Preface to the Life of Elijah
This series of lessons is a devotional study on the life of the prophet Elijah. The objective is to provide practical insight into the doctrinal and spiritual significance and meaning of his life. As a man of like passions with us, his life sheds light on the greatness of the God of the Bible, His purposes, and His love and care for His people in a world in desperate need of the saving message of Jesus Christ. The story of Elijah also reflects the need of God’s people to walk with Him by faith through the privilege of prayer and the knowledge of His Word.
The messages of these studies stem from the heart and from years of study and shepherding God’s people as a pastor. They were originally a series of studies presented at the Sunday morning services. I do not intend this study as a “scholarly” work, though I have sought to base it on a careful exposition according to the cultural and historical background, the context (both near and more remote), the meaning of Hebrew words and grammar, and the analogy of Scripture. I do not claim originality, for the hearts of many other students of God’s Word have guided and influenced my own.
These studies are not presented as a last word on the life of the prophet but it is my prayer that the Lord, by His matchless grace, will use them to His glory and honor and for the building up of the saints for a deeper walk by faith in our loving and sovereign God. So I commend this study to God and to the Word of His grace which is able to build us up.
For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction,
that through perseverance and the encouragement
of the Scriptures we might have hope.
Romans 15:4
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