Where the world comes to study the Bible

  • Lesson 1: The Purpose of Prophecy

    Several months ago, a friend of mine came by the house to help me with a project. I couldn't help but observe that his tail pipe was rattling noisily, and found that the bracket had broken. Now it just so happened that I had recently acquired a welder and was eager to practice what little I had learned about welding. I was under the car, sparking away, sticking the rod to the metal, and doing an all-around sloppy job.

    Biblical Topics: 
    Taxonomy upgrade extras: 
  • Sample Church Discipline Announcement/Letter (unbiblical divorce)

    To be read before the membership

    It is with great sadness and heaviness of heart that I stand before you on behalf of the elders of XYZ Church to share with you a very solemn matter. As you know, membership at XYZ Church calls for us to abide by certain moral standards. Certainly, perfection is not required of any church member or leader at XYZ Church, but our church community expects each member to respond to sin—our own and others—from a position of brokenness and remorse.

  • The Intelligent Design Controversy

    What’s All the Fuss?

    There’s a strange phenomenon popping up around the country. Scientists are stepping out of their laboratories and speaking to the media about something that has them quite concerned. It’s not the threat of a new flu pandemic; it’s not the threat of nuclear weapons proliferation, or even the possible threat of global warming. It’s something called Intelligent Design.

    Biblical Topics: 
  • 10. Are Women Second Class Citizens? (Part III: The Benefits of Silence and Submission)

    1 Certainly God is good to Israel,
    and to those whose motives are pure!

    2 But as for me, my feet almost slipped;
    my feet almost slid out from under me.

    3 For I envied those who are proud,
    as I observed the prosperity of the wicked.

    4 For they suffer no pain;
    their bodies are strong and well-fed.

    5 They are immune to the trouble common to men;
    they do not suffer as other men do.
  • 21. Ne Dites Jamais « Jamais » (Genèse 20:1–18)


    Beaucoup de Chrétiens sont préoccupés par leurs « témoignages » devant le monde, mais peut-être pour les mauvaises raisons. Pendant qu’il est important pour les Chrétiens de vivre une vie qui est consistante avec la volonté de Dieu, (Romains 6:1 ; Ephésiens 4:1 ; Colossiens 3:1 ; 1 Pierre 1:13), quelque fois nous employons mal cette vérité pour éviter nos responsabilités.

    Taxonomy upgrade extras: 
  • 8. Are Women Second Class Citizens? (Part I: Overview)


    Perhaps I should begin with a confession. Looking back, I regret at least two of those times when I taught on the subject of the submission of women in the church. In both instances, I was preaching in a church where I had never spoken before. And I was speaking in a church where women played a significant (if not dominant) public role. If I were to do it over again I would, in these two situations at least, preach on something else.
  • test of scripturizer

    1Ch = 1 Chronicles 5 1 Chron 5 1 Chr 5 1 Ch 5 First Chronicles 5 ,First Chron 5, First Chr 5, First Ch 5, One Chronicles 5, One Chron 5, One Chr 5, One Ch 5, I Chronicles 5, I Chron 5, I Chr 5,I Ch 5
  • More on "Expelled" Scientists

    On April 18 (2008), a film opened across the country starring Ben Stein. Titled EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed,1 this film documents the dark underside of academia in America and around the world, exposing what happens when someone questions a ruling orthodoxy. In this case, that orthodoxy is Darwinian evolution.

    Biblical Topics: 


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