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ETL Module 3: Love As Jesus Loved (transformed relationships)

This is module 3 of the Experience The Life Series

This is module 3 of the Experience The Life Series

Some of us have settled for loving those who love us and forgiving those who have asked us for forgiveness. We have set limits on how many times we will forgive someone for the same action. The church is marginalized because of estranged relationship and a lack of commitment to follow Jesus. To love as Christ loved is the way to break down the walls that separate us and bring healing to broken lives. Jesus didn’t hold anything back and loved until others experienced that love. A community develops character as it pursues the standard summarized by Jesus when he told us to love one another just as I have loved you” (John 15:12).

Related Topics: Spiritual Life, Curriculum

ETL Module 4: Minister As Jesus Ministered (transformed service)

This is module 4 of the Experience The Life Series

This is module 4 of the Experience The Life Series

“the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Matt. 20:28). Jesus ministered out of who he was; his influence came from his character. The way he exercised power was consistent with the humility and submission that governed his character and service (John 14:12-14). As disciples of Jesus we can have the same impact Jesus had.

Related Topics: Spiritual Life, Curriculum

ETL Module 5: Lead As Jesus Led (transformed influence)

This is module 4 of the Experience The Life Series

This is module 4 of the Experience The Life Series

Many spiritual leaders find themselves trapped in a church dominated by the surrounding culture of success. Nothing fails like success and that is so true of spiritual leaders who have mimicked models of leadership other than that of Jesus. The leader gets trapped in the “church world’s” version of success with its rewards and punishments. The great temptation is to climb the success ladder, but then you find yourself standing on the top of a very short wobbly ladder, and you are sure to fall because there is nothing dependable to hold onto. If the proper markings of success are not present in one’s life, consequences follow. Jesus is our leader, and inherent to following him is leading the way he led. Jesus was irrelevant and unnecessary to his culture. And by taking a servant’s role, even thought it cost him everything, he became the most relevant and necessary man of history.

Related Topics: Spiritual Life, Curriculum

User Suggestion: 1. Making User feedback more public:

 At the bottom of each page on you have a trouble ticket and suggestions/feedback link. I have submited suggestions and while I got feedback on  my input, I would like to see others input. How can the community track suggestions for improvements and  new projects made by others.
Response Engaging the community for what new improvements we should consider is a very good idea. We will establish a process that opens up the decision making processes to our donors and interested parties on what projects the developers are doing now and what they plan to do next. As part of this process we will set up a Project Oversight Board to oversee the review and approval of new proposals and to review on going projects so interested parties can interact and contribute to projects that interest them. To see how this process will work see Ministry Opportunities & projects
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A Topical Treasury of Proverbs

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A comprehensive compilation of Proverbs

Would you like to get more out of the Book of Proverbs? Do you desire to be a more virtuous woman or man? Do you want help with financial issues? Are you looking for hope? Are you searching for more wisdom?Now you can see all of the verses on any particular topic, easily organized for your full understanding.

A Topical Treasury of Proverbs organizes the passages of Proverbs into 100 topics. No longer will you have to search through thirty-one chapters to find just the right verse or understanding for your situation. Every verse that is related to the topic is presented together.

As you read through the topic or topics, allow the Lord to speak to you. By seeing each of these verses together, your mind will not be distracted with other unrelated topics. In this way, you can receive the full counsel of the Lord from Proverbs.

Time saving
This version of the Bible's Proverbs can be very helpful as a time saver. Concordances, even very good ones, do not go into this kind of topical detail. By putting the verses together with the topics, your research time will become much more efficient.

This 336-page book is printed with a larger and easier to read font, the same as what you are currently reading. Emphasis is added to each verse to show why the verse is categorized as it is.This means that the Bible verses become more effective in helping you understand how to apply them.

Available from Biblical Studies Press, $29.95 (hardcover, 336 pages)

See the attached pdf (above) for an excerpt.

Note, there is also a Daily Reading Plan available online.

“I have been so blessed by my daily readings from this book ...Subjects chosen are clear and contemporary and give the reader a comprehensive teaching on a subject; includes a daily reading plan of Proverbs by subject and a verse listing of every topic in each verse.The book is an excellent contribution to an understanding of the book of Proverbs. ... I am amazed at the depth of research that has been put into this book -- the time spent on each verse to classify subjects is truly remarkable” Dr. J. Lee Simmons, Dean of International Center for Christian Leadership (Kiev, Ukraine), D. Min, Regent University, 2006.

A Topical Treasury of Proverbs is based on the New English Translation (NET) Bible. The verses have not been altered, but some have been combined to emphasize a point. Why the NET Bible?

Related Topics: Bibliology (The Written Word), Bible Study Methods

Don't Die with a Full Canteen

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This is one in a series of articles that have been written for COMPASS magazine, a publication published in Singapore and circulated worldwide. Bill Lawrence is a regular contributor.

“I’ve decided to sell my company. It’ll be worth more money in a couple of years, but I’ve decided to sell it now.”

With these words my long time friend showed an understanding of one of the most important principles of leadership reality: more means less.

My friend has been pouring himself into his company for more than twenty years. We meet several times a year to talk about the Lord, our families, his business, and my ministry. In recent times he’s told me he’s tired, tired of giving everything he has to get everything he wants. The reality that more means less has been kicking in – hard!

The Reason for Our Drivenness

What makes us give everything to get everything, only to end up with nothing that we truly want?

When I ask that question, I’m not asking it just of business leaders; I’m asking it of ministry leaders who are possessed by an emptiness that grips our souls, stirs our hearts, and shackles our hands. For such leaders, no matter what we get, it is never enough.

The thing that drives us is deep, unmet insecurity. We leaders, whether in business or in ministry, are driven by a need for more, a hunger to fill the void of significance in us, a longing for success, even fame, which we think will make us the somebody we’ve always longed to be.

We desperately long for the deep security that comes from knowing we are loved by God, so we do everything we can to win Him over to us. We become functional legalists, leaders who live as if God’s grace does not exist, as if our leadership is up to us and we are the authors and finishers of our ministry. For functional legalists, works is the way we get what we want – God on our side, His blessing, our success. The problem is we seem to still end up feeling like the same old nobody we’re running away from.

Striving to Get What We Already Possess

We act like a man I heard about whose uncle died and left him millions of dollars as his only heir. The executor of the estate set out to find the suddenly-rich nephew and discovered him to be a homeless man panhandling for money on a city street. He was going from person to person and saying, “Hey, Buddy, you got a quarter for a cup of coffee?” So he came to the executor and tried to grub a quarter from him. The latter explained to the heir that he was now a multi-millionaire and gave him a check for his first million. The man looked at the check, grunted, stuffed it in his pocket and moved on to the next person coming his way, saying, “Hey, Buddy, you got a quarter for a cup of coffee?” He had a full canteen, yet he continued to pursue the emptiness that could never satisfy.

When we act out of the depths of our insecurity with the fear and anger that accompanies it, we are like millionaires grubbing for a cup of coffee.

You see, we are millionaires, grace millionaires, with the unlimited assets of God’s mercy, love, and power hidden away deeply in our hearts. He is already for us. He already loves us, values us, and accepts us. All our striving to win Him over is futile. We already have a full canteen.

But our heads – our thoughts – drive our hands to earn what we already have. Whispers from the past fill our minds and we feel unloved, unvalued, and rejected. We fear we’re phantoms, empty holes, the appearance of leaders and not leaders at all, and all we do arises out of that fear – but only serves to increase that fear more and more. The more we try to fill the emptiness of our “soul hole”, as my friend Ramesh Richard puts it, the emptier it gets and the angrier we get. You see, more does mean less.

Striving to Do the Impossible

Ray Stedman used to tell a story about a man pushing a car, struggling and straining for all he was worth. Another man approached him and asked him what he was doing. “Taking my car to work,” he replied. “Can’t you see that? Why don’t you stop asking such dumb questions and help me push the car?” The questioner took him to the driver’s side of the car, opened the door, and pointed to the keys in the ignition. “You see these keys? Watch what happens when I turn them.” As he turned the keys, the car’s engine came to life, and the questioner said to the man, “You don’t take the car to work. The car takes you to work. It’s a lot easier that way.”

Many Christian leaders are like the man pushing the car. They are striving to succeed in their own strength, to fill their emptiness and earn their success, but what they’re working to do is impossible. Leadership is just too hard to push. What they don’t realise is that they already have the keys and a full gas tank – all they have to do is get in and drive. The keys are desperate dependence on the full tank of God’s grace that comes to us because Christ lives in us. We are striving for glory and missing the reality that Christ in us is our only hope of glory.

What happens when we lead this way? We get more of whatever we go after, but we end up with less of what we really want. We get more power, more control, more safety, but we end up with less respect, less trust, less response. Because more always means less.

We know this is happening; that’s why we take control and redouble our efforts. We direct and dominate others and make sure our demands will be met. Or we smile and scheme and deny that we are controllers – just subtle, smiling ones. But the effect is the same. We don’t welcome input from others. We don’t tolerate criticism. We may dispatch others with a smile, but we dispatch them just the same. And then we wonder why our followers refuse to support us. “Look at all I’m doing for them! Why won’t they stand with me?” One reason may be that they know we’re not doing anything for them; they realise we’re doing everything for ourselves by using them. They know they weren’t created to be used – they were created to be led. And we weren’t created to use others so they would exalt us; we were created to lead others by exalting them for God’s glory.

Finding True Security

Our yearning for security leads us to search for glory, to prove our significance. But don’t you see how tragic this is?

We will never find security through success; we only find security through trust.

Paul tells us that Christ in us is our only hope of glory. We already have a full canteen – a canteen full of grace. Why do we keep trying to get what we already have? The answer is because we’re afraid to trust Christ, to take God at His word, to release all to Him and rely on the Holy Spirit.

Some may be thinking, “I know all of this.”

Of course you do. But it’s one thing to say it, another thing to get it, and still another thing to live it. You see it isn’t what we know that counts; it’s what we live. More specifically, it’s who we trust – ourselves or Christ.

Here’s the problem.

Large numbers of leaders live as if they have everything to lose and nothing to gain if they don’t have total control over everyone and everything. But in Christ we have nothing to lose and everything to gain because we already have everything in Him. When we live in the reality that we have nothing to lose, we gain everything we seek: trust, respect, and response. Our followers become true followers, not because they must (because we’re forcing them), but because they want to. And all of this has come as a free gift of grace from God. We did nothing to get it; we can do nothing to lose it. Even when we disobey we never lose the fullness of God’s grace and Christ in us. As Peter says, “His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness” (2 Pet 1:3). Everything! Everything!

One question I always get when I talk like this is, “But don’t we have to be in control? Aren’t we as leaders responsible for what happens in our ministry? How can we be responsible and not maintain control?”

Of course leaders must have control. I believe there are six areas of legitimate control:

Self: temper, ambition, lust, all that is transformed through the fruit of the Spirit.

Vision/accountability: what we have agreed God is calling us to do and how we stay focused on this alone.

Doctrine: what our followers learn and believe concerning the truth of God’s word.

Immaturity/disobedience in our followers: the flesh, sin, and how we learn to trust the Spirit.

Ministry practices: how we act to serve God in the ministry we lead.

Finances: handling money legally, ethically, morally, and without self-interest.

If you’re a business leader, in addition to having self-control, vision/quality accountability, and financial accountability in all your dealings, you must also control the bottom line of your company, the financial life blood of your business.

Often when we are exercising legitimate control, others will accuse us of using them to meet our needs; they will say our control is illegitimate. We must search our souls to make certain our critics are wrong and then we must act to correct them by confronting them as false teachers or unfaithful followers or immature accusers as Paul wrote in the Pastoral Epistles. However, since we can’t always be sure what our motives are, we must surround ourselves with truth-tellers who will keep us accountable by holding a mirror of our souls up to us to show us what we’re really doing no matter what we think.

But ultimately, we must understand what we never control, in fact what we never can control: we never control what God controls. We never control others to protect, promote, or advance ourselves; we never use others to fill our soul hole, to make us safe and secure; we never control the results of our ministry. It is God who gives the increase. Only God controls this, and we can never take God’s place. We can’t take charge of life – only God can.

Drinking from God’s Full Canteen

When my friend told his family about his decision to sell his business, his son-in-law expressed great delight. He described a concern he had about him. He said, “I’ve had this picture of you in my mind. In this picture you were crossing a desert in search of an oasis. You were looking desperately for water, yet you had a full canteen of water on your belt. You struggled greatly searching for the oasis, and it looked as if you weren’t going to make it, but then you saw an island of green in the desert just ahead of you – you were nearly to the oasis. You set out for it with all your energy, but just as you got there you fell over dead. You died with a full canteen.” The point my friend’s son-in-law was making was that he could always get more money for his company, but his current return was already all he needed. If he kept sacrificing his life for more money, he would die with a full canteen. More certainly would mean less for him.

Think about this as a Christian leader. You are struggling to get to an oasis – the oasis of security and significance – everything you are seeking for as a leader. Yet you already have a full canteen; you don’t need the oasis. God has already given you everything you seek in Christ. He has made you secure; you are significant simply because of His love and the value He places on you. You need nothing more than to drink from this full canteen of grace and serve in His strength.

Remember this: you don’t need an oasis – you don’t need control or dominance or power over others to meet your deepest longings. Christ in you has already done that. You have a full canteen. Please – don’t die with a full canteen.

Related Topics: Spiritual Life, Careers

Stand alone Bible Study Program

Many people have requested that we make a stand alone version of the NETBible study ToolSet we are currently calling the NeXt Bible. I am sad to report that at the current time this is not possible. It is my hope that as Flash Drives get bigger we can make a stand alone version and load it on a flash drive so it is available when users are not connected to the Internet. But for now this remains an Internet web appliciation.
However, we continure to work on intregrating the NETBible in standalone Bible study progrms that run on your desktop, notebook, IPod, or cell phone. You can see the various Bible study programs that have a NETBible module on the NETBible download page

Fake Content

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This is a fake story.

In what language did the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus happen?

What a great question! You've put your finger on one of the issues that NT scholars face when trying to understand the words of Jesus in the Gospels. On the one hand, almost all evangelical scholars would recognize that we can't be sure when we have the actual words of Jesus, even though we can be confident that we have his 'voice.' That is, in this case, John may have summarized the account in a way that was clear to Greek readers even if the conversation took place in Aramaic. Linguists point out that one can say virtually anything in any language, even though the same number of words may not be used. If that is the case here, John is skillfully showing that there was confusion on Nicodemus' part about what Jesus meant, even though the word-play exists only in Greek. How would the conversation have taken place in Aramaic? I don't know, but it would most likely have been significantly longer and more convoluted, leaving Nicodemus with the question he had.

But there are two other considerations. First, does Jesus really mean only that he must be born from above? That is highly unlikely, since word-plays are John's stock-in-trade and he often, if not usually, means BOTH things. So, Nicodemus could well have understood Jesus partially, but not fully. And John is thus giving hints to the reader that a double meaning is in view, only one of which could have been known to Nicodemus.

Second, it is not at all impossible that the conversation actually took place in Greek. More and more NT scholars are coming to the conclusion that Jesus often taught in Greek. And there is significant evidence that even in Jerusalem--even among the Pharisees, which Nicodemus was--Greek was the only language spoken by them. Thus, we really can't say that this conversation did not occur in Greek. What we can say is that John has accurately, if selectively, portrayed it and that the double meaning he uses was most likely intended to have its full force on the readers. That is, Nicodemus needed to be born again AND born from above.

Related Topics: Textual Criticism, Scripture Twisting, Text & Translation

Foreword to Divorce and Re-Marriage (2nd Edition)

For those who wonder who I am and why I produced this book, perhaps a word about my background might help. I took my undergraduate work in pastoral training at the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago (1965-70), where I studied theology under my father, Dr. G. Coleman Luck, Sr., Chairman of that department. I studied Greek under Donald Wise, and apologetics under Alan Johnson. I took my graduate work in philosophy of religion at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois (1970-1973). There I studied apologetics under John W. Montgomery, and philosophy under David Wolfe, Norman Geisler and Paul Feinberg, theology under Carl F.H. Henry and Clark Pinnock. I took Old Testament under Walter Kaiser and New under Richard Longenecker. I studied church history under John Woodbridge. My classmates were Terry Miethe, Gary Habermas, Richard Kantzer, W. Corduin, and Erwin Lutzer. As a divinity student at McCormick theological Seminary of Chicago (1972-74) I studied under Church History Paul Rigdon, and Thomas Schafer, Old Testament under Edward F. Campbell, theology under Thomas Parker. The switch from Trinity to McCormick is a story in itself. My father nearly disinherited me.

As a student at Trinity I entered into a spirited debate with Norman Geisler in the field of Christian ethics over the subject of whether or not the laws of God conflicted in a fallen and finite world. He contested that God’s absolutes did conflict and I argued that they did not. As a budding apologist, I appreciated the position of John Haley in his classic defense of Scriptural integrity, Alleged Discrepancies in the Bible, in which he defended the consistency of ethical (as well as historical and doctrinal) teachings in the Bible.

After a short stint as a university lecturer with Probe Ministries, Intl. Of Dallas, Texas (1974-76), and upon the death of my father, I was invited to join the faculty of the Moody Bible Institute. As Professor of Bible and theology I taught apologetics, church history and Bible, but my favorite subject was Christian ethics. Though Moody was then a dispensationalist school, I always had a strong respect for the Old Testament. Perhaps that was due to the influence in my seminary days from Walter Kaiser. I taught ethics with a heavy input from the principles of the Ten Commandments. One of my students told me that I ought to talk with one of my colleagues, John Walton, whose teacher at Hebrew Union, Steven Kaufman had done work on the structure of Deuteronomy which involved the Ten Commandments. Upon reading that I was impressed with the pervasive influence of the Ten Commandments not only in Deuteronomy, but also in the Sermon on the Mount, 1 Corinthians, and the first four books of Moses. John and I worked together on refining Kaufman’s Deuteronomy work and John published his version of it in the Grace Journal in 1986.

During those years (1976-1986) I felt moved to write on the subject of divorce. But my impetus did not come from teaching ethics per se. It came out of that debate with Norman Geisler mentioned above. Through various papers presented in the Evangelical Theological Society (of which I was an officer) and the Evangelical Philosophical Society (of which I was a founding officer and later President), I believed that I had shown the theoretical necessity of a non-conflicting view. In my teachings at Moody I believed that I had shown the general harmony of biblical rules. But I felt that it was time to tackle the issue from a topical approach. I decided to take the most complex ethical issue I could find in the Scriptures and show how the passages related to it harmonized. I chose divorce. So you can see the work began as a sort of apologetical, theological study.

Regarding the subject itself, over the years of teaching ethics, I had developed some ideas about divorce and remarriage which I felt deserved a hearing. I contacted one of the major publishers and found an editor who was very interested in the way I was working with Exodus 21, to show how God protected abused women. As I did my work on that first edition, I constantly badgered John Walton on the Hebrew and Don Wise on the Greek and they proved to be most gracious colleagues.

Initially I intended only to present a rather popular presentation of my position on divorce and remarriage. But the publication of works by Carl Laney and Heth/Wenham convinced me that I needed to make the work scholarly and deal with the logical alternatives. Though that made it infinitely more painful to write, I am glad I changed my mind about the approach. Perhaps, if Christ “tarries” I will be able to write a complimentary “case study” approach which will apply the teachings of this book to hypothetical situations that people face all the time. Sometimes this book gets so academic that I am afraid my readers will become confused and find application difficult. That would be a shame.

I knew that the work would be controversial. My friends warned me not to make divorce the subject of my first published work, but I didn’t listen. Perhaps I should have. I also knew that the conclusions of the book might be difficult for a conservative school such as Moody to accommodate. So, as the book was set to come off the press, I resigned my teaching position and began my own ministry, called LodeStar Ministries, International—somewhat modeled after Probe, related to apologetics, ethics, and Christian interaction with culture.

Then came publication of Divorce and Remarriage; Recovering the Biblical View in 1987.

David Hume said of one of his major works, that “it fell stillborn from the press.” That could certainly typify the first edition of this book. Due to a number of matters beyond my control and having nothing to do with the book itself, it went out of print within a year and a half, and I was given the copyright. It was very discouraging.

From those who were able to get a copy of it, I expected criticism. I got it. Not by any means was all of it bad. But, one of the troubling reactions to the first edition was the criticism it received over the issue of polygyny. You would think from reading my critics that I was some kind of closet fundamentalist Mormon apologist. A posture I strongly denied in the book. Why then is it in the book?

When I began writing the book, I decided first of all to do my best to bring out the meaning of the text, not put my theories into it. I had my own ideas, but I wanted to do an inductive study, employing what is known as the “Analogy of Scripture”. This approach attempts to determine the chronological order of revealed teaching on the subject, and follow along as God saw fit to teach it. I committed myself to letting the text take me where it would.

When I arrived at the teaching of the Mosaic Law on the sin of adultery, I anticipated doing a quick and easy subject. But, in my attempt to define “adultery” in Old Testament terms, I was surprised to find that its definition was always related to the woman’s marital status, never the man’s. As I worked, I fought the conclusion that it was it was defined that way to accommodate multiple marriages for the male. Not in the sense of making it easy for him to have more than one wife—on the contrary such marriages were more or less forced upon him due to extenuating circumstances in ancient Hebrew Life. Old Testament professors I consulted seemed embarrassed by the subject, but few denied it. The New Testament teachers got their hair up, so to speak, but always quoted me N.T. passages and seemed, again, embarrassed by the ones in the Old Testament. I virtually pled with people to offer me a way out of what seemed a matter that could not be ignored but cried to be avoided. Which isn’t to say that arguments weren’t offered. The problem was that the arguments offered were not very sound logically or textually.

I realized that if plural marriages were morally accepted by God at least up to the days of Jesus, it had to be taken into account in understanding His teaching on adultery and remarriage. What didn’t seem reasonable was that God suddenly changed the rules of marriage half way down the historical pike. My colleagues and logic having failed to save me, I wrote on like a lamb going to the slaughter (if that can be said). And when the book was published the knives came out. You would think, as I said above, that it was the only topic in the book! Nonetheless, the “cutting” criticisms did not seem effective in proving my conclusions wrong.

Twenty years later I have not changed my mind about the positions stated in the first edition. Considering my critics, I do not find any real reason to do so. If anything, the test of time has deepened my conviction that what I have said stands up to criticism, though I am quick to say that I welcome any reasoned criticism and am open to change if a good argument appears. My email is located on the author page.

So why a new edition?

After years of people requesting copies that didn’t seem to exist, I decided to publish again. At first I thought of simply re-publishing the first edition. But in consideration of several criticisms, I felt that a slight revision was in order. I completed that in 1997. But shortly after “competing it” personal matters intervened and another ten years passed. When I became more or less retired I looked to do some writing. I made some half hearted attempts to find an agent for the divorce book. While waiting for a response, I began two popular level commentaries, one presenting John’s Gospel as an apologetics manual and the other Matthew as a discipleship manual. In writing them I recalled my father’s admonition to include the text of the Scripture in such a book, I looked around for a readable, modern translation. I happened upon the New English Translation (NET) with copyright held by out of Dallas Texas. In seeking permissions for those projects, I mentioned the divorce book and they showed interest. In polishing the grammar, I ended up making significant changes in the text. Writers are never satisfied I guess. I guess that make this the third edition. But I wish to give thanks to the editors at for their help in making it possible.

I suppose it could be asked, how my mind has changed from 1987 to 2008. If anything, I have become a bit more liberal in attitude toward the subject. Life has overtaken me, and I have come to realize that marriage, like the Sabbath, was designed for men and women, not men and women for marriage. I’m not sure that those feelings changed any of the positions of the first edition, but it certainly helped me be more understanding in the application of its teachings to the real lives of men and women, including my own.

So often the tone of books on the subject, especially those published by my conservative brethren seem so harsh and judgmental. Divorce is a tragic event. It breaks the heart of God when the institution designed by Him to enable us better to work in this world becomes an impediment to doing so. If people are hard-hearted in their treatment of each other in marriage or divorce that is beyond sad. It is justification for rebuke and correction. But I have found that in many, if not most break ups, divorce is the last resort of bitter, depressed and disillusioned people, and there is sin on both sides—which is not to say that a justifying ground for sundering, if it exists, cannot be found in the midst of the mess. The happiness visible in their wedding pictures have given way to the sadness of empty chairs at the table. Children wonder where God was when their family was coming apart, and they wonder if marriage is worth trying in their own generation. For every marriage which involves treachery, I have found one in which people just seem to have lost their way. For the former, God and we should be angry. For the latter, God and we should grieve. We must not be so long on ethics that we cannot let truth kiss mercy.

I can tell you stories of those who were long on ethics, who went through their own divorces or through divorces in their immediate families, and came to rethink their positions on the subject. It is not so much that they derive their teaching on the subject “from the newspapers” or “from their guts”, as it is that overly harsh views came under the harsh light of reality. As for this book, I can tell you all its positions were developed without such personal awakening, but I feel for my brethren who have gone through difficult times and changed their minds on the subject.

In addition to, I would also like to express great thinks to John Walton for all his help with the Hebrew in the first edition. I badgered him to death time and again. Thank God for “resurrecting” him each time. My dear professor of Greek, Don Wise, has gone on to his reward. May God bless his memory for the help he gave me, both in teaching me Greek and with the New Testament issues I brought to him during my writing of the first edition. Without them this would still be the more popular version I once had in mind.

Finally, let me restate my hope that what I have presented herein is simply what the Scripture says on the subject. Writing a book on the ethics of divorce and remarriage is not like writing a book on air conditioning repair. If you fail at the latter, people just get hot. If you miss on the former by being more lenient that Scripture, people may be led into sin. On the other hand if you are too strict, people may remain trapped in tragic circumstances where someone is sinning against them—where even lives may be at stake. Neither is desirable.

For those going through divorce, or who have friends who are, my prayers are with you. May this book contribute to God’s healing in your lives. Pray with the Psalmist:

Ps. 119:169 Listen to my cry for help, O Lord! Give me insight by your word!
170 Listen to my appeal for mercy! Deliver me, as you promised.
171 May praise flow freely from my lips, for you teach me your statutes.
172 May my tongue sing about your instructions, for all your commands are just.
173 May your hand help me, for I choose to obey your precepts.
174 I long for your deliverance, O Lord; I find delight in your law.
175 May I live and praise you! May your regulations help me!
176 I have wandered off like a lost sheep. Come looking for your servant, for I do not forget your commands. (NET Bible)

Related Topics: Marriage, Divorce
