Book 2: Building a Nation (Stories 53-113)
Related MediaThese stories go from Joshua to the Death of David. It starts with the exciting events surrounding Joshua and all the Judges. God then gives Samuel the job of introducing the kingdom. After the failure of king Saul, David builds the kingdom to world dominance.
53. Rahab | 84 Annointing of Daid |
54. Crossing Jordan | 85 Goliath |
55. Jericho | 86. David Earns a Wife |
56. Achan | 87. Protecting David |
57. Sun Standing Still | 88. Three Arrows |
58. Joshua's Farewell | 89. Running from Saul |
59. Job's Three Friends | 90 Sparing Saul's Life |
60. Othniel & Ehud | 91. Abigail |
61. Deborah & Barak | 92. Sparing God's Anointed |
62. Gideon's Fleece | 93. Staying by the Stuff |
63. Three Hundred Men | 94. The Witch of Endor |
64. King of Trees | 95. Death of Saul & Jonathan |
65. Jephthah's Vow | 96. Joab & Abner |
66. The Birth of Samson | 97. David Made King |
67. Strong & Sweet | 98. David's Mighty Men |
68. Foxes and a Jawbone | 99. Moving the Ark |
69. Samson & Delilah | 100. Building an Empire |
70. Grandson of Moses | 101. Ammonites |
71. Prelude to War | 102. Bathsheba |
72. Brides for Benjamin | 103. Nathan's Story |
73. Naomi & Ruth | 104. Tamar |
74. Boaz & Ruth | 105. Absalom's Return |
75. The Call of Samuel | 106. Absalom's Revolt |
76. Ark of God Captured | 107. Absalom's Defeat |
77. Ark of God Returned | 108. David's Kingdom Restored |
78. Ebenezer | 109. Wise Woman of Abel |
79. Saul Made King | 110. Ethnic Cleansing |
80. Peace for an Eye | 111. Numbering of the People |
81. Failing the Test | 112. Transfer of Power |
82. Jonathan's Victory | 113. Death of David & Joab |
83. Saul's Disobedience |
Click Here To View Stories 53-113
Copyright 2011 by John Walsh, BibleTelling
Related Topics: Teaching the Bible