Where the world comes to study the Bible



March 2013
Looking Forward to the Resurrection
If you are as enthusiastic about the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ as many believers are, you may have your annual resurrection Sunday traditions or celebrations planned. Perhaps you begin that happy morning with a heart stirring listen to George Frederick Handel's Hallelujah. Maybe you attend an early morning service with a local church. There are many great ways to encourage your faith on such an important day. 
Would you consider adding a new tradition this year? Why not read each day's events of the Passion Week in chronological order? Gain a fresh perspective on the tension that Jesus' arrival into Jerusalem brought. Revisit our Lord's final lessons to his disciples. 
At there are two free resources that will help you reflect on the Passion Week leading up to the greatest day on the calendar. Take a minute to look at it. Set up your digital calendar to remind you to begin to read. Share these with others so they, too, can enjoy the Passion Week like never before.
David Lawson
New Team Member 
Ministry Development 
David Lawson, MBA
David joins the team with over 16 years of executive leadership experience in the nonprofit and business sectors. He served as Senior Vice President of Prison Fellowship Ministries, Executive Vice President of The Urban Alternative, and was in leadership and management roles at IBM Corporation. That's right, he has worked alongside of Chuck Colson and Dr. Tony Evans. He is also a former member of the Standards Committee of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). David has a successful track record of leading organizational transformation strategies designed to improve processes, efficiency, costs and overall bottom line performance. Please pray for David in his new role at We are glad he is on the team.
We have had some tremendous milestones at this past month. Seven times we exceeded our most pageviews in a single day. We are grateful to all of the visitors for trusting us with their valuable time. is thrilled to provide all of our quality biblical resources free to so many people.
Social Media provides valuable interaction with our enthusiasts regularly through social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. We currently have a user reach of nearly 205,000 souls. If you, or anyone you know, would like to interact with there please do so. If you haven't done so, go ahead give us a like or a follow. We will not disappoint.
Tips and Tricks: Fuzzy Search?
The NET Bible Study Environment is powerful. In particular, its ability to perform a "fuzzy search" catapults it into one of the most advanced free online Bible study tools. And just so you know, it has nothing to do with a hairless bear. 
Now you may be saying to yourself, "wait a minute... what's search got to do with anything?... especially anything called 'fuzzy'?" The answer may surprise you.

The user experience within an online Bible study tool is vital. Many search bars within an online Bible study tool do not employ fuzzy search. Rather they use a search engine that often requires an exact match in a single translation to produce any results. This places an unnecessary burden on the user to get things exactly correct all the time. However, if you try to find a made up phrase in the NET Bible Study Environment it will handle your mistake and most likely give you the verse as a top result.

Need an example? Have you ever misremembered a verse by merging two English translations together? Try searching for "a man hath many companions" in the NET Bible Study Environment search bar. 

search results    
The search will produce the verse from the NET Bible you were looking for as the top result (Proverbs 18:24) even though it is not even close to matching the NET Bible's translation.
How does it do it? The NET Bible Study Environment searches multiple translations at once, and tries to match your search term(s) against every verse in each translation after dismissing the nonessential words. The results are ranked based on how well your search terms match the translations of each verse.  
Next, right click on "Open Verse in Parallel View."
The left panel will display Proverbs 18:24 from other English translations used by the fuzzy search.
No English translation begins Proverbs 18:24 with "A man hath many companions" but it was close enough for fuzzy search to find it and it will highlight the exact matched terms from the search in yellow. If multiple translations of a verse use a particular phrase that a user entered into a query, then that verse is probably a good match. Therefore it displays that verse in the results.

Unless one selects "Exact" from the bottom filter pane, the NET Bible Study Environment will only match word stems against one another. 


Give the NET Bible Study Environment fuzzy search a try. It will handle the phrase you're looking for quickly.

Educating the Local Church


It's Sunday morning. You've narrowly made it to church on time. The singing hides your delayed entrance into the sanctuary. Ever since you woke up you've been scrambling to feed, groom, and cloth your squirming little bundles of joy. You're glad your coffee didn't spill on you while driving to church. But now you've settled into your seat for the preaching and you begin to panic inside. 


You forgot your Bible. This isn't like you. But it happened. Holding your breath you look. "Hymnal. Hymnal... ah... there it is... the Pew Edition NET Bible." Panic subsides. Disaster avoided. You simply bend down to pick it up and exhale a smile. And look... 7,720 notes! This pew Bible is as good as many study Bibles are. This Sunday you hit the jackpot.
What if your church didn't have a Pew Bible available?
We live in an age where biblical literacy is in decline. That doesn't have to happen in your local church. Equip the congregation with the Pew Edition NET Bible. It's a low cost solution to your church's educational needs. Put the primary source of the sermon's material into their hands. Help them look at the evidence for themselves. Love on your learners.

Consider this message from the Pastor of Trinity Bible Church in Richardson, TX, Jeff Miller:   
A few years ago we invited members to sponsor a Pew NET Bible-or box of Pew NET Bibles-with a donation. It was a risky move, since we needed hundreds to fill up our pew slots. But God was good. God's people were generous. It took just one Sunday morning to fill the pews with NET Bibles. Furthermore, it didn't cost a dime out of the church budget."
Our church loves the NET Bible translation. It is trustworthy, striking that elusive balance of readability and reliability.
It is a privilege to have the entire congregation reading from the same translation during the message. And not just the same translation, the same edition. That means that I can supply them with the exact page number where the passage begins. This reduces the intimidation factor from those less familiar with God's Word. As a pastor, I can't tell you for certain that members are opening up God's Word any other day of the week, but I get to see them doing it every Sunday morning. That's refreshing.
The NET Bible is a modern translation that has a top-notch online study environment. That means they can read their Pew NET Bible during the Sunday sermon, and then go deeper in the study environment at where they'll find the same familiar translation.

The Pew Edition NET Bible is a price that is hard to beat by the caseor by individual copy. We keep it very close to the production cost to pass along the savings to churches worldwide. This is great news when many churches find themselves financially challenged. 
Investing in Bibles is perhaps the most important investment a church can make.  
The educational needs of the church can still be helped with this most basic tool. It's what the New Testament apostles themselves have given to educate the church for the past 2,000 years.
Individual Pew NET Bible = $7.50 + S&H
Case of 16 Pew NET Bibles = $96.00 ($6.00 per Bible) + S&H

Please forward this email to church leadership for consideration. Think about making your church's stock Bible a Pew Edition NET Bible. 
NET Bible Study Environment Updates


How do you make the one of the most advanced free online Bible study tools better? With beautiful satellite maps and icons for your personal notes, of course. We have released two updates to theNET Bible Study Environment in the last few days.

"The Holy Land from the Heavens"
Ten years ago the Second Beta NET Bible was published. It was the first Bible to feature beautiful color satellite maps and pictures of the Holy Land. Absolute eye candy. Corresponding "map" notes were created throughout the entirety of the NET Bible to help users find the geographical locations in the map section. These same maps and notes from the Second Beta are featured in the First Edition NET Bible and the Reader's Edition NET Bible. Now you can access these same beautiful maps online with the NET Bible Study Environment. The map notes have been in the NET Bible Study Environment but now they link directly to those satellite maps.
SampleMap2  img>  
When you encounter a NET Bible note that includes map references simply click the link to one of the maps to view it. For example, see Joshua 11 notes 1, 11, 14, and 20. Give it a try.
  • Not overwhelmed by modern geographical markers. 
  • Remain in the NET Bible Study Environment.
New Personal Notes Icon
The NET Bible Study Environment has the ability to save your own personal notes in The Environment. For registered users this has been a standard feature for some time when logged in. "Your Notes" under the "Notes" tab displays the material you entered. 

We received an email asking if we could add a feature to indicate that a personal note had been created at each particular Bible passage in the NET Bible Study Environment. We listened

Now when you log in and encounter a NET Bible passage where you've created a personal note you will see a new "Your Notes" icon by the NET Bible verse number (see the example icon below after "8:24").

Clicking the icon will immediately change the right panel to display "Your Notes" under the "Notes" tab. This helps you remember where you've created notes. So go ahead, create more notes!


If you do not see a new note's icon immediately, please navigate to a different passage of the Bible. Then return to where you've created the new note and the icon will appear.

Thank you for using and reading the NET Bible. We are glad to be of service to you.
Rejoicing in Christ's Resurrection,
The Team
NET Bible Synopsis of the Four Gospels for $19.95
Brown Cross Bible
The Brown Cross Compact Edition NET Bible is a favorite for many.
SMS and the NET Bible


Text a verse reference (e.g., "John 3:16") to 1-409-316-3824. Get the NET Bible verse texted back in reply.

Standard text messaging rates may apply.

NewAuthor1 welcomes a new author, Thomas J. Schetelich. He is an influential leader in a variety of ministries and preaches regularly in Baltimore, MD.
Read or listen to his series on Amos.
NET Bibles with satellite maps:
First Edition NET Bible
Reader's Edition NET Bible
Black Hardback $19.95
Black Bonded Leather $29.95
Burgundy Leather $29.95
Black Genuine Leather $49.95
Compact is my name.
Compact is the game.
Burgundy Compact Edition NET Bible. A mere $19.95.
One preacher faithfully invited people to take a pew Bible home with them if they didn't own one. 


Another preacher said, "Giving away a Bible is better than giving away a tract." 
Please consider donating to today!
Many ministries can utilize the Pew Edition NET Bible:
  • Students at Christian academies
  • Sunday school classrooms
  • Youth group centers
  • Christian camps
  • Addictions recovery groups
The Pew NET Bible Specs:
  • 5 ⅞" wide
  • 8 ½" tall
  • 1 ¼" thick
  • 2 lbs.
  • 9.5 pt text
  • 7.5 pt notes
  • 7,720 notes
  • 24 page glossary
  • 51 page concordance
  • 15 page map section

Learn more


Like us on Facebook   Follow us on Twitter   Find us on Pinterest | 1101 E Arapaho Rd Ste 260 | Richardson | TX | 75081


Related Topics: Administrative and Organization

Session 5 - Christian Epistemology

Related Media

Session Overview

What kind of questions are Christians to be prepared to answer today? Modernists ask questions that are rational. Did Christ really rise from the grave? Is the Bible reliable? Postmodernists ask questions that are emotional. Why does God allow evil to happen? What about those who have never heard? In this session, the student should gain a greater understanding of why Postmoderns are asking the type of questions they are. Should the Christian join the moderns or postmoderns? The student will learn what the Christian view of truth should be in response to both Modernism and Postmodernism.

Session Reading (for self-study students)

Related Topics: Introduction to Theology

Session 4 - Postmodern Epistemology

Related Media

Session Overview

Why is truth devalued in our culture today? What is Postmodernism? We live in a different world than we did just 20 years ago. People think differently today about the reality and nature of truth. Your truth is your truth, my truth is my truth-they are both right is a comon belief that we encounter in our Postmodern culture. Why are people thinking in such a manner? By the end of this session, the student should have a better understanding of the history of man's search for truth, learning that the Postmodern view of truth (that truth is relative) comes as a response and reaction to an overly optimistic view of man that came out of the enlightenment. We will begin to answer the question, How should the Christian respond to a Postmodernism culture?

Session Reading (for self-study students)

  • None

Related Topics: Introduction to Theology

Session 3 - Categories of Theology

Related Media

Session Overview

What is systematic theology? What are the common mistake that people make with regards to doing theology? How important is it that one use a theological process that is testable? This session presents the different categories in which theology is done. The student should gain a greater understanding of what systematic theology is by understanding its relation to biblical, apologetic, historic, dogmatic, and philosophical theologies. A basic understanding of the theological process is introduced. The student should leave with an understanding that biblical theology must be done with great integrity, asking what did the text mean in its original setting? then asking what does it mean for all time? then finally what does it mean for today?

Session Reading (for self-study students)


Related Topics: Introduction to Theology

Session 2 - Defining Theology

Related Media

Session Overview

What exactly is theology and who is a theologian? Why are there so many bad theologies out there? Are you a Tabloid theologian, believing everything you hear? Or are you a more skeptical theologian, who won't believe anything? This session will cover the different methods and commitments, good and bad, that people bring to their theology causing them to be a good theologian or a bad theologian. During this session the student will be persuaded that everyone is a theologian because everyone has theological persuasions and convictions, even if they don't realize it. The student will have to decide what type of theologian they want to be. One can be a sloppy theologian, by naively receiving their belief system without a constructive methodology, or one can be a theologian with integrity, by exercising critical examination.

Session Reading (for self-study students)

  • None

Session 6 - Defining Essentials and Non-Essentials

Related Media

Session Overview

What are the essential beliefs that make a Christian a Christian? What are the core beliefs that someone must believe to be saved? Are there truths that are relative? If so, how do we know which ones? In this session the student will struggle with these difficult questions. The goal here is not that everyone comes to complete agreement, but that we begin to dialogue about such issues, understanding that failure to do so has produced legalism where people are judging others for not agreeing with them on each and every detail on non-essential issues. The student should also begin to recognize that their are different levels of certainty about all beliefs.

Session Reading (for self-study students)

  • None


Related Topics: Introduction to Theology

Session 1 - Class Introduction and Authority

Related Media

Session Overview

Whom do we trust for authority? Should we trust an institutionalized Church? Is there any validity in the tradition? Or should we rely upon the Scriptures alone as the Reformers insisted? This lesson should provide the student with a better understanding of the various views of Christian authority that have been held throughout history. The student should have a basic overview of the beliefs concerning authority of the three major traditions (Protestant, Eastern Orthodox, and Roman Catholicism). The student should also have a better understanding of the significance of Martin Luther’s famous (infamous) “Here I stand” speech at the Diet of Worms. As well, the student should understand the extremes that some modern Protestant denomination have gone in neglecting the authority of tradition all together, misunderstanding and misrepresenting the Reformation doctrine of sola Scriptura.

Session Reading (for self-study students)


Related Topics: Bibliology (The Written Word), Reformation, Catholicism, Inspiration, Revelation, The Theology Program

Session 2 - Sola Scriptura

Related Media

Session Overview

What is Tradition? Why does the Roman Catholic Church reject Sola Scriptura? Why did the Reformers reject the absolute authority of Tradition? Is Sola Scriptura to be blamed for all the separation in the Protestant Church? Can’t I just study the Bible on my own and let the Holy Spirit guide me to all truth? This lesson will center on the doctrine of Christian authority.

Session Overview

What is Tradition? Why does the Roman Catholic Church reject Sola Scriptura? Why did the Reformers reject the absolute authority of Tradition? Is Sola Scriptura to be blamed for all the separation in the Protestant Church? Can’t I just study the Bible on my own and let the Holy Spirit guide me to all truth? This lesson will center on the doctrine of Christian authority. Here, focus will be on the Protestant doctrine of sola Scriptura as compared to the Roman Catholic doctrine of dual-source authority. The student should become aware of the arguments put forth by both Roman Catholics and Protestants with regard to ultimate authority.  While this lesson should provide the student with a solid defense and a greater appreciation for the doctrine of sola Scripture, it should also give the student a greater appreciation for the role that tradition has to play as an authority (albeit a fallible authority) in the Christian life. In the end, the student should understand that that Protestantism rests on the bedrock of the doctrine of sola Scripture, that the Scriptures are our final and only infallible authority in matters of faith and practice.

Session Reading (for self-study students)

  • None


Related Topics: Introduction to Theology, Bibliology (The Written Word), Reformation, Catholicism, Revelation

Session 3 - Transmission of Scripture

Related Media

Session Overview

How do we know that the Bible that we have is the same as when it was originally written? Did the scribes ever make mistakes in copying the text? If so, can we really trust the Bible? Upon completion of this lesson, the student should have a better understanding of the process and history of biblical transmission. The introduction to textual criticism provided in this session will give the student a firm grasp of the challenges that the scribes faced when copying the Scriptures from generation to generation. This challenge will be illustrated and demonstrated in many different ways. The student should leave with greater confidence that the Bible that they hold in their hand accurately represents the original.

Session Reading (for self-study students)


Related Topics: Textual Criticism

Session 4 - Canonization of Scripture (OT)

Related Media

Session Overview

How do Christians know what books belong in the Bible? Who determined what books were inspired? What about the Deuterocanonical books (Apocrypha)? Should they be included? Upon completion of this session the student should have a better understanding of process of the canonization of Scripture. During this session the different criteria that people have proposed for determining the canon will be examined. The student should struggle with the traditional understanding that the closed is canon. As well, the student will learn the Roman Catholic arguments put forth for the inclusion of the Old Testament Deuterocanonical/Apocryphal books and the Protestant response. The student should leave trusting in God, understanding that He, ultimately, is in providential control of the canon of Scripture.

Session Reading (for self-study students)

  • None


Related Topics: Canon
