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Lesson 41: Biblical Divorce (Matthew 19:1-12)

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This message on Matthew 19 was preached at Littleton Bible Chapel on October 20, 2013.


1. Questions about Divorce (19:1-3).

2. Jesus teaches the Purpose of Marriage (19:4-6).

3. What did the Old Testament teach about divorce (19:7-8)?

4. What are the Grounds for Divorce (19:9)?

5. Questions about singleness (19:10-12).

6. Application:

Related Topics: Divorce, Marriage

Lesson 42: Eternal Children and Eternal Life (Matthew 19:13-30)

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This message on Matthew 19 was preached at Littleton Bible Chapel on November 3, 2013.


1. Eternal Children (19:13-15).

2. Eternal Life (19:16-22).

3. Eternal Riches (19:23-26).

4. Eternal Rewards (19:27-30).

Related Topics: Spiritual Life

Lesson 43: The Parable of the Really Nice Boss (Matthew 20:1-16)

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This message on Matthew 20 was preached at Littleton Bible Chapel on November 10, 2013.


1. The Parable (20:1-16).

2. Observations & Application:

Related Topics: Character of God

Lesson 44: The Greatest in the Kingdom (Matthew 20:17-34)

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This message on Matthew 20 was preached at Littleton Bible Chapel on November 17, 2013.


1. Suffering (20:17-19).

2. Serving (20:20-27).

3. Seeing (20:29-34).

Related Topics: Christian Life, Discipleship, Kingdom

Lesson 45: Jesus is the Prophet, Priest and King (Matthew 21:1-17)

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This message on Matthew 21 was preached at Littleton Bible Chapel on November 24, 2013.


1. Jesus comes as King.

2. Jesus comes as Priest.

3. Jesus comes as Prophet.

4. Application

Related Topics: Christology

Lesson 46: The Lesson of the Fruitless Fig Tree (Matthew 21:18-27)

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This message on Matthew 21 was preached at Littleton Bible Chapel on December 1, 2013.


1. Jesus Curses the Fruitless Fig Tree (21:18-22).

A tree that’s fruitless (21:18-19a).
A tree that’s cursed (21:19b).
Application (21:20-22).

2. Jesus Questioned about His Authority (23:23-27).

Jesus’ authority is questioned (21:23).
John’s authority is questioned (21:24-27).

Related Topics: Spiritual Life

Lesson 47: Parable about Human Responsibility (Matthew 21:28-46)

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This message on Matthew 21 was preached at Littleton Bible Chapel on December 8, 2013.


1. The Parable About Two Sons (21:28-32).

a. The Story: A Father asks his two sons to work in his vineyard (21:28-30).
b. The Question (21:31a).
c. The Answer (21:31b-32).
d. Application

2. The Parable About Evil Farmers (21:33-46).

a. The Story (21:33-39).
b. The Judgment (21:40-44).
c. The Stone (21:42-44).

The stone was rejected by the builders (21:42b).
The stone was made into the cornerstone (21:42c).
The stone was the Lord’s choice (21:42d).
The stone will be a stumbling stone for some people (21:44).
The stone will be a foundation stone for other people.

d. The Response (21:45-46).

3. Application: Be very careful how you respond to Jesus.

Related Topics: Christian Life, Soteriology (Salvation)

Lesson 48: The Parable of the Wedding Feast (Matthew 22:1-14)

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This message on Matthew 22 was preached at Littleton Bible Chapel on December 15, 2013.


I. The Wedding Invitation (22-3a, 8-10).

II. The Wedding Refusal (22:3b-10).

III. The Wedding Crasher (22:11-14).

IV. Application

Related Topics: Soteriology (Salvation)

Lesson 50: Give to Caesar What is Caesar’s (Matthew 22:15-22)

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This message on Matthew 22 was preached at Littleton Bible Chapel on January 12, 2014.


1. Questions about Taxes (22:15-17).

2. Answers about Taxes (22:18-22).

The observations from this passage...

#1 - They bear God’s image, therefore they belong to God.
#2 - Human governments have legitimate authority.
#3 - Christians are dual citizens.

3. Application about Taxes.

Related Topics: Christian Life, Cultural Issues

Lesson 51: Jesus Answers His Critics (Matthew 22:23-46 )

Related Media

This message on Matthew 22 was preached at Littleton Bible Chapel on January 19, 2014.


Round #1 - Taxes (22:15-22).

Round #2 - Marriage and the resurrection (22:23-33).

Round #3 - The Greatest Commandment (22:34-40).

The Knockout - Jesus is the Lord.

Related Topics: Christology, Love, Marriage
