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Ezekiel 46



    Vision of the Restored Temple and Land
Vision of the Future Temple
The Prince's Offerings The Manner of Worship Regulations Regarding the Prince The Prince and the Festivals Miscellaneous Regulations
46:1-10 46:1-8 46:1-8 46:1-8 46:1-7
  46:9-11 46:9-10 46:9-11  
46:11-12   46:11-12   46:11-15
  46:12-15   46:12  
      The Daily Offering  
46:13-15   46:13-15 46:13-15  
  The Prince and Inheritance Laws   The Prince and the Land  
46:16-18 46:16-18 46:16-18 46:16-18 46:16-18
The Boiling Place How the Offerings Were Prepared   The Temple Kitchens  
46:19-20 46:19-24 46:19-20 46:19-20 46:19-24
46:21-24   46:21-24 46:21-24  

READING CYCLE THREE (see "Guide to Good Bible Reading")


This is a study guide commentary, which means that you are responsible for your own interpretation of the Bible. Each of us must walk in the light we have. You, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit are priority in interpretation. You must not relinquish this to a commentator.

Read the chapter in one sitting. Identify the subjects (reading cycle #3, p. xvi). Compare your subject divisions with the five translations above. Paragraphing is not inspired, but it is the key to following the original author's intent, which is the heart of interpretation. Every paragraph has one and only one subject.

1. First paragraph

2. Second paragraph

3. Third paragraph

4. Etc.



 1'Thus says the Lord God, "The gate of the inner court facing east shall be shut the six working days; but it shall be opened on the sabbath day and opened on the day of the new moon. 2The prince shall enter by way of the porch of the gate from outside and stand by the post of the gate. Then the priests shall provide his burnt offering and his peace offerings, and he shall worship at the threshold of the gate and then go out; but the gate shall not be shut until the evening. 3The people of the land shall also worship at the doorway of that gate before the Lord on the sabbaths and on the new moons. 4The burnt offering which the prince shall offer to the Lord on the sabbath day shall be six lambs without blemish and a ram without blemish; 5and the grain offering shall be an ephah with the ram, and the grain offering with the lambs as much as he is able to give, and a hin of oil with an ephah. 6On the day of the new moon he shall offer a young bull without blemish, also six lambs and a ram, which shall be without blemish. 7And he shall provide a grain offering, an ephah with the bull and an ephah with the ram, and with the lambs as much as he is able, and a hin of oil with an ephah. 8When the prince enters, he shall go in by way of the porch of the gate and go out by the same way. 9But when the people of the land come before the Lord at the appointed feasts, he who enters by way of the north gate to worship shall go out by way of the south gate. And he who enters by way of the south gate shall go out by way of the north gate. No one shall return by way of the gate by which he entered but shall go straight out. 10When they go in, the prince shall go in among them; and when they go out, he shall go out."

46:1 "the gate of the inner court facing east" Remember the outer eastern gate was permanently sealed (cf. 44:2) because this is the gate by which YHWH left the temple (cf. chapter 10) and returned (cf. chapter 43).

▣ "the new moon" This monthly feast is first mentioned in Num. 10:10 and explained in Num. 28:11-15. It is referred to in Ps. 81:3-5 and Ezek. 45:18; 46:3,6. Since the tabernacle was set up on the first day of the month (cf. Exod. 40:2,17), it is possible that it is connected to this event.

The Jews used a lunar calendar. See Special Topic at 1:1.

46:2 "his burnt offerings and his peace offerings" Also note, verse 12 lists several other offerings. See Special Topic at 44:29.

▣ "he shall worship" This is an unusual form of a common religious concept of "worship" or "bow down." The unusual form is called a Hishtaphel, which comes from this word. The first three consonants (תשה) are common in other Semitic languages, but this is the only example in biblical Hebrew (Kittel, Hoffer and Wright, Biblical Hebrew, p. 182).

The basic stem seems to be חוה (KB 295 II), which in Ugaritic means "to prostrate oneself in worship" or שחו, "to bow down" (BDB 1005). It occurs three times in this paragraph (cf. vv. 2,3,9).

The prince has a special place at the gateway of the inner court where he can see the sacrificing being made, but cannot enter the sacred precincts of the priests.

▣ "the gate shall not be shut" This is a metaphor of access and availability. YHWH would receive the prince and the people in regular worship.

▣ "the prince" This future Davidic leader ("prince," BDB 672) is mentioned several times in Ezekiel.

1. YHWH will establish him as shepherd over a united covenant people, 34:20-24

2. YHWH will restore the covenant people to their land and restore their Davidic prince. He will make an everlasting covenant of peace with an obedient Israel, 37:24-28

3. he will eat/worship before YHWH in the new temple, 44:2-3; 46:1-12

4. he shall receive a large special land allotment (i.e., great wealth) on both sides of the temple area to keep him from oppressing the people, 45:7-8; 48:21-22

5. the people will give offerings to the prince so that he can provide sacrifices on special days, 45:13-25

6. regulations about inheritance gifts given by the prince, 46:16-18


46:4-7 The prince shall offer

1. the sabbath

a. six lambs

b. one ram

c. one ephah of grain (with ram)

d. as much as able of grain (with the lambs)

e. a hin of oil

2. new moon

a. a young bull

b. six lambs

c. a ram

d. one ephah of grain (with bull)

e. one ephah of grain (with ram)

f. as much as able of grain (with lambs)

g. a hin of oil


46:4 "without blemish" This term (BDB 1071) denotes an animal that is healthy and without obvious defect. In other words, it is a prime example (typical) of its breed in color, shape, and size (i.e., Exod. 12:5; Lev. 3:1).



NASB"as much as he is able"
NKJV, TEV"as much as he wants to give"
NRSV"as much as he wishes"
NJB"what he pleases"
LXX"according as his hand can furnish"
JPSOA, REB"as much as he can afford" 

The literal phrase is "as much as his hand can reach." The amount of sacrifices depended on two things.

1. the free-will offerings of the people

2. the wealth and/or ability and/or desire of the monarch


46:10 The prince has a special place to observe the sacrifices on the "special" days (i.e., appointed feasts), but on other days he was not allowed even this special place, but must enter and exit with other covenant people.

 11"At the festivals and the appointed feasts the grain offering shall be an ephah with a bull and an ephah with a ram, and with the lambs as much as one is able to give, and a hin of oil with an ephah. 12"When the prince provides a freewill offering, a burnt offering, or peace offerings as a freewill offering to the Lord, the gate facing east shall be opened for him. And he shall provide his burnt offering and his peace offerings as he does on the sabbath day. Then he shall go out, and the gate shall be shut after he goes out."

 13"And you shall provide a lamb a year old without blemish for a burnt offering to the Lord daily; morning by morning you shall provide it. 14Also you shall provide a grain offering with it morning by morning, a sixth of an ephah and a third of a hin of oil to moisten the fine flour, a grain offering to the Lord continually by a perpetual ordinance. 15Thus they shall provide the lamb, the grain offering and the oil, morning by morning, for a continual burnt offering."


LXX, Peshitta"he"

The MT has "you," but ancient translations understood it as a reference to "the prince" (same in v. 14).

▣ "morning by morning" This refers to the "continual" (i.e., post-exilic designation), which was a lamb offered every morning and evening at the temple (cf. Exod. 29:38-42; Num. 28:3-4; II Kgs. 16:15).

46:14 "a perpetual ordinance" See Special Topic at 37:25,26. The Hebrew term "forever" (מלוע, BDB 761) is used in several senses as the Special Topic shows and must be interpreted in each context.

 16'Thus says the Lord God, "If the prince gives a gift out of his inheritance to any of his sons, it shall belong to his sons; it is their possession by inheritance. 17But if he gives a gift from his inheritance to one of his servants, it shall be his until the year of liberty; then it shall return to the prince. His inheritance shall be only his sons'; it shall belong to them. 18The prince shall not take from the people's inheritance, thrusting them out of their possession; he shall give his sons inheritance from his own possession so that My people will not be scattered, anyone from his possession."'"

46:17 "the year of liberty" This refers to the "year of Jubilee" (cf. Lev. 25:8-17, esp. v. 10), in which the land returns to its original tribal owners because the land was a gift from YHWH (cf. Joshua 13-23).

46:18 This verse links to 45:8, where the prince is given a large section of land to keep him from taking common land from the people.

This shows that "the prince" was understood as a person still affected by Genesis 3. This would not fit a NT understanding of "Messiah" (this is also true of Isa. 42:1 vs. 42:18-19). Oppression was often associated with the kingship (cf. 18:7,12,16).

 19Then he brought me through the entrance, which was at the side of the gate, into the holy chambers for the priests, which faced north; and behold, there was a place at the extreme rear toward the west. 20He said to me, "This is the place where the priests shall boil the guilt offering and the sin offering and where they shall bake the grain offering, in order that they may not bring them out into the outer court to transmit holiness to the people."

 21Then he brought me out into the outer court and led me across to the four corners of the court; and behold, in every corner of the court there was a small court. 22In the four corners of the court there were enclosed courts, forty cubits long and thirty wide; these four in the corners were the same size. 23There was a row of masonry round about in them, around the four of them, and boiling places were made under the rows round about. 24Then he said to me, "These are the boiling places where the ministers of the house shall boil the sacrifices of the people."

46:22 "corners. . .enclosed" Both of these words are uncertain.

1. "corners" - the verb (BDB 893) is found only here in the OT. Many OT scholars assume it is a Hophal participle. The noun is found in 26:24; 36:29; 46:21(twice). It could refer to a corner post. Many of Ezekiel's architectural terms are rare and uncertain.

2. "enclosed" - BDB 883 (קטר) could also mean "vaulted" or "covered" (NEB, REB). JPSOA has "uncovered," following the Mishnah (Middoth 2.5). The Septuagint assumes a different stem (קטנות), "smaller," and is followed by Peshitta, NRSV, TEV, and NJB or possibly "the same size" (NEB, JPSOA footnote. REB).


Ezekiel 47



    Vision of the Restored Temple and Land
Vision of the Future Temple
Water From the Temple The Healing Waters and Trees The Sacred River The Stream From the Temple The Spring in the Temple
47:1-2 47:1-2 47:1-2 47:1-6a 47:1-12
47:3-12 47:3-5 47:3-6a    
    47:6b-12 47:6b-12  
  Borders of the Land Israel's Boundaries The Boundaries of the Land The Frontiers of the Holy Land
47:13-14 47:13-20 47:13-14 47:13-14 47:13-23
47:15-17   47:15-17 47:15-17  
47:18   47:18 47:18  
47:19   47:19 47:19  
47:20   47:20 47:20  
47:21-23 47:21-23 47:21-23 47:21-23  

READING CYCLE THREE (see "Guide to Good Bible Reading")


This is a study guide commentary, which means that you are responsible for your own interpretation of the Bible. Each of us must walk in the light we have. You, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit are priority in interpretation. You must not relinquish this to a commentator.

Read the chapter in one sitting. Identify the subjects (reading cycle #3). Compare your subject divisions with the five translations above. Paragraphing is not inspired, but it is the key to following the original author's intent, which is the heart of interpretation. Every paragraph has one and only one subject.

1. First paragraph

2. Second paragraph

3. Third paragraph

4. Etc.



 1Then he brought me back to the door of the house; and behold, water was flowing from under the threshold of the house toward the east, for the house faced east. And the water was flowing down from under, from the right side of the house, from south of the altar. 2He brought me out by way of the north gate and led me around on the outside to the outer gate by way of the gate that faces east. And behold, water was trickling from the south side.

47:1 "water was flowing" For desert people water was a sign of God's blessing and presence (i.e., Joel 3:18). The eschatological sense is present in Zech. 13:1 and 14:8. It is used by John in Rev. 22:1,17. The covenant promises of Deuteronomy 27-30 have become a reality!

This is metaphorical (cf. Ps. 46:4; 65:9) and not meant to be taken literally. It conveys

1. original creation

2. Eden

3. covenant promises


 3When the man went out toward the east with a line in his hand, he measured a thousand cubits, and he led me through the water, water reaching the ankles. 4Again he measured a thousand and led me through the water, water reaching the knees. Again he measured a thousand and led me through the water, water reaching the loins. 5Again he measured a thousand; and it was a river that I could not ford, for the water had risen, enough water to swim in, a river that could not be forded. 6He said to me, "Son of man, have you seen this?" Then he brought me back to the bank of the river. 7Now when I had returned, behold, on the bank of the river there were very many trees on the one side and on the other. 8Then he said to me, "These waters go out toward the eastern region and go down into the Arabah; then they go toward the sea, being made to flow into the sea, and the waters of the sea become fresh. 9It will come about that every living creature which swarms in every place where the river goes, will live. And there will be very many fish, for these waters go there and the others become fresh; so everything will live where the river goes. 10And it will come about that fishermen will stand beside it; from Engedi to Eneglaim there will be a place for the spreading of nets. Their fish will be according to their kinds, like the fish of the Great Sea, very many. 11But its swamps and marshes will not become fresh; they will be left for salt. 12By the river on its bank, on one side and on the other, will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither and their fruit will not fail. They will bear every month because their water flows from the sanctuary, and their fruit will be for food and their leaves for healing."

47:3 "the man" This is the angel of 40:3. This measuring angel is also mentioned by John in Revelation 21.

47:7 "many trees on the one side and the other" This is a metaphor of fertility (cf. v. 12). This is another metaphor used by John in Revelation 22.

47:8 Many commentators have asserted that the verse refers to a miraculous change of saltwater to fresh water, but it seems to me that it refers to the abundance of waters which fills up the Arabah depression and overflows it.

 13Thus says the Lord God, "This shall be the boundary by which you shall divide the land for an inheritance among the twelve tribes of Israel; Joseph shall have two portions. 14You shall divide it for an inheritance, each one equally with the other; for I swore to give it to your forefathers, and this land shall fall to you as an inheritance.

47:13 This is the beginning of the reallocation of the land (i.e., Joshua 12-23).

47:14 "each one equally" In Joshua the land was divided according to the size of the individual tribes.

▣ "for I swore to give it to your forefathers" This reflects the promises to the Patriarchs beginning in Genesis 12 and 15.

 15"This shall be the boundary of the land: on the north side, from the Great Sea by the way of Hethlon, to the entrance of Zedad; 16Hamath, Berothah, Sibraim, which is between the border of Damascus and the border of Hamath; Hazer-hatticon, which is by the border of Hauran. 17The boundary shall extend from the sea to Hazar-enan at the border of Damascus, and on the north toward the north is the border of Hamath. This is the north side.

47:15-20 The southern boundaries are close to Joshua' boundaries (cf. Num. 34:1-12) and the kingdoms of David and Solomon, but the northern part is expanded northward and eastward as far as Hamath and including most of Syria.

 18"The east side, from between Hauran, Damascus, Gilead and the land of Israel, shall be the Jordan; from the north border to the eastern sea you shall measure. This is the east side.

 19"The south side toward the south shall extend from Tamar as far as the waters of Meribath-kadesh, to the brook of Egypt and to the Great Sea. This is the south side toward the south.

 20"The west side shall be the Great Sea, from the south border to a point opposite Lebo-hamath. This is the west side.

 21"So you shall divide this land among yourselves according to the tribes of Israel. 22You shall divide it by lot for an inheritance among yourselves and among the aliens who stay in your midst, who bring forth sons in your midst. And they shall be to you as the native-born among the sons of Israel; they shall be allotted an inheritance with you among the tribes of Israel. 23And in the tribe with which the alien stays, there you shall give him his inheritance," declares the Lord God.

47:22 "aliens" This is the one section of the book that seems to be inclusive instead of exclusive. This is similar to Isa. 56:3-8 and follows the pattern of Lev. 24:22 and Num. 15:29.

Ezekiel 48



    Vision of the Restored Temple and Land
Vision of the Future Temple
Division of the Land Division of the Land The Allotment of the Land The Division of the Land Among the Tribes Distribution of the Holy Land
48:1-7 48:1-7 48:1-7 48:1-7 48:1-8
      The Special Section in the Center of the Land  
48:8-9 48:8 48:8-14 48:8  
Portion for the Priests 48:9-12   48:9-14 48:9-22
48:15-20 48:15-20 48:15-20 48:15-19  
Portion for the Prince     48:20  
48:21-22 48:21-29 48:21-22 48:21-22  
Portion for the Other Tribes     Land for the Other Tribes  
48:23-29   48:23-29 48:23-27 48:23-29
The City Gates The Gates of the City and Its Name The New Jerusalem The Gates of Jerusalem The Gates of Jerusalem
48:30-35 48:30-35 48:30-35 48:30-35 48:30-35a

READING CYCLE THREE (see "Guide to Good Bible Reading")


This is a study guide commentary, which means that you are responsible for your own interpretation of the Bible. Each of us must walk in the light we have. You, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit are priority in interpretation. You must not relinquish this to a commentator.

Read the chapter in one sitting. Identify the subjects (reading cycle #3). Compare your subject divisions with the five translations above. Paragraphing is not inspired, but it is the key to following the original author's intent, which is the heart of interpretation. Every paragraph has one and only one subject.

1. First paragraph

2. Second paragraph

3. Third paragraph

4. Etc.



A. Judah to the north and Benjamin to the south are closest to the central sanctuary. The "prince" has the land to the east and west of it.


B. The tribal divisions are unrelated to the divisions found in Joshua 12-23.


C. The children of Jacob's wives' servants are farthest from the sanctuary.


D. Ezekiel describes the gates of the city of Jerusalem and how they relate to specific tribes. John, in Revelation 21, draws on this imagery.


E. The imagery denotes a complete new covenant start. Jacob's descendants are to begin again!



 1"Now these are the names of the tribes: from the northern extremity, beside the way of Hethlon to Lebo-hamath, as far as Hazar-enan at the border of Damascus, toward the north beside Hamath, running from east to west, Dan, one portion. 2Beside the border of Dan, from the east side to the west side, Asher, one portion. 3Beside the border of Asher, from the east side to the west side, Naphtali, one portion. 4Beside the border of Naphtali, from the east side to the west side, Manasseh, one portion. 5Beside the border of Manasseh, from the east side to the west side, Ephraim, one portion. 6Beside the border of Ephraim, from the east side to the west side, Reuben, one portion. 7Beside the border of Reuben, from the east side to the west side, Judah, one portion."

 8"And beside the border of Judah, from the east side to the west side, shall be the allotment which you shall set apart, 25,000 cubits in width, and in length like one of the portions, from the east side to the west side; and the sanctuary shall be in the middle of it. 9The allotment that you shall set apart to the Lord shall be 25,000 cubits in length and 10,000 in width. 10The holy allotment shall be for these, namely for the priests, toward the north 25,000 cubits in length, toward the west 10,000 in width, toward the east 10,000 in width, and toward the south 25, 000 in length; and the sanctuary of the Lord shall be in its midst. 11It shall be for the priests who are sanctified of the sons of Zadok, who have kept My charge, who did not go astray when the sons of Israel went astray as the Levites went astray. 12It shall be an allotment to them from the allotment of the land, a most holy place, by the border of the Levites. 13Alongside the border of the priests the Levites shall have 25,000 cubits in length and 10,000 in width. The whole length shall be 25,000 cubits and the width 10,000. 14Moreover, they shall not sell or exchange any of it, or alienate this choice portion of land; for it is holy to the Lord."

 15"The remainder, 5,000 cubits in width and 25,000 in length, shall be for common use for the city, for dwellings and for open spaces; and the city shall be in its midst. 16These shall be its measurements: the north side 4,500 cubits, the south side 4,500 cubits, the east side 4,500 cubits, and the west side 4,500 cubits. 17The city shall have open spaces: on the north 250 cubits, on the south 250 cubits, on the east 250 cubits, and on the west 250 cubits. 18The remainder of the length alongside the holy allotment shall be 10,000 cubits toward the east and 10,000 toward the west; and it shall be alongside the holy allotment. And its produce shall be food for the workers of the city. 19The workers of the city, out of all the tribes of Israel, shall cultivate it. 20The whole allotment shall be 25,000 by 25,000 cubits; you shall set apart the holy allotment, a square, with the property of the city."

 21"The remainder shall be for the prince, on the one side and on the other of the holy allotment and of the property of the city; in front of the 25,000 cubits of the allotment toward the east border and westward in front of the 25,000 toward the west border, alongside the portions, it shall be for the prince. And the holy allotment and the sanctuary of the house shall be in the middle of it. 22Exclusive of the property of the Levites and the property of the city, which are in the middle of that which belongs to the prince, everything between the border of Judah and the border of Benjamin shall be for the prince."

 23"As for the rest of the tribes: from the east side to the west side, Benjamin, one portion. 24Beside the border of Benjamin, from the east side to the west side, Simeon, one portion. 25Beside the border of Simeon, from the east side to the west side, Issachar, one portion. 26Beside the border of Issachar, from the east side to the west side, Zebulun, one portion. 27Beside the border of Zebulun, from the east side to the west side, Gad, one portion. 28And beside the border of Gad, at the south side toward the south, the border shall be from Tamar to the waters of Meribath-kadesh, to the brook of Egypt, to the Great Sea. 29This is the land which you shall divide by lot to the tribes of Israel for an inheritance, and these are their several portions," declares the Lord God.

 30"These are the exits of the city: on the north side, 4,500 cubits by measurement, 31shall be the gates of the city, named for the tribes of Israel, three gates toward the north: the gate of Reuben, one; the gate of Judah, one; the gate of Levi, one. 32On the east side, 4,500 cubits, shall be three gates: the gate of Joseph, one; the gate of Benjamin, one; the gate of Dan, one. 33On the south side, 4,500 cubits by measurement, shall be three gates: the gate of Simeon, one; the gate of Issachar, one; the gate of Zebulun, one. 34On the west side, 4,500 cubits, shall be three gates: the gate of Gad, one; the gate of Asher, one; the gate of Naphtali, one. 35The city shall be 18,000 cubits round about; and the name of the city from that day shall be, 'The Lord is there.'"

48:35 "The Lord is there" This reflects the covenant promise of YHWH's personal presence with His people. The same concept is expressed by the name "Emmanuel" (God is with us).

The exile is over! YHWH has returned!

Petunjuk, Petunjuk dan lebih banyak Petunjuk

Pernahkan Anda bermaksud pergi ke pertemuan namun ternyata Anda salah alamat? Maksudku, pernahkah Anda berdiri di depan pintu rumah seseorang, membukanya, tanpa rasa bersalah masuk ke dalam hanya untuk mengetahui – bercampur rasa takut- tanpa sadar salah masuk rumah? Bisakah Anda bayangkan bagaimana perasaan tuan rumah saat mereka pasrah melihat orang asing dengan santai dan tenang, tanpa rasa bersalah terganggu masuk ke rumahnya? Bisakah Anda bayangkan betapa merahnya pipimu saat menyadari keadaan yang sesungguhnya?

Baiklah...gereja kami mengadakan jam doa setiap minggu. Jam doa dimulai pada pukul 6 pagi setiap hari Senin di salah satu rumah pengurus gereja. Saat itu pukul 6 pagi di Kanada hari masih gelap (setidaknya sampai bulan Maret). Walaupun begitu, salah seorang teman pergi ke jam doa tersebut, dia sudah pernah ke rumah itu walaupun bisa dihitung dengan jari. Rumah itu terletak di sebuah tempat dimana ada beberapa rumah mempunyai model yang sama. Saat dia tiba pada pukul 5.50 pagi dia memarkirkan mobilnya, keluar, menggosok-gosok matanya yang lelah dan mengantuk, tersandung gundukan salju dan terus melangkah di jalan setapak halaman.

Kemungkinan ada beberapa detail ceritaku ini yang tidak sama persis, tetapi pada dasarnya kejadian itu seperti berikut ini: Temanku menegaskan dia ingat ada mobil yang terlihat berbeda di halaman. Petunjuk #1. “Wow,”katanya pada diri sendiri, “Jordy pastilah membeli mobil baru.” Kemudian dia memperhatikan pintu garasi. Di bawah sinar pagi dia menyadari bahwa warna pintu garasi juga beda! Petunjuk #2, “ya ampun,” omelnya lagi, “Jordy pastilah mengecat pintu garasinya minggu ini! Dia sangat sibuk!” Saat dia melewati garasi dia melihat-lihat sekitar pintu depan dan mencatat bahwa terlihat beda juga. Petunjuk #3. Membuka pintu (tentunya tanpa mengetuk dulu) dan masuk ke teras, dia mencatat dengan agak cerdik bahwa teras juga beda. Petunjuk #4. Setelah melewatkan semua petunjuk ini, termasuk cat yang berbeda dan pajangan gambar di dinding, dia melanjutkan ke petunjuk #bagaimana dengan dapur .. seseorang yang sedang memakai mantel mandi, melotot padanya! Saat itulah mimpinya buyar dan mimpi buruk dimulai. Saya harus mengakui ... ketika mendengar cerita ini saya tidak pernah tertawa sekeras itu sepanjang hidupku!

Kadang-kadang, tidak masalah betapa banyaknya petunjuk berlawanan yang telah diberikan kepada kita, kita masih saja bertahan untuk mempercayai hal yang salah. Dalam budaya saat ini, walaupun Tuhan sudah memberikan banyak petunjuk, kita tetap bertahan dalam keyakinan bahwa Dia tidak ada. Dengan keyakinan absolut bahwa kita membaca “fakta” dengan benar. Padahal kita salah. Masalahnya bukan karena kurangnya petunjuk; persediaan petunjuk selalu banyak sesuai permintaan dunia ini.

Faktanya, kita hidup di jaman dimana informasi sangat banyak, dua kali lipat, bahkan tiga kali lipat petunjuk dalam satu kedipan mata. Setengah waktu yang dihabiskan setiap gelar sarjana sekarang untuk menulis paper hampir sia-sia. Tetapi, orang-orang sekarang kelihatannya lebih bingung dibanding jaman sebelumnya tentang pertanyaan-pertanyaan penting. “Apakah kebahagiaan?” “Apa artinya?” “Mengapakah saya mengandalkan materi?” dan, yang paling penting dari semuanya, “Apakah Tuhan ada?” sepertinya kita membangun sebuah dunia otomatis dimana kita tidak berperan karena kita, dengan sifat alamiah, bukanlah mesin! Dan sepertinya Tuhan juga tidak berperan di dunia ini.

Contohnya ilmu pengetahuan. Beberapa ilmuwan memperdebatkan kalau saat ini hanyalah awal dari ledakan ilmu pengetahuan, dengan kata lain, kita berada pada masa-masa awal kebanjiran petunjuk dari Tuhan, yang akan menunjukkan jalan kita. Tentu saja, banyak ilmuwan itu tidak percaya Tuhan melakukan segalanya dengan petunjuk, tetapi itulah poin dari ceritaku di atas.

Meskipun demikian, dalam banyak hal dan dibandingkan dengan tahun terakhir, bidang astrofisika dan matematika-dua bidang yang terhubung dengan erat, satu dengan yang lainnya-menunjukkan kemajuan yang pesat dalam petunjuk ilmiah yang berubah dari model evolusioner menuju desainer.

Pada umumnya astrofisikawan sekarang sepakat bahwa pusat alam semesta yang sebenarnya tidak dapat diketahui, namun dunia memiliki awal yang nyata dan terbatas. Hal ini disebabkan sejumlah besar penelitian inovatif Albert Einstein, fisikawan Jerman terkenal dan teori relativitas umum dan khusus. Kemudian fisikawan seperti Stephen Hawking mengembangkan persamaan Einstein tidak hanya memasukkan materi dan energi, tetapi juga ruang dan waktu. Jadi Einstein membuka pintu dan membuka jalan bagi studi teori medan terpadu.

Studi baru-baru ini yang dilakukan pada akhir tahun 1990 menunjukkan bahwa empat kekuatan fisika (yaitu electromagnetik, kekuatan nuklir kuat dan lemah, dan gravitasi) dapat disatukan. Pada awalnya, teori supersymmetry menunjukkan elektromagnetik dan kekuatan nuklir kuat dan lemah dapat disatukan. Studi tersebut tidak memasukkan gravitasi untuk diintegrasikan ke dalam model. Hal ini terjadi pada tahun 1994, ketika terobosan dalam matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan, gravitasi ditambahkan ke teori medan terpadu dengan cara yang konsisten. Salah satu kemajuan yang paling signifikan dalam pemikiran yang membuat penemuan ini mungkin adalah ide tentang kemungkinan adanya dimensi yang lebih banyak daripada empat dimensi yang telah ada. Teori terpadu dengan pemahamannya dari “rangkaian” dan “lubang hitam bermassa” masuk akal dalam alam sepuluh dimensi.1

Teologis terkenal/dokter albert Schweitzer membuat kesimpulan mengenai situasi kita dengan sangat baik: “saat kita memperoleh pengetahuan, semua hal tidak menjadi lebih mudah dipahami, tetapi lebih misterius.” Lebih sedikit pernyataan membuktikan lebih sedikit ramalan.

Jadi masalahnya bukanlah kekurangan petunjuk tentang keberadaan Tuhan. Tetapi, semua hal, tidak diragukan lagi akan menyebabkan kebingungan sampai kita menyadari telah membaca petunjuk yang salah sehingga kita berada di jalan yang salah ke rumah yang salah. Berbagai aliran ateisme didukung karena mereka oleh beberapa versi evolusi (dan alasan lainnya) akan selalu membawa kita ke alamat yang salah. Saatnya bangun dari mimpi, jangan sampai berubah menjadi mimpi buruk!

Menurutku kita meletakkan Tuhan di antara sebuah batu dan tempat yang sulit. Jika Dia muncul dengan penampilan yang mempesona (dan itu pasti akan terjadi suatu hari nanti ), kita akan berteriak: “tidak adil!” “tidak adil!” “Dia memaksa kita!” tetapi saat Dia memberikan petunjuk di sini, di sana, dan di mana saja, kita menjerit: “informasinya terlalu sedikit Tuhan!” “informasinya kurang!” Saya mulai bertanya-tanya, dalam kasus temanku yang pergi ke jam doa, masalahnya bukanlah kualitas dan banyaknya pertanda, tetapi masalahnya adalah kita!

Sekarang saya menyadari bahwa ada perbedaan di antara aliran ketuhanan dasar, aliran kekristenan, dan keyakinan bahwa Allah dengan jelas telah menyatakan diriNya di dalam dan melalui Yesus Kristus. Tetapi jika Anda adalah salah satu dari orang-orang yang percaya bahwa ada banyak petunjuk, karena itu, jangan biarkan orang-orang yang tidak percaya mencabut imanmu kepada Tuhan.

Selanjutnya, jika Anda percaya pada Tuhan, Satu-satunya dan hanya Dia Yang Mahatinggi yang menciptakan seluruh alam semesta, maka saya mendorong Anda untuk mempertimbangkan pengenalan akan Yesus Kristus. Untuk sementara “mengenal Allah melalui ciptaannya” adalah langkah awal dari perjalanan yang menakjubkan, Anda hanya setengah perjalanan di sana. Anda membutuhkan penerbangan yang membawa Anda semua menuju ke kota suci.

Sekali lagi, kita belajar tentang kuasa Allah, hikmat, dan kecukupan diri dalam ciptaan, meskipun begitu kita juga belajar tentang kasihNya, belas kasih, dan kasih karunia melalui Yesus Kristus (kebaikanNya, salib dan kebangkitanNya) – dua hal, sebagaimana, menurut cerita Allah yang mengagumkan tentang diri-Nya dan ciptaan-Nya. Ketika Allah memberikan kedua hal itu bagi kita, selaput di mata kita terbuka dan visi 3-Dimensi dipulihkan. Allah yang saya lihat melalui ciptaanNya adalah juga Allah yang mati dan bangkit kembali ... dan sekarang wajahnya saya lihat di dalam Yesus.

Yesus memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai Allah, menerima pujian sebagai Allah, dan juga melakukan pekerjaan-pekerjaan Allah. Dari ciptaanNya kita belajar kuasa Allah, tetapi dalam Yesus kita belajar bahwa Tuhan memiliki wajah dan sebuah nama. Singkatnya, kita belajar bahwa Dia selalu memikirkan kita dan karenanya Dia ingin kita mengenalNya, bahkan sampai ke titik dimana Dia memberikan hidupNya untuk menyelamatkan orang-orang yang kita kasihi.

Apakah Anda mau mengambil resiko dan mengejar sebuah hubungan dengan sang Pencipta melalui Yesus Kristus? Yesus berkata. “Datanglah kepadaKu semua yang lelah dan berbeban berat dan Aku akan memberikan kelegaan kepadaMu” (Matius 11:28). Dia juga mengatakan, “Akulah jalan, dan kebenaran dan hidup. Tidak seorangpun yang sampai kepada Bapa kalau tidak melalui Aku”(Yoh 14:6). Sekarang saatnya untuk memutuskan membaca petunjuk dengan benar dan menemukan rumah yang tepat. Dia menunggu disana...

1 See Hugh Ross, Beyond the Cosmos, rev. ed. (Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1999), 27-46.

Related Topics: Christology, Devotionals, Apologetics

Teologia Homossexual

O Pecado de Sodoma - Gênesis 19

Será que a Bíblia condena a homossexualidade? Durante centenas de anos a resposta parecia óbvia; contudo, nas últimas décadas, os comentaristas pró-homossexualismo têm tentado reinterpretar relevantes passagens bíblicas. Nesta discussão, daremos uma olhada em sua exegese.

A primeira referência à homossexualidade na Bíblia encontra-se em Gênesis 19. Nesta passagem, Ló hospeda dois anjos que vão à cidade investigar os pecados de seus habitantes. Antes de Ló e seus hóspedes irem dormir, todos os homens da cidade (de todas as partes de Sodoma) cercam a casa e mandam Ló levar os homens (anjos) para fora para que possam “conhecê-los” (ARC)1. Historicamente, sempre foi aceito pelos comentaristas que a palavra hebraica para “conhecer” significasse que os homens da cidade queriam fazer sexo com os visitantes.

Mais recentemente, defensores do homossexualismo argumentam que a história de Sodoma foi mal interpretada pelos comentaristas bíblicos. Segundo eles, os homens daquela cidade só queriam realmente conhecer os recém-chegados. Ou estavam ansiosos para estender-lhes a hospitalidade do Oriente Médio ou queriam interrogá-los para se assegurar de que não eram espiões. Em ambos os casos, afirmam, a passagem nada tem a ver com homossexualidade. Eles dizem que esse não era o pecado de Sodoma, mas sim a falta de hospitalidade.

Uma das chaves para o entendimento da passagem é a tradução correta da palavra hebraica para “conhecer”. Comentaristas pró-homossexuais mostram que ela pode significar tanto “familiarizar-se com” como “ter intercurso sexual com”. Na verdade, a palavra aparece mais de 943 vezes no Antigo Testamento e, em apenas 12, tem o significado de “intercurso sexual”. Por isso, eles concluem que o pecado de Sodoma não tinha nada a ver com homossexualidade.

O problema com esse argumento é o contexto da passagem. Estatísticas não são o mesmo que exegese. Só a contagem de uma palavra não deve ser o único critério para compreensão do seu significado. E, mesmo usando-se a contagem estatística, o argumento não se aplica. Das 12 vezes em que “conhecer” é usado no livro de Gênesis, em 10 tem o significado de “intercurso sexual”.

Em segundo lugar, o contexto não sustenta a interpretação de que os homens de Sodoma só queriam se familiarizar com os estrangeiros. Observe que Ló resolve oferecer suas duas filhas no lugar deles. Ao ler a passagem, é possível sentir o pânico que toma conta dele enquanto insensatamente oferece as filhas virgens em lugar dos estrangeiros. Essa não é a reação de um homem ao pedido de uma multidão que só quer conhecer seus hóspedes.

Observe ainda que Ló descreve suas filhas como mulheres que “ainda não conheceram” varão. Obviamente isso envolve intercurso sexual e não “familiaridade”. É pouco provável que o primeiro uso da palavra “conhecer” seja diferente do segundo. Nas duas vezes ela deve ser traduzida como “intercurso sexual”. Essa é a única opção consistente com a passagem.

Finalmente, Judas 7 nos dá um comentário sobre Gênesis 19. A referência do Novo Testamento afirma que o pecado de Sodoma envolvia imoralidade e seguir após outra carne. A expressão “outra carne” pode implicar homossexualismo ou bestialidade (relação com animais) e dar outras evidências de que o pecado de Sodoma não era falta de hospitalidade, mas sim homossexualidade.

Ao contrário do que dizem os comentaristas pró-homossexuais, Gênesis 19 é uma clara condenação da homossexualidade. A seguir, daremos uma olhada em outro conjunto de passagens do Antigo Testamento que tratam dessa questão.

A Lei Mosaica - Levítico 18, 20

Agora, vejamos a lei mosaica. Duas passagens de Levítico chamam homossexualidade de abominação. Levítico 18:22 diz: “Com homem não te deitarás, como se fosse mulher; é abominação.”, e Levítico 20:13, “Se também um homem se deitar com outro homem, como se fosse mulher, ambos praticaram coisa abominável.” A palavra “abominação” é usada cinco vezes em Levítico 18 e é uma expressão muito forte de desaprovação, implicando em algo odioso a Deus. Comentaristas bíblicos veem esses versículos como uma extensão do sétimo mandamento. Embora não sejam uma lista completa de pecados sexuais, eles representam as práticas mais comuns das nações ao redor de Israel.

Comentaristas pró-homossexuais têm muita dificuldade com essas passagens relativamente simples das Escrituras, mas em geral dão uma das respostas a seguir. Alguns dizem que esses versos aparecem no código de Santidade de Levítico e se aplicam só aos sacerdotes e à pureza cerimonial. Portanto, de acordo com essa perspectiva, são proibições de ordem religiosa, não moral. Outros dizem que as proibições se aplicam só ao contexto teocrático do Antigo Testamento, não sendo relevantes para os nossos dias. Eles sugerem que, se os cristãos quisessem ser coerentes com o código de leis do Antigo Testamento, também deveriam deixar de comer carne malpassada, vestir roupas de tecido misto e ter relações conjugais durante o período menstrual.

Em primeiro lugar, seriam tais passagem aplicáveis somente à pureza cerimonial e não à pureza moral? Parte do problema está em se distinguir as duas coisas. Sacerdotes deveriam ser modelo de comportamento moral dentro dos rituais cerimoniais. Pureza moral e pureza cerimonial não podem ser separadas, especialmente quando se discute a questão da sexualidade humana. Sustentar esse tipo de distinção implicaria que pecados como o adultério não seriam imorais (considere Levítico 18:20), ou que a bestialidade (sexo com animais) seria moralmente aceitável (observe Levítico 18:23). O segundo argumento diz respeito à relevância da lei em nossos dias. Poucos cristãos hoje preparam seus alimentos de acordo com os preceitos judaicos ou recusam-se a usar roupas feitas com mais de um tecido. Acredita-se que essas leis do Antigo Testamento não tenham mais sentido. De modo semelhante, comentaristas pró-homossexuais dizem que as admoestações veterotestamentárias contra a homossexualidade também não são mais relevantes em nossos dias. Um problema prático com esse argumento é que outras questões além do homossexualismo teriam também de ser consideradas moralmente aceitáveis. A extensão natural do argumento seria a admissão do sexo com animais e o incesto como moralmente aceitáveis, uma vez que tais proibições estão junto com a proibição da prática homossexual. Se a lei mosaica é irrelevante para o homossexualismo, é irrelevante também para o sexo com animais ou com crianças.

Mais especificamente, dizer que a lei mosaica já foi cumprida não significa que Deus não tenha leis ou códigos morais para a humanidade. Mesmo a lei cerimonial não estando mais em vigor, a lei moral permanece. O Novo Testamento fala da “lei do Espírito” (Romanos 8:2) e da “lei de Cristo” (Gálatas 6:2). Não se pode dizer que algo que era pecado sob a lei não seja pecado sob a graça. As leis cerimoniais a respeito de comer ou vestir não se aplicam mais, mas as leis morais (especialmente as estabelecidas na ordem da criação de Deus para a sexualidade humana) continuam. Além disso, proibições contra o homossexualismo também são encontradas no Novo Testamento, conforme veremos a seguir, ao considerarmos outras passagens reinterpretadas por comentaristas pró-homossexuais.

Passagens do Novo Testamento

Em nossa análise dos ensinamentos do Antigo Testamento a respeito da homossexualidade, vimos que Gênesis 19 mostra que os homens de Sodoma procuravam os estrangeiros para fazer sexo com eles, não só para conhecê-los ou oferecer-lhes a hospitalidade do Oriente Médio. Vimos também que determinadas passagens de Levítico condenam claramente a homossexualidade e são relevantes ainda hoje. Essas proibições não eram somente para a teocracia veterotestamentária, mas são princípios morais ligados ao comportamento e à conduta humana de nossos dias.

Neste ponto iremos considerar algumas passagens do Novo Testamento que tratam da homossexualidade. As três passagens-chave são: Romanos 1:26-27, 1 Coríntios 6:9-10 e 1 Timóteo 1:10. Das três, a mais importante é a de Romanos, pois trata da homossexualidade dentro de um contexto cultural maior.

“Por causa disso, os entregou Deus a paixões infames; porque até as mulheres mudaram o modo natural de suas relações íntimas por outro, contrário à natureza; semelhantemente, os homens também, deixando o contato natural da mulher, se inflamaram mutuamente em sua sensualidade, cometendo torpeza, homens com homens, e recebendo, em si mesmos, a merecida punição do seu erro.” (Romanos 1:26-27)

Aqui o apóstolo Paulo define a culpa do mundo gentio diante de um Deus santo, e ressalta a arrogância e a luxúria do mundo helênico. Ele diz que eles se afastaram da verdadeira adoração a Deus para que “Deus os entregasse a paixões infames”. Ao invés de seguir os ensinamentos do Senhor, eles “detiveram a verdade pela injustiça” (Romanos 1:18) e adotaram paixões que desonram a Deus.

A outra passagem é 1 Coríntios 6:9-10: “Ou não sabeis que os injustos não herdarão o reino de Deus? Não vos enganeis: nem impuros, nem idólatras, nem adúlteros, nem efeminados, nem sodomitas, nem ladrões, nem avarentos, nem bêbados, nem maldizentes, nem roubadores herdarão o reino de Deus.” Comentaristas pró-homossexuais usam o argumento do “abuso”, indicando que Paulo só está se referindo a criminosos homossexuais. Em outras palavras, eles dizem que o apóstolo está condenando o abuso homossexual, não o comportamento homossexual responsável. Em essência, esses comentaristas estão sugerindo que Paulo está pedindo moderação, não abstinência. Embora essa possa ser uma interpretação razoável para beber vinho (não vos embriagueis), dificilmente se aplica aos outros pecados relacionados em 1 Coríntios 6 ou em 1 Timóteo 1. Estará Paulo pedindo também adultério ou prostituição responsáveis? Existe essa coisa de roubo ou fraude moral? É óbvio que isso derruba o argumento. As Escrituras nunca desculparam o sexo fora do casamento (sexo antes casamento, sexo extraconjugal, sexo homossexual). Deus criou homem e mulher para a instituição do casamento (Gênesis 2:24). Homossexualidade é uma violação da ordem da criação, e Deus claramente a condena como algo antinatural e contra o mandamento ordenado. Como vimos até aqui, há passagens tanto no Antigo como no Novo Testamento que condenam a homossexualidade.

“Deus Me Fez Gay” - Parte 1

Agora é preciso considerar a reivindicação feita por muitos homossexuais: “Deus me fez gay”. Será verdade? Existe fundamento biológico para a homossexualidade? No restante deste estudo iremos examinar as evidências geralmente citadas. Simon LeVay (neurocientista do Instituto Salk) tem afirmado que homossexuais e heterossexuais têm uma diferença marcante em sua estrutura cerebral. Em 1991, ele estudou 41 cadáveres e descobriu que uma parte específica do hipotálamo (a região que governa a atividade sexual) dos homossexuais é consistentemente menor que a dos heterossexuais. Portanto, ele argumenta que existe um componente fisiológico distinto para a orientação sexual. No entanto, há inúmeros problemas com esse estudo. Primeiro, havia uma variação considerável no tamanho da região do hipotálamo. Em alguns homossexuais, a região era do mesmo tamanho que nos heterossexuais, e em alguns heterossexuais, a região era pequena como a de um homossexual.

Segundo, é aquela coisa do ovo e da galinha. Quando há uma diferença na estrutura cerebral, ela é resultado da orientação sexual ou é sua causa? Pesquisadores descobriram, por exemplo, que quando uma pessoa cega começa a aprender Braille, a região do cérebro que controla o dedo de leitura realmente se torna maior. Terceiro, Simon LeVay posteriormente teve de admitir que não conhecia a orientação sexual de alguns cadáveres do estudo. Ele admitiu não saber ao certo se alguns heterossexuais eram mesmo heterossexuais. Tendo em vista alguns indivíduos identificados como “heterossexuais” terem morrido de AIDS, os críticos levantaram dúvidas sobre a exatidão do estudo.

Em dezembro de 1991, Michael Bailey e Richard Pillard publicaram um estudo sobre homossexualidade em gêmeos. Eles fizeram um levantamento com homens homossexuais a respeito de seus irmãos e encontraram dados estatísticos que acreditaram ser a prova de que a orientação sexual é biológica. Dos homossexuais com gêmeo idêntico, em 52% o gêmeo também era gay; vinte e dois por cento dos que tinham gêmeo fraterno disseram que o gêmeo era gay, e apenas onze por cento de quem tinha irmão adotivo disse que o irmão também eram homossexual. Eles atribuíram essas diferenças às diferenças no material genético compartilhado.

Embora esse estudo também seja apontado como prova da base genética para a homossexualidade, há alguns problemas significativos. Primeiro, a teoria não é nova. Ela foi proposta pela primeira vez em 1952. Desde aquela época, três estudos de pesquisas chegaram a conclusões diferentes. Portanto, as conclusões do estudo Bailey-Pillard devem ser consideradas à luz dos outros estudos contrários. Segundo, a maioria das matérias publicadas não menciona que apenas nove por cento dos irmãos não gêmeos de homossexuais eram homossexuais. Gêmeos fraternos não compartilham mais material genético do que irmãos não gêmeos; no entanto, homossexuais têm mais do dobro de probabilidade de compartilhar sua orientação sexual com um gêmeo fraterno do que com um irmão não gêmeo. Seja qual for a razão, a resposta não pode ser genética.

Terceiro, por que quase todos os gêmeos idênticos de homossexuais também não são homossexuais? Em outras palavras, se a biologia é determinante, por que quase metade dos gêmeos idênticos não é homossexual? O Dr. Bailey admitiu que “deve ser alguma coisa no meio ambiente que causa gêmeos discrepantes”. E esse é exatamente o ponto; existe alguma coisa (talvez tudo) no meio ambiente que explica a orientação sexual. Estes são dois estudos usualmente citados como prova de uma base biológica para a homossexualidade. A seguir, vamos considerar um terceiro estudo frequentemente citado como prova da alegação “Deus me fez gay”.

“Deus Me Fez Gay” - Parte 2

Agora vamos ver outro estudo frequentemente citado como prova dessa alegação. Muitas vezes ele é chamado de estudo do “gene gay”. Em 1993, uma equipe de pesquisadores liderados pelo Dr. Dean Hamer anunciou as descobertas “preliminares” de uma pesquisa sobre a ligação entre homossexualidade e herança genética. Em uma amostra com 76 homens homossexuais, os pesquisadores descobriram uma incidência significativamente maior de homossexualidade entre os parentes masculinos (irmãos, tios) do lado materno. Isso sugeria uma possível herança genética ligada ao cromossomo X. Em um estudo seguinte com quarenta pares de irmãos homossexuais, descobriu-se que trinta e três deles tinham a mesma variação numa pequena seção do cromossomo X. Embora esse estudo tenha sido divulgado pela imprensa como prova da descoberta de um “gene gay”, foram levantadas algumas das mesmas preocupações relativas aos dois estudos anteriores. Em primeiro lugar, as descobertas envolvem uma amostra de dimensões limitadas e, portanto, são incompletas. Até mesmo os pesquisadores reconheceram que as descobertas eram “preliminares”. Além da dimensão da amostra ser pequena, não foram feitos testes de controle para irmãos heterossexuais. Outro problema importante levantado pelos críticos do estudo foi a falta de investigação suficiente nos históricos sociais das famílias envolvidas.

Segundo, similaridade não prova causa. Só porque trinta e três pares de irmãos homossexuais partilham uma variação genética não quer dizer que essa variação cause a homossexualidade. E quanto aos outros sete pares que não apresentaram a variação, mas eram homossexuais?

Finalmente, o viés da pesquisa pode ser novamente um problema. Tanto o Dr. Hamer quanto pelo menos um dos membros da sua equipe são homossexuais. Ao que parece, isso foi mantido longe da imprensa e só revelado posteriormente. Acontece também que o Dr. Hamer não é apenas um observador objetivo. Ele se apresenta como perito em homossexualidade, e declara ter esperanças de que sua pesquisa venha a amenizar o sentimento de culpa dos homens por sua homossexualidade.

A propósito, esse é um problema em todos os estudos mencionados. Por exemplo, o Dr. Simon LeVay disse que foi levado a estudar as raízes fisiológicas latentes da homossexualidade após seu amante homossexual ter morrido de AIDS. Ele até admitiu que, se não conseguisse encontrar uma causa genética para ela, ele poderia abandonar completamente a ciência. Posteriormente, ele fez exatamente isso, mudando-se para West Holywood e abrindo um pequeno “centro de estudos” não credenciado sobre homossexualidade.

Cada um desses estudos à procura de causas biológicas para a homossexualidade tem suas falhas. Significa isso que não há fator fisiológico para ela? De modo algum. Na verdade, provavelmente é muito cedo para se dizer algo conclusivo. Talvez os cientistas realmente descubram uma clara predisposição biológica para a orientação sexual. Mas predisposição não significa determinação. Algumas pessoas podem herdar uma predisposição para a raiva, a depressão ou o alcoolismo, sem, contudo, tais comportamentos serem aceitáveis. E, mesmo que se prove que a violência, a depressão ou o alcoolismo sejam inatos (determinados pelo material genético), seria possível serem aceitos como normais e deixarem de ser tratados? É claro que não. A Bíblia tem ensinamentos claros a esse respeito. E, da mesma forma, a Bíblia tem ensinamentos claros a respeito da homossexualidade.

Em nossa discussão neste artigo, analisamos várias alegações de comentaristas pró-homossexuais e descobrimos que todas são falhas. Ao contrário do que eles afirmam, a Bíblia não apoia a homossexualidade.

Tradução: Mariza Regina de Souza

© 1997 Probe Ministries International

The original version of this article is found at Articles and answers on lots of topics at

1 Versão Almeida Revista e Corrigida

Related Topics: Theology, Apologetics, Cultural Issues, Homosexuality, Lesbianism

A Blind user sends us an email... (see praise and a need below)

Earlier this week, everyone was out of the office and I had oportunity to talk to a blind person who was trying to use our site. She wanted to read the bible and was having problems using our NETBible on line Bible Study tool. Our page is not designed for blind users. Her text to speech program was reading every link across the page from top to bottom. I had her turn up the volume so I could hear the program as I watch my screen and  it read Matt 1. It got caught up reading all the links in the discovery box. I said this is no good.. We need to redesign our pages to be handicap friendly. (if you can help on this send us a note.  After I got off the phone I asked our techies what we had that might help and I was reminded that our iphone bible reader might be just what she needed as it has a simple interface. . I sent her a link to it earlier today and I just got an email from her that  I wanted to share it with you so you can get some understanding of what your donations provide.


Tonight I got back to that web site you sent me. It is absolutely beautiful. I visited Ecclesiastes 7 and Psalm 1. I was blown away for it told me the verses and also had links that I could go to and hear great notes concerning the scriptural text. It is great and I thank you so very much. At first it would not allow me to save it in my favorites due to the slashes and all, but my sister told me to go to eye phone and that did the trick. I am very ignorant about the internet and how to navigate. The over abundance of words overwhelm me and i want to give up. I know there is a better way to do all this, and possibly I will learn it sometime. Anyway, I have this and this may be about all I desire other than and reading the articles. I saw that there is one by Kirby Anderson that I had not noticed before today. May the Lord be refreshment to you for your work has certainly refreshed me.

small in His greatness,


name withheld

March Newsletter

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In This Issue:

- March Spotlight: Pastors  and Teachers who use the NETBible
- Pastor of the month:
- Ministry updates from around the world
- Financial Update
- Social Networking Initiatives
- Praises and Prayer

March Spotlight

preacher.gifThis month we want to shine the spotlight on those pastors and teachers who use the NETBible for sermon preparation and teaching. One of our major goals at is to produce material that help pastors as well as teachers in understanding God’s truth so they can accurately teach it to their congregations. This starts with the NETBible which is the only Bible that explains itself, as to why the translators chose the English words they did as they translated God’s communications to mankind from the orginial language. In addition to the NETBible, we want to present “trustworthy” study materials and tools that help every Christian attain the skills “to present yourself before God as a proven worker who does not need to be ashamed, teaching the message of truth accurately” (2 Tim 2:15)
usersmapIn 2010 we want to help the unchurched and new people moving into an area find a church to minster to them. We are working on an interactive web page that shows the location of the churches our users attend red pin.gif(Red Pin) and within that group, highlight those churches whose pastor(s) teach from the NETBible.(Bible icon) bible.gif 
Click map
for a larger picture preview sample. If you want your church location included on the map make sure your church location is included in your profile. Also, if your pastor teaches from the NETBible ask him to indicate that in his profile and to join our pastors teaching from the NETBible group where we will highlight your church and link to his sermons. We are encouraged as we continue our work to help pastors. (praise: we have 1270 Pastors already registered on We are looking for more of “you” to post your sermons, outlines, podcasts, etc. We understand that many of you are overly extended but what a delight if your church and people in your area could come to .org and find your work published for the entire world to see and read! This could offer a good oportunity for visitors who are vacationing and for new people to find a doctrinally sound church.
We would love to encourage you this month and look forward to our interactions with you on the pastor page
1.      Pastors: we need some input! Please take this short survey (link here to the survey).
2.       If you have further thoughts, send us a note.
3.       Pastors: Here’s the challenge for March: would you like a gift for your church library? Send us a snippet of “why and how you use the NETBible” for your sermon preparation or teaching.  The Pastor who sends us the most creative entry wins a prize for their church library. Send all entries to SonShine.

Pastor of the Month: Pastor Jeff Miller; Trinity Bible Church, Richardson, TX whose mission statement reads: “We seek to fulfill our vision by equipping followers of Jesus Christ to live Biblically in outreach, in corporate and personal worship, and in life-changing relationships." Pastor Jeff invited to Trinity just before Christmas to have a “Christmas Shop” so that his church members could purchase the Hardback Reader’s Edition for the church pews. In addition, other Bibles and store products were for sale as well. Trinity Members went above and beyond the call! They purchased 147 Bibles for their church. What a delight to enter their sanctuary and see the binding of the Reader’s Editions in each pew rack. 
Why does Pastor Jeff use the NETBible as his teaching tool? He gives three reasons:
1. The NET Bible is an accurate modern translation, more readable than the NASB and more accurate than the NIV. It's my translation of choice when I preach.
2. I want more of my people reading the Bible more, and the NET Bible has helped them do just that. The translation is easy to understand and accurately represents the original languages. The helpful footnotes have allowed my congregation to dig deeper into the Bible's technical words, historical background, and manuscript evidence.
3. It is because it is an easy translation to understand, many in my congregation have their own copy and they enjoy the translation and insightful footnotes. The pew Bibles are available for anyone who did not bring their own copy to church, and I'm able to call out page numbers to help those younger in the faith to begin to navigate God's Word on their own. The congregation finds the maps helpful when the passage I'm preaching has geographical significance.
Jeff just recently finished a series on Hebrews.  On Sunday, Feb 28 selected church members recited the entire book of Hebrews from memory! PTL, What an undertaking!
Check out many of Pastor Jeff’s articles on Check out his popular book Hazards of Being a Man: Overcoming 12 Challenges All Men Face


  It is always exciting to open our inbox from emails sent to “Tell us How has Blessed Youand read what God is doing in the lives of our donors, our readers, and our followers on Facebook (posted as received; links added by staff)
1. Re:  I just opened it and it's awesome and i promise I will tell every one I know about it! even though it's a gem and I don't want to :) You know when you find some thing sweet you really don't want people to know but the right thing is to share it.   I was looking for a reference support bible program with this much information, etc. Nice job to all who are involved in creating the Bible search program. I can say much much more, but I will stop here How do I buy it - the full version?
2. Thank you so much for the word doc download of the messianic prophecies.  It is a great way that I can forward to many who are searching for proof that Jesus is the Messiah!
3. Thank you for having the guts to print the facts about Heaven and Hell with support directly from the scriptures. You blessed me with the knowledge of exactly where my long-held beliefs came from. Also provided me with the needed verses to debate with my cousin, who believes in permanent bodily death until the resurrection, and that we have no soul.
4- The Soccer World Cup is in South Africa this year.  Pray for Komatie as he leads his church in the preparation of tracts to be ready in different languages.  They will be placed in guest houses and elsewhere using the NETBible and our tract.
From Facebook Fans after we posted the note on Komatie’s prayer request: A poster said: Africa will be saved! the world will be saved!!
Another posted: Hola Mzansi (South Africa). God has already gone before Komatie to bring people into His kingdom.

Financial Update

2009 totals
Jan 2010
Actual Expense
Actual Donations
2009-Jan 2010 shortfall
 We praise God for the end of year giving. It took our deficit from 158k in October to 116k for the whole of 2009. As you can see from the chart on the left January giving was 11k short of expenses. We have been praying how we can get to a place where we are not running deficits every month. We had hoped that we would have our planning activities completed this month so we could share our plans to restart development on the NETBible learning environment and expand a China NETBible project. However, the short month and day job pressures have caused a delay. Hopefully next month we can share our 2010 plans and budget needs

social.gifSocial Networking Initiatives (helping the church win the relationship war for the next generation.)
  • From the Users Site
    1- We love it when God answers our heart’s desires! God has touched the hearts of two individuals who will be heading up the new Group on Users for Evangelism which at present is called the W.E.C. (Web Evangelism Café) Join the group and post your ideas.
    2- A new group that discusses the Best Bible Study Programs and Bible Readers Check it out and see what people think is the best free Bible study program.
    3- Several of our users have joined
    NET Bible Friends and Family - Also check out the new stats on NETBible downloads page
  •  Facebook Praise: .  Currently we now have nearly 7400 active followers! Up from 4000 last month. Our prayer is that our presence on Facebook will encourage Christians to practice ministry with one-another as they take up hurting people’s needs in prayer and sharing. If you have not joined Facebook yet you are missing an exciting section each day.
  • Forum News:   Are you aware that the Forum Moderators have their own Blogging page and you can interact with the Forum Moderators on the forum?  
  • Blog News: To see the latest Blogs click on the Blog Posts tab on the home page for the latest blogs  
austingifHow is your Love life?   .(read more)
BockjpgHistory Feb 22, 2010 (read more)
dinahjpgDo we Expect too much of Marriage (read more)
PRAYER: Our March focus is Missionaries: Last month we said we would give you some hints on how to pray for our dear sisters and brothers both here and abroad. (Ex 17:12) Aaron and Hur supported the arms of Moses in the battle against the Amalekites and prayer is the way you can support the tired arms of the missionaries. Pray specifically, systematically, steadfastly, “saturation praying” (cover many aspects briefly), authoritatively as many missionaries serve in difficult places around the world.  (Num 10:35- 36) “enemies would scatter, those who hate Your name would flee” and God’s presence be seen in their lives. Here are a few ideas and we welcome any others as well.
A weekly plan: The “S-E-V-E-N’S”
Sunday         S = Sabbath solitude, spiritual meditation, study, stewardship
Monday         E = Expediency, excellence, encouragement, energy, etiquette, education
Tuesday       V = Victory over satanic “Deadly D’s” (ex. discouragement, distraction, depression),
Wednesday E = Evangelistic Opportunities; Endurance (language, customs, climate, foods),
Thursday      N = Nurturing the Needy
Friday            ’ = Harmony: team members, family members, favor with officials
 Saturday     S =  Seek; Send; Support, Safety,

 praise.gifPRAISES  1-  Ps 113:1 says Praise the Lord! Praise, you servants of the Lord, Praise the name of the Lord!  How marvelous is our God.  
                  2- We have over 400 people who are doing a daily Bible reading by email. You can join them and select one of 4 plans; from a read the bible through in a year, a New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs plan and a chronological reading plan.  
prayerPRAYERNum 10:35- 36 :  Each week we send out a prayer log. If you would like to join the journey in prayer for the many who are on our hearts, send SONSHINE a note and she will add you to the list. Please pray the “4S-A’s” (systematically, specifically, steadfastly, saturating and authoritatively): the activities of; continued prayer for the finances; for the page to be successful; for pastors and teachers who are faithful in teaching the Word, for all who come to visit seeking HIM, for time for the staff to enter a time of prayer;  and lastly for all of us that we be holy as God is holy, for mighty  wisdom. and God’s protection over Email Admin Center

This newsletter is a service of To ensure delivery of this newsletter to your inbox and to enable images to load in future mailings, please add [email protected] to your e-mail address book or safe senders list. If you have not yet gotten a user account on go to the site and click on the link Create new account (if you are logged in you will get an error as you already have an account)

Tell us How has Blessed You || Subscribe to Our Newsletter
| Donate

mailing address Biblical Studies Foundation 1101 E. Arapaho Rd, Suite 200, Richardson, TX 75081 phone 214 580 1999                        v228-1908


March Newsletter3

If you are having trouble reading our newsletter view the Web Version. values and strives to achieve the goals of “ministry firstby providing pastors, teachers and individuals with FREE trustworthy resources so that together we may complete the Great Commission journey with excellence.
Join with us to tell others about the NETBible so all 2 Billion people who read English can get their own copy of the NETBible with notes so they can learn what God has revealed in his word for them to understand and obey. Learning and following the Bible’s instructions must apply to Bible translators and publishers as well as Bible students. This is why we offer the NET Bible for free to the world – because we desire to offer Bibles and Bible study resources for free to people who cannot afford to pay for them             

.Subscribe to Newletter  | Back Issues |
List Articles by Topic| Search the Bible
Search the site | Search Bible Dictionaries


In This Issue:
- March Spotlight: Pastors  and Teachers who use the NETBible
- Pastor of the month:
- Ministry updates from around the world
- Financial Update
- Social Networking Initiatives
- Praises and Prayer

March Spotlight

This month we want to shine the spotlight those pastors and teachers who use the NETBible for sermon preparation and teaching. One of our major goals at is to produce material that helps pastor’s as well as teachers in understanding God’s truths so they can accurately teach it to their congregations. This starts with the NETBible which is the only Bible that explains itself and provides the reasons why the translators chose the English words they did to communicate God’s truths to mankind. In addition to the NETBible, we want to present “trustworthy” study materials and tools that help every Christian attain the skills “to present yourself before God as a proven worker who does not need to be ashamed, teaching the message of truth accurately” (2 Tim 2:15)

In 2010 we want to help the unchurched and new people moving into an area find a church to minster to them. A project that is being undertaken is to develop a web page that shows where our users attend (Red Pin) and within that group, highlight those churches whose pastor(s) teach from the NETBible.(Bible icon)  
Click map for larger picture
. If you want your church location included on the map make sure your church location is included in your profile and if your pastor teaches from the NETBible ask him to indicate that in his profile and to join our pastors teaching from the NETBible group where we will highlight your church and link to his sermons. We are encouraged as we continue our work to help pastors as we have 1270 Pastors already registered on We are looking for more of “you” to post your sermons, outlines, podcasts, etc. We understand that many of you are overly extended but what a delight if your church and people in your area could come to .org and find your work published for the entire world to see and read! What a neat entrance into the way of visitors who are vacationing and new people to find a doctrinally sound church.

We would love to encourage you this month and look forward to our intereactions with you on the pastor page

1.      Pastors: we need some input! Please take this short survey (link here to the survey).

2.       If you have further thoughts, send us a note.

3.       Pastors: Here’s the challenge for March: would you like a gift for your church library? Send us a snippet of “why and how you use the NETBible” for your sermon preparation or teaching.  The Pastor who sends us the most creative entry wins a prize for their church library. Send all entries to SonShine.


Pastor of the Month: Pastor Jeff Miller; Trinity Bible Church, Richardson, TX whose mission statement reads: “We seek to fulfill our vision by equipping followers of Jesus Christ to live Biblically in outreach, in corporate and personal worship, and in life-changing relationships." Pastor Jeff invited to Trinity just before Christmas to have a “Christmas Shop” so that his church members could purchase the Hardback Reader’s Edition for the church pews. In addition, other Bibles and store products were for sale as well. Trinity Members went above and beyond the call! They purchased 147 Bibles for their church. What a delight to enter their sanctuary and see the binding of the Reader’s Editions in each pew rack. Pastor Jeff uses the NETBible as his teaching tool. Check out his many articles on Jeff just recently finished a series on Hebrews and on Sunday, Feb 28 selected church members recited the entire book of Hebrews from memory. PTL, What an undertaking!



  It is always exciting to open our inbox from emails sent to “Tell us How has Blessed You” and read what God is doing in the lives of our donors, our readers, and our followers on Facebook (posted as received; links added by staff)


1. Re:  I just opened it and it's awesome and i promise i will tell every one i know about it! even though it's a gem and i don't want to :) You know when you find some thing sweet you really don't want people to know but the right thing is to share it.   I was looking for a reference support bible program with this much information, etc. Nice job to all who are involved in creating the Bible search program. I can say much much more, but i will stop here How do i buy it - the full version?

2. Thank you so much for the word doc download of the messianic prophecies.  It is great way I can forward to many who are searching for proof that Jesus is the Messiah!

3. thank you for having the guts to print the facts about Heaven and Hell with support directly from the scriptures. You blessed me with the knowledge of exactly where my long-held beliefs came from. Also provided me with the needed verses to debate with my cousin, who believes in permanent bodily death until the resurrection, and that we have no soul.

4- The Soccer World Cup is in South Africa this year, Pray for Komatie as he leads his church in the preparation of tracts to be ready in different languages to be placed in guest houses and elsewhere using the NETBible and our tract.

From Facebook Fans after we posted the note on Komatie’s prayer request: A poster said: Africa will be saved! the world will be saved!!

Another posted: Hola Mzansi (South Africa). God has already gone before Komatie to bring people into His kingdom.

Financial Update


2009 totals

Jan 2010

Actual Expense



Actual Donations






2009-Jan 2010 shortfall



 We praise God for the end of year giving. It took our deficit from 158k in October to 116k for the whole of 2009. As you can see from the chart on the left January giving was 11k short of expenses. We have been praying how we can get to a place where we are not running deficits every month. We had hoped that we would have our planning activities completed this month so we could share our plans to restart development on the NETBible learning environment and expand a China NETBible project. However, the short month and day job pressures have caused a delay. Hopefully next month we can share our 2010 plans and budget needs

. Donate to keep the materials on free for all .


Social Networking Initiatives (helping the church win the relationship war for the next generation.)


  • From the Users Site
    1- We love it when God answers our heart’s desires! God has touched the hearts of two individuals who will be heading up the new Group on Users for Evangelism which at present is called the W.E.C. (Web Evangelism Café) Join the group and post your ideas.
    2- A new group that discusses the Best Bible Study Programs and Bible Readers Check it out and see what people think is the best free Bible study program.
    3- Several of our users have joined NET Bible Friends and Family - Also check out the new stats on NETBible downloads page
  •  Facebook Praise: .  Currently we now have nearly 7400 active followers! Up from 4000 last month. Our prayer is that our presence on Facebook will encourage Christians to practice ministry with one-another as they take up hurting people’s needs in prayer and sharing. If you have not joined Facebook yet you are missing an exciting section each day.
  • Forum News:   Are you aware that the Forum Moderators have their own Blogging page and you can interact with the Forum Moderators on the forum?  
  • Blog News: To see the latest Blogs click on the Blog Posts tab on the home page for the latest blogs  

How is your Love life?   .(read more)

History Feb 22, 2010 (read more)

Do we Expect too much of Marriage (read more)




PRAYER: Our March focus is Missionaries: Last month we said we would give you some hints on how to pray for our dear sisters and brothers both here and abroad. (Ex 17:12) Aaron and Hur supported the arms of Moses in the battle against the Amalekites and prayer is the way you can support the tired arms of the missionaries. Pray specifically, systematically, steadfastly, “saturation praying” (cover many aspects briefly), authoritatively as many missionaries serve in difficult places around the world.  (Num 10:35- 36) “enemies would scatter, those who hate Your name would flee” and God’s presence be seen in their lives. Here are a few ideas and we welcome any others as well.

A weekly plan: The “S-E-V-E-N’S”

Sunday         S = Sabbath solitude, spiritual meditation, study, stewardship

Monday         E = Expediency, excellence, encouragement, energy, etiquette, education

Tuesday       V = Victory over satanic “Deadly D’s” (ex. discouragement, distraction, depression),

Wednesday E = Evangelistic Opportunities; Endurance (language, customs, climate, foods),

Thursday      N = Nurturing the Needy

Friday            ’ = Harmony: team members, family members, favor with officials

 Saturday     S =  Seek; Send; Support, Safety,

 PRAISES  1-  Ps 113:1 says Praise the Lord! Praise, you servants of the Lord, Praise the name of the Lord!  How marvelous is our God.  

                  2- We have over 400 people who are doing a daily Bible reading by email. You can join them and select one of 4 plans; from a read the bible through in a year, a New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs plan and a chronological reading plan.  


PRAYER: Num 10:35- 36 :  Each week we send out a prayer log. If you would like to join the journey in prayer for the many who are on our hearts, send SONSHINE a note and she will add you to the list. Please pray the “4S-A’s” (systematically, specifically, steadfastly, saturating and authoritatively): the activities of; continued prayer for the finances; for the page to be successful; for pastors and teachers who are faithful in teaching the Word, for all who come to visit seeking HIM, for time for the staff to enter a time of prayer;  and lastly for all of us that we be holy as God is holy, for mighty  wisdom. and God’s protection over bible.or Email Admin Center
This newsletter is a service of To ensure delivery of this newsletter to your inbox and to enable images to load in future mailings, please add [email protected] to your e-mail address book or safe senders list. If you have not yet gotten a user account on go to the site and click on the link Create new account (if you are logged in you will get an error as you already have an account)

Tell us How has Blessed You || Subscribe to Our Newsletter | Donate
mailing address Biblical Studies Foundation 1101 E. Arapaho Rd, Suite 200, Richardson, TX 75081 phone 214 580 1999


Prefácio aos Atributos de Deus

Nenhum estudo é de maior importância ou valor do que o estudo da natureza e atributos de Deus. É nossa esperança que estas mensagens aumentarão seu conhecimento de Deus, resultando num amor maior por Ele e pelos outros.

Este material é de uma de série de mensagens nos atributos de Deus apresentadas por Bob Deffinbaugh, um ancião professor na “Community Bible Chapel” em Richardson, Texas, nos Estados Unidos.

Qualquer um tem liberdade de usar este material para propósitos educacionais, com ou sem crédito. “Community Bible Chapel” acredita que o material contido nesta série é fiel à Palavra de Deus, e deseja levar adiante, não restringir o seu potencial de uso como uma ajuda ao estudo da Palavra de Deus.

Related Topics: Theology Proper (God), Character of God
