Book B: Tools For Christian Growth
Related MediaLifestyle Discipleship is the theme of this group of studies. This is Book B: Tools For Christian Growth, which is the 2nd book in the four-book series. It is the author’s goal that you might catch the vision of an old principle taught in Scripture (Discipleship), and utilized in the early church, that you might integrate it into your life for ministry until the day you go to be with the Lord. We hope that with these helps you will be able to use the materials with maximum effectiveness. They have been prepared sacrificially and with great care over approximately thirty years. They certainly are not perfect, but we feel with adequate commitment on the part of disciple and discipler, you will find that they meet your particular need for growth in your development.
The central teaching device as far as the materials are concerned are the worksheets. These have been put together in a way that becomes self-instructional and you can learn from them on your own. Absolutely correct answers to every question, or filling in blanks with exact wording is not crucial. Because of this, there is no answer manual. The discipler and disciple can adequately work out the responses that will be appropriate. The sessions as outlined in the module of material, if followed weekly as assigned, will take a person about a eighteen months to finish. It is unlikely, however, that it will proceed with no interruptions.
**You can download the entire book in PDF and work through each session.
Book A in this series may be found here.
Book C in this series may be found here.
Book D in this series may be found here.