Where the world comes to study the Bible


God’s attributes are our mighty weapons against the foes we face each day. This month we focus in on His attribute of “Love”. What is love? ISBE defines it as this: Love, whether used of God or man, is an earnest and anxious desire for and an active and beneficent interest in the well-being of the one loved. John 3:16 For this is the way God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. This self sacrifice is the evidence of true love. Do you know God's love? Share with us how you have seen His love in your life just this past month alone or share with us how you will show God’s love to another who needs His special love touch. Send your notes and ideas to Sonshine.  To help you, check out the plethora of articles on under the topic of “love”. If you dont have time to check them all out, here’s one to whet your appetite along with a touch of humor by Pastor Keith Krell.

SHARING OUR BLESSINGS! was overwhelmed by your generosity and notes of blessings to our question we posed in the January 2012 newsletter. We asked: what Bible reading program you will choose to use in the year 2012? Below are some of the responses we gathered. Fill our cup Lord and fill it even more! You have given us gifts of joy and blessing that have revived our spirits and encourage us to push onward. Here are some samples you sent our way and our responses in italics:
Sorgho sent a note to say: I want to join you for reading through the Bible in 2012. (smile)
Roger: I am going to check out some of the other many resources you offer. (yeah!)
Carl: This is the second year I have participated in "reading thru the Bible in a year" as part of my daily study. One reason I like it so much is that I can quickly go from one version to another. Thank you for this resource. (terrific)
Robert: Thanks so much for making it easy to access daily readings. We completed the year, do it again. (you are so very welcome)
Virginia purchased 5 NET Bibles; God brought a missionary across her path. She graciously gave these to him for his library! She wrote: He was delighted to receive the Bibles, and immediately stuck his nose deeply into a Bible to look it over. (eternal blessings!)
Michael: Used the reading plan but have been reading through the entire Bible in a year for 7 consecutive years now.  I have also kept a journal the entire time.  I have been blessed and will start year 8 tomorrow! (what a challenge!)
Pastor Bob: I commend you for encouraging the practice of reading through the Bible each year. This has been my practice for years ... as well as encouraging my congregations to do so. (this is humbling)
Rev William: Thank you very much for being a great boon to me to walk thru both the testaments of the Bible during 2011 (you are welcome!)
Eve: I loved doing the "Read the Bible in a Year" program. (superb)


Jobs: We are still looking for drupal developers see Jobs with eternal impact
Chinese Project News: Last month we highlighted the start of our Chinese ministry pages showing various tools and news in English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese visit .This past month we developed Chinese NET Bible (CNET) e-books, which can be viewed on the iPhone / Android /Nook and Kindle Readers. 

Women's Ministry News: Are the women of your church or neighborhood looking for new material that is free and downloadable? Check out Melanie Newton's new study on the book of Acts found on the Women's Bible Study Curriculum Door
NET Bible Editors Support. Our developer, Brian Seagraves, has developed a NET Bible manuscript editor that allows multiple scholars to collaborate on text at the same time. Scholars can edit the English and Chinese NET manuscripts online instead of using Microsoft Word offline. This is a big leap forward allowing us to be error free and much quicker in incorporating your comments and in updating the text on our various sites, platforms, and eBooks.
Path to Spiritual Maturity:  The Beta testing of The Path To Spiritual Maturity  (new believers section) continues, so feel free to test it out and give us your feedback! Meanwhile, we are developing the framework for further stages so that our development team can be expanded. Please pray that God gives us wisdom as we proceed, and that the right members are brought in so that this can be taken to the next level. For questions or comments contact the project manager here.  


Come and join us on as we read through the Bible using the Chronological Reading Plan. Tell others of this and watch our numbers grow! May you be blessed as you read through the Bible in 2012.

EXCITING NEWS:Our fan numbers are growing: From Dec 31 to Jan 30: 14, 928 to 15,043. That means in just one month we have added 115 new visitors. Thank you "fans"!THANKS FOR HELPING! THANKS FOR SHARING! THANKS FOR TELLING!

 Authors of the Month: This month we bring to your attention the section titled: “What’s New” found on the home page of"What's New" will display all the new studies and articles that have been uploaded for your use. Check out David Colburn's study on the book of ACTS and Kay Daigle's series on Judges.

Our user site: has seen an upsurge of new writers. One of them is George Burgin with his snappy titles  e.g.The Black Widow] and witty thoughts that he gleans from the chronological Bible reading about Judah and Tamar.
We encourage you to follow along with these new authors as they present God’s Word to us. 


Founder of
Our founder wants to remain anonymous.Matt 23:11-12. The Lord gave him a vision for developing an Internet pulpit so that gifted teachers could teach to milllions of people by posting their good, solid Bible study materials on the web. In 1994 he founded the Biblical Studies Foundation (also know as He grew up in a church in Texas where Hampton Keathley III was pastor for many years. (That is how there came to be so many Keathleys involved in!)

J. Hampton Keathley IV, Th.M.,
Hampton Keathley IV graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1995 with the Th.M. He is a full time volunteer who wrote the orginial web site when started in 1995 and the servers were at his house. He serves as the senior webmaster and technical director for the web site. To put it simply he keeps us up and running and fixes things when they break. Hampton is also President of Galaxie Software and contributes studies to the web site.

Michael Garrett,  Executive Director
After 30 years in Manufacturing with a green belt in Six Sigma, Michael comes to ministry full time. Michael's background ranges from technical to senior management. He believes that when much is given much is required, so he is following God's voice and plunging deeper into his service.


Sonja Barber - Office Staff

 Growing up as a Preacher's Kid she has always know the love of Jesus Christ.  She received Jesus into her heart at an early age and has felt his love throughout her life.  After working in 'corporate America' for years Sonja has been placed in this position to develop and share her Love for Christ.  She strives to show His work in her to all she encounters.  


Brian Seagraves - Lead Software Developer and system administrator.

Brian Seagraves has been working for since 2006. He enjoys: writing, playing, and recording music; finding unique and elegant solutions to problems; and working on his one-day-to-be-finished Soda Can Throwing Fridge. He is also the owner and developer of SimpleChurchCRM - A church management application. Brian goes to and loves his church in Tallahassee, Fl - Immanuel Baptist.

Jennifer Dent - Full time Christian, wife, mom.
JenniferBlessed to have grown up in the Church Jennifer has always found ways to serve others. As an adult she has served in her Church as the Children's Ministry Director, Sunday School coordinator and Children's Choir Director.  Married for 14 years with three boys. She is currently the Personnel Manager and the Administrator of the forums as well as the Adminstrator of our users site Staff

Our Founder

Our founder wants to remain anonymous.Matt 23:11-12. The Lord gave him a vision for developing an Internet pulpit so that gifted teachers could teach to milllions of people by posting their good, solid Bible study materials on the web. In 1994 he founded the Biblical Studies Foundation (also know as He grew up in a church in Texas where Hampton Keathley III was pastor for many years. (That is how there came to be so many Keathleys involved in!)

J. Hampton Keathley IV, Th.M., Co-Founder

Hampton Keathley IV graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1995 with the Th.M. He is co-founder of and serves as webmaster and technical director for the web site. To put it simply he keeps us up and running and fixes things when they break. Hampton is also President of Galaxie Software and contributes studies to the web site.

David Austin, Executive Director

David is a full-time Christian with ministry passion that finds himself working full-time: harnessing the Internet for God and developing Internet tools that will help motivated Christians to be more effective and better able to evangelize and disciple others. He has stated he wants all to be able to stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and hear Christ say, Well done my good and faithful servant.

 Michael Garrett, Director of Marketing, Sales and Development

Todd Lingren, M.A.

Todd graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1999 with the MA. He works in publications, managing print and electronic publishing, overseeing the online store operations, handling the email, and much more.

Gaye Austin M.A  Curriculum developer and volunteer coordinator

Gaye taught 15 years in public schools and 12 years in a Christian school where she was coordinator of the NILD program for learning disabled students).  She was a discussion leader for Bible Study Fellowship, and taught Precept upon Precept classes. She has a passion to teach people how to study the Bible so they can develop their own Bible studies for small Bible study groups across all cultures on the globe (2 Tim 2:15).

Below are some of the lead scholars and contributors on the team.

W. Hall Harris III, Th.M., Ph.D.

Hall is Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, where for nearly 30 years he has taught courses in intermediate level Greek grammar and syntax, exegetical method, and master’s and doctoral level courses in the Gospel of John and Epistles of John, as well as courses on the use of computer and Internet tools for biblical exegesis. He is also the Project Director and Managing Editor for the NET Bible translation (New English Translation) and Scholar in Residence at, acting as a consultant for a number of’s other ministry areas.

Daniel B. Wallace, Th.M., Ph.D.

Dan is Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, where he teaches Greek grammar and syntax, textual criticism, and elective courses in various New Testament books. He is the professor behind the Prof’s Soapbox articles.

Michael Burer, Th.M., Ph.D.

Michael graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1998 with the Th.M. He finished his Ph.D. in New Testament Studies in 2004 and is now Assistant Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. He is Assistant Project Director and Editor for the NET Bible translation which is sponsoring.

Robert L. Deffinbaugh, Th.M.

Bob graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1971. He is a teacher and elder at Community Bible Chapel in Richardson, Texas, and has been manuscripting his messages for several years. Bob has graciously contributed many of his series for use by

Greg Herrick, Th.M, Ph.D.

Greg graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with the Th.M. in 1994 and the Ph.D. in 1999. Greg and his wife are involved in a church planting ministry near Toronto. He has contributed a number of articles to the website.

Besides these above, there are many, many volunteers, some who have made significant contributions of time, resources and talent. is an international ministry, and our volunteer staff from all over the world help make it possible.

We especially remember those who have gone before us in the ministry, without whose dedication to the Lord none of this would have been possible.

J. Hampton Keathley III, Th.M.

Hampton Keathley III went home to be with the Lord August 29th, 2002 after a year long battle with cancer. He was a 1966 graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary and a former pastor of 28 years. Hampton wrote for the Biblical Studies Foundation (now known as and taught New Testament Greek at Moody Northwest (an extension of Moody Bible Institute) in Spokane, Washington.

Kathie Keathley, Ph.T.

Kathie (wife of Hamp III and mother of Hamp IV) went home to be with her Lord Jan 29, 2001 after an 18 month battle with multiple-myloma. Before she died, she wrote of the lessons she learned through the trial . Kathie was the one who, for the first 5 years, formatted all the documents and converted them to HTML for the website. She handled the e-mail, filled orders, and kept things organized and looking good on the web site. The Ph.T. degree is from Dallas Theological Seminary (Putting Hubby Through).

January Newsletter 2012

January 2012 Newsletter Recapping and Looking Forward The year 2011 saw many new and exciting things happening at Jot us a note and let us know what you consider as “the” key blessing you received as a result of using the website.

Many of you took the challenge to join us in reading through the Bible for an entire year. You are to be commended for your participation and effort! If you are one who chose to do that, please send us a note so we can honor your efforts. In December of 2011, we started posting a summary of the Chronological Reading portion on Don’t miss what we find each day as we read and digest the passages. Add your comments to our Facebook post! Sign up to do the daily Bible reading program by clicking here. OR, perhaps this year you will decide to do more Bible memorization. See Greg Herrick’s article to help you with that desire. Share with us your choices on this webform.

In 2011 these are the marvelous items God has given to

  1. New and improved English Bible Study Environment
    1. New Ministry Partners who are using our Co-Branded Online Study Environment
  2.  Completion of the Chinese NET Bible and the beginning of a Chinese study environment. Check out and pray for this new ministry to the 1.1 billion Chinese speakers in the world  see project page
  3. Web Site Visitors up 40% from 2010 to 2011 and up 50% for the last 6 months compared to last year
  4. During 2011 we have peaked past 3 million pages views in a month
  5. Many new relationships and ministry opportunities that were made at the conferences we attended
  6. Many new writers and bloggers on the users site and in the Children's ministry e.g.Jodi Hooper’s curriculum and Susan Greenwood/Ed Gossein ministry in their Heartprints Blog
  7. New Seminaries who are using our Greek/NET Diaglot and Study Environment as part of their daily study life

Looking ahead to 2012:

It would take too much space to discuss our plans for 2012 here. Soon we will send out additional detail on our proposed 2012 ministry plans for your input and feedback but for this newsletter let us just say:

  1. We would like to hire a drupal and php programmer (if interested email jobs)
  2. We would like to do a Spanish translation of the NET Bible and start a Spanish version of site . (if you would like to help email us)
  3. Be thinking and praying about what opportunities you would like us to pursue. For example, ministries where we can use our content and tools and help the local church worldwide. One that we are thinking about doing is a focused discipleship effort to help the local church produce disciples as commanded in the great commission.


Your faithfulness to pray and assist with finances has seen the vision for 2011 come to fruition. We are so blessed to have you join us in this journey. Please know that is faithful to provide each month an update of where your sacrifices are being used. We consider it a privilege to share this information with you and we look forward to using next year's donations to bring about His Work, His vision, His ministry in His way. Thank you from
( ps. editors note: it looks like we will finish 2011 in the black and have monies to do some major projects in 2012.)

Note-** All income (Donations and Bible sales/revenues) are accounted for. The store has outstanding NET Bible debt and sales are being used to meet debt and store expenses. When there is a future profit those profits will be reported as a donation to the foundation. As you have noticed we have turned on limited Google ads to help in the revenue side (no ads on the bible study tool) and we appreciate you telling us the links to inappropriate ads which we immediately block!

Thank you Facebook visitors. Our numbers are growing! In January of 2011 we had 13,648 Facebook fans who "Liked" us : and at the end of 2011 14,928 Facebook fans "Liked" us.  Help us reach the 20,000 mark in 2012.

Blogs: Our readership continues to grow on both our main blog site and the site. (Any user can start their own blog on the users site). We thank you for being faithful to read and comment on our new users blog posts.
Are you learning about the many insights from Hal Warren and Lance Ponder on the men’s blog site? You can join the children's ministry blog site and read the newest installment on what True Worship is by Susan Greenwood. Also  Dr. Bock just posted his newest article. Don’t miss a single read!

Read the many new authors that have found and are using the page such as Dr. Steve and Pastor Nate. Pastor Gary has begun a new group for his church: “Bethany Lutheran Bible Study” .Pastors/Teachers, you also can do this for your church or class. Pastor Gary's group will be Reading Through the NET Bible for 2012. Join all of these men as they challenge us to read, think and desire to grow closer to the Lord. On the ladies side, Rebecca Graf is challenging us to join her as she studies the book of James and Christina Wilson is calling us all to reflect on the Psalms.

Authors of the Month: Each month we will be selecting new authors or authors that have new material for us to read and digest. In December of 2011 added a new series on Ecclesiastes by Pastor Aaron Sturgill; a new audio series on Nehemiah by Pastor Jeff Miller, and his current audio series in Acts. There is a new series by Bob Utley titled: Jesus’ Half-Brothers Speak: James and Jude. Also a new Thanksgiving/Christmas series by Jodi Hooper. To learn more about each of these authors you can go to the articles and click author profile.

2. TTP Ministry Staff

Michael Patton, Th.M.
Director and Instructor to The Theology Program at
Michael received a bachelor of arts in biblical studies at University of Biblical Studies and Seminary in Bethany, OK. He received a master of theology degree in New Testament Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary. Michael is the director of The Theology Program at He is also a speaker on Theology Unplugged, a Internet radio broadcast found at Michael also is a local pastor at Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, TX where he oversees the Single Adult Ministries and the Theological Studies Dept. 
Rhome Dyck, Th.M.
Instructor to The Theology Program at
Rhome earned a diploma in biblical studies from Columbia Bible College in Abbotsford, B.C., Canada; a bachelor of arts degree in history from Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, B.C., Canada; he received a master of theology degree in historical theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. Rhome also serves as Pastor of Adult Fellowships at Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, TX where his primary responsibility is to provide leadership and support to the leaders and teachers in SCC's adult education. Rhome is an instructor in The Theology Program at SCC and says that his greatest passion is helping people gain a firmer grasp on the truth of Scripture.
Daniel B. Wallace , Th.M., Ph.D.
Advisor to The Theology Program at
Daniel has taught Greek and New Testament courses on a graduate school level since 1979. He has a Ph.D. from Dallas Theological Seminary, and is currently professor of New Testament Studies at his alma mater. Dan also serves at Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, TX as an instructor to The Theology Program teaching elective courses in New Testaments studies. 
Brad Buhl
Media supervisor to The Theology Program at
Brad received a bachelor of arts degree in film at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX, and currently oversees the video and audio production and distribution of The Theology Program. Team
The staff at is pleased to join with The Theology Program team to offer the thousands of additional resources found at on the subject matter covered in The Theology Program.  We would like to especially thank Michael Patten, TTP creator and director, the TTP staff, and the pastoral staff at Stonebriar Community Church for making this program available to the world for free through the web ministry.  We believe this is the best and most comprehensive theological training program for lay people available anywhere in the world today.

December 2011 Newsletter

 God’s Christmas Gift.

 December is the month in which we celebrate the birth of Christ; He is the reason for the season! Around the world people will commemorate the day our Savior entered earth as a human and spent his first night in a cradle. It would be some months after His birth that the Three Magi would arrive to worship and bestow gifts which prophesy of His life: gold, the gift for a king; frankincense, the gift for a priest; and myrrh, a burial ointment, a gift for one who would die. From cradle to cross our Savior proclaimed one message: Mark 10:45 “Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords but laid aside those titles to be the Son of Man and to become our sin sacrifice.
God chose His most precious gift just for us, what will we give Him in return? Will the answer be in line with Rom 12:1-2 Therefore I exhort you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a sacrifice—alive, holy, and pleasing to God—which is your reasonable service. Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God—what is good and well-pleasing and perfect.
We pray our richest blessings upon you this season as you ponder Eph 2:10 For we are his workmanship, having been created in Christ Jesus for good works that God prepared beforehand so we may do them. Our prayer is that all around you will see your good works and a life that is truly a living sacrifice to our savior. The staff at pray and praise God for each one of you and wish you a most blessed and Merry Christmas.

 We are in need for people with a ministry heart who would like to impact the world for Christ.
1-We would like to expand our mobile development team and are looking for an IOS and an android developer.
( Notice below in the finanical report that our mobile visitors are up 276%)
2- We would also like to expand our drupal development team and are looking for people with drupal experience.
If you are interested please contact us

WOMEN: On Monday, November 14, the Center for Christian Leadership hosted the sixth annual All about Influence: A Women's Leadership Conference. Part of the conference’s excitement were the 10 workshops offered. One of the workshops was hosted by your women sharing how to use the internet as a ministry tool. Sandi Glahn shared the tips of the trade from a writer/journalist perspective. Sue Bohlin shared about the newest online missionary program by GMO. And lastly Gaye Austin showed the audience how to use the NET Bible study tool.  We thought you might be interested in just one of the comments received back from this workshop:  “Inspired by "mature" women who are tech-savvy. Gave us a big picture of influence on the web and yet some practical tools for ways to reach people.”  The women of thank you for the privilege being your representatives for the world of the internet.
CHILDREN:  Ed Lee has just finished translating into Chinese "the full Story of God in 60 Stories" for children. Please pray that this be used as a resource for Chinese children. Also pray for us, and Ed in particular, as we continue to build the Chinese resources for the Chinese content.
We hope that you are following our Heartprints Bloggers as they offer ideas on holidays, teaching hints, and classroom strategies. Note: we are looking for more to join the Heartprints Blog Team. If you are a blogger, a children’s ministry worker or teacher, send SonShine a sample of your work to be considered.
Forum: The Forum continues to shine as’s NETWork ~ Impacting the World for Christ one post at a time! Register on the Forum and meet the moderators. We have been blessed with an influx of new members lately and we praise God for each and every one of you! If you have not yet registered at the forum it only takes a minute and we would love to have you.

With the holidays approaching let's gets together and talk about your family traditions in our Christian Living section. Share your family with us as we share our family with yours.

New Partners! - has teamed up with Get Motivated Seminars to help spread God's word.  Soon you will see the NET Bible on their web site and at their seminars! 

FINANCIAL UPDATE:** We thank God for all who donated in the month of October. Your prayers and telling people about are making a difference. Our traffic is up  56% this year and people visiting us from mobile platforms is up 276%. As you can see we are in the black for the first time this year; PTL. While sales and donations were not sufficient to cover our costs, our decision to run ads is making up the difference and allowing us to add developers so we can expand the site into more languages. Our first major thrust is Chinese. Stay tuned as we launch the Chinese study environment with the new NET Bible with notes in Chinese.  
 All income (Donations and Bible sales/revenues) are accounted for. The store has outstanding NET Bible debt and sales are being used to meet debt and store expenses. When there is a future profit those profits will be reported as a donation to the foundation. As you have noticed we have turned on limited Google ads to help in the revenue side (no ads on the bible study tool)  and we appreciate you telling us the links to inappropriate ads which we immediately block! 


 This month we highlight a new author from the page. Dr. Steve Mentzer has a background of twenty years of pastoral ministry and currently is an instructor for Southern Care Hospice to RNs, Social Workers, Chaplains and Aides. He has authored a new book titled Broken Vows Shattered Lives on divorce recovery. As busy as Dr. Steve is, he has chosen to share from his heart on His latest will cause you to stop and ponder your Christmas spirit. Read his newest blog: “Trees, Tinsel, Turmoil”.


 Bloggers: To get you into the Christmas spirit, our bloggers on both the main site and on users have been busy. Check out these newest posts for ideas on how to keep Christ in Christmas.

Sandi Glahn: Keep Christ in Christmas: Ten Steps to a Saner Season. Or check in with Sharifa Stevens on the Music that Sings Christmas.  Want to Shine Like a Christmas Light? Check out Dr. Steve’s ideas. Are you looking for Jesus this Christmas? See what SonShine has to say.

FACEBOOK: Beginning in December we will be continuing to read through the Bible using the chronological reading plan. Go here and sign up. Then join us by posting your ideas and scriptural principles from the reading each day. We look forward to seeing you there.


January 1, 2013 Newsletter


January 1, 2013
Happy New Year! is on the move in so many ways it is hard to keep up! We've upgraded our servers, moved our warehouse, and now we're in a new office. While we are still in the same building we have moved to a different, more welcoming, suite. Our new address is 
1101 E Arapaho Rd Ste 260
Richardson, TX 75081. 
All other contact information will remain the same.

As we begin the new year, resolutions are common. Eighteenth-century theologian Jonathan Edwards had some fantastic resolutions he lived by (and read weekly). Here's a sampling:

1. Resolved, that I will do whatsoever I think to be most to God's glory, and my own good, profit and pleasure, in the whole of my duration, without any consideration of the time, whether now, or never so many myriads of ages hence. Resolved to do whatever I think to be my duty, and most for the good and advantage of mankind in general. Resolved to do this, whatever difficulties I meet with, how many and how great soever.

2. Resolved, to be continually endeavoring to find out some new invention and contrivance to promote the forementioned things.

17. Resolved, that I will live so as I shall wish I had done when I come to die.

28. Resolved, to study the Scriptures so steadily, constantly and frequently, as that I may find, and plainly perceive myself to grow in the knowledge of the same.

29. Resolved, never to count that a prayer, nor to let that pass as a prayer, nor that as a petition of a prayer, which is so made, that I cannot hope that God will answer it; nor that as a confession, which I cannot hope God will accept.

Martin Luther once said, "I have so much business I cannot get on without spending three hours daily in prayer." Early in the morning the Psalmists came to the Lord in prayer (cf. Psalm 5:3; 143:8). Jesus, himself, "got up early in the morning when it was still very dark, departed, and went out to a deserted place, and there he spent time in prayer" (Mark 1:35 NET). A multitude of life's responsibilities call for significant dedicated time reading the Scriptures and prayer. Martin Luther could not afford a day without prayer and neither can we.


Happy New Year from 


Family Devotions


Daniel Wallace encourages family devotions to be a time of creativity. Have your kids act out the major characters' actions as you read the Bible aloud. Ask questions. Be enthusiastic. May they catch a glimpse of your heart for the Lord. Give your kids an opportunity to love God's word now.


Hear God's Word

Listen to the Audio NET Bible as you travel or with your new exercise routine for only $9.95 (regularly $19.95).



Like us on Facebook   Follow us on Twitter   Find us on Pinterest | 1101 E. Arapaho Rd | Richardson | TX | 75081





Seasonal changes bring about new and exciting adventures! In the northern hemisphere October ushers in the autumn season with its brilliant colors, cooler temperatures and a return to the fall rains. As we view this change in the seasons it reminds us of the truth of Deut 11:14 “I will send rain for your land in its season, the autumn and the spring rains”. Just as God gives us seasonal changes so we at also are bringing about new and exciting changes for you, our readers, such as updating of the home page, adding or saying goodbye to some of our bloggers, adding new articles and new material so that you may benefit as you prepare for your role in ministry. Be sure to watch for the new and updated “NEWS” block. Participate in the poll’s question: How do you do devotions? Read the daily changes of the blog posts.

October is Clergy Appreciation Month. Studies have shown that the average church in America has less than 75 members and a Pastor earns less than $34,000. In addition studies also show that of those 90% work extra jobs to help make ends meet for their families. This is your opportunity to show your pastor that their work is "worth it all". Here are some suggestions for you to implement: a note of encouragement, a monetary gift of any amount with no strings attached, get the church involved to provide a thank you banquet in his honor, provide a get away gift to a bed and breakfast or a retreat; upgrade his office with new furniture. These are just a few ideas. Tell us what you and your church will be doing by filling out the webform called Reflections so we can share your ideas with our readers.


1- Check out the new series by one of our Impact Bloggers, Lance Ponder, on Creative Science.
Lance is an active Christian author publishing regularly on various blogs including the Impact blog here on BIBLE.ORG.


1- Please remember your staff as they participate in the Kingdom Agenda/First Ladies Conference between Oct 3-7. Your staff will be exhibiting and sharing with pastors the Ministry and showing the NET Bible Study Environment. Pray for us as we use this as a way of sharing the vision to get God's Word to everyone on the planet through the Internet.

2- The time to register is NOW for The Women of Influence Conference at Dallas Theological Seminary to be held on Nov 14th. This is a one-day conference equipping you to reach, lead, and impact those in your sphere of influence. Your women’s leadership team will lead up a workshop titled: “Got an Internet Connection? You can have a ministry”. Click here to gain information on this marvelous conference.


Status on 2 Projects supported by your 2010 donations 

For more information and to help beta test this discipleship environment check out: Maturity Foundation Stage Note the MUST READ info links for fuller explanations.
If you are willing to start under these conditions and provide feedback. Tony Tucci, the project manager, will assist and interact with you through the process in this Users Group For questions contact Tony here( Our target is to get at least 10 brave testers/co-labors)  


MAILBOX LETTERS: Once again our hearts are rejoicing as we read your notes of encouragement to us. You are our Barnabas and we thank God for you!

From Joyce: Your article on facing death with faith was very special to me. Our dear friend is nearing death. He has served God diligently. I was searching for words of comfort and so enjoyed the message of Mr. Smith's funeral.
From Sandy who has recently suffered a 2nd stroke. She listened to a sermon by Bob Deffinbaugh and then took time to write to us: Having done the study myself, I had confirmation many times over, This is a site that teaches truth. I wept and am still weeping and thanking God for directing me to your ministry. Lots for me to listen to while I heal, and do my home PT to recovery. I know the time is short and the Lord will be coming, I so want to be found doing my labors for Him as joy. Working full with love, laboring hard for the profit only for the kingdom of God, it is no life to me to live it without His words moving into my own eyes to hear and trough me, to grow.
(Editor Note: Thanks Joyce and Sandy for these sweet and encouraging notes)

  1. mobile NET Bible appEnhanced NET Bible mobile App- We have shared that your 2010 donations allowed us to hire a  NET Bible mobile APP developer and we expect to announce the need for testers for it this month. Watch the home page. If you can't wait for our new app you can get the NET Bible on your mobile device from this page. 
  2.  Path to Spiritual Maturity (Pilot Testers Release, TESTERS IMMEDIATELY NEEDED!)  God commands us to grow spiritually (Eph 1:17-19) and to make disciples (Matt 28:19). We wanted to assist our readers around the world to be in obedience to those commands so we created a customized 5 stage “Path to Spiritual Maturity” environment. This five stage environment (Discovery, Foundations, Maturing, Disciplining, and Specialized) uses the 155 topic categories on "search by topic list" . Selected articles, audio, and video, along with assessments, Bible reading/study, application, interaction, and more have been drawn together to provide a helpful framework for intentional spiritual growth. The first version of the foundation stage has been completed and needs testing. Disclaimer: This program is in Beta Testing. It has not yet received its full “ Ministry Seal of Approval.” It needs to be tested in real life discipleship situations. Frank and honest evaluation is needed to assess all aspects of the program. What we really need to know is how useful this whole program is with its specific discipleship purpose. What does this need to make it the best aid possible for the church in discipling? To that end we have questions that we need your feedback on if you are willing to take a group or an individual through this process. 


As we enter the Autumn months and looking ahead we, as always, want to share how we are doing and what we are doing with your sacrificial gifts. We reported on 2 of those projects above and we hope you are as encouraged as we are. Please note below the graphic which shows where we are and our needs. We are once again thankful for how God is allowing us the privilege of using your gifts for the kingdom.We may not have the monies that many big ministries have but with each gift we move ahead into the internet ministry. We once again thank you for each and every gift which we know is sent from heaven to us. I would also point out our advertising revenue almost equaled our donation income. As we have shared, we do not run ads on the home page or the bible study environment as we always want to keep the bible study tool free from secular ads. 


 Note-** All income (Donations and Bible sales/revenues) are accounted for. The store has outstanding NET Bible debt and sales are being used to meet debt and store expenses. When there is a future profit those profits will be reported as a donation to the foundation. As you have noticed we have turned on limited Google ads to help in the revenue side and we appreciate you telling us the links to inappropriate ads which we immediately block.. 


Looking to minister to the world from the keyboard of your computer?(Volunteer with the opportunity to move to a paid position)

  • Volunteers/Interns needed:
  • We are making slow progress on the Chinese NET Bible project (CNET) because we lost the one technical person that could read and write Chinese, We desperately need a tech support person who knows perl and can read and type Chinese. If you have those skills Contact us.
  • Several responded to our call for help: (1) to enhance our NET Bible online environment in Spanish and (2) our Sunday school teachers effort, but we still need someone to lead the effort. Maybe that is you? If you would like to explore leading the effort Contact us.

Blog News

Heartprints Blog welcomes Susan Greenwood, who hails from the fine state of West Virginia! Become acquainted with Susan by clicking here. Susan is the author of A Parent’s Guide to Spiritual Milestones, a must read book for parents who want to lead their children to Christ. The book offers insightful methods to teach your children about God, his love for us, and his gifts. Susan is also webmistress of Childlike Faith. Stay tuned to read her ideas and thoughts on childrearing the first and third Tuesdays of each month.


Recently Sandi Glahn’s entry was found by Google. You can read her post on Tapestry where she discusses and gives ideas on Observations for Bible Study.

An author by the name of George Guthrie, in his ministry of “Read the Bible for Life”, chose to highlight Lisa Goodyears’ Heartprints blog titled: “Teaming With Parents To Build Strong Biblical Foundations."Start In The Early Years" ... FORUM

Forum: The Forum continues to shine as’s Network ~ Impacting the World for Christ one post at a time! Register on the Forum and meet the moderators. To whet your appetite here are two moderators for you to check out:
MikeC1956. His passion is Early Church History, Apologetics,and Men's ministry. Check out Mike’s posts on the Forum.
Gideon’s passion is God and His Kingdom, The Gideon’s International, family, friends, history, economics and literature. Gideon has many followers on the Word Association Game as well as other posts. Check Gideon’s recent posts here.



DECEMBER NEWSLETTER 2010 The Worlds Largest Bible Study Site on the WEB

Home of the  NET Bible Study Environment and our new Beta NET Bible Study Environment

Inside Our Newsletter Celebration and Fall Fund Raiser Update

We thank the Lord for his answered prayers and we celebrate his provision. We thank our matching fund donor and all you who donated to the Fall fund raiser. We asked God to raise up new donors that would help allow us expand the ministry across the Internet and help us staff the Chinese project and our 3rd world projects. God has answered our mutual prayers and HE gets the glory. We thought we would have the final result in by this newsletter but we are still waiting on mail sent by the deadline. We can praise him that we are close to our goal of using the available matching funds. Check the home page  in the next 2 days for the final result.

For all those who donated $100 or more we will give you access to 's 750 years of theological Journals within our new Beta NET Bible Study Environment . ( We are working to get this in place by 1 Jan 2011) Even though the matching funds offer is over, we will continue to offer this access for gifts of $100, for a limited time.

 Back to the Top

Christmas Thoughts and Traditions:

Christmas Thoughts: This is a  special time of year and it seems that all of the world stops and celebrates. Although the world is busy in creating memories, recalling past Christmas events, joining others in decorating homes and feasting with friends and families, we at are rejoicing in an early arrival of Christmas due to your incredible generosity. The Staff at extends to you a huge THANK YOU. Thank you for your sacrifices, prayers, continued encouragement, and the desire to join us in this marvelous journey.

Christmas Traditions: What do you envision when you think of Christmas,  is it Christ or is it ideas from years past?   Do you have a special tradition that you and your family do each year? Would you like to start a new tradition this year?  Here are some ideas from the staff:

 Christmas Ideas: While we are talking about Christmas, check out the many ideas offered on our new home page! Take a look at the new and improved site. Here are a couple of ideas to spur your holiday:

Do you have some "grinches" in your midst telling you that it is wrong to celebrate Christmas? Check out the thoughts on this article: Should Christians Celebrate Christmas by J. Hampton Keathley III which will surely help you change their minds.

How about those who want to question and challenge Is 7:14 and Matt 1:23 about the word "virgin"? Jeffrey Volkmer answers all of this and makes us want to shout from the housetops, God Has Been, Is, and Will Be With Us!

And last, rejoice with Martin Luther as you read his prayer: Dear Sweet Jesus

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Often as we enter the busyness of December we talk about the traditions of our families and friends. Some of these are baking gingerbread houses and Christmas cookies complete with sugary frostings and toppings. We send Christmas cards with family photos; decorate a tree and put up lights. To help you prepare children for this special day with a bibllical perspective, The Children's Ministry has put together a December Advent Calendar for you to use. You can access, download and print your own copy.

Here's a snippet for you to see:  
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The "Hat Lady" has had the joy and pleasure of doing some conferences in November. It has been her delight to meet so many new people who have not heard of! First was the DTS Women's Conference and then the ACSI (Assoc of Christian Schools International) . What a surprise to find that John Craig, the South-Central Director of ACSI had posted as a recommended resource in his newsletter ! We are so grateful for his promotion of The "Hat Lady" will stay put for December but stay tuned as she branches out to new and exciting adventures in 2011.

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 fiancesAt we are thankful for your continued support of the ministry. Next months report will include all the Fall Fund Raiser results. We are already thanking God and You for the very successful campaign which allows us to continue our focus of “Ministry First” and supplying trustworthy biblical material free for you to use in your ministry and personal study. God has richly provided each and every need that we have had this past year and we praise Him for his provision and protection. Our staff remains committed because we have seen His hand in your thankful offerings.

To Help us to harness the Internet for God, donate now by clicking HERE

Note-** All income (Donations and Bible sales/revenues) are accounted for. As store sales exceed store expenses those profits will be reported as a donation to the foundation.

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Pastors we have a new newsletter just for you.

It is called Pastors' Notes and it really is for pastors only. It has encouraging notes, tech tips, inside information and specials just for pastors.  To receive this newsletter login to your account, click on my account under your name on the right side, click on the edit tab, click on personal information, scroll down and make sure that one of the pastors boxes is clicked.  We will be making a list, and checking it twice, to make sure that only pastors are on this list.

 Back to the Top gets a new look

Our team has been hard at work creating things like the new Beta Net Bible Online study tool, The NET Bible tagger and many other cool tools and widgets that you can use in everyday online life.  This time we put our efforts into our look. By the time you are reading this we should have a new look on our site.  Our Home Page is what changed the most but our whole site has a new look. We are trying to bring you as much information to your finger tips as we can.  Don't worry if your not sure what to do or how to use it just click on the help button and we will have some instructions on how to get through it.

Please let us know what you think. Email us or take the survey at the bottom of the page on the right.

 Back to the Top


The mailbox has been filled with news and yes checks for the Celebration Fund Raiser.  What praises each day. You have brought such joy to this office!

Here is one special letter to show you how has been used just this month:

I just want to let the ministry know that it really helped to break down Eccles 11:1-6. I was having a rough day , asking God why do I feel like I am doing nothing with my time and life and why do I go through season that I am "busy" only to come back to that I have done nothing..... and when I got home , the Spirit was telling me to read Eccles and I just went through the notes that I had and came across Eccles 11:6. It really stood out to me. The Spirit told me to read another translation and that's how I came to your website! I read the whole break down and really did the study question....... It answered all my questions and stirred up the gift within me... Thank God for the ministry.  Thank you for obeying God so those like me can stop playing it safe and take risk. Peace and blessings!

Thank you Loretta for your kind thoughts and excitement at finding

FACEBOOK UPDATES: As of the end of Nov we are seeing an upsurge of users. The total is now up to 13,511 users on facebook. Here's just one comment posted that might encourage you to become a Facebook Fan and study the Character of God.

Posted by Sue as a challenge to all of us:  Priceless is focusing on the character of God. I intentionally study the character of God on a daily basic. I have been so very much blessed in doing so. May the Blesser Himself bless our lives with His Presence continually.

BLOGS: The Tapestry Team has grown! We now have new sub bloggers. Be sure to check them out as new faces and new ideas are shared. The Heartprints Team has also grown. Soon, Ed Gossein will begin as a new children's ministry blogger. You can read his first entry blog come Dec. 3rd. The men's blog team, Impact, continues to challenge our thinking beyond this universe. Check out Hal Warren's ideas about Lucifer and the Scroll of Authority. Watch out Harry Potter, Hal has more excitement than you will ever know!

 Back to the Top

The forum continues to be the place where users can ask questions and get answers from other forum users as well as our dedicated volunteer moderators. Their are 10,213 members and they have posted over 80,150 posts on 7,570 topics. You will be able to see their latest posts on the updated front page as we automatically pull the latest forum posts and repost them to the home page check it out

The Staff and all our authors and volunteers at wishes you and yours a very




October Newsletter




D Austin, Exec Direc

Your staff was privileged to attend the D6 Conference held in Frisco, TX (Sept 15-17) for families, family ministries, children’s workers and pastors. God opened many doors for your staff to interact and share about the vision of along with the free, trustworthy resources that offers. From that conference God has given us many new friends to share His Word so that all may have the privilege of knowing what is “the incomparable greatness of his power toward us who believe, as displayed in the exercise of his immense strength.” [Eph 1:19] so that “ we will (be prepared) to tell the next generation about the Lord’s praiseworthy acts, about his strength and the amazing things he has done_…[why?]_so that the next generation, children yet to be born, might know about them. They will grow up and tell their descendants about them”[Ps 78:4-6]. That is the vision of and its ministry. We thank you for joining us in the adventure that God has laid before us.

Conference Updates and Highlights

See the conference schedule on the home page. Your ambassadors will again have the privilege of sharing the ministry at other conferences and those will be highlighted in the November newsletter. We thank you for standing with us as we step out and share the vision and the resources.

Highlights of the D6 Conference: One of authors, Dr. Jerry Lawrence taught a workshop on the development of the Family Small Group Model. You can read more of Dr. Lawrence’s ideas and work on the children’s section of as well as follow her blog on Heartprints. Excitement abounded as passersby were grabbed by the booth banners and the Children’s brochures with the bookshelf idea. We were set up to share about the NET Bible, the children’s resources, and the website Here are some photos of that conference exhibit.

D Austin Exec Direc


click image for children's ministry

The children’s ministry is so excited about the interaction from the conference that they have put together yet another contest to keep you thinking. But first the September Contest winner is Pastor Don Rapp of Scipio Baptist Church.

Children’s Ministry Team idea for October-December. "Fall is here and our thoughts turn to cooler temperatures and shorter days. Along with that comes the excitement of holidays! Is your focus on Reformation Day on Oct 31 or do you have Harvest Festivals? What do you teach and celebrate during the months of October, November and December in your Children's Ministry? For this month’s Children's Ministry contest, we are looking for creative ways in which you teach and celebrate the holiday season in your ministry. Send in your ideas by filling out this webform about Holiday Ideas and the Children's Ministry Team will select one to be the recipient of a store gift certificate."

Pastor Don Rapp, Scipio Baptist Church

“Pastor Don” sent us his winning entry for the September Contest: Children are the future of the Church. They may not directly impact our community at this time but they certainly will as the years go on. Our goal is to have our children deeply committed to God and His word so that they can impact their peers as well as the community as a whole as they grow. If we don't start teaching our children sound biblical doctrine at a young age we will lose them by the time they become teens. Therefore... read more


CY 2009-August 2010 Financial Report

Each month in our newsletter we share how we, as God’s stewards, are using the resources He has given to These, we know, are gifts from the heart, often given sacrificially and with love. We thank each giver for trusting us to monitor, utilize and share how those funds are being used. We continue to praise Him for each and every precious gift. How are your monetary gifts used? Some is used to pay the expenses such as internet, rent, and office supplies. Other gifts are used to pay that part of staff that are on the payroll. And some of your gifts are being used to pay for exhibit space at different conferences. As always our motto is “ministry first” and therefore that is why many of our staff are full time volunteers.
You can continue to help us to continue to eliminate our 2009/2010 shortfall and Donate now by clicking HERE

Note-** All income (Donations and Bible sales/revenues) are accounted for. The original plan was for the store sales to be greater than store expenses and the store would donate all its profits to the ministry but to date the sales have not been sufficient to accomplish that goal. As sales increase and are greater than store expenses we will show those profits on the donation line above Mailbox- Each month we receive many wonderful letters of encouragement. Thank you for taking the time to encourage us in this very tangible way...These are being posted in the group on users called “_Sharing how has blessed me_ ” We pray that those letters are an encouragement to you as well. SonShine keeps this up to date and adds letters as they come in and selects those that are of special encouragement to our readers.

Sue” wrote: Thank you for your Ministry, I've really been busy this last month and missed this email August 10 newsletter, looks really like great reading...One of the things I've been doing this August is contacting at least 1 person I've lost contact with over the years. I can not tell you the joy it has brought me, hearing their voices and their "stories"
Keep up the good work,

Social Networking News and Initiatives

Facebook Update: One of the joys we have had in recent months is to use the tool of Facebook to share resources. Each week our resident Facebook Fan, Todd, chooses an idea to share and to interact. As of the end of September there were 12,526 people who joined this interactive tool. If you are not registered on Facebook and would like to join in the excitement, go to Facebook and register.
This weeks topic is: Treasures of Wisdom. Suppose that you owned one of those famous magic lamps, and your own private genie promised to grant you anything in this world you desired. What would you ask for? Wealth would probably be one of the most popular requests. Some think more money would solve almost all their problems. Good health … read more

Blogs: The readership on the blogs page continues to have more and more comments. As an interactive blogging page, many of the authors choose to share ideas, controversial topics, and biblical wisdom. Sandra Glahn, a professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, continues her challenge to read wisely. Read More
Nathan Gunter continues his series on “A Fake Jesus Children’s Ministry?” Lance Ponder and Hal Warren keep us up to date on science, creation and ideas to keep us thinking. Check out the newest blogs done by each on Impact.

Prayer Ministry: Each week, SonShine puts together a prayer log of needs for the staff, ministry needs, and local pastor’s ministries. We encourage our readership to join in praying for those needs. You can join the group by sending your email address to be added to the list which is sent via email along with the W.O.W. (word of the week encouragement) or you can follow the prayer needs on the Treasure Chest of Praises and Prayer.


The Tapestry and Women’s Authors are available to speak at your luncheons, Bible Studies, or other women’s events. To schedule interviews and appearances please see the Media Relations page. (read more)

Women's Leadership Conference

Just a reminder: The Women's Leadership Conference with Carolyn Justis James as the featured speaker will be held at Dallas Theological Seminary on Nov 15, 2010.

Register soon for your place! The theme this year is All About Influence.


Au Revoir To Marcy who handled all of our quickbooks, store queries and phones; we will miss her smiling face and quiet spirit. Welcome to Sonja B. who will replace Marcy.

