Where the world comes to study the Bible

  • Week 5 Lesson: Faithful (Committed)

    A Precious Word from God

    If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, since he cannot deny himself.

    2 Timothy 2:13 (NET)

    “You have my word on it” or “Let’s shake on it” used to be words that meant commitment and trust. When people agreed to a deal, a handshake or a promise sealed it. Today, even signing a legal contract doesn’t seem to bind the parties, who often look for ways to get around their promises.

  • Week 4 Lesson: Pure

    A Precious Word from God
    For this is God’s will: that you become holy, that you keep away from sexual immorality.
    1 Thessalonians 4:3 (NET)
    In our culture today many consider God’s ideas of purity to be hopelessly outdated; yet, relationships are ripping apart, marriages are not working, and sexual disease is rampant. Perhaps we should reconsider God’s teachings on sexuality. This week we will reflect on what it means to be pure and holy women.
    A Precious Word from God

  • Make Up Your Mind to Obey God! - Week 2 Lecture

    I was a teenager in the 60’s. (Before I lose you while you do the math, I’m in my 50’s!) That was a time when the walls of cultural and religious norms were torn down. The culture encouraged us to live as we pleased! One of my favorite songs of that era is “Born to Be Wild”! And deep down that is how I feel. Let me do what I want to do and leave your rules to yourself! Obedience is hard for me. If you are honest, you might feel the same way!
  • Week 2 Lesson: Obedient

    A Precious Word from God

    But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile himself with the royal delicacies or the royal wine.

    Daniel 1:8a (NET)

    Obedience is somewhat of a four-letter word to many of us. We think back to the days of our childhood with unpleasant memories of being forced to obey our parents or our teachers. There is something within each of us that desires to be our own boss instead of submitting to someone else’s wishes.

  • Week 3 Lesson: Courageous

    A Precious Word from God

    “I have told you these things so that in the world you may have peace. In the world you have trouble and suffering, but take courage—I have conquered the world.”

    Jesus in John 16:33 (NET)

    A Precious Word from God

    “I have told you these things so that in the world you may have peace. In the world you have trouble and suffering, but take courage—I have conquered the world.”

  • متى 16 : 20 فى المخطوطات

    متى 16 : 20 فى المخطوطات
    دراسة حالة للعادات النسخية
    دانيال ب. والاس
    ترجمة: عاطف وجيه
    "حينئذ أوصى تلاميذه أن لا يقولوا لأحد أنه كان المسيح" (مت 16 : 20 بحسب الترجمة الإنجليزية الحديثة).
    بعد اعتراف بطرس مباشرةً بيسوع أنه "المسيح ابن الله الحى" (متى 16 : 16)، يبارك الرب بطرس قائلاً له أن إعلانه هذا ليس من براعته العقلية، و إنما أدركه بمساعدة إلهية. ثم يحذر الرب تلاميذه أن يقولوا لأحد أنه هو المسيح. هذه قطعة مكررة شائعة فى الأناجيل، أُعطيت بالأخص للتلاميذ و الشياطين (مت 12 : 16، مر 1 : 34، 8 : 30، لو 4 : 41، 9 : 21).


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