Introduction to For Such a Time as This
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I have taken the words from Esther 4:14, “for such a time as this,” as the theme of this study. Just as God raised up Esther to act in a particular time in history for His purposes, so He has raised us up as women in our day to make an impact for His kingdom.
Wherever you are, whatever your situation, God has a plan and a purpose to use you for His kingdom work at this particular time in history. You are not here by accident and your life is not random. God is at work around you and through you. Sometimes all you have to do is pay attention and look for Him because He is constantly busy on kingdom business.
God invites us as women to be part of His work. As we study the stories of these women of the Bible, consider how God may use you right where you are at this time and for His purposes.
Do you want your life to make an impact? Learn from these women to let God use you where He has placed you. I am excited to see how God will use His word and the small groups to challenge and encourage each of us week by week!
Kay Daigle
How to Use this Study
Come with an Attitude of Prayer
We can understand spiritual truth only as God reveals it to us. If your desire is to have the Holy Spirit show you the truths and applications in these Scriptures, go to God each day and ask Him to illumine your mind and open your heart to His message.
Study Daily
This study is designed to lead you personally to the word of God so that your life is transformed. Each lesson is divided into five days of study so that daily time with God becomes your habit and you will be available for the Lord to speak to you each day. You have five days of work and one day of class each week, totaling six days. Do not hurry through the lesson, but allow the Holy Spirit to move in your heart.
Use only the Scripture to answer the questions
As you work through this study, use only the Scripture itself to answer the questions unless the lesson instructs you to use outside sources. If available, use one of the literal translations (KJV, NKJV, NIV, NASB) instead of a paraphrased Bible (such as The Living Bible). A paraphrase is someone else’s interpretation. Give God time to teach you instead of running to other people for your answers. There is nothing more exciting than seeing it for yourself! When you come to class, you will have opportunities to learn more from your small group and from the lectures.
Special types of questions
Sharing questions are designed help you consider how the truth applies to you specifically. It will be your choice whether to share your answer with your group.
Digging for Diamonds are optional questions because they are designed for those of you who wish to take more time and really dig into the Scriptures. Your group will not discuss these but feel free to add your insights when time allows.
Responding to God questions ask you to make a response based on the lesson. Often you write a prayer. You will never have to read your answers to this question.
A Precious Word from God
Each week we will focus on a verse, or part of one, from our lesson. I encourage you to look at it early in the week and memorize it so that God can use it in a personal way.
Stories from Real Women
Each lesson includes a true story that applies the principles of that lesson. I love reading these real stories from the lives of real women! Some of the names have been changed to protect the guilty!
Related Topics: Character Study, Curriculum