Lesson 79: The Patient Vinedresser (Luke 13:6-9)
Related MediaWhenever a fruitless tree is spoken of in Scripture, the connotations are bad. Generally that tree is compared to a person or a group of people. However, in this instance, something is added to the negative connotation: patience. In this parable, both the owner of the vineyard and the vinedresser know that the fig tree is only using up the ground it is in, robbing nutrients from the soil without “giving back” anything in return. But the vinedresser asks for more time in order that he may invest further in the tree before it is cut down. Pastor Daniel walks us through what it looks like for a person to be that tree and how dependent he/she is upon the mercy of the vinedresser. He posits, “God patiently provides time to produce fruit.” With this truth in view, there are three applications he sets forward for our attention. 1) You should be producing fruit. 2) You should find a lack of fruit alarming. 3) You should take advantage of God’s mercy and patience toward you.
Summary by Seth Kempf, Bethany Community Church Staff
Related Topics: Christian Life, Spiritual Life