Paul’s Farewell Message to the Ephesian Elders (Acts 20:18-38)
Biblical Eldership Resources is dedicated to helping believers understand: 1. What biblical eldership is (Teaching) 2. How to implement biblical eldership in your local church (Implementation) 3. How to become more effective in the pastoral care that elders exercise over the local church (Effectiveness). Learn more at
These messages (audio and text, with accompanying outline) were taught by Alexander Strauch at The Spurgeon's Fellowship conference in January 2013.
Paul’s speech to the Ephesian elders serves as a fitting conclusion to Acts 13-19, and the end of Paul’s three missionary journeys. This speech is an example of the kind of thing he would say upon his departure from a church. It is a beautiful summary of his concept of missionary work and pastoral work.
Pastoral Manual
Paul’s speech to the elders is a virtual pastoral manual. It is the only record of Paul speaking directly to elders.
It records his final words of exhortation, warning, and future predictions. It provides a dramatic description of who they are and what they are called by God to do.
In short, this sermon provides us with an excellent synopsis of the uniquely Pauline, Christianized teaching on church eldership.
For Every Church Elder to Know
Every elder, then, should master thoroughly the content of Paul’s apostolic message to the Ephesian elders.
History amply demonstrates that the truth of Paul’s message cannot be overstated or repeated too often. The appalling, centuries-long failure to stop false teachers from invading churches can be traced directly to disobedience to or ignorance of Paul’s warning to the Ephesian elders.
Every new generation of elders must grasp afresh the prophetic message to the Ephesian elders: Guard the church--wolves are coming!
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