Where the world comes to study the Bible

24. The Third Finger: Study

Purpose: The purpose of this session is to learn the methods of investigation and analysis to personally grasp Scripture better.


1. The disciple will be able to use two investigational and analytical methods.

2. The disciple will develop a more organized method of study.

3. The disciple will develop a more personal method of study.

Scripture Memory

Make every effort to present yourself before God as a proven worker who does not need to be ashamed, teaching the message of truth accurately.

2 Timothy 2:15


1. Mutual prayer and sharing.

2. Discuss the questions.

3. Review Scripture memory.

The third finger on the Hand is Study. Study involves some things far more than simply reading the Bible. These include:

1. Original investigation—not something someone else has done. We go at a desired goal with our own unique resources and seek something for our-selves.

2. Written reproduction—paper and pencil or pen are involved.

3. Study involves that which is systematic and consistent. It is not haphazard either in method or occurrence.

4. Study is to be personally applicable. There is to be practical value for the learner. Nothing is learned if there is only content. There is also to be behavior change if it is true learning.

5. What we learn is something we can share—it is to be pass-on-able.

“Knowledge that is self-discovered is stored in the deepest part of the mind and remains the longest in the memory. There is no jewel more precious than that which you have mined yourself.”

Howard Hendricks


Types of Study Methods for Beginners

Verse Analysis

Date of Study _________________ Verse Analyzed___________________

1. What is the thought preceding this verse?

2. What is the thought immediately following this verse?

3. State in your own words what this verse means. What is the writer saying?

4. Indicate in writing how you can apply this to your own life.

Project: Analyze four of the following verses during your quiet time, using the pages provided.

Isaiah 41:10

Romans 3:24

Hebrews 12:1-2

Hebrews 10:14

Luke 9:62

Date of Study _________________ Verse Analyzed___________________

1. What is the thought preceding this verse?

2. What is the thought immediately following this verse?

3. State in your own words what this verse means. What is the writer saying?

4. Indicate in writing how you can apply this to your own life.

Date of Study _________________ Verse Analyzed___________________

1. What is the thought preceding this verse?

2. What is the thought immediately following this verse?

3. State in your own words what this verse means. What is the writer saying?

4. Indicate in writing how you can apply this to your own life.

Date of Study _________________ Verse Analyzed___________________

1. What is the thought preceding this verse?

2. What is the thought immediately following this verse?

3. State in your own words what this verse means. What is the writer saying?

4. Indicate in writing how you can apply this to your own life.

Date of Study _________________ Verse Analyzed___________________

1. What is the thought preceding this verse?

2. What is the thought immediately following this verse?

3. State in your own words what this verse means. What is the writer saying?

4. Indicate in writing how you can apply this to your own life.

STS Search the Scriptures

The following is a format to follow for a plan of Bible Study called STS, or Search the Scriptures.

Passage: (List the particular passage you are going to analyze.)

Point of the Passage: (What is it really saying?)

Parallel Passages:

Vs. Reference Key Thought

Problems of the Passage: What is difficult to understand or deal with?

Profit of the Passage: How is this applicable to me? Make as many practical applications as possible.

Questions for Review and Discussion

1. In terms of organization, depth of analysis and personalization, how do the two study methods presented in this session compare to other methods you have used in the past?

2. Which of the two methods, Verse Analysis or STS, did you prefer? Why?

3. Research has shown that study dramatically increases retention. Will you adopt a method of study? Which?

4. How will you organize and retain your study materials for future reference?

Summary and Key Concepts

Bible study does not simply involve reading the Scriptures. It also involves analysis and contemplation. The two methods described in this session provide the disciple with useful tools for regular, systematic Bible study focused either on topics or on a given book of the Bible. Adopting one or both of these methods and using them in your daily/weekly study will substantially enhance your understanding of Scripture and make it more personal.

Related Topics: Discipleship

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