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O Evangelho para Nós e através de Nós

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“O Poder Salvador de Deus”

A morte e a ressurreição de Cristo funcionam como um ataque nuclear de Deus contra os Seus inimigos. Através delas, Deus obliterou as esperanças demoníacas de vitória e arrasou completamente o controlo mortal de Satanás — até então, quase nunca desafiado — sobre o mundo (o mundo de Deus, se me é permitido acrescentar). Cristo aniquilou os Seus inimigos; nunca mais se poderão erguer. Também providenciou uma saída para todos os que se encontravam sob o domínio de Satanás; o Evangelho é “o poder de Deus para a salvação” (Romanos 1:16). A vitória de Cristo é derradeira, decisiva, irreversível e de “proporções cósmicas”.

Tal como a vitória na Normandia predisse a emancipação inevitável da Europa da ditadura tirânica de Hitler, a ressurreição de Cristo assegura o triunfo seguro de Deus e do Seu povo — até aí sujeito a um domínio hostil, requerendo uma intervenção directa e imediata.

Como, então, pode alguém ligar-se correctamente a Deus? Como pode participar na vitória de Cristo? Como pode adquirir uma parte dos despojos? De facto, não preferia estar do lado vencedor? A verdade é que existem dois lados da história quanto ao relacionamento com Deus.

Primeiro, temos o lado humano. Nas Escrituras, somos repetidamente incentivados, com homilias, cânticos e sermões, a confiar em Cristo, entregando-Lhe as nossas vidas. Cristo prometeu receber de braços abertos todos os que se rendem e buscam o Seu perdão.

Noutras palavras, para podermos participar na conquista do Deus Rei, temos primeiro de ser conquistados por Ele. Ele não aceita negociações nem tem interesse em prisioneiros. É necessária uma rendição completa — a qual, surpreendentemente, culmina em amizade. Por que não O recebe hoje como seu Libertador e Amigo, em vez de, erradamente, O desafiar como adversário?

Do ponto de vista humano, a fé em Cristo é a única forma de obter a bênção do Pai (Efésios 2:8-9). E nem é assim tão complicado: se você ama o Filho, o Pai ama-o a si (confira João 14:23). Todos aqueles que têm filhos percebem esta lógica.

Segundamente, temos o lado divino, que diz respeito à forma como Deus une Cristo e a Sua obra com o povo pecaminoso e as suas necessidades. Em resumo, o objectivo de Deus é libertar o Seu povo, mediante a participação na vitória do Seu Filho. Mas como?

De forma sucinta, Deus “imagina” crentes “em Cristo” desde a criação do mundo. Ele escolheu-os “em Cristo” como receptáculos de bênçãos celestiais, envolvendo-as nas suas experiências pessoais à medida que o Espírito conduz cada indivíduo à fé (confira Efésios 1:3-4, 13-14). Mas até que ponto Deus considera como nossas as experiências e benefícios de Cristo? A resposta: completamente.

Deus considera-nos unidos a Cristo na Sua morte e ressurreição; assim, as bênçãos provenientes da vida de Cristo são transferidas para nós, a partir do momento da nossa conversão. A morte que ele padeceu, nós padecemos. A vida que Ele vive, nós vivemos (Romanos 6:4-5). A Sua vitória sobre o mundo, a carne (isto é, a nossa carne) e o diabo é também a nossa vitória. A Sua glória é a nossa glória (confira Efésios 2:6-7). Sim, podemos tomar parte dos despojos! Diariamente!

Uma Nova Dimensão de Existência

É à vista desta nova realidade em que vivemos — “em Cristo” — que Paulo nos exorta, nas suas treze cartas, a uma existência santa e alegre. É esta a estrutura teológica básica para os seus ensinamentos ao povo de Deus. Somos novas criaturas em Cristo Jesus (2 Coríntios 5:17).

O cristão experimenta uma mudança dimensional — uma transferência massiva e definitiva do reino das trevas para o reino da luz (Colossenses 1:13-14). Não mais nos arrastamos sem esperança debaixo da opressão da lei mosaica, do pecado, morte e julgamento. Fomos libertados do medo paralisante, resgatados da terra da culpa e transferidos para o domínio refrescante da liberdade e serviço do Rei. Agora dançamos ao som de um cântico novo!

Todos os dias recebemos provisões, sustento, ânimo e orientação da parte do Senhor dos Senhores. E mais ainda: Ele vai treinando as nossas mãos para a batalha, preparando os nossos corações para a vitória, e leva-nos a dominar nesta vida. Novamente, “vivemos, movemo-nos e existimos” de um modo totalmente novo. Estamos “em Cristo”.

Tal como a Sua morte foi também a nossa morte e a Sua vida é nossa, também a Sua batalha é agora a nossa batalha! Dada a nossa íntima união com a Sua vida (Colossenses 3:1-2), participamos com Ele na batalha contra o mal e os poderes espirituais hostis. De facto, só não estamos arruinados se O servirmos.

Alguém poderá perguntar: “Pensei que tinha dito que Satanás era um adversário derrotado. Como, então, pode lutar contra nós?” A resposta é simples. Para Sua glória e para nosso benefício, Deus decidiu executar o castigo contra Satanás de forma progressiva.

Assim, a punição de Satanás teve início aquando das vitórias da Igreja, continuando diariamente sempre que o povo redimido diz “sim” a Deus e “não” ao pecado e a Satanás. Eventualmente, irá culminar no castigo eterno do diabo no lago de fogo.

Portanto, no entretanto, cabe-nos batalhar contra as forças do mal e os seres espirituais que promovem a rebelião contra Deus. A batalha que o nosso Rei está a travar contra o pecado, a morte e o diabo requer a nossa participação, embora as armas que usemos não sejam carnais, mas espirituais (2 Coríntios 10:3-4).

Assim, oramos, amamos, servimos e sacrificamo-nos por Ele e pelos irmãos. Salgamos a terra com verdade e bondade (dois conceitos raramente vistos juntos por estes dias), procurando o bem no coração de cada pessoa. Tais acções trazem alegria a Jesus, e Ele utiliza-as para salvar outras pessoas, derrotar as trevas e estabelecer a justiça.

É bem verdade que nada acrescentamos à suficiência da morte redentora e ressurreição do Filho de Deus. Mas a obra que Ele realizou na cruz não é apenas a base da nossa salvação: é também um padrão para o nosso discipulado. Convoca-nos para um serviço sacrificial. Portanto, devemos lutar contra os poderes decaídos do universo, tal como Ele fez.

E Agora? Algumas Questões Importantes

Eis aqui uma revisão rápida da obra salvadora de Deus, da forma como se relaciona consigo, o crente, e da batalha a que é chamado a participar. À luz deste conhecimento, as minhas questões são bastante simples e directas, embora as respostas possam requerer alguma reflexão.

Primeiro: percebe realmente o que Deus fez por si em Cristo? Essa verdade já assentou em si, e corre agora nas suas veias? Funciona como a sua força vital? Ou será que permanece no exterior do seu coração, como alguém posto fora de casa, ao frio? Peça ao Senhor que inspeccione o íntimo do seu coração. Reflicta nas suas escolhas ao longo desta semana.

Segundo: compreende, portanto, que o Cristianismo bíblico não é uma religião de auto-ajuda? Não se trata de fazer com que boas pessoas sejam ainda melhores, mas com que pessoas mortas vivam! Há uma diferença abismal entre estas duas perspectivas! A primeira centra-se na religião; a segunda, na salvação divina. Quais são as implicações disto na sua necessidade do Espírito, força e poder de Deus (confira João 15:5-6)? Alguma vez pediu a Deus que viesse até si com poder, entendimento e sabedoria (confira Zacarias 4:5)?

Terceiro: nas suas circunstâncias actuais, como seria seguir o Senhor à semelhança de um bom soldado? Como seria para si e para a sua igreja batalhar contra a opressão, drogas, crime, injustiça, solidão, fome e trevas espirituais na vida das pessoas, nas escolas, ruas e comunidades?

Devemos esperar que as pessoas escureçam as portas das nossas igrejas, ou será que nos devemos mover e orar intensamente pela intervenção de Deus? Não estará na altura de procurarmos os líderes das nossas comunidades e de lhes oferecermos todo o nosso apoio? Graças à nossa vontade em servir, talvez vidas se transformem e o Evangelho seja escutado. Talvez encontremos Cristo à nossa frente, nas ruas e nos recreios das escolas!

A Igreja é a hermenêutica para o Evangelho, a grelha através da qual se pode interpretar Deus correctamente — o Seu carácter, desígnios e caminhos (confira 2 Coríntios 5:20). Contudo, a razão pela qual o mundo não compreende o Evangelho reside primeiramente nas acções da Igreja, que falam tão alto que as nossas palavras não são ouvidas.

A melhor forma de se ser ouvido — que eu tenha conhecimento — não é gritar mais alto, mas amar mais (confira Mateus 5:16). Pengunto-me como seria se assim acontecesse. Penso que é óbvio... O momento é agora! Chegou o momento de a Igreja se centrar em Deus e na Sua obra salvífica, concentrando-se em viver nesta verdade. Então, quando puder ver o Evangelho a agir através de nós (cristãos), o mundo compreenderá que o Evangelho é para nós (todos os seres humanos).

Tradução de C. Pinto Oliveira

Related Topics: Devotionals, Soteriology (Salvation)

Q. Can You Give More Guidance On Your “Brethren” Style “One Church Meeting” Communion Service?

Hi! I’m a missionary in ****** and stumbled across your article ( while reading up on the biblical “gathering” and found your ideas interesting. I was wondering if you had some thoughts / reflections about the “One Church Meeting” (that all the necessary elements of the gathering should be done in one meeting, rather than split at different times and places through the week) and your experience with implementing it.

I also appreciate the description of the order of the “one meeting” you provide in the article.

Do you know any books / authors who take a similar line of thinking that I might read?


****** ********


Dear ******,

Good to hear from you, from far away. As the years have passed, I have become increasingly committed to the teaching of 1 Corinthians 14 as a primary text on the meeting of the church. Note that his text follows Paul’s teaching on conduct in the church gathering (chapter 11) and spiritual gifts (chapters 12-13).

Sadly, this chapter, along with much of the teaching and instruction of 1 Corinthians has been brushed aside, based upon the reasoning that Paul’s teaching here was addressed to a particular group of people, living at a particular time, and holding to a particular culture. This has been applied to the dress and activity of women in leadership roles in the church (1 Corinthians 11 and 14), to divorce (chapter 7), and even church discipline (chapter 5). Paul’s words at the end of chapter 14 should give one pause for thought:

37 If anyone thinks that he is a prophet, or spiritual, he should acknowledge that the things I am writing to you are a command of the Lord. 38 If anyone does not recognize this, he is not recognized (1 Corinthians 14:37-38).

This logic, which sets aside biblical teaching on the basis of different times and recipients, and culture, if carried out consistently, would eventually lead to setting aside any Scripture that did not suit our culture or preferences. The Bible, and Jesus (not to exclude Paul and the other authors of Scripture) is counter-cultural, rather than culture affirming (see Ephesians 4:17ff.).

That said, I think we need not attempt to precisely duplicate everything we read, but seek to find the underlying principles, and to apply them, at any time, in any culture. Notice how Paul applies the Old Testament command to “not muzzle the ox” to the support of Gospel workers (1 Corinthians 9).

I think that several principles can be found in 1 Corinthians 14:

  • THE PRINCIPLE OF PLURALITY in teaching, worship, and the exercise of spiritual gifts. God has distributed a great diversity of spiritual gifts in the church, and this means that its teaching and worship should not be dominated by a single person. (This is opposed to the “solo” (or staff-led) style of leadership that we see today, which seriously restricts participation in our worship and teaching.) That would surely not make room for Paul’s instruction in this chapter.
  • THE PRINCIPLE OF PROPORTION. Two, or no more than three. Enough is enough. Too much of any one gift or function would exclude other vital functions. This applies to tongues, and to prophecy (14:1-32). Neither the tongues speaker, or the prophet, is to feel compelled to speak when the boundaries set forth by Paul have been reached (14:28-33).
  • THE PRINCIPLE OF EDIFICATION. The gift of tongues was obviously present in the church at Corinth (even though often abused). But if no one with the gift of interpretation is present, then the one in whom the Spirit is moving is to remain silent, speaking to himself and to God (14:1-28). I should add here, that while Paul assumes the attendance of an unbeliever in the worship service of 1 Corinthians 14, the primary purpose of this meeting is for the edification of the saints, and the occasion for them to worship the Lord. (When communion is served we seek to make it clear that this is for believers, and if one does not know Christ they should listen carefully to the Gospel, but refrain voluntarily from partaking of the elements.)
  • LET’S CALL THIS ONE THE PRINCIPLE OF SPONTANEITY. This is not to say that folks should come unprepared. But it is to say that there should be room for the Spirit to intervene in a way that we had not planned. In our church, we have a musical prelude, with music that is focused on whatever theme has been set by the man who starts and closes the service. Other than that, no one knows who will share, or distribute the bread and wine (juice). (This is also a great opportunity for emerging spiritual gifts to be expressed and recognized.)
  • THE PRINCIPLE OF MALE LEADERSHIP (see 1 Corinthians 11 and 14:33-38). Men are called to lead, and this is facilitated by worship that is male led.
  • THE PRINCIPLE OF CHRIST-CENTERED, CROSS-CENTERED WORSHIP. The Lord’s Supper is a central focus every Sunday.

Well, these are some of the principles that I see set forth in 1 Corinthians chapter 14. Before our church (Community Bible Chapel, was birthed, we were part of a very fine church in Dallas – that encouraged and supported the founding of our new work (nearly 50 years ago). They, too, sought to worship in a way that followed the teaching of Paul in 1 Corinthians 14 (and the much more concise instruction of Acts 2:42).

But we chose to differ regarding the timing of the Lord’s Supper Meeting. At our previous church, Sunday morning was directed a bit more toward unbelievers and outreach (not entirely, but more than at the Lord’s Supper). Their Worship Meeting (patterned after 1 Corinthians 14), was held on Sunday nights. The problem we perceived was that only about 20-25% of those who attended Sunday mornings, ever attended the Worship Meeting on Sunday nights.

Thus, we linked the preaching service and the worship service together, on Sunday mornings. When we started Community Bible Chapel, preaching was a very high priority for people, and thus they were drawn to the Sunday Morning Service (which included preaching and the Lord’s Supper Meeting). But in time, the importance of the Lord’s Supper Meeting became a much stronger conviction, and the Lord’s Table became a priority. And thus, for nearly 50 years we have met for worship and for teaching.

[Editor’s note: See the current explanation and details of the services here on Community Bible Chapel’s website:]

I wish I could recommend some excellent material on 1 Corinthians 14, as we understand and apply it, but this is all too often set aside as culturally irrelevant (and thus unacceptable).

Bob Deffinbaugh

Related Topics: Basics for Christians, Communion, Cultural Issues, Ecclesiology (The Church), Issues in Church Leadership/Ministry, Pastors

1 Thessalonians

Related Topics: Christian Life

網上牧師雜誌 – 中文版(繁體), TCh Ed, Issue 48 2023 年 夏季

A ministry of…

作者: Roger Pascoe,博士,主席,
郵箱: [email protected]

I. 加強講解式講道:傳講書信的信息,第三部分



A. 以弗所書的作者及收信人





B. 本書寫作目的



第二,他們須要改變生活樣式。他們在主裡要活出新人的樣式,與蒙神呼召和所處的地位相稱。在教會中合一,向著“在真道上同歸於一”(4:1-16的標杆直跑,在世人面前更要活出新人的樣式,不再像未信主前外邦人的樣子(4:17-6:20; 比較2:1-3)。因著基督改變的大能,這是可以的。


C. 書信主題




我們是活在一個崇尚個人主義的社會中,社會如是,教會亦如是。每個人都想按著自己的喜好行事。這便引致教會的矛盾,可能不是因為真理上的分歧,而是肢體間的相處,生活見證,互相合作,榮耀主名,彼此扶持,和共同抵禦外來侵擾的事上出了問題。這些問題,都是本文所關切的,我們都囊括在以弗所書的主題:“信徒合一:教會的奧秘” 。

D. 本書信的神學真理


1. 教會(教會論)。一如前述,本書信的重點是普世教會基督是頭,統管萬有(1:22)。




a) 一座不斷擴大的建築物(2:19-22)而漸漸變成主的聖殿,由房角石結合在一起。.

b) 一個被基督“充滿”(1:23)的身體(4:4),是藉著祂十架上的和好大工(2:16-18),猶太人及外邦人都變成相等的成員,(3:6;5:20),每人都被裝備起來作主的工(4:12),連接元首救主基督(4:15-16;5:23)





2. 救恩(救恩論)。以弗所書從三方面將救恩的真理說明出來:

a) 是過往的事。救恩是一個已經完成了的事實,其中果效可從每一個真正信主的人身上看到(1:7;2:4-5,8-10)。藉著基督的十架,猶太人和外邦人已經從兩個不同的族裔變成一個新人類,同有一個信仰的群體。在十架下,基督已將所有信徒,藉著祂流出的血而與神和好,並藉著聖靈的帶領而來到神的面前(2:11-18)


c) 是全宇宙的事。救恩廣大無邊。有一天,藉著基督的死和復活,天上地下的萬物都歸在祂管治之下(1:10,21-22),恢復祂是全宇宙的主的權柄。

救恩完全是神在基督裡拯救的恩典,是我們不配得的。真的,人所作的,無論如何了不起,也不能得到救恩。好行為只是救恩的結果,而不是原因。我們得救是“本乎恩 也因著信”,然後我們才有能力行善(2:8-10)。

3. 神(神論)。這方面的真理可從基督和三位一體顯示出來。

基督論。聖經很清楚的表明基督是主。神將耶穌基督從死裡復活,昇到至高,一切的權柄和榮耀都歸給祂,甚至祂坐在神的右邊(1:20-21),是極尊貴的,是天上地下萬物之主。也掌管著地上及陰間的魔鬼勢力。祂是我們的主,現時雖只在教會中,但到了日期滿足,全宇宙都歸在祂名下(1:10,21-23;3:10-11)。因此,我們在地上最主要目的就是要讚美及稱頌這位全宇宙的至高者(1:6, 12, 14)。


a) 我們屬靈福氣的三位一體性(1:4-14). “我們主耶穌督的父神”曾賜給我們天上各樣屬靈的福氣(1:3),和從創立世界以前,“在基督裡揀選了我們”得著救恩(1:4-6)。“在祂裡面”(兒子)得了救恩(1:7-12),並且我們得了“聖靈”為得基業的印記(1:13-14)。

b) 三位一體的禱告(1:15-23)。我們“主耶穌基督”的神,是“榮耀的父”,將那賜人“智慧和啟示的靈”賞給你們(1:17)。

c) 靠著三位一體而來到神面前(2:16-18)。神是三位一體的神,我們已藉著“十字架”(基督的十架)與神和好而歸為一體,我們也藉著基督被一個“聖靈所感,得以進到父”面前。

d) 三位一體式的教會結構(2:19-22)。我們都是“神家裡”的人,“基督耶穌”為房角石,而成為“神藉著聖靈”居住的所在。

e) 三位一體式的禱告結構(3:14-19)。神,就是“父”,我們禱告的對象(14),“藉著祂的靈”,叫我們心裡的力量剛強起來(16),使“基督”因你們的信,住在你們心裡(17)。

f) 三位一體式的教會合一(4:3-6)。教會合一,是因著三位一體的合一而成,就是“聖靈只有一個一主一神,就是眾人的父”

g) 由三位一體而來的道德教訓(4:17-5:24)。我們既“學了基督”(4:20-21),就不要叫“聖靈擔憂”(4:30),一定要“效法神”(5:1)。我們要被“聖靈”充滿(5:18),凡事要奉“我們主耶穌基督”的名,常常感謝“父神”(5:20)。

4. 末後的事(末世論)。以弗所人關心兩個世代 – 今世和來世的事情(1:21)。而保羅教導的就是一個“已實現了的”和未來才實現的末世論。今天信徒已在某程度上享受和推行著末世屬靈的福氣(1:3)。藉著對基督的信心,我們不再在行事為人,隨從今世的風俗(2:2)。甚而在靈意上,我們與基督已一同坐在天上(2:6)。所以,我們在這一刻,便已經享受著基督無上的權柄和處於一個超越地上一切權勢的地位。在末世時才有的實際應驗,今天都已在信徒靈命中成就了。

但是以弗所人也了解到末世的應驗仍屬未來的事。我們肉體得贖是未來的事,雖然我們已預備迎見得贖的那一天(1:14;4:30)。真正國度建立後,不法的人不能進入,但這仍是未來的事情(5:5)。由此可見,以弗所書中所說的末世論,信徒藉著與基督的聯合所站的地位和福氣,與信徒現時所面對各樣的爭扎、甚而爭戰(6:10-18)是具有一定張力的。故此,保羅對信徒的勸勉是,各人“行事為人就當與蒙召的恩相稱“(4:1; 比較4:17ff),要照著“新人”的樣子,而不是跟著“舊人”的模式(4:22,24)。

E. 文學上的特色





在以弗所書,請注意一些常常出現的字眼和詞彙。除了一些很明顯的字,例如“在” - “在基督裡”(1:3-14)不計之外 - 以下的字和詞彙我們須多加留意:美意(1:5,9);知識、聰明、智慧(1:8,17-18);能力(1:19-21;3:20);恩典、憐憫、愛(2:4-8);豐富(1:7,18;2:7;3:8,16);稱讚和榮耀 (1:6, 12, 14, 17, 18);揀選、預定(1:4,5,11);意旨和旨意(1:5,9,11);救贖(1:7,14);和盼望 (1:12, 18)。你也會注意到一些描述極其宏大的詞彙常常出現,例如:祂豐富的恩典(1:7;2:7),豐盛的榮耀(1:18),能力是何等浩大(1:19),過於人所能測度的(3:19),和超過我們所求所想的(3:20)。


II. 強化聖經中的領導才能
教會中的秩序,提摩太前書1:12-17, 第二部份


A. 有關牧者職責的囑咐 (1:3-20)

B. 有關公開崇拜的囑咐 (2:1-15)

C. 有關牧者的領導的囑咐 (3:1-16)

D. 有關牧者的靈性的囑咐 (4:1-6:2)

E. 有關牧者的操守的囑咐 (6:3-21)


A. 對牧者職責的教導(1:3-20)


1. 持守純正的道理(1:3-11)

2. 傳揚神的救恩(1:12-17)

3. 盡忠職守(1:18-20)

在上一期,我們已討論了A項,其中第一點(1:3-11)是關於牧者職責之一,就是要保持純正的道理。在本期,我們則會討論第二點(1:12-17),有關牧者的責任 …

2. 見證神的救恩(1:12-17):保羅給提摩太牧者的第一個職責就是保持信仰的純正,須要:(1)對抗異端(1:3-7),和(2)傳揚真理(1:8-11),尤其是那些在律法方面的真理。當時教會中有一群深懂律法和適當運用律法的“義人”(1:9),但相比之下,教會中又有另外一批人,他們的行為(1:9-10)顯露出他們都是一群“不法和不服的人”(1:9)。保羅總結這第一個囑咐,就只用一個概括的說話,就是叫提摩太務要抵擋“敵正道的事 …這是照著可稱頌之神交託我榮耀福音說的”(1:10-11)。提到福音,保羅很自然地道他自己奇妙的個人經歷,他的蒙召為福音作見證的使命,以致他為此而感恩(1:12-17)。他的見證集中在三方面 …

a) 感謝主耶穌基督(1:12-14)。這句感恩的說話可分兩方面來討論。第一,派我服事祂(1:12)“我感謝那給我力量的我們主基督耶穌,因祂以我有忠心,派我服事祂”(1:12。為著完成那大而難的福音工作,主耶穌將那屬靈的力量(甚至體力)加添給保羅,為此保羅深表感恩。他獲賜這力量是“因祂以我有忠心,派我服事祂”(1:12b)。“忠心”是由於他的事奉,尤其在傳福音的事上,是忠貞不二和可信賴的。保羅常常惦記著救主差派他的使命,因為他得救的神蹟歷歷在目,是神給他的恩典,這是他每次作見證的時候都會提及的。


信徒所了解的褻瀆可以是來自言語或是行為。褻瀆的行為可以是故意的違抗或不服神的律法等(民15:30-31)。而褻瀆的言語則是輕慢或不尊敬神的話(利24:10-16),例如,將聖靈的工作歸功於撒但(太12:31-32)。我們的主和司提反都是被人控訴褻瀆神而被處死的(太26:65; 徒6:11)。但保羅則承認在大馬色路上遇見復活的主之前,不論在言語和行為上,他是一個不折不扣褻瀆神的人。作為一個狂熱的猶太人,他拒絕基督就是彌賽亞,他逼迫那些從猶太教而轉到跟隨基督的人(徒9:1-2, 22:4; 加1:13; 腓3:6)。




b) 確證福音的信息(1:15-16)。第一,保羅把他個人見證延伸到神救恩的範疇和目標上去(1:15a。基督在十架上的大工不只是臨到那些顯赫的偉人,或是那些經歷過不同凡響的遭遇而信主的人。耶穌基督來到世上,不是只拯救保羅或其他像他有類似經歷的人。而是“基督耶穌降世,為要拯救罪人。這話是可信的,是十分可佩服的”(1:15a)。

這裡保羅好像是引用一些常用有關救恩的術語(或說話) – “基督耶穌降世,為要拯救罪人”- 保羅稱許“這話是可信的,是十分可佩服的。” 從他的經驗來看,保羅讚嘆這句說話是絕對可靠的,是我們必須相信的,拯救保羅的救恩也是每人都可垂手可得的。他也在其他地方說過:“因為世人都犯了罪,虧缺了神的榮耀”(羅3:23)。不論一個人是生活在一個充滿暴力或仇恨如保羅,或是花花公子如浪子(路15:11-32)般的生活,基督耶穌降世就是為了拯救他們。這是神救恩的對象和目的。藉著基督的救贖大工,這都完成了。

使徒保羅和一些人的得救,他們的背景和經歷,的確是經過一連串令人驚心動魄、出人意表的事情,但我們不能將之偶像化,以為所有人得救都必是這樣。但我們須要想一想,很多在基督家庭長大的人的得救,就從沒有經歷過這些。我們要為每一位願意接受基督的名的人感謝神。無可置疑的,每一位願意悔改而來到基督面前接受祂救恩的,都是出自神的恩典。保羅再三重申的說: 4然而神既有豐富的憐憫,因祂愛我們的大愛,5當我們死在過犯中的時候,便叫我們與基督一同活過來(你們得救是本乎恩)。6祂又叫我們與基督耶穌一同復活,一同坐在天上,7 要將祂極豐富的恩典,就是祂在基督耶穌裡向我們所施的恩慈,顯明給後來的世代看。8 你們得救是本乎恩,也因著信這並不是出於自己,乃是神所賜的。9也不是出於行為,免得有人自誇”(弗2:4-9)。







神是“永世的君王”- 那位昔在、今在、永在者,是歷世的主。祂是不“朽壞”- 即不受時間限制,是永遠長存的,是不可消滅的,是永不改變的,是生命與死亡的主。祂也是“不能看見”的 – 人不能看見祂,因祂的本性是個靈。祂是“獨一的神”- 在祂以外再無別神(賽45:5)。保羅大大高聲讚美神在他身上的恩典和憐憫後,便發出最後的一聲讚美:“尊貴、榮耀直到永永遠遠。阿們。”我們也要永遠讚美神,同聲叫著“阿們 – 即誠心所願之意”。



III. 講道大綱

題目:學習主耶穌 – 稱頌我們的王主耶穌(太21:1-11)





1. 但以理書9:25 中的預言已獲應驗了

2. 撒迦利亞書9:9 中的預信己獲應驗了


1. 耶穌進入耶路撒冷,服飾樸素(21:6-7)

2. 耶穌進入耶路撒冷,眾人冠以莊嚴的王服(21:8-11)

Related Topics: Pastors

The Net Pastor’s Journal, Eng Ed, Issue 48, Summer 2023

A ministry of…

Author: Dr. Roger Pascoe, President,
Email: [email protected]

I. Strengthening Expository Preaching: Preaching the Epistles, Pt. 3
A Case Study, The Epistles To The Ephesians

This is part 3 of “Preaching the Epistles.” For the previous studies, please go to Issues 46 and 47 of this Net Pastors Journal on this website at In this issue, I want to outline some of the areas that are helpful for you in preparing to preach an epistle by way of a case study of the epistle to the Ephesians.

In John 17 Jesus prayed that all his disciples throughout the history of the church would be united together as “one” (17:21-23). The strength and testimony of the church comes from its unity: “That the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me” (17:23). Sadly, many church congregations are not united. Consequently, they do not have the power and testimony in their communities that they ought to have. The epistle to the Ephesians deals with the subject of unity in the church.

A. The Author And The Recipients of the Epistle.

Despite some who contest the Pauline authorship of this epistle, internal evidence in the epistle points strongly to his authorship, such as, (1) The outright claims of his authorship (1:1; 3:1); (2) His personal connections with the recipients (1:15-16; 4:1; 6:19-20); and (3) Specific ministry to the Gentiles (3:6-8).

This epistle was written from prison (4:1) to the church in Ephesus. The fact that it is a prison epistle probably dates it around the year 60 AD, toward the end of Paul’s life. Paul had ministered in Ephesus for several years. His farewell speech to the elders of that church and his evident affection for them is recorded for us in Acts 20. Later, the apostle John also wrote a letter to this same church in Revelation 2, in which he commended them for their Christian works and their doctrinal purity, but condemned them for their lack of love for Christ.

The city of Ephesus was an important city economically and religiously. Economically it was a prosperous city because of its ideal location in Asia Minor and its easy access by land and sea: (1) by land, because it was connected by highway to all the other major cities of that province; and (2) by sea, because it was on a river not far from the ocean and had an inland harbor. Religiously, Ephesus was famous for its pagan worship, particularly its great temple to the pagan goddess Diana.

The Christians in the church at Ephesus were Gentile believers (3:1). While the epistle is written to Gentiles, its teaching for Jewish believers is also very important. Some think that the letter was intended to be a circular letter for more than only the church in Ephesus because (1) he makes no reference in the letter to his labors among them, a reference which surely would have been included if it was written solely to those among whom he had labored in Ephesus; and (2) he makes no specific reference to any doctrinal or practical problems, nor controversies or questions, which he usually would if he was addressing a specific church. However, these arguments are not persuasive and, in any event, throughout history the letter has become associated with the church at Ephesus. Nonetheless, it is important to note that though Paul is addressing a local church, he embraces the universal church throughout, not just the local church.

B. Purpose Of The Epistle.

The primary thrust of this letter is to explain the new concept of the church as the body of Christ, composed of ethnically and religiously diverse people, namely, Jewish and Gentile believers together. How these two peoples could be united was something previously considered impossible, an incomprehensible mystery. This letter explains that such unity has been made possible through Christ’s work of reconciliation on the cross, reconciling them not only to God but to each other. The letter underscores the privileges of their new position as well as their new attendant responsibilities as they live out their Christian calling both in the church and in the world.

First, what they needed was greater understanding. To live in this new relationship with their Jewish brethren in the church they needed to progress in their understanding of who they were in Christ. This becomes very apparent from Paul’s two prayers in the first half of the letter, which stress (1) their need for wisdom and revelation, knowledge, understanding, and enlightenment (1:17-23), and (2) their need for the inner strength of the Holy Spirit and the indwelling of Christ so that their comprehension of spiritual realities may be strengthened (3:14-21).

Second, what they needed was to change the way they lived. They needed to live as new people in Christ, in a way that is consistent with their Christian calling and position. They needed to walk together in unity in the church, progressively moving toward “the unity of the faith” (4:1-16), and they needed to live as new people in the world, in a way that is radically different from their previous way of life as unsaved Gentiles (4:17-6:20; cf. 2:1-3). This, too, is made possible because of what Christ has done in transforming power.

Even though the letter makes no specific mention of particular doctrinal or practical problems in the church there, evidently, from his farewell speech to the elders of this church in Acts 20, Paul saw some potential dangers from false teachers and false doctrines (Acts 20:28-30). Subsequently, from Revelation 2, we discover that the leaders of the church at Ephesus protected the church from false teachers and false doctrine, but in the process they became a cold, formal church which was more concerned about programs and processes than about their relationship with Jesus Christ. No wonder, then, that Paul emphasizes not only doctrine but also love and relationships in this epistle.

C. The Theme of the Epistle.

In accordance with its purpose, the theme of the epistle is Christian unity both as a biblical principle and as a reality. Thus, I have titled this study, “United We Stand: The Mystery of the Church.”

The lack of unity today in our churches may spring from many sources such as: (1) ethnic diversity, (2) the members of the church not spending much time together, (3) poor personal relationships between various members of the church, (4) lack of a common spiritual motivation and goal, (5) arguments over how church should be done, or (6) certain persons wanting the power and control of the church. There are many reasons why disunity occurs in a church. But it should not be so.

Whatever the reason for disunity in a church, I believe that this study in Paul’s letter to the Ephesian Christians addresses this fundamental problem. We are going to see that this letter addresses the issue of how and why Christians of diverse backgrounds are united through Christ and the Holy Spirit, and how they should demonstrate that unity in their practice. This is my overriding burden in bringing this study to you. I want to be able to make the teachings of this epistle to the Ephesians on the subject of unity relevant to our culture today, no matter where you live.

We live in a day when individualism is predominant not only in the world but in the Christian church. Everybody wants to do things their own way. This brings discord, perhaps not in terms of doctrinal matters but in terms of what the body of Christ ought to be as a functional, living, interrelated entity, which exists to glorify God, sustain each other, and withstand the attacks of the enemy. All of the lessons in this study tie into the title and basic thrust of the epistle, namely, “United we stand: The mystery of the church.”

D. The Theology Of The Epistle.

For the purposes of this study, I am going to outline the epistle’s teaching on the subjects of the church (ecclesiology), salvation (soteriology), God (theology), and final things (eschatology).

1. The doctrine of the church (ecclesiology). As I mentioned before, the emphasis in this epistle is on the universal church of which Christ is the head, a headship that foreshadows his ultimate cosmic headship over all things (1:22).

The “mystery” that God has brought about through Christ is that both Jews and Gentiles have been united into the church, which is the fullness of Christ (1:23). They are now fellow citizens (2:19), a new household (family) of faith (2:19), one holy temple (2:20-22), one body (4:4), the bride of Christ (5:23-27).

The church is a unique, dynamic entity, whose members are continually growing in spiritual maturity and progressing toward the unity of the faith as they utilize their gifts (4:1-16), live in a way that is consistent with their calling (4:17-6:9), and as they unitedly fight against satanic forces which attempt to break the church apart (6:10-20).

The church is presented in three pictures in Ephesians:

a) A building which is growing (2:19-22) into a holy temple in the Lord and which is united through its Chief Cornerstone.

b) A body (4:4) which is the “fullness” of Christ (1:23), formed through his reconciling work on the cross (2:16-18), into which both Jews and Gentiles have ben incorporated as equal members (3:6; 5:20), in which each member is equipped for and performs the work of the ministry (4:12), and which is uniquely joined to Christ as its head and its Savior (4:15-16; 5:23).

(3) A bride for whom Christ died, whom he has made glorious and holy, and whom he will present to himself as his own (5:23-27).

The unity of the church has been made possible because of the atoning work of Christ (1:6-8), which has not only brought about vertical reconciliation with God and horizontal relationships with each other (2:11-18), but which also makes possible the eschatological reconciliation of all things under Christ (1:10).

Just as the church is a holy temple, made so because Christ has sanctified and cleansed her “by with the washing of water with the word so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish” (5:26-27), so also its members are to be holy people (1:4; 4:20-5:14) in contrast to the unholy people that they once were (2:1-10; 4:17-19).

One of the church’s present duties and purposes is to make known the manifold wisdom of God to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places (3:10). The picture, then, of the church in Ephesus is one of a people who are diverse in their backgrounds and gifts but united in their relationship in and activity for Christ, as they strive together toward the same goal (to reach the stature of the fullness of Christ), fulfilling their united purpose in the world. This is the church that we should strive for in our communities, churches that are made up of a diversity of people who are united in their relationship in Christ, in their way of life in the world, and in their progress in the knowledge and defense of the truth.

2. The doctrine of salvation (soteriology). Salvation is presented in Ephesians from three perspectives:

a) A past event. Salvation is a completed event, the benefits of which are presently possessed by every true believer (1:7; 2:4-5, 8-10). Through the cross Christ has reconciled Jews and Gentiles to each other by creating from two nations one new humanity, a new community of faith. And by the cross, he has reconciled all believers to God through his blood, thus establishing peace and granting access by the Spirit to the Father (2:11-18).

b) A future event. Salvation is a future event from two perspectives: First, it is future in that our sealing by the Holy Spirit is the present guarantee of the future redemption of our bodies (1:13-14). Second, it is future in that, in the ages to come, our glorification with Christ will be a permanent display of God's grace toward us in Christ (2:6-7).

c) A universal event. Salvation is viewed as universal in its scope, since one day, on the basis of Christ’s death and resurrection, all things both in heaven and in earth will be gathered together under Christ’s headship (1:10, 21-22). This has in view the restoration of Christ’s universal headship.

Salvation, then, is solely the product of God's redeeming grace in Christ and nothing which we merited for ourselves. Indeed, no human works could ever merit our salvation. Good works are a consequence of salvation not the cause. We are saved “by grace… through faith” and then we are capable of good works(2:8-10).

3. The doctrine of God (theology). This doctrine is presented from the perspective of Christology and the Trinity.

Christology. The lordship of Christ is most clearly presented. God has raised Jesus Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of highest power and praise, even at his own right hand (1:20-21). He is the supreme One. Jesus Christ is lord of all things, whether heavenly or earthly, rulers of the earth or demonic powers. His headship is presently acknowledged and manifested in the church and will be acknowledged and manifested cosmically in the coming age (1:10, 21-23; 3:10-11). It stands to reason, therefore, that the primary reason for our existence is to praise and glorify him as the supreme One (1:6, 12, 14).

The Trinity. While it might be going too far to say that Paul structured this epistle around the doctrine of the Trinity, nonetheless the doctrine of the Trinity is so obviously portrayed here that it surely underlies the basic tenets of this letter. Hence, the unity, nature, and character of the Trinity that are repeatedly presented here provides a theological and practical basis for the unity, nature, and character of God’s people. Note the following explicitly trinitarian references:

a) The Trinitarian aspect of our spiritual blessings (1:4-14). “The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places (1:3) and “chose us in him” for salvation before time began (1:4-6). “In him” (the Son) we have redemption (1:7-12) and we are sealed with promised “Holy Spirit” who is the guarantee of our inheritance (1:13-14).

b) A Trinitarian prayer (1:15-23). The God of our “Lord Jesus Christ” is “the Father of glory” who gives us “the Spirit of wisdom” (1:17).

c) Trinitarian access to God (2:16-18). God is the trinitarian God to whom we have been reconciled in one body through “the cross” (of Christ), through whom we have access by “one Spirit to the Father.”

d) The Trinitarian church structure (2:19-22). We are members of “the household of God” of which “Christ Jesus” is the chief cornerstone and which is a dwelling place for “God by the Spirit.”

e) Trinitarian prayer structure (3:14-19). God “the Father” is the one to whom we direct our prayers (14), who strengthens us with power “through his Spirit” (16), so that “Christ” may dwell in our hearts through faith (17).

f) Trinitarian church unity (4:3-6). The church derives its unity from the unity of the Trinity, namely, “one Lord...and one God and Father of all.”

g) Trinitarian ethics and instructions (4:17-5:24). We have “learned Christ” (4:20-21), must not “grieve the Spirit“ (4:30), and must “be imitators of God” (5:1). We are to be filled with “the Spirit” (5:18) and give thanks to “God the Father” in the name of “our Lord Jesus Christ” (5:20).

4. The doctrine of final things (eschatology). Ephesians addresses the two ages – this age and the age which is to come (1:21). Paul teaches both a “realized” and future eschatology. Believers now enjoy and participate in the blessings of the age to come to some degree (1:3). Through faith in Christ we no longer live under and walk in accordance with the course of this world (2:2), but we are even now in a spiritual sense seated with Christ in heavenly places (2:6). Thus, even now we participate in the benefits of Christ’s position of power and exaltation over the powers of this world. What will be physically true in the eschaton is true spiritually now for believers.

Nonetheless, Ephesians also recognizes that the physical enactment of the eschaton is still future. The redemption of our bodies is still future, even though we are now sealed for that day (1:14; 4:30). The physical establishment of the kingdom, into which no unholy person will enter, is still future (5:5). Thus there is a certain tension in Ephesian eschatology between the present position and blessings of believers by virtue of our union with Christ, and our present struggles, even warfare (6:10-18), as those who live in the present age. Hence, the exhortation to believers to “walk worthy of (our) calling” (4:1; cf. 4:17ff.) in accordance with the “new man” and not the “old” (4:22, 24).

E. Literary Characteristics.

Ephesians and Colossians are considered to be twin epistles because of their similarities in literary style (phrasing and wording), theme, and content.

The first section of both epistles stresses typically Pauline themes, such as justification by faith, dead in sins-alive in Christ, alienation-reconciliation, and holiness. The special ministry of Paul concerning the “mystery” of the gospel is common to both epistles and both epistles stress the headship (supremacy) of Christ.

The second section of both epistles are also similar in their exhortations concerning putting off the old man and putting on the new, sexuality, anger, speech, truth, love, and household relationships.

The distinction between the two epistles lies in two areas. First, there is a difference of focus. Ephesians focuses on the body of Christ (in particular, the unity of the body), whereas Colossians focuses on the head of the body. Second, there is a difference in that Ephesians does not deal with any specific false teaching, whereas Colossians addresses the Colossian heresy (3:16-23).

In Ephesians, notice the repetition of certain words and phrases. Apart from the obvious repetition of the key word “in” - e.g. “in Christ” (1:3-14) – the following words and phrases need to be noted: Good pleasure (1:5, 9), knowledge, understanding, and wisdom (1:8, 17-18), power (1:19-21; 3:20), grace, mercy, and love (2:4-8), riches (1:7, 18; 2:7; 3:8, 16), praise and glory (1:6, 12, 14, 17, 18), chosen, predestined (1:4, 5, 11), his will and purpose (1:5, 9, 11), redemption (1:7, 14), and hope (1:12, 18). You will also notice the extensive use of superlatives: riches of his grace (1:7; 2:7), riches of his glory (1:18), exceeding greatness of his power (1:19), surpassing knowledge (3:19), and exceedingly abundantly above all (3:20).

We will continue this study in the next edition of this Pastors Journal (Fall 2023) in which we will examine the textual structure of the epistle and a few comments on preaching the epistle. I hope that these studies help you in your own preparation for preaching the epistles.

II. Strengthening Biblical Leadership:

Order In The Church, Part 2, 1 Timothy 1 :12-17

We are studying the instruction of the apostle Paul to Timothy regarding order in the church, which has to do with church leadership. I have structured these studied around Paul’s five charges to Timothy as follows:

A. A charge concerning pastoral responsibilities (1:3-20)

B. A charge concerning public worship (2:1-16)

C. A charge concerning pastoral leadership (3:1-16)

D. A charge concerning personal devotion (4:1-6:2)

E. A charge concerning pastoral motives (6:3-21)

Last time we began studying…

A. A Charge Concerning Pastoral Responsibilities (1:3-20)

This section concerning pastoral responsibilities divides itself into three points:

1. To maintain pure doctrine (1:3-11)

2. To testify to God’s saving grace (1:12-17)

3. To fulfill your mandate (1:18-20)

In the last edition of this journal, I covered section A, point 1 (1:3-11) concerning the pastor’s responsibility to maintain pure doctrine. In this edition I will cover section A, point 2 (1:12-17) concerning the pastoral responsibility…

2. To testify to God’s Saving Grace (1:12-17). Paul’s first charge to Timothy concerns his pastoral responsibilities, the first of which is to maintain pure doctrine by (1) combatting false doctrine (1:3-7) and (2) promoting correct doctrine (1:8-11), specifically correct doctrine regarding the law. In contrast to “the just” (1:9) who know the correct meaning and application of the law, there are others “who are lawless and disobedient” (1:9), as evidenced in their behavior (1:9-10). Paul sums up this first charge with an all-encompassing statement that Timothy is to withstand “whatever is contrary to sound doctrine, in accordance with the gospel of the glory of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted” (1:10-11). This mention of the gospel leads Paul naturally into a wonderful personal testimony of his own call to salvation through the gospel with which he had been entrusted and for which he gives thanks (1:12-17). His testimony focuses on three areas…

a) Thanksgiving to the Lord Jesus Christ (1:12-14). This expression of thanksgiving divides into two areas. First, thanksgiving for present ministry (1:12). I give thanks to him who has strengthened me, Christ Jesus our Lord, because he judged me faithful, appointing me to his service” (1:12). The spiritual strength (and perhaps even physical strength) for the daunting task of gospel ministry was granted to him by Christ Jesus his Lord, and for this Paul is deeply and eternally grateful. Such strength was granted to him “because he judged me faithful, appointing me to his service” (1:12b). To be “faithful” implies steadfastness and trustworthiness on the basis of which he was appointed to Christ’s service, specifically the gospel ministry. Such an appointment by such a Savior was never far from Paul’s mind, for the miracle of conversion was always a marvel of God’s grace to Paul, something that he spoke about whenever he gave his personal testimony.

Second, thanksgiving for past mercy (1:13). Paul is thankful not only for his appointment to gospel ministry, but even more so for the mercy he received. That Christ Jesus considered him “faithful, appointing me to his service” was unfathomable when he considered who he once was: “… even though I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an arrogant man” (1:13a). Here, Paul looks back on his pre-Christian life and confesses that his was a life characterized by violence and anger against God and against Christians.

In Christian terms, blasphemy may be committed in word or behavior. Blasphemous behavior might be, for example, deliberately defying or disobeying God’s laws (Num. 15:30-31). Blasphemous words are those that speak irreverently or disrespectfully about God (Lev. 24:10-16) as in, for example, attributing the work of Spirit of God to Satan (Matt. 12:31-32). You will remember that both our Lord and Stephen were falsely condemned to death by the Jews for blasphemy (Matt. 26:65; Acts 6:11). But Paul acknowledges that before he met the risen Christ on the Damascus Road, he was a blasphemer both in word and deed. As a zealous Jew he rejected Christ’s claim to be the Messiah and he persecuted Christians for turning away from Judaism and following Christ (Acts 9:1-2, 22:4; Gal. 1:13; Phil. 3:6).

Despite, and in contrast to, such a violent background, Paul says, “But I received mercy because I had acted out of ignorance in unbelief (1:13b). For Paul, God’s grace and mercy blend together (see 1:1) for they both flow out of God’s essential nature of love. Indeed, God’s mercy is a consequence of and flows directly out of his unfathomable grace and love which He extended to Paul “through Christ Jesus,” thus replacing the anger and violence that once consumed him. The transformation of his life rested solely on the atoning work of Christ on the cross. That was the foundation to which Paul constantly came back. He freely admitted that he was wholly undeserving of God’s grace and mercy, but he received mercy, he says, “because I had acted out of unbelief.” Paul is not here trying to minimize or justify his previous sinful actions, but to explain that what he did before he came face to face with Christ was done out of a genuine zeal for God (Gal. 1:13-14), misdirected as it was. Yet, despite such an egregiously violent past, “I received mercy.”

To him, this was astounding, beyond comprehension, how God could love and forgive someone with his history. It wasn’t that God reluctantly extended his grace to Paul. It wasn’t that he got saved, but only just. No, he says, “the grace of our Lord overflowed for me with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus” (1:14). God’s underserved favor “overflowed” for him. It was like a river that flooded over its banks. It was like a tidal wave that crashed ashore, pushing aside everything in its way. That was the power and effect of God’s grace in Paul’s life. The power was overwhelming such that he had to submit to it. The effect was the complete transformation and redirection of Paul’s life. And the evidence was “the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus” which accompanied this experience.

In other words, true saving grace in a person’s life always results in changed belief and behavior. Paul’s newfound “faith and love that are in Christ Jesus” were evidence that the work and call of Christ had been effective in his life. No longer was his life characterized by violence and hatred against the people of God but by faith and love. Thus, immediately upon his conversion, he became like Christ in the reality and manifestation of grace and love.

b) Affirmation of the gospel (1:15-16). First, Paul broadens out his personal testimony to the general scope and purpose of God’s salvation (1:15a). The work of Christ on the cross was not limited to persons of prominence or distinction or to people whose conversion was outstanding in its character and circumstances. Christ Jesus did not come into the world to save only Paul or others like him. No, he says, “The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1:15a).

Paul seems to be quoting a commonly known Christian confession (or “saying”) concerning the universal scope and need of salvation - “that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” – a confession which Paul endorses as being “trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance.” On the basis of his own experience, Paul recommends this succinct statement as being thoroughly reliable and one which ought to be fully accepted by all, for the same salvation that rescued Paul is available for everyone. As he says elsewhere, “There is no distinction, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). Whether a person has lived a rebellious and hate-filled life like Paul or a profligate life like the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32), Christ Jesus came into the world to save them. This is the general scope and purpose of God’s salvation which was accomplished in Christ’s work of atonement.

Yes, there is undoubtedly a certain marvel to the salvation of the apostle Paul and others like him because of their background and the circumstances of their conversion, but we should not idolize their experience, nor consider, for example, the salvation of those who have been raised in Christian homes and who have not rebelled against the gospel in such a flagrant way as being less important. We give thanks to God for the salvation of anyone and everyone who confesses the name of Christ. Indeed, everyone who repents of their sin and turns to Christ for salvation is a marvel of God’s grace. Paul affirms this again when he writes, 4 But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, 5 even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved— 6 and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, 7 so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. 8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast” (Ephesians 2:4-9).

Nonetheless, though the general scope of God’s salvation is universal, the apostle Paul never lost sight of the particular scope and purpose of God’s salvation (1:15b-17), of which his own conversion is a case in point. While “God commands all people everywhere to repent” (Acts 17:30), all do not do so. Those who do respond positively to God’s offer of salvation through repentance and faith (Acts 20:21) are those whom God has particularly and purposefully chosen in Christ for salvation (Eph. 1:4). Otherwise, because all human beings are thoroughly sinful, no one would be saved.

The apostle Paul constantly marveled at God’s grace in his own life in particular, never covering over or ignoring who he was before he came to faith in Christ. No, he freely confesses that of all sinners “I am the foremost” (1:15b). You see, the acknowledgement of sin is always personal and specific and one that should never be minimized. In this case, Paul describes himself as “the foremost” of sinners. The depths of sin into which he had fallen were never far from his mind, even while, at the same time, he rejoiced in God’s saving grace and mercy in his life. He never forgot what he once was and the awesome conversion that God wrought in him.

While recognizing the object of God’s grace to sinners in general through Christ, and while acknowledging his reprobate history from which God saved him in particular, Paul confesses that there was a larger purpose for his personal salvation: “But I received mercy for this reason, that in me, as the foremost, Jesus Christ might display his perfect patience as an example to those who were to believe in him for eternal life” (1:16). Paul recognizes that, probably because of the radical nature of his pre-Christian life, his conversion, and his subsequent prominence in the church, God’s mercy to him in particular “as the foremost” of sinners served a larger purpose in the ways of God, namely to “display his perfect patience as an example to those who were to believe in him for eternal life.” If someone whose life prior to his conversion was as deviant and rebellious as his, then surely that is a wonderful display of God’s “perfect patience” and “an example” to those who would subsequently believe in Christ “for eternal life.”

Here, then, are two wonderful truths about God’s grace and mercy in saving sinners. First, God’s grace is longsuffering and extended to sinners in general. He does not quickly condemn sinners and execute their punishment without warning. Nor does he exclude any. Rather he waits patiently for sinners to repent and turn to Christ in faith. Second, God delights to save even the worst of sinners. This brings the gospel and the truth of salvation down to a very personal level and specific purpose in God’s saving ways and purposes.

What an example and encouragement this is. If anyone doubts God’s patience and grace, we can point them to Paul’s conversion which still stands as an example to the world that The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance” (2 Pet 3:9). If God did that for Paul, then he can and will do that for anyone. In Paul’s conversion we see a powerful example of God’s mercy and grace poured out abundantly to the chief (or, foremost) of sinners.

c) Praise to God (1:17). In contemplating his own sordid history and what God had done in his life, Paul bursts into a doxology: “To the King of the ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.” (1:17). This section (1:12-17) began with thanksgiving and ends in praise to God.

God is “the King of the ages” - the One who was and is and is to come, the sovereign Lord of history. He is “immortal” – timeless, eternal, imperishable, unchanging, the Lord of life and death. He is also “invisible” – he cannot be seen because he is spirit in his essential being. And he is “the only God” - there is no other God beside him (Isa. 45:5). To him, in this outburst of praise for the grace and mercy of Christ shown to him, Paul ascribes “honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.” This will be our occupation throughout eternity. And to that we all say, “Amen - so let it be.”

Final Remarks. This is a brief but powerful personal testimony by the apostle Paul (see also Acts 22:3-21; 26:1-23) to the immense grace and mercy of God in the life of one who once hated the name of Christ and did whatever he could to get rid of the followers of Christ in the early church but who, through the miraculous saving grace of God and his resulting faith in Christ, had become one of the strongest and most influential leaders in the church.

What, then, does this teach us about the responsibility of pastors to testify to God’s saving grace through their own personal testimony? Personal testimonies give such credibility to church leaders because by them they acknowledge that they are no different from anyone else as to their past and they give praise to God for what he has done in radically transforming their lives. Personal testimonies remind us that God is gracious and merciful. Personal testimonies illustrate how God can change a person’s life, transforming them from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God. Personal testimonies declare publicly the saving power of God, that no one is beyond his redemption. Personal testimonies show that God can and does take the worst of sinners and make them into strong leaders to accomplish his purposes. Personal testimonies encourage others, that if God can do this for someone else, he can do it for others as well. Personal testimonies are vivid, living examples of the source, scope, and object of God’s saving grace.

III. Sermon Outlines

Title: Learning from Jesus – Praising Jesus Our King (Matthew 21:1-11)

Subject: The kingship of Jesus.

Theme: The kingship of Jesus at his first coming points us to his kingship at his second coming.

Point I: Jesus’ kingship is recognized in his divine authority (21:1-13)

Point II: Jesus’ kingship is proved in fulfilled prophecy (21:4-6)

1. The prophecy of Daniel 9:25 was fulfilled

2. The prophecy of Zechariah 9:9 was fulfilled

Point III: Jesus’ kingship is demonstrated in humble majesty (21:6-11)

1. Jesus’ entrance to Jerusalem was clothed in humility (21:6-7)

2. Jesus’ entrance to Jerusalem was clothed in majesty (21:8-11)

Related Topics: Pastors

网上牧师杂志–中文版(简体), SCh Ed, Issue 48 2023 年 夏季

A ministry of…

作者: Roger Pascoe,博士,主席,
邮箱: [email protected]

I. 加强讲解式讲道:传讲书信的信息,第三部分



A. 以弗所書的作者及收信人

虽然有些人怀疑本书作者是否真的是保罗,但由本书内容来看,保罗是作者是绝无疑问的。例如,(1)保罗宣称他就是原著者(1:1;3:1);(2)保罗和收件人有深入的私交(1:15-16;4:1;6:19-20) ;和(3)对外邦人的特别福音事工(3:6-8)。




B. 本书写作目的


第一,他们需要在知识中长进。以弗所教会外邦信徒须要和犹太信徒建立关系,他们须要更多体会在主里所处的地位。这很容易地从保罗在书信开始时的两个祷告看到,祷告强调两点:(1)他们须增加对智慧、启示、知识、悟性和如何得着光照的认识(1:17-23) ;(2)靠着圣灵,刚强壮胆;又借着基督的同在,叫他们更能明白属灵的真实(3:14-21)。

第二,他们须要改变生活样式。他们在主里要活出新人的样式,与蒙神呼召和所处的地位相称。在教会中合一,向着在真道上同归于一4:1-16的标杆直跑,在世人面前更要活出新人的样式,不再像未信主前外邦人的样子( 4:17-6:20; 比较2:1-3)。因着基督改变的大能,这是可以的。


C. 书信主题




我们是活在一个崇尚个人主义的社会中,社会如是,教会亦如是。每个人都想按着自己的喜好行事。这便引致教会的矛盾,可能不是因为真理上的分歧,而是肢体间的相处,生活见证,互相合作,荣耀主名,彼此扶持,和共同抵御外来侵扰的事上出了问题。这些问题,都是本文所关切的,我们都囊括在以弗所书的主题:“信徒合一:教会的奥秘” 。

D. 本書信的神學真理


1. 教会(教会论)。一如前述,本书信的重点是普世教会,基督是头,统管万有(1:22)。


教会是一个独特和充满动力的有机体,成员在灵里都在不断成长着,各人运用自己的恩赐,在主里合一,活出与蒙召相称的生活(4:17-6:9) 。他门团结一起,抵抗撒但恶势力要分裂教会的攻击(6:10-20)。


a) 一座不断扩大的建筑物(2:19-22)而渐渐变成主的圣殿,由房角石结合在一起。.

b) 一个被基督“充满”(1:23)的身体(4:4),是借着祂十架上的和好大工(2:16-18),犹太人及外邦人都变成相等的成员,(3 :6;5:20),每人都被装备起来作主的工(4:12),连接元首救主基督(4:15-16;5:23)

c) 基督为她而犠牲的新妇,并将她变得尊贵荣耀而圣洁,属乎基督所有的(5:23-27)。

教会的合一,是借着基督的救赎大工成就的(1:6-8),从上下方向来看,我们与神和好了,从横切面来看,我们各人都和好了(2 :11-18)。而从末世角度来看,我们借着基督,都与天上地下的一切都和好了(1:10)。



2. 救恩(救恩论)。以弗所书从三方面将救恩的真理说明出来:

a) 是过往的事。救恩是一个已经完成了的事实,其中果效可从每一个真正信主的人身上看到(1:7;2:4-5,8-10)。借着基督的十架,犹太人和外邦人已经从两个不同的族裔变成一个新人类,同有一个信仰的群体。在十架下,基督已将所有信徒,借着祂流出的血而与神和好,并借着圣灵的带领而来到神的面前(2:11-18)


c) 是全宇宙的事。救恩广大无边。有一天,借着基督的死和复活,天上地下的万物都归在祂管治之下(1:10,21-22),恢复祂是全宇宙的主的权柄。

救恩完全是神在基督里拯救的恩典,是我们不配得的。真的,人所作的,无论如何了不起,也不能得到救恩。好行为只是救恩的结果,而不是原因。我们得救是本乎恩 也因着信,然后我们才有能力行善(2:8-10)。

3. 神(神论)。这方面的真理可从基督和三位一体显示出来。

基督论。圣经很清楚的表明基督是主。神将耶稣基督从死里复活,升到至高,一切的权柄和荣耀都归给祂,甚至祂坐在神的右边(1:20-21),是极尊贵的,是天上地下万物之主。也掌管着地上及阴间的魔鬼势力。祂是我们的主,现时虽只在教会中,但到了日期满足,全宇宙都归在祂名下(1:10,21-23;3:10-11)。因此,我们在地上最主要目的就是要赞美及称颂这位全宇宙的至高者(1:6, 12, 14)。


a) 我们属灵福气的三位一体性(1:4-14). 我们主耶稣督的父神曾赐给我们天上各样属灵的福气(1:3),和从创立世界以前,在基督里拣选了我们得着救恩(1:4-6)。 在祂里面(儿子)得了救恩(1:7-12),并且我们得了“圣灵”为得基业的印记(1:13-14)。

b) 三位一体的祷告(1:15-23)。我们主耶稣基督的神,是荣耀的父,将那赐人智慧和启示的灵赏给你们(1:17)。

c) 靠着三位一体而来到神面前(2:16-18)。神是三位一体的神,我们已借着十字架(基督的十架)与神和好而归为一体,我们也借着基督被一个圣灵所感,得以进到父面前。

d) 三位一体式的教会结构(2:19-22)。我们都是神家里的人,基督耶稣为房角石,而成为神借着圣灵居住的所在。

e) 三位一体式的祷告结构(3:14-19)。神,就是,我们祷告的对象(14),“借着祂的灵,叫我们心里的力量刚强起来(16),使基督因你们的信,住在你们心里(17)。

f) 三位一体式的教会合一(4:3-6)。教会合一,是因着三位一体的合一而成,就是圣灵只有一个一主一神,就是众人的父

g) 由三位一體而來的道德教訓(4:17-5:24)。我們既“學了基督”(4:20-21),就不要叫“聖靈擔憂”(4:30),一定要“效法神”(5:1)。我們要被“聖靈”充滿(5:18),凡事要奉“我們主耶穌基督”的名,常常感謝“父神”(5:20)。

4. 末后的事(末世论)。以弗所人关心两个世代 – 今世和来世的事情(1:21)。而保罗教导的就是一个“已实现了的”和未来才实现的末世论。今天信徒已在某程度上享受和推行着末世属灵的福气(1:3)。借着对基督的信心,我们不再在行事为人,随从今世的风俗(2:2)。甚而在灵意上,我们与基督已一同坐在天上(2:6)。所以,我们在这一刻,便已经享受着基督无上的权柄和处于一个超越地上一切权势的地位。在末世时才有的实际应验,今天都已在信徒灵命中成就了。

但是以弗所人也了解到末世的应验仍属未来的事。我们肉体得赎是未来的事,虽然我们已预备迎见得赎的那一天(1:14;4:30)。真正国度建立后,不法的人不能进入,但这仍是未来的事情(5:5)。由此可见,以弗所书中所说的末世论,信徒借着与基督的联合所站的地位和福气,与信徒现时所面对各样的争扎、甚而争战(6:10-18)是具有一定张力的。故此,保罗对信徒的劝勉是,各人行事为人就当与蒙召的恩相称(4:1; 比较4:17ff),要照着新人的样子,而不是跟着旧人的模式(4:22,24)。

E. 文学上的特色





在以弗所书,请注意一些常常出现的字眼和词汇。除了一些很明显的字,例如“在” - “在基督里”(1:3-14)不计之外- 以下的字和词汇我们须多加留意:美意(1:5,9);知识、聪明、智慧(1:8,17-18);能力(1:19-21;3:20);恩典、怜悯、爱(2:4-8);丰富(1:7,18;2:7; 3:8,16);称赞和荣耀(1:6, 12, 14, 17, 18);拣选、预定(1:4,5,11);意旨和旨意(1:5,9,11);救赎(1:7,14);和盼望(1:12, 18)。你也会注意到一些描述极其宏大的词汇常常出现,例如:祂丰富的恩典(1:7;2:7),丰盛的荣耀(1:18),能力是何等浩大(1:19),过于人所能测度的(3:19),和超过我们所求所想的(3:20)。


II. 强化圣经中的领导才能
教会中的秩序,提摩太前书1:12-17, 第二部份


A. 有关牧者职责的嘱咐 (1:3-20)

B. 有关公开崇拜的嘱咐(2:1-15)

C. 有关牧者的领导的嘱咐 (3:1-16)

D. 有关牧者的灵性的嘱咐(4:1-6:2)

E. 有关牧者的操守的嘱咐(6:3-21)


A. 对牧者职责的教导(1:3-20)


1. 持守纯正的道理(1:3-11)

2. 传扬神的救恩(1:12-17)

3. 尽忠职守(1:18-20)


2. 见证神的救恩(1:12-17)。保罗给提摩太牧者的第一个职责就是保持信仰的纯正,须要:(1)对抗异端(1:3-7),和(2)传扬真理(1:8-11),尤其是那些在律法方面的真理。当时教会中有一群深懂律法和适当运用律法的“义人”(1:9),但相比之下,教会中又有另外一批人,他们的行为(1:9-10)显露出他们都是一群不法和不服的人1:9。保罗总结这第一个嘱咐,就只用一个概括的说话,就是叫提摩太务要抵挡敌正道的事这是照着可称颂之神交托我荣耀福音说的1:10- 11。提到福音,保罗很自然地道他自己奇妙的个人经历,他的蒙召为福音作见证的使命,以致他为此而感恩(1:12-17)。他的见证集中在三方面 …

a) 感谢主耶稣基督(1:12-14)。这句感恩的说话可分两方面来讨论。第一,派我服事祂(1:12。 “我感谢那给我力量的我们主基督耶稣,因祂以我有忠心,派我服事祂”(1:12)。为着完成那大而难的福音工作,主耶稣将那属灵的力量(甚至体力)加添给保罗,为此保罗深表感恩。他获赐这力量是“因祂以我有忠心,派我服事祂”(1:12b)。 “忠心”是由于他的事奉,尤其在传福音的事上,是忠贞不二和可信赖的。保罗常常惦记着救主差派他的使命,因为他得救的神迹历历在目,是神给他的恩典,这是他每次作见证的时候都会提及的。


信徒所了解的亵渎可以是来自言语或是行为。亵渎的行为可以是故意的违抗或不服神的律法等(民15:30-31)。而亵渎的言语则是轻慢或不尊敬神的话(利24:10-16),例如,将圣灵的工作归功于撒但(太12:31-32)。我们的主和司提反都是被人控诉亵渎神而被处死的(太26:65; 徒6:11)。但保罗则承认在大马色路上遇见复活的主之前,不论在言语和行为上,他是一个不折不扣亵渎神的人。作为一个狂热的犹太人,他拒绝基督就是弥赛亚,他逼迫那些从犹太教而转到跟随基督的人(徒9:1-2, 22:4; 加1:13; 腓3:6)。




b) 确证福音的信息(1:15-16)。第一,保罗把他个人见证延伸到神救恩的范畴和目标上去(1:15a。基督在十架上的大工不只是临到那些显赫的伟人,或是那些经历过不同凡响的遭遇而信主的人。耶稣基督来到世上,不是只拯救保罗或其他像他有类似经历的人。而是基督耶稣降世,为要拯救罪人。这话是可信的,是十分可佩服的1:15a)。

这里保罗好像是引用一些常用有关救恩的术语(或说话) – 基督耶稣降世,为要拯救罪人- 保罗称许这话是可信的,是十分可佩服的。 从他的经验来看,保罗赞叹这句说话是绝对可靠的,是我们必须相信的,拯救保罗的救恩也是每人都可垂手可得的。他也在其他地方说过:因为世人都犯了罪,亏缺了神的荣耀(罗3:23。不论一个人是生活在一个充满暴力或仇恨如保罗,或是花花公子如浪子(路15:11-32)般的生活,基督耶稣降世就是为了拯救他们。这是神救恩的对象和目的。借着基督的救赎大工,这都完成了。

使徒保罗和一些人的得救,他们的背景和经历,的确是经过一连串令人惊心动魄、出人意表的事情,但我们不能将之偶像化,以为所有人得救都必是这样。但我们须要想一想,很多在基督家庭长大的人的得救,就从没有经历过这些。我们要为每一位愿意接受基督的名的人感谢神。无可置疑的,每一位愿意悔改而来到基督面前接受祂救恩的,都是出自神的恩典。保罗再三重申的说:“ 4然而神既有丰富的怜悯,因祂爱我们的大爱,5当我们死在过犯中的时候,便叫我们与基督一同活过来(你们得救是本乎恩)。6祂又叫我们与基督耶稣一同复活,一同坐在天上,7 要将祂极丰富的恩典,就是祂在基督耶稣里向我们所施的恩慈,显明给后来的世代看。8 你们得救是本乎恩,也因着信 这并不是出于自己,乃是神所赐的。9也不是出于行为,免得有人自夸(弗2:4-9)。






c) 赞美神(1:17)。想到他过往的历史和在他身上的作为,保罗不禁地赞美三一真神:但愿尊贵、荣耀归与那不能朽坏,不能看见,永世的君王,独一的神,直到永永远远。阿们!1:17。这一段经文(1:12-17)是由感恩开始,而以赞美神终结。

神是永世的君王- 那位昔在、今在、永在者,是历世的主。祂是不朽坏- 即不受时间限制,是永远长存的,是不可消灭的,是永不改变的,是生命与死亡的主。祂也是不能看见的 – 人不能看见祂,因祂的本性是个灵。祂是独一的神- 在祂以外再无别神(赛45:5)。保罗大大高声赞美神在他身上的恩典和怜悯后,便发出最后的一声赞美:尊贵、荣耀直到永永远远。阿们。我们也要永远赞美神,同声叫着“阿们– 即诚心所愿之意”。



III. 讲道大纲

题目:学习主耶稣 – 称颂我们的王主耶稣(太21:1-11)





1. 但以理书9:25 中的预言已获应验了

2. 撒迦利亚书9:9 中的预信己获应验了


1. 耶稣进入耶路撒冷,服饰朴素(21:6-7)

2. 耶稣进入耶路撒冷,众人冠以庄严的王服(21:8-11)

Related Topics: Pastors

Q. Is Birth Control Sin? How Should A Couple Decide How Many Children To Have?

Dear *****,

I should begin by saying a couple of things. I am 80 years old, and have been married to my wife for sixty years. We have been blessed with six children (one died in childhood). As a man, I cannot fully identify with all of your struggles, though as a husband and church elder I have observed some of these afflictions from a distance. I do take your struggles seriously.

It seems to me that you have raised at least two major questions. The first question is whether birth control is sin or not. My wife and I had to deal with this after having six children, and knowing that others would likely follow. Here is the text which helped us to decide that birth control was not sin. But before going there, let me point to a text which might cause some to conclude that all birth control is sin:

1 And it came about at that time, that Judah departed from his brothers and visited a certain Adullamite, whose name was Hirah. 2 Judah saw there a daughter of a certain Canaanite whose name was Shua; and he took her and went in to her. 3 So she conceived and bore a son and he named him Er. 4 Then she conceived again and bore a son and named him Onan. 5 She bore still another son and named him Shelah; and it was at Chezib that she bore him. 6 Now Judah took a wife for Er his firstborn, and her name was Tamar. 7 But Er, Judah’s firstborn, was evil in the sight of the LORD, so the LORD took his life. 8 Then Judah said to Onan, “Go in to your brother’s wife, and perform your duty as a brother-in-law to her, and raise up offspring for your brother.” 9 Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so when he went in to his brother’s wife, he wasted his seed on the ground in order not to give offspring to his brother. (Gen. 38:1-9 NAU)

It is obvious that Onan practiced a form of birth control, and for this God took his life. The important thing here is to observe that not only Judah, but later on, the law required it as well:

“When brothers live together and one of them dies and has no son, the wife of the deceased shall not be married outside the family to a strange man. Her husband’s brother shall go in to her and take her to himself as wife and perform the duty of a husband’s brother to her” (Deuteronomy 25:5).

This was to assure the continuation of an Israelites’ seed (children) if he died before having a child with his wife.

Thus, we can see that the practice of birth control can, in some circumstances, be sin.

But here are a couple of texts which have indicated to me (and to my wife) that birth control can be a good decision:

1 Now concerning the things about which you wrote, it is good for a man not to touch a woman. 2 But because of immoralities, each man is to have his own wife, and each woman is to have her own husband. 3 The husband must fulfill his duty to his wife, and likewise also the wife to her husband. 4 The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does; and likewise also the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. 5 Stop depriving one another, except by agreement for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer, and come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. 6 But this I say by way of concession, not of command. 7 Yet I wish that all men were even as I myself am. However, each man has his own gift from God, one in this manner, and another in that (1 Corinthians 7:1-7).

Can we not agree that here in verses 1-7 Paul is saying that it can be good for someone to be like Paul in choosing not to marry? Thus, while marriage is a wonderful gift from God, it can also be “good” to choose not to marry. (We shall see this further explained in verses 25-35).

Now concerning virgins I have no command of the Lord, but I give an opinion as one who by the mercy of the Lord is trustworthy. 26 I think then that this is good in view of the present distress (or crisis), that it is good for a man to remain as he is. 27 Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be released. Are you released from a wife? Do not seek a wife. 28 But if you marry, you have not sinned; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned. Yet such will have trouble in this life, and I am trying to spare you. 29 But this I say, brethren, the time has been shortened, so that from now on those who have wives should be as though they had none; 30 and those who weep, as though they did not weep; and those who rejoice, as though they did not rejoice; and those who buy, as though they did not possess; 31 and those who use the world, as though they did not make full use of it; for the form of this world is passing away. 32 But I want you to be free from concern. One who is unmarried is concerned about the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord; 33 but one who is married is concerned about the things of the world, how he may please his wife, 34 and his interests are divided. The woman who is unmarried, and the virgin, is concerned about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and spirit; but one who is married is concerned about the things of the world, how she may please her husband. 35 This I say for your own benefit; not to put a restraint upon you, but to promote what is appropriate and to secure undistracted devotion to the Lord (1 Corinthians 7:25-35).

In verse 26 Paul further explains his words in verses 1-7, by adding one kind of circumstance which could justify the choice to remain single. He refers to this as a “present distress” (verse 26). That word “distress” is used elsewhere to refer to a broad range of troubles, and not just one particular kind of “distress” (like having a cruel government which opposes Christianity). Thus, during certain times of difficulty remaining single is preferable to getting married. (Can you imagine, for example, if Paul were married, and his wife had to endure his suffering with him?)

There is a second reason (in verses 29-35) which Paul gives us for remaining single, rather than choosing to marry. As the time approaches for our Lord to return, there is a greater urgency to proclaim the gospel, and to keep oneself from being overly absorbed in the things of this world. Marriage, as God has designed and described it, places significant obligations on both the husband and the wife. Paul says that some will choose to avoid the distractions, which marriage rightly imposes on a person, for the purpose of pursuing “undistracted devotion to the Lord” (verse 35). Thus, while marriage is the norm, and can rightly be enjoyed, it may also be set aside – for the right reasons. (In or time, marriage is being set aside, but for the wrong reasons.)

One more text should be considered here:

9 “And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.” 10 The disciples said to Him, “If the relationship of the man with his wife is like this, it is better not to marry.” 11 But He said to them, “Not all men can accept this statement, but only those to whom it has been given. 12 “For there are eunuchs who were born that way from their mother’s womb; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are also eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. He who is able to accept this, let him accept it” (Matthew 19:9-12).

In this text Jesus seems to set forth the same principle which Paul later sets forth in 1 Corinthians 7: Some men (and women) rightly set aside the choice to marry and bear children for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Note, here, that it is not just marriage that is set aside, but also child-bearing.

We should not overlook the fact that not only Paul, but our Lord Jesus set aside marriage and child-bearing.

Now some might agree that marriage can be set aside in the will of God, but would argue that child-bearing cannot, if one is married. Matthew 19:12 would seem to challenge that position. But I think that there is a principle underlying all these texts, a principle which does apply to child-bearing:

Just as there are good reasons for setting aside the joys (and obligations) of marriage, there are also good reasons for setting aside the bearing of children. This could mean the choice to have no children (as would be the case if one made himself a eunuch – Matthew 19:12), or of limiting the number of children one has.

By the way, the Bible makes it clear that God sometimes prevented the birth of children, until child-bearing fulfilled His purposes (see, for example, Genesis 25:21; 29:31; 30:1-2, 22; 1 Samuel 1:1-20; Luke 1).

Back to my wife and myself. We had six children, and at least one miscarriage. Had we not limited our ability to reproduce, we could well have born a dozen, or more, children. In our situation, it would have made it very difficult for a family of 12 or 14 to be invited into some folks’ home for dinner, or fellowship. It would have required me to spend a great deal more time with my family, giving each child individual attention. If we were headed for the mission field, it would greatly increase the amount of support that would have to be raised. And thus, we decided that the principle Jesus, and Paul, set forth, applied to child-bearing, as well as to marriage.

This would probably be called our personal conviction, rather than obeying a clear command. But it would be a liberty which we could rightly exercise.

Whether this applies to you and your husband is something you two must decide.

Now, that brings us to some other questions, which your and your husband should discuss and decide upon. The first of these questions is this: Is the bearing of children simply a matter of the wife submitting to her husband? We are told that it is both the husband’s and the wife’s responsibility to sexually satisfy their mate:

Now concerning the things about which you wrote, it is good for a man not to touch a woman. 2 But because of immoralities, each man is to have his own wife, and each woman is to have her own husband. 3 The husband must fulfill his duty to his wife, and likewise also the wife to her husband. 4 The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does; and likewise also the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. 5 Stop depriving one another, except by agreement for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer, and come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control (1 Corinthians 7:1-5).

Using birth control greatly enhances a woman’s ability to have pleasure in sex, while dreading another child can greatly hinder sexual enjoyment (which Paul is saying is essential). Indeed, refraining from sexual fulfillment can lead to a temptation to sin.

Now, regarding your husband’s desire to have three children. I do not personally see that a husband’s desire (or the wife’s, for that matter) for a certain number of children has biblical support. The number of children we would like is simply a desire. Under normal circumstances, both the husband and the wife should agree when they have had enough children, and then they do something (birth control) to prevent further conceptions.

Here Are Some Texts Which I Believe Your Husband Should Consider:

You husbands in the same way, live with your wives in an understanding way, as with someone weaker, since she is a woman; and show her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered (1 Peter 3:7).

1 Now concerning things sacrificed to idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge makes arrogant, but love edifies. 2 If anyone supposes that he knows anything, he has not yet known as he ought to know; 3 but if anyone loves God, he is known by Him. 4 Therefore concerning the eating of things sacrificed to idols, we know that there is no such thing as an idol in the world, and that there is no God but one. 5 For even if there are so-called gods whether in heaven or on earth, as indeed there are many gods and many lords, 6 yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him. 7 However not all men have this knowledge; but some, being accustomed to the idol until now, eat food as if it were sacrificed to an idol; and their conscience being weak is defiled. 8 But food will not commend us to God; we are neither the worse if we do not eat, nor the better if we do eat. 9 But take care that this liberty of yours does not somehow become a stumbling block to the weak. 10 For if someone sees you, who have knowledge, dining in an idol’s temple, will not his conscience, if he is weak, be strengthened to eat things sacrificed to idols? 11 For through your knowledge he who is weak is ruined, the brother for whose sake Christ died. 12 And so, by sinning against the brethren and wounding their conscience when it is weak, you sin against Christ. 13 Therefore, if food causes my brother to stumble, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause my brother to stumble (1 Corinthians 8:1-13).

[If I could sum up this chapter, as it applies to you, I would say: Love should motivate me to surrender my rights, when exercising my liberty hurts another.]

1 Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, 2 make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. 3 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; 4 do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. 5 Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. 8 Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. 9 For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, 10 so that at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father (Philippians 2:1-11).

See also Paul’s teaching about “personal convictions” in Romans 14 and 15. I do not believe that a husband should expect his wife to “submit” to his wishes when doing so may violate her convictions.

*******, I hope this gives you and your husband something to discuss and decide.


Bob Deffinbaugh

Related Topics: Christian Life, Ethics, Marriage, Relationships

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9. Eschatology: Consummation of All Things

The term “eschatology” comes from two Greek terms e[scato" and lovgo" meaning (roughly speaking) “last,” “end,” or “final” and “word,” “matter” “thing,” respectively. Theologically speaking, then, the term eschatology refers to “things pertaining to the end of history and the consummation of God’s kingdom.” It concerns both personal eschatological issues such as death and the intermediate state as well as themes with a more general or corporate focus. The latter would include such topics as the return of Christ, resurrection, judgment, tribulation, the millennial kingdom, and the eternal state.

IA. Personal Eschatology

1B. The Meaning of Physical Death

1C. The Subjects—Hebrews 9:27
2C. A Purely Materialist View
3C. A Christian Materialistic View
4C. Another Christian View: Man as a Unified, But Composite Being

2B. The Meaning of Spiritual Death

1C. The State—Ephesians 2:1
2C. The Fruit of Spiritual Death—Ephesians 4:17-19
3C. The Ultimate End: Second Death
1D. Revelation 21:8
2D. Revelation 20:6

3B. The Ultimate Cause of Physical and Spiritual Death

1C. 1 Corinthians 15:21
2C. Genesis 2:17, 23-24; 5

4B. The Existential Problem of Death

1C. Acts 8:2
2C. Philippians 2:27
3C. 1 Thessalonians 4:13
4C. Hebrews 4:15
5C. 1 Corinthians 15:55-57

5B. The Nature of the Intermediate State (Zwischenzustand)

1C. Unconscious Limbo/Soul Sleep (e.g., S. D. Adventists./Jehovah Witnesses)
1D. The Use of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-15
2D. Luke 16:19-31
2C. Purgatory (R.C.)
1D. 2 Maccabees 12:42-45
2D. Matthew 5:26; 12:32
3D. 1 Corinthians 3:15
4D. 2 Timothy 1:18
5D. The Need for Personal Faith in This Life—cf. John 8:24
3C. Instantaneous Resurrection (F. F. Bruce; W. D. Davies)
1D. 2 Corinthians 5:1-10
2D. A Presupposition of Anthropological Monism?
4C. Christians Go To Be with God, But Await Resurrection Bodies
1D. 2 Corinthians 5:8-9
2D. 1 Thessalonians 5:10
3D. Luke 23:43
4D. Unbelievers
1E. Luke 16:23-24
2E. John 5:28-29
3E. Matthew 25:46

IIA. Corporate Eschatology

1B. The Return of Christ: Areas of General Agreement

1C. It Is Certain, Though Day Unknown
1D. Acts 1:11
2D. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
3D. Hebrews 9:28
4D. Revelation 22:12 (22:20)
5D. Philippians 4:5; James 5:8; 2 Peter 3:10; 1 John 3:2-3
2C. The Source: Jesus’ Teaching
1D. Matthew 24:3; 24:30
2D. John 14:3
3D. Revelation 1:7
3C. The Specific Timing
1D. Matthew 24:36
2D. Matthew 24:36-25:30
4C. It Will Be Personal and Visible to All
5C. It Will Be Magnificent
1D. Comparison with First Coming
2D. Matthew 24:23
3D. Matthew 24:27-28
6C. He Will Come As Judge and Savior
1D. Mark 13: Judgment and Salvation
2D. Luke 21: Judgment and Salvation38
3D. The Wicked in Matthew 24-25
4D. The Righteous in Matthew 24-25

2B. The Return of Christ: Areas of Difference among Evangelicals

1C. Texts Relating to the “Imminent” Return of Christ
1D. Matthew 24:40-50
2D. Luke 12:40
2C. Texts Relating to Events Preceding Christ’s Return
1D. Matthew 24:14
2D. Matthew 24:21
3D. 2 Thessalonians 2:3
4D. Romans 11:25-32
5D. Matthew 24:4-14
3C. Liberalism and Its Answer
4C. Prophetic Foreshortening
1D. Revelation 22:12—“soon”
2D. Hebrews 10:17—“in a little while”
5C. Berkhof’s Position39
6C. Grudem’s Response40
7C. A Dispensational Response
8C. An Experiential Approach and Response
9C. All Preceding Events Have Occurred

3B. The Nature and Timing of the Rapture

1C. The Nature of the Rapture: 1 Thessalonians 4:17
2C. The Timing of the Rapture
1D. Pre-Tribulational Rapture
2D. Partial Tribulational Rapture
3D. Mid-Tribulational Rapture
4D. Post-Tribulational Rapture

5B. The Nature of the Millennium

1C. Postmillennialism (P. M.)
1D. Statement of Position
2D. Proponents of Position
1E. Eusebius of Caesarea (AD 260-340)
2E. Origen41 (185-254)
3E. Theodore Beza (1519-1605)
4E. John Owen (1616-1683)
5E. Isaac Watts (1674-1748)
6E. Jonathon Edwards (1703-1758)
7E. A H. Strong (1836-1921)
3D. Strengths and Weaknesses of Position
1E. God’s Power and Sovereignty
2E. God’s Provision in Christ and the Spirit
3E. The Gradual Growth of the Church Outlined in Jesus’ Parables
4E. No Point Really Establishes P. M. in Contrast to Another System
5E. The Church Is Characterized by Suffering not Worldwide Triumph42
6E. The Experience of History43
2C. Historic Premillennialism
1D. Statement of the Position
2D. Proponents of the Position
1E. The First Three Centuries of the Church
2E. The Alexandrian Church
3E. Augustine’s (350-430) Amillennialism and the Medieval Period
4E. The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
3D. Strengths and Weaknesses
1E. The Exegesis of Revelation 20:4-6 and e[zhsan
2E. The “One Passage” Critique
3C. Dispensational Pre-Millennialism
1D. Statement of the Position
2D. Proponents of the Position
1E. J. N. Darby (1800-1882)
2E. John F. Walvoord
3E. J. Dwight Pentecost
4E. Charles C. Ryrie
5E. Darrell L. Bock
6E. Craig L. Blaising
3D. Strengths and Weaknesses
1E. Recognition of Structural Discontinuities Between the Testaments
2E. A Future for National Israel
3E. Two Peoples of God?
4E. The Davidic Covenant and the Presence of the Kingdom Now
3C. Amillennialism
1D. Statement of the Position
2D. Proponents of the Position
1E. Augustine (354-430)
2E. Martin Luther (1483-1546)
3E. John Calvin (1509-1564)
4E. Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920)
5E. Hermann Bavinck (1854-1921)
6E. Louis Berkhof (1873-1957)
3D. Strengths and Weaknesses
1E. Many Passages Affirm Amill Scheme
2E. The Binding of Satan in Revelation 20
3E. The Symbolic Nature of the Book of Revelation
4E. The Church Replaces Israel
5E. The Amill Reading of Revelation 20 Is Strained
6E. OT Promises Envision an Earthly Kingdom (cf. 1 Cor 15:24; Rev 5:10; 12:5)
7E. The Binding of Satan Did Not Occur at Christ’s Return as Many Amill’s Argue
8E. The Probability of Progressive Revelation within the NT Canon
9E. The Church and Israel in God’s Plan

6B. Resurrection, Judgment, and The Eternal State

1C. The Resurrection of All People
1D. Daniel 12:2
2D. John 5:28-29
2C. The Judgment of All People
1D. Acts 17:31
2D. Revelation 20:11-15
3C. The Doctrine of Heaven and the Eternal State
1D. A State or Place?
2D. A Look at Revelation 21-22
4C. The Doctrine of Hell
1D. Liberal Views
2D. Traditional View: Eternal Conscious Suffering
2D. Conditional Immortality
4C. The Doctrine of Heaven
1D. The Desire for Heaven
2D. The Term "Heaven"
3D. The Nature of Heaven
4D. The New Heavens and the New Earth

38 It appears that Luke has a focus on AD 70 (21:20-24), but one can hardly suggest that such verses as 21:27, 35 are not looking to the grand eschaton. And, what happened in AD 70 could, theoretically anyway, be repeated at a later date.

39 Berkhof, Systematic Theology, 695-703.

40 Grudem, Systematic Theology, 1095-1105.

41 Gentry, “Postmillennialism,” 15. He cites the work of Donald G. Bloesch, Essentials of Evangelical Theology: Vol. 2: Life, Ministry, and Hope (San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1979), 192 and Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church, 5th ed. (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, rep. n.d. [1910]), 2:591, cf. 122.

42 See Robert Strimple, “An Amillennial Response to Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr.,” in Three Views on the Millennium and Beyond, ed. Darrell L. Bock (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1999), 63-66.

43 Blaising, “Premillennial Response,” 75.

Related Topics: Eschatology (Things to Come), Teaching the Bible

O Que a Bíblia Diz Sobre o Inferno

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Factos-Chave Sobre a Eternidade

(1) Todos nós existiremos para sempre, ou no Céu, ou no Inferno (Daniel 12:2,3; Mateus 25:46; João 5:28; Revelação 20:14,15).

(2) Cada um de nós tem apenas uma vida para determinar o seu destino (Hebreus 9:27).

(3) Ir para o Céu ou para o Inferno está dependente de a pessoa acreditar (colocar a sua confiança) no poder de Cristo para a salvação (João 3:16, 36, etc.).

Textos-Chave Sobre o Inferno

(1) O Inferno foi originalmente criado para Satanás e os seus demónios (Mateus 25:41; Revelação 20:10).

(2) O Inferno também irá punir o pecado daqueles que rejeitarem Cristo (Mateus 13:41,50; Revelação 20:11-15; 21:8).

(3) O Inferno é um tormento consciente.

  • Mateus 13:50 – “fornalha ardente... choro e ranger de dentes”
  • Marcos 9:48 – “onde o seu verme não morre, e o fogo não se apaga”
  • Revelação 14:10 – “será ainda atormentado com enxofre ardente”

(4) O Inferno é eterno e irreversível.

  • Revelação 14:11 – “e a fumaça do tormento de tais pessoas sobe para todo o sempre... não há descanso, dia e noite”
  • Revelação 20:14 – “O lago de fogo é a segunda morte”
  • Revelação 20:15– “Se o nome de alguém não foi encontrado no livro da vida, este foi lançado no lago de fogo”

Perspectivas Erradas sobre o Inferno

(1) A perspectiva das segundas oportunidades – Após a morte, ainda há forma de escapar ao Inferno.

Resposta: “o homem está destinado a morrer uma só vez e depois disso enfrentar o juízo” (Hebreus 9:27).

(2) Universalismo – Todos têm a salvação eterna.

Resposta: Nega a realidade da salvação através de Cristo, que significa que uma pessoa pode decidir ou confiar em Cristo, ou rejeitá-Lo e ir para o Inferno (João 3:16, 36).

(3) Aniquilacionismo – o Inferno significa que uma pessoa morre como um animal – deixa de existir.

Resposta: Nega a ressurreição dos injustos (João 5:28, etc. – ver acima). Nega um tormento consciente (ver acima).

Objecções à Perspectiva Bíblica sobre o Inferno

(1) Um Deus amoroso não enviaria pessoas para um Inferno horrível.

Resposta: Deus É justo (Romanos 2:11).

  • Deus tornou a salvação acessível a todos (João 3:16,17; 2 Coríntios 5:14,15; 1 Timóteo 2:6; 4:10; Tito 2:11; 2 Pedro 3:9).
  • Mesmo aqueles que nunca ouviram falar de Cristo são indesculpáveis, uma vez que Deus Se revela na natureza (Romanos 1:20). Deus procura aqueles que O procuram (Mateus 7:7; Lucas 19:10).
  • Assim, Deus não envia as pessoas para o Inferno; são elas mesmas que o escolhem (Romanos 1:18,21,25).

(2) O Inferno é um castigo demasiado severo para o pecado humano.

Resposta: Deus É santo e perfeito (1 Pedro 1:14,15).

  • O pecado é a oposição intencional contra Deus, nosso criador (Romanos 1:18-32).
  • O nosso pecado é realmente merecedor do Inferno (Romanos 1:32; 2:2,5,6).
  • O que é verdadeiramente injusto e incrível é que Cristo tenha morrido pelo nosso pecado e que ofereça gratuitamente a salvação a todas as pessoas (Romanos 2:4; 3:22-24; 4:7,8; 5:8,9).

Termos Bíblicos que Descrevem os Locais Onde se Encontram os Mortos

  • Sheol – termo hebraico que descreve simplesmente “a sepultura” ou “morte” – não se refere especificamente ao Inferno.
  • Hades – termo grego que, usualmente, se refere ao Inferno – um local de tormento (Lucas 10:15; 16:23, etc.).
  • Geena – termo grego (“emprestado” de um lugar em que se queimava lixo perto de Jerusalém) que se refere sempre ao Inferno – um local de tormento (Mateus 5:30; 23:33).
  • “Lago de fogo” – o destino final dos que não creem em Deus após a ressurreição (Revelação 20:14,15).
  • “Seio de Abrãao” – um lugar de conforto eterno (Lucas 16:22).
  • “Paraíso” – um lugar de conforto eterno (Lucas 23:43).
  • “Com o Senhor” – frase-chave que descreve o local para onde vão, após a morte, os crentes da era da Igreja (Filipenses 1:23; 1 Tessalonicenses 4:17; 2 Coríntios 5:8).
  • “Novos céus e nova terra” – o local onde estarão os crentes após a ressurreição (Revelação 20:4-6; 21:1-4).


A nossa curiosidade acerca do destino dos mortos não pode ser inteiramente saciada com termos ou versículos bíblicos. O que sabemos é que o tormento eterno no Inferno ou a alegria eterna no Céu são os destinos que aguardam todas as pessoas após a morte, com base na sua rejeição ou confiança no sacrifício de Cristo pelo pecado, respectivamente.

Sid Litke, Th.M., licenciado em 1984 pelo Seminário Teológico de Dallas, é actualmente pastor na Open Door Bible Church em Port Washington, Wisconsin.

Tradução de C. Pinto Oliveira

Related Topics: Hell
