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Pages on: Luke 18

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Chapter 2: Fasting In The New Testament: Remembrance And Anticipation In The Messianic AgeKent Berghuis7.67
Luke 18Bob Utley6.49
Luke 19Bob Utley3.14
57. Blessed Babes and a Miserable Millionaire (Luke 18:15-30)Bob Deffinbaugh2.09
The Glory of God in the Passion of Jesus ChristBob Deffinbaugh2
The Validity of Ingressive Imperfects in the Greek of the New TestamentDaniel B. Wallace2
17. On Eating Drinking and Being Merry (Luke 5:27-39)Bob Deffinbaugh1.3
56. Piety, Persistence, Penitence, and Prayer (Luke 18:1-14)Bob Deffinbaugh1.3
58. From the Sublime to the Ridiculous (Luke 18:31-19:10)Bob Deffinbaugh1.23
13. Scripture Twisting and the Second Coming, Part 1 (2 Thessalonians 2:1-5)Bob Deffinbaugh1.19
Luke 9Bob Utley1.16
10. The Pharisee and The Tax Collector (Luke 18:9-14)Jodi Hooper1.16
13. Israel's Relationship to the WorldBob Deffinbaugh1.14
9. “Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit” (Matthew 5:1-13)Bob Deffinbaugh1.14
8. The Grace of God, Part I (Ephesians 1:5-12; 2:1-10)Bob Deffinbaugh1.07
Luke 17Bob Utley1.07
Εἰ μή Clauses in the NT: Interpretation and TranslationMultiple Authors1.02
The Synoptic ProblemDaniel B. Wallace1.02
7. Humility, Patience, and Prayer: James 4 & 5Susie Hawkins1.02
The Ceremonial Or Moral Law: Jonathan Edwards’s Old Perspective On An Old ErrorCraig Biehl1.02
Lesson 8: Come Home; Jesus is Looking for You (Luke 17:1-19:27)Kay Daigle1
Chapter 4: The Development Of Fasting From Monasticism Through The Reformation To The Modern EraKent Berghuis1
Discipleship OverviewHampton Keathley IV1
Introduction: The Parallel Gospels In Chronological OrderDavid Colburn1
21. Jesus and the Man Born Blind (John 9:1-12)Bob Deffinbaugh1
13. The Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40)Bob Deffinbaugh1
Coming Home to Jesus: A Study of Luke for Wise WomenKay Daigle1
3.8. The Stewardship of God’s Truth Through DiscipleshipJ. Hampton Keathley, III1
18. The Laborers in the VineyardHampton Keathley IV1
Jesus as Θεός (God): A Textual ExaminationBrian J. Wright1
The Epistle to the GalatiansGreg Herrick1
Das Mosaische Gesetz: Seine Funktion und sein Zweck im Neuen TestamentJ. Hampton Keathley, III1
10. The Latter Perean MinistryDave Dawson1
Mark 10Bob Utley0.95
6. Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler (Matthew 19:16-30; Mark 10:17-27; Luke 18:18-27)Jodi Hooper0.93
Introduction to LukeBob Utley0.81
Paul and Civil Obedience in Romans 13:1-7Greg Herrick0.79
14. Toward Jerusalem: Ministry in Judea and Final LessonsDarrell L. Bock0.7
Chronology & Synopsis of the Passion WeekPeter L. Smith0.67
Week 9: Matthew 19–20; Mark 10; Luke 12:13–19:27David Colburn0.56
2. The Doctrine of Repentance In the Old TestamentRobert N. Wilkin0.47
Matthew 19Bob Utley0.47
2. Doktrin Pertobatan Dalam Perjanjian LamaRobert N. Wilkin0.47
2. An Examination of Key Texts in the DiscussionGreg Herrick0.42
1. The Atonement in Lucan Theology in Recent DiscussionGreg Herrick0.42
6. The Future Judgment of the BelieverLehman Strauss0.4
6. Pengadilan yang Akan Datang Bagi Orang PercayaLehman Strauss0.4
Death and AfterwardLehman Strauss0.4
Luke 11Bob Utley0.33
13. Toward Jerusalem: The New RealityDarrell L. Bock0.33
Matthew 21Bob Utley0.33
5. Topical Prayer: MiscRobert Hill0.33
Matthew 18Bob Utley0.33
13. Similarities among John's Gospel and the Synoptic GospelsJames M. Arlandson0.33
20. The Journey to JerusalemJohn F. Walvoord0.33
Life VisionCenter for Christian Leadership0.3
2.8. The Prayer-Filled Life (Part 2)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.3
1 Timothy 6Bob Utley0.3
19. Jesus Ministers in PereaJohn F. Walvoord0.3
Wealthy People in the New Testamentadmin0.3
Principles of Prayer from Luke 11J. Hampton Keathley, III0.3
10. HaggaiHampton Keathley IV0.3
16. Discipleship: Its People and ProcessBob Deffinbaugh0.3
1 Corinthians 13Bob Utley0.3
21. Why Jesus Doesn’t Conform to Man’s Expectations or Why Does Jesus Feast when Others Fast? (Matthew 9:1-17)Bob Deffinbaugh0.28
2. Amen. Wow! (Matthew 6:5-8)Chip Bell0.28
22. Mission Accomplished (Acts 14:1-28)Bob Deffinbaugh0.28
Luke 6Bob Utley0.26
C.H. Spurgeon’s 130 Sermons on PrayerCharles Haddon Spurgeon0.23
28. The Un-Triumphal Entry (John 12:9-19)Bob Deffinbaugh0.23
3. Prayer in the New TestamentRobert Hill0.23
5. God is SpiritRichard L. Strauss0.23
Luke 16Bob Utley0.23
Matthew 20Bob Utley0.23
34. Healing of Blind Bartimeaus (+1)Hampton Keathley IV0.23
Lesson 57: God Our Provider (Hebrews 13:20-21)Steven J. Cole0.23
Luke 8Bob Utley0.23
60. The Untriumphal Entry (Luke 19:28-44)Bob Deffinbaugh0.21
The Kingdom of God in New Testament Theology: The Battle, The Christ, The Spirit-Bearer, and Returning Son of ManDarrell L. Bock0.21
22. Divine Election is Questioned (Romans 9:14-23)Bob Deffinbaugh0.21
Lesson 24: Confidence and Carefulness in Prayer (1 John 5:14-17)Steven J. Cole0.21
10. Eyewitness Testimony in Mark’s GospelJames M. Arlandson0.21
Bibliography for Atonement in LukeGreg Herrick0.21
10. More Galilean MinistryDarrell L. Bock0.21
14. The Authority To Give Sight (Matthew 9:27-31)Allen Ross0.21
7. The New Testament Church—Its FinancesBob Deffinbaugh0.19
5. Philippians 3Dave Hagelberg0.19
Matthew 7Bob Utley0.19
Soul BuildingPaul Thomas Thigpen0.19
John 14Bob Utley0.19
3. A Strange Looking Character in the Zurich AirportBill Lawrence0.19
7. Dreams Require PerseveranceKay Daigle0.19
16. The Unjust Judge and the Persistent WidowHampton Keathley IV0.19
19. Living on the Edge of Eternity (1 Peter 4:7-11)Bob Deffinbaugh0.19
7. Seeing People from the CloudsKay Daigle0.19
Luke 7Bob Utley0.19
John 16Bob Utley0.19
5. Real Religion Requires Endurance James 5:7-20Bob Deffinbaugh0.19
2. Let it Ride - Stick with long-term investmentsChip Bell0.16
8. When Less is More (Judges 6:36-7:23)Bob Deffinbaugh0.16
4. Topical Prayer: The Persons of GodRobert Hill0.16
The Kingdom of HeavenJohn F. Walvoord0.16
Nehemiah 1Bob Utley0.16
Philippians 4Bob Utley0.16
3. New Testament Repentance: Lexical ConsiderationsRobert N. Wilkin0.14
Matthew 14Bob Utley0.14
An Introduction to MatthewDavid Malick0.14
3. Pertobatan dalam Perjanjian Baru: Pertimbangan LexicalRobert N. Wilkin0.14
Jeremiah 2Bob Utley0.14
9. The Sin QuestionMatthew Finlay0.14
24. The Ideal of Submission (Job)Imanuel Christian0.14
The Significance of the ResurrectionBob Deffinbaugh0.14
10. The Woman at the Well (John 4:1-42)Bob Deffinbaugh0.14
Is it true that it one has unconfessed sin in their life, that God does not answer ones prayers?admin0.14
17. Bearing Burdens: How One Sinner Relates to the Sin of Another (Galatians 6:1-5)Bob Deffinbaugh0.14
C. Praktek Belajar AlkitabGreg Herrick0.14
Forgiveness: Coming Home to God's EmbracePaul Thomas Thigpen0.14
C. Practice of Bible StudyGreg Herrick0.14
17. The Pharisee and the PublicanHampton Keathley IV0.14
48. Jesus and the Religious LeadersBob Deffinbaugh0.14
Soteriology - The Doctrine of SalvationJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.14
20. The Life and Times of Elisha the Prophet— Looking Out for a Lovely Lady (2 Kings 8:1-6; 4:8-37)Bob Deffinbaugh0.14
16. Holiness: The False and the True (Leviticus 21 and 22)Bob Deffinbaugh0.14
15. Mastering A Plan for Formal Time Together—FastingGreg Herrick0.14
The Interpretation of Parables: Exploring “Imaginary Gardens with Real Toads”Greg Herrick0.14
12. Christ and Cultures: Multiculturalism and the Gospel of ChristKenneth Boa0.14
Luke 5Bob Utley0.14
Lesson 14: Salvation by Grace through Faith Alone (Ephesians 2:8-9)Steven J. Cole0.14
1. Lifestyles of the Poor and Nameless (Matthew 5:1-5)Chip Bell0.12
Matthew 8Bob Utley0.12
Does Philippians 1:6 Guarantee Progressive Sanctification? (Part 2)John F. Hart0.12
Lesson 27: Judging Others, Judging Self (Luke 6:36-45)Steven J. Cole0.09
12. Mastering A Plan for Formal Time Together—PrayerGreg Herrick0.09
6. Love Is Not Proud but Humble (1 Cor. 13:4-5)Richard Ostella0.09
Luke 24Bob Utley0.09
3. Hope and the Resurrection (Luke 24)Bob Deffinbaugh0.09
The Greek Article With Proper Names In Matthew: Traditional Grammar And Discourse PerspectivesSteve Janssen0.09
Acts 1Bob Utley0.09
The Meaning Of ἁρπαγμός In Philippians 2:6 - An Overlooked Datum For Functional Inequality Within The GodheadDennis Ray Burk Jr.0.09
What is the theme of Luke 19:1-10 and how would you tell the story to a child?admin0.09
I Peter 1:1-2:3Bob Utley0.09
7. Jesus at the House of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10)Jodi Hooper0.09
2.9. The Devotional LifeJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.09
2. Mazmur Nabi yang Tidak Taat (Yunus 2:1-10)Bob Deffinbaugh0.09
77. From Invisibility to Invincibility (Luke 24:36-53)Bob Deffinbaugh0.09
2. The Psalm of the Prodigal Prophet (Jonah 2:1-10)Bob Deffinbaugh0.09
Luke 10Bob Utley0.07
13. When Christ Comes for the ChurchJohn F. Walvoord0.07
When Did Jesus Know? The Translation of Aorist and Perfect Participles for Verbs of Perception In the GospelsDaniel B. Wallace0.07
Isaiah 53 (52:13-53:12)Bob Utley0.07
2.7. The Prayer-Filled Life (Part 1)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.07
The ParticipleDaniel B. Wallace0.07
12. God’s Plan for the Present: Its Impact on Our Perspective and Our PlansBob Deffinbaugh0.07
6. “The Pupil Of Your Eye”: God’s Eye And Our Perception Michael E. Travers0.07
5. The Necessity of the Incarnation: Why God Drew Near to Mankind – Part I (Hebrews 2:5-9)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Isaiah 66Bob Utley0.05
12. The Six Seals (6:1-17)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
What does the Bible say about fasting?admin0.05
10. The Grace of God, Part III (Romans 12:1-21)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Luke 13Bob Utley0.05
John 6Bob Utley0.05
Luke 14Bob Utley0.05
Chapter 5: Toward A Contemporary Christian Theology Of FastingKent Berghuis0.05
II Peter 3Bob Utley0.05
Why Respond to Gail Riplinger?James R. White0.05
21. The Great Debates: (Acts 15:1-41)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Appendix: For Further Thought (Chapter Study Guides)Vickie Kraft0.05
Acts 6Bob Utley0.05
16. PrayerEmery Nester0.05
2 Corinthians 10Bob Utley0.05
Ephesians 3Bob Utley0.05
Matthew 23Bob Utley0.05
Luke 12Bob Utley0.05
Acts 14Bob Utley0.05
22. The Fatal Failures of Religion: #3 Externalism (Matthew 6:1-18)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Appendix 2: Fasting In ScriptureKent Berghuis0.05
6. The Work of the Holy Spirit in SalvationJohn F. Walvoord0.05
An Argument Of The Book Of ActsDavid Malick0.05
3. Why Believe the Bible?John F. Walvoord0.05
20. The Fatal Failures of Religion: #1 Secularism (Matthew 5:1-16)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
10. PropitiationJohn F. Walvoord0.05
Luke 1Bob Utley0.05
The Seven Laws of the HarvestJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
6. Why People Follow Jesus, Part IV (Because He Has All Authority)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Lesson 33: A Dead Man Speaks (Hebrews 11:4)Steven J. Cole0.05
23. A Lesson in Hermeneutics (Matthew 15:21-39)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
46. A Problem of Perspective (Luke 13:1-21)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
27. The Sweet Smell of Love and the Stench of Greed (John 12:1-8)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
The Net Pastor's Journal, Eng Ed, Issue 5 Fall 2012Roger Pascoe0.02
Romans 1Bob Utley0.02
21. Hindrances to PrayerJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.02
1. The Prologue (Rev 1:1-8)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.02
Lesson 8: Christ Our Hope (Luke 2:21-35)Steven J. Cole0.02
20. Exegetical Commentary on John 17W. Hall Harris III0.02
Matthew 28Bob Utley0.02
Romans 12:3admin0.02
Innovations in the Text and Translation of the NET Bible, New TestamentDaniel B. Wallace0.02
Lesson 15: The Temptation of Jesus (Luke 4:1-13)Steven J. Cole0.02
Luke 15Bob Utley0.02
10. Saul, Jonathan, and the Philistines (1 Samuel 13:15-14:15)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
Lesson 3: The Problem of Doubt (Luke 1:18-25)Steven J. Cole0.02
Kejujuran KeuanganJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.02
John 12Bob Utley0.02
Lesson 12: Why Doesn’t Christ Return? (2 Peter 3:8-9)Steven J. Cole0.02
Romans 13Bob Utley0.02
Lesson 16: Resolving Conflicts God’s Way (James 4:7-10)Steven J. Cole0.02
Ephesians 1Bob Utley0.02
Was Jesus God?admin0.02
Matthew 6Bob Utley0.02
4. A Hell to ShunBob Deffinbaugh0.02
15. Weisheit und Kindererziehung (Teil II)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
5. Four Ways to Walk in a Manner Worthy of the Lord (Col. 1:10b-12a)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.02
John 17Bob Utley0.02
Deliverence of Various Kindsadmin0.02
Matthew 27Bob Utley0.02
Thirty-Three Words for Sin in the New Testament Part 2John F. Walvoord0.02
Romans 14Bob Utley0.02
13. The Prayers of Elijah (1 Kings 18:30-46)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.02
Matthew 25Bob Utley0.02
The Atonement of ChristLehman Strauss0.02
12. Are There Contradictions in the Gospels?James M. Arlandson0.02
Lesson 5: Sin and SalvationVickie Kraft0.02
Problems and Promises of Petitionary PrayerMichael Gleghorn0.02
The Doctrine of SalvationLehman Strauss0.02
3. Pentecost (Acts 2:1-13)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
36. The Book of Ezekiel, Part 1Imanuel Christian0.02
Lesson 15: The Kind of Priest You Need (Hebrews 5:1-10)Steven J. Cole0.02
7. The Call to Holiness (1 Thess. 4:1-12)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.02
Matthew 16Bob Utley0.02
Daniel 10:1-11:1Bob Utley0.02
Towards a Biblical Definition of Spiritual Formation: Romans 12:1-2Michael H. Burer0.02
5. The InterpreterBob Utley0.02
15. Wisdom and Child-Rearing (Part II)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
6. Psalm 73: The Suffering of the Righteous and the Success of SinnersBob Deffinbaugh0.02
Lesson 75: Scoffing or Submitting? (Luke 16:14-18)Steven J. Cole0.02
C-101 How to PrayMichael Garrett0.02
10. God Rescues Daniel from the Lions (Daniel 6)Jodi Hooper0.02
Luke 23Bob Utley0.02
9. Study and Exposition of Romans 3:21-31Greg Herrick0.02
15. Exegetical Commentary on John 12W. Hall Harris III0.02
The Resurrection: Here We StandRoger Pascoe0.02
Chapter 3: Fasting Through The Patristic EraKent Berghuis0.02
The Historical Veracity of the Resurrection NarrativesGreg Herrick0.02
54. Putting Faith In Perspective (Luke 17:5-19)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
5. Tuhan itu RohRichard L. Strauss0.02
Eternal Self-Existence And SufficiencyCraig Biehl0.02
29. Filling in the Blank (Acts 18:18-19:7)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
1. The Game PlanRichard L. Strauss0.02
Deuteronomy 5Bob Utley0.02
Malachi 2:17-3:12Bob Utley0.02
22. Suffering, Satan, and Standing Firm (1 Peter 5:8-14)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
29. The Training of the Twelve (Luke 9:1-27)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
12. ReconciliationJohn F. Walvoord0.02
Why God Became ManLehman Strauss0.02
An Out-of-this-World Experience: A Look at "κόσμος" in the Johannine LiteratureW. Hall Harris III0.02
Psalm 147: The God of Grace and GreatnessSteven J. Cole0.02
10. Paul’s Imprisonment, His Prayers, and His Praise (Ephesians 3:1-21)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
3.9. The Stewardship of TreasuresJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.02
Chosen by Godadmin0.02
James 4Bob Utley0.02
2 Thessalonians 3Bob Utley0.02
Masalah SinoptikDaniel B. Wallace0.02
Fasting is Feastingadmin0.02
1. Introduction: The Things Which Thou Hast SeenJohn F. Walvoord0.02
3. The Conduct and Duty of the Church (Ephesians 4-6)Lehman Strauss0.02
Lesson 62: How to Fight for God (Ephesians 6:18-20)Steven J. Cole0.02
5. Jericho—Joshua’s Battle Continues TodayWayne Stiles0.02
5. Exhortation to Unity—Part I (Philippians 1:27-30)Greg Herrick0.02
The Mosaic Law: Its Function and Purpose in the New TestamentJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.02
46. The Resurrection of Jesus ChristBob Deffinbaugh0.02
1 Corinthians 9Bob Utley0.02
The Date and Destination of GalatiansGreg Herrick0.02
26. Stilling of the Storm (Luke 8:22-25)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
James 5Bob Utley0.02
Lesson 34: Superficial and Genuine Believers (Luke 8:4-15)Steven J. Cole0.02
Mark 2Bob Utley0.02
34. How to Handle a Hostile World (John 16)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
Don’t Lose Heartadmin0.02
19. Defining Discipleship (Luke 6:12-26)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
64. David's Son (Luke 20:41-21:4)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
6. The Foundation, Means, and Motivation for Godly Behavior (Titus 2:11-15)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.02
Luke 2Bob Utley0.02
14. Not to Abolish But to Fulfill (Matthew 5:17-20)Steve Sanchez0.02
Financial FaithfulnessJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.02
18. A New Slant on Suffering (1 Peter 3:13-4:6)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
Divine Sovereignty vs. Human ResponsibilityKenneth Boa0.02
James 1Bob Utley0.02
Galatians 6Bob Utley0.02
Does “robbing God” in Malachi 3:8 apply to us today?admin0.02
15. The Second Coming of Christ and the Millennial KingdomJohn F. Walvoord0.02
13. The Death of David’s Son (2 Samuel 12:14-31)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
14. The Father of the Bride Exposes the Master of Deceit (2 Cor. 11:1-15)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
1. NahumRichard D. Patterson0.02
Mark 5Bob Utley0.02
The Translation of 2 Peter 1:19aDaniel B. Wallace0.02
10. Paul’s Perspective on Profit and Loss (Phil. 3:1-11)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
1. The Commissioning of Joshua (Joshua 1:1-18)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.02
Lesson 5: Glorifying the God of Mercy and Judgment (Luke 1:46-56)Steven J. Cole0.02
1.5. Assurance of God’s Daily ProvisionJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.02
Chapter 1: Fasting In The Old Testament And Ancient Judaism: Mourning, Repentance, And Prayer In Hope For God’s PresenceKent Berghuis0.02
Mark 9Bob Utley0.02
Evangelize or FossilizeAlex Strauch0.02
Guarding the HeartJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.02
Jesus and the TwelveScot McKnight0.02
Matthew 9Bob Utley0.02
24. The Fatal Failures of Religion: # 5 Misdirected Effort (Matthew 7:1-12)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
Don’t Quit …admin0.02
According to Romans 3:25, does "faith is his blood" mean that a person must understand that Christ's died and shed His blood for their sins. Isn't simply trusting Christ as Savior enough?admin0.02
Luke 4Bob Utley0.02
“Whom He Also Named Apostles”: A Textual and Narrative-Critical Solution to Mark 3.14Christopher W. Skinner0.02
Thirty-Three Words for Sin in the New Testament Part 1John F. Walvoord0.02
The Anticipation of Israel's MessiahBob Deffinbaugh0.02