Where the world comes to study the Bible

  • Piety, Patriotism, and Politics

    Was the American Revolution biblically supported?

    This is a very legitimate question, and one that poses special problems for Christians. For one thing there is a strong desire to demonstrate that our country was “founded by Christians, on Christian principles.” If one were to conclude that our nation began by a rebellion against authority that was not biblical, it might show us to have feet of clay in this matter.

    Biblical Topics: 
  • 5. Fighting Back: The Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit


    The Helmet of Salvation protects what we think and how we think. Sue guides us in ways to think about ourselves in the contexts of belonging to God and to the body of Christ. She discusses in detail her response to the celebration of Halloween by Christians. The Sword of the Spirit represents the use of the Word of God to stand against the lies and deceptions of the enemy. In order to use this offensive weapon most effectively, we should study and memorize Scripture.
  • 4. The Shoes of Peace and the Shield of Faith

    3. The Belt of Truth and the Breastplate of Righteousness (Ephesians 6:13-14)


    From Ephesians 6:13-14, Sue speaks about the two important elements of truth and righteousness in preparing to resist the devil. She describes the ancient defensive belt and breastplate and relates them to the necessity of our proper preparation for battle. We must know the truth as presented in God’s Word, believe it, and live according to it. We must also know the person who is Truth, Jesus Christ. We must possess the righteousness of Jesus Christ, who died on our behalf, in order to be in right standing with God.
  • 36. Le Chemin du Retour (Genèse 35:1-29)


    Près de trente ans ont passé depuis que Jacob avait prêté serment de retourner à Béthel, où Dieu s’était révélé à lui durant sa fuite d’Esaü à Paddân-Aram. Bien plus pire, il s’était passé dix ans depuis que Jacob avait quitté Laban et était retourné à la terre promise. Jacob avait construit une maison à Soukkoth (33:17) et formé une alliance à Sichem avec les Cananéens, qui aurait pu amener la ruine de la nation qui devait émerger des descendants de Jacob.

    Taxonomy upgrade extras: 
  • Five Old Fragments of the Greek New Testament

    August 16, 2008: Four weary men drove off to the Dallas-Fort Worth airport in the early afternoon. Seventeen large pieces of luggage filled up two vehicles. Their flight was at 5.15 pm. They were headed to London by way of Atlanta.

    The team of scholar-photographers was made up of Dr. Jeff Hargis (patristics scholar), Mr. Jeff Miller (textual critic and local pastor), Mr. Andrew Wallace (videographer and technical specialist), and Dr. Daniel B. Wallace, executive director of the Center for the Study of New Testament manuscripts.

    Biblical Topics: 
  • 5. The Necessity of the Incarnation: Why God Drew Near to Mankind – Part I (Hebrews 2:5-9)

    13 But to which of the angels has he ever said, “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet”? 14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to serve those who will inherit salvation? (Hebrews 1:13-14)
    Biblical Topics: 
  • 2. Standing in the Truth (Ephesians 6:11-13)


    In Ephesians 6:11-13, Paul urges us to put on “the full armor of God” and to “stand firm” against the devil. In this lesson, Sue instructs us to combat Satan based on truth from God’s Word. Sue warns us against harboring “strongholds” by teaching what they are and how to recognize them. She then advises us to demolish strongholds according to biblical principles.
  • 35. Un Pas en Avant et Trois en Arrière (Genèse 33:1-34:31)


    Quand notre église commença à se réunir, un homme à une de nos réunions se leva avec plein de très bonnes choses à dire nous concernant. Il exprima son avis sincère que notre église était la plus basée sur le Nouveau Testament qu’il avait trouvée. En tout, c’était le genre de chose que la plupart d’entre nous aimait entendre. Après qu’il eut fini, j’ai ressenti le besoin d’ajouter un petit commentaire à ce qu’il venait de dire.

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  • 34. Comment Gagner Avec Dieu et les Hommes (Genèse 32:1-32)


    Dr James Dobson raconte une histoire amusante qui illustre bien une tendance commune. Un certain étudiant en médecine pensait qu’il pouvait simplement et par lui-même prendre soin d’un malade mental qui avait certaines illusions en mettant tout en ordre dans son esprit. Vous voyez, ce patient pensait qu’il était mort. Ce docteur en herbe croyait que tout ce qu’il avait besoin de faire était de prouver rationnellement à cet homme qu’il était impossible qu’il soit mort.

    Biblical Topics: 
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