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8. Seeking the Face of the Savior

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Discussion Questions

1. A. Is there some aspect of the work of the Holy Spirit for which you have

         increased your understanding after this lesson?


    B. What remains a mystery to you?



2. A. How have you seen the Holy Spirit working in your life this past



    B. How are you encouraged by this?



3. A. Which of these names for the Spirit is the most meaningful to you:

          Comforter, Helper, Advocate?


    B. What is your personal experience with the promise of John 7:38 that out

          of your being will flow rivers of living water?



4. A. Read Ephesians 4:30 and I Thessalonians 5:19.   How do you think this

          is done?


     B. Can you name one way you are going to guard against it?



5. What did you learn about Jesus from this lesson?


Related Topics: Spiritual Life

9. Seeking the Face of the Savior

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Discussion Questions

1. Read II Corinthians 3:17-18.


    A. How is this related to Jesus’ first miracle?


    B. What is your understanding of how this works in your own life?


    C. Is there a particular area in yourself that needs transformation?



2. A. What does it mean to you to read that Jesus was moved with      



    B. Where do you need to show compassion to others?



3. A. Have you ever had an experience where you believe the Lord

          “multiplied” insufficient food to cover a need?


     B. How have you seen the Lord use you in a task that was beyond your




4. A. Why do you think the disciples were so afraid when they saw Jesus

          walking on the water?


    B. How can hard circumstances distort your perception of what Jesus is




5. A. What do you learn about Peter in the account of his walk on water?


    B. What do you appreciate about Jesus in His rescue of Peter?


    C. Do you see any application for yourself in this story?


Related Topics: Spiritual Life

10. Seeking the Face of the Savior

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Discussion Questions

1. From the healing accounts in this week’s reading:


   A. Which one is especially interesting to you?


   B. Is there a part that is hard to understand?


   C. Which one gives you encouragement?



2. A. What have you learned about Jesus from reviewing His miracles?


    B. How can that make a difference in the way you relate to suffering




3. A. Is there a way that this lesson might impact your prayers for healing?


    B. How would you encourage a person who is struggling with disappoint-

          ment over lack of healing?



4. A. Many healings Jesus did involve giving sight to the blind; why do you

          think that might have been?


     B. What is one way He has opened your eyes?


Related Topics: Spiritual Life

11. Seeking the Face of the Savior

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Discussion Questions

1. A. What lesson did you learn from the conflict about washings?


    B. How might one be guilty today of this misplaced focus on tradition?



2. Read Romans 14:17 and Philippians 4:8-9.


   A. How do these words of Paul relate to the words of Jesus concerning



   B. Is there one aspect of your inner life that you want to be more

       surrendered to Christ?



3. A. In the John 9 account of healing the blind man, what fact about the

         Pharisees stands out to you?


    B. What impresses you about the healed man?


    C. Is there something about Jesus’ behavior that especially blesses you?



4. A. What application to your life do you make from Jesus cleansing

         the temple?


    B. Why do you think the praises of the children were so important

         to Jesus?



5. Read Luke 19:41-44.   What does this tell you about Jesus?


Related Topics: Spiritual Life

12. Seeking the Face of the Savior

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Discussion Questions

1. Read II Corinthians 11:14.


    A. How might people be deceived in this way?


    B. What do you think motivates Satan to work at tempting people to sin?



2. A. From the story of the violently demon-possessed man, list the various

         ways his life had been ruined.


    B. How do you see the possibility of ruin in those same areas today, even

         if less dramatically evident?



3. A. What especially impresses you about the man after his healing?


    B. Considering the people’s reaction upon seeing him, what lesson

         do you take for your life?



4. A. Do you ever struggle with believing Jesus will help you in a hard



    B. What have you learned that encourages you in that area?



5. Read Ephesians 4:27 and James 4:7.


    A. How is it that a person gives the devil an opportunity?


    B. What specific actions would you include in resisting the devil?


Related Topics: Spiritual Life

13. Seeking the Face of the Savior

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Discussion Questions

1. A. What is one change you have observed in the way our culture views



    B. Are there positive aspects to that change?   Negative aspects?



2. A. How has your view of self been influenced by understanding

        Christ’s attitude toward women?


    B. Did you learn anything new about Jesus from this lesson?



3. A. Try to imagine yourself in the place of the sinful woman; what do

        you think it would have been like to be there?


    B. Do you identify in any way with Simon?



4. A. Do you tend to be a Martha or a Mary?


    B. How might you become more balanced in work and worship?



5. How has Jesus responded to your need this week?


Related Topics: Spiritual Life

14. Seeking the Face of the Savior

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Discussion Questions

1. A. When you read about Jesus establishing the sacrament of communion at

        the last Passover, which words have meaning for you?


    B. How has your own experience of taking communion been a blessing to




2. A. What is especially challenging to you about actually spending time in



    B. How would you encourage someone who wanted to begin a regular

         habit of prayer?



3. Read I Corinthians 1:18.


    A. What is your understanding of this verse?


    B. Do you see evidence of this in today’s world?



4. Read Psalm 22:1-18.


    What are some specific descriptions that relate to the crucifixion of




5. Scan the remainder of Psalm 22.


     A. Which verses reflect a change in David’s focus and tone?


    B. What lesson can you take for your own life?


Related Topics: Spiritual Life

15. Seeking the Face of the Savior

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Discussion Questions

1. A. What truth about the Savior especially blessed you as you studied this



    B. How has your relationship with Jesus been changed by your study?


2. A. What detail of the resurrection account is the most meaningful to you?


    B. How has your view of death been shaped by knowing about Christ’s



3. If you had been present when Jesus made an appearance following the resurrection,

    what do you think would have been the most convincing proof?


4. A. Read I Thessalonians 4:16-18 and spend some time meditating on the promise

         of Christ’s return.   How are these words a comfort?


    B. What is your attitude about His return?


Related Topics: Spiritual Life

Psalm 23 Antithesis

The clock is my dictator, I shall not rest.
It makes me lie down only when exhausted.
It leads me into deep depression.
It hounds my soul.

It leads me in circles of frenzy, for activities sake.
Even though I run frantically from task to task, I will never get it all done,
For my ideal is with me.
Deadlines and my need for approval, they drive me.

They demand performance from me, beyond the limits of my schedule.
They anoint my head with migraines,
My in-basket overflows.

Surely fatigue and time pressures shall follow me
All the days of my life.
And I will dwell in the bonds of frustration

--Marcia K. Hornok, Discipleship Journal (Issue 60, 1990), 23.

2. A Man of Moral Purity

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Get The Measure of a Man FREE for your church, call 800-527-4014 x 0

A Man of One Woman

In both of Paul’s descriptions of an elder (leader) in the early church he followed the same pattern. In 1 Timothy 3, and Titus 1 it is stated that the leader must first have a good reputation (be blameless) and secondly be a husband of one wife. More literally translated it means “a man of one woman”. This is not to be taken as coincidence, as is nothing in the Holy Spirit inspired Bible. Paul purposely put the first condition of a good reputation is to be a “man of one woman”. Let’s briefly explore the reasons why this particular attribute is so vitally important to being a “Man of God”.

Moral purity was an elusive quality in the days of Paul. The Gentile population he worked with gave little thought to having multiple wives (and/or mistresses). Maintaining a moral standard was largely ignored, so Paul’s call to restrain and limit sexual expression was challenging at best. But he pressed forward with that call knowing the resistance he would face. He knew that men needed to adhere to the Biblical standard God had established, from the beginning, so they could reach the potential God had for them. Maintaining moral purity is essential because of the effect sexual sin has on an individual. See 1 Cor. 6 for more detail in this area.
Sadly we are not much different today than the culture facing Paul. The constant barrage of sexually explicit TV shows, movies, and ads bombards our senses every day. Casual sex is almost a given, cohabitation is widely accepted, and abstinence is thought of as an impossibility. Marriage, for many, is passé. The family unit is under attack and single parent households become more and more the norm. And with the breakdown of the family unit comes increased poverty, juvenile delinquency, unplanned pregnancies, etc….
But the call still remains: “man of one woman”. Sex outside of marriage clouds men’s minds, opens doors for other sins, and creates havoc in the family structure God created. If a man will betray his wife, he will lie, cheat, and generally be unfaithful in other areas of his life. For more on this subject click the link below. Dr. Gene Getz in his series Measure of a Man expounds on this and many other areas of what it means to be a “Man of God”.

Related Topics: Discipleship, Sexual Purity, Men's Articles, Adultery
