5. Rest on the Sabbath Day
Related Media(For instructions on how to use this study, see Welcome to The Ten Commandments)
Commandment: "Remember the Sabbath day to set it apart as holy." (Exodus 20:8 NET)
Bible Story: God Guides and Provides (manna and quail) - Numbers 10:11-13; 11:1-35
Cognitive: The children will learn how the Israelites complained to Moses and to God. They will learn God provided Quail for the Israelites to eat.
Affective: The children will understand God values rest and spiritual refreshment; He values time for people to worship Him.
Books to know this week:
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, Revelation, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
Key passage(s) to know this week:
· The Ten Commandments - Exodus 20
· The Model Prayer - Matthew 6:9-13
· A Messianic Psalm - Psalm 22
· Imitating Christ's Humility - Philippians 2:1-11
Praise and Worship Time (10 minutes)
1. Opening Prayer
2. Sing songs on Choice
Review Bible Books and Key Passage (5 minutes)
Have the children find the following books/passage in the Bible:
· 2 Peter
· Exodus
· Colossians
· Numbers
· The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20)
· Imitating Christ' Humility (Philippians 2:1-11)
Tell the Bible Story (15 minutes)
1. Prepare to teach
Review last week's Bible story notes
Read Numbers 10:11-11:35
Read through the Bible story notes prior to teaching.
2. Teach
Assign the following passages/verses to be read by the children:
· Numbers 10:11-13
· Numbers 11:1-3
· Numbers 11:4-6
· Numbers 11:18-20
· Numbers 1:21-22
· Numbers 11:23
Review where we left off last week:
· After the idol incident, God told Moses He would not travel with them but would send an angel instead.
· Moses was not satisfied with having an angel guide them; He wanted God to guide them into the Promised Land.
· Moses made three requests of God:
· I want to know You
· Do not move us if You are not going to lead us
· Show me Your glory.
· God showed Moses as much as He could without harming him. In doing so, God proclaimed His name.
· The name of God sums up His character. His name should be revered, not misused.
It's time to leave Mount Sinai.
Have a child read Numbers 10:11-13
· It was the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd year. The Israelites had already been in the desert for almost 1 year. (In Ex. 19:11, Scripture tells us they stopped there in the 3rd month. Numbers 10:11 tells us it's the 2nd month of the 2nd year. All that Moses recorded between Exodus 19:11 and Numbers 10:11 all occurred during this time.)
· The verses that follow provide details as to what order they marched from the desert to Sinai. God is an orderly God and He gave them specific instructions which they were to follow.
Have a child read Numbers 11:1-3
· The people were complaining about their hardship. This angered God.
Ask: Why do you think the people's complaining angered God? (allow time for several answers)
Say: We'll discuss this further in a little bit.
· Fire from the LORD burned among the people so they went to Moses and again, Moses prayed on behalf of the people. God heard Moses and the fire died down.
Have a child read Numbers 11:4-6
· The `mixed multitude' or `rabble' were the non-Israelites that left Egypt with God's people (Ex. 12:38). Perhaps they did not share God's faith and if that is the case, then any inconvenience would be reason for them to complain.
· The sad part is that the Israelites joined them in their complaining. Rather than remembering what God had delivered them from, they were listening to these `rabble' and quickly became dissatisfied with what God was providing...manna.
Stop and reflect. Are you dissatisfied with something God has provided? Why? Perhaps it is because there are those who don't share your faith who are complaining and you have joined them in their grumbling? Be careful you do not forget all God has done for you. Rather than complain about the `manna,' thank Him for it.
· Moses heard the people were complaining. He knew God was becoming more and more angry and this troubled Moses.
· Moses asked God: Why have you afflicted your servant? Did I do something to upset you? They are not my children? They want meat; where am I supposed to get them meat?
· He also told God that this burden (leading these complaining people) was too heavy for him and he'd rather God take him now than have to listen to and lead these complaining people.
Have a child read Numbers 11:18-20
· God told them He would provide meat.
· They were going to eat meat not only for one day, or two or five or even twenty. They were going to eat if for a whole month; until it was coming out of their noses; until they hated it.
· God was doing this because they were telling God they were better off in Egypt.
Ask: Earlier I asked why was God upset about the complaining? Consider this:
1. Meat was only eaten on special occasions. It wasn't like it is now where we have meat at just about every meal. Meat was a luxury and should not have expected it in the desert.
2. They were making their time in Egypt seem much better than it actually was. They were discontent with God and with Moses and were thinking they had been happy in Egypt. They had forgotten they had been slaves there.
3. By claiming they were happy in Egypt, they were in essence saying this whole deliverance from God had been a huge disappointment.
Were God's actions vindictive? Was God being mean?
· No, God was not being vindictive. He was disciplining His people.
· God was trying to teach them to trust Him and His provision. He knows what is best.
· Why? Because they were about to face more trials in the Promised Land. They had to learn to trust God completely.
Have a child read Numbers 11:21-22
· Moses did not know how God was going to provide meat for all the people (600,000 men on foot) for a full month.
· He knew they did not have enough flocks or herds to feed them all for a month.
· Moses was looking at what they had not at what God could do.
And God's response?
Have a child read Numbers 11:23
· God asked Moses: Is my arm too short?
· He reminded Moses who He was and pretty much said, `you just watch and see what I can do'.
God provided the meat; but not without consequences. Many died because they wanted something for themselves that God had not chosen for them.
Explain to children the following:
· We need to be careful what we complain to God about.
· We should ask ourselves: Do we really want something that God doesn't want for us?
· Are we willing to pay the price; suffer the consequences for that which we demand of God?
Review the commandment: Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.
· This is something that God does want for us. He wants us to take a day to rest and reflect on Him. Doing so makes us different than those who do not know God.
· We don't observe Saturday as our holy day (as they did in Bible times). Christians observe Sunday in honor of Christ's resurrection.
· Whether we choose Saturday or Sunday as our day of rest, we should purpose to take at least one day and reflect on His goodness. Often we are tempted to pack in as much as we can because we don't have school or work on Sundays.
· When tempted, we should consider if we are perhaps taking something for ourselves that God does not want for us.
What does Jesus say about this commandment?
· Luke 13:10-17 records a time when Jesus healed on the Sabbath day and was rebuked by the religiuos leaders of the day. They accused Jesus of `working' on the Sabbath and were upset with Him about it.
· Jesus rebuked them by reminding them that healing is not `work.' The religious leaders were missing the point of resting on the Sabbath day. Jesus taught it was more important to have compassion on the woman than to get hung up on defining `work'
· In Mark 2:27 -28 reads: "Then he said to them, `The Sabbath was made for people, not people for the Sabbath. For this reason the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath.'" Jesus was telling the his disciples it is okay to do good on the Sabbath.
3. Pray
Praise God for being the All Knowing (Omniscient) and All Powerful (Omnipotent).
Thank Him for all He has already provided for you.
Ask Him to help you remember to spend at lease one day per week resting and reflecting on Him.
4. Explain the Rest and Reflect Family Activity Sheet
Today, we discussed how the Israelites complained about not having meat. They wanted more than what God had graciously provided. We discussed how we should be careful not to complain to God about what we do not have rather we should thank God for what He has given us. God has given us so many blessings; He also wants and expects some things from us. This week's family activity focuses on helping us determine what God wants from us and looking at how richly He has blessed us.
Weekly Challenge (20 minutes)
This week's commandment reminds us to take a day to rest and reflect on Him. This week's challenge will emphasize the need for rest and spiritual refreshment. When we are not rested, we become ineffective (like buckets with holes in them). When we do not spend time refreshing ourselves spiritually, we become rested people with unrested minds.
1. Before the Challenge
Collect the necessary supplies
2 large buckets or storage containers per team
1 bucket per team with holes drilled in the bottom and sides of it (suggestion: sand toy type bucket)
Mark a fill line on one of the large buckets/storage containers per team. Place one bucket or storage container for each team at the designated starting point. Place the second large bucket or storage container (the ones marked with a fill line) approximately 15 feet away from the first. Place the hole-y buckets in the starting bucket/storage container.
2. The Challenge
On the leaders mark, the children will fill the hole-y bucket with water and place the bucket above their head as they run towards the second bucket. They are to dump whatever water is left into their second bucket. The team that fills their second bucket to the fill line first wins. If time permits, run the challenge a second or third time until time runs out.
Hand out the books of the Bible cards (NT and Genesis - Deuteronomy). The teams are to put the books of the Bible in the correct order, match the key passage with the correct scripture reference and locate that passage in the bible. When the team has completed the task, they are to raise their flag letting us know they are done.
3. Apply the Challenge
A hole-y bucket is not the most effective way to transport water. When we do not do as God asks and take at least one day for rest and reflection, we become as ineffective as the hole-y buckets. God knows what is best for us just as He knew what was best for the Israelites in the desert. If we believe this, we will strive to do as He asks including resting on the Sabath day.
Closing (10 minutes)
1. Award this week's medals based on the week's challenge.
2. Give the children the books of the bible and the key passage for the week:
· Books of the Bible: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, Revelation, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles
· Key Passages:
· The 10 Commandments - Exodus 20
· The Model Prayer - Matthew 6:9-13
· A Messianic Psalm - Psalm 22 (`Messianic' means about Jesus)
· Imitating Christ's Humility - Philippians 2: 1-11
· A Priestly Blessing - Numbers 6:24-26
3. Explain the Key Passage:
We often struggle to know what to say to people when they are leaving or moving away so we end up saying something like "Good Luck" or "God be with you." God has given us a blessing in Scripture that we can use when we are praying for people and wanting things to go well with them. This is often known as the "Priestly Blessing" or the "Aaronic Blessing" because God told Moses to have Aaron bless the people. Next time you do not know how to pray for someone or what to hope for them, try praying this blessing found in Numbers 6:24-26.
4. Closing prayer.
5. Closing song of choice.
Related Topics: Children's Curriculum