Lesson 1: Pursuing Joy in Fellowship, Part 1 (1 John 1:1-4)
Related MediaWho was the apostle John? Readers of the New Testament are provided with a fair amount of information on this particular disciple since he was one who belonged to the so-called “inner circle” of Jesus. He is sometimes referred to as the one that Jesus loved. But he was also one of the “sons of thunder,” a title that he shared with his brother, James. This fiery and beloved one was a fisherman at the time of his calling, but he was a man who so clearly loved the truth and taught the church to hold to it at all costs. As a seasoned follower of Jesus, he wrote this first of three letters to fellow believers, challenging them to be confident in the truth as they walked in fellowship with one another. Pastor Daniel kicks off this series, introducing listeners to the three tests (tests he later expounds throughout this 1 John series) of authentic Christian fellowship: the truth test, the obedience test, and the love test.
Summary by Seth Kempf, Bethany Community Church Staff
Related Topics: Fellowship