Lesson 85: The Parable of the Great Banquet (Luke 14:15-24)
Related MediaThough the church has had debates on the topic of what has been called “Lordship Salvation,” Jesus never seemed to have much trouble deciding whether or not people needed to be fully devoted God to be a part of His kingdom. His parable illustrated what is required of those who want to participate in this heavenly kingdom. Everyone had excuses for why they couldn’t commit themselves to the “great banquet;” every one of those excuses meant that none of those people would be able to have any part of what the master was offering. Pastor Daniel speaks to the truths in this text by explaining how “those who truly desire God attend the banquet.” Looking at the context that brought about the telling of this parable, he then pulls out the application points of 1) Don’t say silly things that are pleasant but untrue (things that detract from the hard truths people need that lead them to repentance and trust in Christ), 2) Realize that to desire the world is folly and an insult to God, and 3) Desire God and accept His gracious invitation.
Summary by Seth Kempf, Bethany Community Church Staff
Related Topics: Kingdom