Lesson 57: The Eternal Consequences of Rejecting the Gospel, Part II (Luke 10:10-16)
Related Media(Part II) In as much as it is hoped that people respond to the gospel message they hear (as we are moved by the fact that “the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few”), it is the sad reality that many will hear and choose not to believe. Jesus makes it clear that rejecting this message, dismissing this gracious gift of God is extremely consequential. While false ideas about who Jesus is, what His judgment (or lack thereof) looks like, and whether or not an actual place of hell exists are all controversies that make their way into the church, Jesus make some things very understandable through the text at hand. Pastor Daniel emphasizes, over this two-part sermon, that people must know there are eternal consequences for rejecting the gospel, that unbelievers will be sent to a place of eternal and conscious torment, that there will be degrees of punishment based upon one’s access and response to God’s revelation, that it is difficult to fully comprehend the reality and justice of hell at this point in time, and that God is perfectly just and right in His judgments. It is upon Christians then to warn people of God’s wrath and tell them of His gift of Christ.
Summary by Seth Kempf, Bethany Community Church Staff
Related Topics: Evangelism, Soteriology (Salvation)