Session 1 - Class Introduction
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Session Overview
What is The Theology Program anyway? What is our approach to studying theology? Does TTP take the we're right, your wrong approach? Or does it approach theology more peaceably, letting the students make up their own mind? Am I smart enough to take this course? These are all important questions that this first session seeks to answer. This session presents a basic understanding of the importance of the study of theology and the purpose of The Theology Program. The rules of engagement will set the stage for all future TTP sessions, arguing that theology is best done with an irenic (peaceable) approach, interacting with Christian doctrine and other belief systems in a gracious manner, allowing the student to make up their own mind when all of the evidence has been accurately presented.
Session Reading (for self-study students)
- Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology, pp. 21-43
- Roger Olsen, Mosaic of Christian Belief, pp. 11-27
Related Topics: Introduction to Theology