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  • 13. Cuando la Fe Falla Génesis 12:10 – 13:41


    He titulado este mensaje “Cuando la fe falla” pero yo me pregunto si la mayoría de cristianos realmente cree que la fe puede fallar. Un poco de reflexión debería remover algunas dudas. Qué es una preocupación, bueno, todos la tenemos, pero ¿un fracaso de la fe? Preocupación, estima las circunstancias desde la perspectiva de uno que enfrenta el futuro, como uno que no cree en un Dios soberano quien es también un padre amoroso.

    La preocupación es un aliado, y el temor es también un fracaso de la fe.

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  • Un llamado de Fe y la Señal de Emmanuel Isaías 7:1–25


    El oráculo dado al rey Acaz en este capítulo ha ocasionado tantas discusiones y posiciones que uno difícilmente sabe por dónde empezar. Pero tomaremos las mayores ideas y probables interpretaciones, buscaremos una correcta interpretación y el poderoso mensaje. Es un mensaje que reta nuestra fe. ¿Es nuestra fe lo suficientemente fuerte para ver a través de la crisis? ¿Estamos seguros de nuestra fe? Si no, a lo mejor no entendemos completamente la palabra de Dios o la confirmación de las señales que El ha dado.

  • 3: Further Charges against Unfaithful Israel (Hosea 8:1-8:14)

    B. Further Charges against Unfaithful Israel

    Having delivered God’s opening complaints against His people, Hosea goes on to record some specific charges that the Lord has against them. It can be readily seen that Israel’s rampant infidelity is on a collision course with the reality of judgment, even though the Lord has an unending compassion for Israel.

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    4. Summary And Conclusions of the Third Day Motif


    4. Summary And Conclusions of the Third Day Motif

    The concept of “three” with its three step process of beginning, middle, and end is natural to life itself. The above study has noted the wide use of the number three in the literatures of the ancient world as well as its appearance in selected literature of the later western world. The Scriptures also often present items in groups of three, whether in groups of people, things, or time periods such as a day, a month, or a year.

  • 3. The Use Of Three In The Bible

    It should be noted at the outset that the biblical authors’ use of the number three is abundantly attested. Indeed, the number three or its compounds occurs hundreds of times. Most of these display a conventional use such as to mark quantity whether in enumerating persons, things, or activities. For example, Noah had three sons (Gen 6:10) and Job had three daughters (Job 1:2; cf.

  • 2. Literary Motifs

    Literary motifs are images, symbols, or themes that are repeated throughout a piece of literature or across more than one piece of literature so as to form a pattern.10 Because they recur at different points in a narrative, motifs help to unify the text, particularly in cases where the narrative is fairly long.11 There are also leitmotifs in literature.

  • 1. Introduction to the Third Day Motif

    The concept of number appears to be “as old as man, the creature ‘thinking God’s thoughts after him.’”1 The use of numbers in such matters as mathematics dates to very early times and is attested in the literature of such ancient peoples as the Semites, Egyptians, Chinese, and Greeks. Some numbers also appear to have held a symbolic significance. Thus Birch remarks, “Numbers in the Bible and other ancient literature often have symbolic or cultic meaning.

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