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Christmas [2015]: Joy to the World (Psalm 98)

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December 20, 2015

Every year at this season we hear “Joy to the World” played over the audio systems of stores and we sing it ourselves at church. But a skeptic might rightly ask, “How can you sing ‘Joy to the World’ when the world is so messed up? ISIS and Al Qaeda are competing to see who can murder the greatest number of innocent people. Boko Haram is terrorizing Africa. We’ve recently had the Paris and San Bernardino massacres. Russia has caused devastation in the Ukraine. There are natural disasters around the world, such as the earthquakes in Nepal and flooding in India. Our inner cities are overrun with drug trafficking and gang violence. Sex trafficking of children and vulnerable women is a thriving industry. And you’re singing ‘Joy to the World’?”

Isaac Watts wrote that great Christmas hymn based upon Psalm 98, so I thought that it may be helpful to meditate on that psalm so that we understand why we can truly and rightly sing, “Joy to the World.” This psalm portrays God as the victorious warrior, bringing salvation for the whole world, but conquering and judging all who oppose Him. When we understand that the Psalms testify of the Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:39; Luke 24:44), we can sum up the message of this psalm:

The coming of Jesus Christ as Savior, King, and Judge is a cause of great joy for all the earth.

The psalm falls into three stanzas of three verses each. We can view them from several different angles. Temporally, the first stanza looks at past salvation; the second at present kingship; and the third at future judgment. The first is directed at Israel; the second is addressed to all the earth; and the third calls on all creation. The first answers the question, “Why praise Him?” The second tells us how to praise Him. The third shows us who should praise Him. The first stanza portrays God as our Savior; the second, God as our King; and the third, God as our Judge.

1. God our Savior: God’s people should rejoice because God has revealed His salvation through Israel in the sight of the nations.

Psalm 98:1-3:

O sing to the Lord a new song,
For He has done wonderful things,
His right hand and His holy arm have gained the victory [or, “accomplished salvation”] for Him.
The Lord has made known His salvation;
He has revealed His righteousness in the sight of the nations.
He has remembered His lovingkindness and His faithfulness to the house of Israel;
All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

Note three things here:

A. God’s victory in bringing salvation should cause us to sing a new song.

“Salvation” is the theme of these first three verses. It occurs (in the Hebrew text) in each verse. Instead of “gained the victory” (NASB), the marginal reading is more literal: “have accomplished salvation.” We aren’t sure when this psalm was written. Some commentators say that it was after Israel returned to the land after the Babylonian captivity, whereas others argue that it was earlier. But whenever it was written, it is celebrating some great deliverance that God accomplished for His people. But in light of Jesus’ victory on the cross, ratified by His resurrection from the dead, we can legitimately apply it to the salvation from sin and judgment that He accomplished for us.

The narrative of Jesus’ birth shows that we are on target in applying this psalm in this way. When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, in fulfillment of prophecy (Micah 5:2), the angel proclaimed to the shepherds (Luke 2:10-11), “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” The terms he used seem to “repeat the sounding joy” of Psalm 98: “good news”; “great joy”; “for all the people”; “a Savior, who is Christ, the Lord.”

Adam Clarke (Clarke’s Commentary [Abingdon-Cokesbury], 3:532) pointed out the parallels between Mary’s song when she heard that she would bear the Savior (Luke 1:46-55) and Psalm 98, which he attributed to David (he used KJV; I’m using NASB):

David: “O sing to the Lord a new song.”
Mary: “My soul exalts the Lord.”

David: “For He has done wonderful things.”
Mary: “For the Mighty One has done great things for me.”

David: “His right hand and His holy arm have gained the victory for Him.”
Mary: “He has done mighty deeds with His arm; He has scattered those who were proud in the thoughts of their heart.”

David: “The Lord has made known His salvation; He has revealed His righteousness in the sight of the nations.”
Mary: “And His mercy is upon generation after generation toward those who fear Him.”

David: “He has remembered His lovingkindness and His faithfulness to the house of Israel.”
Mary: “He has given help to Israel His servant, in remembrance of His mercy.”

When the psalmist tells us to sing “a new song,” it isn’t restricted to composing a new song or singing the new song that he has just composed, although those options are included. But beyond that, it refers to singing to the Lord when He does something new in our lives or when we have a new experience of His grace. And there is no greater experience of God’s grace than the new birth that brings salvation to those who were in spiritual darkness and death. As Zecharias prophesied regarding his promised son, John the Baptist, who would prepare the way of the Lord, the Messiah (Luke 1:77-79), his role would be…

To give to His people the knowledge of salvation
By the forgiveness of their sins,
Because of the tender mercy of our God,
With which the Sunrise from on high will visit us,
To shine upon those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death,
To guide our feet into the way of peace.”

So the point is, when God works the miracle of salvation in your heart, forgiving all your sins, shining His light into your darkness, giving His eternal life to your dead soul, all because of His tender mercy, you should sing a new song to Him, praising Him for His great salvation!

B. God’s mighty power was required to gain the victory of His salvation.

It took “His right hand and His holy arm.” The same imagery occurs in Isaiah 52:10 (see also, Isa. 59:16; 63:5):

The Lord has bared His holy arm
In the sight of all the nations,
That all the ends of the earth may see
The salvation of our God.

This means two things: First, salvation is not a matter of human effort, but rather of God’s mighty power. If it requires God’s holy arm, then He doesn’t need our puny efforts to help Him out! In Ephesians 1:19-21, Paul prays that the eyes of our hearts would be enlightened so that we might know “what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe.” This power, he adds, is “in accordance with the working of the strength of His might which He brought about in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion.” That’s the power that it took to rescue us from Satan’s domain of darkness and transfer us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins (Col. 1:13-14)! Since salvation is a matter of God’s mighty power, no sinner is beyond hope! We may think someone is hopeless, but God is mighty to save!

Second, if God’s holy arm saved us, then He is sufficiently powerful to keep us and to provide all that we need for life and godliness. Jesus said (John 6:39), “This is the will of Him who sent Me, that of all that He has given Me I lose nothing, but raise it up on the last day.” (See also, John 10:27-30.) As 2 Peter 1:2-3 promises, “Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.” As he goes on to say, these things are granted to us in His precious and magnificent promises. God’s Word is a treasure house of benefits and blessings for you if He has saved you. Has He worked the miracle of salvation in your heart?

C. God’s salvation has been revealed through His righteousness, lovingkindness, and faithfulness to Israel for the nations.

As Psalm 98:2-3 states:

The Lord has made known His salvation;
He has revealed His righteousness in the sight of the nations.
He has remembered His lovingkindness and His faithfulness to the house of Israel;
All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

God’s covenant promise to Abraham was to bless all the families of the earth through his seed or posterity, that is, through Jesus Christ (Gen. 12:3; Gal. 3:14, 16; Luke 2:28-32). As Paul wrote (Gal. 3:13-14), “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us—for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree’— in order that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles, so that we would receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.” We who are Gentiles should rejoice at this great news! Before Christ, we Gentiles (Eph. 2:12), “were at that time separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.” What a bleak picture! But then Paul adds the good news (Eph. 2:13), “But now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.”

Perhaps, though, someone is wondering why the Bible talks about Jesus becoming a curse for us by hanging on the tree. Why did it require Jesus’ blood to provide salvation? To begin with, God is absolutely righteous. By making known His salvation, He reveals His righteousness in the sight of the nations. Being absolutely righteous means that God cannot just brush away our sin. The just penalty of sin, which is death, must be paid, either by the sinner or by an acceptable substitute. That’s what the Jewish sacrificial system was all about.

But righteousness is not God’s only attribute. He is also full of lovingkindness or “steadfast love” (ESV). When Moses asked God to show him His glory, the Lord responded (Exod. 33:19), “I Myself will make all My goodness pass before you, and will proclaim the name of the Lord before you; and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show compassion on whom I will show compassion.” The Lord further gave Moses this amazing revelation (Exod. 34:6-7), “The Lord, the Lord God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth; who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin; yet He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, visiting the iniquity of fathers on the children and on the grandchildren to the third and fourth generations.” That revelation of God’s character is repeated often in the Old Testament. It shows us both His righteousness in punishing sin, but also His love and mercy in forgiving the sin of those who seek Him.

The fact that salvation depends on God’s righteousness and lovingkindness shows that it is not due in any way to any human merit or good works. It is due to God’s grace alone. As Romans 4:4-5 explains, “Now to the one who works, his wage is not credited as a favor, but as what is due. But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness.” God’s salvation is revealed through His righteousness and His lovingkindness. Have you tasted the kindness of the Lord (1 Pet. 2:3)?

The birth of Jesus demonstrates God’s faithfulness to the house of Israel, so that all the ends of the earth might see His salvation (Ps. 98:3). For centuries, Israel waited for God to fulfill His promise to send the Savior. Finally (Gal. 4:4-5), “But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.” Jesus, born of the virgin Mary through the Holy Spirit, God in human flesh, showed that God remembered His faithfulness. The godly old Simeon prayed as he held the baby Jesus in his arms (Luke 2:29-32):

“Now Lord, You are releasing Your bond-servant to depart in peace, according to Your word;
For my eyes have seen Your salvation,
Which You have prepared in the presence of all peoples,
A Light of revelation to the Gentiles,
And the glory of Your people Israel.”

So the first stanza of this wonderful psalm shows us God the Savior. Every sinner can rejoice because the righteous, loving, faithful God has revealed His salvation through Israel in the sight of the nations.

2. God the King: All the peoples of the earth should rejoice because of God’s present kingship.

Psalm 98:4-6:

Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth;
Break forth and sing for joy and sing praises.
Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre,
With the lyre and the sound of melody.
With trumpets and the sound of the horn
Shout joyfully before the King, the Lord.

Briefly note three things:

A. All the earth should rejoice exuberantly.

The mood of this stanza is not drab, ho-hum, boring mumble through some songs while you read the bulletin or think about the football game on TV after church! Note the commands: “Shout joyfully!” “Break forth!” “Sing for joy!” “Sing praises!” Again (in case you missed it!), “Sing praises!” “With the lyre, the sound of melody, with trumpets and the sound of the horn!” “Shout joyfully!” Does that describe your worship? Does it describe our worship as a church? If not, why not? As I told you last year after I spoke in Illinois to about 700 mostly Korean brothers and sisters, I wish I could import their worship to our church! They were not passive! They were exuberant! The Lord of all the earth, the King, is worthy of such worship.

B. All the earth should rejoice and sing praises to the Lord.

Twice this stanza emphasizes that we are to shout joyfully and sing praises to the Lord. Again it states that we are to “shout joyfully before the King, the Lord.” This is to say that worship isn’t about us. We aren’t singing to ourselves. We’re coming before the King, the Lord, and singing praises to Him! We’re worshiping in His presence. Would your worship be any different if you kept that in mind?

C. All the earth should rejoice and sing praises in submission to the Lord as King.

You can’t rightfully rejoice and sing praises to the King if your heart is in rebellion towards Him. He must be your King, not just with lip service, but in your heart, if you want to rejoice in Him as you should. Make sure each morning as you spend time with Him and every week when we gather for worship that your heart is in submission to Him. God is our Savior; He is our King. Finally,

3. God the Judge: Creation itself should rejoice because the Lord is coming to judge the world with righteousness.

Psalm 98:7-9:

Let the sea roar and all it contains,
The world and those who dwell in it.
Let the rivers clap their hands,
Let the mountains sing together for joy
Before the Lord, for He is coming to judge the earth;
He will judge the world with righteousness
And the peoples with equity.

Again, briefly note three points:

A. Creation should rejoice because the Lord will restore it to its original glory.

The psalmist calls on inanimate creation to praise the Lord because when He comes, He will revoke the curse. When Adam and Eve sinned, God imposed a curse on the earth. It no longer yielded a bountiful crop without man’s sweat (Gen. 3:17-19). Death entered the world, both on humans and on all animal life. Paul (Rom. 8:19-22) describes it as creation groaning and suffering the pains of childbirth as it awaits release when we fully experience the glory of our salvation when Christ returns.

People today go to one of two opposite extremes. Those who put “Love Your Mother” bumper stickers on their eco-friendly cars deify and worship the earth, not the Creator. On the other hand, some rape the earth, mowing down the rainforest or slaughtering endangered species for their own gain. As Christians, we should be good stewards of the earth, using it wisely as our Creator tells us to do. While many evangelicals are skeptical about human-caused climate change, it seems to me that all Christians should be in favor of cleaning up the environment. I grew up breathing Los Angeles smog, so I’m glad that they have improved the air quality there in recent years. When we’ve traveled in China, the pollution is horrendous. Creation groans under that sort of thing, but it will rejoice when Jesus returns and restores it to its original glory.

B. Creation should rejoice because the Lord, the righteous judge, is coming.

The psalmist pictures the sea roaring, the rivers clapping, and the mountains singing together for joy because the Lord is coming to judge the earth (see Isa. 55:12). Until then, we can enjoy the beauty of God’s creation and we should work to preserve that beauty. But it won’t be fully restored to the original glory until the Lord returns to judge the earth. Then the wolf will dwell with the lamb, the lion will eat straw like the ox, and the nursing child will play by the hole of the cobra without harm (Isa. 11:6-8). Isaiah 11:9 concludes,

They will not hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain,
For the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord
As the waters cover the sea.

If inanimate creation rejoices when the Lord comes for judgment, then how much more should we who know Him long for His coming! But, finally,

C. This great joy is only for those who submit willingly to the King.

Revelation 19:11-16 describes the coming of the Lord as the conquering warrior King, which Psalm 98 celebrates:

And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war. His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; and He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself. He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses. From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty. And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.”

When He comes again as the righteous Judge, either you will rejoice greatly because you have received His gracious salvation, or you will shrink back in horror, because you rejected Him as your Savior and King.


And so, when you hear or sing “Joy to the World,” make sure that Jesus’ coming is truly a source of joy for you and not a cause of fear! As Isaac Watts wrote:

Joy to the world! The Lord has come
Let earth receive her King!
Let every heart prepare Him room,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven, and heaven and nature sing.

He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders, wonders of His love.

Application Questions

  1. Why is God’s righteousness (in addition to His love and faithfulness) an essential part of His salvation?
  2. What is the proper role of emotions in worship? What should we do if our feelings just aren’t there?
  3. Biblically, what is our responsibility toward the environment?
  4. Should we always emphasize God’s judgment when we present the gospel? Give biblical support.

Copyright, Steven J. Cole, 2015, All Rights Reserved.

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture Quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, Updated Edition © The Lockman Foundation

Related Topics: Christmas

Lesson 7: Serving Christ Well (Colossians 1:24-27)

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December 13, 2015

Since Paul is talking in our text about his ministry, I thought about titling this message, “How to be a Good Minister.” But I was afraid that if you saw that title in advance, you might think that it was a good week to skip church! Being a good minister may be interesting for seminary students or a group of pastors or missionaries, but what relevance does being a good minister have for those who are not in “full time” ministry?

The answer is, “It is extremely relevant for every Christian!” If you know Jesus Christ as your Savior, then you are just as much a minister of Christ as I am. The word translated “minister” (Col. 1:23, 25) means “servant.” Every Christian is a servant of Jesus Christ. Every Christian has been given spiritual gifts to use in serving the Master. “Church benchwarmer” is not one of the gifts! Every member of the body has a ministry to fulfill.

But maybe you’re thinking, “Okay, but I’ve never been to seminary and I’m not a full time Christian worker as you are. I can’t devote the time to serving the Lord that you do.” True, but the apostle Paul never went to seminary. And he made tents to support his ministry. But he saw his ministry as a stewardship given to him by God. He knew that he would give an account to God for the ministry that God had entrusted to him. And so he worked hard to be a good minister. He wanted to serve Christ well.

So should you. Perhaps you’ve never thought about it before, but the question, “How can I be a good minister (servant) of Jesus Christ?” should be on your mind often. One day soon you will stand before the Lord for judgment of what you have done with what He entrusted to you (Rom. 14:10; 2 Cor. 5:10). How did you use your time? How did you manage the money He allowed you to make? How did you use your spiritual gifts?

But perhaps you’re still thinking, “But my gifts are pretty insignificant. I never could prepare and preach a sermon, as you do every week. I’m not gifted as an evangelist. I don’t have millions of dollars to give to the Lord’s work. So I don’t have an important role in the Lord’s work.”

If that describes you, then you must be especially careful! In Jesus’ parable of the talents (Matt. 25:14-30), the master gave five talents (a “talent” was a large sum of money) to one servant, two to another, and one to the third. The man with five invested them and made five more. The man with two made two more. But the man with one hid it and gave it back to the master. The master called him a wicked, lazy, worthless slave and threw him into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

The clear warning of that parable is that the servant with one talent is in the greatest danger of not using it for the master’s purpose. Not serving Christ at all is a sign that you don’t belong to Him. So even “one-talent Christians” should be vitally interested in the question, “How can I be a good minister or servant of Jesus Christ?” How can I serve Christ well? Paul’s answer here is:

We serve Christ well by exalting Him in every way.

Paul was writing against the backdrop of the false teachers who were infecting the Colossian church. They diminished the person and work of Christ, so Paul has exalted Christ as preeminent over everything that is. The false teachers no doubt knew that Paul had trained Epaphras who had brought the gospel to them. But to build themselves up, they probably tore Paul down. Perhaps they were saying, “If Christ is the Sovereign Lord of the universe and if Paul is His servant, then why is Paul in jail? Don’t follow a jailbird; follow us!”

So in verse 23, Paul mentions that he was made (or became) a minister of the gospel. In Colossians 1:24-29, he expands on that topic, showing how he exalted Christ in his ministry. In so doing, he shows us how we can serve Christ well in whatever He has given us to do for Him. I can only work through verse 27 in this message. Paul shows us how we can exalt Christ in trials (Col. 1:24); in our service (Col. 1:25); and in our message (Col. 1:26-27).

1. We exalt Christ in our trials by enduring them joyfully for His and His church’s sake (Col. 1:24).

Colossians 1:24: “Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I do my share on behalf of His body, which is the church, in filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions.” This is a difficult verse for two reasons: It’s difficult to explain and it’s difficult to apply.

When you come to a difficult verse, the principle for interpretation is, always interpret the difficult verse in light of the clear. The difficult verse will never contradict the clear verses. And it is clear both in Paul’s writings and in the entire New Testament that Christ’s suffering on the cross was complete and sufficient for the salvation of all who trust in Him.

Jesus Himself proclaimed just before He died (John 19:30), “It is finished.” The atonement that He procured for sinners was complete. In Colossians 1:12-14, Paul makes it clear that in Christ we have an inheritance, we have been rescued from Satan’s domain of darkness and transferred to the kingdom of Christ, and we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. In Colossians 2:10, Paul says, “In Him you have been made complete.” He goes on to show that the death and resurrection of Christ resulted in all our sins being forgiven and in Christ’s complete victory over the powers of darkness. Many other verses in Paul’s writings and in the Book of Hebrews could be piled up to show that in terms of salvation, nothing was lacking in Christ’s sufferings. So this verse does not mean that somehow Christ’s suffering on the cross was insufficient for our salvation so that Paul or anyone else needed to complete it.

Paul isn’t talking here about salvation, but rather about service. The word translated “afflictions” is not used elsewhere in the New Testament of Christ’s sacrificial sufferings for our salvation (J. B. Lightfoot, Saint Paul’s Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon [Zondervan], p. 166). So Paul does not mean and the New Testament never teaches that in some way we by our suffering must add merit to Christ’s sacrificial death that paid for our sins.

Then what does Paul mean by this statement? Many views have been suggested, but I think that two offer the best explanation. First, Jesus taught that His followers must suffer because of their identification with Him. He told the disciples (John 15:20-21),

“Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A slave is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they kept My word, they will keep yours also. But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know the One who sent Me.”

In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus prophesied that before He returned, there would be a time of unprecedented suffering for His followers (Matt. 24:9, 21-22). In Revelation 6:9-11, the apostle John saw the martyrs in heaven, who were crying out, asking God how long would it be until their blood was avenged. The Lord told them (Rev. 6:11) to rest for a little while longer, “until the number of their fellow servants and their brethren who were to be killed even as they had been, would be completed also.” So there is a sense in which Christ’s sufferings must be filled up or completed by His body, the church, before He returns. Because the church is His body, when any member suffers for His name, Jesus also suffers. As Paul learned on the Damascus Road, when he persecuted the church, he persecuted Jesus Himself (Acts 9:4).

But also, Christ’s sufferings do not need completion in terms of propitiation, but rather in terms of propagation. Christ’s death provided perfect atonement for all who believe, but people can’t believe unless Christ’s followers go everywhere proclaiming the good news. As Paul put it (Rom. 10:14), “How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?” (John Piper develops this explanation in Desiring God [Multnomah Books], 1996 ed., pp. 223-238).

William Barclay offers a helpful illustration (Flesh and Spirit [Baker], pp. 80-81). He affirms that the work of Christ is done and completed. No one can add to it. But he supposes a great scientist or surgeon who has spent his life and ruined his health to find some cure for a disease. That discovery remains useless unless it is taken out of the laboratory and made available for people all over the world. Those who take it to others may have to sweat and toil and risk their lives to do it. They aren’t adding to the scientist’s work. But it may be rightly said that they are completing the sufferings of the scientist by taking his discovery to the far corners of the earth. The thing lacking in Christ’s afflictions is not the full salvation He secured on the cross, but the price that His followers must pay in the struggle against the powers of darkness to take the salvation Christ offers to every person.

But if that is Paul’s meaning, it is still difficult to apply to us American Christians because very few of us know what it means to suffer for the gospel of Christ. Our brothers and sisters around the world know it very well, as you are aware if you read “Voice of the Martyrs” magazine. The way things are going in this country, we may soon get our turn. But in addition to praying for and helping those in other countries who are suffering for Christ’s sake, how can we apply this here and now?

First, note that Paul is not only talking about suffering for Christ’s sake, but suffering joyfully. He was in prison and he tells the Colossians (1:24), “Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake.” Paul rejoiced that his sufferings for Christ would help the new Colossian church to stand firm when they suffered. Our Lord also told us (Matt. 5:11-12):

“Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

His words give us a hint for how we can apply this short of being imprisoned or beaten or dying for our faith. If it comes to that, I trust that the Holy Spirit will give us the power to rejoice. But in the meantime, we should rejoice when people insult us and falsely say all kinds of evil against us because of Christ. Perhaps you’re teaching Sunday school or you’re on a worship team or you’re working behind the scenes to serve, and someone criticizes you or they even lie about you. They gossip to others, maligning your motives. What do you do?

I’ve seen wounded Christians quit serving the Lord. Some have even dropped out of church and in a few cases, stopped following Christ. I’ve seen pastors leave the ministry because of criticism. But what should you do? You may need to talk to the critic to try to get things cleared up and to be reconciled in your relationship. But first, you need to rejoice! Count it a privilege that you have been considered worthy to suffer shame for Jesus’ name (Acts 5:41). In some small way, you are filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions! When you endure trials joyfully for Christ’s sake and for His church’s sake, you exalt Him.

2. We exalt Christ in our service by doing it in the power of His Spirit as stewards appointed by Him (Col. 1:25).

Colossians 1:25: “Of this church I was made a minister according to the stewardship from God bestowed on me for your benefit, so that I might fully carry out the preaching of the word of God, …” Twice (Col. 1:23, 25) Paul says that he was made or became a minister. How did this happen? Did Paul take an aptitude test where the results indicated, “You’d be good as a minister”? No! In Galatians 1:15, Paul says that God had set him apart from his mother’s womb.

In Acts 9 we read how it happened. As Paul approached Damascus where he planned to persecute and imprison Christians, a light from heaven flashed around him, he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying (Acts 9:4), “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” Saul asked (Acts 9:5), “Who are You, Lord?” The Lord answered (Acts 9:5b-6), “I am Jesus whom you are persecuting, but get up and enter the city, and it will be told you what you must do.” Then the Lord told Ananias to go and lay hands on Paul so that he might regain his sight. When Ananias expressed concerns about doing that for a known terrorist, the Lord replied (Acts 9:15-16),

“Go, for he is a chosen instrument of Mine, to bear My name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel; for I will show him how much he must suffer for My name’s sake.”

That’s how Paul became a minister of the gospel: he was not a volunteer for Jesus; he was a conscript! It wasn’t Paul’s chosen career path. Rather, the crucified and risen Lord laid His hand on Paul and said, like the old Army posters, “I want you to serve Me!” Paul didn’t join God’s army; he was drafted!

Maybe you’re thinking, “Wow, I’m glad that the Lord hasn’t called me into the ministry!” But as I said, if you know Christ, He has called you into the ministry. He has called you to serve Him with whatever spiritual gifts, time, and resources He has entrusted to you. It may not be a calling to preach God’s Word, as Paul’s calling was. But whatever your gifts and calling, you can learn something from Paul’s statement that he “might fully carry out the preaching of the word of God” (literally, “make full the word of God”). In Romans 15:18-19, Paul refers to what Christ had accomplished through him in the power of the Spirit and then adds, “so that from Jerusalem and round about as far as Illyricum I have fully preached [or, ‘fulfilled’] the gospel of Christ.” In 2 Timothy 4:17, he tells how the Lord strengthened him “so that through me the proclamation might be fully accomplished.”

So the idea is, however God has gifted you, you will only fulfill your calling if you rely on the power of the Spirit and trust the Lord to accomplish His work through you. As Jesus said (John 15:4-5), it is only when we abide in Him as branches in the vine that we can bear much fruit. So view yourself as a steward appointed by Christ to do whatever He’s given you to do. Then do it joyfully in reliance on His Spirit, seeking to glorify the Lord who bought you and rescued you from the domain of darkness. Your ministry is not about fulfilling you, but about exalting the Lord.

So we serve Christ well by exalting Him in every way. We exalt Him in our trials by enduring them joyfully for His and His church’s sake. We exalt Him in our service by doing it in the power of His Spirit as His stewards because He appointed us.

3. We exalt Christ in our message by proclaiming God’s revelation about the indwelling Christ and the hope of glory for everyone who believes (Col. 1:26-27).

Colossians 1:26-27: “that is, the mystery which has been hidden from the past ages and generations, but has now been manifested to His saints, to whom God willed to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

Paul calls his message “the mystery.” Probably he was playing upon a term which the false teachers used. They taught that you had to be initiated into their inner circle to understand the mysteries or secret truths which they would reveal to you. Paul says that the gospel message, especially that the Gentiles could be full partners along with the Jews, is a mystery; not in the sense that it is known only by a select few, but in the sense that it was formerly unknown, but now God has revealed it. The Old Testament predicted salvation for the Gentiles. But God had to reveal the previously unknown truth that the Gentiles would be fellow-heirs with the Jews, one body in Christ with them.

When Paul says, “Christ in you” (Col. 1:27), he means, in this context, “Christ in you Gentiles.” For Paul, this was a glorious truth, but I fear that we don’t appreciate it as much as we should. Before the cross of Christ which opened the gospel to both Jews and Gentiles on equal standing, Gentiles were at best second-class citizens in the kingdom. Gentiles could become proselytes to Judaism, but they could only enter into the court of the women and Gentiles in the Temple. They could not go into the inner court where the Jewish men went. There was a waist-high wall of partition which separated them. Before his conversion Paul was at the forefront of perpetuating this discrimination.

But once he was saved, God revealed to him that the Gentiles are fellow-heirs of the gospel with the Jews. The wall of partition is removed in Christ (Eph. 2:14). As he writes in Colossians 3:11, “there is no distinction between Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and freeman, but Christ is all, and in all.” Christ is in every believer and every believer is in Christ! And the church should be the place where those cultural walls of prejudice are torn down as a demonstration of the power of the gospel. We exalt Christ in our message when we proclaim that the glorious riches of the indwelling Christ are for every person from every race. Racial prejudice has no place in the church.

Paul says that the riches of the glory of the gospel is, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” I know that you all know that if you have believed in Jesus Christ, He dwells in you and you’re going to heaven. I know it, too. But do we really know it?

If we really knew that the living Christ was in us this past week and that we will soon be with Him in glory, would things have gone any differently? Would we have been impatient, frustrated, angry, grumbling, or depressed if we had stopped to consider that Christ is living in us and we’re destined to share His glory? Would we have spent our time as we spent it if we had been aware of His holy presence in our hearts and thought about being with Him in glory? Would we have grown cold in our devotion to Him and lacked the motivation to read His Word and to pray if we had felt the reality of Christ dwelling in our hearts and had our hope set on the glory ahead? Christianity is not primarily rules or religious ideas; it’s a personal relationship with the living, indwelling Christ, who has called us to share His glory. We exalt Him when we experience and proclaim that message.


Ever since my college days (many decades ago), I’ve had a recurring dream where it’s the end of the semester and I realize that I haven’t been going to a class or doing the assignments and it’s time for the final exam. I panic! It’s a nightmare!

If you know Christ, you’re enrolled in the course called “ministry.” There are assignments and there will be a final exam! Maybe before this message, you didn’t even know you were enrolled in the course. But now you know. Your grade will be based on, “Did you serve Christ well by exalting Him in every way?” Did you exalt Him in your trials by enduring them joyfully for His sake? Did you exalt Him in your service by doing it in the power of His Spirit as a steward appointed by Him? Did you exalt Him in your message by proclaiming that Christ indwells you and will indwell every person who trusts in Him and that He promises glory for every believer? Remember, you’re in the ministry now!

Application Questions

  1. Should every Christian view his job as “tent-making” to support his ministry? Why/why not?
  2. How should a new believer discover where God want him or her to serve?
  3. How should we respond when we’re serving the Lord and catch criticism? What steps should we take?
  4. Practically, how can we gain a deeper sense of Christ’s indwelling presence and of the hope of glory?

Copyright, Steven J. Cole, 2015, All Rights Reserved.

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture Quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, Updated Edition © The Lockman Foundation

Related Topics: Christian Life

Lesson 8: The Goal: Maturity in Christ (Colossians 1:28-29)

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December 27, 2015

In First Things First ([Simon & Schuster], p. 56) Stephen Covey and Roger and Rebecca Merrill make an obvious, yet provocative, statement: “The problems in life come when we’re sowing one thing and expecting to reap something entirely different.”

As we face a New Year, it’s a good time to ask yourself, “What kind of crop does God want me to reap?” And, then, “What do I need to sow to reap that crop?” As believers in Jesus Christ we want to be good stewards of the time, talents, and treasure that He has entrusted to us. We want to be fruitful, so that when we meet the Lord we will hear (Matt. 25:21, 23), “Well done, good and faithful slave!” If I want to reap a fruitful life before God in light of eternity, then what do I need to be sowing this year?

In our text, Paul shares the purpose for which he worked hard, namely, to present every person “complete” in Christ (NASB). Complete is translated as “mature” (ESV), or “perfect” (NIV, NKJV). Douglas Moo (The Letters to the Colossians and Philemon [Eerdmans/Apollos], p. 161) argues that “perfect” is too strong, but “mature” is too relative, because we tend to think we’re “mature” as long as we’re doing better than some other Christians we know. But since Paul elsewhere (1 Cor. 14:20) contrasts this word with being infants or children, I think that “mature” is an adequate translation as long as we keep Dr. Moo’s caution in mind. We all should aim at becoming mature in Christ (as defined by the Bible). And we should help others grow to spiritual maturity also. How do we do that? Paul’s answer is:

To present every person mature in Christ, proclaim Him and work hard according to His power.

The goal is maturity in Christ. The means to that goal is proclaiming Christ and working hard as we depend on His power.

1. Our goal is to present every person mature in Christ.

In verse 25, Paul talked about “fulfilling the word of God.” Verse 28 elaborates on how he did this: “We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ.” “To present” pictures a father giving away his bride (2 Cor. 11:2). Paul wanted to present the church as holy and blameless and beyond reproach to Christ as His bride at His second coming (Col. 1:22). What does this entail?

A. To present others mature in Christ, you’ve got to be growing to maturity in Him.

My seminary professor, Dr. Howard Hendricks, used to say, “You cannot impart what you do not possess!” If you’re not making a concerted effort to grow in Christ, then you can’t help someone else in that process. But the Lord wants all of His disciples to help in the cause of making other disciples. That’s at the heart of the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19), “… make disciples of all the nations.” It’s implicit in Paul’s command to Timothy (2 Tim. 2:2): “The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” Paul exhorted the churches where he ministered (1 Cor. 11:1), “Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ.” (See, also, 1 Cor. 4:16; Phil. 3:17; 1 Thess. 1:6; 2 Thess. 3:9.)

You may be thinking, “That’s kind of intimidating! I don’t feel adequate to help others grow in Christ. I don’t think I’ll ever be at the point where I could tell others to be imitators of me as I am of Christ.” Well, I’ve got news for you: If you’ve got kids, they are learning from your example! You may be a good example to them of someone who is growing in Christ, or you may be a poor example. But you are an example!

Also, if you’ve only been a Christian for a month, you can impart the gospel that changed your life to someone who doesn’t yet know the Savior. If you’ve been walking with the Lord for five years, you’ve got five years of experience with the Lord that a newer believer doesn’t have. So wherever you’re at in the process, God can use you to help others grow to maturity in Christ. But to do that you’ve got to be growing to maturity in Christ yourself. You’ve got to be walking with the Lord each day. You cannot impart what you do not possess!

But, what does maturity in Christ look like?

B. Maturity in Christ means developing Christlike character and conduct.

To describe this, we could go through the entire Bible cataloging all the character traits and behaviors that are commanded and exemplified in the lives of godly saints. But the supreme example is Jesus Christ. He said that the two greatest commandments are to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves (Mark. 12:29-31). These are relational commands. You can measure how mature in Christ you are by assessing your relationships with God and with others.

Love for God is more than just a warm, fuzzy feeling that you may get when you sit in a church service or listen to Christian music. Love for God, like love for any person, begins at a point in time when you enter a personal relationship with Him. But there’s a problem, namely, our sin. God is holy and cannot fellowship with any who are in their sins. That’s why He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the death penalty that we deserve for our sins. The good news is that if you will turn from your sins and trust in Christ’s sacrifice for you on the cross, God will forgive all your sins and give you eternal life as a free gift. Romans 6:23 states, “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” At the point you put your trust in Christ, you begin a relationship with God.

But like all relationships, you have to spend time together if you want to grow in that relationship. As you spend time in God’s Word, you get to know Him more deeply. As you spend time in prayer, you draw near to Him and open your heart to Him. As you learn and obey His commandments, Jesus promises that He and His Father will come to you and make their home with you (John 14:23; see, also, Eph. 3:17). The little booklet (available online) by Robert Munger, “My Heart, Christ’s Home,” pictures this truth very well.

Through God’s Word and through His indwelling Holy Spirit, He transforms your mind to conform to His will. As Paul instructs (Rom. 12:2), “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” Christlikeness at its core involves the transformation and renewing of your mind in conformity to God’s Word. Since all sin begins in the mind, we have to defeat it on that level. As Psalm 119:11 states, “Your word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against You.”

The root sin of just about every other sin that you’ve got to battle on the thought level is pride. “God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (1 Pet. 5:5). Selfishness, anger, jealousy, greed, lust, and many other sins stem from exalting self above God and others (contrary to the two Great Commandments). I recommend that you read Stuart Scott’s “From Pride to Humility” (a chapter from his book, The Exemplary Husband [Focus Publishing]) and C. J. Mahaney’s Humility [Multnomah]. If you want to be like Jesus, He described Himself as “gentle and humble in heart” (Matt. 11:29).

God also grows Christlike character and conduct in us by refining us through trials. As James 1:2-4 commands, “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” (“Perfect” is the same word translated “complete” or “mature” in our text.) Psalm 119:67 puts it, “Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep Your word.”

Another helpful summary of Christlike character and conduct is the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23): “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” I recommend that you commit those verses to memory. If they aren’t in your mind, you’re not likely to work on expressing them in your behavior. Each of those nine qualities has a relational dimension. If you violate them, you will damage your relationships with others.

The New Testament is filled with other lists of godly character qualities. For example, Ephesians 4:25-32 tells us to put aside lying and speak truth; not to sin with anger; to stop stealing and start working; to use our tongues to build up, not to tear down; to clean out all bitterness, wrath, anger, yelling, and slander, along with all malice; and, (Eph. 4:32), “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.”

So as you begin to put God’s Word into your heart or mind and learn to obey it, you will steadily be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ. You will grow toward maturity in Him. While you’ll never arrive until you see Jesus (“perfect” doesn’t happen in this life), you should be making progress. To help others grow in Christ, you don’t have to be perfect, but you do need to be walking in the Spirit, growing to maturity in Him. Assuming that’s true, how do you help others grow to maturity in Christ?

2. To present every person mature in Christ, we proclaim Him.

Some of you may be thinking, “That word proclaim sounds like preacher stuff, and I’m not a preacher!” But, note:

A. Proclaiming Christ is not just a job for pastors or full-time Christian workers, but for all of God’s people.

There is a place for trained men who devote themselves to preach God’s Word (1 Tim. 5:17). But it’s also true that every believer is a priest with a ministry to fulfill, and Christ should be at the center of all ministry because He is what every person needs.

“Proclaim” means “to announce as a herald or messenger.” In the days before mass communication, if the king wanted to get a message to his people, he sent out heralds who would proclaim, “Thus says the king!” The herald was not free to make up his own message, but had to speak faithfully the word of the king.

As such, there is a note of authority when we as God’s heralds or messengers proclaim Christ. While we should listen to people’s point of view and dialogue with them about spiritual matters, we don’t ever want to present Jesus as just one option to consider. He is the only way, the only truth, and the only source of eternal life. He is the sum and substance of the Christian life. So He must be at the center both in evangelism and discipleship.

Kent Hughes (Preaching the Word: Colossians & Philemon [Crossway], p. 50) relates the story of a 70-year-old, blind, uneducated African woman who got saved. Filled with gratitude to the Savior, she wanted to do something for Christ. So she went to the missionary with her French Bible and asked him to underline John 3:16 in red. The missionary wondered what she was doing, but he watched as she took her Bible and sat in front of a boys’ school in the afternoon. When school dismissed, she would call a boy or two and ask them if they knew French. When they proudly said that they did, she would say, “Please read the passage underlined in red.” When they did, she would ask, “Do you know what this means?” And she would “proclaim Christ” to them. Over the years, 24 young men became pastors due to her work.

So the first thing to understand is that proclaiming Christ is a job for all of God’s people. You’ll have opportunities to proclaim Him to people who would never come to hear me preach.

B. Proclaiming Christ means that we do not proclaim human wisdom.

Our message centers on the person and work of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Old and New Testaments. We should not veer from this message, supplement it, or mix it up with worldly wisdom. I emphasize this because the enemy subtly undermines the message of the cross that confronts sinners with their guilt with a more user-friendly message that doesn’t offend.

Sam Storms writes (, “If one were to look closely at many churches today and assess the shape and form of ministry, v. 28 would likely need to be rewritten as follows: ‘Him we mention only in passing, lest we offend seekers or sound excessively religious. [Rather than warning and teaching . . .] We seek to please and entertain everyone so that they might feel good about themselves and be reassured that all is well in the world.’”

In the mid-1950’s Norman Vincent Peale became popular by blending the message about Christ with the “power of positive thinking.” But in so doing, he did not truly proclaim Christ, because he did not mention sin and judgment, but only the “positive” aspects of the gospel. Robert Schuller was influenced by Peale, and promoted “possibility thinking” and self-esteem. But he denied the gospel because he did not proclaim Christ crucified as the only answer for our sin problem.

Worldly psychology has infiltrated the church in many ways, blending “insights” from godless men with Bible verses taken out of context or misinterpreted. For example, they tell us that to love God and others, we need first to learn to love ourselves. As a result, Christ and Him crucified is not proclaimed. (See my article, “Christians & Psychology: Some Common Questions Answered,” on, for more on this point.) In short, Christ and worldly wisdom don’t mix.

C. Proclaiming Christ means that we do proclaim God’s wisdom centered on the person and work of Christ.

Paul contrasted human wisdom with God’s wisdom in Christ (1 Cor. 1:21-24),

For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not come to know God, God was well-pleased through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe. For indeed Jews ask for signs and Greeks search for wisdom; but we preach Christ crucified, to Jews a stumbling block and to Gentiles foolishness, but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.

The sole source of God’s wisdom is His Word, which reveals Jesus Christ to us. In Christ, we have all that we need for life and godliness (2 Pet. 1:3-4). God’s Word is adequate to equip us for every good work (2 Tim. 3:16-17). When we walk in dependence on the indwelling Holy Spirit, He produces the fruit of the Spirit in us. Those qualities describe a psychologically whole or healthy person. To the extent that we lack these qualities, we’re not applying God’s wisdom as centered on the person and work of Christ. But as we learn to trust Christ to overcome our problems, He is exalted and gets the glory. Every believer needs to learn to trust Christ for every need and then to help others do the same.

D. Proclaiming Christ requires both admonishing and teaching every person.

Paul emphasizes “every man’ (or, “person”) three times. Probably he was countering the false teachers, who emphasized the exclusivity of their teaching for the elite insiders only. Paul is saying, “Every person and every type of person matters to Christ, and so we need to help every person apply the person and work of Christ to his or her unique situation.” Babies need milk, but the more mature can handle solid food (1 Cor. 3:1-2; Heb. 5:12-14).

“Admonishing” has the nuance of warning or correcting someone who is in sin or in error. Paul urges (1 Thess. 5:14), “We urge you, brethren, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone.” “Unruly” refers to those who are out of step or undisciplined. To apply that verse, we need to discern whether the other person is unruly, fainthearted, or just weak. Not everyone needs admonishing, but some do! It’s the work of every member to admonish in love when you see a brother or sister straying from the Lord (Rom. 15:14).

“Teaching” is the positive side of imparting truth. While only some are gifted to teach publicly, every believer has a teaching role in some capacity. Parents must teach their children (Eph. 6:4; 2 Tim. 1:5). Older women are to teach younger women (Titus 2:3-5). More mature believers are to teach younger believers (Acts 18:24-26; Titus 1:9). Paul brings together both “admonishing” and “teaching” in Colossians 3:16: “Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” To be able to admonish and teach others, you must be growing in your knowledge of God’s Word as you let it admonish you.

Thus, our goal is to present every person mature in Christ. To do that, we must proclaim Him by helping every person see the all-sufficiency of the person and work of Christ for life and godliness. But there’s one more thing:

3. To present every person mature in Christ we must work hard as we rely on His power working in us.

Colossians 1:29: “For this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me.” Note the paradox and balance of that verse: Paul labors and strives, but he does it according to God’s power, which works mightily in him.

People tend to go to either extreme. Some kick back, and say, “Let go and let God.” They don’t get too worked up about reaching others for Christ or discipling younger believers in the faith. They won’t commit to teach Sunday school or work with our youth or call on church visitors or plug into a small group. To put it nicely, they’re “laid back.” To be more blunt, they’re just lazy when it comes to working for the Lord.

On the other hand, you have people who burn out because they’re laboring and striving, but not according to God’s power working in and through them. It’s almost a badge of honor to be able to say, “I suffered from burnout!” But often these people work so hard because they’re trying to earn God’s favor, rather than working hard through His grace and power (1 Cor. 15:10). I think that burning out means that I was laboring in my power, not in God’s mighty power, or I was out of balance.

“Labor” and “striving” describe hard work. “Striving” was used of athletes exerting all their strength to defeat their opponents. There’s no excuse for being lazy in the Lord’s work. But at the same time, we must do that work in His strength. As Paul said (Phil. 4:13), “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” Paul did it, but he did it through Christ’s power (see Phil. 2:12-13).

Working hard in the Lord’s work does not mean that it’s wrong to take time off. Even God rested after the six days of creation. I don’t believe we’re under the Sabbath laws, but I do think there’s an important principle there that we neglect to our harm. Work hard for the Lord, but take time also to rest.


In the early 19th century Charles Simeon encouraged young men he discipled to go into missions. Henry Martyn went to India and then to Persia, where he died of tuberculosis at age 31. This was in the days before photography, but someone painted a portrait of Martyn before he died and it was sent back to Simeon. He was shocked at Martyn’s gaunt appearance. Simeon hung that portrait over the mantle in his study. He said that when he looked at it, it said to him, “Be in earnest! Don’t trifle!” Simeon added, “And I will not trifle!

Could it be that you’re trifling (or “messing around”) in your walk with Christ or in His work? Make it your aim in the New Year to grow in Christ and to help someone else grow in Him. It’s hard work, but it’s never in vain in the Lord (1 Cor. 15:58).

Application Questions

  1. Why is it important to measure maturity in Christ by biblical standards, rather than by comparing ourselves with others?
  2. Some argue that because the Bible does not address all the relational and emotional problems that we face, it’s necessary to add psychology’s insights. Agree/disagree? Why?
  3. Some Christian psychologists argue that it’s impractical, pat advice to tell someone struggling with a problem to “trust Christ.” Agree/disagree? Why?
  4. How can we know whether we’re balanced when it comes to working for the Lord versus other pursuits? Should we be “balanced” (1 Cor. 15:58)?

Copyright, Steven J. Cole, 2015, All Rights Reserved.

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture Quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, Updated Edition © The Lockman Foundation

Related Topics: Christian Life, Discipline, Issues in Church Leadership/Ministry, Leadership, Pastors

Lesson 9: Avoiding Spiritual Deception (Colossians 2:1-5)

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January 3, 2016

We live in a time of unprecedented widespread deception. The past year saw 750 documented data breaches, stealing the private information of 178 million Americans. When identity thieves get your credit card numbers they can print up phony cards and take out cash or run up bills in your name. When they steal your Social Security number, they can file a tax form and steal your tax refund.

Telephone scammers prey on everyone, but especially on the elderly. The biggest scam is fraudsters who pose as agents of the IRS, telling people that they will be arrested or their property seized for back taxes if they do not pay up immediately. Another popular scam consists of people posing as employees of tech companies who tell you that your computer has a virus. They need remote access to your computer and your passwords so that they can “fix” the problems. And, for a fee, they will provide a year’s worth of “tech support.” (These statistics and examples are from an AARP email, 12/23/15.)

While these schemes can cost people financially, spiritual deception can result in a person’s eternal ruin. Satan has been employing his deceptive lies since the Garden. Warning the Corinthians about not receiving a false Jesus or a different gospel, the apostle Paul wrote (2 Cor. 11:3), “But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.”

Satan has used the false teaching of the cults to lure many away from the true gospel that the apostles preached. Invariably, these groups prey on unsuspecting, untaught people in evangelical churches. They use the Bible and claim to believe in Jesus as Savior and Lord. But they deny the trinity, including Jesus’ deity. They deny the gospel of Christ’s substitutionary atonement and salvation by grace through faith alone. Tragically, they lead their followers into eternal damnation.

As we’ve seen, false teachers were threatening the new Colossian church. They probably had not yet gained many followers—at this point Paul was still “rejoicing to see [their] good discipline and the stability of [their] faith in Christ” (Col. 2:5). But these wolves were mingling among the flock, so Paul was concerned. In our text, he gives them a dose of preventative medicine. He wrote these things “so that no one would delude [them] with persuasive argument” (Col. 2:4). To be forewarned was to be forearmed. Since the eternal destiny of precious souls is at stake, we need to heed his counsel on how to avoid spiritual deception. To sum up:

We avoid spiritual deception by being committed to a loving, Christ-centered church.

Before we explore Paul’s counsel, I mention that these verses could be expounded in a different direction. Paul is continuing to talk about his ministry (Col. 1:24-29). In Colossians 1:29, he said that he was striving according to God’s mighty power. In Colossians 2:1, he uses the same Greek word to tell his readers that he had a great struggle on their behalf, which he goes on to describe. So we could develop these verses along the lines of some vital principles for ministry:

(1) Heartfelt love and concern for the spiritual well-being of the church (including these people whom he had never met); (2) prayer (“struggle”) undergirding everything; (3) a strong emphasis on teaching the truth along with loving relationships; (4) being Christ-centered and Christ-exalting in such teaching; (5) warning newer believers about the danger of being carried away by false teachers who like to prey on the flock; (6) encouraging others to be disciplined and stand firm in Christ.

But you’ll have to work on those points on your own. I want to pursue the theme of avoiding spiritual deception, because it is no less a threat in our day than it was in Paul’s.

1. To avoid spiritual deception, recognize that it is a serious danger.

Over 40 years ago, Marla and I were mugged at gunpoint as we walked from our car to our apartment in Dallas, Texas. After that traumatic event, I never made that short walk without looking around for potential danger. I often saw women standing near where we were mugged, chatting together without a thought that they may be in a dangerous place. But after we were attacked, I was always alert and on guard. Even to this day, if I venture outside in a public place after dark, I keep my eyes open for possible attackers. If you’re unaware of potential danger, you’re more likely to fall prey to it.

The problem with spiritual deception is that it’s always more subtle and conniving than an armed, frontal attack. Paul warned that Satan disguises himself as an angel of light and his servants as servants of righteousness (2 Cor. 11:14-15). Satan doesn’t come in a red suit with horns and a pitchfork, laughing wickedly as he promises to take you with him to hell. He comes offering greater “light” on difficult issues. His servants are not outwardly, obviously evil. They pose as servants of righteousness, promising freedom, while inwardly they are enslaved by various lusts (2 Pet. 2:18-19). Jesus warned about wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matt. 7:15). Their disguise enabled them to mix among the flock, but their aim was to destroy for their own gain.

In our text (Col. 2:4), Paul warns about those who would “delude you with persuasive argument.” They were promising “deeper knowledge of mysteries” and “secret wisdom” that would help you in your Christian life. But they were promoting a message that appealed to the flesh. They claimed to have a deeper philosophy than the simple gospel of faith in Christ. They claimed to be holier than the apostles because of their self-abasement, rules, and severe treatment of the body (Col. 2:23). But they were promoting a religion that feeds pride, not the message of the cross.

It’s amazing how many different false teachings and teachers continue to prey on the Lord’s flock in our day. I recently saw an article on a “Bible study” group in Colorado where everyone smokes pot (which is legal there and coming here soon!). The members testified that studying the Bible in traditional churches had always been boring to them, but when they smoke pot, they see new insights and the Bible is much more interesting. And a local pastor is helping them study the Bible without confronting their drug use!

Beyond that, the cults are as active as ever, going door-to-door in our neighborhoods and recruiting people by appealing to their “strong family emphasis.” Among professing evangelicals, there are “churches” that gather in bars and sip cocktails while they discuss the Bible and current topics of interest. Seeker sensitive churches avoid mentioning anything negative, such as sin or judgment, which might make seekers feel uncomfortable. Rather than explain and apply the Bible, they show movie clips and give self-help messages about how you can succeed in your marriage or career. They picture God as our Good Buddy on the journey, a “life-coach” who is there rooting for us, even when we sin. If we’re oblivious to these and many other deceptive schemes of the devil, we’re more likely to fall prey to them.

2. To avoid spiritual deception, be committed to a loving church.

Let me be quick to add that “loving” isn’t the only criterion! The cults draw people in by showing them “love.” Perhaps the most egregious example was the Children of God cult, where the women used sex to lure unsuspecting men into the group. But other less flagrant examples abound, where the cults offer lonely people a sense of belonging and fellowship. So love is not the only necessary quality to look for.

But it is an essential quality. Paul’s heartfelt love and concern for these believers whom he had not even met is evident. Although not directly stated here, his concern for them is similar to his concern for the new Thessalonian believers, where he compares himself to a gentle, nursing mother and to a loving, concerned father (1 Thess. 2:7, 11). In Colossians 2:2, he expresses his desire or prayer for these dear people, along with the believers in Laodicea, “that their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love, and attaining to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God’s mystery, that is, Christ Himself ….” That reminds me of Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians (3:16-19):

… that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.

In both prayers, Paul connects spiritual apprehension of God’s blessings in Christ with being a part of a loving fellowship of believers. F. F. Bruce observed (The Epistles to the Colossians, to Philemon, and to the Ephesians [Eerdmans], p. 95), “Paul emphasizes that the revelation of God cannot be properly known apart from the cultivation of brotherly love within the community.” N. T. Wright (Colossians and Philemon [IVP/Eerdmans], pp. 94-95) explains, “Living in a loving and forgiving community will assist growth in understanding, and vice versa, as truth is confirmed in practice and practice enables truth to be seen in action and so to be fully grasped.” Our text implies three qualities of a loving church:

A. A loving church is a praying church.

Although it’s not directly stated, most commentators think that Paul’s great “struggle” for these believers whom he had not met was his struggle in prayer. He uses the verb related to that noun when he refers (Col. 4:12) to Epaphras, who is “always laboring earnestly for you in his prayers.” We get our word “agonizing” from this Greek word. It was used of wrestlers, straining every fiber in their bodies as they struggled to defeat their opponents. In Colossians 4:2-3, Paul specifically calls this church to prayer: “Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving; praying at the same time for us as well ….”

There are two things to take away from this. First, if you love people, you will pray for them. If they’re on your heart, you take them often before God’s throne of grace, asking Him to keep them from the many snares of this world and to help them to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. I encourage you to pray through our church directory. Even if you don’t know these people (Paul didn’t know the Colossians or Laodiceans personally), it puts them on your heart. When you meet them, there is an instant bond of fellowship if you’ve been praying for them.

Second, the word “struggle” implies that praying for others is not easy. If you find praying for others to be difficult, welcome to the process! As Paul says in Ephesians 6:12, we are doing battle against “the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

B. A loving church practices heartfelt concern for one another.

Paul’s heart of concern for these new believers oozes through this text, and he wants their hearts to be encouraged or strengthened as they are knit together in love. True Christianity is a matter of the heart or inward person. It’s not about outward conformity or appearance, but about love for God and one another from the heart. It’s not about keeping up an image or veneer of righteousness by rules, but rather about how we think and live when others aren’t looking.

C. A loving church seeks the highest good of each person, namely, to know Christ and grow in Him.

As we saw in Colossians 1:28, Paul’s aim was to present every person complete or mature in Christ. Love seeks the highest good of others, which is, that the person knows Christ in a saving way and that he or she is growing in Christ. Since sin always destroys people, love means that if you see a brother or sister in sin or straying from the Lord, you go to them in a humble, gentle spirit and seek to restore them to the Lord (Gal. 6:1). If you hear a fellow Christian saying things that are contrary to sound doctrine, you talk with him and try to reason from Scripture to show him his error.

So to avoid spiritual deception, be aware of the danger. Be committed to a loving church. There is safety when you’re in the fold with the other sheep. If you venture out on your own, the wolves are waiting!

3. To avoid spiritual deception, be committed to a Christ-centered church.

In chapter 1, Paul has shown that as the creator of the universe and the head of the church, Christ is supreme over all things. He said that the riches of the glory of the mystery that God has now revealed is, “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col. 1:27). In Colossians 2:2b-3, probably countering the false teachers who emphasized their secret knowledge of the mysteries of God, Paul comes back to that theme and says that he wants these believers to attain “to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God’s mystery, that is, Christ Himself, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” He also (Col. 2:5) commends their “good discipline and the stability of [their] faith in Christ.” Clearly, Christ and the gospel must be the center of a solid church. Note five things:

A. A Christ-centered church is a Bible-centered church.

The Bible is our only source of divine revelation about the person and work of Jesus Christ and the Bible is Christ-centered. The Old Testament points ahead to Jesus. As Alec Motyer asserts (A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Loving the Old Testament [Christian Focus], p. 19, 25), “Without the Old Testament, we could not know Jesus properly…. Without the Old Testament we would not understand our New Testament properly.” The Gospels tell us how God took on human flesh in the person of Jesus Christ. The rest of the New Testament interprets and applies the person, teaching, and work of Christ. The final book of the New Testament, the Revelation, points to His second coming in power and glory.

So if a church is not centered on the Bible, it is not centered on Jesus Christ. If a church does not teach the Bible on a consistent basis, you will not be equipped to withstand the deceptive schemes of the devil. In a genuinely loving church, you will receive sound teaching, both from the pulpit and from mature believers. Sometimes, sound teaching will confront where your life is not in line with God’s revealed will. Don’t dodge that! It’s easy to find churches that tell you what you want to hear to make you feel good. You need a church that, like a good doctor, tells you what you need to hear for spiritual health and growth (2 Tim. 4:1-5).

B. A Christ-centered church is a spiritually discerning church.

Discernment is a scarce commodity in modern evangelical circles. If you advocate discernment, you’ll be accused of being judgmental or intolerant. When I first came here 23 years ago, one of the elders told me that I was arrogant because I had titled one of my sermons, “What the Bible Says About Abortion.” When I asked him to explain, he said, “You can’t be dogmatic. You can’t say what the Bible says about anything. You can only state your opinion, but be open to other views.”

I agree that there are some secondary matters where we must not be dogmatic and I agree that we must be kind and gracious when we defend the truth (2 Tim. 2:24-26). But I disagree strongly that we must be tolerant and accepting of diverse views on clear biblical doctrines and moral issues. Without sound doctrine and biblically-based discernment, God’s people will be “carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming” (Eph. 4:14).

C. A Christ-centered church is growing to understand all the treasures of wisdom and understanding that are in Christ.

Paul says that full assurance comes from understanding and knowing God’s mystery, which is Christ (the best manuscripts omit, “of the Father”). When Paul says that Christ is God’s “mystery,” and that all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are “hidden” in Him, he does not mean that these things are reserved for an elite, insider few. Rather, he is countering the false teachers, who appealed to people with their inside secrets. By “mystery,” Paul means truth that formerly was concealed, but now is plainly revealed for all to see. The Old Testament promised the coming Redeemer and King, but the specifics were blurry until Jesus came on the scene, much like we’re fuzzy on the details about end time prophecies that have not yet been fulfilled.

By saying that all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are “hidden” in Christ, Paul is reflecting Proverbs 2:4-5, which says of wisdom, understanding, and discernment:

If you seek her as silver
And search for her as for hidden treasures;
Then you will discern the fear of the Lord
And discover the knowledge of God.

It takes some effort and diligence to mine out the riches that are in Christ. But the point is, He is our all-sufficient treasure for our every need. As W. H. Griffith Thomas states (Studies in Colossians and Philemon [Kregel], p. 78), “The only safeguard against error for the Christian is a full knowledge of Christ.”

D. A Christ-centered church practices unity on essential biblical truth, and loving tolerance on non-essentials.

“Knit together” sometimes means “instructed.” But it also means “knit or held together” (see Col. 2:19), which is probably the meaning here. But note that the unity is not divorced from understanding and true knowledge of Christ. As Paul states in Ephesians 4:13, 15, we are to attain to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God as we speak the truth in love.

There are core biblical truths that we must understand clearly and be willing to fight for and, if necessary, divide over or even die for. To compromise these truths would be to deny the gospel of Jesus Christ. There are other areas of doctrine and practice where godly people differ. While some of these areas are important for how we live, they do not jeopardize the gospel. We may debate these issues vigorously, but we must always regard the other person as a brother or sister in Christ and treat him or her with love.

E. A Christ-centered church is disciplined and stable in its faith in Christ.

“Good discipline” and “stability” picture a military unit that is disciplined in its fighting order, that has closed ranks so that the false teachers cannot break through. Sam Storms ( writes:

The word translated “good order” points to the well-ordered behavior of the Colossians. He has in mind lives that are aligned with biblical revelation, daily habits of life that reflect the values of Jesus, unwavering obedience to the will of God, no matter how unpopular or “unsuccessful” that may prove to be.

“Stability” is the opposite of trendy, flashy, or sensational. Stable churches don’t chase after the latest fad or church growth techniques. They don’t keep people hyped up with speculations about how close we may be to the rapture (because we can’t know exactly when Jesus will return). They don’t promote the latest self-help insights on how you can have a successful life, marriage, or career. Stable churches, frankly, are kind of boring! But we are to be stable in our faith in Christ. The biblical gospel is a sure foundation to guard us against spiritual deception.


In The Truth War [Thomas Nelson, 2007], John MacArthur argues that faithfulness to Christ demands that we fight for the truth of the gospel. But the modern evangelical church, swayed by the worldly emphasis on tolerance and “love,” has become apathetic to the whole concept of truth. In the introduction, he states (p. xvii), “Church leaders are obsessed with style and methodology, losing interest in the glory of God and becoming grossly apathetic about truth and sound doctrine.” He adds (p. xviii, brackets in original), “What we desperately need today are ‘shepherds according to [God’s] heart, who will feed [believers] with knowledge and understanding’ (Jeremiah 3:15; Acts 20:28-31).”

That’s what Paul was arguing for in our text. The enemy has many servants who are trying to delude you with their persuasive arguments to water down the truth about Christ. But you can avoid spiritual deception by being committed to a loving, Christ-centered church.

Application Questions

  1. Most people join cults because of relationships or feelings, not doctrines. What are the practical implications of this?
  2. Why are churches that emphasize love often weak on doctrine and vice versa? How can we lovingly hold firmly to the truth?
  3. Discuss: Is it arrogant to believe that you know the truth on specific biblical issues?
  4. How can we differentiate a major doctrine worth dividing over from a lesser doctrine where we need to show tolerance?

Copyright, Steven J. Cole, 2016, All Rights Reserved.

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture Quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, Updated Edition © The Lockman Foundation

Related Topics: Christian Life, False Teachers

1. CREATION: In The Beginning, God

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There are literally hundreds of verses about God as Creator. We will only study a few each week!

“The first verse of the Bible is the most important and basic of all. ‘In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.’ When one really believes this verse, he will have little difficulty believing all the rest of God’s Word.” (Henry Morris, The Beginning of the World, p. 10)

Day One Study

Read Genesis 1:1.

1. What does this verse tell us about God and the reality (or truth) of the world around us? Read also Psalm 90:2.

2. Read Psalm 100. What does this psalm tell you…

·         About God?

·         About yourself?

3. The book of Job is full of discourses where Job and his friends try to figure out “why” Job is suffering and ultimately question God’s actions. Read God’s response to them all in Job 38:1-14. What does He say to Job and to us?

Day Two Study

4. What do the following verses say about God as Creator?

·         Romans 1:18-21—

·         Acts 14:15-17—

·         Acts 17:22-31—

·         Revelation 4:8-11—

5. In Genesis 1:1, the Hebrew word used for God is Elohim. El signifies the strong God; and what less than almighty strength could bring all things out of nothing? Elohim is plural. The verb, however, is singular, giving hint of the work of the Trinity—God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Read the following verses to see the part of each in Creation.

·         Genesis 1:2—

·         Genesis 1:26—

·         John 1:1-5, 14-18—

·         Colossians 1:13-20—

·         Hebrews 1:1-2—

6. How does Jesus validate the authenticity of Genesis 1 in the following verses?

·         Mark 10:2-9—

·         Mark 13:19—

7. Read Job 40:1-2. Notice that God stops speaking and waits for Job’s answer. Read Job’s response in Job 40:3-5 and 42:1-6. To what conclusions does Job finally reach about God?

Appreciation Application:

8. After reading all these passages concerning God as Creator (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), what conclusions do you reach about God?

Think About It: When I come to the realization that God is God, and I am not; this is the beginning of true worship. I no longer limit God to my own understanding of Him and His works.

Day Three Study

“The Biblical account of creation is ridiculed by atheists, patronized by liberals, and often allegorized even by conservatives. The fact is, however, that it is God’s own account of creation, corroborated by Jesus Christ (Mark 10:6-8, etc.), who was there! We are well advised to take it seriously and literally, for God is able to say what He means, and will someday hold us accountable for believing what He says!” (Dr. Henry M. Morris)

Appreciation Assignment:

9. Watch a sunrise or sunset and read Psalm 19:1-6. Use any creative means to express what you see and how you respond (poem, song, drawing, craft, essay). Share your experience with your group.

10. Read and memorize Psalm 100 in your favorite translation or the one (NET) below:

“Shout out praises to the Lord, all the earth! Worship the Lord with joy! Enter his presence with joyful singing!

Acknowledge that the Lord is God! He made us and we belong to him; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give him thanks! Praise his name!

For the Lord is good. His loyal love endures, and he is faithful through all generations.”

Deeper Discoveries

·         Read “Creation Answers: Knowing Where to Start” following this lesson.

·         Go to SEARCH for “Genesis” or “Creation.” Select an article to read. There are several articles on the reliability of Genesis 1-11. Select an article to read or video to watch. Also visit and search.

Creation Answers: Knowing Where To Start

“In the Beginning, God”

The information below is adapted from resources found on and

“We tear down arguments and every arrogant obstacle that is raised up against the knowledge of God, and we take every thought captive to make it obey Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5)

Cynthia Heald in her book, A Womans Journey to the Heart of God, writes, “Years ago I discovered the freedom and power of making predecisions in order to take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ. There are several predecisions or principles that are the foundation for taking captive every thought we read, hear, and see to make it obedient to Christ regarding creation science.

Principle #1: In The Beginning, God.

God existed forever. God created everything. (Genesis 1:1; John 1:1-3; Revelation 4:11 and Hebrews 11:3) This world is real, not an illusion. It had to come from somewhere. We have only 2 choices:

·         Nothing suddenly became something without a cause or

·         God, who always existed, created something out of nothing.

There is no other choice. It is easier to believe that God always existed and then created something, than it is to accept that nothing created something. What does the song say? “Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could.” Proverbs 1:7 says that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Let’s be wise so that’s where we’ll start.

Principle #2: God Told Us What And How He Created

When it comes to this physical universe: God told us in audible and written form that He created what is and how He did it.

·         Genesis 1—God described how He took six days to create everything in the universe and the earth.

·         Exodus 20:11—God spoke audibly before more than 2 million people. “For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth and the sea and all that is in them, and he rested on the seventh day; therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and set it apart as holy.”

·         Exodus 31:17-18—God repeated what He had previously said—first, audibly to Moses. Then, God wrote it Himself by His own finger on 2 tablets and handed that to Moses

·         Exodus 34:28—God dictated the same information to Moses who wrote it down.

How many different ways did God use to communicate this fact about Himself to us? 5 ways. Yet many say Genesis 1 is a myth. God didn’t think people back then could take the whole truth. Let’s take captive our thoughts here. Why would the almighty yet personal creator God start out His entire revelation to man whom He created with intelligence and capacity for a trusting relationship with Him—why would He start this relationship with a story that isn’t true? Especially a God who cannot lie. That is illogical.

So, let’s not tell God that He was wrong, that He didn’t mean what He said every time He said it. That is presumption. God addresses that very thing in Job 38 when God asks Job, “Were you there when I laid the foundations for the earth?” (Job 38:4) What’s the answer? Of course not. So, who was there? God. Wouldn’t He know what He did? The Bible is true and the beginning source of truth—not mans ideas.

Principle #3: The 7 C’s Of History

A creation apologetics ministry, Answers in Genesis, threads scripture together from beginning to end through an easy-to-remember series of words called the 7 C’s of History. The 7 C’s are Creation, Corruption (the original perfect creation altered due to sin), Catastrophe (the Flood), Confusion (spread of the populations after Babel), Christ (promises of the Messiah who would restore all things), the Cross (what Christ restored to believers), and Consummation (God’s restoration of His creation to perfection again). The theme of creation and restoration are consistent from Genesis to Revelation.

The first four are events that drastically affected earth history from a scientific or historical viewpoint.

·         Creation—6 days, the celestial objects, land and sea, plants, animals, and man.

·         Curse—ground, pain and death, food chain, poisonous and nuisance creatures, affected the whole creation according to Romans 8:20-22.

·         Flood—affected the planet surface entirely for > 1 year, afterwards man’s diet changed to include eating meat; also the animals’ diet.

·         Dispersion from Babel—the existing population was divided into language groups that spread out and repopulated the earth, taking the accounts of Creation, the Curse, and the Flood with them. This affects archeology.

Principle #4: True Science Is Repeatable, Testable, And Falsifiable.

As defined by the Supreme Court, there is a difference between operational science and historical science.

·         Operational science is repeatable, testable, and falsifiable. It describes natural laws and how they work in our world such as televisions, medicine, cars, etc. It describes what you can observe and repeatedly test in the present.

·         Historical science is not repeatable, testable, and falsifiable. It describes observations made in the present in order to make “educated guesses” about the past. It is more philosophy based on one’s personal belief system.

The two have become fused together into one term called “science.” That’s what really gets a stranglehold on us. A lot of us don’t know the difference.

Principle #5: Science Belongs To God

He is the one who designed the DNA of every creature, how minerals and crystals form as well as what makes a bird fly and the sun to produce light and heat. I can go to Him and ask for enlightenment on any issue. And, this is what I can trust: there are scientific answers out there that support what He said He did to create, curse and Flood this earth. It may not come today, but it very well be there tomorrow if I am looking. So…

Principle #6: Examine The Evidence, Ask Questions

We should evaluate everything we read and hear in light of the Scriptures. It’s remarkable what we find when we are willing to examine the evidence and look at facts. We can ask all the questions we want because God has left us enough clues to know that His Word, even in Genesis, is true.

·         No one can prove creation or evolution. But, we can start with this: we look at the historical record given in the Bible and build a model. If the Bible is true, what would we expect to find? What do we find? We can examine facts in light of that model. Both evolutionists and creationists can look at the exact same facts but apply them to different models based on their philosophy.

·         So, what are the facts? What are the facts in this news report? What are the assumptions? Separate the two. What did they really find? When what is presented as facts doesn’t agree with the model, there may be a problem with the model or the facts (how they were derived).

·         We believe that God’s Word is true. So, if the facts to support it aren’t available yet, we are confident that they may one day be available. Scientists are constantly studying this planet finding out new things.


Know where to start. “In the beginning, God.”

Related Topics: Creation

3. CREATION: The Six Days Of Creation, Part 2

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Definitions to know for this study:

·         “Creation” is defined simply as the work of God in bringing all things into existence. Only God is eternal—everything else in the universe had a beginning. True creation is creation ex nihilo (out of nothing) and is not merely a reworking of materials already in existence.

·         “Evolution” is defined, in its broadest sense, as the theory that all things have been derived by gradual modification through natural processes from previous materials. According to this concept, all forms of life have developed from earlier, simpler forms, and even life itself spontaneously came into existence through a complex organization of previously nonliving chemical molecules.

Day One Study

Read Genesis 1:1-19.

1. Reread Genesis 1:9-13 (third day). Through separating and gathering again, how does God give more form to the earth during the first part of Day 3?

2. What more information do the following verses give to us about His work?

·         Job 26:7-10—

·         Job 38:8-11—

·         Psalm 104:7-9—

·         II Peter 3:3-5—

So, how might the Earth have looked midway through Day 3?

3. After forming the earth and space, God began filling it to take away its emptiness. Describe what He did next.

4. Give some examples of the types of plants described here.

5. Why were plants created? See also Genesis 1:29-30 and 2:9a.

Scientific Insight: Plants do not generally grow on bare rock. When God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation,” whatever was necessary for plant life to grow occurred. Yet, the generation of soil from rock supposedly takes many years. If you could go back in time to this point on the third day of creation, the earth would appear to be very old. This appearance of age is required for a mature creation to be fully functioning from the beginning. Yet, it definitely skews “age-dating” methods that rely on observation of present processes and the rate at which soil is now being produced.

6. God repeated the phrase “after/according to their kinds” 10 times in Genesis 1. Any phrase repeated that often is repeated for emphasis. What could the phrase mean? What is God trying to tell us in terms we are supposed to fully understand and not get wrong?

Scientific Insight: According to evolution, seed plants didn’t “evolve” until after bacteria, invertebrates, fish, amphibians and some land animals. Once again, the Days of Genesis cannot be matched up with the theoretical Geological Ages.

Day Two Study

7. Read Genesis 1:14-19 (fourth day). With what does God fill the sky?

8. How and why did God create the lights in the sky? See what these verses say about it.

·         Genesis 1:14-18—

·         Psalm 33:6—

·         Psalm 148:3-6—

·         Isaiah 40:26—

·         Jeremiah 31:35—

9. Considering pagan worship, why might God have waited until Day 4 to create the sun, moon and stars? See also Deuteronomy 4:19; 17:2-5.

Think About It: Did you know there is no scientific proof that the sun is billions of years old? “There is no evidence based solely on solar observation that the sun is 4.5-5 x 109 years old. I suspect that the sun is 4.5 billion years old. However, given some new and unexpected results to the contrary, and some time for frantic recalculation and theoretical readjustment, I suspect that we could live with Bishop Ussher’s value for the age of the earth and sun. I don’t think we have much in the way of observational evidence in astronomy to conflict with that.” (Dr. John A. Eddy, Astrogeophysicist, Solar Astronomer at the High Altitude Observatory at Boulder, CO)

Bishop Ussher (~1600 AD) calculated the earth/sun to be ~6500 years old based on Gen. 1-11.

Appreciation Application:

10. God didn’t do a halfway job. Everything mentioned thus far was fully formed and functioning, each ready to do its preordained job. We’re not going to get all our questions answered although most do have logical answers already supplied through Scripture. Using Hebrews 11:1-6, discuss the role of faith in reading about God’s creation.

11. If God’s work on Days 3 and 4 happened as written, what evidence in the world would you expect to find?

Think About It: Scriptural compromising does not impress evolutionists. T. H. Huxley, who actively labored for evolutionism and against creationism, sarcastically comments: “If we listen to many expositors of no mean authority, we must believe that what seems so clearly defined in Genesis…as if great pains had been taken that there should be no possibility of mistake…is not the meaning of the text at all…A person who is not a Hebrew scholar can only stand aside and admire the marvelous flexibility of a language which admits of such diverse interpretations.” (Quoted from God Spoke to Moses, by O. T. Allis, 1951, p. 158)

Day Three Study

Appreciation Assignment:

12. On a dark night, spend some time outside, perhaps lying on sleeping bags or blankets with the rest of your family, watching the stars while reading Psalm 104 by flashlight. Note for sky watchers: Meteor showers are fun to watch. Check with your local planetarium for the dates to watch these. If you like to study constellations, also read Amos 5:8.

13. Ponder the marvelous diversity and complexity of plant life in general as well as their many functions in serving us—food, shade, enjoyment, etc. What are your favorite plants and why? Meditate on the Creator’s loving hands fashioning these for you.

Deeper Discoveries:

·         Read “Creation Answers: Age of the Earth” following this lesson.

·         Go to Enter and choose SEARCH. Enter a word or phrase from today’s passage such as evolution, plants, starlight, etc. Select an article to read or video to watch. Also visit and search.

Creation Answers: Age Of The Earth

“No Harm in Killing Time”

The information below is adapted from resources found on and

Let’s address the biggest hot button first—the age of the earth and universe. We’re going to kill some time. Theres no harm in killing time. Where do we get the idea that the earth is billions of years old? Not from the Bible. But, from the world’s teaching, using man’s theories to reinterpret God’s word.

Remember that true science is repeatable, testable, and falsifiable. We have the revealed Word of One who knows everything and who was there!

·         No one can prove creation or evolution.

·         Anyone can look at the historical record & build a model. Then examine facts in light of that model.

·         When what is presented as facts doesn’t agree with the model, there may be a problem with the model or the facts (how they were derived).

The Biblical Model

Three past events that affected earth history from a scientific viewpoint and one event that affected the history of the nations:

·         Creation—6 days, the celestial objects, land and sea, plants, animals, and man

·         Curse—ground, pain and death, food chain, poisonous and nuisance creatures, affected the whole creation according to Romans 8:20-22

·         Flood—affected the planet surface entirely for > 1 year, afterwards man’s diet changed to include eating meat; also the animals’ diet.

·         Dispersion from Babel—the existing population was divided into language groups that spread out and repopulated the earth, taking the accounts of Creation, the Curse, and the Flood with them.

Question #1: Is It Really Radical To Believe In A Young Age For The Earth?

A warning light goes off in your head. How can I believe in a young age for the earth? Haven’t scientists proven that the earth is very old—billions of years? What about all the evidence that the earth and universe are billions of years old? It’s just too radical to believe in a young earth.

This is the answer: what evidence? There is more verifiable evidence that the earth is less than 10,000 years than that it is very old. Did you know that? Here is some evidence that kills time. Theres no harm in killing time. But first…

Why is there such an insistence in the science world and media that the universe and earth are billions of years old? Think about it. If you eliminate God and any divine aspect to creation, then you depend strictly on naturalistic processes. And, there’s the key—TIME! Evolution, if true, needs a long time for it to take place. So, the evolutionary scientist looks for any way to “prove” lots of time has passed.

What’s the prevailing theory? About 15 billion years ago (BYA) compressed matter exploded with a Big Bang. As this explosion took place, the elements in the periodic table cooked their way into existence and were hurled outward. They began to condense and to cool, galaxies were formed as well as nebula. Out of one of these spiral nebulas, a solar system condensed and in this particular solar system, the planet earth spun out of a molten fireball about 4.6 BYA. Where do they get 4.6 BY for the age of earth? Meteorites! Supposedly the sun and its planets condensed at the same time. Some meteorites are thought to be remnants of a planet that broke up after condensing. Therefore, meteorites are the same age as the earth. That’s the pet theory of the majority of evolutionary scientists.

What questions should you ask? What did God ask Job in chapter 38? “Were you there?” How did that compressed matter suddenly appear out of nothing? We’ve already looked at what God said He did and how. The biblical model is easier to believe. That God created everything mature and fully functioning from the beginning.

Okay, let’s talk about the evidence that evolutionary scientists use to “prove” that the earth is very, very old. They use 2 things—rocks and fossils. Here are some things you need to know.

·         Neither rocks nor fossils have birthdates stamped on them when they are collected.

·         Fossils are dated by the false assumption of evolution. The idea of evolution demands old age.

There are two basic ways to date rocks: 1) by how evolved the fossils in them are and 2) by radioactive minerals present in the rocks.

Dating By The Assumption Of Evolution

Rocks with fossils in them are dated by the assumption of evolution. Remember, the idea of evolution of amoeba to man demands long periods of time for it to take place. Where does this fossil fit on the evolutionary development scale? Primitive or advanced? The answer to this question often depends on the rock in which it is found. Those at the bottom of a sequence are considered to be greatly older than those at the top of a sequence. Fossils in the bottom layer are assumed to be older in evolution than those at the top. So, it’s circular reasoning.

Dating By Process Clocks

You observe and measure a present process. Assume it acted the same way in the past. Calculate the time necessary to produce the present state.

Some Process Clocks Give A Younger Age For The Earth

There are about 100 “process” dating methods recognized. Nearly all of them (95%) suggest much younger ages for the earth and life than billions of years.

·         Rate of decay of the earths magnetic field—Measured since 1829. The magnetic field’s strength decreases by half ~1400 years. Upper limit is ~20,000 years. Oops. Not enough time for evolutionists. Can’t use that one.

“Unless the earth’s magnetic field has been altered or energized by an unusual magnetic event in the past, about which we know nothing, the present decay rate yields an upper limit of 20,000 years or so for the age of the earth…Since this chronometer is based on worldwide measurements, monitored for a long time, and showing a dramatic trend, it perhaps represents the very best application of uniformitarian principles. The weight of the evidence is on the side of the young earth, not on the side of the old earth.” (Dr. John Morris, The Young Earth, p. 83)

·         Counting supernova remnants—There’s not enough for an old universe. Only evidence for about 7,000 years worth. Evolutionists definitely can’t use that one.

·         Measuring mud on the sea floor or salt in the sea—There’s not enough of either for a billions year old earth.

·         History is too short—We only have written records spanning 4000-5000 years with fully functioning language from the beginning. The Biblical time scale is much more likely.

Radioisotope Dating As A Process Clock “Gives” An Older Age For The Earth.

The process clock that gives the oldest “time” is radioactivity. Method known as Radioisotope Dating. Only rocks that contain radioactive elements can be used for Radioisotope Dating. That’s usually rocks that were once molten—like lava or granite. Not usually those with fossils in them. Fossils can be used for a different type of radioisotope dating, but we’ll get to that later.

Before the discovery of radioactive minerals last century, there was already a belief in millions of years. But, the use of radioactivity to date rocks suddenly gave scientists “old ages” and “proof” that the earth is older than the biblical 6,000 years—billions of years older. The news media promotes this “proof.” So, let’s look at it more closely.

The radioactivity clock starts when the rocks are cooled and hardened. How many of you remember studying radioactivity in chemistry or physics or maybe earth science? This is what it looks like using the best-known example. Radioactive uranium (parent) decays to nonradioactive lead (daughter). Measure time it takes for half of the uranium to become lead. Called a half-life. The half-life for uranium is ~4.5 billion years. Find a rock. Measure the amount of Ur and the amount of lead. Figure out how long it has taken for that amount of lead to be produced from the uranium.

The radioisotope method for obtaining age of a substance formed in prehistory is theory but presented as fact. Four major assumptions are involved in the radioisotope method, assumptions that will lead to the conclusion that the researchers want. Each is questionable.


1). Known Initial Concentrations—no lead was present in the rock when it was formed.

2). Closed System—neither uranium nor lead leached in or out of the rock over the years.

3). Constant Decay—that the decay rate was constant over time.

4). Enough Time to Produce Present State through Measured Processes— Evolution demands old age. An evolutionary scientist uses the dating method that gives the desired date for the sample.


1). Some lead occurs naturally in rocks when they are formed.

2). The uranium isotope can be leached out of, and the lead can migrate into, many rocks over the years.

3). The decay rate can perhaps be changed by neutrino bombardment and other causes.

4). Time is history, and history cannot be observed scientifically. There is no way for a scientist in the present to come up with an age for things of the past without written historical record!! Creationist or evolutionist.

How Does It Work?

Several different tests are performed on a sample rock. The results may look like this:

·         Uranium-Lead Method says the rock is ~500 million years.

·         Potassium-Argon Method says the rock is ~700 million years.

·         Rubidium-Strontium Method says the rock is ~325 million years.

Once the results are returned to the researcher, dates are discarded that do not coincide with the expected “age” of the rock. This is how it works. We should not be concerned about such “proof.”

Conclusion: The radioisotope method for obtaining age of a substance formed in prehistory is theory. Rocks and fossils don’t come with birthdates on them. An evolutionary scientist uses the dating method that gives the desired date for the sample.

What’s The Evidence? What Do We Find?

Examples Of Radioisotope Failure On Rocks On Known Dates

We know that radioisotope dating does not always work because we can test it on rocks of known age. Someone actually watched these rocks form.

·         1986 Mt. St. Helens lava dome—a rock sample gave K (potassium)/Argon ages between 0.5 million and 2.8 million years old. Proves that significant Argon was present when the rock was formed. So, assumption #1 is wrong.

·         Sunset Crater, Arizonathe volcano erupted 1065 A.D., lava flows dated by Indian records and tree-rings. Indian artifacts and relics are found within the rocks formed by the eruption. K/Ar method: 210,000-230,000 years old.

·         Mt. Ngauruhoe, New Zealandthe volcano erupted in 1949, 1954, and 1975. Rock samples from the lava flows dated at 0.27–3.5 million years old.

·         Hualalai Volcano, Hawaiithe people on the island watched the rock form during a volcanic eruption in 1801. 12 dates were taken which ranged from 140 million years to 2.96 billion years. The average date was 1.41 billion. If this happens with known rocks, then why could this not also be the case for other dates?

·         Mt. Kilauea, Hawaiierupted recently. K/Ar method: 21 million years.

Here’s what a geologist says:

“It seems that whenever igneous rocks form today, they usually have daughter elements already present and already appear to be somewhat ‘old.’ If this assumption doesn’t work on those times when we can check it, how can we be confident that it works on those occasions when we cannot check it?” (Dr. John Morris, The Young Earth, page 56.)

Examples Of Radioisotope Failure On Rocks Of Unknown Age

Another form of dating called isochron dating involves analyzing four or more samples from the same rock unit. Instead of counting atoms, it uses ratios and graphs. It does not depend on the Initial Concentration being zero. Scientists using this method should be able to analyze the whole rock sample and the individual minerals within the rock and come up with the same age. Most often, they aren’t even close.

·         Example #1: Scientists took samples from two lava flow formations in the Grand Canyon—the Cardenas Basalt and the western Grand Canyon lava flows. Researchers used the most current and accepted techniques, had them analyzed by several unbiased commercial labs that knew nothing of the source rocks. The one on the top repeatedly dated older (by 270 million years up to a billion years) than the one on the bottom. That’s impossible. Once again, the results call into question the technique. Something is terribly wrong.

·         Example #2: Another interesting example that shows to what extent scientists will go to get the desired age for a sample: Apollo 11 brought back some moon rocks. The rocks were dated using 4 different methods at almost 4-billion years. Apollo 16 brought back some moon rocks that were dated at 18-billion years. To fix the problem they subjected those rocks to acid to melt out the lead and then re-dated and got 4.5 billion years. (Mike Riddle, quoting from Science magazine Jan 30, 1973)

R.A.T.E. Team Discoveries

There are hundreds of credible scientists who are not evolutionists. A team of very highly trained, very credentialed scientists, who also happen to be creationists, has been examining this issue for 10 years through something called the R.A.T.E. project. They examined every dating method for its validity without evolutionary bias. This is what else they’ve discovered:

Too Much Helium In Granite Rocks.

Most granites contain the black flakey mica mineral called biotite. Embedded within these black biotite flakes are tiny zircon crystals. Zircons are very hard and have a very high melting point so are pretty permanent once crystallized. The embedded zircon crystals contain radioactive uranium atoms. Over time, the uranium nucleus ejects an alpha particle (2 neutrons and 2 protons combined). When the zircon crystals are large, the alpha particles stay within them and become helium atoms. Uranium/Pb (lead) decay produces lots of helium because alpha particles are ejected 8 times. Helium wiggles through crystals and leaks through cracks easily. It bonds to nothing and heads for the atmosphere. The decay of U/Pb is a slow process. Since helium migrates out of rocks rapidly, there should be very little to no helium remaining in the granite. But, it’s filled with helium, and 58% of the helium still remains in the granite.

Lots of samples were taken from many locations deep within the earth up to the surface and analyzed by unbiased commercial labs. One explanation is that sometime in the past the decay rate was greatly accelerated so much that helium was being produced faster than it could escape. Here’s the conclusion:

“Based on the measured helium retention, a statistical analysis gives an estimated age for the zircons of 6000 ± 2000 years. This age agrees with literal biblical history and is about 250,000 times shorter than the conventional age of 1.5 billion years for zircons. The conclusion is that helium diffusion data strongly supports the young-earth view of history. (Donald DeYoung, Thousands…Not Billions, p. 76)

There’s Not Enough Helium In The Atmosphere.

Because of radioactivity, helium is being added to the atmosphere at 13 million atoms / square inch / second! Assuming no initial Helium in the atmosphere, the maximum age of earth could only be 2 million years. Not enough time for evolution.

Creation’s Tiny Mystery—Radiohalos.

When the zircon crystals are tiny, the alpha particles are ejected out into the surrounding biotite flakes. The ejected alpha particles are like tiny “bullets” which damage the surrounding biotite leaving discoloration outlining a beautiful, multi-ringed halo because it decays in a number of steps. Eight of the isotopes in this ‘decay chain’ emit alpha particles when they decay, forming eight rings. It’s a bit like a sequence of guns, each of different power, firing an eight-gun salute. When this salute or decay chain is fired millions of times in every direction, the bullets from the different guns make eight concentric rings. When you cut through that sphere and look at them, it looks like halos around the central atom. Granites around the world contain dark uranium halos. It has been determined that to fully form a dark uranium radiohalo requires a billion alpha particles or about 100 million years of radioactive decay at today’s present rate.

Next to the uranium halos are often found “orphan” halos from 3 daughter isotopes all Polonium—Po-210, Po-214, Po-218. In 1981, the Deputy Director of the USGS, Brett Dalrymple, described these in court testimony as “a very tiny mystery.” Here’s why: these 3 polonium isotopes only last from less than 1 second to 3 minutes to 138 days so they had to form very rapidly.

But, the uranium has to deliver 100 million years’ worth of alpha particles BEFORE there’s enough polonium to decay to form its own halos. So, at least 100 million years’ worth (at today’s rate) of uranium decay has to occur within days to form the polonium radiohalos. Coexisting uranium and polonium radiohalos in many granites around the world had to form at the same time and so are observable physical evidence that this abundant nuclear decay had to have occurred at an accelerated rate—in the past. And, the granites that host these radiohalos also had to form at the same rapid rate. The rock had to form almost instantly for the radiohalos to be preserved, basically created, whereas conventional geology maintains granitic rocks crystallized and cooled over millions of years. The evidence does not support that. There is no other satisfactory explanation.

These radiohalos prove two things: 1) in the past, nuclear decay rates were greatly accelerated and 2) rocks with radiohalos in them had to harden almost instantaneously, or within less than a year.

Conclusion: Radioisotope dating has not been disproved. It has been called into question, flaws in its foundation exposed, and its results shown to be inconsistent. According to John Morris, author of The Young Earth, radioisotope dating is in trouble, but it is still a very formidable concept in the minds of many. In fact, few labs are doing the K/Ar method anymore because its results are so wrong. Bible-believing Christians don’t need to be intimidated by rock ages of billions or millions of years supposedly proven by radioisotope dating.

Carbon-14 Dating

You may have heard about C-14 dating. Carbon-14 is a radioactive isotope of carbon, also called radiocarbon. Cosmic rays from the sun bombard nitrogen in the upper atmosphere turning it into carbon with 2 extra neutrons—C-14. Ad lib about being radioactive. This mixes with the regular stable C-12 in the atmosphere and eventually finds its way into all living organisms. Once an organism dies, the clock begins.

The C-14 in the dead organism decays back into nitrogen. The isotope has a half-life of 5730 years. Meaning half the original C-14 decays to nitrogen in that time. After another 5730 years, only 1/4 of the original remains. After 60,000 years, no measurable C-14 should remain at all. That’s the theory. It can be used only on materials containing carbon—bones, shells, wood, and coal. Not used to date the age of the earth or rocks.

Radiocarbon dating measures the amount of C-14 in a fossil. Only the amount of C-14 changes over time. If a fossil has a lot of C-14, it’s young; if it has very little, it’s old. One still has to take into consideration the same kind of assumptions embedded in the other radioisotope dating methods:

1. Constant Decay Rate—This is testable and observed to be constant in the present. The half-life measures at 5, 730 years. In the present. Not testable for the past.

2. Closed System (no leaching in or out of C-14 or N)—Once again, this is not testable unless you are sitting there watching it.

Some recent anomalies found using the C-14 method on living creatures—


1) Freshly killed seal

2) Living clam shells

3) Snail shells


1) It died 1300 years ago.

2) 2300 years old

3) 27,000 years old

Conclusion: Environmental conditions affected the C-12/C-14 ratio in these of known age. When testing a sample of unknown age from a largely unknown environment, how can we exclude similar sorts of effects?

3. Known Initial Concentrations of C-12/C-14—assumes the ratio of C-12/C-14 in the atmosphere and biosphere has always been the same throughout the years.

The assumption is that the amount of C-14 produced in the atmosphere is used up by organisms at the same rate. This is called equilibrium. This is a critical detail because it gives the starting amount of C-14 in the fossil. The current ratio of C-12 to C-14 is 1 trillion to 1. So, when an animal dies today, it has 1 trillion C-12 atoms for every 1 C-14 atom in its body.

But, there’s a problem: the inventor of the C-14 method (Dr. Willard Libby) discovered that C-14 is being created in the atmosphere 25 percent faster than it is being used up. He shoved this aside as experimental error. Years later, other researchers repeated his experiments and came up with the same conclusion. So, the basis for C-14 dating, consistent ratio between C-12 and C-14, is false. Assumption three is false. So, scientists have no basis to know the initial concentration of C-14 in any sample except a living sample today. And, even that doesn’t work.

4. Time—Anything older than 60,000 years on an evolutionary time scale should have no detectable C-14 at all. Anything over 1 million years in age should have not one single atom of C-14 in it. If it does, it’s good evidence that it is not millions of years old.

Some Recent Anomalies Found Using The C-14 Method:

·         Example #1: carbonized wood from Glen Rose. Same layer as dinosaur footprints (99 million years old). The C-14 analysis showed the wood to be ~12,000 years old.

·         Example #2: In May 1989, an Allosaurus was excavated near Grand Junction, CO. It was located in a rock layer supposedly 140 million years old. These bones, heavily blackened, contained 3% carbon and were tested to show a C-14 date of < 16,000 years.

·         Example #3: An Acrocanthosaurus dinosaur found near Glen Rose, Texas dated at < 10,000 years ago. Yet, the rock in which it is found is supposedly ~99 million years old.

·         Example #4: Skeletons from 11 ancient humans dated at ~5,000 years or less.

·         Example #5: In 1993, scientists found trees buried in lava flows (69 feet deep) Wood was C-14 dated at 44,000 years. The lava was dated at 37 million years. Can’t be. Should agree.

R.A.T.E. Team Discoveries

·         Fossils from every level of geologic time have measurable Carbon-14, even after all possible contamination from the current environment was eliminated. This discovery was already well documented in the standard scientific peer-reviewed radiocarbon literature before the RATE project even began. But, the general public is never given that information. Not only that, but all of the samples had about the same amount of C-14 in them. The C-14 is there, quite simply, because it hasn’t had time to decay yet. The world just isn’t that old! No harm in killing time, is there?

·         Coal samples spanning a large fraction of the fossil record have similar amounts of measurable C-14 but should not have. Statistically, they saw no difference in the C-14 levels from the youngest to the oldest samples. This suggests the plants all grew on earth at the same time and were buried at the same time.

·         Here’s one other bit of information: C-14 has been detected in diamonds; scientists say diamonds formed 1-3 billion years ago deep within the earth. Diamonds are practically impossible to contaminate. Not one atom of C-14 should be there unless the earth is young.

This is the conclusion of one radiocarbon researcher:

“The troubles of the radiocarbon dating method are undeniably deep and serious . . . It should be no surprise, then, that fully half of the dates are rejected. The wonder is, surely, that the remaining half come to be accepted…While the method cannot be counted on to give good, unequivocal results, the numbers do impress people, and save them the trouble of thinking excessively.” (R. E. Lee, “Radiocarbon, Ages in Error,” Anthropological Journal of Canada)

Conclusion: Archeology is also affected by C-14 dating. Some artifacts of known age have been measured and plotted on a calibration curve that extends back about 5000 years since that is the age of the oldest carbon-containing sample of independently know age: an Egyptian mummy. Scientist measures C-14 in sample, plots on curve then reads age in years of artifact. Unfortunately, C-14 dates on objects don’t often agree with historically derived ages. Many archeologists, therefore, prefer to date an artifact according to what he/she believes it to be historically rather than rely on C-14 results.

Here’s what you need to remember about C-14 dating:

·         Three of the starting assumptions are false.

·         Fossils from every level of the geologic record have measurable levels of C-14.

One more thing: Scientists speculate that it would take about 30,000 years for an atmosphere with no C-14 to reach equilibrium. Earth’s atmosphere is still 25% away from equilibrium. Could that also be an indication that the earth is young?

Doesn’t Distant Starlight Prove An Old Universe?

From The Text:

It is clear from the text (both Hebrew and English) that God began His creation of the sun, moon, and stars on Day 4 and finished them on that same day— “it was so.” Some try to translate the word “placed” in Gen. 1:17 as “cause to appear,” however, this is a twisting of the Hebrew word, and the context does not support such a translation. So, the stars were seen on the first day of existence.

·         Actually, the creation of light before the sun is evidence of authenticity of Genesis 1. Only an eyewitness would dare to write such. Not likely to be contrived by later editors because it contrasted their own understanding of the world.

From Science:

·         Regarding star distance, the astronomer’s task of assigning a distance to heavenly bodies from earth is a complicated one and not without assumptions that may have “old universe” ideology built right in. Always question how those distances were derived. Shorter distances are generally measured by triangulation, and the limit for accuracy is for stars up to only 200 light-years away. Greater distances may be determined by the presumed sizes and intensity of stars, something called “red shift,” and many other factors, some questionable.

·         Regarding starlight, consider that the earth and universe were obviously created with the appearance of age and ready to function immediately according to design and need. The plants were brought forth from the earth mature with seed and fruit. The animals and mankind were capable of reproducing immediately. The heavenly bodies (the Hebrew word includes just about anything in space, including stars) were created with individual and collective functions—dividing the day from the night, serving as navigational aids, for illuminating the earth, determining the passage of time, to separate light from darkness. Notice “it was so” in Gen. 1:15. This means that even if the distances are correct, the stars would merely have given the appearance of having been here longer. Therefore, both the stars and the light beams connecting them visually to the Earth may have been created at the same time. Food for thought!!

·         Then, there are supernovas (violent star explosions), some of which are hundreds of thousands of light years away in distant galaxies. Yet, these are observed from earth as an occurring event. How? This has no easy answer. On the other hand, since supernovas supposedly happen about once every 25 years, there should be the remnants of over 2000 in our galaxy if the universe is as old as claimed. Only 200 are actually observed. Fits the young earth model better.

·         There are still a lot of questions about the speed of light in deep space, whether light has traveled at the same speed throughout the past, how light is affected by gravity of the heavenly bodies, etc. Scripture tells us that God stretched out the heavens in 15 passages (Job 9:8; Psalm 104:2; Isaiah 40:22; Jeremiah 10:12). Science also tells us that the universe is expanding. That would affect distances as well.

An early church father, Theophilus, had this insight for us today:

“On the fourth day the luminaries came into existence. Since God has foreknowledge, he understood the nonsense of the foolish philosophers who were going to say that the things produced on earth come from the stars, so that they might set God aside. In order therefore that the truth might be demonstrated, plants and seeds came into existence before stars. For what comes into existence later cannot cause what is prior to it.” (Quotation from Theophilus “To Autolycus,” 2.8, Oxford Early Christian Texts)


Five Facts To Remember:

1. The earth has not been scientifically proven to be billions of years old.

2. The Bible teaches a literal 6-day creation.

3. Many scientists believe in a literal 6-day creation about 6,000 years ago.

4. New evidence from nuclear decay supports a young earth model.

5. There are many scientific evidences for a young earth.

How To Interpret What You Read And Hear

Look for the facts. Discern facts from interpretation. Mark the facts. Then, mark the interpretations or assumptions. Question the assumptions used to derive the facts and/or interpretations. Consider the same facts with the assumption of Biblical history.

See “Creation Answers: Interpretation Practice” after the lesson “Creation: Humans, Home and Family, Part 2.”

Sources For Further Study

1. Thousands, Not Billions by The R.A.T.E. Project Team at Institute for Creation Research

2. The Answers Book (any volumes) by Ken Ham and associates

3. Dating Rocks and Fossils, video presentation by Mike Riddle

4. How Old Is the Earth? Eugene Sattler

5. “The Collapse Of Geologic Time’”, by Steve Taylor, Andy McIntosh, and Tas Walker, Creation, September 2001

6. Radioactive dating in conflict, Andrew Snelling, Creation, December 1997.

7. The Young Earth, Dr. John Morris

8. The Young Age of the Earth DVD

9. Starlight and Time, Dr. Russell Humphreys

Related Topics: Creation, Evolution

4. CREATION: The Six Days Of Creation, Part 3

Related Media

Day One Study

Read Genesis 1:1-23.

1. Reread Genesis 1:20-23 (fifth day) and Isaiah 45:18. God formed the earth to be inhabited. All the materials necessary for animal life—water, air, light, plants, and the chemical materials of the earth—were now available. With what did God fill the earth on Day 5?

2. What does the phrase “living creature” mean in Genesis 1:20, 21? Why aren’t plants called “living creatures?”

3. Regarding the water creatures: name the types represented by the descriptions given here. Note particularly the first ones created.

From the Hebrew: It is possible that these “sea monsters (NAS), great whales (KJV), great sea creatures (NIV, NET)” actually included the great marine dinosaurs. The word in the original Hebrew is actually the same word translated “dragons” in later Scriptures. Remember that the term “dinosaur” wasn’t even invented until the mid 1800’s.

4. The Hebrew term translated “winged bird” denotes anything that flies. Name the types of creatures represented by this phrase.

5. Current evolutionary theories say reptiles (land animals) evolved into birds. Notice the order of creation in v. 20-21. What is distinctively missing from the Genesis account that causes it to conflict with current theories?

Day Two Study

Read Genesis 1:24-31 (sixth and seventh days).

6. With what did God fill the earth on Day 6?

7. Regarding the land creatures: name the types represented by the descriptions given.

8. What was the grand climax of God’s creative activity (v. 26-31)? [Note: We will study this more fully in the next lesson.]

9. What instructions were given regarding food (v. 29-30)? To which creatures? What are the biological and ecological implications of this?

Read Genesis 1:31-2:4 middle.

10. In v. 31, how does God evaluate His creation?

11. Why isn’t it logical that disorder, decay, suffering or death could have occurred or could be occurring in God’s world as described in Genesis 1?

12. What occurred on the 7th day? Why?

Deeper Discoveries for those who like research: Discuss the astronomical basis of the day, month, and year in contrast to the lack of such basis for the week. Why is this important? Do all countries have a day of rest? Did any cultures in ancient history besides the Jews have a 7-day week?

Appreciation Application:

13. God created a well-ordered, functioning world for man to enjoy.

a. According to Romans 1:20-25, what should be our response to God’s self-revelation in the created world?

b. What are the consequences for refusing to recognize God as Creator?

Day Three Study

Appreciation Assignment:

14. Read Exodus 20:11. Did God create man with a need for rest and relaxation from work? Have you stopped to rest for at least part of a day this past week? What did you do to rest?

15. Spend some time thinking about various animals. Perhaps visit the zoo or local pet shop with your family. Read Job 38:39-39:30 as God tells about the specialness of some He created. What are your favorite animals and why? Share with your group.

Deeper Discoveries:

·         Read “Creation Answers: Creation, Not Evolution” following this lesson.

·         Go to SEARCH a word or phrase from today’s passage—dinosaurs, animals, ecology, eating plants, etc. Select an article to read or video to watch. Also visit and search.

Creation Answers: Creation, Not Evolution

“It’s All about Information”

The information below is adapted from resources found on and

Let’s explore some of the other questions always asked about creation in Genesis 1 plus those that should be asked. Then, we’ll narrow our focus down to evolution itself.

What God Said He Did

When God first began His creating, the earth was described as “formless and empty.” Formless just means it needed shape. It was covered with water, the deep. Empty means just that, unfilled. God spends 2 1/2 days separating & gathering to give the earth form (1:3-10). God spends 3 1/2 days making & filling to remove the emptiness.

Some say a great span of time existed between Gen 1:1 and 1:2, allowing for an earlier time when the earth appeared somewhat like it is now, was destroyed because of Satan’s rebellion, and then was restored to the way it appears now. This is supposed to explain an old age for the earth plus layers of rocks & fossils but without evolution. The problem with this position is that any catastrophe that left the earth shapeless and empty would have destroyed anything as orderly as the continuous rock layers. So, it’s no longer considered a credible alternative to young earth creation.

What Is Separated And Gathered? What’s The Expected Evidence? What Do We Find?

·         Day One—God created light so it is not Himself. He divided the light from the darkness; also, He refers to day and night and evening and morning. Because God is eternal, this also indicates the creation of time for the benefit of His creation. We are not told the source of the light if other than God Himself. God established a regular rotation of the earth. Expect to find evidence of day and night being continual and universal. This is what we find.

·         Day Two—The waters above from waters below with an expanse in between, a curious phrase. Many think this ‘expanse’ was the atmosphere, because God placed the birds in the expanse to fly. This would put these waters above the atmosphere. Perhaps more water vapor in the atmosphere than at present. Expect evidence of worldwide tropical climate forming a greenhouse effect, lush vegetation, greater size and longevity of creatures due to shielding from incoming radiation. We do find tropical plants and animals all over the globe in every rock layer, at the poles and on top of the highest mountains including giant animals and plants. Humans living before the Flood lived ~900 years. Well cover this in a future article.

·         Day Three—Dry land separated from the sea. From the text, it appears that the land was all in one land mass. This doesn’t preclude having rivers and lakes on the land, though, as described in Genesis 2. You would expect evidence of one large landmass with set boundaries between the ocean and the land. We find evidence of a supercontinent that has since split apart. Continental shelves and slopes are set boundaries between the ocean and the land.

What Is Made And Filled? What’s The Expected Evidence? What Do We Find?

·         Day 3—ALL plant kinds—grasses, seed plants, fruit trees. Food for creatures filled the land surface that day. We would expect to find evidence of fully formed and functioning plants, fruit and seeds from the start of life on earth. We find just that. Pollen is found in some of the oldest rocks supposedly millions of years older than the first pollen-forming plants.

Are plants alive? The Bible makes a sharp distinction between plants & animals. On Day Three, God commanded the inanimate earth to “bring forth” plants while on Day Five, He “created...every living creature that moved.” At this point, and on Day Six to follow, He instituted the concept of giving “life” (Hebrew nephesh) to nonliving matter—something He did not do for plants. The Bible never refers to plants as living; they grow, flourish, wither, fade but they do not “live” or “die.” Plants do not have nephesh, nor “breath of life” nor “blood” (Lev. 17:11). They are biologically alive but not Biblically “living.”

·         Day 4—Sun, moon, stars—notice the emphasis on separating light and darkness. Light filled the expanse that day. We would expect to find evidence that these were fully functioning in a mature state from the beginning. We find fully functioning from the beginning. Actually, the creation of light before the sun is evidence of authenticity of Genesis 1. Only an eyewitness would dare to write that.

·         Day 5—ALL water creatures, ALL birds. Creatures filled the seas and sky that day.

·         Day 6—ALL land creatures plus MAN and WOMAN. Creatures filled the land surface that day. Regarding days 5 and 6, expect to find evidence of all water creatures, birds, land creatures and man to be fully functioning in a mature form since the beginning. That’s what we find. More on that later.

Note: the creation order contradicts the proposed evolution of the universe and life on the planet at >20 points. Example: Marine creatures weren’t created until day 5, but evolution says that they came before the land plants. Seed plants didn’t “evolve” until after bacteria, invertebrates, fish, amphibians and some land animals, but creation says they came first. Bees “evolved” before flowers. You have to twist Genesis 1 to make it match up to evolution.

Creation Is Complete.

God told us how long creation took and how complete it was. God rested because He was finished. Nothing formless or empty remained. The biblical model reveals a fully functioning, mature creation:

·         Continents with topsoil and rivers flowing from a source of water.

·         Rocks with crystalline minerals in them—some already beginning the radioactive process to add warmth and other elements to our planet.

·         Stars visible from earth.

·         Plants bearing seed and fruit; bees pollinating flowers.

·         Marine animals swimming; birds flying.

·         Land animals creeping and running; adult Adam and Eve talking—all capable of reproducing.

What About Life? Did It Evolve Or Was It Instantly Created?

·         Defining Creation—”Creation” is defined simply as the work of God in bringing all things into existence ex nihilo (out of nothing) and is not merely a reworking of materials already in existence.

·         Defining Evolution—”Evolution” is the supposition that life spontaneously came into existence from previously nonliving chemical molecules and forms of life have developed from earlier, simpler forms by gradual modification through natural processes. This is what I am talking about when I say evolution. Particles to people. Amoeba to man. New information being added continually into the DNA of living creatures.

Its all about information. Is this operational science or historical science? Examining biological life in the present is operational. Making conclusions about the prehistoric past is historical. Evolution is a worldview about the past and a way to interpret scientific data that exists in the present. Let’s look at the evidence from two sources: 1) life in the present and 2) life in the past.

Life In The Present

What Evidence From Life In The Present Would You Expect To Find If Evolution Is True?

·         Life coming from non-life. This is the biggest problem for evolutionists. Like the nothing creating something concept. No one has ever produced life from non-life in a laboratory. It’s not occurring spontaneously anywhere on the planet, either.

·         Beneficial Mutations that continually create new systems in every living creature observable in the present. Producing…

·         Billions of transitional Forms—a hypothetical organism that is “between” evolutionary stages. We should have transitional structures for every part of every system of every living creature in the present.

·         Things Getting Better—no death due to aging or disease

What Evidence From Life In The Present Would You Expect To Find If Creation Is True?

·         Intelligent design in all living things

·         Separate, distinct kinds of creatures with lots of variation within them.

·         Death and disease because of the curse.

·         Extinction of some creatures because of the flood.

What Evidence From Life In The Present Do You Find?

1. Intellligent Design In All Living Things Is Obvious.

Every time a student looks through a microscope or a telescope or looks at the real world in any way, he/she is bombarded with evidence for creation. Even the simplest single-celled organism is unthinkably complex. A virus, which isn’t even complete in itself, can baffle our best scientists and all our technology!

All of life is governed by the marvelously complex genetic code, which contains not only design and order, but what is equivalent to written information. This DNA code must not only be written correctly, the rest of the cell must read it and follow its instructions to live and reproduce. This code had to be present at the origin of life. How could it have written itself, and how could all the various parts of the cell learn how to read and obey it? IMPOSSIBLE!

A non-Christian, non-evolutionist scientist says, “The complexity of the simplest known type of cell is so great that it is impossible to accept that such an object could have been thrown together by some kind of freakish, vastly improbable event. Such an occurrence would be indistinguishable from a miracle.” (Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, p. 264)

Similarity is evidence of common designer, not common ancestry. You would expect single Creator using common design for similar function.

2. Separate, Distinct Kinds Are Evident; Transitional Forms Are Non-Existent.

For amoeba-to-man evolution to be possible there has to be a mechanism that adds new genetic information to the DNA recipe of cells—information that performs a new function that was not previously present. No such mechanism is known. The proposed mechanism is through a series of mutations that add new information to the DNA. Upward progress is made because of natural selection.

“Natural selection” means that the creature with the right stuff will: 1) have the best chance of surviving a given habitat, 2) beat out those who don’t have the right stuff, and 3) pass on their winning stuff to their offspring. According to evolution, the right stuff is beneficial mutations.

“Beneficial” Mutations ≠ Evolution

Mutations are inherited copying errors in the DNA ‘recipe’ of an organism. Evolutionary theory requires some mutations to go “uphill”—to add new information. The mutations we observe are either neutral (information not effectively changed) or go “downhill”—the parent genetic information is lost or scrambled.

In rare cases, a mutation may benefit a creature in a particular environment. It looks beneficial, but in every case these involve loss of information, even though it appears to give the organism a survival advantage. That’s where natural selection of creatures with the right stuff takes place.

·         Example #1: Wingless beetles. A mutation prevents some beetles from growing wings. This defect is passed to all that beetle’s babies, so that it’s grandchildren will all be wingless. Here in Double Oak, such a beetle will have less chance to get away from beetle-eaters, so it’ll be eaten before it can leave babies. Fewer wingless beetles. But, on Galveston Island, the flying beetles tend to get blown into the sea, so the wingless ones have an advantage. More wingless beetles. Not gain of information. Loss of information. Those wingless beetles cannot produce beetles with wings again. Its all about information.

·         Example #2: Blind cave animals. Many animals in caves are blind, with shriveled eyes caused by a mutation. That would not harm the individual in the cave with no light to see by anyway. But in the light, such blind mutants would never survive to have babies. Result: more blind creatures in caves; more sighted creatures outside. Not gain of information. Loss of information. Those blind creatures can never produce sighted babies again. Its all about information.

·         Example #3: A common mutational defect carried by about one in 100 Europeans may help to protect against certain forms of AIDS. HIV gets into certain immune cells with the help of two receptor molecules, like ‘handholds’ on the outside of the cells. Researchers have found a mutated form of the gene that codes for one of these receptor proteins on these cells. The protein has lost the chemical ‘handles’ which the virus needs to get inside the cell. Beneficial against AIDS but what else should that protein provide for the cell? Loss of information. Its all about information.

If evolution were true, we should find billions of transitional forms representing the progression from one creature to another in the present. Besides mutations, the examples commonly cited as “evolution happening today” usually involve variation or adaptation coupled with natural selection. Let’s look at these more closely.

Variation Within A Kind ≠ Evolution

God created plants to produce seed ‘after their kind’ and animals to reproduce ‘after their kind’. ‘After their/its kind’ is repeated ten times in Genesis 1, giving emphasis to the principle. And we take it for granted. When we plant a tomato seed, we don’t expect to see a geranium pop up out of the ground. Nor do we expect that our dog will give birth to kittens or that Aunt Betty, who is expecting, will bring home a chimpanzee baby from the hospital! Our everyday experience confirms the truth of the Bible that things produce offspring true to their kind.

But what is a created ‘kind’? God divided creatures up differently than we humans do. Linnaeus, a creationist scientist, tried to determine the created kinds so he defined a ‘species’ as a group of organisms that could interbreed among themselves, but not with another group, akin to the Genesis concept. We have since learned that the “species” division is too limiting. Should be much larger. New species have been observed to form. But this speciation is within the “kind,” and involves no new genetic information. In nature, we see variety within a species or “kind” such as the dog kind but no changes from one species to another—dogs are not changing to cat kinds so they can climb the tree after the squirrels. That would be plenty of motivation, wouldn’t it?

God placed within the DNA of creatures potential for variety in certain parts of the creature. Everyone gets 2 sets of genes—1 from mom, 1 from dad. So, lots of potential for variation in hair color, eye color, skin color. But, there are limits on natural genetic variability. Humans will always have hair rather than fur and two eyes rather than 10. Noses can change shapes but gills are never substituted for noses. Okay? Limited variety is present within every type of creature. There is variation in dogs, but they are still dogs; variation in cats, but they are cats; variation in humans, but we are still humans—and so on. Any variation we see today involves sorting and the loss of pre-existing information.

·         Example #1: An example of forced loss of information. Similar to dog breeding (unnatural selection) —Choose the animals with the characteristics wanted then breed them. Thus the information for certain desired characteristics is concentrated in smaller selected populations. But the resulting breeds have lost the information for the characteristics not wanted. A Chihuahua has lost the information in its genes to give it the long legs and body of a Great Dane. Less information. Its all about information.

·         Example #2: Geographical populations—People who have lived in an isolated area for generations will eventually carry the same traits. Other traits will be lost.

·         Example #3: Finches on the Galapagos Islands— In the 1800’s, Darwin saw big finches & little finches with big beaks & little beaks. Today, there are still big finches & little finches with big beaks & little beaks. In our group, you see big & little women with big & little beaks. Variation, not evolution!

·         Example #4: England’s peppered mothsBefore 1800, light and dark moths existed. Once pollution darkened the environment, light and dark moths existed. Today, light and dark moths exist. Throughout the entire observed period, both shades existed and comprised a single interbreeding species. No evolution here! Just the ratios changed. Variation within their own kind according to the wide variety of color combinations programmed into them by the Creator.

Natural selection assists in selecting optimal habitats and enables the best genetic information to be passed on. The trait must be there before it can be selected! Its all about information!

Adaptation Of A Species ≠ Evolution.

Here’s another thing confused with evolution. Adaptation. Adaptation is a design feature in a plant or animal that makes it more suited to live in its environment by using pre-existing information to make the necessary adaptations to an environment. The trait must be there before it can be selected! There’s a great discussion of this issue in Chapter 22 of the book.

·         Example #1: Northerners moving down south and vice versa—If you change your elevation from sea level to mountaintop or warm climate to cold climate, your body will produce more red blood cells to fuel your “engine” with oxygen and warmth. Adaptation with already existing ability. Its all about information.

·         Example #2: Antibiotic resistant bacteria—Some antibiotic resistance was already present in the bacterial population before the development of antibiotics (represented in blue). Antibiotics kill off more of the non-resistant red ones, so more of the blue are left to flourish and have bacteria babies. Bacteria found in the frozen bodies of explorers who had been lost over 150 years ago were already resistant to 6 different antibiotics that weren’t invented until 100 years later! Of the many cases of antibiotic resistance studied, none have involved the production of new functionally complex information, such as a new enzyme. Nothing new is produced. Bacteria can gain resistance through two ways: 1) by losing genetic information, 2) by using a design feature built in to swap DNA with another bacteria.

·         Example #3: Insect resistance to pesticides— Evolutionist Francisco Ayala determined that houseflies resistant to DDT already carried the genetic information necessary to “be” resistant, not “become” resistant.

Which reminds me that things are not getting better. Creatures get sick, get old and die. Any evolutionary process that goes from amoeba to man would have solved this eons ago. It’s illogical to think otherwise. The bottom-line is this: evolution is not being observed in the present.

·         Not through mutations, variation or adaptation.

·         Not through pregnancy, either. A baby growing in the womb never has gill slits like a fish or a tail like a monkey.

·         Parts of our bodies aren’t useless leftovers of our evolutionary ancestors. Those identified as such last century are now declared useful to the body in some way. Tonsils fight infection. The appendix activates the immune system before birth. If one of these parts “goes bad,” it may need to be removed, but this doesn’t prove they were “useless organs” any more than a necessary hysterectomy proves the womb is useless!!

Living Things That Defy Evolution

There are hundreds of living creatures that have systems so marvelously complex and symbiotic that they could not work until all parts work. These totally defy explanation by evolution. The butterfly, giraffe, bombardier beetle, and woodpecker are just a few.


God created all plants, animals, and man according to kinds with lots of room for variation and adaptation within kinds. Each was subsequently affected by the curse.


Sources For Further Study:

1. Living fossils Q & A:

2. Creation kinds Q & A:

3. Videos: Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution, Vol. 1 and 2, by Dr. Jobe Martin; Living Fossils by Dr Joachim Scheven.

4. Refuting Evolution, Vol. 1 and 2 by Jonathan Sarfati. One particular chapter examines fossils used to prove evolution at

5. Creation: Facts of Life, Gary Parker is completely online at

Related Topics: Creation, Evolution

5. CREATION: Humans, Home And Family, Part 1

Related Media

Day One Study

Read Genesis 1:26-31.

1. What information is given about man’s creation in v. 26-27? Notice the use of the plural pronouns both here and in Genesis 3:22.

2. Image and likeness are synonymous in both the OT and the NT. What might being made in the “image of God” mean? Clues are in the following verses. Try to find other verses to support your answer.

·         Genesis 1:26-31—

·         Genesis 2:15-17, 19-20—

·         Colossians 3:9-14—

Think About It: We are to be walking, talking, living, free representatives of the image of the living God.

3. How many times does God use the word “created” in Gen. 1:27? Why is this significant? What information is He trying to get across to us?

Read Genesis 2:4 (middle)-17.

Scriptural Insight: Genesis 2—Where Does It Fit? “The Lord Jesus, when answering the Pharisees’ question about marriage (Matthew 19:4, 5), quoted from both chapters (Genesis 1:27 and 2:24) in the very same sentence! He who was Himself the Creator (Colossians 1:16-17) regarded the records of both chapters as not only harmonious but also as divinely inspired Truth…The second chapter of Genesis gives information about the creation week which is supplemental, not contradictory to the outline record of Genesis 1.…Further information is given about man’s original environment, and this is of such detailed character and so different from present conditions as to suggest quite strongly that the account was originally written by an eye-witness.” (Dr. Henry Morris, The Beginning of the World, p. 35-36)

4. Describe the Garden of Eden as God prepared it for Adam. What is growing there? [Note: shrub/plant of the field are those requiring cultivation.] What is the temperature? What about the watering system?

On the previous days of creation God said, “Let there be . . .” But the creation of man is different. Genesis 2:7 says, “The Lord God formed (means to shape and mold with loving care) the man…and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (literally, lives).” The name used for God is YHWH, the personal God, and He gave Adam “the breath of life.” Animals also had the breath of life in them, but God personally gave it to Adam as mankind’s representative.

5. What does this tell you about God’s relationship to man as opposed to the animals and the rest of creation?

6. What does knowing this truth mean to you personally?

7. The phrase “breath of life (lives)” is an interesting one. Read Job 12:10 and Job 34:14-15. What further information is given to us?

8. Why do you think God both made man and provided him with paradise on earth? Read Leviticus 26:12 and Acts 17:24-28 for more information.

Day Two Study

Read Genesis 2:8-17.

9. The Tree of Life is mentioned in other passages as well. Glean information given about it in:

·         Genesis 3:22-24—

·         Revelation 2:7—

·         Revelation 22:2, 14, 19—

Think About It: So, what was God’s intention by placing the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden? Although we don’t know it’s exact composition, we do know that it represented a choice. True love involves a choice. There has to be the possibility of rejection in order for there to be true love.

10. Discuss the location of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil among the other trees in the Garden of Eden. [We will study the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil more thoroughly next lesson.]

Appreciation Application:

11. God created man and woman with intellect, emotion and a will through which mankind can choose to love and serve God. Contemplate this “endowment” from the Creator. We are not puppets nor are we programmed to do the same things year after year as the animals do.

a. In what ways are you thankful for this ability to choose?

b. How does it inspire you to pray?

c. What does it mean to you to be created in God’s image? How should knowing this truth affect how you feel about yourself? Read Psalm 8. How is God mindful of your life (v. 4)? Share with your group.

Day Three Study

Appreciation Assignment:

12. God prepared a beautiful garden for the man and woman, one in which they would both work and enjoy. Spend some time in a garden setting this week—garden, yard, or park—where you can enjoy the trees, various shades of color in leaves and flowers, fragrances, etc. A garden can be an inspiring place. Ponder the beauty of God’s creation. God made all those wonderful plants for you!!! How does a beautiful garden inspire you?

Deeper Discoveries:

·         Read “Creation Answers: The Fossils Says, No!” following this lesson.

·         Go to SEARCH for “human fossils” or similar phrase. Select an article to read or video to watch. Also visit and search.

·         If God created man just as He said, what evidence would we expect to find? What do we find?

Creation Answers: The Fossils Say “No!”

“It’s Designed, Not Descended”

The information below is adapted from resources found on and

Life In The Past

There are billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth represented by bones, shells, molds, leaves, teeth, skin imprints, footprints, dung. Scientists have been examining the fossils and the rocks in which they are found for almost 200 years now.

As a way of reconstructing evolution’s past history, scientists have set up a “Geologic Time Scale” where the rocks with the “most Primitive” fossils are assigned the oldest ages and the rocks with the “most Advanced” fossils are considered the youngest with various stages in between.

The “Geologic Time Scale” actually exists in only one place—textbooks. There is no place on earth where all the rock layers, with the kinds of fossils listed in the geologic time scale, are found in the sequence listed. The geologic time scale is a nice graphic, a way of explaining the past.

What Evidence From Life In The Past Would We Expect To Find If Evolution Is True?

·         Fossils that show a progressive change from one organism to another—the Transitional Forms.

·         Lines of descent from a few simple forms to the many complex forms of life that we see today.

What Evidence From Life In The Past Would We Expect To Find If Creation Is True?

·         Each basic kind would appear in the fossil record complete, with no incomplete ancestors.

·         Fossils similar to living forms, separate kinds possessing some variations.

What Do We Find In The Fossil Record?
1. Complex And Diverse Life Appears Abruptly In The Fossil Record.

So many kinds of organisms suddenly appear at the lowest level that it’s called the “Cambrian Explosion.” Thousands of very complex organisms suddenly appear in these rocks such as fish, sea urchins, and trilobites that have a segmented body and complex vision. No ancestral forms can be found for any of these. They appear in the fossil record fully formed and distinct.

No evolutionist can explain how this happened. They have dug deeper into “older” layers to hopefully find the “earlier stages of developing forms,” and it doesn’t get any better— for the evolutionist. Complex jellyfish and segmented worms were discovered. So, the evidence says, Its designed, not descended.

2. Each Basic Body Style Has Been Present Right From The Start Including Vertebrates (With Backbones).

·         No new body plans have appeared from the start. Shells look like shells; eyes look like eyes. Makes no sense if evolution did occur.

·         For instance, clams are found in the bottom layer, the top layer, and every layer in between. There are many different varieties of clams, but clams are in every layer and are still alive today. There’s no evolution, just clams!! Designed, not descended.

·         Living Fossils—The existence of many ‘living fossils’ also challenges the supposed hundreds of millions of years of ‘earth history.’ A living fossil is one that is the same in fossil and living form. And, some of these fossils are missing from intervening strata that supposedly represent many millions of years of evolutionary time, again indicating that there were no time gaps. For example: “530 million year old” starfish, jellyfish, and snails look like those living today. A German creation scientist, Dr Joachim Scheven, has a museum with over 500 examples of such ‘living fossils.’

3. Transitional Forms Are Absent.

Darwin predicted that the fossil record would show numerous transitional fossils, yet millions of fossils later; all we have are a few disputed ones.

Dr. Colin Patterson of the British Museum of Natural History, an evolutionist, said, “there is not one…for which you could make a water-tight argument.” (Answers to the 4 Big Questions, page 10, note 4)

It would be hugely inconvenient for the creature anyway.

But, evolutionists are desperate for transitional forms and so are those who support them—such as National Geographic which frequently publishes articles claiming the latest transitional form has been found, having a nice artistic drawing on the front only to have to retract their statements in a short sentence tucked away in the back somewhere a few months later. Beware of what you read in magazines such as National Geographic. Always separate the facts from the assumptions. For example:

·         Horse evolution—Horses have always been horses. Evolutionists once believed that 3-toed horses evolved into 1-toed; small size evolved to big sizes today. Explain punctuated equilibrium. A NG photo inadvertently showed 1-toed and 3-toed horses had lived together in the past. Still have 1 and 3–toed horses today. Small and big horses in the past; small and big horses today. No transitions. No evolution. Just horses.

·         Dinosaurs to birds—Are you tired of the dinosaurs to birds propaganda? Artists have a design in mind for a transitional bird and don’t mind using it, regardless of the facts. Scales on reptiles are folds in skin; feathers are complex structures that originate in a totally different way, from follicles inside the skin in a manner like hair. There has been no report yet of a fossil showing scales turning into feathers or a leg turning into a wing. Every suspected dinobird fossil turns out to be just a dinosaur or just a bird. We’ll talk more about dinosaurs in a later “Creation Answers” page.

·         Fossil man—What about fossil man? Evolutionists are so anxious to discover the missing link that many hoaxes and misinterpretations have been publicized in the past 100 years. Some in the past few years as in “Lucy’s baby.” It’s an extinct ape. And, of the few bones actually found, most are used to build a hypothetical skeleton and model portrayed with bias as “primitive” to fit evolution’s expectations. I’ve given you some examples in your workbook. Man has always been man! Designed, not descended.

Psalm 100:1-3 says, “Shout our praises to the LORD, all the earth! Worship the LORD with joy! Enter his presence with joyful singing! Acknowledge that the LORD is God! He made us and we belong to him; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.”

We’re going to cover true human skeletons when we get to the Ice Age in a few weeks. Sounds a lot cooler, doesn’t it? Remember one thing. All we find is bones. Sometimes skin. Not the flesh. Beware of what you see in Natural History Museums. Don’t assume the skeletons are real fossils. Many times complete skeletons are reconstructed from 1-2 bones. Then, flesh is put on that skeleton based upon the artist’s evolutionary bias.

4. Extinctions Have Taken Place But Not Because Of Evolution. We’ll Talk Some More About This In A Few Weeks.

Someone said, “Evolution is the substance of fossils hoped for, the evidence of links not seen. The fossils themselves are evidence of rapid burial not slow deposition.

What Else Would It Take To Discredit Evolution Based Upon The Fossil Record?

“Out of Place” fossils would falsify the Geologic Time Scale and, thus, the sequence of evolutionary development. There are over 2000 such examples!!! Here are some substantiated anomalies in the fossil record:

·         An iron pot found in coal dated at 286 millions years old.

·         Pine pollen is found in the Grand Canyon in the lowest strata (Precambrian). Such plants did not supposedly evolve until the Permian. Pollen and spores are found throughout the fossil record in the oldest rocks although plants producing such did not “evolve” for millions of years later.

·         Fossil wood, dated by C-14 method to be 4000 years old, was found embedded in Precambrian rock in northern Canada. Likewise, fossilized palm wood, Tertiary “age,” was found in Jurassic rock in Utah.

·         Cambrian and Mississippian layers are found to alternate back and forth twice in the Grand Canyon. Since time cannot alternate back & forth, the portion of the geologic time table bounded by those two time periods is invalidated by this discovery.

·         Many examples also exist of entire formations of rock layers being out of place in the standard geological timetable. Precambrian rock is lying smoothly on top of Cretaceous rock on Chief Mountain at Glacier National Park in Montana, meaning that the alleged time span between the Precambrian and Cretaceous never existed. This is explained away by saying that the 300 square miles of rock was moved from one location to be placed on top of the younger rock by thrusting of the rock along a fault. Yet, the layers grade into one another smoothly.

·         Out in Franklin Mountains, El Paso, fossils from supposedly 500 million years ago are resting right on top of fossils only 125 million years old. Over thrust explanation is given, but no actual physical evidence has been discovered to prove it. No fault line, no crushed rock.

Fossilized footprints are even better than bones to falsify evolution because they cannot have been redeposited. Consider the following finds:

·         Prints that look identical to horse hoof prints are found in Devonian rock in the British Isles, 300 million years older than the horse’s supposed evolutionary appearance.

·         Mammal tracks are found in Permian/Pennsylvanian rock. Mammals didn’t evolve until 100 million years later.

·         A giant cat print found in the Cretaceous dinosaur layer at Glen Rose. It is not supposed to be there.

·         A human footprint found in limestone “dated” Permian, 250 MYO, near Socorro, New Mexico in 1929. In April 1992, the footprint was verified as human by a scientific team. It is called the Zapata I/Shockey footprint.

·         A human shoe print 10.5 inches long was found in shale of Cambrian age at Antelope Springs, Utah with trilobites imbedded in the heel and instep.

Evolutionist Albert C. Ingalls said, “If man, or even his ape ancestor’s early mammalian ancestor, existed as far back as in the Carboniferous Period in any shape, then the whole science of geology is so completely wrong that all the geologists will resign their jobs and take up truck driving! Hence for the present at least, science rejects the attractive explanation that man made these mysterious prints in the mud of the Carboniferous Period with his feet.”


It’s all about information and the evidence screams out “designed, not descended!”

Sources For Further Study:

1. Living fossils Q & A:

2. Creation kinds Q & A:

3. Videos: Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution, Vol. 1 and 2, by Dr. Jobe Martin; Living Fossils by Dr Joachim Scheven.

4. Refuting Evolution, Vol. 1 and 2 by Jonathan Sarfati. One particular chapter examines fossils used to prove evolution at

5. Creation: Facts of Life, Gary Parker. Book is completely online at

Related Topics: Creation, Evolution

8. CORRUPTION: The Problem Of Evil, Part 2 - Consequences

Related Media

Day One Study

Read Genesis 3:1-19.

Effect of sin on an individual—

1. Once Adam and Eve had eaten the fruit, the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked” (v. 7a, NIV). Compare this with Genesis 2:25 and what the serpent “promised” in 3:5.

2. Recall our discussion of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in a previous lesson “Humans, Home and Family, Part 2.”

·         What had actually been gained?

·         What had really been lost?

3. Why did they start sewing? In other words, how did they try to solve their problem of “nakedness?”

Effect of sin on our relationship with God—

4. Discuss what happens in vs. 8-11 including Adam’s and Eve’s apparent emotions.

5. Read Psalm 139 and Hebrews 4:13. Is it really possible to hide from God? Explain your answer.

Effect of sin on our relationships with others—

6. Discuss the attempts of both Adam and Eve to avoid responsibility for their individual actions (v. 12-13).

7. After the questioning, God proceeded to speak prophetic curses to all parties involved—the serpent (& Satan), the woman and the man. Discuss what God said to each one and what it means. Look for evidences of God’s grace to each as well.

·         The SERPENT v. 14 [Note: we will study v. 15 in more detail next week.] —

·         The WOMAN—

·         The MAN—

Day Two Study

Adam and Eve began to die physically on that very day, just as God promised. Remember the literal translation of the Hebrew at the end of Genesis 2:17 is “dying, you shall die.” As we will soon see, their source of perpetual life was removed from their reach. But, physical death was not the only aspect of life involved. We will study spiritual consequences more fully next week.

8. Eve rightly recognized that she had been deceived (v. 10). Consult a dictionary for the definition of “deceive.”

9. How does Satan, the serpent, still deceive today? Read Colossians 2:8; 1 Peter 5:8 as well as any other scriptures you may want to share.

10. What can and should you do to root out deception and prevent it from happening to you?

·         Psalm 119:97-105—

·         1 Peter 5:6-10—

·         Ephesians 6:10-13—

Appreciation Application:

11. Though Adam and Eve were hiding, God sought them.

·         Meditate on Luke 15:4-7 and Luke 19:10. What does knowing this truth mean to you personally?

·         Do you have trouble accepting responsibility for your own actions? Who or what do you usually blame?

Day Three Study

Appreciation Assignment:

12. Read Psalm 139:23-24 and Psalm 51:10. Memorize them and pray them often this week. Be sensitive to what the Holy Spirit reveals to you about your own heart. Remember how much God loves you. Take time to read Romans 8:26-39. Can anything be better than this?!!!

Deeper Discoveries:

·         Read “Creation Answers: Cursed Creation” following this lesson.

·         Go to SEARCH a word or phrase from today’s passage such as Curse, Death, Suffering, etc. Select an article to read. Also visit and search.

·         Discuss the effects of the curse upon mankind, the earth and all of creation itself. See Romans 8:18-22 plus other passages that discuss the consequences of sin.

·         So, why do we wear clothes?

Creation Answers: Cursed Creation

“Paradise Lost”

The information below is adapted from articles found on and plus others sourced at the end.

John Milton’s epic poem, Paradise Lost, the second longest poem in English literature begins with these words:

Of Man’s first disobedience, and the fruit

Of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste

Brought death into the World, and all our woe,

With loss of Eden, till one greater Man

Restore us, and regain the blissful seat,

Genesis 2-5 contains the account of “Paradise Lost” for us.

Genesis 2 — The Perfect World

Genesis 2 is supplemental, not contradictory to what we read in chapter 1. Jesus quoted from both chapters together at once in Mark 10:6 showing that He considered it to be a unit. Genesis 2 reveals important details about God’s highest creation—man, the one creature intended to have a spiritual relationship with God.

It is probable that when Moses wrote the book of Genesis, he used ancient records that had been handed down through the generations, each record associated with the man who wrote it. Genesis 2:4a says, “This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created.” There are 9 more of these lines scattered throughout Genesis seemingly at the end of a section, like a signature at the end of a letter. The first one is God’s, obviously given by direct revelation. The second one is Adam’s in Genesis 5:1 and is called a book or written account. In fact the word “generations” (Hebrew tholedoth) was translated into English as “Genesis.” It also appears in Matthew 1:1 This is the record of the genealogy (genesis or genealogical history) of Jesus Christ.

It’s now known that writing was common before Abraham so it’s reasonable to think these early records were also written. By the way, the many intimate details and descriptions throughout Genesis indicate that these were eyewitness accounts. Probably written on stone or clay tables. Moses, guided by the Holy Spirit, then compiled and organized them into a continuous narrative. God used the same method in inspiring the other historical books of the Bible that were either written by eyewitnesses or from the direct verbal or written testimonies of eyewitnesses. All of this is not proven but quite probable.

From Genesis 1 and 2, we glean some specific details.

Animals And Humans Were Vegetarian So There Was Harmony In Nature.

“Then God said, ‘I now give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the entire earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the animals of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to all the creatures that move on the ground – everything that has the breath of life in it – I give every green plant for food.’ It was so.” (Gen. 1:29-30)

God Specially Designed Both The Man And The Woman With Purpose.

They were designed for work and for fellowship. (Genesis 2:15, 18) He put them together in marriage relationship with each other, thus defining marriage as one man/one woman for life. He gave man work to do to tend and guard the garden. God gave both of them work to do in reproducing themselves to fill the earth and in ruling the other creatures. That meant they had to study the earth and its systems and living occupants to properly manage them all.

Where was the Garden of Eden located? We don’t know. The Flood would have totally restructured the surface of the Earth, wiping away all traces of the garden except what may be found as fossils. God placed an angel at the entrance to the Garden to keep pre-Flood men from returning. That was no longer necessary after the Flood obliterated it. After the Flood, Noah and his descendants gave familiar names to the new rivers and places they encountered as they migrated, just as American settlers have done for 300 years.

God Made Man And Woman (Not The Animals) In His Image.

“Then God said, ‘Let us make humankind in our image, after our likeness, so they may rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move on the earth.’ God created humankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them.” (Gen. 1:26-27)

God established a relationship with them. He made gracious provision for them with only one restriction—that one tree! It was a test of their love for Him because true love requires a choice.

Mankind And Most Of The Animal World Would Have Continual Life.

Death was not in the “genes” at the time. However, it was stated as the consequence of disobedience right up front. The phrase in Genesis 2:17 is literally, “dying, you shall die.” In the very day of disobedience, man would enter into a state of “dying” which would lead ultimately to death. We don’t know the role of the Tree of Life in the garden. Because God barred their access to it after the Curse, it may have also perpetuated life. We simply do not know.

God Pronounced His Creation “Very Good” At The End Of The 6th Day And Rested From Creating.

Since then, He has been sustaining His creation (Hebrews 1:3, Colossians 1:17). Later, we’ll talk more about this.

Conclusion: any evidence of disorder, suffering, decay, and death which we now see in the present world or in the records of the past cannot possibly be attributed to anything occurring during the six days of Creation. Something obviously corrupted this “very good” perfect world, turning it into the world we see today. The answer is found in 1 Corinthians 15:21 which says, …death came through a man.

Genesis 3 — Man’s Sin And “Paradise Lost”

Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s one command. They sinned. Then, they hid from God. God came looking for them, asking questions about their behavior. Adam blames Eve. Eve blames the serpent. God as judge holds each party responsible then delivers His verdict—the promised consequences to sin but more far-reaching than either Adam or Eve could possibly imagine. (Genesis 3:14-19) Corruption aptly describes what happens to God’s perfect world. Corruption affected all of life.

Do you know that many cultures have in their traditional histories (before ever having contact with a Jew or Christian) an account of a perfect world that was marred by disobedience? A “paradise lost”. Some even involve a tree.

Death Enters The World—Spiritual Death For Man, Physical Death For Man And Living Creatures

Instantly Adam and Eve died spiritually (separated relationship from God), and they began to die physically until they actually physically returned to dust. Since Adam was appointed to exercise dominion over the earth, his dominion also would begin to “die.”

Paul describes this in Romans, “Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned.” (Romans 5:12) “World” is the Greek word kosmos which is used to refer to the universe and the entire earth. Death did not enter only the experience of humanity, but the universe which would include the animal kingdom—the other living creatures besides man.

We need to define who the living creatures were. Life according to the Bible resides in the “soul,” the Hebrew word nephesh. This might be equated roughly with the concept of consciousness and is also associated with the “breath of life” or “blood” (Lev. 17:11). This quality is associated only with man and most animals, but never plants. The Bible says plants grow, flourish, wither, and fade but they do not “live” or “die.” They are biologically alive but not Biblically “living.” Not everything we classify as part of the animal kingdom would be biblically “alive” according to God’s definition. A similar argument can be made for some of the “lower” animals (perhaps clams and crawfish) and certainly for bacteria and viruses. Their “death” would not constitute death of truly living organisms.

Physical death of living creatures, including man, began with God’s judgment on man’s sin. If you think about it, adding millions of years of animal death before the creation and Fall of man contradicts and destroys the Bible’s teaching on death and the full redemptive work of Christ. It also makes God into a bumbling, cruel creator who uses (or can’t prevent) disease, natural disasters and extinctions to mar His creative work, without any moral cause, but calls it all “very good.”

If God originally intended death to be an integral part of His creation, then God should allow death to continue into eternity. But, He doesn’t. All the prophecies of the future talk about a restoration to harmony in nature, animals eating only plants, and man living long on earth. Paul calls death the last enemy. Rev. 22:3 says the curse will be removed in the new Earth. Death will be vanquished for good.

A Cursed Creation Affected Everything!

·         The ground/dirt became reluctant to yield its food. Instead it required man’s toil, sweat and tears before he could eat.

·         Some creatures and plants were changed — the serpent was altered physically. Women would experience pain and sorrow in childbearing. Some plants would now produce thorns and thistles rather than just useful fruit and vegetables. Relationships were affected.

·         Pain, decay, suffering and aging would become part of the daily experience. As would animals eating one another, although man isn’t told to eat meat until after the Flood.

“For the creation was subjected to futility – not willingly but because of God who subjected it – in hope that the creation itself will also be set free from the bondage of decay into the glorious freedom of God’s children. For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers together until now.” (Romans 8:20-22)

Did The 2nd Law Of Thermodynamics Begin At The Fall?

Everything is running down because of sin. This is a scientific principle or law called the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. This law says that the entropy (disorder) of the Universe increases over time, and some have thought that this was the result of the Curse.

Disorder isn’t always harmful. Digestion breaks down large complex food molecules into their simple building blocks. Friction turns ordered mechanical energy into disordered heat allowing Adam and Eve to walk with God in Eden rather than slipping through the tulips. The sun heating the earth is heat transfer from a hot object to a cold one—a classic case of the Second Law in action. Breathing is based on air moving from a high pressure to low pressure. Finally, all beneficial processes in the world, including the development from embryo to adult, increase the overall disorder of the universe, showing that the Second Law is not inherently a curse.

The more likely answer is that when God judged sin with death, He withdrew some of His sustaining power so that the decay effect of the Second Law was no longer countered.

Did God Change Creatures So They Would Become Fierce, Eat Meat, And Die? Or, Did God Create Them With Those Capabilities In The First Place And Just “Turned It On” After The Curse?

There’s argument for both ideas. Here’s a brief synopsis of the two theories regarding these defense/attack structures (DAS):

1. The Defense/Attack Structures Were Already Present And Used For Different Purposes Before The Curse.

·         Sharp teeth—even today, creatures with sharp teeth do not always use them to rip other animals apart—for example, bears, bats, and monkeys. The giant panda’s sharp teeth are used for bamboo munching; the fruit bat eats fruit with its fangs. Some originally vegetarian animals become accustomed to eating meat when they are exposed to it. So, it’s not unlikely to think that they could have all been vegetarians to begin with, but God allowed them to “branch out.”

·         Disease-causing organisms—While some organisms cause disease in one type of creature, those same organisms are beneficial to other creatures. Many E. coli bacteria are very helpful to the human body, especially aiding digestion.

·         Thorns—thorns have no apparent purpose for plants other than defense. Which leads to the second theory:

2. Design Alterations Were Made After The Curse To Allow Such Defense / Attack Structures.

Physical changes were made to plants producing thorns and the serpent losing its legs. These changes were passed along to offspring. Man (and animals) would no longer live perpetually but age and die.

Conclusion: Both of these ideas may be true. We just don’t know how God did it. But, He did something that permanently affected the perfect “very good” world. Through it, God is allowing mankind to experience what it wants—life without God.

Genesis 4 & 5—Though No Longer Perfect, Life Moves On

Children are born, grow up, marry, build settlements, fight and kill one another. In Genesis 4, Cain murders his brother Abel then runs away to a land called “Nod.” There, he and his wife have kids. Where did Cain get his wife? This question has been the food of scoffers for years. The scripture does not say he found a wife in Nod nor does it prevent him from having already been married before he murdered Abel. Since Adam and Eve had sons and daughters, and since God did not prohibit marriage between close family members until the time of Moses, (at least 2500 years later), it is reasonable to conclude that Cain married a sister or a niece. According to the historian Josephus, Jewish tradition held that Adam and Eve had 56 sons and daughters. Considering their lifespan of >900 years and their pristine physical condition (no mutations yet), it is not impossible to believe.

The remaining portion of Genesis 4 gives a most intriguing, even tantalizing, picture of life in the antediluvian (pre-Flood) world. This is almost the only information we have about that first human civilization, which was later so completely destroyed by the great Flood. Archeological excavations deal almost entirely with post-Flood deposits. Other than semi-legendary recollections of the world’s first “golden age,” the brief Biblical record is still the only fully reliable account we have of that first age. (Dr. Henry Morris, The Genesis Record, page 142)

While in Nod, Cain built a walled encampment, raised his family, and spread his particular brand of wickedness to his descendants and their friends. Population on the earth increased and so did technology and culture. The record of Cain’s descendants reveal that metal tools of all kinds were available to use, and musical instruments stimulated the emotional and aesthetic senses for them as it does for us. Some created poetry. Some lived as nomads, engaging in the domestication and herding of livestock. And, there was writing as we have already discussed. Lamech’s two wives were noted for their fashion sense: Ada means “gorgeously adorned” and Zillah means “one whose presence is announced by the tinkling of her jewelry.” Although subject to death, men used intelligence God gave them. These are not the works of primitive, uncivilized, slow-witted “cave-men” humans. By the way, Job who lived shortly after the Flood also knew about metalworking. Much of archeology is based on the concept of evolution.

Meanwhile, Eve has another boy named Seth whose line is traced in chapter 5 without reference to what they built or accomplished other than their relationship to God. So, some look at Genesis 4 and say that such evidences of culture and civilization must be the by-products of a godless people since the activities are described in Cain’s lineage rather than in Seth’s. On the other hand, God has gifted man with the abilities needed to do all of these things and even given directions to godly men in scripture to perform similar works of “civilized” behavior. Some examples are Exodus 25; 1 Kings 5-8; Deuteronomy 3:6-25; and Matthew 25:14-28.

Though not perfect, life moves on. And, God is in it.

Sources For Further Study

1. The Second Law of Thermodynamics, Jonathan Sarfati,

2. Arguments We Think Creationists Should NOT Use,

3. Do the Genesis Genealogies Contain Gaps?, Dr. Rick Freeman, June 20, 2007 at

4. Death Before Sin?, James s. Stambaugh, ICR Impact article No. 191, May 1989.

5. Creations Original Diet and the Changes at the Fall, James Stambaugh,

Related Topics: Creation, Evolution

10. CORRUPTION: The Conflict Of The Ages

Related Media

Day One Study

Read Genesis 4:1-16

1. Review: What was the first sacrifice? Who offered it and why?

From the Hebrew: In this story we find Cain and Abel providing an offering to God. The word used for offering in this context is minchah, which means “meal (cereal) offering; offering; tribute; gift; sacrifice.” Minchah is often used to refer to ANY “offering” or “gift” made to God, whether it was a “vegetable offering” or a “blood sacrifice.” In later Old Testament texts, minchah is commonly used to designate grain or cereal offerings, usually mixed with oil, to be offered alone or with a burnt animal sacrifice. The Hebrew word olah means a burnt animal sacrifice and first occurs in Genesis 8:20, when Noah built the altar to the Lord and sacrificed burnt offerings on it. The same Hebrew word for offering, minchah, was used for the offerings of BOTH Cain and Abel. Scripture does say that Abel brought “fat portions of some of the firstborn of his flock” which means he brought the “choicest parts.” (Vines Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words)

2. What insight do the following verses give about the Lord’s acceptance of Abel’s offering but not Cain’s?

·         Hebrews 11:4—

·         1 John 3:10-15—

3. In the following references, why was the offering unacceptable?

·         1 Samuel 15:3, 21-23—

·         Malachi 1:6-10—

4. In the following references, what is considered a pleasing sacrifice or better than a sacrifice?

·         1 Samuel 15:22—

·         Psalm 51:16-17—

·         Proverbs 15:8—

5. So, after answering the previous two questions, what does God really want?

6. Describe the similarities and differences in sin offerings and the blood of Christ from the following verses: Hebrews 9:6-7; 9:11-14; 10:1-4, 14.

·         SIN OFFERING—

·         JESUS’ BLOOD—

7. In response to the Lord looking with favor on Abel’s offering but not his own, Cain was very angry. The Hebrew word means “to blaze up, of anger, zeal, jealousy.” Cain responded with jealous anger. What does God teach us about harboring anger? Dealing with anger?

·         Proverbs 14:17—

·         Ephesians 4:25-27—

·         Ephesians 4:31—

·         James 1:19-20—

8. God personally communicates with Cain asking him why he is angry and explaining that he should take responsibility by doing what is right in order to be accepted. God also points out that if “you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.” Explain what you think God means by this.

9. How do we master the temptation to sin? Use the following references.

·         Romans 12:1-2—

·         James 4:7-10—

·         1 Peter 1:13-16—

Day Two Study

Read Genesis 4:1-16.

10. Cain did not master sin. What were the consequences—for himself, his brother, his family, and his descendants?

11. Throughout this whole passage, on whom or on what is Cain’s focus?

12. What attitudes does he demonstrate in his reaction to God’s confrontation and to his punishment?

13. What are some of the fruits of being self-centered instead of God-centered? See James 4:1-6.

Appreciation Application:

14. Read Matthew 13:37-39 then refer back to Genesis 3:15.

·         Who are the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent in the account of Cain and Abel?

·         In what ways is this same conflict being manifested in our world today? See also Matthew 13:37-39.

Day Three Study

Appreciation Assignment:

15. What is your heart attitude today? Who or what is at the center of your focus? Read Philippians 2:1-11 and 3:4-11. Meditate on the example of Christ and Paul. Think about what areas of your life need to be yielded to the Holy Spirit so that you will do what is right and have mastery over sin.

Deeper Discoveries:

Go to SEARCH a word or phrase from today’s passage such as Cain and Abel, etc. Select an article to read. Also visit and search.

Related Topics: Creation, Evolution
