Where the world comes to study the Bible


Date Title Name
2021-01-06 Q. Does debt affect giving in modern times in light of the Israelite tithe and slaves? Bob Deffinbaugh
2018-05-31 20. Being Good Stewards of God’s Riches (1 Timothy 6:17-21) Gregory Brown
2018-01-29 Q. Must one tithe/give when they are in debt? Bob Deffinbaugh
2017-08-09 Lesson 15: The Church and Money (Various Scriptures) Steven J. Cole
2015-07-07 7. Foundation Seven: Financial Faithfulness In Marriage Gregory Brown
2015-02-24 Lesson 119: Abusive Church Leadership, Part II: How Should I Give? (Luke 20:45-21:4) Daniel Bennett
2015-02-24 Lesson 120: Abusive Church Leadership, Part III: How Should I Give? (Luke 20:45-21:4, 2 Cor. 8-9) Daniel Bennett
2013-11-05 Lesson 9: The Widow’s Offering (Mark 12, 2 Corinthians 8-9) Vickie Kraft
2013-09-04 God, Money, and You Steven J. Cole
2013-09-04 Lesson 4: Why You Should NOT Tithe (Selected Scriptures) Steven J. Cole
2013-09-04 Lesson 5: Giving God’s Way (Selected Scriptures) Steven J. Cole
2010-02-02 31. Concernant les Offrandes (Exode 35:1-36:7) Bob Deffinbaugh
2009-10-12 9. Learning and Teaching Stewardship Sid Litke
2009-10-01 4. Connecting to God through Giving Sid Litke
2009-10-01 5. Developing A Giving Heart Sid Litke
2009-10-01 6. God's Giving Promises Sid Litke
2009-09-29 Biblical Financial Stewardship Sid Litke
2009-09-29 1. Introduction to Biblical Financial Stewardship Sid Litke
2009-09-29 2. Stewards, Not Owners Sid Litke
2007-08-20 3. Change Direction: The Call to the Life Bill Hull
2006-03-02 Kejujuran Keuangan J. Hampton Keat...
2004-06-08 They Devour Widow's Houses James Matheny
2004-06-08 Financial Faithfulness J. Hampton Keat...
2004-06-08 31. Paul’s Closing Words (1 Cor. 16) Bob Deffinbaugh
2004-05-27 7. Malachi Eugene H. Merrill
2004-05-11 18. Mastering A Plan for Formal Time Together—Giving Greg Herrick
2001-01-01 Are there any New Testament scriptures that support tithing? admin
2001-01-01 What’s the difference in tithes and offerings, and how should churches collect money? admin
2001-01-01 Should pastors pay their tithe to the church? admin
2001-01-01 Does “robbing God” in Malachi 3:8 apply to us today? admin
2001-01-01 Who should we pay tithes to, the church or the pastor? admin