Where the world comes to study the Bible

  • 1. Laying the Foundation

    Ruth is the bridge from the wickedness of the times of the Judges to the glorious reign of King David. In her story, we see the best of human nature and God’s intervention in human history. There are many layers of interpretation in this book, but we will concentrate on Ruth’s obedience in fulfilling her responsibilities that caused her to become part of a most blessed lineage. In this lesson we meet Ruth and Naomi and see how desolate and desperate their lives are.
    Biblical Topics: 
  • NET Bibles - from $7.50 each

    ATTENTION: Inventory Sale - We are selling this previous edition of the NET Bible, called the 2nd Beta Edition (2003). 

  • Romans 3:28 and Jas 2:24: A Comparison

    Fall 2009

    Luther famously called the letter by James as a ‘right strawy epistle,’ one that had minimal value for the Christian faith. He apparently didn’t fully reject it, for he put it in his translation of the Bible, albeit at the back of the book. Perhaps he figured that Germans were just getting started on reading through the Bible in a year, and he was hoping they’d never get to the end!

  • Dr. Daniel Wallace Responds to NT Wright on Justification

    Dr. Wallace writes:

    N. T. Wright, Bishop of Durham, has become in the last several years a household name among evangelicals. In some respects, he is emerging as the 21st century equivalent to Rudolf Bultmann. Both scholars are known for their synthesis of the NT message. They have written multiple volumes dealing especially with global treatments on the theology of the NT.

  • 24. Le Repas Grandiose sur le mont Sinaï (Exode 24:1-18)


    Le texte que nous allons étudier est un des passages les plus fascinants de l’Ancien Testament. Un des attraits de ce passage est son caractère exceptionnel. Le Dieu qui ne peut être vu, est vu, non seulement par Moïse, avec Josué, son servant, mais par Aaron, Nadab et Abihou, les prêtres, ainsi que soixante-dix des anciens d’Israël. La description de Dieu en est une à laquelle nous ne nous attendrions pas dans l’Ancien Testament.



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