Lesson 54: Compelled by Compassion: Principles for Harvest Ministry, Part I (Luke 10:1-9)
Related Media(Part I) What we know as the Great Commission may have really “taken off” following the ascension and Pentecost, but earlier times of sending also took place such as the one that we see in this passage. The instructions that Jesus gave at that time are similarly instructive for us today for the gospel ministry believers have been called to. In this two-part message, Pastor Daniel pulls out such principles to minister by, principles which all flow from the fact that we consider a harvest in need of workers and then proceed into it with compassionate hearts. Those who have experienced the grace of God through Jesus Christ are, in this harvest ministry, to pray for God’s grace, go into enemy territory, trust God’s provision, proclaim God’s peace, remain where God bears fruit, minister to the sick, and warn of God’s wrath.
Summary by Seth Kempf, Bethany Community Church Staff
Related Topics: Evangelism