Appendix 2 A Good Tool Chest
We are blessed in this century and especially in America, with outstanding study aids to help Bible students learn and study the Bible more effectively. The books, Bibles and study aids mentioned below are those I have found most helpful in over 20 years of Bible study.
A Good Study Bible--This is very helpful to any consistent Bible Study program. Study Bibles have built-in concordances, so you can see how words are used in different parts of the Bible, and they have articles that can help you understand facts about archeology, etc. Though I have several kinds of study Bibles, I would NOT recommend that a new student pick one that has footnotes on the same page as the text. By far the best study Bible for me, and one I use constantly, is the Thompson Chain Reference Bible, which comes in King James, New American Standard, and New International Version translations.
1. An exhaustive concordance. This tool helps you locate any Bible word, and trace how it is used throughout the Bible. By far the best two types are the Young’s Analytical Concordance and Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance.
2. A Good Bible Dictionary, such as the one published by Zondervan.
3. Books on Various Topics, as listed in the chapter bibliographies
Suggested Supplemental Reading for Chapter One
1. The Francis A. Schaeffer Trilogy, by Dr. Francis A. Schaeffer, Crossway Books, 1990.
2. Worldviews in Conflict by Ronald H. Nash, Zondervan, 1992
3. The Genesis Record by Henry Morris
4. Genesis in Space and Time by Francis A. Schaeffer
Suggested Reading to Supplement Chapter Two
1. The Battle for the Bible, Harold Lindsell
2. Studies in Theology, Lorraine Boetner
3. The Canon of Scripture, by F. F. Bruce
4. Evidence That Demands a Verdict, and More Evidence That Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell
Suggested Supplemental Reading for Chapter 3
Knowing God by J. I. Packer
The Attributes of God by A W Pink
The Sovereignty of God by A W Pink
The Existence and Attributes of God by Stephen Charnock
Suggested Supplemental Reading for Chapter 4
Studies in Theology by Loraine Boettner
Oneness Pentecostals and the Trinity by Gregory A. Boyd
Systematic Theology by L. Berkhof
Gill’s Body of Divinity by John Gill
Schaff’s History of the Christian Church, Volumes 2 and 3, by Phillip Schaff
Suggested Supplemental Reading for Chapter 5
The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah by Alfred Edersheim
More Than a Carpenter by Josh McDowell
Studies in Theology by Lorraine Boettner
Suggested Supplemental Reading for Chapter 6
Bible Passages: Romans chapters 1-5; Galatians chapters 1-4; Ephesians chapters 1 and 2; John chapters 3, 10, 17; Acts chapter 15.
Grace and Justification: Romans 3:21-4:25 by D. M. Lloyd-Jones
The Doctrines of Justification and Sanctification by A.W. Pink
All of Grace by C. H. Spurgeon
Suggested Reading and Study Materials for Spiritual Warfare
The Handbook for Spiritual Warfare by Dr. Ed Murphy
Arming For Spiritual Warfare by George Mallone
Related Topics: Bibliology (The Written Word), Basics for Christians, Bible Study Methods, Library and Resources