What follows is an organized and curated list of content. Click here for an exhaustive list of content on Luke
Kenneth Boa: 52. Luke [] Part of the series: Visual Survey of the Bible.
Bill McRae: 35. Luke and Acts [] 1 lesson overview of Luke/Acts. Part of the series: Survey of the Bible.
Mark Dever: Jesus, the Son of Adam – The Message of Luke [] Capitol Hill Baptist Church.
Ray Stedman: The Gospel of Luke: THE PERFECT MAN [, ] Part of the series: Adventuring Through the Bible. Peninsula Bible Church.
John MacArthur: Luke 298 lessons.
Daniel Bennett: Luke: Savior of the Outcast []
Steven J. Cole: Luke [, ] 117 lessons.
Bob Deffinbaugh: Luke: The Gospel of the Gentiles [] 75 lessons.
Mark Dever: Jesus: The Early Years [] 7 lessons, Luke 1-8. Capitol Hill Baptist Church.
Mark Dever: Jesus: Questions About Jesus [] 2 lessons, Luke 9-11. Capitol Hill Baptist Church.
Mark Dever: Questions About Jesus [] 3 lessons, Luke 12-14. Capitol Hill Baptist Church.
Mark Dever: Just the Facts [] 10 lessons, Luke 15-24. Capitol Hill Baptist Church.
Tom Nelson: Luke [] 79 lessons. Denton Bible Church.
Alex Strauch: Gospel of Luke Series [] 39 lessons.
Rob Rayburn : Luke [] 84 lessons. Faith Presbyterian Church.
Ron Ritchie: Jesus, Savior of the Lost [] Nearly 70 lessons. Peninsula Bible Church.
Hampton Keathley IV: The Miracles of Jesus [] Some relate to Luke.
The Parables [] Some relate to Luke.
Steven J. Cole: Easter [2009]: From Death to Life (Luke 15:1-2, 11-32) [, ]
Easter [1997]: Hope For Troubled Hearts (Luke 24:13-35) [, ]
Christmas [2012]: How to Receive Good Things from God (Luke 1:53) [, ]
Christmas [2011]: God of Mercy, God of Judgment (Luke 1:46-55) [, ]
Christmas [2008]: The Question You MUST Answer (Luke 2:10-11) [, ]
Christmas [2007]: What Christmas Really Means (Luke 1:67-79) [, ]
Christmas [2004]: Christ, the Hope of the World (Luke 2:25-35) [, ]
Christmas [2003]: On Wasting Your Life (Luke 2:36-38) [, ]
Christmas [1999]: The Joy of Christmas (Luke 2:10-11) [, ]
Christmas [1998]: How To Receive From God (Luke 1:53) [, ]
Christmas [1996]: The Virgin Birth--Why Believe It? (Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-38) [, ]
Christmas [1993]: The Best News In The World (Luke 2:8-11) [, ]
Christmas [1992]: The Simplicity Of Christmas (Luke 2:8-20) [, ]
Bob Deffinbaugh: 27. The Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-28) [, , Translated] Spanish translation available.
J. Hampton Keathley, III: Acclamations of the Birth of Christ (Luke 2:1-20) []
Christ Our Companion (Luke 24:13-35) []
Principles of Prayer from Luke 11 []
Mark Stevenson: Good News! A Savior is Born (Luke 2:10-11) []
John Piper: The Gospel of Luke [, ] 10 lessons.
Women's Studies
Kay Daigle: Coming Home to Jesus: A Study of Luke for Wise Women [, , , Curriculum] 10 lessons.
Sandra Glahn: 5. Restored and Rejoiced Over as God’s Child [] Part of the series: Your Worth in Christ.
Vickie Kraft: Jesus Christ: God Revealed [, ] 9 lessons. 4, 5, and 8 relate to Luke.
Children's Studies
Lisa Goodyear: 2. Mary's Bible Box...Interactive Devotion for Girls [Curriculum] Based on Luke 10:38-42.
Jodi Hooper: Jesus in Luke [, , , Curriculum] 9 lessons.
Holy Week [, , , Curriculum] 10 lessons. 7 relate to Luke.
Parables [, , , Curriculum] 11 lessons. 9 relate to Luke.
10. Jesus Appears on the Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35) [, , , Curriculum]
3. The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15; Luke 11:1-13) [, , , Curriculum]
admin: Graveside Service 5 Part of the series: Graveside Services.
: Part of the series: Funeral Messages for Believers.
James M. Arlandson: 12. Are There Contradictions in the Gospels?
10. Eyewitness Testimony in Mark’s Gospel
Historical Reliability of the Gospels
2. Archaeology and the Synoptic Gospels: Which way do the rocks roll?
Bob Deffinbaugh: 3. Hope and the Resurrection (Luke 24) [, , ]
40. The Holy Spirit in the Gospels (Appendix A) []
Brian Gross: Taking Up the Cross: Discipleship in the Early Church (Luke 9:23-26) []
J. Hampton Keathley, III: 2.8. The Prayer-Filled Life (Part 2) Part of the series: ABC's For Christian Growth - Laying the Foundation.
A Precedent for the New Year (Luke 2:13-20) []
Richard L. Strauss: 11. Do You Trust Me? — The Story of Joseph and Mary
10. Impossible Things Do Happen—The Story of Zacharias and Elizabeth
: [] Lessons 1, 2, 3, and 7 relate to Luke.
: [] 14 lessons. 4-6, 9-10, and 14-15 especially relate to Luke.
Daniel B. Wallace: Luke 1:34 in Old Latin b [, , Technical]
Luke 2:22 "their purification" or "her purification"? A Test-Case for Faith Vs. Reason [, Technical]
Study Helps and related
Tom Constable: Tom Constable’s Expository Notes on Luke [] This is also available in the Net.Bible.org Study Environment.
David Malick: An Introduction to the Gospel of Luke []
An Argument Of The Gospel Of Luke
A Selected Bibliography Of The Gospel Of Luke
Daniel B. Wallace: 3. Luke: Introduction, Outline, and Argument []
Darrell L. Bock: Historical Backgrounds to the Gospels and Life of Jesus []
James M. Arlandson: Historical Reliability of the Gospels
Greg Herrick: Introduction to Atonement in Luke-Acts
2. An Examination of Key Texts in the Discussion
1. The Atonement in Lucan Theology in Recent Discussion
Conclusion on the Atonement in Luke-Acts
Bibliography for Atonement in Luke
Dave Dawson: The Life of Christ [, , ]
Peter L. Smith: Chronology & Synopsis of the Passion Week [, ]
Daniel B. Wallace: The Problem of Luke 2:2 "This was the first census taken when Quirinius was governor of Syria" [, Technical]
Luke 2:22 "their purification" or "her purification"? A Test-Case for Faith Vs. Reason [, Technical]
Errors in the Greek Text Behind Modern Translations? The Cases of Matthew 1:7, 10 and Luke 23:45 [, Technical]
John Walsh: Book 4: Beauty From Ashes (Stories 162-219) [] Part of the series: All the Stories of the Bible.