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Content On: Ecclesiology (The Church)


4. Becoming A Healthy Church (Titus 2:1-10)Gregory Brown06/06/2024
2. Qualifications Of Church Elders (Titus 1:5-9)Gregory Brown06/06/2024
3. Church Leadership: Christian Leaders And Leadership-- Their Definition And CharacteristicsRoger Pascoe04/04/2024
2. Church Leadership: Formulating A Biblical Philosophy Of Church MinistryRoger Pascoe04/04/2024
1. Church Leadership: The Purposes Of The ChurchRoger Pascoe04/04/2024
Church LeadershipRoger Pascoe04/04/2024
Q. Why Did Israel Reject Jesus As The Messiah? What Is Israel’s Future Hope?Bob Deffinbaugh03/28/2024
Q. Can You Give More Guidance On Your “Brethren” Style “One Church Meeting” Communion Service?Bob Deffinbaugh09/04/2023
Q. Should pastors really stop giving altar calls?Bob Deffinbaugh09/14/2022
Discipleship: The Great Omission And The Greatest Mission Of All Time (Matthew 28:16-20)Bob Hallman06/03/2022
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Question & Answers:

Our pastor recently stopped doing an altar-call / invitation at the end of the services. Is this biblical?
How was handling the boiling pot of meat with a three-prong fork (1 Sam 2:12-17) part of the priestly duties as set out in Leviticus?
Must someone be baptisted to join a church?
There are Christians who believe that the Bible makes a case for this country's obligation to protect Israel. Do Christians have this biblical command?
How do Jews born after the New Testament receive salvation? Are they saved only by accepting Christ as their Lord and Savior? Is there any other means of salvation for them, as some teach?
I have friends who are Seventh Day Adventist and in the Unification Church. One believes in soul sleep and the other believes we can communicate with dead relatives. Are there any biblical passages to refute their beliefs?
How can our church learn to speak in tongues?
Could you tell me the difference between an evangelical and a charismatic?
Should congregational votes be limited to tithing members who attend a specified number of Sundays?
Is there a difference between the Vision and the Mission of a local church?
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