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Lesson 32: A Marvelous Faith (Luke 7:1-10)

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Some of the greatest acts of faith displayed in the gospel accounts come from rather unlikely characters. That is the case in Luke 7. As Jesus receives a request from a centurion, an influential Gentile with a sick servant, we observe a man who understands his own humble place under the authority of the Messiah. Not willing that Jesus even come to his house, he simply believed that the Lord could say a word and heal his valued servant. In the centurion we observe how “a God-pleasing faith humbles us and exalts Christ.” Through his example, we are challenged in the following ways: 1) Your Christ-exalting, God pleasing faith should cause you to be in awe as you engage in worship, 2) Your Christ-exalting, God pleasing faith should cause you to trust His leading, and 3) Your Christ-exalting, God pleasing faith should cause you to fear others less.

Summary by Seth Kempf, Bethany Community Church Staff

Related Topics: Faith, Worship

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