Where the world comes to study the Bible


Date Title Name
2024-12-13 A Communion Series: Jesus In…The Books Of The Bible Kevin Dodge
2024-03-30 Q. Has God Been Seen Or Not? And, Is Soul Sleep True? Bob Deffinbaugh
2021-10-05 5. Christ’s Resurrection Gregory Brown
2021-10-05 6. Christ’s Ascension Gregory Brown
2021-10-05 7. Evidence for Christ’s Deity: His Teaching and the Resurrection Gregory Brown
2021-10-05 8. Evidence for Christ’s Deity: Prophecy and Miracles Gregory Brown
2021-10-05 9. Typology of Christ Gregory Brown
2021-10-04 The Bible Teacher’s Guide, Christology: Knowing Jesus Christ Gregory Brown
2021-10-04 1. Christ’s Preexistence and Deity Gregory Brown
2021-10-04 2. Christ’s Humanity Gregory Brown
2021-10-04 3. Christ’s Sinless Life Gregory Brown
2021-10-04 4. Christ’s Death Gregory Brown
2021-05-01 Lesson 6: Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus and Israel Gregory Brown
2020-03-31 2. Final Words of Jesus: Words of Confidence (Lk. 23:44-49) Roger Pascoe
2020-03-31 4. Final Words of Jesus: The Testimony of His Deity (Matt. 27:45-54) Roger Pascoe
2020-01-30 3. Läran om Kristus Sid Litke
2019-02-14 Painting The Portrait Of Jesus: The “I Am’s” From The Gospel Of John Melanie Newton
2018-07-30 Q. Where And How Did Jesus Drink “The Cup Of Wrath”? Bob Deffinbaugh
2016-09-30 21. มัทธิว บทเรียนที่ 21 “ทำไมพระเยซูไม่ปรับไปตามที่มนุษย์คาดหวัง หรือ ทำไมพระเยซูเลี้ยงฉลองในขณะที่คนอื่นๆอดอาหาร (มัทธิว 9:1-17) Bob Deffinbaugh
2016-05-22 Drops of Infinite Love Craig Biehl
2016-04-14 Lesson 20: Christ is All and in All (Colossians 3:11) Steven J. Cole
2016-02-04 Lesson 11: Religion Versus Christ (Colossians 2:8-12) Steven J. Cole
2016-01-25 Bible Teacher's Guide: Colossians: Christ Revealed - The Hope Of Glory Gregory Brown
2016-01-22 7. “มารผจญพระเยซูครั้งที่สาม” (มัทธิว 4:8-10) Hugh T. Blevins Jr.
2016-01-22 8. เริ่มต้นพระราชกิจของพระเยซู (มัทธิว 4:12-25) Bob Deffinbaugh
2016-01-11 6. “พระเยซูถูกมารทดลองครั้งที่สอง” “ก้าวกระโดดของความเชื่อ” (มัทธิว 4:5-7) Bob Deffinbaugh
2016-01-07 5. มารมาผจญพระเยซู ตอนที่ 1 (มัทธิว 3:13—4:4) Bob Deffinbaugh
2015-12-04 Lesson 5: Christ Preeminent Over All (Colossians 1:15-20) Steven J. Cole
2015-11-20 The Promise of the Gospel Daniel Bennett
2015-11-20 Lesson 7: The Gospel to David (2 Samuel 7) Daniel Bennett
2015-11-09 Colossians Steven J. Cole
2015-07-27 Lesson 96: Jesus, the King of Truth (John 18:33-38a) Steven J. Cole
2015-06-08 Lesson 93: Jesus In Control (John 18:1-11) Steven J. Cole
2015-03-31 Lesson 88: Doing God’s Will in a Hostile World (John 17:1-5) Steven J. Cole
2015-02-26 Lesson 130: The Hour of Darkness, Part II (Luke 22:31-53) Daniel Bennett
2015-02-26 Lesson 129: The Hour of Darkness, Part I (Luke 22:31-53) Daniel Bennett
2015-02-26 Lesson 131: The Hour of Darkness, Part III (Luke 22:31-53) Daniel Bennett
2015-02-24 Lesson 117: How Can He Be Lord? (Luke 20:41-44) Daniel Bennett
2015-02-19 Lesson 111: The King Will Be Glorified (Luke 19:28-40) Daniel Bennett
2015-02-19 Lesson 112: Why Missions Demands Weeping (Luke 19:41-44) Daniel Bennett
