Where the world comes to study the Bible

Title Name Datesort ascending
9. Habits Leading to Christlikeness Greg Herrick 2004-05-11
15. Mastering A Plan for Formal Time Together—Fasting Greg Herrick 2004-05-11
8. Virtues Leading to Christlikeness Greg Herrick 2004-05-11
The Christian's Present Possessions in Christ Lehman Strauss 2004-05-10
2. The Calling and Design of the Church: (Ephesians 1-3) Lehman Strauss 2004-05-10
3. The Meaning of Man: His Duty and His Delight (Genesis 1:26-31; 2:4-25) Bob Deffinbaugh 2004-05-10
Chapter 1: Introduction D. Ragan Ewing 2004-05-10
Chapter 4: The Evidence For Jerusalem As The Harlot D. Ragan Ewing 2004-05-10
The Five Warnings of Hebrews John W. Lawrence 2004-05-10
Chapter 3: Dating the Apocalypse D. Ragan Ewing 2004-05-10
2. The Creation of the Heavens and the Earth (Genesis 1:1-2:3) Bob Deffinbaugh 2004-05-10
An Introduction to the Book of Exodus David Malick 2004-05-10
Chapter 2: Proposed Solutions D. Ragan Ewing 2004-05-10
Selected, Annotated Bibliography on the Book of Genesis David Malick 2004-05-05
An Introduction to Genesis David Malick 2004-05-05
Contours of Faith Greg Herrick 2004-05-05
1. An Early Text for Later Messianic Conceptions: A Look at Genesis 49:8-12 Greg Herrick 2004-05-05
The Gap Theory of Genesis Chapter One Jack C. Sofield 2004-05-05
An Argument of the Book of Genesis David Malick 2004-05-05
Overview of The Theology Program Michael Patton 2004-05-04
Other Christian Resources on the Internet admin 2004-05-03
As He Was in Life, So He was in Death Greg Herrick 2004-05-03
God's Love: Our Enduring Song! Greg Herrick 2004-05-03
"I Am with You Always, Through Thick and Thin" Greg Herrick 2004-05-01
Consider It All Joy Greg Herrick 2004-05-01
Go for the Wine Greg Herrick 2004-05-01
The Life of the Mind Greg Herrick 2004-05-01
He Pitched His Tent Among Us Greg Herrick 2004-05-01
Knowing Diamonds or Loving Diamonds: Which Is It? Greg Herrick 2004-05-01
Caught Up in a Story of Wild Proportions Greg Herrick 2004-05-01
The Kingdom in Matthew Matthew Allen 2004-05-01
The Translation of 2 Peter 1:19a Daniel B. Wallace 2004-05-01
So What's the Rush? Stay and Talk Greg Herrick 2004-05-01
Our God: Awesome in Power and Glory-Always Battling for His People Greg Herrick 2004-05-01
A Review of “Some Observations on the Text-Critical Function of the Umlauts in Vaticanus, with Special Attention to 1 Corinthians 14.34-35,” Daniel B. Wallace 2004-05-01
“Whom He Also Named Apostles”: A Textual and Narrative-Critical Solution to Mark 3.14 Christopher W. ... 2004-05-01
The Text and Grammar of John 1.18 Daniel B. Wallace 2004-05-01
Amazing Grace Greg Herrick 2004-05-01
Where in the Bible can I find scriptures on a pastor's responsibilities to his congregation? admin 2004-03-31
Is it true, as it has been claimed, that "All truth is God's truth"? admin 2004-03-31
I know that we are to help our neighbors and when we lend, were are to give those in need what they need and want. But there is this woman who constantly expects me to do more than what I am already doing for her. What should I do? admin 2004-03-10
Can you explain the nature of Salvation? I have two brothers that asked Jesus to be their personal Lord and Savior many years ago, but they have no desire to follow Christ and say, "I have said my prayer and am covered." My heart aches for them! admin 2004-03-04
Was it realy feasible for Mordecai or Ester to return to Jerusalem during their time in Persia? (Since it seems that they fall between the returns of Zerubbabel and Ezra.) How does this affect their disobedience for not returning? admin 2004-02-16
How should we decide what to do about the 4th Commandment, to keep the Sabbath holy? admin 2004-01-28
Does Jeremiah 10:1-5 show that we should not have a Christmas tree in celebration of Christmas? admin 2004-01-09
The majority text advocates claim that the critical text never did circulate out of Egypt, and as a result never spread through the Roman Empire, where the first century congregations of the church were located. Is this true? admin 2003-07-02
I have read in several places that there are thousands of differences between the Vatican and Sinaitic manuscripts. I understand that this is one of the strongest arguments that the majority text advocates have against the critical text. admin 2003-07-01
There are Christians who believe that the Bible makes a case for this country's obligation to protect Israel. Do Christians have this biblical command? admin 2003-06-10
As I understand it, Churches of Christ says that there are 5 NT requirements that one must meet in order to be saved: hearing of the word; faith in Christ; repentance; confession of faith; water baptism by immersion. Is this biblical? admin 2003-05-30
I have heard that Lillith was actually the first woman, before Eve. Is this true? admin 2003-04-02
