Where the world comes to study the Bible

Christmas Messages

These Christmas messages were preached at Flagstaff Christian Fellowship through the years. Audio and manuscripts are available for each lesson.

Two additional Christmas messages may be located in other message series: 

For permission to reproduce/distribute these resources from Steve Cole (including the Word document and audio files found on the individual lesson pages below) please see's ministry friendly copyright and permissions page. Likewise, to reproduce/distribute PDF/audio versions of his messages which may be found on Flagstaff Christian Fellowship's website see their permission statement.

This book is also available for purchase here on Amazon.

Related Topics: Christmas


This 17 part expository study of Zechariah was preached at Flagstaff Christian Fellowship in 2003. Audio and manuscripts are available for each lesson (excepting lesson 16 which does not have audio.).

For permission to reproduce/distribute these resources from Steve Cole (including the Word document and audio files found on the individual lesson pages below) please see's ministry friendly copyright and permissions page. Likewise, to reproduce/distribute PDF/audio versions of his messages which may be found on Flagstaff Christian Fellowship's website see their permission statement.

This book is also available for purchase here on Amazon.

Related Topics: Eschatology (Things to Come), Prophecy/Revelation, Spiritual Life


This 12 part expository study of Malachi was preached at Flagstaff Christian Fellowship in 2003. Audio and manuscripts are available for each lesson.

For permission to reproduce/distribute these resources from Steve Cole (including the Word document and audio files found on the individual lesson pages below) please see's ministry friendly copyright and permissions page. Likewise, to reproduce/distribute PDF/audio versions of his messages which may be found on Flagstaff Christian Fellowship's website see their permission statement.

This book is also available for purchase here on Amazon.

Related Topics: Christian Home, Christian Life, Fellowship, Marriage, Relationships, Spiritual Life


This 4 part expository study of Haggai was preached at Flagstaff Christian Fellowship in 2003. Audio and manuscripts are available for each lesson.

For permission to reproduce/distribute these resources from Steve Cole (including the Word document and audio files found on the individual lesson pages below) please see's ministry friendly copyright and permissions page. Likewise, to reproduce/distribute PDF/audio versions of his messages which may be found on Flagstaff Christian Fellowship's website see their permission statement.

This book is also available for purchase here on Amazon.

Related Topics: Character of God, Comfort, Discipleship, Faith, Finance

1. Introduction: The History of the NET Bible

Related Media

Greg Herrick and Hampton Keathley discuss how and the NET Bible came to be.

Related Topics: Bibliology (The Written Word), NET Bible, Text & Translation

3. A History of the Bible to the KJV

Related Media

The history of the Bible in general - copying manuscripts, creation of the Textus Receptus, the creation of the King James Version

Related Topics: Bibliology (The Written Word), NET Bible, Text & Translation

Bible Translation Series

We get emails all the time with questions about the NET Bible. Some are not very nice as we differ from the King James Version. Others are nicer but still want to know why we didn’t use “Lucifer” in Isa 14:12, or why is Matt 18:11 “missing”? Or why did we say Junia was “well known to” instead of “prominent among” the apostles? I also get questions about what is different about the NET Bible and thought it would be worth having a series where we discuss how the NET is different and give examples of verses where it differs from other translations and the reasons for doing so.

Dan Wallace has many articles on about the differences in bible translations, the King James Version, etc., and many of the answers could be found in his many articles. Some of his material is the foundation of and included in this series. Over the years I adapted his material for Sunday School classes, talks at men's prayer breakfasts, etc, and it has developed into a several week course on Bible translation issues. This is a video course, and there are no footnotes, so I wanted to give Dan Wallace the credit and thanks for teaching me Greek and textual criticism, but that was 1990 through 1992. I’ve learned more and forgotten even more since then. Hopefully he won't claim he never knew me if he watches the series!

This series will help you understand topics like:
- The history of the NET Bible - why we needed it, who was involved, God’s hand in making it happen, etc.
- The history of the Bible in general - copying manuscripts, creation of the Textus Receptus, the creation of the King James Version, and the Majority Text Debate
- An overview of textual criticism and how to read the NET tc notes.
- The Literal versus Dynamic translation debate
- The Gender Inclusive translation debate
- The use of the New Testament when translating Old Testament passages
- Pros and Cons of the most popular translation

You might have a favorite topic and want to go directly to it, but several of the lessons build on things covered in previous lessons, so it would be best to start at the beginning.

If you use Apple Podcasts or Spotify, you can also find these on the “Word and World” podcast. But you really need to watch and not just listen as there are a lot of power point slides to read along with as we discuss them. And you need a big screen, not a phone, to read several translations of the same verse in parallel so you can read them as we discuss them.

I hope you enjoy the series!

Hampton Keathley IV

Related Topics: Bibliology (The Written Word), NET Bible, Text & Translation

4. Textual Criticism Part 1

Related Media

Introduction to textual criticism and an explanation of external criticism.

Related Topics: Bibliology (The Written Word), NET Bible, Text & Translation, Textual Criticism

5. Textual Criticism Part 2

Related Media
Explanation of internal criticism, and then we take some example verses that were changed in (and sometimes unique to) the NET Bible and use those to learn how to read the tc notes in the NET Bible.

Related Topics: Bibliology (The Written Word), NET Bible, Text & Translation, Textual Criticism
