Where the world comes to study the Bible

  • The Origins of the Church at Rome


    When Paul wrote his letter to Christians at Rome towards the end of his third missionary journey, he was communicating with what appears to be a firmly established collection of believers in that city. This article tackles a question that primary extant sources do not specifically address: how did that collection of believers in Rome come into existence? The earliest available sources leave only indirect clues towards solving this puzzle.

    Biblical Topics: 
  • How do we know whether or not we've been chosen?

    So let's begin at the starting point, and that would be the character of God, and how He feels toward the lost:

    6 The Lord passed by before him and proclaimed: “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, and abounding in loyal love and faithfulness, 7 keeping loyal love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin.

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  • 13. Quand la Foi vous fait défaut... (Genèse 12:10–13:41)


    J’ai titré ce message “Quand la Foi vous fait défaut, …” mais je me demande si la plupart des Chrétiens croient vraiment que leur foi peut leur manquer. Une petite chose devrait enlever tout doute. Qu’est ce que le souci, mais le manque de foi? Le souci regarde les circonstances de la perspective de quelqu’un qui fait face au futur sans croire en un Dieu souverain qui est aussi un Père très tendre.

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  • 12. L’Appel d’Abram (Genèse 11:31–19:9)


    Le chapitre 12 commence une nouvelle division dans le Live de Genèse. Les 11 premiers chapitres ont souvent été appelés « l’histoire primordiale ». Les derniers chapitres sont connus sous le nom de « l’histoire patriarcale ». Pendant que l’effet des péchés de l’homme était devenu de plus en plus répandu, l’accomplissement de la promesse de Dieu dans Genèse 3:15 est devenu plus sélectif.

  • Jesus the Son, Superior to Angels: Hebrews 1:5-14

    Placement of this Section

    Immediately on the heels of the prologue, which previewed the topic which would be covered-namely, that God's full and final communication to his people occurs through his now-exalted Son-the author begins to flesh out the topic by describing the superior place of the Son to the angels. There is no indication that the audience was in danger of worshiping angels or exalting them inappropriately. Rather, he uses the superiorty of Jesus to the angels to set up his first warning and admonition to his readers, which will occur in 2:1-4.
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  • The Prologue: Hebrews 1:1–4

    Function of the Prologue

    In ancient rhetoric the beginning of a work had to have an appropriate beginning. It needed to grab the reader’s or hearer’s attention, it needed to preview the topics which would be covered, and it needed to do these things in an artistic, pleasing fashion. The prologue does all of these.
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  • The Book of Hebrews: Introduction (Part 2)

    I. Introduction

    The book of the New Testament routinely known as Hebrews is a difficult nut to crack. It is in many ways an enigma, but it is also in many ways the clearest teaching in the whole NT about the value of Christ and his ministry on our behalf before God. By setting forth basic information that we do know about the book, we will begin our study by providing a foundation on which to build.

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  • The Book of Hebrews: Introduction (Part 1)

    I. Introduction

    The book of the New Testament routinely known as Hebrews is a difficult nut to crack. It is in many ways an enigma, but it is also in many ways the clearest teaching in the whole NT about the value of Christ and his ministry on our behalf before God. By setting forth basic information that we do know about the book, we will begin our study by providing a foundation on which to build.

    II. Author
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