed miracles, in the Garden when the soldiers fell backwards, or on the cross when the sky was darkened and the earth quaked, His glory was seen. God’s glory in Christ knocked the belligerent Paul to the ground, blinding him, and bringing him into submission to Jesus Christ.

Paul here says that we please the Lord when we are strengthened with all power according to the might of His glory. I ask you, as I’ve asked myself, do you experience this mighty power of God in your life? Before you answer, keep reading! Otherwise, you may think, “If I were experiencing God’s mighty power, I’d see people miraculously healed through my prayers. I’d command demons and they would flee. I’d see the dead raised. I’d preach and 3,000 would get saved. I’d always see dramatic answers to my prayers.

But that’s not what Paul says. He says (Col. 1:11), “Strengthened with all power, according to the might of His glory, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience.” Huh? You don’t need steadfastness and patience if God is miraculously delivering you in every situation. You only need steadfastness (endurance in trials) and patience (bearing with difficult people) when there are no miraculous deliverances! The word “joyously” can either go with “steadfastness and patience” or with “giving thanks.” Either way, Paul is saying that when we bear up in difficult circumstances or with difficult people with joy in the Lord because of His great salvation, we are experiencing God’s mighty power in our lives. We please the Lord when we experience His sufficiency in our weakness and His grace to sustain us in our trials (2 Cor. 12:7-10).

Thus we please the Lord when we bear fruit, when we grow to know God better, and when we experience His power so that we are steadfast and patient in our trials. Finally,

D. We please the Lord when we joyously give thanks to Him for His great salvation.

Col. 1:11b-12, “… joyously giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light.” As I said, “joyously” could go either with steadfastness and patience or with giving thanks. Either way, the point is that when we go through trials, we please God if we don’t grumble, but rather are filled with joyous thanksgiving to Him. We live in a world of grumblers. If we are joyously thankful people, we’ll stand out as lights in the darkness (Phil. 2:14-15).

How do you develop this joyous, thankful attitude in the midst of difficult problems or difficult people? Paul’s answer is to set your mind of the fact that the Father has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in the light (the Greek text has the definite article before “light”). The picture in Paul’s mind is the division of the land of Canaan in the Old Testament. After Israel conquered Canaan, they divided up the land by lot. Each tribe received a portion of the land to live on and pass on to their descendants after them.

Even so, Paul is saying that the Father has given us an inheritance that we share with all the saints in the light. We all have Christ in us and enjoy His full salvation. Individually, we’ve been given gifts to use for the common good. And, we should pass this spiritual heritage down to our children and grandchildren. They should see our joy in the Lord, even when we go through trials, and want to experience the same blessings that we enjoy.


There used to be a lot of ways I could tell that my kids were growing. I could measure them on the growth chart. I could see their pant legs creeping up over their socks. They needed bigger shoes. They started eating as much as I eat. Personally, they were growing when they started thinking about life’s important issues and talking with me about more grown up things. In their case, it happened all too quickly! Now, they’re all married, rearing children of their own.

How can you tell if you’re growing spiritually? There are many different ways. But here Paul shows that you’re growing if you’re learning more and more through God’s Word how He wants you to live. And you’re growing if, as His child, you’re seeking to live as He wants you to live in order to please Him.

Application Questions

  1. What has helped you most to grow spiritually?
  2. How would you help a struggling Christian who said, “How can I walk worthily of the Lord when I feel so unworthy?”
  3. What should we do if we don’t feel like pleasing God? Is it hypocritical to obey when we don’t feel like it?
  4. Spiritual growth often seems so slow. Is there any way to speed up the process? How?

Copyright, Steven J. Cole, 2015, All Rights Reserved.

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture Quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, Updated Edition © The Lockman Foundation

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