Where the world comes to study the Bible

September Newsletter


  • - The Worlds Largest Bible Study Site on the WEB
  • -Home of the NET Bible and the NET Bible Study Environment
  • If you are having problems reading this email see September Newsletter


Need ideas for your church and in particular the children’s ministry? For ideas check out the Children’s Resources by Lisa Goodyear, Margaret Carey, and Jerry Lawrence. While you are browsing on, read the ideas presented on the Heartprints Blog written specifically for those whose heart is in children’s ministry. Read the blog on recruiting, training and see our newest post for Spanish readers on users.

A note to Senior Pastors or Asst Pastors: Do you consider the Children’s Ministry an important link to the rest of the ministries of your church and if so why? For September’s contest, the Children’s Ministry would like for you to tell us why you believe this is vital to your church. One Sr. Pastor or Asst Pastor contest winner will receive a gift certificate from the store.

September Back To School Sale!
Need a Bible that fits into your backpack? Need a Bible download for your laptop or desktop? Want to listen to the Bible on your iPod? Our Back to School $15.00 sale can help you get all the items you need to make Bible reading more interesting. Click for details.

Conference Plans

For years has attended the scholarly Evangelical Theological Society Conference where the original concept for the NET Bible was born. However, this year, in an attempt to save money and get our ministry better known among churches, we have decided to concentrate more on local conferences that cater more to pastors and Church ministry leaders. At these conferences we hope to interact with conference attendees about how and the NET Bible can help them. If you are registered for a conference in the Dallas area, stop by our booth and say hello. If you are going to a conference in the Dallas area that you think we should attend let us know. Read about each here: Conference Schedules for


CY 2009-July 2010 Financial Report

As you can see from the chart, God is continuing to bless with the gifts to support the development and delivery of the NET Bible and quality Bible study material for free to the world.Our 2009-2010 deficit to date has been reduced to 69k We are overwhelmed with how God has raised up new donors this year and the generosity they show. We give Him all the praise for as James 1:17 reminds us: “All generous giving and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or the slightest hint of change.”
You can continue to help us eliminate our 2009/2010 shortfall and Donate now by clicking HERE

Note-** All income (Donations and Bible sales/revenues) are accounted for. The original plan was for the store sales to be greater than store expenses and the store would donate all its profits to the ministry but to date the sales have not been sufficient to accomplish that goal. As sales increase and are greater than store expenses we will show those profits on the donation line above Mailbox- Thank you for your emails. We are always so blessed to read what you have to share. If you have been blessed by the ministry of send us your email so we can share and encourage others.. We have only limited space here and we want to share additional emails we receive so we have set up a new group on titled Sharing how has blessed me where we will post some of the emails that comes our way. Check out Marty, Pastor Brad, and Samantha's email from our August inbox!
Here’s a snippet from our new group on users:
Marty: "And Then I found the NET Bible":…..All I was really looking for was a software Bible that I could have on my laptop when I couldn't connect to the Internet. Read more.
Pastor Brad” "Praise for the Theology Program"…..I have taken the audio part of the Theology program over the last 2 years, and have been truly blessed by its content, its intention and I'm so grateful. Read more.
Samantha” "Student Finds Clarity": I would like to say thank you for such clarity of the the nature of the church. I am a senior enrolled in a Christian Studies course. Read more.

Social Networking News and Initiatives

Facebook Update: Have you checked out lately? Update We now have 12,303 fans (friends). Since Textual Criticism is an important topic to Biblcal study, we made this week's focus on Facebook as Textual Criticism. Textual Criticism is the study of the available manuscripts of the Biblical Texts in order to confidently determine what the original manuscripts said. There are 1000's of text critical (tc) notes in the NET Bible. See as an example tc note 29 in Matt2:18 . Be sure to sign up and follow’s weekly Focus on Facebook . The intent is to offer a topic or study or author to read, discuss and enhance your study time. If you have not signed up you can do so easily by signing up Here

Blogs: Check out the newest blogs. Keep in tune with Dr. Bock and Dr. Burer as they discuss issues of news as they journey through their year of sabbatical “across the ocean”.
Learn how to recruit workers for Sunday School and how to keep Jesus in Sunday School lessons on Heartprints.Check out Tapestry to read "Jailbreak: God's Rescue from the Enemy's Prison" and Impact for how to Live in Harmony with the Holy Wind.


August 2010 Newsletter


  • - The Worlds Largest Bible Study Site on the WEB
  • -Home of the NET Bible and the NET Bible Study Environment
  • If you are having problems reading this email see August Newsletter

August 2010 Newsletter

Tapestry Blogger: Kelley Mathews

HOLIDAYS AND FRIENDS GO HAND IN HAND: Did you know that everyday somewhere, someone is celebrating a special holiday? Did you also know that the first Sunday in August is designated as International Friendship Day? The world limits it to one day a year! But, at we have many friends and our friends-focus is 24/7! Which friends group are you in? Friends on Facebook, Friends on Blogs, Friends who spend time in prayer for the ministry, friends who send us marvelous letters of appreciation and encouragement, Friends who donate time or money, and Friends who…. “fill in the blank”. What does a friend do? Take time to read Kelley Mathews’ blog “Friends: A Loaded Term” on this topic and you might find that some wise counsel and ideas for your friendships. As Kelley wrote: While friend is a handy term online, "friend" has traditionally meant a whole lot more. The Bible helps us understand the depth of such a relationship: [Prov 27:17] tells us As iron sharpens iron, so a person sharpens his friend. The test of a true friend is seen in the words of Jesus, “No one has greater love than this – that one lays down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you.”. [John 15:13-14]. Thank you for being one of our “International Friends”.

August Focus: “Winterize or Being Ready” You have to admit the word winterize grabbed your attention didn’t it? You might be shaking your head when the calendar says August and the temperature here in Dallas, Texas continues to hover at 102 degrees. But, autumn and winter are just around the corner and for that we need advance preparation. Long ago Aesop told a Grasshopper fable to teach the principle of being prepared or being ready ahead of time.

In a field one summer’s day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart’s content. An Ant passed by, bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking to the nest. “Why not come and chat with me,” said the Grasshopper, “instead of toiling in that way?” “I am helping to lay up food for the winter,” said the Ant, “and recommend you to do the same.” “Why bother about winter?” said the Grasshopper; “we have got plenty of food at present.” But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil. When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food, and found itself dying of hunger, while it saw the ants distributing every day corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer. It was then that the Grasshopper experienced the consequences of not being ready for the “day of necessity”. Long before Aesop, Solomon, as the author of Proverbs, taught this principle using the very same example of the ant. “Go to the ant, you sluggard; observe its ways and be wise. [Prov 6:6]

Being ready is the key! Luke 12:40 says: “You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him” So as we are thinking about advance preparation, we would like to get some helpful ideas from our Friends.

We have created a form for you to add your ideas as our August Contest “Being Ready”. Winning entries receive a promotional gift from the store and names and ideas will be published in the September Newsletter. We have set up 3 categories 1- Family Ideas, 2- Church Ideas and 3- Personal ideas. To get you started our newsletter editor (Sonshine) has listed some sample ideas below:

Family Ideas

Begin to prepare each family member for a new teacher, a new classroom and new activities for the fall.
• Participate in the Fall Promotion Sunday Activities planned by your church.
• Help SS teachers design new bulletin boards, and spruce up the classrooms
• For teachers and leaders: gather new curriculum, have Fall Teacher Planning meetings
• Interview new prospective teachers and place in classrooms as assistants
Other ideas? Share them with us on this webform.

Family Church Ideas:

• Begin to prepare each family member for a new teacher, a new classroom and new activities for the fall.
• Participate in the Fall Promotion Sunday Activities planned by your church.
• Help SS teachers design new bulletin boards, and spruce up the classrooms
• For teachers and leaders: gather new curriculum, have Fall Teacher Planning meetings
• Interview new prospective teachers and place in classrooms as assistants
Other ideas? Share them with us on this webform.

Personal Ideas:

While all of these ideas are practical and easily implemented we would be shortsighted if we neglected the most important preparation of all. Paul sadly says: “I fed you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready. In fact, you are still not ready!” [1 Cor 3:2] while Ezekiel gives us a command! “Be ready and stay ready” [Ezek 37:8]. Jesus shared this same principle in the parable of the Ten Virgins; “Five of the virgins were foolish, and five were wise” What was the criteria of wisdom? “the foolish ones took their lamps, they did not take extra olive oil with them. But the wise ones took flasks of olive oil with their lamps” [Matt 25] and thus were ready for the Lord’s return. Is your lamp trimmed and filled? Are you ready? Here’s some “how-to” ideas:
• Set aside a time each day to be alone with the Lord. Choose a daily Bible Reading Plan that offers so you get it each day via email. Jesus set aside His life for you, could you not set aside a time for Him?
• Share a blessing you gleaned from your reading with one person each day and make yourself accountable to yourself to do it by recording it in a journal.
• Join the Facebook Friends and share an idea each day with your friends and with

This month we are going public with a Prayer ministry for the volunteers and staff that labor diligently as part of their ministry. If you would like to get updates by email on this Prayer Ministry send SonShine your name, email address. She will add you to the list that goes out every other week. You can then pray with us and for us
Have other ideas? Send your ideas to us via this webform.

In addition, Sonshine has updated the Treasure Chest of Prayer and Praises. You may now add your own prayers for the individuals highlighted on the weekly focus and enter your prayer for the individuals noted on a webform. That entry will be sent privately to the individual that you may encourage them. Watch for each week's updated staff member or pastor/teacher or blogger.
Note: to offer a prayer on the form you must be a logged in user of Mailbox Letters: Quoted as received with links added by staff.
Thank you for your support and encouragement even in our “slow” month of July. Here are some that came our way and for that we praise God. We at are incredibly encouraged! Keep those letters coming our way by telling us how has blessed you!

Patricia writes: The site is such a blessing that words cannot express. My heart felt thanks for the study guides, I was looking for the list of Jehovah names and meanings and I like how you made an in-depth sturdy. I can study where the names originated and how to apply it now to my life. Thank You so much. I know this web site is a blessing to who want to grow in the word.
N.T. Gilbreath writes: So far I have bought & given away 3 NET Bibles to introduce to friends. It blesses me that I am able to give God's word to people who have never seen or known about the NET Bible. It makes me feel good to help some other Christian find help understanding The Bible.
Leslie writes: Dear Friend: My name is Leslie, an Indian Christian. I want to thank for your splendid ministry. I have lost count of how many times I have visited your site to find solutions for my theological questions. And it is refreshing to rely on such trusted scholars. ……Thank you, once again, for your great ministry.

CY 2009-June 2010 Financial Report

Financial Update**

As you can see from our June report we are in the slow summer months for donations as our expenses exceeded our income for June by $13k. But we are not discouraged as we continue to celebrate the many thousands of users who downloaded the NET Bible and viewed and downloaded our studies. Join us in celebrating our great Lord. as our CY2009 through June2010 shortfall has been reduced to 93k We praise God for each of you who sacrificially donated to His Work which allows us to maintain our "Ministry First" approach and continue to offer our material free to all 2 billion users on the Internet. . You can help us eliminate our 2009/2010 shortfall and Donate now by clicking HERE

Note-** All income (Donations and Bible sales/revenues) are accounted for. The original plan was for the store sales to be greater than store expenses and the store would donate all its profits to the ministry but to date the sales have not been sufficient to accomplish that goal. As sales increase and are greater than store expenses we will show those profits on the donation line above

Social Networking News and Initiatives:

Facebook “Friend”? Have you checked out lately? 12,040 fans (friends) like Todd Lingren has a put our Illustrations CD on special for only $10 for our Facebook friends. If you have not signed up you can do so easily by signing up on . . (We gently remind you to make your Facebook personal data private or you may end up on the list with [100 million others]

Bible Reading “Friend”? Are you a Bible Reading Friend yet? If not go here and sign up to get your reading plan sent via email each day. Last month we had a mini-contest to see which plan was the most popular and we read many entries. But, Michael Teague’s entry is the winning choice! Michael’s gift is a Synopsis of the Four Gospels. Here’s what “Michael” wrote as his winning entry for the July Newsletter contest:
I am using the Chronological Bible reading plan. I decided to read the Chronological Bible because last year, while reading the Daily Walk Bible, I found it difficult to understand some of the prophets because it was difficult to understand the context. This year as I read 1 and 2 Kings and 1 and 2 Chronicles, I read the prophets in context.

[p.s. Your Exec Director and family are using this plan now for the 3rd consecutive year and sharing daily Bible principles via email. A special gift to them this year is to have a new Messianic believer join them. We praise God for making the Bible so relevant to him in his new walk and to also see as Michael saw; the prophets teachings “in context”]

Blogs: • Blogs: More and more of our “Friends” are reading and commenting on the blogs both on the Blogs page and on the blogs on the users page. Be sure to check out each one! Not only is that encouraging but what is exciting is that several of the newest blogs have been picked up on Google. God has again marvelously provided more worldwide attention by this. If you want to see what Google finds on, you can sign up for [Google alerts] and enter as your selection.

. ** reserves the right to remove any links to personal websites or any websites that are shared in a blog which directs our audience to a site published for commercial use and is not related.**

• This last month’s Hampton Keathley uploaded over 100 audio files on studies on Hebrews, Psalms, Galatians and Disciplined Spirituality see ( and note the column on right indicates if it has an audio component
Coming events: Stay tuned as soon the home page of will have a new face! Our techies are actively working on updating it to be more “Friendly” to our friends and easier to navigate.
Personnel changes: We are excited and yet sad. Todd Lingren will soon be departing for the Seattle area to enroll in school for an advanced degree in computational linguistics. Todd will continue on half-time for He has been with for many years and so is our “walking” encyclopedia of information. He has managed the store, formatted the NET Bible for printing, handled all manuscript submissions, been our editor extraordinaire, as well as coordinating the conferences for us to attend along with the many other tasks as well that are too numerous to mention. He will continue as the director of publishing and work with authors and site submissions. Todd has always been ready with the answer to our questions about formatting and the web page layout. As prayer warriors, we have seen the hand of God in graciously providing a buyer in “His Time” for the Lingren home in Texas. Soon the Lingren’s will be saying “westward ho” in their new adventure as they seek new employment for Todd’s wife, new schools for the girls, and a new routine for the new baby. 
o We welcome Michael Garrett as the Director of Marketing and Sales. Michael, has now joined the team full time and will be handling many new tasks such as working to promote new areas for and designing new programs for the site. He has been a volunteer for many years and recently headed up the “Equipping Men for IMPACT blog”.
o We also welcome Chris Abrams, a full time seminary student, who has joined the team as a techie. He will be assisting in the building of the new home page until he “winterizes” back into the fall routine of school.


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July 2010 Newsletter



July 2010 Newsletter

It hardly seems like we have marked the half way point through 2010! A famous hymn begins “count your many blessings, count them one by one”. What wise counsel. The staff has many blessings! First and foremost our blessings come from you, our faithful readers. You encourage us with letters, donations and your prayers. How we praise God for you!
SPOTLIGHT OF THE MONTH: Our focus this month is on the NET Bible itself. We often get requests as to how the NET began, its purpose initially and now, how it came about, and what does the future hold. The Preface to the NET Bible is 25 pages long and has all of this information, but let’s see if we can answer some of your questions here using some of the preface quotes: You may find this NET Bible section is a little long but I recommend you read it so you get a much better view of the purpose of the NET Bible, the heart of the translators and why we at think the translators produced the best modern bible translation of today and why we think that every family should get one for their study and enjoyment – not to add to the other bibles on your shelf, but to be used daily and read regularly.. If you read this through I promise i will make next months newsletter much shorter. :-) /s/ David Austin exec director.

The NET Bible’s beginning: purpose, rationale and distinctives:

The ministry,, began in 1994 with a vision to be a global source of trustworthy Bible study resources which would not only be available, but the scripture itself could be quoted freely. This vision would help other ministries and authors eliminate the permission roadblock that has hampered the free distribution of learning materials and books that quote God’s word. It was determined in 1995 that the number of Bible verses quoted online at would soon surpass available legal permission limits. Therefore sought to purchase the rights to a modern translation but was unable to procure this necessary permission. God had a way to bring about His plan! Quite simply, the only way one could secure permission to quote a modern Bible translation in 1995 was to sponsor a new translation. The NET Bible was thus begun to overcome these hurdles. The name “NET” indicates both the New English Translation and is also the acronym NET, thus indicating the transmission method utilizing the resources of the Internet..

What were and are the primary objectives?

1- To produce a modern translation with the extensive translators’ notes that display for the reader the decisions and choices behind the translation. These notes are virtually unique among Bible translations, in all languages, in the history of translation. The resulting translation itself is intended to capture the best of several worlds: readable and accurate and elegant all at the same time. It is one that can be used by God to mature believers worldwide as well as bring unbelievers to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
2- To produce the translation in an “open” process. During the translation process the NET Bible drafts were posted on the Internet to our brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world for comment and feedback. The NET alone, among the world’s translations, provides an active translation comment/Suggestion link whereby readers can offer ideas to the editors regarding wording, translation and comments. This open and available process has yielded a Bible that is true to the surviving manuscripts, yet valuable and acceptable to Bible readers everywhere.
3- To demonstrate the principle of “Ministry First” based upon Lev 23:22. The NET Bible team considered how a Bible publisher might ensure that they “not completely harvest the corner of their field…leaving that for the poor and the foreigner.” Our ‘crop’ is a Bible translation and the Bible is God’s gift to humanity. believes that God’s word should be free for personal study, for ministry/non-commercial use to print and to give away. The facts are that the number of Bibles given away by Bible societies and sold by publishers in all of history does not come close to being able to actually give a printed copy of the Bible to all of the two billion people who have some ability to read English. This is why feels so strongly that the NET Bible must not only be available for viewing on the Internet, but also available for free downloading and use by everyone, worldwide, free for non commercial use forever. Thus “Ministry First” where ministry always takes priority and Lev 23:22 are a cornerstone and guiding principle of our ministry. This approach helps us come closer to fulfilling the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19-20 and allows all people in all nations on earth to learn what God has revealed in his word for them to understand and obey. We offer the NET Bible free to the world – because we desire all people to have the privilege to study and “glean” the harvest of God’s Word for themselves, from lay people to authors and scholars. (Go to and download your free copy.)

What is unique and distinctive about the NET Bible?

Working with electronic media, one can accomplish things that are not been possible with traditional print media.
· Extensive Footnotes First, the NET Bible includes extensive notes with the translation, notes created by the original translators as they worked through the issues and options concerning the translation of the original language texts of the Bible. These notes operate on more than one level – a technical level for pastors, teachers, and students of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek who are interested in the grammatical, syntactical, and text-critical details of the translation, and a more popular level comparable to current study Bibles offering explanatory details of interest to lay Bible students. In electronic format the length of these notes, a considerable problem with conventional printed Bibles, is no longer a major limitation.
· Rationale for Translation Second, within the more technical notes the translation team has taken the opportunity to explain and give the rationale for the translation of a particular phrase or verse.
· Major Interpretative Options Third, the translators and editors used the notes to show major interpretive options and/or textual options for difficult or disputed passages, so that the English reader knows at a glance what the alternatives are.
· Formally and Functionally Equivalent Fourth, the translators and editors used the notes to give a translation that was formally equivalent,8 while placing a somewhat more functionally equivalent9 translation in the text itself to promote better readability and understandability.10 The longstanding tension between these two different approaches to Bible translation has thus been fundamentally solved..
· Further Improvements Finally, the use of electronic media gives the translators and editors of the NET Bible the possibility of more rapidly updating and improving the translation and notes (e.g. we can add audio notes and more extensive photos and videos to give geographical context to the text.

How was the NET Bible project funded?

The NET Bible was not funded by any particular denomination, church, or special interest group but by an anonymous individual. This has positively impacted the content. Translators and editors were left free to follow where the text led and translate as they thought best. There has never been pressure to make sure the text reads a certain way or conforms to a particular doctrinal statement. The NET Bible is responsible and accountable to God and the universal body of Christ, the church worldwide.

Are the ongoing efforts to improve the NET Bible still funded in the same way today?

No. Today it is funded through your generous sacrificial donations allowing us, who have benefited by the vision of the founder and the original translation team, the privilege to participate in the “Ministry First” model. In addition we also sell printed versions as well as NET Bible software modules for all the popular Bible study programs and mobile devices. To keep prices affordable to users, we prefer the direct sales model cutting out the middle man. We offer quality leather editions with full notes, leather limited notes versions, as well as hardback, pew and compact versions. See NET Bible in our store. our each version by clicking the corresponding picture below.

First Edition featuring 60,932 translators' notes


Compact Edition


Reader's Edition


Electronic Net Bible: Have the NET Bible with you wherever you go -- on your laptop, palm or phone.

What does the future hold

The future is all about the vision to distribute the Bible to every person on the globe and to provide trustworthy studies to mature Christians worldwide. God has opened doors needed to carry forth the objective doing “Ministry First.” God holds the future and we walk through it one day at a time waiting expectantly to see what is next.

How can you, the reader be involved?

Please pray specifically:
· That more people learn about the NET Bible so they can download it for free or access it in their mobile bible reader or read it online at
· That our readers will catch the vision and “join the journey” to become evangelists for Christ and become NET Bible evangelists to help get the NET Bible into the hands of many;
· That our readers will participate in the vision by donating time or resources. Your generous donations allow the privilege of offering God’s Word freely to the two billion English speaking peoples of the world. (We recently completed the beta version of the Chinese NET Bible translation; this will add another 384 million Internet users.) Click here to donate

I finish this write-up with a statement about the most important translation concept-
The most important translation of the Bible is not from the original languages to English, but from the printed page into your life. If you have never read through a complete book of the Bible, we suggest you begin by reading the Gospel of John. We encourage you to recognize that the Bible is not merely a book. It is God’s message to us all, and God continues to speak through it today. There is, after all, a reason far more Bibles have been produced than any book in history. Read it and see. (You can sign up for a daily reading email here)

Will you join the “army” of volunteers who work behind the scenes serving you, the readers? Read about two of them below: fill out volunteer form.

Focus for July: visionaries

Author and NET Bible Project Director/Gen Editor: Dr. Hall Harris: Dr. Harris truly is one of the visionaries and has the distinction of being the Project Director and Managing Editor for the NET Bible (New English Translation). He is currently a Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary where he has taught for over 30 years. He is known for his seminary courses in intermediate level Greek grammar and syntax, exegetical method, and various courses in the Gospel of John and Epistles of John. Dr. Harris received a Th.M. from Dallas Seminary and a Ph.D. the University of Sheffield, England.
In addition to his many duties at DTS, Dr. Harris has begun a NET Bible Revolution Blog with his Assistant Project Director and Editor, Dr. Michael Burer, who coordinates the blog posts.

Staff Focus:Jennifer Dent:
Most affectionately known as Jenn, is another visionary. Jenn volunteers her time to serve the community as the leader of a very faithful and dedicated group of forum moderators. She serves in the position of Personnel Manager and the Administrator of the forums as well as the Administrator of the users community site. Jenn writes in her bio: "Our goal at the Bible NETwork forums is to impact the World for Christ one post at a time. With all the “garbage” on the Internet we wanted to be able to provide a safe place when Christians can come and be equipped, edified and grow in Christ. We also want to provide a biblically based forum so that those searching for answers to Christianity can know that they will receive honest and truthful answers" Mailbox Letters: Quoted as received with links added by staff.
As we enter the second half of 2010, we as in the past few months, are amazed as we receive your generous email notes. Some send detailed notes and others just a snippet of “love notes” to the staff. We hope you are encouraged with us and wish to “join the journey” with these who have found and its trustworthy resources.

“Vedawattie”. I appreciate your insights on Jonah

“Barb”: I just want to thank you for Dave Dawson's study "Spending Time with God in John". Somehow, reading each section each day, God has really spoken to me. And this so coincides with a study I am doing at church by John Eldredge ”Walking with God". It always amazes me how God just fits all my studies together. But, then, that is what God does!!! I have been so blessed by your site. Last year I purchased the Net Bible for my son and he just loves it. Thank you for all you do!

Letters about the NET Bible:

“Michael H”: We are a ministry focused on the French-speaking world. We do itinerant ministry and publishing. We began by translating three classic Christian books into French, but now I am writing as well. FRENCH BIBLE TRANSLATIONS ARE NOT RELIABLE! Itinerant ministers from the English-speaking world know that up to 50% of the verses they would typically use as an anchor point for a message simply do not clearly communicate the same thoughts in the French. We are retranslating verses all the time, and the NET BIBLE really helps us.
Ps 96:9a is a great example. In the most popular French Bible, this verse is rendered:
O Prostrate yourself before the Eternal with some sacred ornaments...
Doesn't have quite the same impact as "O Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness", does it?!? We retranslated the entire book of Revelation into contemporary French, and probably hundreds of verses in the books we are translating, including, a new book I am writing for new believers in the Francophone world.
When we preach in these areas, people are blow away by the word studies. Many have never even considered the possibility the scholarship that produced their Bibles was inadequate. French vocabulary has been secularized over time. Imagine, a language in which there is no equivalent to words like COVENANT, FELLOWSHIP, GODHEAD, etc. The French, who now incorporate so many English words and phrases in their vocabulary, need to do the same with these words!

We are currently mounting a website that will encourage re-examination of French Bible translation. We hope to foster a healthy dialogue about these issues, marked by civility and His grace. We are grateful for the translators whose efforts have gotten us this far. We simply seek to improve a bit on their efforts, when the result will help the reader more accurately grasp the Author's intention. Your site really helps us in this effort!
May the Lord continue to bless you in all you do! Truly yours in His service,

“Derek”: “I lead a weekly Bible study at my place of work that involves 10 men and women on a regularly attended basis. I was led I believe wholeheartedly to the NET Bible in my quest for study of the history of the Bible and translations of it. This was after I was criticized by a fellow believer for using a translation of scripture other than the KJV as this person felt I was being deceived by not using the KJV. I ultimately after much prayer to be taught truth & searching was led to the outstanding four part reading on your site by professor Daniel B. Wallace on the History of the English Bible. I have read that work many times and find it to be outstanding and an answer to my prayers. That work ultimately led me to the NET Bible and I thank God for it. I use the NET Bible online and in printed leather bound format all the time and it is my preferred translation to use. For my personal study and the Bible study I lead at work I would literally be lost without it. It has made my study & study preparations much easier and filled with more insight due to the extensive notes. The notes included in the NET Bible are unmatched and priceless! Thank you for such a wonderful translation of the Holy Scriptures & an ultimate study tool all in one! It has enlivened my daily study of scripture tremendously. I could not begin to say enough good things about this wonderful work. Thank you to all involved and may God richly bless & continue to use all involved!


CY 2009-May2010 Financial Report

Financial Update'1'

Again this month: Praise, Praise,Praise, As we have shared the needs of the ministry, God has graciously sent us new donors and one who gave another very large gift this month which reduces our CY2009 through May 2010 shortfall to $80,059. We praise God for each of you who sacrificially donated to His Work which allows us to maintain our "Ministry First" approach and continue to offer our material free to all 2 billion users on the Internet. . You can help us eliminate our 2009/2010 shortfall and Donate now by clicking HERE

Note1- All income (Donations and Bible sales/revenues) are accounted for. The original plan was for the store sales to be greater than store expenses and the store would donate all its profits to the ministry but to date the sales have not been sufficient to accomplish that goal. As sales increase and are greater than store expenses we will show those profits on the donation line above


Social Networking News and Initiatives:

Facebook Our fan base has risen to 11556 as of 6/21. Many thanks to Todd who each week posts a new section of for study and review. If you have not become a fan of on Facebook we invite you.

Blogs: Check out the newest blogs page: for all of the upcoming news and interesting dialogs from each group: the NET Bible, Dr. Bock, Tapestry, Impact, and Heartprints. In addition, check out the blogs being posted on the users site as well as the forum moderators blog posts.
. ** reserves the right to remove any links to personal websites or any websites that are shared in a blog which directs our audience to a site published for commercial use and is not related.**

Mini-contest for July: Bible Reading News: More and more people are logging on and choosing to read the Bible on a daily basis. Which plan are you using this year and why? Submit your reason on this form. Surprise gift of The NET Bible Synopsis of the Four Gospels. Any kids out there reading the Bible on a daily basis? You too can submit your ideas. Add if you haven’t started reading the bible daily, you can get it delivered daily in your mailbox here
Stay tuned for the upcoming Bible Reading Plan especially targeted for children. We have one volunteer who has responded to work on this project and we hope to complete it in 2010. If you would like to help, email us. Please pray for the Children’s Ministry Team as they work on this and other projects.


Compact NET Bible

June Newsletter winner: The June Newsletter responses were so full of love and kindness that it was the most difficult by far of any month’s letters to choose. But, in the end we chose two: Aimee Dent and Kelly Mitchell. Thank you Aimee and Kelly for your inspirational letters! As winners of the June contest each will receive The Compact Bible as their gift from the store. .

Aimee wrote: One man who is leaving a lasting imprint on my life is Scott Lacks. From him I want to pass on to other men this nugget..... Even through the hard circumstances in his life, he is understanding of mine. Scott, in his pain and disappointment, is trusting God with all of his heart, mind and soul. He continually points me to God/Jesus as I face similar pain and disappointment due to life circumstances. Scott is willing to tell the Truth from God's Word, pray for another in the midst of his circumstances, and he is real. Scott has been used by God to press upon my heart a desire to look to others interests and needs, and to not let my circumstances get in the way of serving God and pointing others to Him. Scott is a man of God, greatly to be admired for admitting his shortcoming, and willing to be humble before God, me and others. Scott is an example that I would even want my boys to follow after. He is a wonderful friend and brother in Christ.

Kelly wrote: One man who is leaving a lasting imprint on me is my father. For other men, I pass on this nugget. Men, regardless of age, need a spiritual role model and need to be a spiritual role model to another. I was 10. We were in a revival service at Crowder Baptist Church in Crowder, Mississippi. The Lord was calling clearly and had been for the last couple of nights but I was resisting. On this particular night I was deeply torn during the invitation. My heart was in my throat and tears were flying. How embarrassing for a 10 year old boy! Worse, a very good friend of mine was standing next to me, between me and the aisle. I wanted so badly to go and make a profession of faith but was afraid of what he would think or would go and tell the other boys at school. God had placed my dad on my right side. Because he was a man of God, he recognized the signs of my conviction. Because he is a man, he also understood my reservations. My dad took me by the shoulders and moved me to the other side of him. There was nothing between me and the aisle on that side and I don't think I ever quit moving. I went to the front and met Jesus. There is no greater gift a father can give a son. But this is Father's Day. This is about the gift a son can give to a Father. Now I am a father to a son of my own and the spiritual father to many as a pastor. I still carry that lesson with me and make it a part of my teaching. Men easily recognize the need for friends and bonds with other men. Men benefit from learning that their struggles and weaknesses are not peculiar to them. It is a "man" thing. What many miss is that, when it comes to our spiritual lives, the same rule applies. Every man needs a spiritual mentor and, in turn, should be a mentor to another. My dad is still one of my spiritual mentors. As my own father, he can relate to me in ways no other man will ever be able to but, as a believer, he can also relate to my spiritual calling and struggles. Its the double threat, the whole package. Being both to his son is the best chance a father can give his son in life. By continuing on that path of righteousness he started and making disciples of my own to build it even further, I return the gift to my fathers, both the earthly and heavenly one.


Prayer & Praise

Prayer and Praises:

For more items on our Prayer/Praise list See our new Treasure Chest of Praises and Prayer:

Praises: New blog page. Increased readers to the main site. Groups that are adding new members in the section; The new Pastor’s Prayer Page is up and ready for your input.
Prayer Need: The summer months are upon us and just as with other ministries, faces a shortfall due to many who go on “holiday”. We earnestly ask that you not forget so that the ministry can go forward.
Spammers have hit as they have many other ministries. Because of the massive amounts of commercial links that have been added to forums and blog comments we have had to take time from our work to remove them. We prayerfully ask that you do not include those as we are a ministry site. (version 6/28-10:20)


June Newsletter 2010

June Focus Once again we turn the calendar pages and see that in June we will be honoring the men who lead us, are our role models, spiritual guides, and heads of our families. The Bible gives us  many snippets of instructions and hints on how a man is to lead and guide. This month our topic is to honor and reflect upon Father’s Day. Pastor Hampton Keathley III left his family, and us in turn, not only wisdom but a challenge.

June Focus Once again we turn the calendar pages and see that in June we will be honoring the men who lead us, are our role models, spiritual guides, and heads of our families. The Bible gives us  many snippets of instructions and hints on how a man is to lead and guide. This month our topic is to honor and reflect upon Father’s Day. Pastor Hampton Keathley III left his family, and us in turn, not only wisdom but a challenge. Read about it in this article: “A Challenge for Fathers”  . In addition, one of our women authors, Sue Bohlin, gives women a challenge on “The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands”. Coupled together we have a two sided coin of  Father’s Day from both perspectives.

The contest for June is to highlight ...
One man who left (or is leaving) a lasting imprint on my life is ____. From him I want to pass on to other men this nugget….

Submit your description in this form.  (we will award two prizes from our store for the best description written by a woman and one written by a man.)

* reserves the right to determine either physical or downloadable gifts determinant upon the geographical location of the winner chosen*

SPOTLIGHT OF THE is privileged to have men authors; many who serve sacrificially and provide us with many wise tools to lead and teach us. They are from all walks of life: pastors, teachers, missionaries, leaders in secular work as well as ministerial work. Come acquaint yourself with some of the men of These authors are featured on the new Equipping Men for Impact page: Jim Smith;  Dr. Ken Boa, Pastor Jeff Miller, Bill Hull, Pastor Bob Deffinbaugh, Dr. Poythress; J. Hampton Keathley IV, Pastor Hampton Keathley III.

Michael Garrett will be the new Admin Manager for all men on the new Equipping Men for Impact page. In addition, Michael Garrett and his "Equipped Bloggers" will start their new Men's Blog titled: Equipping Men for Impact. Start date: June  2010.

For Men Only: Check out the  men's only Forum   with Moderator Mike Craven. Their statement is from Ephesians 6:10-13  which teaches us that if you are a Christian man, then you are called into battle. This is not an invitation. This is a command. For far too long, men have been on the sidelines, in the bleachers, or on the couch while the "spiritual forces of evil" have corrupted our culture, attacked our families, and infiltrated Christ's church. If you are a Christian man, then you are a leader. As faithful followers of Jesus Christ, we must become the sacrificial servant leaders that He modeled for us. We are to be His true ambassadors 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year.

May Spotlight Contest Winner: In May the women of had a mini-contest and received many winsome notes back. Of all that sent in their responses the Women’s Leadership Team chose the letter written by Elizma Zaayman fro Pretoria, South Africa. Her prize is a First Ed. of the NET Bible and it is on its way across the sea to her. Her letter is here for you to read and enjoy. Elizma’s theme that she wishes to pass on is this: “Press On!! Never give up.”  In Phil 3:12-14 we are told to press on and never give up.  A special woman has taught me this and is still continuing to teach me this very special value in life.  My mother was 59 years old when she felt the Lord pressing her to become a missionary. There was just one problem.  Her age.   READ MORE ---> Mailbox Letters: Quoted as received with links added by staff. is incredibly encouraged when you, the reader take time to send notes of encouragement to the staff and especially as you take time to jot a note about an article or some new piece of spiritual understanding that you have received. In May we received several which referenced specific authors and have chosen those letters that were impacted by authors Hope Olson and Dan Wallace. The authors that were referenced in May each received a copy of  the emails. In return,  they tell us how encouraged they were. One of God's amazing ways of showing His sensitivity to our author's needs is that often your notes come just at the moment when one of the "enemy's" deadly darts has headed their way. Your letter is the shield that disarms those arrows and sends them to "arrow-ville". So for these precious authors, we thank you for the words of encouragement. Keep them coming!

Here are the ones received recently that referenced our authors.

From “John” I was aware of your internet site for years and would at times listen to certain subjects, but I decided to start at the beginning. I have been totally blessed as I have completed the Introduction to theology sessions. I am encouraging my church to see how we can implement this teaching. I am looking forward to continue through everything you have. 

From “Marquita” who wrote about Author:  Hope Olson: Article: Choosing a Godly Husband  

“Marquita”  wrote: has been a tremendous blessing in my life. I could not begin to tell you of all the great things that have come about in my life because of the articles and sermons that you post weekly for our encouragement and growth in God. I recently read the Choosing a Godly Husband article and it has helped me in a way that no other book has. I am able to walk away with a realistic approach to marriage and relationships, while not putting unrealistic expectations on the man of God in my life but yet being aware of the things that will cause a problem in the future if left unchallenged. I am greatly inspired. I also enjoyed a study on John, which was very in-depth and informative. I look forward to logging on and learning more and more about God and his kingdom. I just really wanted to encourage the staff of and pray that this operation continue many years in the future.
Thanks again for being led by God and impacting so many lives! Be blessed! 

  From “Matthew” who wrote about Author: Dr. Dan Wallace:    Article: "My Take on Inerrancy"

 “Matthew”  wrote: In Mr. Wallace's article entitled "My Take on Inerrancy," there is a comment of his that rang rather true in my mind as it is reflective of foundational circumstances that have caused my faith to be all but lost. In his article he said that, "One does not have the deepest assurance about inerrancy simply by convincing himself that it must be true. Indeed, I would argue that such a presuppositional approach often caves in on itself." I cannot agree with him more - and I justify my agreement with him from experience.

Letters about the NET Bible:

“Pastor Steven”  wrote: The NET Bible has become my main English translation for Bible study and sermon preparation.  Of particular value are the thousands of notes explaining the translators' choices.  This has helped me to think through the textual issues and to make informed decisions about meaning. I have recommended the NET heartily to pastor friends and laypeople alike.  The Word of God dependably translated into one's native tongue is an incredible blessing.  Praise the Lord for His work through you!
“Dr. William” wrote:  I lead a group of clergy in Lectionary Study each week. I would feel handicapped if I did not have my NET Bible. I also use it in a weekly Adult Class. And, of course, for sermon preparation and reading scripture at worship. I have it in both hard copy and software. I find it not only accurate as a translation but stylish for reading aloud.

april fin gifFinancial Update'1'  Again this month: Praise, Praise,Praise, As we have shared the needs of the ministry, God has graciously sent us new donors and one who gave another very large gift this month which reduces our Jan2009 through Apr2010 shortfall from $132.5k to $95.8k. Also, while not reflected in this report, he gave us another generous gift in early May. We praise God for each of you who sacrificially donated to His Work which allows us to maintain our "Ministry First" approach and offer our material free to all 2 billion users on the Internet. . You can help us eliminate our 2009/2010 shortfall and Donate now by clicking HERE 

Note1- All income (Donations and Bible sales/revenues) are accounted for. The original plan was for the store sales to be greater than store expenses and the store would donate all its profits to the ministry but to date the sales have not been sufficient to accomplish that goal. As sales increase and are greater than store expenses we will show those profits on the donation line above

Social Networking News and Initiatives:
  1- What is new on the site


►This section has seen growth over the past month especially in those groups being managed by Cory Howell. He is manager of “Best Bible Study Programs and Bible Readers”. 10 members/ 13 posts: 2557 reads. And  “Online Bible Study with the NET Bible”  55 members/ 5 posts: 436 reads.

Another group headed by Tony Tucci  is: Ministry – Growing in Obedience to the Great Commission. 81 members. Do you have ideas? Post them.  Sources? Post them. How was your last week’s sermon challenging you to grow in this area of obedience? How are you living out the Great Commission practically?

Are you interested in Apologetics? Join in and discuss these ideas along with Henry Middleton.

 ► Facebook Update: 11,365+ fans.  Each week posts a new topic for you to discover and to discuss. The May 24th topic was on evangelism.  Also, there is an evangelism group “W.E.C. or the Web Evangelism Café” on

  • Share how you evangelize others face to face, Facebook to Facebook or web to web. Is there a focus you would like to consider? Send us a note.
  • May 31-June 4 focus will be on the Canon
  • June 6-12 will hightlight  author Keith Krell's    work.

►  Blogs: now has a new blogger interface for its Main site bloggers at . You can see all the bloggers posts and profile pictures aggregated on the blog home page which you can find by clicking on the link under blogs/forums on the home page. Just click on the blogger or the group of your choice. Enjoy reading and commenting on any number of topics. You too can blog** even if you are not an author of Log into and click create content and then the blogs tab. This is for anyone who wants to blog and share ideas.

NEW The children’s ministry team is beginning a children’s ministry blog called “Heartprints”. The first blog is now up for your review.

. ** reserves the right to remove any links to personal websites or any websites that are shared in a blog which directs our audience to a site published for commercial use and is not related.**

Prayer and Praises: For more items on our Prayer/Praise list see our new Treasure Chest of Praises and Prayer:
Did you know that God is answering your prayers and ours as well? Did you know that God is listening to the dream/vision to identify World Class teachers and provide them a multilingual Internet pulpit to reach the 2 billion users on the Internet with the gospel and to train them to be active Christ centered “Ministry First” laborers?  Matt 9:37-38 . The staff at believes what God says and we see that you do as well! We claim God’s promises that where two or more are gathered together He is in their midst. God is listening and He knows our needs. At 6 a.m. on Thursday, May 20th we poured out our hearts at His throne and asked specifically that God would give us such as we needed to accomplish “His Work” for the “cup was a bit near the empty mark”.  Remember the story in I Kings 17 about the widow of Zarephath? It was because of her obedience in a test that God provided not just what she needed then but beyond until the famine was reversed. is His work, not ours. We are but His stewards in His vineyard. But, just like the widow, sometimes God waits to hear our prayers and/or waits to see how we will handle a trial.  Once again, we stand in awe and yet we rejoice for how God has once again used you to bring Him glory! God has chosen you along with one individual in particular, to help us reduce our financial deficit. You shared out of your blessings that others may know HIM.  Jer 9:24 says this: “If people want to boast, they should boast about this: They should boast that they understand and know me. They should boast that they know and understand that I, the Lord, act out of faithfulness,…”  Will you join with us in boasting in the Lord? Will you praise God for His faithfulness to meet’s need, or to borrow Moredcai’s statement, “for such a time as this” so that others will come to know Him?

  • Praise continued: Praise for those who have graduated and are taking on new ministries and new responsibilities. May they see the path that God has given to them and remain excited about the future. We honor Dr. Gail Seidel and Margaret Carey for their new achievements.
  • Praise for all who are on a daily Bible Reading Plan  If you want it emailed to you each day Click here
  • Prayer:
    •   wisdom and discernment; holiness, and purity for the staff and volunteers.
    • will be wise stewards of the monies given for His work alone.
    •  scholars who will be on sabbatical preparing manuscripts, books, articles, speaking engagements; and   courses for the fall. The ones that we are aware of are: Dr. Sue Edwards, Dr. Michael Burer, and Dr. Darrell Bock. May they “redeem the time” that they are given for this work.
    • Sandra Glahn: dissertation completion, family time; recently widowed sister and family as they adjust
    • missionaries around the globe who are using the materials.
    • those involved in Muslim ministries who shall remain unnamed here for their safety; open doors, to note and find “persons of peace” who are ready to hear the truth of the gospel’s saving message.
    • freedom to share the gospel wherever God has planted us.
    • New authors to join the team

 If you would like to comment on the Newsletter or you have suggestions click Newsletter email

May 2010 Newsletter

If you did not get this in your email, please sign up for it by going to @ If you know you are signed up, but still didn't receive it, check your spam filters/folders.

May Focus: The calendar pages have turned and May is before us and we note that on May 9th many will stop to honor the women in their lives who have the distinction of being a Mother.To celebrate women across the globe who carry this title,  the Women's Ministry of is encouraging you to stop, reflect and honor those who have gone before us as well as the women who are now influencing present day history.  To qualify for the May Gift Offer, courtesy of the women’s ministry, answer this question:
“One thing special women in my life have taught me that I want to pass on is…” 
The women will select one letter for the June newsletter and also send you a personal gift of a NET Bible for your own personal use or to give as a gift to another. Send all letters to: SonShine is privileged to have a group of women who are authors that have written articles, books and/or Bible Studies. They are also speakers who travel sharing the good news of Christ. This month we are taking a peek in on these precious women who serve sacrificially to present God’s Word and their materials FREE to all who come to You can read about each of these women by clicking on the Articles tab and then scroll down to By Author.
Come get acquainted with some of our women authors, from left to right:Sue Bohlin, Kay Daigle, Mary DeMuth, Sue Edwards, Susie Hawkins, Sandra Glahn, Vickie Kraft, Sue Sewell, Gwynne Johnson, Dianne Miller, Micki Maris, Tracie Wallace.

One of our authors was Kathie Keathley, now deceased, but her legacy remains. Her article will reveal to you some more of the history of as well as give you a focus on how to have an eternal perspective. How fitting as we ponder those who are no longer with us but are loving reminders of God’s eternal grace. See: Calm Amidst the Storm.

April 25th was Internet Evangelism Day (IEday) What did your church do or what did you do personally? Post a note on the  users evangelism group

MAILBOX April User email from Near and Far: Once again we stop and praise God for those who take time to jot us a note of encouragement. Thank you and may we rejoice together as we span the globe reaching others for Christ:  To send us a note how the site has blessed you click here [Please note these are published here as received without alteration; links added by staff]

From Mike: So very often I have needed help with various subjects as a pastor in Penn. So the first place I go to is this site for help and direction. Over the years has been there to help in so many ways.
From Crystal in Singapore: All these while, the eagerness to study theology has been deeply in me. Ever since secondary school, I have always been very keen in learning God's words deeper. However, due to my age, I am unable to attend any local bible colleges. With that, I prayed, and asked God to guide me to a way such that I can access theological self study materials. Hallelujah! I managed to find who was able to allow my self study of the various modules in Theology. I printed all the notes out, and is consistently listening to the video lessons to quench my thirsty soul in me.

Thank God and thank you so much!

From Bill: I’ve recently discovered the NET Bible and wanted to thank you for this great new translation. I appreciate that the translation itself is dynamically equivalent, making it understandable for teaching, devotions, general reading, or meditation; while the notes are more literal or functionally equivalent, making it excellent for word, cultural, and historical in-depth study. The NET Bible is like having my favorite general purpose translation bound together with an interlinear! I also appreciate the quality of the cover, the binding, the paper, the topical index, and the maps, which are simply awesome. And I’m impressed with the (ministry first) philosophy behind to make this translation free on the internet, low cost for a traditional paper copy, and virtually free to use for almost any project involving the Christian scriptures. (editor note: download your free copy here)
finance gifFinancial Update1 Praise, Praise,Praise: As we have shared the needs of the ministry, God has graciously sent us new donors and one who gave a very large gift this month reducing our 2009 through Mar 30 shortfall from $132.5k to $111.7k. Also, while not reflected in this report, he gave us another generous gift in early April. We praise God for each of you who sacrificially donated to His Work which allows us to maintain our "Ministry First" approach and offer our material free to all 1.7 billion users on the Internet. . You can help us eliminate our shortfall and Donate now by clicking HERE
Note1- All income (Donations and Bible sales/revenues) are accounted for. The original plan was for the store sales to be greater than store expenses and the store would donate all its profits to the ministry but to date the sales have not been sufficient to accomplish that goal. As sales increase and are greater than store expenses we will show those profits on the donation line above

Social Networking Initiatives

  1. Facebook Fans Praise: If you have been watching the front page of you noted we had a winner in the Facebook contest! Gabrielle Fratantoni was the 10,000th fan to have registered. In just two months we have grown from 7400 to 10,000. That means more and more and more people are connecting with As you share on Facebook, more of your connections hear about and learn about its vital link to trustworthy Bible Studies.
  2. Bible Readers: If you haven’t signed up yet go to Daily reading plans
  3. Users Groups Updates: Just as Facebook has grown so has the users site. We now have readers from many walks of life, blogs about freedom of speech, articles and podcasts on parenting and the emergent church. Check out and join a group or write a blog or comment on a group post or a blog entry.
  4. Forum: Join us at the forum where our discussions are thought provoking. Check out the most active posts as we impact the world for Christ one post at a time. 
  5. Blogs Wikipedia defines Blog as: something that provides commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, Web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability of readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs. A blog is entitled or tagged to capture you into the author's mindset or musings on a particular topic. For example how does Dr. Bock's "gotcha title" grab your attention? "What are we afraid of"? 
  6. NEW Feature: (User Contributed Links) Users can now add links on topic pages that point to other great resources that they have found. For example, check out the new section at the bottom of the Parenting topic page. If you want to add your own recommended resources, you can add them by creating content on you a parent in need of some help? go to topics and select parenting Read the articles or listen to the audio on this link: Loving on Purpose: Parenting and So Much More #1  Also in addition, check out: Laura Singleton's  Tapestry Blog entry .
  7. Read along with our NET Bible scholars Dr's Harris and Burer, on their “NET Bible Revolution”.   If you recall they posted a challenge  and a "sweetener". "To sweeten the deal, for every 50 people that send us their story (either by adding a comment below or by clicking on the Tell us How has Blessed You link) we'll select one random winner to receive a free genuine leather NET Bible to keep or give away. And the winner is: Pastor David Buckham, Sr. Pastor of Long Hollow Christian Church in Pennington, VA. CONGRATULATIONS Pastor David and Happy Birthday. [David wrote in his letter: My birthday is coming up the end of April and I am thinking about buying a First Edition so I can have the notes physically in front of me...maybe I can win one from you guys instead!!!]
  8. Children’s Ministry: Soon the new Blog page will be up. Watch for a news item on it: HEARTPRINTS: A Faith Journey with God's Children. 
  9. We continue to add new material to the site In addition to many new text articles, we've added over 400 audio sermons by Bill McRae, John Walvoord and Ken Boa  check them out.
                 PRAYER     1. We are so grateful to the donors who have so graciously showered with two months of generosity. We are humbled that you share from your “treasures” that we may continue to spread the gospel to the far corners of the earth.
2. Praise and Prayer for those who continue to study material on the site and tell others about's ministry and the NET Bible. This is very humbling to the staff and to have over 10,000 fans on Facebook is a good testimony.
3. We are grateful for Dr. Tony Evans’ opening letter for the Children’s Ministry landing page. The Children’s Ministry team continues to forge ahead in reading, selecting and developing ideas. Please pray for the team as they launch next month a blog which will be called “Heartprints”; a Faith Journey with God’s Children.
4. Prayer Needs: For continued finances, for wisdom to be wise stewards of your monetary gifts, for faithfulness to the work on a daily basis; for good health and stamina for the many projects before us.
5. Prayer Needs for Missionaries: We hear very little first hand from missionaries who are using or know about We know and understand your tasks are daunting and we want to be praying for you. We would like to offer tailored help to missionaries on the field. If you are on your church's missions committee or you have time to help us develop a program to create a "care package of material" for missionaries that we can send for you to the missionary, please send a note to SonShine. Let's all pray for open doors for continued opportunities to share the gospel message; protection. If you are on the field, send us a note regarding a need that we can be praying about for you and/or your family and/or your mission endeavors that we might put packages of material for you to download.
6.Prayer Needs for Pastors and Ministry Personnel: Pastors live a busy life and are in need of prayer warriors. Please join with us as we spend time lifting these ministry workers up before the throne. We now have some senior pastors who are willing to mentor younger men in the ministry. If you are a younger man in the ministry please send SonShine a note so that connections can be made.
7. For That we may continue to be wise as we seek more material to be offered to our readers that are trustworthy and reliable; efficient time management and discipline; quiet times before the Lord. Pray especially for our China NET Bible project as we recently posted pdf drafts on the site. We now need some additional volunteers to come forward and put together a plan for distribution. Much prayer for guidance is needed on what we should do next.
Thank you for reading our monthly newsletter. We are open to other ideas you would like us to write and  share about. Our email inbox is always open to ideas. Use the “contact the newsletter staff” form to send us your ideas! 

Newsletter - January 2010

Welcome to 2010! We pray that your Holidays were blessed and carefree. How did you begin your new year? With a party? With a reading of scripture? Did you make a New Year's resolution? Was it to lose weight, read the Bible more diligently, pray regularly rather than sporadically, visit the fatherless and widows? We all seem to make those resolutions but research has shown that 92% that are made "in good faith" are not kept. In fact, only a very small number of us successfully achieve our resolutions. Why is that we fail? One author noted that a resolution must be made with these criteria in mind:  Determine the point or reason for making your resolution. Tell someone about your goal. Set up a measurement to hold yourself accountable to your change. Statistically it has been proven that without those three steps you are guaranteed failure.

Many have written to us here at saying that one of their New Year's resolutions is to be more faithful in their daily Bible reading or to memorize scripture. The Holy Spirit is busy tugging at our hearts to see if we will yield to His wishes so that we might grow and mature into the person that God desires, that we become conformed to the image of Christ. We have pulled together several "helps" for you that are scattered across the websites see On this page you will find links to several daily Bible reading plans for you to ponder.

Reading Plans

1. The Rev. R. M. M'Cheyne, Plan --- The whole bible will be read through in an orderly manner in the course of a year. - The Old Testament once, the New Testament and Psalms twice.

2. The Daily Reading Plan: This one is organized by reading from Genesis to Revelation two chapters a day. 

3. The NTPSPR is a plan to read the New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs through the year. 

4. A Chronological Plan  reading the Bible through as some scholars believe it was recorded. 

5.  A Daily VOD (Verse of the Day) which was developed from Dr Greg Herrick's article titled "An Advanced Scripture Memory Program .

These FREE daily reading plans are on page

Scripture Memorization has an article explaining the why and how, along with selected scriptures to memorize for each category: The memory program is composed of ten sections: I) The Bible; II) God; III) Jesus Christ IV) The Holy Spirit; V) Angels VI) Man and Sin VII) Salvation VIII) The Church IX) End Times; X) The Gospel. These categories are generally recognized as providing an organized structure for the main areas of scriptural revelation. Within each one of these sections we have a further breakdown, though more could be added. There is, nonetheless, enough material here to keep a person going for a long, long time. We provide a pdf file of the verse texts that one of our volunteers did and you can print as scripture cards using categories.


Each week our volunteer Coordinator puts together a prayer sheet for the many who serve faithfully here at and across the globe. Prayer is the key to the success of the ministry and we cherish all those who pray regularly for the ministry. To reduce spam a person must be a registered user. If you would like to join others in praying for the ministry send us an email. The day of delivery is generally on Fridays. If you are a registered user on Evangelist, Supporters and Friends has been blessed to have on its staff here and across the globe those whose expertise is in the technical field. Their 2010 passion is to help in the area of Biblical Studies. Here’s their vision: Put together a weekly supplemental idea or ideas to assist the Sunday School Teacher no matter what curriculum is being used. For example, the Lifeway people have a section called “EXTRA” for their weekly lesson. Here at we do not want to be limited to a particular denominational persuasion. It is the “techies” desire that all curriculum’s are featured. Their vision is to have added resources; news items; object lessons, handouts, question sheets, maps, commentaries, books and so on. If you would like to have your curriculum/church represented, send us a note. The ‘techies’ have the ideas but would benefit from some of you who love Sunday School teaching and would like to work on this project along with them. Send us a note !

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For almost 14 years, the NET Bible has been available online free. Actually before the translation was completed, it's been online in draft form. And for 4 years, the First Edition of the NET Bible has been available in print. The profits of the sale of the print editions help fund the non-profit website. But in order to keep the prices down, we have chosen a publisher-direct model rather than go through distribution. Unfortunately, this model limits our exposure to many communities where not many have heard about the NET Bible. We sell on our website all of our materials, but that limits our scope as well. We don't have a distributor, but prefer to sell directly to bookstores and churches who resell the NET Bible to individuals.

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News that we wish did not happen but did:

Our November newsletter ended up in a lot of junk mail boxes due to some technical glitches with our mail supplier. This newsletter contained the November donor report which we reposted on the site for all to read. Technology is great…when it works as it was intended to do so. We apologize for this and please pray that all of the glitches have been resolved.

We received a significant increase in donations in Dec 09 and we are in the process of gathering the data for the 2009 donor report that we plan to distribute this year by email to save the extra expense of postage. Although we most likely did not make our goal of replenishing the bank account, we are praising God for His faithfulness to provide what He has deemed we needed. We are so grateful for your diligence to provide the funds to keep up and running.

Check out the new link on our contact us page for you to Tell us How has Blessed You

We have a short 2 question survey if you have 3 minutes see

Newsletter November 2009 - Ministry Update

Section 1 Ministry Update- Well it is almost thanksgiving and we at have a lot to be thankful for. As the new Executive Director I want to share with you some of the ways God is blessing the ministry.

  •  In June we successfully completed a major overhaul of the site and moved all our 6,000 articles from our old website software to new software that will enable us to better serve our missionaries and our non English speaking users with new features and content.
  • In the first ten months of 2009 we have added over 275 articles to the site.
  • We launched a prayer ministry for those actively involved in ministry. We invite you to join us in this critical prayer ministry (email, Prayer Ministry and you will receive a weekly email).
  • Since 12/08 we have seen an increase of traffic of 52% with 31% of that increase coming since we upgraded the site to the new software and this past month we had over million visits from 218 countries/territories. And 17,650 were on dial-up accounts.
  • Users of have downloaded over 1800 Gigabytes of Trust worthy biblical material to places including  the Middle East, Cuba and China.
  • The NET Bible has been downloaded over 330,000 times.
  • Our Women’s Executive Committee has redesigned their ministry page to better define resources for women in all areas of Christian service and they added new authors to their Tapestry blogging activities. Their blogs have served more than 20,000 readers.
  • We are actively developing a users social networking site and will make it free to the community who want to “Publish” their material for others to share. You will be able to Blog and make your own support group site for your Sunday school or Bible study class.
  • We have significantly expanded our volunteer program. Any one can volunteer see Volunteer Opportunities page. We have opportunities for all to see the volunteers page on
    • Several of our sermons are in audio only. We have assigned volunteers to transcribe the Audio so people can search and read the sermon text. (More and more people are listening to the many sermons)
    •  We have a volunteer who is doing tech support for the forum.
  • We have significantly increased our volunteer Translator program and have set up a translator support group/a> for the translators and published our first newsletter. Would you or your missions group like to translate one of our 6000 articles? See link.
    • We expanded our list articles by language and set up a matrix showing all the articles in each language that are currently being translated by our volunteers and those that have been translated with the ability to click on the page ID to view the page.
    • We would like to interact with mission committees and see how we might better support the missionaries they support with their missions budget. Email us for more information.
  • Our Ministry partner made significant improvement in the NET Bible online program. His team increased the search performance, added map locations to all the places in the bible, added museum art for many passages in the bible, added hymns, added bible lexicons/dictionaries and the word net dictionary (example check out reward).
  • In the last month we added a Facebook fans page that now has over 3000 fans. If you have a Facebook account join our Facebook fans page
  • We have started a site where we tell other web sites and bloggers about our NET Bible widgets that add the NET Bible to your blog, your site, Facebook page. Our NET Bible Verse Tagger adds Bible verse popups when a person mouses over a verse reference on any website.
Read the other Sections of the News Letter

1- Ministry Update:
     (This Page)

2- Ministry Impact: (email from users) 3- Financial Update: 4- New Projects Update:
5- Industry Update: 
Ministry Update




Walking with God in Clash with Our Culture (Genesis 6:5 - 7:5)

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A couple of months ago, I was approached by a leader of a campus Christian fellowship at the University of Maryland asking for some help. He said that more and more times students are encountering a changing landscape of our culture in their evangelistic and Bible study efforts. To use the parable of the soils as an analogy: There is a new soil out there. The soil has a different depth; the soil has a different color; the soil has a different texture; it’s the soil of rejection that truth is obtainable; it’s the soil of rejection of authority; it’s the soil of indifference; it’s the soil of meaninglessness; it’s the soil of whatever. In short, as he described it, it is the soil of postmodernism.

Postmodernism, as I have been discovering, is something that is nebulous; it is hard to get a handle on it, what it is and how it is affecting our culture. It is there in sometimes subtle and often not so subtle ways. Instead of explaining a lot of background, I have placed a lot more information in the study guide (see attached appendix) for you to look at, but let me give you my short definition. Postmodernism is a spiritual and philosophical condition of our culture which rejects all concepts of truth, structures of authority and meaning to life.

Some prominent symbols of postmodernism in our culture are: 1) America’s longest running cartoon: The Simpsons, and 2) recently exploding onto the scene is the murder mystery religious novel The Da Vinci Code. The 2003 best-selling book by Dan Brown has sparked the interest of millions of average people worldwide. According to the most recent figures, the book has sold more than 43 million copies, has been translated into dozens of languages,2 and is now coming out in a movie.

Among other things, the book falsely explicitly and implicitly promotes the idea that all history is made up; the Bible is merely from man not God; faith is only fiction; Jesus was merely a man whom the church embellished to be a god; He was actually married and had a child, which was covered up by the church; free sex without the boundaries of marriage is good.

Does all this tell us something about the culture we live in? I think it does, and it points out that what we as Christians believe and do are in fundamental conflict with much of our culture. In fact, we are in clash with it. Whether we like it or not, our culture is colliding with us, and we dare not harmonize with it.

How are we doing? Do we feel the impact of the collision between God’s truth and our culture? Do we sense the conflict? Or are we inappropriately adapting our beliefs and behaviors to what is going in the non-Christian culture around us? Are we maintaining and enhancing our fellowship with God as all of this goes on around us? Are we, according to the biblical metaphor, “walking with Him”? Noah was a man in clash with his culture, yet the Bible says that He walked with God.

Consider Genesis 6:5-13:

Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. 7 So the LORD said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.” 8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. 9 This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God. 10 And Noah begot three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. 11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. 12 So God looked upon the earth, and indeed it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth. 13 And God said to Noah, “The end of all flesh has come before Me, for the earth is filled with violence through them; and behold, I will destroy them with the earth” (NKJV, emphasis mine).

In verse 9, the Hebrew rendering is Eth Ha Elohim hith halek Noah (translated, “with God Noah walked”) The phrase “with God” is placed first in the clause for emphasis, which most English translations do not pick up. This is okay to smooth the translation to English word order, but it does miss some of the stress of the sentence. With God Noah fellowshipped; with God Noah lived and conducted his life. It is emphasized because of the contrast of all the evil around Noah and how other people were living. It is emphasized because of the clash that Noah had with his culture.

In the midst of the violence, there was a man who was just.

In the midst of the corruption, there was a man who was blameless.

In the midst of the wickedness, there was a man who walked with God.

As God looked over the whole earth, there was one guy who was not conforming to the culture. There was one guy who walked with God. Second Chronicles 16:9 says, “The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong to those whose heart is loyal to him.” And He spotted him. He took notice. It was Noah.

1. What was it that enabled Moses under the inspiration of the Spirit of God to look back on Noah’s life and say “that man Noah. He walked with God”?

2. What will enable God to look back on our lives and say that we walked with God? As His eyes run to and fro throughout the earth, will He spot us as a man or woman who walks with him like Noah?

3. As I look at Noah’s life, three qualities, three values, three character traits stand out to me as to the reason the Bible is able to say what is said about Noah: his Faith, his Obedience and his Inner Character.

The encouragement I have for us is this: God will walk with those of Noah-like Faith, and God will walk with those of Noah-like Obedience, and God will walk with those of Noah-like Character. We can still walk with God no matter what is going on in the culture around us.

Noah’s Faith

Noah was a man of great faith. He believed God. He was persuaded that what God said was true. What did God say? Verse 13 states, “The end of all flesh has come before Me . . . I will destroy them with the earth.” Verse 17 reads, “I will bring flood waters on the earth . . . everything that is on the earth will die.”

Noah is listed in what is sometimes referred to as God’s hall of faith. Hebrews 11:7 says,

“By faith Noah being divinely warned of things not yet seen moved with godly fear prepared an ark for the saving of his household” (Hebrews 11:7, emphasis mine).

I learn three things about Noah’s faith from this verse.

First, Noah’s faith was based on the Word of God. He was divinely warned. Faith, to be properly placed, must be based on what God says. Some people have faith in faith. If they have enough faith or believe hard enough, God is obligated to make about anything happen. But the problem with some people’s faith is that it is not based on what God has said: the Bible.

The second thing about Noah’s faith was that it involved things not yet seen. Noah had never seen a worldwide judgment. He had never seen a worldwide flood. He had never seen an ark like God wanted him to build. All the animals would come on their own two by two? It didn’t seem possible. Imagine God asking you to take decades out of your life and build a wooden ark of mammoth size over in East Texas. People would think you were crazy. If you started, you might think you were crazy as well.

The third thing about Noah’s faith is that it moved him to action. It was not a passive faith; it was an active one. Moved with godly fear, He prepared the ark. His faith led to his obedience.

The modernist view of faith can be reflected in the sayings, “I won’t believe it until I see it,” or I’ll believe it when I see it (reason).” Our postmodern culture’s view on faith is embodied in The Da Vinci Code where Robert Langdon, hero of the book, states, “Every faith in the world is based on a fabrication. That is the definition of faith—acceptance of that which we imagine to be true, that which we cannot prove.”3

These concepts are the exact opposite of biblical faith. Faith is “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen!” (Hebrews 11:1, emphasis mine). Faith is based on reality even though it is not yet seen. When it comes to faith, we are in direct conflict with our culture, but God will walk with those of Noah-like faith.

Not only was Noah a man of faith, he was also a man of great obedience.

Noah’s Obedience

Consider Genesis 6:14-22:

“Make yourself an ark of gopherwood; make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and outside with pitch. 15 “And this is how you shall make it: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, its width fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits. 16 “You shall make a window for the ark, and you shall finish it to a cubit from above; and set the door of the ark in its side. You shall make it with lower, second, and third decks. 17 “And behold, I Myself am bringing floodwaters on the earth, to destroy from under heaven all flesh in which is the breath of life; everything that is on the earth shall die. 18 “But I will establish My covenant with you; and you shall go into the ark – you, your sons, your wife, and your sons’ wives with you. 19 “And of every living thing of all flesh you shall bring two of every sort into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female. 20 “Of the birds after their kind, of animals after their kind, and of every creeping thing of the earth after its kind, two of every kind will come to you to keep them alive. 21 “And you shall take for yourself of all food that is eaten, and you shall gather it to yourself; and it shall be food for you and for them.” 22 Thus Noah did; according to all that God commanded him, so he did (NKJV).

Noah’s obedience was complete. Verse 22 reads “all that God commanded so he did.” God said, “Build an ark.” Noah built an ark. God said, “Make it 300 cubits long.” Noah said, “Yes, Lord, 300 cubits long.” God said, “Make it 50 cubits wide.” Noah said, “Yes, Lord, 50 cubits wide;” 30 cubits high, “30 cubits high;” 3 decks, “3 decks;” window around the top, “window around the top;” door on the side, “door on the side.”

This was an incredibly demanding project: 18 inches per cubit, 150 yards long, 3 stories high, and 15 yards wide. It took years and decades to build, and this is before chain saws and nail guns! What would you have done? I would have bargained with God; how about a smaller ark? I can do that in five years. Just save me and the family. Forget the animals. No creeping things and no termites.

Noah did not do that. He did all that God commanded him. Day after day, Noah obeyed. Week after week, Noah obeyed. Month after month, Noah obeyed, slowly but surely building the ark. Year after year, Noah obeyed, seeming to others to waste his life.

Decade after decade, he persisted in obedience until it was finally finished. The statement is repeated in Genesis 7:5, “And Noah did according to all that the Lord commanded him.” From start to finish, Noah obeyed.

The postmodernist is suspicious and skeptical of all types of authority: God, family, government, church, and the Bible. Reflecting this suspicion at one point in The Da Vinci Code, a supposed expert tells us “almost everything our fathers taught us about Christ is false.”4 So what is there to obey if no authority is to be trusted? Nothing, except one’s own dictates of a fallen conscience and how it might affect you or those in your close circle of friends.

In our family with seven kids, the word “obey” is a very important word in our household. It’s important for the proper functioning of the family. Ephesians 6:1 is one of the first verses our children learn, “Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right.” As parents, we love and are thrilled and expect to hear the words, “Yes, I will obey,” and see the actions consistent with such a statement.

Several years ago, quite a few now, I asked my oldest son (then about three or four) to go into his room and pick up his toys. And you know what? He wouldn’t do it. Then I tried to say it again, and I asked the question very directly, “Son, will you obey daddy?” The answer came back: “No obey.” When I heard it, I was kind of taken back, stunned, then hurt. Then I got the rod out, and my son was hurting. He quickly learned that he could not say those words, and I do not believe I heard them again. But disobedience, I learned, could take more subtle forms. I would say, “Pick up your toys.” His reply, “Okay,” but in reality only one-half were picked up: partial obedience. Again I might say, “Pick up your toys.” “Okay,” but he is thinking he will do it later: delayed obedience.

And for me, when I disobey, I am not usually shaking my fist at God saying, “No obey,” but it takes the subtler forms of partial or delayed obedience. I don’t know what issues of obedience you are facing right now. I know areas I need to address in my own life. But we need to have our hearts open to our heavenly father with the simple thought, “Yes, I will obey,” for our sakes and for the sakes of others.

When it comes to obedience, we are in direct conflict with our culture, BUT God will walk with those of Noah-like obedience. Noah was not only a man of faith and obedience, but also a man of godly character.

Noah’s Character

Genesis 7:1 reads,

Then the LORD said to Noah, “Come into the ark, you and all your household, because I have seen that you are righteous before Me in this generation” (NKJV).

God saw that Noah was righteous. In Hebrew, the word is singular. So it could be understood in this context: “as you alone are righteous.” The rest are evil. Genesis 6:9 describes Noah as a just man, blameless in his generations. In New Testament terminology, Noah was above reproach.

Noah was not perfect. He had failures, as we see him getting drunk after the flood and exposing his nakedness in an improper fashion. But his character was solid as far as God’s description of him is concerned. He was not only righteous in character, but according to 2 Peter 3:8, he was a preacher of righteousness. Noah, even just by building the ark, preached that God’s judgment was coming.

For the postmodernist, there is no morality, only expediency. If it works, do it. Don’t feel restricted by someone else’s boundaries of conduct. Explore your full potential in any area. Again in The Da Vinci Code, Professor Langdon states, “It was man not God, who created the concept of original sin, whereby Eve tasted of the apple and caused the downfall of the human race.”5 When it comes to standards of righteousness, are not we in clash with our culture?

Like Noah, could God write of us that we were blameless, righteous in our conduct? Am I blameless in my relationships? Am I blameless at work? Do I have the character that I stand up and do the right thing when all those around me are doing the wrong thing? This is not about reputation, but character. Reputation is what people think about us; character is what God knows about us. Some might say, “That’s too high of a standard for me.” But God is interested in progress and spiritual growth. Are we at least trying to go in the right direction?

Noah walked with God with righteous character.


Someone might think the days of Noah are long past. It’s not that relevant to me. Jesus stated in regard to His second coming,

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. 36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. 37 “But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. 38 "For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39 "and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be” (Matthew 24:35-39 NKJV, emphasis mine).

Eating, drinking, marrying; everything is normal; everything is always going to continue as it was. It’s so easy to get lulled into the same attitudes. Yes, we need to live our lives, but I want to suggest that we live them as Noah did – not conformed to the culture around us but conformed to what God says and what God wants us to do.

Paul writes in Romans 12:2: “And do not be conformed to this world.” Don’t be conformed to postmodernism; don’t be conformed to modernism. In fact, don’t be conformed to any worldly “ism,” but rather, “be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (NKJV).

D.L. Moody, the great American evangelist of the 19th century, is estimated to have personally led 1 million people to faith in Jesus Christ. What’s even more amazing about this estimate is that his ministry occurred before radio or TV broadcasts. Also, he had very little educational background and never went to high school. One biographer put it this way: “Moody reduced the population of hell by 1 million souls.”6 How did Moody get to that point of having such a ministry? God’s grace certainly, but early in Moody’s career someone challenged him to excel in his walk with God. He said, “D.L., the world has yet to see what God can do with a man whose heart is completely devoted to him.” Moody thought about it a moment and responded, “By God’s grace, I’ll be that man.”

Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord” (Genesis 6:8). It was God’s grace with Moody and Noah, and it will be with us as well. When we are resting under our gravestone, what would it take for the spirit of God to look back on our lives during our times and say, “That man walked with Me,” or “That woman walked with Me”? It’s going to take faith, it’s going to take obedience, and it’s going to take character.

Appendix on Postmodernism

The following is some general background on a cultural trend in America known as postmodernism:7

A. The Three Major Periods Related to Modernity (general trends only). Pilate’s question lives on: “What is truth?” For the postmodernist, truth is not obtainable.

  • 1. Pre-Modern: New Testament up to Enlightenment. Questions concerning the truth were addressed directly to Bible and/or Church. An atmosphere of confidence governed the expectation that agreement in understanding could be reached. There was a general belief in the supernatural and that God was acting in history.

    2. Modernity: Enlightenment through most of 20th Century. Most begin it in 1641 A.D. by French Philosopher Rene Descartes’ famous statement, “cogito ergo sum = I think, therefore I am.” An atmosphere of trust remained in the individual’s rational capacity, but everything else was submitted to doubt, especially matters related to church and church belief. Truth and the greater good were to be pursued and obtained intellectually through human reason and science. The stories of the supernatural (Bible) were relegated to purely naturalistic explanations. Since God did not act in history, man was responsible for his own fate.

The Tenets of Modernity: The Triumph of Reason

  • True knowledge is determined with certainty by reason
  • Two levels of knowledge: objective/scientific (open to debate) and subjective/spiritual/moral (only personal conviction)
  • World exists in cause-effect relationship
  • Knowledge is good; facts are “value-free”
  • Progress and scientific discovery will lead to better world and happiness
  • Humanity basically good and reason can solve all problems
  • Individuals are autonomous in society and have rights society must honor8
  • Life has a purpose and a design

1. Post-Modern: 1980s to Present: There is a suspicion that any understanding is achievable through rational methods. Questions the objectivity of the modern method and assumes biases in any modern method. It is a rejection and reaction against modernism. Ideas were around after WWII, but the theory gained some of its strongest ground early on in French academia. In 1979, Jean-François Lyotard wrote a short but influential work The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge. Jean Baudrillard, Michel Foucault, and Roland Barthes are also strongly influential in postmodern theory.

Wikipedia9 formal definition: the condition of Western society after modernity. . . . in the era of postmodern culture, people have rejected the grand, supposedly universal stories and paradigms such as religion, conventional philosophy, capitalism and gender that have defined culture and behavior in the past, and have instead begun to organize their cultural life around a variety of more local and subcultural ideologies, myths and stories. Furthermore, it promotes the idea that all . . . paradigms are stable only while they fit the available evidence and can potentially be overturned when phenomena occur that the paradigm cannot account for, and a better explanatory model (itself subject to the same fate) is found.

The Tenets of Post-Modernity: The Triumph of Ignorance

  • Reacting to the all the tenets of Modernity
  • Reject idea of objective truth
  • Suspicious and skeptical of authority (family, government and society)
  • In search of identity apart from knowledge but through relationship
  • No morality, only expediency
  • In search of transcendence, to experience otherness
  • In quest of meaningful community
  • The “knowing smirk” at anyone who says they know the truth10
  • Life is absurd and the purpose of life is play

B. Modern and Postmodern Approaches to the Bible. Things One Sometimes Hears

  • “Well, that’s just your interpretation.”
  • “The Bible can be made to say anything you want.”
  • “You can’t really understand the Bible. It is full of contradictions.”
  • “People can justify anything from the Bible.”
  • “No one can understand the true meaning of anything anyone says.”
  • This is what the Bible means to me.
  • What works for you is fine; what works for me is fine, whatever.

C. Preaching to Our Postmodern Culture: How can I effectively communicate the gospel in a post-modern environment?

  • 1. General Thoughts:

  • We still cannot compromise the basic message of the gospel: Saved by faith alone in Christ alone.
  • However, God is sovereign, and He does use and is using many methods.
  • Not all people, even young people, are postmodern.
  • Suggested General Method for Postmodern Evangelism

Different starting points [See Paul’s example in Thessalonica (Old Testament Scriptures) and in Athens (Altar to the Unknown God) but same ending point (Gospel of Jesus’ resurrection)(Acts 17)]. Start in their world at a place they can accept and bring spiritual principles of truth to bear on the situations they are experiencing. Share after establishing a personal relationship with them.

  • 2. Johnston’s Suggestions:

  • Use dialogue, not one way conversation
  • Use the inductive method of teaching; do not get to the main point until the end. Let them discover spiritual truth with you
  • Use story telling more
  • Use personal testimony, how the truth affects you
  • Use audiovisuals, drama, art
  • Use humor to greater degrees, irony, paradox
  • Speak in terms of spirituality, not religion and church11

1 Copyright © 2006 by Community Bible Chapel, 418 E. Main Street, Richardson, TX 75081. This is the edited manuscript of a lesson prepared by guest speaker Dr. James F. Davis on March 26, 2006. Anyone is at liberty to use this lesson for educational purposes only, with or without credit. The Chapel believes the material presented herein to be true to the teaching of Scripture, and desires to further, not restrict, its potential use as an aid in the study of God’s Word. The publication of this material is a grace ministry of Community Bible Chapel.

2 See latest sales information at

3 Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code, (New York: Doubleday, 2003), pp. 341-42.

4 Ibid, p. 235.

5 Ibid., p. 238.

6 Lyle W. Dorsett, A Passion for Souls: The Life of D. L. Moody, (Chicago: Moody Press, 1997) p. 21.

7 Much of the following material was adapted from class notes developed at Capital Bible Seminary’s class on Hermeneutics by Dr. Ken Quick and Dr. James Davis. The following source was also used: Graham Johnston, Preaching to a Post-Modern World (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2001).

8 Ibid., pp. 25-26.

9 A free encyclopedia built collaboratively using Wiki software. (GNU Free Documentation License).

10 Johnston, op. cit., p. 26.

11 Ibid., pp. 149-172.

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