Lesson 8: Discovering Christ
Messiah [Heb mashiyach—to anoint or consecrate; derived from the root mashach—to rub with oil, paint, anoint] is one who has been anointed or consecrated for a special office or function. Kings, high priests, and several prophets were anointed or specially set apart to perform their office. Furniture in the Temple was anointed to set it apart for service. Even Cyrus, a pagan king of Persia, was God’s anointed deliverer of Israel (Isa 45:1).
The New Testament identified Jesus [transliteration of Heb yehowshua (Joshua)—Jehovah is Salvation or Savior] of Nazareth as the Christ [Gk christos—anointed one], specially anointed by the Holy Spirit as God’s chosen Savior and Deliverer. Christians are “anointed ones” set apart by the indwelling Holy Spirit for a specific purpose or function.
Fulfill your destiny as an anointed child of the King!
Questions for Group Discussion
Reflection: What aspect or lesson from last week’s lesson or lecture most encouraged or challenged you? Why?
Discovering Christ in the Messianic Psalms is an incredible confirmation of the prophetic nature of the Word of God. The psalmist’s own experiences and the enthronement of the Davidic line of kings foreshadow the future events in the life, death, and eternal reign of Jesus Christ. Begin your study in prayer and worship of your Savior and Lord.
1. Read Psalm 2:7–8, Matthew 3:17, and Acts 13:32–39. As you consider these verses, when do you think that Jesus was “begotten” of the Father? Which verses indicate this to you?
2. Read Psalm 16:9–11, Matthew 28:7, and Acts 2:22–33.
A. What do these verses tell you about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ?
B. What difference does this make to you personally?
3. Read Psalm 110:1–2 and Acts 2:34–39. What is Peter’s argument in Acts regarding this Psalm? What new insight about Jesus do you gain from this?
4. What hope does Jesus’ ultimate victory give you in your present circumstances?
5. Read Psalm 110:3–4, Genesis 14:18–20, and Hebrews 5:6 and 7:1–3. List some facts that you learn about Jesus as High Priest from these verses.
6. Why do you think it is important for us that Jesus is of the order of Melchizedek?
7. How might your personal prayer life be different if you recognized that Jesus was always praying for you?
8. Read Psalm 22, Matthew 27:27–46, and Mark 15:34.
A. List as many comparisons as you can find between the descriptions of Psalm 22 and the experience of Jesus on the cross.
Psalm 22 |
Jesus’ Experience on the Cross |
B. What additional insights do you gain from the additional cross references listing specific prophecies in the Psalms that were accurately fulfilled (almost 1,000 years later) by Jesus in the Optional Studies for Personal Enrichment?
9. As you contemplate Jesus’ suffering, how does it cause you to love Him more? How might it affect your celebration of His birth?
10. As you consider all the prophecies fulfilled in Jesus’ life, what confidence does this give you for your daily life?
11. What one insight or lesson do you want to remember from this week’s lesson? Note it below and on the journal page entitled “Songs for My Soul” at the back of the workbook.
Choose one verse from this week’s lesson to memorize. Write it here and meditate on it. How can you continue to treasure His WORD in your heart?
Thank you for your faithfulness in completing this study of Psalms: Songs for the Soul. Choose to return regularly to the Psalms, selecting Psalms that speak to the season you are experiencing.
Optional Studies for Personal Enrichment
Psalms: Songs for the Soul - Discovering Christ
Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, our Creator and Sustainer, our Judge, Savior and Sacrifice, our Redeemer, Lord and King. His first coming fulfilled over 300 specific prophecies, many of them in the Psalms. List the insights you learn from these related scriptural cross references, briefly noting the specific prophecy and the literal accurate fulfillment.
Messianic Prophecies in the Psalms
Psalm Prophecy Fulfillment
Ps 2:7Acts 13:33; Heb 1:5
Ps 2:8 Rev 2:27
Ps 8:2 Mt 21:15–16
Ps 8:61 Cor 15:27; Heb 2:8
Ps 16:10Mt 28:7; Acts 13:35
Ps 22:1Mt 27:46; Mk 15:34
Ps 22:7–8Mt 27:39–44; Lk 23:35
Ps 22:15Jn 19:28
Ps 22:16Jn 20:25, 27
Ps 22:18Mt 27:35–36
Ps 31:5Lk 23:46
Ps 34:20Jn 19: 32-36
Ps 35:11; 109:2–4Mt 26:59-61; 27:39–44
Ps 35:19Jn 15:25
Ps 40:7-8Heb 10:7
Ps 41:9; 55:12–14Mt 26:14–25; Jn 13:18
Ps 45:6Heb 1:8
Ps 68:18Acts 1:9–11; Eph 4:8
Ps 69:9Jn 2:17; 6:37–40
Ps 69:21Mt 27:34; Jn 19:28–30
Ps 109:8Acts 1:20
Ps 110:1Acts 2:34–35; Mt 22:44
Ps 110:4Heb 5:6; 6:20; 7:17
Ps 118:22Mt 21:42; Acts 4:11
Ps 118:26Mt 21:9
For every single mention of Christ’s first coming, the Bible refers to His second coming eight times. If His first coming as Savior was fulfilled with 100% accuracy, just as certainly He will return as He has promised.
Poetry in the Psalms
At first glance, the psalmist may appear to be repetitive, unorganized, and rambling, touching upon various topics in a random, illogical manner. However, Hebrew poetry is based upon rhythm and parallelism, unlike English poetry, which utilizes rhyme and meter. The Psalms are beautiful expressions to the LORD ranging from the exhilarating heights of praise and joy to the profound depths of despair and discouragement experienced by the human soul.
- In Synonymous Parallelism the second line repeats the idea of first line.
Ps 3:1 O LORD, how my adversaries have increased!
Many are rising up against me.
- In Antithetic Parallelism the second line contrasts with or expresses the opposite idea of the first line.
Ps 1:6 For the LORD knows the way of the righteous,
But the way of the wicked will perish.
- In Synthetic or Climactic Parallelism the second line (or succeeding lines) develop the idea of the first line.
Ps 1:1 How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,
Nor stand in the path of sinners,
Not sit in the seat of scoffers!
- In Emblematic Parallelism the second line elevates the idea of first line, often with metaphor or simile.
Ps 42:1 As the deer pants for the water brooks,
So my soul pants for Thee, O God.
Ps 6:6 I am weary with my sighing;
Every night I make my bed swim,
I dissolve my couch with my tears.
- In Chiastic or Introverted Parallelism the unit develops on an A B B´ A´ pattern, focusing attention upon the central idea.
Ps 1:2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
- In Alphabetic Acrostic Psalms [Ps 9] every verse (or unit [Ps 119]) begins with a subsequent Hebrew consonant, perhaps as an aid in memorization.
The psalmist employs numerous poetic metaphors to involve the mind, touch the imagination, and stir the heart (“the mountains skipped like rams” when God spoke at Sinai [Ps 114:4], or “the cords of death encompassed me” to describe his distress (Ps 116:3). Anthropomorphisms (anthropo—human and morphos—form, shape) use known human characteristics to describe and clarify the characteristics and activities of God (who is spirit) and others.
- “cause Thy face to shine upon us” describing the favor of the Lord (Ps 80:19)
- “incline Thy ear to me” urging God to pay attention to the request (Ps 17:6)
- describing idols with “mouths…eyes…noses…hands…feet” yet they cannot “speak…see…hear…smell…feel…walk” (Ps 115:5-7)
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