Where the world comes to study the Bible

  • 6. Abigail - Walking in Wisdom

    We live in a world that is invested in education, intellect, position, celebrity, money, and power. People place importance on where someone went to school or what job title she holds. We talk about someone being brilliant in a particular field or famous for her accomplishments.

  • 5. Ruth - Walking in Loyal Love

    Step into the Story

    The book of Ruth is a beautiful story about Ruth and Naomi and Ruth and Boaz. Our focus will be on Ruth’s loyal love which goes far beyond the superficial contexts in which we sometimes use the word “love”. The Hebrew word hesed is the word which has been translated most often as “loyal love” in the NET Bible. In this lesson we will look at walking in hesed or loyal love, a love that speaks of faithfulness, commitment, and devotion.

  • 3. Joseph - Walking in Forgiveness

    Step into the Story

    Another familiar Bible story involves Joseph, his brothers, and the coat of many colors. Recall that Jacob, Joseph’s father, was the son of Isaac and Rebekah and the twin brother of Esau. Jacob’s name was changed by God to Israel and his twelve sons became the heads of the twelve tribes of Israel. Their descendants were known as the children of Israel. Keep that brief background in mind as you read this story.

    Joseph and His Brothers
    Read Genesis 37

  • 2. Abraham - Walking in Faith

    Step into the Story

    God called Abraham out of Ur of the Chaldees (modern day Iraq) to go to a land that He would show him. Abraham had obeyed and had walked with God for many years. He believed God and the promise that God gave him concerning a son. God declared Abraham righteous based on that belief. Yet he and Sarah had taken matters into their own hands and tried to “help” God by producing a son through their servant Hagar. But God provided Isaac, the son He promised to Abraham and Sarah.

  • 1. Noah - Walking in Obedience

    Step into the Story

    The story of Noah and the Flood is a well-known Bible story. Children’s nurseries are decorated with a Noah’s ark theme. Artists craft wooden arks with pairs of animals and Noah standing on the deck. Paintings and pieces of jewelry also depict this biblical narrative. Since this story is so familiar, a visual image probably comes to mind when Noah is mentioned.

  • About This Study Guide

    Step into the Story

    Each week we will study a particular Bible character and Bible story that highlight a biblical principle relating to our walk with God. This section focuses on observation, the foundation of inductive Bible study. These observation questions are designed to encourage you to notice the details in the story. Ideally, you will enter the story, step into the biblical world, and identify with the people you are reading about.

  • Acaki me tye iyi ateni ibeni gen

    A Gonyere

    Abongo akal-kala, Jo ducu maro, mito kade moo yore me kwomere I kare mere ducu, kadi kono dano a dano, cente, tic cinggi, weo idog tic, gamente, kede akato mere wan jo oye ikom Obanga, dano, lare kede cuny acalo kit ame otito kede I buk cik anyen. Iyi kopere akwako Buk, pe tey ngolo kop, New Theology of Assurence, Michael Eaton Ocoo akwako bedo abong gen iyi Asahel Nettleton, Nettleton onwongo obedo Atucjiri moro a long me icel imwaka 19th Century America aye oloko pire kene. Gin en onono te nwongo ni enkene eneno ni etwero wot oko ipolo.



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