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Preface to Romans

The Gospels provide us with four independent accounts of the life and times of our Lord Jesus Christ. The book of Acts describes the birth of the church and the spread of the gospel from Jerusalem and Judea to Rome. The New Testament Epistles are letters written to various churches, usually intended to address and correct specific problems. The Book of Romans is unique in that it is a systematic summation of the doctrine of salvation, as seen throughout the Bible, and as proclaimed in its fullness in the New Testament.

The epistle begins with man’s sin (chapters 1-3a), for which provision is made by the atoning work of Jesus Christ on man’s behalf, as received by faith alone (chapters 3b-5), resulting in a forsaking of sin and the pursuit of righteousness as one walks in the power of the Holy Spirit (chapters 6-8). All of Old Testament history is summed up, beginning with Adam (chapter 5), continuing through the history of Israel, currently resulting in the salvation of the Gentiles, and ultimately consummating in the restoration and salvation of the Jews (chapters 9-11). The unfolding of God’s salvation in human history is a manifestation of God’s infinite wisdom (11:33-36). The doctrine of salvation is to be lived out by the saints, as described in chapters 12-16. In this one book, Paul “puts it all together” so that we see the salvation of God from an eternal perspective.

There are no truths more important than those set down in this great Epistle to the Romans. Here is a study which should not only enhance your understanding of the gospel, but should stimulate your worship as well. The material in these sermons is available without charge for your personal study and to assist you in living, teaching and preaching God’s Word.

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