Is the counseling technique called “Rapid Eye Technology” as a method of gaining spiritual insight Biblical?
I looked, this is about as far out as it gets.
It openly claims to be “spiritual” and is obviously “new age.” If this was New Age in origin, I do not see how it can be Christian. I think of several passages: 2 Corinthians 6:14-18; Romans 14:15 (the NASB says ‘able to admonish’; Jay Adams renders this ‘competent to counsel’); 2 Timothy 3:14-17. In the description of this technique there is no mention of the Bible, of God, of sin, of Jesus Christ, of salvation through Christ’s death on the cross of Calvary. According to these folks, the cure comes from within, not from without (Christ). No Scripture references were found. This has nothing to do with Christianity, and it fundamentally opposed to it.
By the way, it looks like a real money-maker for these folks.
I’ve cut and pasted some of their comments, which are fundamentally opposed to the Word of God:
Rapid Eye Technology is a tool to facilitate releasing and clearing of old programming, opening the way to awareness of our joy and happiness. With Rapid Eye Technology, we find light and spirituality within us that has always been there. Because we’ve focused our attention so much on our experiences and traumas of life, we’ve tended to block our awareness to that joy.
Rapid Eye sessions can assist you to feel good and be excited about being alive. Once the stress of the past and core issues have been effectively addressed, motivation and positive focus on your life becomes easy.
Get in touch with who you really are. Then assist others to do the same. You can train to be a Rapid Eye Technician in a short time. Maybe now is the time to call.
If you are excited as you read this, chances are that you, too, will want to be part of a unique, profound value to society.
Based on the belief that you have within you the natural processes of RET, the Rapid Eye Institute provides an atmosphere for remembering the Self’s native abilities included in RET. The Rapid Eye Institute provides training and support services to Rapid Eye Technicians worldwide
I quit my job as a Stock Broker. Today, I have a successful RET practice, assisting others to the knowledge of our perfect selves and providing for my family’s material needs in the process. Without a doubt, I am happier today than I have been in my entire life. Thanks, Ranae!
Some websites I found were: The site is independent of any kind of specific religious belief-system or movement, but tries to give an overview of manifold forms of spirituality.
New Age Net ( Meeting ground and resource for all those in the New Age community… That is, healers, readers, users, vendors, and practitioners alike…
Anybody who thinks this stuff is o.k. isn’t thinking biblically. I hate to say it, but I’m afraid that the people who have gone for this training have been deceived. This is worse than a cult, in my opinion.
I doubt that anything apart from a miracle will convince those who have been drawn into this thing. Incidentally, I have the uneasy impression that there is a monetary angle to this. I could be wrong, but it has a sort of pyramid scheme feel to it. (If not, it is still incredibly dangerous; if so, then money becomes a motive.)
Related Topics: Pneumatology (The Holy Spirit), Cults/Magic